forklift planned maintenance and total cost by year

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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A forklift is a costly piece of equipment to purchase and to maintain. Over time the trend is to put less attention [money] to planned or preventive maintenance. Question raised is that the wise course to take as the forklift ages and repair needs grow. Tripping over dollars chasing dimes.


Forklift Planned Maintenance Don’t Quit When It’s Needed Most

When sold new, maintenance costs are very

low in the first two to three years of forklift

ownership. However a high percentage of

forklift owners will participate in some form

of scheduled maintenance plan from the

selling dealer.

But, as the years go by, often including a

change in ownership the percentage of units

on a planned maintenance declines. Just as

maintenance costs begin to rise.

Years In Service

Approximately the sixth year will see the lowest cost per hour for many forklifts.

Whether the business is the first owner of the forklift or

subsequent owners, time and costs wait for no one.

Abandoning a planned maintenance schedule may provide

tangible cost savings, but the lack of attention the forklift’s

condition will lead to more unexpected and preventable

repairs as the equipment ages.

Don’t add fuel to your maintenance costs by discontinuing planned

maintenance. Work with a reputable service agency that will define

your repair needs accurately. As needs increase over time, you don’t

want to go it alone.

Figures Credit: Unicarriers Americas Corp

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