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With Which Is Consolidated the Lomita News

CROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-PublisherMICHEAL STRASZ6R. City Editor

•1336, El "Pfado^ Tal«f)ho4J>e—Tot-fitftee-444- Torrance, California .---•———

.Edited lit) Gene Darncll --Telephone* 101 anil -1-H

T..' MnxrielU, Mr nd Mrs. Paul Pullo Her! Dy j. E. .MIS .. i-:. .\ni.phy. MI- J>"" »j"Unspfr. Mr. nnU Mm. Joe Stone. I Hafgard, Mm. A. W. Molnr.ut, Mm. : mud, Mrs. W. K ""'""';'J Mr. nnd Mr", t.. 1.. Fordlcr. and j Prank Cloth. Mr*. J. O. Motfro, *nd Frnnl: Thnmieioii. anu

nnd Mr«. O. K. Fosjum. the hgatcitn. Mm. May McKlnU-y. ' Mr*.-Hm

symbol'. Landscapes are uncil ti expic.«s tho spiritual. Tho Jap nno.-ic pictures nti-lvc to be i vulrclM" portn while o Japancs poem in ' fi vocal picture. Tin

new never pntnt people pen



In be nerved lit the publli"::io until S o'clock, after which !il tin re will be a earnlvnl and dun

Mm. Knink K. Miller Is chair- j TI man of the afialr and is planning ' n,dn-rt

I Illli TcMllllfr

alfalr. to h- held n ill ,-ich i lub M-ur.


i'n. 11ftrcncf hetwe

h .step In II e. Some of these ninny an SO blocks

idhei-H take only -xphilnliiK the ,ln-

I'hlncHc and Jnp- Id lluit Ihe Chinese

TT r 1 (several Illl.lcMlliifr events lor Ihe : HuiUmn, Merlon Ullbcrl. l-'ninel VA//TIC j'™>lnf-'- W"- «lll I,- ,,HHl«twl li.v!|i,, N | im ,, n . r! ,, v |iCB ue. ll.iml.. . w cuo „„,„,„.,.* fro,,, n, 0 THo uebekui.a, i Hook,,-. M,,,. • i,,,,,. Kddi.- .,„!. •«> ; , .,,, -r•..,»,•,> Mii>nmiiy .1,,,,,,,.P«».——————i__. ^ . ,, , _, IVi.-t Xol.l,. «.imn,lH club, and the- |.,d, McMaHler. Klmer Dill h>. I '""' Ml^ , N '" k '\' U ''-,'. \],,,^.''. t , j j,, JiVac....,.„-.„. r % at Beautiful Ceremony!™:1 "^'v't * ^r' l)r;!':r,,;:r' J !' 1> - ""^'iSv'...'^".:,,:.,.,,^,..-,™,,-,;.•! M ,,. ,«„„,,,.„ „„„»,«„„«,»„

. ^ __•< :- nr ._ TV ' ' ' ' + '*' *' ' " i|r.ue l-'rldiiy cvciiiiiK. 'numbers. "The Trail n m| .";:.:~::,'~,~ - > ——~—— - * ———^^rr-——•—• .f°~'~; YT1_ M _.__ __..,_.*_ ' Onm.™ 'iinilsh.-il ill" div.Tsiiin i..A japMni'M" SiiiiMi-l." MI-H. JiillKi»r.iliininiii, and ,.-mejxil UK Hccond class j ll'll. .at-Iliu-l'.oaUimr-e at Toriunciy_____L .lei- lie- Act of Match 3. ISTii. nin;- jit -i]

cli'irch when Miss Juan .\e, lalidn. J ila-.iunlcr nf Dr. nnd Mrs. \V. J.

y... .S-.I.UII |i..-r year ^ yVHIhuil .Mllos^CrrcvTsoil of.........Sfi.OO per year >h(. Xt . |1(c ,-,.,.,.,.-„> <;„,.,,,.„.,............. ...................Ic T1|l .

Headlines-and Names-V Jt'iiiicmher those ricrciiiniiig black h--utilities finny; "ver ^'i',!^,). \^,,H ""i^i$^\l\\^~£»w-l

1 rn" Ti'i'iH pages of every newspaper, large and small, daily i.iossoms. sin- >-^ff\>,\ a show, iifi-J weekly, h'raiding the end of ths World war 12 years ! "f pink i,.is.-buds and niy of u iigp next Tuesday? . ".''.• ' "I',',;; |, lix.,,,,.tl , N ,.,.,

__^RkmeMjer-Jjie riotousscpnes of rpjolfing_iit .flu- c.lns,'' ! ,„ ,,„ ,,..;,,, of Hint sanguinary (-(iiil'licl? — the. breathless an-i. Miss i-Yanr.-s^-'tri •>• and Mil rt'h..'ii 'tht—m:\vs tame of the '.'iidiiijA' "!' fwii 1 'years bluotl- Bl1 "" •""shed. iiiTVu-rackiiiL; suspense and high-pitched hysteria? ",'.]j',j'"'" ; """' ""^ """ 1 " 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - .,!! A.i ,'clio of the 'tumultuous,events of Monday. Xovent- 1,,,,'eiiveiy. ami <-ani.-,i 1,1 bcr I I', 1U1S. still .'ings in a yellowed and dog-.uireti- copy • »'•< hid and pink s».,-i pens. t)f a'niewspapir piv.-erved as a "nieinento of those hectic _ |i .li j il '"K,.!,",,!,',"^^ "U'I'K'"'.-'A'I' iJawnVir'"•liU's by'Mr.s. Thomas A. Cowan, of Amelia street. Keyston.-. . sll 't ',\ ••) |.1)V( .' v,,u Truly." accojiU

—.— -.-V revei'bfrant i-lasli of .-symbols of rejoicing •-an(|-8oiiiv--rpm»' n"~hj—iitTrrr-Th^-oilui^-ricTieis.

•il. the bride "II Ihe a nil ofWorld War Over! Armistice Signed!

| her' The



TniliL>-._X.n-7-ir Knlf-'lils ,,r (°t>^ ""Illllllill.-'. \V. n. t.:.. KiiiHcopal

T " r-TMlee ricllcl'.-__\latlini.(^-

.Veia-dhnri.'. Siilllrilliy. .\nv. N Uilii l-'elluw.M

dinner and 'carnival dunce at l.-n. <); ! '. h'nll. Lomltii.

_ilwrt7ir: \,,v. , 10 KnlKlil.s of I'ythlasi _lli«'Ctoi-! !< mc-ftlllp,

-^ir.iinlin- »<• t'liniinoroe. Tuftidiiy. NIIV. 11 ArmlHticc

<lnj . WediKHday. N.iv. 11> Keliukulm.

.\l is.siiinary JiniL-Cuunwil-oh-thtr" ___i'hilMti;7TT cliui-eh. fe'n tral

l.ei;i,in Auxiliary 1, e n e fit l,ridi:c t«a nt KlkH Temple, l.ns AiiKeleM. J<nK'lils ..f 1:11- IlllnliliK. 0. K. S.

ION HALLOWE'EN 1 Itny XVhalln. KUII uf .Ml. nil

line, cpli-hnittd lilu tenth hlitlula Friday evenlllK' with n llallowc'e

taffy pull amused the yimim- (riicstdnriliy the eVelllllL-. al'ler w lie i n

' IriMlinientH Uere xerved.1 'n-Hcnl «-rrr A-lberr IVInTiTu

| Junior Walkur. Dick Decchc .Viiriiuin HudHun. Jamca I'ark ll.iriH (Sro.sainan. Toniniv an I'liark-H Uray. WnynO l-lilluii, J'.h

f.Jliyilll. ' Hllljd.l Cl:iel.,n _UiAiil

YullllKT. .Mary \Vhalen. and th yilUIIK hoal, Hoy U'halin.


: A licnei'lt brlil«e tea and fawii

Tun pie ill r.oH Angeles 1K-X iTIiinwIiiy aflerniiun. Xoveml... i:Til,- -affair iM licinj,- Hiionsorcd 1. ihe American Legion, aiixiliur niemlier.-. (if the fourth area, an tie- inn, Is 'derived will he apiilie In the American Uechm auxiliary schnhii.sliip " fluid. Keservation IIIMV l,e inn lie Ihniifi'li Mis l!,,xl

GIVEN THURSDAY 1 .Members- of- .tliu \Vum»l£»-- lllar> uf tile Kpim:iipal eh V were' h,jsteHm.n at a dellK i benefit bridijc hri-iikfiiHl at (.

* .Mra. Raymond Young

bridge. Mm. (;ill Hi-ei.iiil. mill'. : I-'. U. \Viiikler riin.iolnl.iiiij.. ! . * * # -

P. E. WOMEN 1 FORM CHEERIO CLUB 1 An i,ruaiii/.ali,in ' Iliai will

Hirnieil l.-u<l l-'riday..uvcniiiK \ nine nii-in«ii'i-!i of the l.adic.s' i

: Illni-y of t!i.- Pacific Klcctrlc al the home ,,,' MI-M. Marry I'l at l"l; Aiila|,,da. avinile.

i The .Cheerio club will meet

''alfil all wivcK of I'acll'ic *:ic

i attend Ihe ineetinijs. one uf 'linain |,n,|,i,«es ul ihe dub 1.

1 JKllstnin Illlerisl in Ihe mutin r L . In I..W AtiKvli-s: and 1,, am ' entertiiiliiim allair.s for the ' ' lance r. K. women. Mr«. l-'i

awards.— Jac.illuline

il h l-'r.-inli (.'a McNcll wlnnlnir Hie.'ihc plalio.

hel ween—ITirHnK Hi'- intennlssiIhe Illlicilcon and the clllb sesslnn

play of JapiuicMe prints whlcl -WlrH fmrl—11,-rir'Uroo^fff^rffli ivei-e exhibited.

* * *


.Miss Helena \Vhltfonl of. I'as

'"'f Wnmen'H club Wednrsdny afli l'" s i noon. Mi'ns U'ldlford "npoki- "'" i Oriental all. (rlvliijf an Inleresli

' InnlKlrt Into art .if Japan a C'hillll. The difference between Hie arts of the «estenl «ivj'ld and tin- eiiBtcrn world is caused by Ihe ; difference III -.'their- symbols. __.\111 |iio|iles tvurk out their ldslo;-y and i

UHS-.COHIUUU: i-danuu, and financially. Mr.».

Ihankcd the eliih nf the card parly

niwhl ft.r MIC.E

. are two ll':arl ul II " iilinertiivc

, Whilfurd.

.HIT belv tinTli

ProfessiQnal —Directory^


---Thai's ihe big blacli headline that precede;! tha story: |'i|'|' i'll '1 . s_jii--large tj'i)e. "Washington. Nov. 11.—The war will end tiiisj " M |.'-!'i'n7,tv^Horning at ti' o'clock, Washington lime, 11 o'clock Paris'»ed.iinK

time. The arniJslit.- was signed by the (Je.'inan i ;'presenia- "" i-nd.-.- i<.n-,-^rf ,,n -KiiKi-acia , ^ twt'.s at mi'.liiigh:. This statement was made by Ihe Slat:- i j',.',';"',',',' *''' '""' Vll< ''"'' '""'"-'^epartnu'iil ;ii :.?::'iil this iiinrniiiyr——xiw;—a^unuinet-iiieiit I w m—mrtrh.—ai—isiajUunnsffiutM'I M ''••<• l; 'i.v tHniply said. "I'll..1 armistice has been'" _ ,sir,,-i. ^^"^ : "• <'• I'uxi


line I AT JOINT AFFAIR ,; oc- i I .us AiiKclc.s County Council ..I net-.! the American Legion and Aineri-

n- ivenin-. Dr. J.-y."|ean l.v?i«n illixiliary will hold a vc a brief talk, ask- , joint insinuation of ol flcern ill the s lie cant in favor ofi .Masonic Temple In J.ons Uwu-ll lirolit hosidtalK to -|fp j tomorrow evening at 1 o'clnek.

I .Mr. Hubert i lax free. He slated that if' this ; * -f d Mi. Jack . proposition can-led it would grout-' HALLOWE'EN

IS.-aeh. as ! l> lienefii tb,; Jar,.,| Sidney Tor-; BRIDGE PARTYr.-inci^,MemnHaT liiiniiital inaBniUch Mrs. May .MeKin

tln^TTVnV o'f • thrill J'.illil in l,,xe.M lust 'ycur."10"'! ,-l'nl, "mem'l Mrs. W. «'. llarnell and Ml

l-ri-.;ii|tlil ul Ih- I'll Mis. Dun llarnan! jnildleily chairman.

t.i (hi: Tor

founded on I lie dlf- leienee 111 l heir philosophy and teclmUiuc. In the west man has IM-I-II I he ,-enter of art. The hu­ man figure hns been used to ex-',.,,.. uresn ideas. In the cast man has °"'C turned to nature lor hl» Ideals

)r. A. P.Physician and Surgeon

isidfr.. 1:111 Sarloii Av


lie iffic IIB

Kaiser and German Staff Flee to Holland; People in Revolt

J3erlin Occupied By~~ Revolutionist Force


.presented |or.having r iVA A J^IVIK AU ; DRS. MITTS & MITTSi. ihe an- j Woman's Benefit Associationl CHIROPRACTORS

•j TORRANCE REVIEW NO. 37 , Office Hours Evenings l | Hattio Shuoo, President ,J A..\l.—Ii Noon Mini.. •\\Vil., l-'rl.

1 r.M.—.1 I'.M. 7 In U IDLTi i.'abrillo A \, mie

Above KIII-I-K fale 'uriaiicc Tel. :;77

IH-IIII of the l.adie.i of tlie IMcifk: Klectri

e hour Ihe wrved re- juicnl.s at a tahle attractivelv 1 Moots Second and Fourth T •alid with Hallowe'en up-' Women's Clubhouse, menls. I-resent were Mrs. Engracia Avenue

I; .Miller. Mra. Her! ilrcen. 7:30 P.M. Cus IVIIIK. Mrs. Luther Hyde,'__.___.^.____^.


"BULOVA" WATCHES1503 Cabnllo Ave. - Phone 157-R

| laid,-s. Til,- bridal JlKJlif «as ae- icenlid ui ihe ia«fc appoinlnielli^

ll-kiid : liobliie l,ou Kvaini.^WWS'lidnii ADiy,

liiilli.-tins I'olloNviHl \vitli details of the taking of thei urcy. iir.'Ui!j-ron ^Scith 'Vtmii \MI-. ("lermnn capital by Wires "of th«,- Soldiers uiul Workmen's! Ldioy Grey, 'all uc.-ciunifiia; Mr. '.""'"' "' ''' l '-'"'"' j|1 '" J i';«- I'diih-r. j C'ni.icil aii'l of. Uie. garnison-going ov,.'r to the new govern—j tiu^iL-f"-tc_jiiL/L'oiniiion; ^ Miss ,", "•|', i ,' l | ] || 1!!,'||'""| ,. 1 '"' l ^;vlhi |"^ jj.,.^,!','^'! i.ii'iii. The lale i-'i'i'-derich .Rberl, then vice presKlcnt of th,; !,'/ "I'l^nnd-ia" ijj'ieii-' .\ir' taiid'"\i'r'-r ' " l ""' lunchc-on wen- .\ir.s. "'\>. \ Jovial liemoc/alic pany in (i.ermany, was named lo t-arrv r. i;. i.iriin-y and loiaine Wriiicn ' "•'"'' °' Hawthorne. .Mra. cimi-ies j•HI Ihe chancellorship. - •*"••<•" Kaincrinc Iliiriiiiiater, -Ml«« i \V'.'"."".'' ,.".!"' ""' l ""illl!fs - •Ml 'a ' 1

DentistX-Ray S«rv

New Germany Rises Formation of PolishWith Kaiser's Fall Republic Announced ."''^ n', u'liii i n T-,, v nni \iVa ! MrH - °- K-

-'-- 'J,,:,n": X,.. 'land ' ' "'''' ' °t'" '" >'">^"\\'ar NI-WS slill oi-cupied a prominent place iii the papei' M;,,I> i,,i, s""

invin-d by .Mis. cowan, b -cause news of the Armistice wa.-s. xivcn nn- n l/ui brief in lake up ihe \vhoL- front page. This inl'onua-!'"'""''"""j" 1 lii'ii fj'iiiu ih,! bailie lines in Kram.-e carried tiic- headings: ; "^'' 'J,,,,„",',',


sin ''thi,1 -Yf[ t~Io '''ITl . ulu.l t . lll j'

llluil ' husbands a'l ' a' llal'li''"H """ L' lirlll «'' i»"'iy atI ''"SHI"" ''CSI.I..IH.I. 1,11 Cola a .Mr. an.l Mrs. J. Cl. M,,,,,,. u,,nlc.l IMIII.JI-H I'.M-.hlffh eojn

.i-iil-e al l,rld',e, Mr. and M

Possibility of Peace CausesNo Diminution of Energy'

in 'Pouyding Enemy


Shriller nd Mr. ..lullun.

* 1 '*- Jcjl '

nd Mr J II Ke




Over Wide Front Well"" . . Into Lorraine

nd Mr«. A. Shrill iliary M,.. iu ,,| Ml. H . j. fj M UIJr,.

Me-j ,.,,„, .\| ,.„. j. M . Kl,SHi SIr_ U1UJ j, -s ut • l-'red KnndHun, ".Mr. and Mr.s.

All this was "front page si tiff."l!iil .further insid • Ihe paper, t.'eabnml by Ihe Key-

Kt'ini- residc'iit, is mur.- sobering material---moi.; \'ilal 'o i.-iany. ami more migicully inieresti.ig. II is a long list of name.s - JIIM nam -s names of men from Mootly, Texas; t'/han, Ohio; Knlion, Keiitiicky; Long Ueach, California DI ciii.'.s. (owns and hamlets.

Tliis j-.-rijon cui'ri 's i lie simple bin imjiressive headline:

American Casualty List.••AVaslrngion. Nov. in. The casually fisl i,,sned by .the

\»'fir <l-pariment loitay im bides tin; names of lf)li killed in 1U2 died of wounds, three died from accident or

uustrs, oiu- died from airphiiie accident, and '-; ii .lieil :-TjTffoa'Ki-rlnjsuTi^^ttiDSf voimdJd and missing."

This is ihe story, i ha i will remain in the hearl.s of those•whose- sons, bro'theis. Ir.isbamls, I'iithe.s and fiiends w -re lijlpuid as long as ihos .•. lel'i belli, id remain. This Is Hi" r<!UHUji for Annisiii-e day' liiU is the day the nalimi will n-x'erently nji.s^rx'i- nr\i Tiie.sday.

i Siories headed:


iviiro soon forgot i .'ii dial news did not remain. Ii is iliai sliniile heading and thai list of honuu'd dead iliai .-tlionld be a heritage nl' (ireai imipiralion 10 u:, today.

Casualty Lisf

Whenever you buy $10.00 worth of goods at tho

Beacon Drug Co.

Save OurCash Register


MEN :.. Last Call On ...New Style

Gillette Razorand One Blade

FREE!With 35c Purchase of Colgate's Rapid Shaving

Cream, Colgate's Handy-Grip Shaving Stickor Palm Olive Shaving Cream

Beacon Drug Co.1019 CABHILLO AVENUE

Ton-mice, Calf. Telephone 100

. J. R. JENSENAUorncy-al-Lav(Mliee. Sllilc IOO-ii-7

l-'lrsl Xuliunal IJiinl; Hid,:I'liune Torranee 177


Torranee Theatre Bldg.Phone 243

DR. 0. K. FOSSUJViDentist

X-Iluy Ser\'icu

Drs. Lancaster and Shidler


me Kitchen falls into line with this new


I'l .RIMIS jour r.ipgc ii'Di niuJcrn alien four-cylinder cars were the ink-. Hut how docs it rank with this present eight-cylinder rr.i? Kitclirm ;irc /allinj; into line . . . becoming js modern in their equipment ,1-, the 1930 garage. Why not yours?

lh/l>uint prencnts for 1930 kitclicw a great group of entirely automatic electric ranges as nc»v.ij advanced, a marvclous in hcir w.iy ,is the modern motor car . . . and as efficient and ai


Thciv is J si/.e, a style, .1 cost, exactly suited to your require­ ments. Yinn lidiion ollicc is showing it now. Edison is instilling ikse modern ranges unia single moderate down payment, with­ out installation charges or other extras. Edison is giving you the s.iinc rime in pay, and even easier terms, than your husband was j;iv>?ii on his new motor car. Your electric, range will mean as much to you in every way ... in comfort and convenience! in uvinj; uf lime and labor; in pride of ownership. It will cost, of cuurse, only a fraction of the price of ihe most modern motorcar

Sec your new automatic electric range today. Then take all ihe time you please to make up your mind .ibout buyin- ii. \Vlicn you learn how easy it is to own, how economical it is i,» I'pct.uc, you probably will nut wait lout;.

, Mmc. Teala Billini"i CONCERT PIANIST and


SEASONS 1930-1031 | . STyjD10S=J-o»-A.iaole»r --837!-j-8*-

"1'BuriiiiHton Avo. Telephone Ex' W'l j Torrancu, 1304 Portoln Avo. Tel. 670

Walter L. Jcnkins. "ATTOriNEY ,,,u! COUNSELLOR


III87 Ml I'rado! I'hone Torram-c till I

Torrimce, (.'alifoinia


l-'8|. W. 6lh St., San Pedro

,-,S Ui - Pliono Son Pcdro 136

ncsidoncc Phone Torrmicc 1B9

Dr. Nornian A. LeakePhyaipian nnd Suru.onOil ice. I'rii-l' llhlK .-

Lorn, r run ens and l-osi A>0. .

!DR. VERA M. de FERNANDOOMoop.itlnc

Apt- 303. Craven. Ap.irlm«nli

I MM Cravoiu ,»vo. Phono Tor. 970

Will make evonino appointment" every day a(t«r 5 p. m.


Pojiullica Bldg., Phun. For. lUi-Houi-a: 9 to 12;. I to 6

Open Evening* by Appointmmil


from aventt will b Cross!ihe ret

l-'ollo' will lie club In Here i erectPd will stiWill l)fof the

top related