format to obtain unit cost of a facility

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7/23/2019 Format to obtain Unit Cost of a facility 1/4

How to find out unit cost of a Hospital Service?

Dr J S Murli

7/23/2019 Format to obtain Unit Cost of a facility 2/4

Steps to obtain unit cost:- Say for a 16 slice CT scan machine.

• Find out the various elements of cost as under before proceeding


1. Fixed Cost. The followings contributed to the fied cost:- 

a Salary

b Cost of building

c !aintenance costs of building

d Cost of e"uipment

e #"uipment maintenance cost

2. Variable Cost. The following contributed to the variable costs

incurred during a CT scan:-

$a% Films and contrast cost

$b% Consumables $stationery& drugs& medical supplies 'cleaning materials%

$c% Cost of electricity

$d% Cost of diesel

(. )or*load : month wise for one yr and current yr 

+. Total wor*load during last ,( yrs, yrs

7/23/2019 Format to obtain Unit Cost of a facility 3/4

. Staffing:

S./0 Category )or*ing our !onthly Salary

1. 12 3adiologist Full time 6 daysw* 1&+&,,,

4. 42 3esident )or*ing Full Time 1&4,&,,,

(. 1 2 Technician Full Time +,&,,,+. 42 Trainee Full Time 45&,,,

. 12 ouse*eeper alf ay 17&,,,

6. 12 )ard Sahayi*a 8art Time 17&,,,

6. Salary per scan 9 Total monthly salary of staff 

 verage number of scans per month


Cost of uildin!. ocuments of the turn*ey pro;ects

 ssuming the life of the building to be 1,, yearsCost of building per year 9 cost 1,, 9

ence& Cost of building per scan 9 number of scansyr 

5. "nitial Cost #rofile of $%uip&ent

9. Total area of maintenance 9 (<4 s"m

S ./o Cost of #"uipment '( Slice

$a% =nitial installation cost (&(1&66&+(-

$b% )otal cost (&(1&66&+(-

$c % Cost of machine per year > ((&16&6+(-

$d % Cost of e"uipment per scan ((&16&6+( +,779 * +,-/

7/23/2019 Format to obtain Unit Cost of a facility 4/4

1,. Cost nalysis of Comprehensive !aintenance Cost $C!C%.)ty for 1st  yrs then yr wise rate ofC!S

11. Variable Costs. Cost of fil&s0 contrast0 consu&ables

Ser 1o. Detail of ite&s nit cost Mont3ly Cost Cost

4*5 usa!e &ont3 Scan 4*5


$a% Sterillium $4, ml% 44 4, ml 44 ,.6+

$b% ?iopsy Trucut /eedle $15@% 1,,, 1, 1,,,, 47

$16@% 750 5 3750 11

$c% =n; tropine 1 ml 1.5 1 /o. 1.5 ,.,,+

$d% =n; drenaline 4 ml 1+.6 1 /o. 1+.6 ,.,+1

$e% =n; vil 4 ml 4.5 1 /o. 4.5 ,.,,<

$f% =n; ydrocort 1,, mg 14.4 4 /o. 4+. ,.,<

$g% =n; 3anitidine 4 ml 1.4 4 /o. ( ,.,,5

$h% C 1, +,, /o. +,,, 14

$;% + siAe ream of paper 1( 1 ream 1( ,.+

$*% #nvelope for film 14 (,, /o. (6,, 1,.(

$l% )otal Consu&ables cost per scan * (6.78

12. Cost of Electricity

13. Diesel

 Note : Total of all fixed and variable costs ill !ive o"t t#e "nit cost of t#e


3ate of yearlymaintenance $i%

(<4 B <,.,+for ?'3 9 B 46,

$ii%(<4 B +,.1,for #'! 9 B 1+71<

Total cost ofmaintenance 9

B +,&7<4yr 

Maintenance cost per scan 9 +,&7<4  7,-- 9 * -.--

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