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The   WLRA   Employee   Benefit   Plan   and   Trust   is   an   exci<ng   program  designed   specifically   for   your   industry!     Discover   for   yourself   how   a  comprehensive  employee  benefit  plan  can…    

v  Help  you  aFract  and  retain  employees  v  Offer  you  the  flexibility  you  need,  at  a  price  you  can  

afford  v  Increase  employee  morale  and  loyalty  to  your  company  

Must  have  at  least  two  employees  par<cipa<ng.    Other  minimum  par<cipa<on  requirements  may  apply.    Ask  for  details.  

You  can  customize  your  plan  by  selec<ng  from  the  following  op<ons:  

 ü  Six  major  medical  plans  ü  Three  dental  plans  ü  Two  vision  plans  ü  Two  limited  benefit  medical  plans  ü  Group  Life  Insurance    

MANY  of  these  programs  require  NO  employer  contribu<on  unless  you  opt  to  co-­‐fund  with  the  employee  –  they  are  voluntary  and  may  be  100%  

employee  paid.  

Benefits  may  be  offered  to:  FULL-­‐TIME;  PART-­‐TIME;  SEASONAL;  

TEMPORARY;  H2B;  SALARIED;  or  HOURLY…    or  almost  any  combina<on  of  the  above.  

Marketed  to  Members  by:    

 For  more  informa<on,  please  contact:  Ken  Konicek,  Account  Execu9ve  

PO  Box  829  ●  Pinedale,  WY  82941  ●  Toll-­‐Free  1-­‐800-­‐438-­‐2121  ●  Phone:  (307)  367-­‐2154  ●  Fax  (307)  367-­‐2632  

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

Be Our Guest Check Out the Benefits

Wyoming Lodging & Restaurant Association

Benefit Plan & Trust Benefit Plan & Trust Rev.    November  22,  2013  

The  WLRA  Benefit  Plan  and  Trust    

provides  group  Medical,  Dental  and  Vision  

programs  for  eligible  members  of  the  

WLRA  which  are  uniquely  designed  for  this  


Plan  Descrip9on    A  Summary  of  the  WLRA  Welfare  Benefit  Plan  

 Ø  A  Welfare  Benefit  Plan  which  has  been  established  under  Internal  Revenue  Service  code  as  well  as  

Department  of  Labor  regula<ons.  Ø  Plan  contribu<ons  are  held  in  a  Trust  that  is  directed  by  a  Board  of  Trustees,  chosen  from  the  

member  par<cipants  of  the  Plan.  Ø  The  Wyoming  Lodging  &  Restaurant  Associa<on  Benefit  Plan  &  Trust,  the  Plan  Sponsor,  and  its  Board  

of  Directors  assigns  a  Plan  Administrator,  retains  Legal  Counsel,  Accoun<ng  &  Audi<ng  Services  and  other  Administra<ve  Services  as  needed  for  the  management  of  the  Plan,  all  working  for  the  benefit  of  the  par<cipants.  

Ø  Claims  are  paid  by  the  contracted  Claims  Administrator  (TPA)  as  directed  by  applicable  State  and  Federal  laws,  the  Trust  Document,  the  Plan  Declara<on,  and  the  Summary  Plan  Descrip<on(s)  of  the  benefit  programs  offered  and  administered  by  the  Associa<on.    Full  copies  of  these  documents  are  available  upon  request.  

Ø  The  Trust  contracts  with  insurance  and/or  reinsurance  companies  in  order  to  ensure  the  overall  financial  stability  of  the  Trust  and  the  benefits  offered.    These  contracts  may  change  from  <me  to  <me  and  are  voted  upon  and  approved  by  the  Trust  Board  or  its  designee.  

Ø  The  benefits  offered  by  the  Plan  are  reviewed  annually  to  determine  their  viability  for  the  members  and  par<cipants.    The  WLRA  Benefit  Associa<on,  with  available  contracted  counsel  and  advice  may  alter  these  benefits,  remove  a  plan  of  benefits  completely  and/or  add  new  plans  for  considera<on,  without  the  consent  of  par<cipa<ng  employers  or  par<cipa<ng  employees.  

Ø  The  Trust  is  par<cipant-­‐owned  along  with  any  surplus  or  deficits  incurred.    Par<cipant  employers  are  encouraged  to  review  the  applicable  documents  (Trust  Document  and  Plan  Declara<on)  to  ascertain  applicable  benefits  and  liability  of  becoming  a  par<cipant  prior  to  applying  for  coverage.  

Benefit Plan & Trust

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

Program  Objec9ves  ü  More  stability  in  insurance  premiums,  now  and  in  the  future  ü  Broader  accessibility  to  health  insurance  and  coverage  op<ons  within  the  

community  ü  Crea<on  of  a  community-­‐wide  wellness  mindset  and  culture  ü  Educa<on  about  access  to  a  broader  range  of  choices  to  promote  beFer  

healthcare  decision  making  

Defined  Contribu9on  Healthcare  IN  A  DEFINED  CONTRIBUTION  STYLE  PLAN  EMPLOYERS  CHOOSE  the  amount  of  money  to  contribute  toward  a  benefit  plan…  From  the  menu  of  benefit  programs  and  associated  pricing,  the  EMPLOYER  decides  how  much  of  a  premium  to  contribute  per  employee  and/or  employee  with  dependents.    The  amount  of  the  actual  rate  increase  is  not  based  on  the  individual  employer’s  loss  ra<o,  but  is  based  on  the  overall  loss  ra<o  to  the  Trust  and  each  benefit  plan.  EMPLOYEES  CHOOSE  the  plan  that  best  fits  their  need…  From  the  same  menu  of  benefit  programs  and  associated  pricing,  the  EMPLOYEE  decides  which  benefit  plan  best  meets  his  or  her  need.    The  employee’s  applicable  out-­‐of-­‐pocket  premium  cost  is  determined  based  on  how  much  the  employer  contributes.    If  the  employee  chooses  a  plan  which  is  more  costly  than  the  employer’s  contribu<on,  the  difference  is  paid  by  the  employee  through  payroll  deduc<on.    If  the  plan  chosen  by  the  employee  is  less  costly  than  the  employer’s  contribu<on,  the  difference  is  contributed  to  a  Health  Reimbursement  Arrangement  (HRA)  or  Health  Savings  Account  (HSA),  depending  on  the  benefit  plan  chosen.    The  employee  may  choose  a  new/different  benefit  program  every  year  during  the  open  enrollment  period.  

One  benefit  plan    

DOES  NOT    fit  all  employee’s    healthcare  needs!  

DEFINED  CONTRIBUTION  HEALTHCARE  For  years,  employers  have  provided  benefits  for  employees  and  planned  for  those  benefits  to  meet  the  needs  of  those  employees  and  their  families.    The  challenge  for  employers  is  that  healthcare  has  become  much  more  specialized  and  variable  while  benefit  programs  have  adhered  to  a  more  “one-­‐size-­‐fits-­‐all”  model.    Due  to  the  evolving  benefit  needs  of  employees  and  their  families,  benefit  choices  must  be  available  for  employees  to  choose  from  to  fit  their  individual  needs.  

ENROLLMENT  REQUIREMENTS/CONTINGENCIES  v  The  employer  must  be  a  member  of  the  Wyoming  Lodging  and  Restaurant  

Associa<on  prior  to  applying.    v  Each  employer  must  have  a  minimum  of  70%  of  eligible  employees  

par<cipa<ng  for  groups  of  5  or  more,  and  100%  par<cipa<on  for  groups  of  4  or  less.    Minimum  group  size  is  2  employees  (husband/wife  teams  are  treated  as  1  employee.)  

v  Completed  Employee  Enrollment/Waiver  Applica<ons  are  required  from  each  employee  in  order  to  qualify.    The  en<re  employer  group  will  either  be  accepted  or  denied  coverage.  

v  The  TRUST  renewal  date  is  July  1st  of  each  calendar  year.    Regardless  of  when  enrollment  is  completed,  any  changes  to  the  TRUST  rates  and/or  benefits  will  take  place  on  July  1st.    Open  enrollment  (the  ability  to  add  employees  who  waived  coverage  or  dependents  which  had  been  previously  waived)  is  during  the  month  of  June  each  year  for  each  par<cipa<ng  employer.  

v  Premium  contribu<ons  are  made  by  the  employer  directly  into  the  Trust  Account  and  are  used  as  described  in  the  Trust  Document,  Summary  Plan  Descrip<on  and  Plan  Declara<on.    The  Trust  is  governed  by  a  Board  of  Trustees,  elected  as  described  in  the  Trust  Document.  

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

Group  Medical  Plans  

All  Loca/ons   Plan  1   Plan  2   Plan  3   Plan  5   Plan  6     Value  Plan  

Calendar  Year  Deduc9ble  

Single  Family  

 $250  $500  

 $500  $1,000  

 $1,000  $2,000  

 $2,500  $5,000  

HSA  Qualified  $2,500  $5,000  

HSA  Qualified  $6,000  $12,000  

In-­‐Network  Benefit  Co-­‐Insurance  %  Out-­‐of-­‐Pocket  Maximum  (incl.  ded.)  

Single  Family  


$250  $500  


$1,700  $3,400  


$2,200  $4,400  


$4,300  $8,600  


$2,500  $5,000  


$6,000  $12,000  

Out-­‐of-­‐Network  Benefit  Co-­‐Insurance  %  Out-­‐of-­‐Pocket  Maximum  (incl.  ded.)  

Single  Family  


$2,650  $5,300  


$2,500  $5,000  


$3,000  $6,000  


$5,500  $11,000  


$3,000  $6,000  


$7,000  $14,000  

Doctor  Office  Visit    (In-­‐Network)  

Primary  Care  Physician  Specialist  

 Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

   $30  co-­‐pay  $65  co-­‐pay  

   $30  co-­‐pay  $65  co-­‐pay  

   $30  co-­‐pay  $65  co-­‐pay  

 Subject  to  ded.    &  


 Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Prescrip9on  Drug  Card  Generic  Preferred  Brand  Name  Non-­‐Preferred  Brand  

Name  Specialty    Mail  Order  Program  Specialty  Mail  Order  Out-­‐of-­‐Pocket  Limit  

 $7.50  Co-­‐Pay  –  32  day  supply  $25  Co-­‐Pay  –  32  day  supply  $75  Co-­‐Pay  –  32  day  supply  

$75  Co-­‐Pay  +  10%  to  a  max  co-­‐Pay  of  $250/fill  $15/$50/$150  –  92  day  supply  

$150  +  10%  to  a  max  Co-­‐Pay  of  $500/fill  Co-­‐Pays  do  not  accumulate  toward  ded.  or  out-­‐of-­‐pocket  


Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Accident  Benefit   Covered  at  100%  to  $500  per  person/per  accident,  then  subject  to  deduc<ble  &  co-­‐insurance  

Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Emergency  Room  Co-­‐pay   $150  Co-­‐Pay    waived  if  admiFed     Subject  to  ded.  &  

co-­‐insurance  Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Maternity   Subject  to  deduc<ble  &  co-­‐insurance  Op<onal:    Addi<onal  $7,500  deduc<ble  for  groups  under  15  lives  

Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Subject  to  ded.  &  co-­‐insurance  

Preventa9ve  Care        100%,  Deduc<ble  Waived,  In-­‐Network  

Subject  to  Deduc<ble  &  Coinsurance,  Out-­‐of-­‐Network    

In  addi<on,  the  following  services  will  be  covered  as  Preven<ve  Care:  evidence-­‐based  items  or  services  that  have  in  effect  a  ra<ng  of  "A"  or  "B"  in  the  current  recommenda<ons  of  the  United  States  Preven<ve  Services  Task  Force;  and  immuniza<ons  that  are  recommended  from  the  Advisory  CommiFee  on  Immuniza<on  

Prac<ces  of  the  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Preven<on  with  respect  to  the  Member  or  Dependent  involved;  and  preven<ve  care  and  screenings  for  infants,  children,  and  adolescents,  according  to  guidelines  supported  by  the  Health  Resources  and  Services  Administra<on;  and  in  addi<on  to  the  benefits  or  services  listed  above,  addi<onal  preventa<ve  care  and  screening  for  women  

according  to  the  guidelines  supported  by  the  Health  Resources  and  Services  Administra<on.  

Annual  Maximum     $2,000,000/covered  par<cipant  

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

Limited  Health  Benefit  Plans  

Benefits   Plan  7   Plan  8  

Overall  Per  Person  Calendar  Year  Max   $55,000   $25,000  

Calendar  Year  Deduc9ble   $0   $0  

Wellness  Benefit  –  Max    Benefit  of  $150  Per  Person  Per  Calendar  Year   $50  per  Visit     $50  per  Visit  

Physician  Office  Visits  General  Office  Visits  –  6  Visits  Per  Person  Calendar  Year  Max  Emergency  Room  –  Sickness  –  Included  in  Office  Visit  Max  

 $75  $60  

 $50  $35  

Emergency  Room  –  Accident  For  treatment  in  an  emergency  room  if  performed  within  72  hours  of  the  accident  

$500  (per  occurrence)  

$200  (per  occurrence)  

Lab  &  X-­‐Ray  Outpa9ent  Outpa<ent  X-­‐Ray  and  Lab  -­‐  $450  Calendar  Year  Max  Benefit   $150/Test   $50/Test  

Surgery  and  Anesthesia  –  Scheduled  Benefit  Indemnity  Inpa<ent  –  Calendar  Year  Max    Per  Person  Outpa<ent  –  Calendar  Year  Max  Per  Person  Anesthesiology  

 $2,500  $1,500  

25%  of  surgery  benefit  

 $1,000  $500  

25%  of  surgery  benefit  

Daily  Hospital  Confinement  Indemnity  Calendar  Year  Maximum  is  30  days  per  person   $1,000  Per  Day  

1st  Day  $500,  $250  Per  Day  Thereawer  

Intensive  Care  Confinement    Paid  in  addi<on  to  Daily  Hospital  Confinement  Benefits  Calendar  Year  Maximum  is  30  days  Per  Person  

$500  Per  Day     $250  Per  Day    

Outpa9ent    Prescrip9on  Drug  Benefit  Member  pays  100%  of  discounted    price  for  drugs    

100%  Co-­‐Pay  Discount  Card  

100%  Co-­‐Pay    Discount  Card  

Life  Insurance    -­‐  Employee  Only   $15,000     $15,000  

Limited  Benefits  Plan    LIMITED  BENEFITS  PLANS  are  designed  specifically  for:  **Entry  level  **Part-­‐<me  workers  **Seasonal  workers    These  benefits  are  not  intended  to  be  comprehensive  medical  benefit  plans,  not  to  replace  a  major  medical  plan,  but  to  provide  employers  with  ability  to  provide  benefits  for  those  who  may  not  have  any  benefits  available.    Plan  are  administered  along  with  the  major  medical  programs  and  dental  programs  of  the  Trust.  

Rev.    November  11,  2011  

The   Affordable   Care   Act   prohibits   health   plans   from   applying   arbitrary   dollar   limits   for   coverage   for   key  benefits.  This  year,  if  a  plan  applies  a  dollar  limit  on  the  coverage  it  provides  for  key  benefits  in  a  year,  that  limit   must   be   at   least   $750,000.     Your   health   insurance   coverage,   offered   by   Wyoming   Lodging   and  Restaurant   Associa<on,   does   not   meet   the   minimum   standards   required   by   the   Affordable   Care   Act  described  above.  Instead,  it  puts  an  annual  limit  of:  $55,000  on  Plan  7  and  $25,000  on  Plan  8  for  all  covered  benefits.    In  order  to  apply  the  lower  limits  described  above,  your  health  plan  requested  a  waiver  of  the  requirement  that   coverage   for   key   benefits   be   at   least   $750,000   this   year.   That   waiver   was   granted   by   the   U.S.  Department   of   Health   and   Human   Services   based   on   your   health   plan’s   representa<on   that   providing  $750,000  in  coverage  for  key  benefits  this  year  would  result  in  a  significant  increase  in  your  premiums  or  a  significant  decrease  in  your  access  to  benefits.  This  waiver  is  valid  for  one  year.    If  the  lower  limits  are  a  concern,  there  may  be  other  op<ons  for  health  care  coverage  available  to  you  and  your  family  members.  For  more  informa<on,  go  to:    If   you   have   any   ques<ons   or   concerns   about   this   no<ce,   contact   Wyoming   Lodging   and   Restaurant  Associa<on  at  307-­‐634-­‐8816.  

Dental  &  Vision  Benefit  Plans  

DENTAL   Plan  1   Plan  2   Plan  3  

Calendar  Year  Deduc9ble          Single          Family  

 $100  $300  

 $50  $150  

 $50  $150  

Preven9ve  &  Diagnos9c  Services   80%;  ded  waived   100%;  ded  waived   100%,  ded    waived  

Basic  Services   Ded,  then  50%   Ded,  then  80%   Ded,  then  80%  

Major  Services  (Subject  to  a  6  month  wai<ng  period)   Ded,  then  50%   Ded,  then  50%   Ded,  then  50%  

Orthodon9c  Services  For  children  to  age  19  (Subject  to  a  6  month  wai<ng  period)  

Not  Covered   Not  Covered   $50  ded  ($150/family),  then  50%  

Orthodon9c  Life9me  Maximum   N/A   N/A   $1,000  

Annual  Maximum  Benefit   $750   $1,000   $1,000  

Sec/on  125  –  Sec<on  125  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  allows  for  the  premiums  paid  by  employees  for  employer  provided  group  benefits  to  be  withheld  from  employee  pay  on  a  pre-­‐tax  basis.    The  WLRA  Benefit  Plan  qualifies  as  an  employer  sponsored  group  benefit  plan  that  could  be  offered  under  an  employer’s  Sec9on  125  plan.    However,  before  an  employer  can  offer  pre-­‐tax  premium  payments  for  his  or  her  employees,  the  employer  must  adopt  a  separate  “Sec9on  125  Plan”  and  allow  employees  the  right  to  choose  whether  they  wish  to  par9cipate.    The  claims  administrator  for  the  WLRA  Benefit  Plan  has  sample  documents  and/or  administra<on  op<ons  an  employer  may  need,  in  order  to  adopt  a  pre-­‐tax  Sec<on  in  consulta<on  with  the  employer’s  tax  counsel.      

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

VISION   Plan  B   Plan  C  

Eye  Exam   $10  co-­‐pay  Every  12  months  

$10  co-­‐pay  Every  12  months  

Prescrip9on  Glasses   $25  co-­‐pay   $25  co-­‐pay  

Lenses     Every  12  months   Every  12  months  

Frames   Every  24  months;  $130  allowance  plus  20%  off  amount  over  allowance  

Every  12  months;  $130  allowance  plus  20%  off  amount  over  allowance  

Contact  Lenses    (in  lieu  of  prescrip<on  glasses)  

Every  12  months  $130  allowance  

Every  12  months  $130  allowance  

Coverage  with  Non-­‐VSP  Providers  

Eye  Exam  –  up  to  $45  Single  Vision  Lenses  –  up  to  $30  Lined  Bifocal  Lenses  –  up  to  $50  Lined  Trifocal  Lenses  –  up  to  $65  

Frames  –  up  to  $70  Contacts  –  up  to  $105  

Benefits  available…but  NOT  limited  to:  Acupuncture  for  anesthesia  purposes  

Allergy  tests  and  allergy  injec<ons  Ambulatory/Outpa<ent  Surgery  Facility  Care  

Anesthesia  charges  Assistant  surgeon  charges  

(if  required  due  to  surgical  aspects)  Birthing  Center  

Blood  and  blood  related  products  Cardiac  Rehabilita<on    

Chemotherapy  for  treatment  of  a  malignancy  Chiroprac<c  Manipula<on  or  adjustment  of  the  spinal  column  

Colonoscopy  (Diagnos<c)  Diabetes  Educa<on  Equipment  and  supplies  for  persons  with  

diabetes  Durable  Medical  Equipment  

(purchase  of  rental  up  to  the  purchase  price)  Elec<ve  Steriliza<on  

Emergency  Room  Hospital  inpa<ent  or  outpa<ent  services  

Laboratory  Services  Mastectomy  due  to  diagnosed  breast  cancer  

Mental  Health  and  Substance  Use    (to  plan  limits)  

Nursing  Services  Occupa<onal  Therapy  Orthopedic  braces  Oxygen  &  the  equipment  for  its  administra<on    Pathological  Services  Physical  Therapy    Prescrip<on  drugs  requiring  a  prescrip<on  under  federal  law  Professional  ambulance  service  if  medically  necessary  (includes  air  ambulance)  Prosthe<c/Ortho<cs  Radia<on  Therapy  Respiratory/Inhala<on  Therapy  Services  of  Physicians  a)  Hospital  visits  b)  Doctor’s  office  calls  c)  Doctor’s  office  surgery    Speech  Therapy  (only  to  restore  speech  abili<es  lost  due  to  illness  or  injury)  Surgery  charges  Vision  Care  following  covered  medical  procedure  to  the  eye  Wig  -­‐  up  to  1  per  life<me  due  to  administra<on  of  cancer  treatment  X-­‐ray  Services    

This  is  a  par<al  lis<ng  of  the  benefits  provided  under  the  medical  plan  and  is  NOT  intended  to  provide  complete  details  of  benefits  and  limita<ons.    Please  refer  to  the  Summary  Plan  Descrip<on  (SPD)  for  details  of  benefits,  limita<ons  and  the  applicability  of  these  benefits  to  each  situa<on.  

Benefits  Exclusion:  Abor<on  

Acupuncture    Charges  for  acupuncture    or  acupressure  therapy  

Adop<on  or  surrogate  expenses  Behavioral  Counseling  expenses  

Biofeedback  Therapy  Blood  handling  and  storage  charges  

Cosme<c  surgery    Chela<on  Therapy  

(except  for  heavy  metal  poisoning)  Contracep<ves  Devices    

Correc<ve  footwear  Cosme<c  services  

Court  ordered  treatment  Custodial  care  

Dental  &  Dental  Implants  Developmental  delays  

Discount  Preferred  Provider  discount  amounts  or  “cash  discounts”  

Educa<onal  or  voca<onal  tes<ng  Excess  charges  

Exercise    Experimental  or  inves<ga<onal  

Eyelid  or  Eyebrow  Surgery    Failure  to  keep  appointments  

Felonious  Acts  Charges  resul<ng  from  or  caused  during  the  commission  of  a  felony  

Food  Foot  Care  

Foreign  medical  care  or  Government  provided  services        

Hair  loss  Hearing  aids  &  exams  Hypno<sm    Liposuc<on  Mailing  expenses  Marital  counseling  Massage  therapy  No  obliga<on  to  pay  No  physician  recommenda<on  Non-­‐prescrip<on  items  Not  appropriate  or  not  medically  necessary    Obesity    Occupa<onal    Personal  comfort  of  convenience  items  Providing  medical  informa<on  Rela<ve    giving  services  Riot  Sales  tax  Self-­‐Inflicted,  if  not  related  to  a  medical  condi<on  Services  before  or  awer  coverage  Sex  changes  Smoking  cessa<on  Surgical  steriliza<on  reversal  Third  Party  liability  Travel  or  accommoda<ons  Unwanted  hair  Vision  Care  Visual  training  or  orthop<cs  War  or  Acts  of  War  Worker’s  Compensa<on          

This  is  a  par<al  lis<ng  of  limita<ons  and  exclusions.    A  complete  lis<ng,  as  well  as  suppor<ng  details,  is  provided  in  the  Summary  Plan  Descrip<on  (SPD)    supplied  to  each  par<cipant.  

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

BridgeHealth  Surgery  Benefit    &  Teladoc  

BRIDGEHEALTH  SURGERY  BENEFITTM    There  are  hospitals  and  physicians  who  through  training  and  quality  control  measures  perform  their  services  to  the  very  best  levels.    Many  of  these  providers  also  contract  with  benefit  plans  for  very  aggressive  pricing.    When  care  is  sought  at  these  facili<es,  for  certain  diagnosed  condi<ons  the  Plan  will  alter  the  structure  of  how  benefits  are  paid  and  include  a  travel  allowance  for  the  par<cipant  and  companion.  

Benefit Plan & Trust

 Teladoc  physicians  diagnose  rou<ne,  non-­‐emergency  medical  problems  via  telephone,  recommend  treatment  and  prescribe  medica<on  when  appropriate.    You  can  access  this  service  from  anywhere.    Simply  log  in  to  your    Teladoc  account  or  make  a  phone  call  to  the  800  number.    Teladoc  consul<ng  physicians  treat  illnesses  that  arise  quickly  and  tend  to  run  a  brief  course  typically  5-­‐10  days.    Consul<ng  physicians  address  acute  episodes,  and  minor  illnesses  as  approved  chronic  condi<ons  such  as  hypertension,  epilepsy  or  diabetes.      and  Teladoc  can  be  used  to  treat  problems  such  as:              Teladoc  Benefits  Teladoc  addresses  key  challenges  facing  healthcare  today…below  are  just  a  few  ways  you  can  benefit  from  Teladoc    Significant  Cost  Savings    

Ø  No  need  to  take  <me  off  to  see  a  doctor  Ø  Access  to  care  for  rural  residents  and  those  who  travel  Ø  Consult  with  physicians  who  diagnose  medical  problems  and  prescribe  

medica<on  when  appropriate  Ø  Access  to  a  physician  within  three  hours  or  the  consulta<on  is  free  Ø  Physician  consults  at  a  frac<on  of  the  cost  of  a  physician  office,  urgent  care  or  ER  

visit  Ø  Access  to  personal,  portable  and  free  electronic  health  record  using  HIPAA  

compliant  secure  services  Ø  Teladoc    fees  are  FSA  &  HSA  eligible  expenses  

When  to  Use  Teladoc  Call  Teladoc  whenever  you  need  non-­‐emergency  medical  assistance  and  cannot  reach  a  primary  care  physician  (Teladoc  physicians  do  not  replace  the  primary  care  physicians)    

Ø  Your  primary  care  physician’s  office  is  closed  Ø  Are  on  vaca<on  or  a  business  trip  Ø  Need  a  recurring  prescrip<on    filled  and  don’t  have  <me  to  go  to  the  doctor’s  

office  (short  term  refills  only)  Ø  Need  medical  aFen<on  that  might  be  resolved  without  seeing  a  primary    care  

physician  or  visi<ng  the  ER  Ø  Have  medical  ques<ons,  medical  issues  or  concerns  and  would  like  to  discuss    

these  with  a  physician  Ø  Need  a  second  opinion  

Note:  Teladoc  consul<ng  physicians  do  not  prescribe  DEA  controlled  medica<ons    Teladoc  does  not  replace  the  exis<ng  primary  care  physician  rela<onship  Members  must  be  at  least  10  years  of  age  to  use  the  service  (effec<ve  11/1/2008)    Teladoc  is  not  an  insurance  product  or  prescrip<on  fulfillment  warehouse  


The  Plan  provides  you  and  your  eligible  Dependents  with  an  op<on  to  receive  certain  surgical  procedures  through  the  BridgeHealth  Surgery  Benefit  when  a  trea<ng  Physician  recommends  certain  Covered  Expenses  and  you  or  your  eligible  Dependent  elects  to  receive  treatment  at  certain  medical  providers  par<cipa<ng  in  the  BridgeHealth  network  (“BridgeHealth  Providers”).      Surgeries  may  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:    Joint  procedures  (knees,  hips,  shoulders  and  others)    Heart  surgeries  (bypasses,  valves,  pacemakers  and  others)    Spinal  surgeries  (fusions,  discectomies  and  others)    General  surgeries:  (prostate,  thyroid,  hysterectomy,  and  others)    Addi<onal  procedures  are  offered.  Please  call  to  learn  more.      Covered  Expenses  include  all  medical  costs  incurred  under  the  BridgeHealth  Surgery  Benefit,  with  no  Copay,  Deduc<ble  or  Coinsurance  applied,  as  well  as  transporta<on,  lodging,  meals  and  incidentals  for  the  Covered  Person  and  one  (1)  companion.      (1)  Transporta9on  and  lodging  includes  round  trip  transporta<on  for  the  pa<ent  and  one  (1)  companion  between  the  pa<ent’s  home  loca<on  and  the  loca<on  of  the  BridgeHealth  Provider  where  treatment  is  to  be  performed;  and  hotel  accommoda<ons  near  the  BridgeHealth  Provider.  Hotel  accommoda<ons  are  limited  to  one  (1)  room  to  be  shared  by  the  pa<ent  and  companion.  All  transporta<on  and  lodging  must  be  reserved  and  scheduled  through  BridgeHealth  Medical,  Inc.      (2)  Meals  and  incidentals  include  a  daily  allowance  calculated  for  the  number  of  days  the  pa<ent  and  companion  are  at  the  des<na<on  and  is  intended  to  cover  incidental  and  “out-­‐of-­‐pocket”  expenses  incurred  by  the  pa<ent  in  connec<on  with  his/her  treatment.  The  meals  and  incidentals  allowance  shall  be  established  and  payable  at  ini<a<on  of  the  travel  associated  with  such  treatment.      

Teladoc  (Plans  4,  5  &  6  Only)  In  an  effort  to  provide  par<cipants  with  the  very  best  access  to  quality  medical  advice,  the  Teladoc  program  allows  par<cipants  to  speak  with  a  licensed  physician  in  their  State  of  Residence  regarding  certain  diagnosis  and  health  condi<on  issues.      

For  addi<onal  details  regarding  the  benefits  and  limita<ons  of  these  programs,  please  consult  the  Summary  Plan  Descrip<on.  

Teladoc  Services    Teladoc  for  Plans  4-­‐  6  Teladoc    is  a  network  of  state  licensed,  board  cer<fied  primary  care  physicians  providing  cross  coverage  consulta<ons  24  hours  a  day,  7  days  a  week,  and  365  days  a  year.    

Rev.    November  22,  2013  

•  Respiratory  infec<ons          •  Bronchi<s          •  Gastroenteri<s    

•  Urinary  Tract  infec<ons      •  Pharyngi<s    Sinusi<s  •  Allergies      RX  Refill  (short  term  only)    

Benefit Plan & Trust

Submission  Checklist  To  apply  for  coverage  with  the  WLRA  Benefit  Plan  and  Trust,  the  following  forms  need  to  be  submiFed:  ü  Employer  Applica9on:  Completed  in  full  and  dated  no  more  than  60  days  prior  to  the  requested  effec<ve  

date  ü  Employee  Applica9on:    Completed  in  full.    Any  employee  correc<ons  must  be  ini<ated  by  the  employee.    

All  medical  ques<ons  must  be  answered,  details  given,  and,  if  requested,  a  ques<onnaire  asking  addi<onal  details  provided.    Applica<ons  must  be  dated  no  more  than  60  days  from  the  requested  effec<ve  date.    Employee  must  complete  waiver  form  for  any  eligible  dependents  who  are  not  signing  up  for  coverage.  

ü  Unemployment  Report:    A  copy  of  the  employer’s  most  recent  Quarterly  Unemployment  Report  as  filed  for  SUI,  itemized  by  employee,  must  be  included.  


Once  the  applica<on  set  is  complete,  it  is  forwarded  to  the  Trust  underwriter.    The  underwriter  makes  the  decision  whether  the  en<re  group  is  accepted  into  the  Trust  or  declined.    If  employer  is  approved,  the  following  forms  and  informa<on  is  requested:  ü  Acceptance  Form:    This  form  shows  that  the  group  has  been  accepted  along  with  the  names  of  the  

employees  who  applied,  the  benefit  plan  chosen,  the  billed  rates  for  that  plan,  and  the  group’s  total  premium  per  month.    This  form  must  be  signed  and  returned  by  the  employer  within  1  week.  

ü  First  Month’s  Premium:    The  first  month’s  premium  must  be  submiFed  (check  made  out  to  the  Trust).    Available  bill  payment  op<ons  are  included  (invoicing  with  either  check  payment,  ACH  payment  or  EFT  payment).  

ü  Adop9on  Agreement:    This  contract  outlines  the  obliga<ons  of  the  Plan  and  the  Employer,  for  the  dura<on  of  the  benefit  plan.    Two  copies  must  be  signed  and  returned.    Both  will  be  countersigned  and  one  returned  to  the  employer.  

Rev.  November  22,  2013  

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