freedom by design link resolvers explained matt goldner fretwell-downing, inc

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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freedom by design

Link Resolvers Explained

Matt GoldnerFretwell-Downing, Inc.

freedom by design

Cooperation needed

NISO MetaSearch Intitiative NISO/EDItEUR joint working party for

exchange of serials subscription information

Vendor to Vendor relations

freedom by design

NISO MetaSearch

Content providers, library management system vendors, federated search interface vendors

Workshop in Denver last May with six working groups.

freedom by design

MetaSearch: Six groups

Meta Search Id Access Management Collection Descriptions Search Options Result Set Meta-Data Statistics

freedom by design

Record meta-data

Content providers send citation data in proprietary ways

Each must be parsed by separate rules

Same citation will link from one system but not another

freedom by design

freedom by design

Record meta-data

User knows citation and wishes to fill in a form to find e-copy of article

Found we needed control over the form to get good links

First identify proper title level information

freedom by design

freedom by design

freedom by design

Record meta-data

The OpenURL which the Link Resolver builds can only be as good as the meta-data provided by the source.

freedom by design


PAMS to Libraries Subgroup:

Developing XML schema to standardize the format and content of information used to populate and localize the link resolver's knowledge base

freedom by design


Pilot being done with Serials Solutions and III

Will be important that serials information management services can output the schema and link resolvers can load it.

freedom by design

Vendor to Vendor Relations

We are moving further into a interoperable world each year

Vendors have new awareness that changes in their systems effect customers in new ways

Standards help solve the problem Free low of information is critical as

vendors adopt new standards and implement new features

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