four of the best free video editing software for 2013

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Four of the Best Free Video Editing Software for 2013 By:




Four of the Best Free Video Editing Software for 2013

Another holiday season is just around the corner and video-Editing is becoming a hot trend for online dwellers as more and more people are starting to upload almost all life experiences they have shared ever since social networking turned the game up a notch. Since uploading unedited videos are pretty much a dying art form, it is time to look into learning the best free video and movie editing software available today.

When it comes to the video and movie editing software, there are literally a lot of products to consider as the internet is a fascinating place when it comes to finding free stuff online. However, since we all know how time consuming it is to check each software out; we'll have to narrow it down for you. While the list only offers four of the best free video editing software, always take into consideration your personal preferences, as well as the learning curve.

Lightworks In the sea of mundane video editing software available online for free, it's safe to say that Lightworks is one of the best free video editing software you can get your hands on. The app is very easy to use and it has all the basics to get you started. For starters, it supports basic formats from DVCAM, DVCPRO 25/50/HD as well as MPEG 422 SD/HD.

However, to get more juice out of Lightworks, you have to purchase a PRO or EDU license to enable other features such as Advanced Network Project Sharing, Blu-ray and DVD Export and more. Then again, if all the basics are what you need, you're good to go!

Lightworks official site:

Movie Maker Assuming that most people who are looking for the best free video editing software are Windows-based users, did you know that Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 is either available right out of the box or downloadable? If you are looking for a good movie maker that can do editing, cropping, animating as well as fixing filters and whatnot, Windows Movie Maker is by far a must-try!

Unlike other freeware, Windows Movie Maker can support, transcode and encode a lot of formats ranging from WMV files, AVCHD, MPEG-4, MPEG-2 and more. It can also import audio files from various formats with a click of a button.

More for Movie Maker:

Honorable Mention - iMovie

Mac users who are looking for a good video editing program may opt to use the iMovie as it offers almost the same benefits (plus a little more) of Windows Movie Maker. iMovie has a wonderful user interface, you can seamlessly edit videos and you can instantly share your project directly to social networking sites!

More from Cnet:

WeVideoOut of all the best free video editing software out there, WeVideo has a different approach to video editing. Powered by cloud servers, this program allows you to edit on the go. It has an adaptable editor mode that lets you choose the best interface for you as well as built-in themes to easily crop and place desired videos. WeVideo's bread and butter is the Storyboard Editor Mode which allows you to easily create videos.

If simplicity is what you're looking for, WeVideo is definitely the easiest one out there. Just upload your clips, edit them through the Storyboard, and you're done!

WeVideo official site:

Regardless of your choice

Regardless of your choice, it is always important to remember that finding the best free video editing software is more of a trial and error because at the end of the day, it is always about the user's preference.

Find more

You can find more about video editing software both free, paid software and animation software.

These links for this on next page.


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