flashcards duolingo vocabulary

Post on 14-Jul-2022






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Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

1. Anthropology

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Anthropology (noun) the study of human societies and cultures and

their development.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:John’s degree in anthropology prepared him for working in a national history museum

2. Accomodation

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Accomodation(noun) a room, group of

rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:There's accommodation for about five hundred students at the university campus.

3. Anticipate

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Anticipate(verb) to imagine or expect that something will happen.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The organizers of the fair anticipate a large crowd.

4. Distinctive

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Distinctive(adjective) easy to recognize because it is different from

other things.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The distinctive quality of this job candidate is his ability to speak to clients calmly.

5. Evaluate

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Evaluate(verb) to judge or calculate the quality importance amount or

value of something.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:You should be able to evaluate your own work.

6. Exposure

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Exposure(noun) risk, particularly of

being exposed to disease or to the elements.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

7. Down to earth

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Down to earth(adjective) practical, sensible,


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:She is a very down to earth person, not at all attracted by the glamorous world.

8. Extinct

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Extinct(adjective) no longer in


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Pandas could become extinct in the world.

9. Gridlock

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Gridlock(noun) situation where roads in a town become so blocked by cars that it is impossible for

any traffic to move.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:An accident caused gridlock at rush hour yesterday.

10. Habitat

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Habitat(noun) the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The deer’s habitat is being destroyed by commercial builders who cut down forests.

11. Unconventional

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Unconventional(adjective) different from what is usual or from the way most

people do things.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:She is known for her unconventional ideas.

12. Tedious

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Tedious(adjective) boring.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The professor’s tedious lectures have the entire class yawn.

13. Utterly

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Utterly(adverb) completely, totally.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:He found the experience utterly humiliating.

14. Congestion

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Congestion(noun) overcrowding or


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The physician said she died of congestion of the brain.

15. Far-fetched

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Far-fetched(adjective) very unlikely to be true and difficult to behave.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The explanation is both interesting and perceptive, although it is somewhat far-fetched.

16. Gloomy

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Gloomy(adjective) unhappy and

without hope.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:He was gloomy and absent-minded.

17. Imaginative

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Imaginative(adjective) having or showing

creativity or inventiveness.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:She is very hard-working but not very imaginative.

18. Distressed

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Distressed(adjective) worried or upset.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:She was deeply distressed by the news.

19. Overrated

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Overrated(adjective) have a higher opinion of (someone or

something) than is deserved.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:He used to be an overrated player in his team.

20. Pretentious

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Pretentious(adjective) trying to appear or

sound more important or clever than you are.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Dressed in a ball gown, she made an overly pretentious appearance at the simple high school dance.

21. Renovate

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Renovate(verb) to repair, restore to good condition, make new


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:They are going to renovate the old school building.

22. Acclaimed

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Acclaimed(adjective) praised or

approved of.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The films will be introduced by the acclaimed Italian director.

23. Allocate

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Allocate(verb) to give something to

someone as their share of the total amount for them to use in

a particular way.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:I must allocate my weekly salary in a way that allows me to pay all my bills.

24. Appalling

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Appalling(adjective) shocking and very


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:It is appalling that the child was murdered.

25. Outnumber

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Outnumber(verb) to be greater in number than someone or something.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Flats outnumber houses in this area.

26. Scenario

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Scenario(noun) a description for

possible actions or events.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:That is the only scenario that makes sense.

27. Symptomatic

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Symptomatic(adjective) concerned with,

affecting, or having symptoms, characteristic,


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners.

28. Unspoilt

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Unspoilt(adjective) not changed or


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay.

29. Voluntary

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Voluntary(noun) voluntary work is done without being paid and usually involves helping people with.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.

30. Phenomenon

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Phenomenon(noun) something that exists

or happens, especially something unusual or


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

31. Edible

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Edible(adjective) suitable or safe for


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Do you know how many edible plants grow naturally in our own front yard?

32. Enhanced

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Enhanced(adjective) improved.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Your life can be enhanced when you try to change your perspective.

33. Ethically

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Ethically(adverb) in a way that is

morally right.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The committee judged that he had not behaved ethically.

34. Hence

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Hence(adverb) that is the reason or

explanation for something.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The prime minister was attending the conference, hence all the extra security.

35. Inevitably

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Inevitably(adverb) in a way that cannot

be avoided.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:James will inevitably have to choose between the two job offers.

36. Itinerary

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Itinerary(noun) a detailed plan or route

of a journey.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:We must include a visit to Paris in the itinerary.

37. Luxurious

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Luxurious(adjective) very comfortable

and expensive.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:I don’t long for a luxurious life and gorgeous appearance.

38. Mislead

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Mislead(verb) to cause someone to believe something that is not


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:They are seeking to mislead us.

39. Negligible

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Negligible(adjective) too slight or small

in amount to be of importance.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The difference between the two products is negligible.

40. Source

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Source(noun) someone or something

that supplies information.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The BBC is the official source of news in English.

41. Subscription

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Subscription(noun) an amount of money

that you pay regularly to receive a product or service or

to be a member of an organization.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:I am going to renew my subscription.

42. Transition

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Transition(noun) a change from one

form or type to another or the process by which this


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The health-care system is in transition at the moment.

43. Allude to

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Allude to(verb) to mention someone or

something without talking about them directly.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The teacher asked the students to not allude to any online sources in their research papers.

44. Applause

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Applause(noun) the sound of people

clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval to a performance

or a speech.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:There was great applause when the speaker entered the stage.

45. Bilingual

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Bilingual(adjective) able to use two

languages equally well.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:He is bilingual in English and Japanese.

46. Chilly

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Chilly(adjective) cold.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The night is chilly and quiet.

47. Disclosure

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Disclosure(noun) the act of making

something known or public that was previously secretly or


Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:Any public disclosure of this information would be very damaging to the company.

48. Hysterical

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Hysterical(adjective) unable to control your feeling or behaviour.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:The pop star was surrounded by hysterical fans, who wanted to take a selfie with him.

49. Imply

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Imply(verb) to communicate an idea

or feeling without saying it directly.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:I don’t mean to imply that your sense of fashion is unflattering.

50. Overwhelmed

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Overwhelmed(adjective) feeling a sudden

strong emotion.

Duolingo Vocabulary Flashcards

Example:She was overwhelmed by the pile of paperworks that she had to work on.

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