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9/10/2015 West Papua Report Sept 2015: Filep Karma, Theys Eluay's Killer Gen. Hartomo Promoted, Koperaoka, Threats to Journalists, Air Safety 1/12

West Papua Report September 2015

This is the 136th in a series of monthly reports that focus on developments affecting Papuans. Thisseries is produced by the non­profit West Papua Advocacy Team (WPAT) drawing on media accounts,other assessments, and analysis and reporting from sources within West Papua. This report is co­published by the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN). Back issues are posted online at Questions regarding this report can be addressed toEdmund McWilliams at If you wish to receive the report directly via e­mail, writeto Link to this issue:

The Report leads with PERSPECTIVE, an analysis piece; followed by UPDATE, a summary of somerecent news and developments; and then CHRONICLE which includes analyses, statements, newresources, appeals and action alerts related to West Papua. Anyone interested in contributing aPERSPECTIVE or responding to one should write to We also welcomesuggestions of resources and analysis for listing in the CHRONICLE section. The opinionsexpressed in Perspectives are the author's and not necessarily those of WPAT or ETAN. For ongoingnews on West Papua subscribe to the reg.westpapua listserv or visit its archive; the list is also

available on Twitter: Follow @westpapuanews 2,185 followers .


This edition's Perspective provides background on the widely­respected West Papuan politicalprisoner Filep Karma.

In the "Update" section, the prospects for President Joko Widodo to fulfill his promise torelease political prisoner releases. General Hartomo who was convicted for his part in thekilling of Papuan leader Theys Eluay has been promoted. Indonesian military personnel killedtwo and wounded more in Timika. Religious leaders and the Indonesian Human RightsCommission are among those demanding justice. Papuans Behind Bars reports on growingthreats to human rights defenders in Wamena. A proposal by senior Widodo administrationofficials to tighten restrictions on journalists was aborted, but policy regarding journalistfreedoms remains unclear notwithstanding a May pledge by President Widodo to loosenrestrictions. Vanuatu reiterates support for West Papua as the Pacific Islands Forum preparesto meet. Jakarta has admitted inadequate support for air traffic in West Papua, in the wake of acostly air crash there.

In Chronicle the report highlights to a commentary by Pastor Neles Tebay who underscores theimportance of communications among Papuans in addressing issues confronting Papuans.The leader of the Muslim community in Tolikara has emphasized the role of customary law inaddressing the violence in that community in July. An excerpt from a forthcoming bookdescribes the West Papuan campaign for MSG membership.


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Filep Karma. Photo by S. Eben Kirksey(CC). You may not use this work forcommercial purposes without permissionfrom the copyright holder.

Filep Karma in Limboby Claudia Vandermade Filep Karma, 56, is the elder spokesman in the Papuan struggle for human rights. He iscurrently in the midst of negotiations over his possible release from Abepura Prison, where heis in his eleventh of a fifteen year sentence for treason. Filep Karma is married with two adultdaughters. He recently become a grandfather. His activism emerged from a life of privilege and comfort in Biak. His father was a senior publicservant under the Dutch and also held office after Indonesia took control of the area. Karma leda life that is remarkably different from the average Papuan with access to resources, highereducation and political connections. People visiting the family from abroad only need to ask ataxi driver to take them to the Karma villa; no further address is necessary. Though his activism began in the 1990s, his first major confrontation with Indonesian authorityoccurred on July 2, 1998 when he led a pro­independence rally in Biak. The demonstratorsraised the Morning Star flag, a symbol of culture and independence for the Papuan peoplewhich is considered illegal under Indonesian law. Though never acknowledged by theIndonesian government, the military response to this demonstration was brutal. Approximately200 Papuans, including children, were killed with scores of others tortured and raped. Karmawas shot and arrested, and was sentenced to six and half years in prison.

Possible Release?

He was released from prison in 2000 after anappeal against his sentence, and ended upserving two years. His current prison sentencestems from his 2004 arrest for peacefully raisingthe Morning Star flag at an independence rally ofseveral hundred people in Abepura. During histime in prison, Karma has been beaten by guardsand has suffered ill­health due to the denial ofurgent medical care. Since his arrest, Karma has been offered andrefused clemency a number of times because heinsists that raising a flag at a peaceful ceremonyis not a crime. He also insists on anunconditional release. The latest offer came inAugust 2015 with great fanfare. As possiblerelease dates have come and gone, it is apparentthat freeing Karma is a complicated process forboth the government in Jakarta and for Karmahimself. Karma recently told Fairfax Media: "My point is that Indonesia must realise that itmust free me unconditionally, restore my goodname. It should also free other political prisonersin Papua and elsewhere in Indonesia and stopchasing those who are on wanted list forexpressing their freedom of speech."

The question remains, if Karma were to receive release and then immediately raise theMorning Star Flag, would the government arrest him again? Political Prisoners in Indonesia

Dozens of political prisoners in both Papua andthe Moluccas have been convicted of makar(rebellion or treason), for peacefully raisingflags. The sentences are usually 10 years,

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Karma's youngest daughter, Audryn,visited the U.S. in November 2011,and rallied for his release at the WhiteHouse. Photo: Claudia Vandermade.

though Karma and others received longer 15year sentences. These political prisoners havebeen tortured and abused throughout theirarrests and incarceration. Karma's insistence on an unconditional releaseplaces the current President of Indonesia, Joko"Jokowi" Widodo, in a difficult position. He hassaid that he seeks to improve human rightsconditions in Papua by expanding access toforeign media as well as releasing politicalprisoners. Earlier this summer Indonesia'sHouse of Representatives rejected thePresident's plan to release up to 90 politicalprisoners. As an inexperienced president,Jokowi does not have the political standing ormandate to defy the DPR and unconditionallyrelease Karma and the others. A Leader of Political Prisoners Since his arrest, Karma has gradually becomethe face of political prisoners in Papua. Manyhuman rights organizations have ledcampaigns for his release. Over the past 11years, Indonesian government officials havereceived tens of thousands of letters, emails,and petitions on Karma's behalf.

As a testament to his character, Karma has consistently responded to efforts on his behalf byreminding his defenders that many people in Papua are suffering the same treatment andprison sentences in the name of free speech. From the time he entered prison, he has alignedhis fate with the scores of other Papuan political prisoners. Karma was nominated for the 2013Nobel Peace Prize. The recent maneuvering regarding Karma's status is about much more than his freedom. Thediscussion can only be fruitful if he and others are guaranteed freedom of speech andexpression that are now outlawed by the Indonesian government.

Claudia Vandermade is a human rights activist based in the Washington, DC area.

Filep Karma's Testifies Before Biak Massacre Citizens Tribunal

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Filep Karmafrom Biak Tribunal PRO



Future for Papuan Political Prisoners Uncertain

Whether prominent Papuan political prisoner Filep Karma will be released from prison after adecade of incarceration remains uncertain. Karma hasrejected release under terms proposed by Jakarta insofar as those terms would entailacknowledging guilt. (See Perspective above for more on Karma.) Karma's decision, based on principle, has influenced other political prisoners offered similarterms for release in connection with the Indonesian August 17 National Day remissions andreductions of sentences.

President Widodo has proposed amnesty for Papuan political prisoners to the Parliament butparliamentarians in Commission I (which oversees defense and foreign affairs) were unwillingto approve the proposal absent a "road map" that would address the myriad problemsassociated with West Papua and Indonesia's continuing occupation. Parliament's CommissionIII (responsible for legal affairs, human rights and security) have yet to deliberate on theamnesty proposal.

Theys Eluay's Killer Gets Promotedby Made Supriatma

In the latest change to army commands, Brigadier General Hartomowas promoted Governor of the Military Academy in Magelang,Central Java. He replaces Major General Sumardi who is beingtransferred to be the commander of East Java Military Command(Pangdam V/Brawijaya). Hartomo is familiar name for West Papuans. In 2001, he wascommander of the 10th Tribuana Task Force (Satgas Tribuana 10), aKopassus unit posted in West Papua . This unit was responsible inthe killing of West Papuan leader, Theys Hiyo Eluay, chair of thePapuan Presidium Council. (See report of killing by ELSHAMPapua.) Eluay was found dead in his car just hours after attending a

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Major General Hartomo.

Kopassus dinner at the Kopassus Tribuana near Jayapura. Hartomo graduated from military academy in 1986. He is a risingstar among his academy class. He is the second officer in his classto achieve the rank of Brigadier General, following Hinsa Siburian,the top graduate in the class. Siburian recently became commanderof Kodam XVII/Cendrawasih which controls West Papua. BothHartomo and Siburian spent most of their military careers inKopassus.

Hartomo was tried and convicted in 2003 in a military tribunal for hisinvolvement in the killing of Eluay. He was sentenced to threeyears and six months in jail. According to the verdict, he was alsodismissed from the military service. We don't know whether Hartomoserved his jail time. We also do not know whether his sentence was

overturned by a higher court. But we do know, based on evidence presented in court that thekilling of Theys Eluay happened under his command. We also know that Hartomo's military career has generally gone smoothly. He continued hiscareer at Kopassus. In 2009, his name appeared on the press as the commander of GroupI/Parako, a unit within Kopassus. He was already colonel at that time. In 2011, he was againpromoted and became a commander in the Army's Infantry Training unit. That same year hewas transferred to a higher position: commander of the Army Intelligence Center (Pusat IntelTNI­AD). As governor of the military academy, his military rank will rise to the level of Major General.His current assignment places him as an important educator for the next generation ofIndonesian military officers. His career will serve as a benchmark, a standard of excellence, foryoung officers. It is an unfortunate that this benchmark is so tainted with human rightsviolations. Needless to say Hartomo is a criminal for his in involvement of the killing of Theys.Hartomo's rise shows that that impunity is always at work within Indonesian military. It sends astrong message to West Papuans that the Indonesian military is unlikely ever to be heldaccountable for their conduct. Made Supriatma is a researcher and free lance journalist based in New Jersey.

Confusion Over Military Murder in Koperaoka In what is all too common a tragedy in West Papua, Indonesian military (TNI) personnel fired atPapuan civilians killing two and wounding at least four. While two soldiers were arrested onAugust 28, the TNI has offered conflicting accounts of what transpired. The shooting tookplace in Koperaoka village in Timika.

First Sergeant Arshar and Sergeant Head Makher from the Timika Military Command weredetained for the killings. The Merauke Regional Military Commander Brig. Gen. Supartodispeaking about the shooting told The Jakarta Post that the soldiers were drunk when they firedon a crowd of people and that "They were both guilty and they should be held responsible fortheir behavior."

This admission followed earlier statements by Supartodi thatthe shooting involved only one soldier who fired "two to three"

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Militaryapproaches tosolve theproblems facingPapuans and theuse of stateinstitutions to killpeople could notbe justified.

Mourners accompany the bodies of YulianusOkoare and Herman Mairimau, victims of a recentshooting to the cemetery Photo: Antara/HusyenAbdillah

shots "in self­defense as "a beleaguered sergeant tried todefend himself against a mob of locals" during an argument.

A later Jakarta Globe report offered a different account basedon non­military witnesses. It reported that the shooting occurredafter an argument in the early morning hours of August 28 at agraduation party. Two soldiers tried to enter the party. This ledto an argument as people surrounded the soldiers. "Not longafterwards three other TNI members arrived on blackmotorcycles, carrying guns and shooting at the local people," awitness told the Globe.

Cenderawasih military command spokesman Lt. Col. TeguhPudhi Rahardjo said First Sgt. Ashar fired the shots: "Asharwas swarmed by local people. He fell and was covered in blood. As Ashar was pushed, heloaded his gun and shot upward twice.Then some of the people backed out and some cameclose to get his gun. Ashar told us that he shot toward at the people but aimed for their legs,"he said.

According to the Jakarta Globe "Imanuel Mairimau, 23, diedfrom a gunshot wound to theback of the head and YulianusOkoare, 23, died after he wasshot in the stomach." Four ­Martinus Apokapo, MartinusImpatura, Thomas Apoka andMoses Umapi ­ werehospitalized.

Several senior TNI figuresattended the funeral of Mairimauand Okoware. KodamXVII/Cenderawasih commanderMaj. Gen. Hinsa Siburianreportedly "apologized to thefamilies of the victims, theKamoro and all Timika residentsfor the incident."

The National Commission onHuman Rights (Komnas HAM) team plans to investigate the shooting.

Komnas HAM commissioner Natalius Pigai said "We condemn the incident. Militaryapproaches to solve the problems facing Papuans and the use of state institutions to killpeople could not be justified."

He also criticized President Widodo's commitment to human rights saying "We never heardthat President Jokowi expressed his strong commitments, which were followed by concretepolicies, to resolve root problems in Papua. In fact, Papuan people have long waited for suchcommitments so that security attacks that have killed civilians in Papua will not occur again inthe future."

Catholic Bishop John Philip Saklil of Timika called security personnel "protectors of immoralcriminals" that lacked the "good will" to perform a transparent investigations.

"Based on our record, there are a number of violent incidents being brutally committed bymembers of the Indonesian military and police in our ecclesiastical area," the bishop said in astatement sent to on Sept. 2. He said five acts of violence had occurredbetween December and August, including the Koperaoka shooting None of them had beenproperly investigated.

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Papuans Behind Bars Warns of Threats to Human Rights Defenders Are Increasing Papuan Behind Bars monthly update reports that as of July there were at least 51 politicalprisoners in West Papua.

Papuans Behind Bars also reports "an increasing climate of intimidation and harassmentagainst human rights defenders and lawyers in Wamena." The Central Papuan HighlandsCoalition for Peace, Law and Human Rights (Koalisi untuk Kedamaian, Hukum dan HAMPegunungan Tengah Papua) says that coalition members providing accompaniment to RobyErik Pekey, a victim of arbitrary police violence in Wamena, faced harassment. Pekey washarassed by Jayawijaya police as he sought medical treatment in Wamena Hospital.

"Papuans Behind Bars has called on the Indonesian government to take "urgent measures toensure the protection" of human rights defenders.

Other incidents highlighted in the report include, the shootings in Tolikara (see July 2015 WestPapua Report ) where a teenager was killed and at least 11 others injured by security forcesand the arrest of at least 40 members of the United Liberation Movement of West Papua(ULMWP) while for participating in a prayer session. Papuans Behind Bars writes that lastMay, "264 people have been arrested for expressing their support or being involved with theULMWP. The targeting of ULMWP members and its supporters for arbitrary arrestdemonstrates Indonesia's zero­tolerance policy towards peaceful aspirations of West Papuanindependence."

See full update here. (WPAT Comment: The Papuans Behind Bars project is a valuable tool for the internationalsolidarity community monitoring of the plight of Papuans. The project, inaugurated in 2013,offers a comprehensive focus not only on arrests and prosecutions but also, as in this Julyreport, the plight of human rights defenders.)

Effort to Further Restrain Foreign Journalists Activity in Indonesia Beaten Back

In the face of public outrage, Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo quickly withdrew proposedregulations aimed at increasing government control over foreign journalists operating inIndonesia.

Echoing regulations long in place for West Papua, the proposed national regulation would haverequired foreign journalists and their local crew to apply for permits issued by the ForeignAffairs and the Home Affairs Ministries. Foreign journalists would have also had to acquirepermits from all relevant levels of government, down to the the municipal or district level. Thenew rule also called for foreign journalists to give details about their assignments to theNational Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The withdrawal of the regulation was reportedly ordered by the President, who has also movedto lessen restrictions on access to West Papua, with unclear results.

The Alliance of Independence Journalists (AJI) chairperson Suwarjono praised President Joko"Jokowi" Widodo's move to revoke the new regulation: "It is clear that Jokowi wants this to bean open country."

For foreign journalists seeking to operate in Indonesia, government restrictions and hindrancescontinue to abound. A statement by the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club (JFCC), issuedprior to the withdrawal of the latest regulations, noted that the new restrictions were

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"particularly troubling given that the Indonesian government already takes weeks if not monthsto issue approvals for foreign journalists and film crews to visit Indonesia to work ­ if at all."

JFCC called the proposed regulations "a sad reminder of the authoritarian Suharto regime, anda stain on Indonesia's transition to democracy and claims by its government that it supports afree press and human rights."

Meanwhile, two British journalists have been held since May 28 in Batam. They are accused ofviolating immigration laws while making making a documentary on piracy. The journalists, NeilBonner and Becky Prosser ­ are said to have entered Indonesia using tourist visas.

WPAT Comment: Notwithstanding President Widodo's pledge in May 2015 to make foreignjournalists access to West Papua easier, senior officials in his administration continue tofurther complicate what is already an intimidating gauntlet of restrictions and monitoring. Asnoted in a Jakarta Post August 28 editorial, it appears that that policymakers andimplementers are not in step with the wishes of their President. The Post wrote that there is a"gap in attitudes between him and his subordinates in dealing with the press."

Regional Support for West Papua

Vanuatu President Baldwin Lonsdale, in welcoming Esala Telini , newly appointed HighCommissioner from Fiji to Vanuatu in late August, spoke directly about West Papua. He toldTelini:

"I wish to also express our respect to your Government for our mutual similarities in standingtogether in regional and international forums in promoting peace and security globally, andmore recently, with our solidarity for other marginalized Melanesian[s] of West Papua. It is achallenge for the Pacific, especially Melanesian brothers to stand united with them.

"Indeed our global united voice in these forums along with our other partners world­wide hasassisted us to continue to experience this conductive environment in the Pacific Region.

"It is our sincere hope that our fellow brothers are exhibiting to our fellow neighbors in theRegion. Vanuatu has been very vocal in these sensitive issues, and we are hoping thatovertime, we will eventually join hands in addressing the in­humane treatment received by theMelanesians in West Papua."

As we go to press, the Pacific Islands Forum is meeting in Papua New Guinea. According toDame Meg Taylor, secretary of the forum, human rights violations in West Papua would be onthe agenda. However, officials of the host country Papua New Guinea have said that anydiscussion of West Papua must include Indonesia.

In early September, Fijian Foreign Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola asked ULMWP Octo Mote to

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leave a meeting of the Pacific Islands Development Forum held September 2­4 in Suva, Fiji.

Also in early September, ULMWP spokesperson Benny Wenda was denied a visa to PNG.This was the second time Wenda was denied a visa to PNG. He had been invited by PortMoresby. Governor Powes Parkop, recipient of WPAT's John Rumbiak Human RightsDefenders Award in 2013.

ULMWP Secretary­General joined thousands of protesters ata demonstration against the Trans Pacific Partnershipagreement on August 15 in Auckland. A dozen Pacific rimcountries are negotiating in secret a treaty expected toexpand corporate power at the expense of nationalsovereignty, the environment and consumers

Jakarta Continues to Ignore Critical Needs in West Papua

The Jakarta Post reports that more than half of the 54 airports in West Papua are not yetequipped with adequate navigation systems. The Transportation Ministry's navigation directorNovie Riyanto said that pilots must use visual cues rather than instruments when flying toremote airports.

"We will soon require all airports and aircraft operating in Papua to have adequate navigationsystems and also to train and give licenses to all the pilots flying in the area to ensure safety,"he said.

"Papua has a special topography and extreme terrain. Therefore navigation instruments arevery critical to direct aircraft flying in the area," Novie added.

WPAT Comment: Air safety in West Papua remains a concern. The seriousness of theproblem is underscored by the August 68 crash of an Indonesian aircraft on its way to Oksibilnear the Papua New Guinea Border. Fifty­four passengers and crew were killed. See details ofthis tragedy at­asia­33970184

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Petitions ready for delivery to MSG leaders in Honiara. WNV/ Pasifika



Pastor Neles Tebay: Papua Cannot Be Built Through Violence Father Neles Tebay in Tabloid Jubi called for "constructive communication to avoid conflicts"in West Papua. Tebay is Chair of the of Papua Network (JPD) .

Tebay speaking at a public discussion held by the Indonesian Journalism Network (IJN) saidthat Papua's future "could not be built upon the violence, but communication could involvedmany parties in the efforts to manage the future of Papua."

We Agree to Achieve Peace Through Customary Law, Ustad Ali Muhktar Says

Also in Jubi, Tolikara Muslim leader Ali Mukhtar urged the police to respect a joint agreementto resolve the Tolikara conflict through customary laws and to stop the questioning of GIDIleaders by police. (See August West Papua Report.)

"We have agreed to solve our problem through customary laws. As an ustad (Muslim religiousteacher) in Tolikara, I am consistent with seven points of peace agreement signed on 29 July2015. I am asking the police to be wise in solving this issue, forcing is possibly raising anotherproblem. Tolikara incident wasn't an interfaith conflict," Ustad Ali Muhktar told Jubi in Jayapuraon Sunday (23/8/2015).

Book Excerpt Describes Papuan MSG Campaign

An excerpt of a forthcoming book byJason MacLeod describes the WestPapuan campaign for membershipin the Melanesian Spearhead Group.In West Papua itself supportersgathered tens of thousands ofphysical signatures in support of theUnited Liberation Movement forWest Papua's application to join theMSG. (see July West Papua Report) Hundreds were arrested or beatenand at least one killed during thesignature collection campaign. Thepetition which was brought to theSolomon Islands for the MSGmeeting consisted of "five large 60pound packages [one for each MSGleader] encased in hessian. Insideeach parcel are two large A4­sizedbooks, parts of a massive paper petition. Each book is around 16 inches thick ­ they make adictionary look like a comic book," writes MacLeod. The 55,555 signers also provided a copy

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of their state­issued identification cards.

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