fish processing plant sri lanka

Post on 22-Aug-2015






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Proposed Fish processing

plant in Sri Lanka

Primary Contact: Sanjeew de Silva

Mobile: (94) 777 725 655 Email:

Fish processing plant in Sri Lanka Page 2


Introduction ………………………………………………….......... Page 3

Purchase Price …………………………………………….….…... Page 4

Processing …… …………………………………………….……... Page 4

Land and Buildings…………………………………………….……. Page 4

Equipment ……………………………………………………....... Page 4

Approvals and licensing. ………………………………………...... Page 5

Investment …………… …………………………………..……… Page 5

Common Commercial Fish Types of Sri Lanka ………..……..... Page 6

Major Marine Fish Types by Commercial Group ……....……….. Page 9

Fish exports by MT …………………………………….........….... Page 12

Fish Prices ……….…………………………………….........….... Page 13

Fish processing plant in Sri Lanka Page 3


Sri Lanka has a large fisheries sector and most of the recourses have much room for value

addition and growth in the export sector. At present Sri Lanka exports much of the fish to

Japan, EU and the USA but these are mostly Tuna and Shrimp.

The many other varieties that are caught in the wild have still to be developed for

preservation, Value addition and processing needed for export.

The main opportunity lies in the purchase of

farmed Shrimps from the Farmers and also the

purchase of fish from fishing communities

around the country, then processing these for

export according to the buyer requirements.

The buyer plays a key to any investment of a

processing facility and has to be an integral

part of the business with significant investment

coming from the buyer. This reduces any risk of an investment from losing market access as

well as price guarantees.

Most of the processing plants built in the past have been together with buyer investments.

Following are data of the different species available from the fisheries industry in Sri Lanka

through out the year.

The shrimp industry has supply from Farmers as well as from the wild catch. The supply of

fish is mainly from the wild catch while farmed Sea bass have been recently introduced and

quantities are increasing.

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Purchase price

The local prices of fish are also attached in this document and all prices are prevailing

market prices which is the purchase price to processors.

The cost of processing is normally between USD 1 to 3 per kg depending on the type of

processing required by the buyer.


Processing requirements will be according to the buyer requirements in one or a

combination of frozen, chilled gutted, filet and so on.

Land and Buildings

Requirement of land will be around 5 to 10 Acres of land with access to container

transport, electricity and water.

The Sri Lankan partner will be pleased to purchase a land for the project in the

northwestern province of Sri Lanka.

The Foreign partner will have to invest in the building.


The common equipment will be cold rooms, storage space, various cleaning counters and

tubs, specialized gutting, scaling and processing equipment, freezing and packaging

equipment. All equipment required will depend on the requirements of the buyers market.

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Approvals and Licensing

There are many regulations locally and internationally to be followed for the fish processing

industry, including health, safety, hygiene and other food and drug regulations to be


We will obtain all such approvals together with local government approvals needed for the



Investment of a fish processing plant for export to the EU and similar countries will be in the

range of 3 to 4 million US Dollars inclusive of all equipment and vehicles needed for


A proper feasibility study and costing of the project will have to be done to determine exact

costs once we have a very good understanding of the requirement of the buyers.

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Common Commercial Fish Types of Sri Lanka

Commercial group English Name (Common Name)

Scientific Name Sinhala Name


Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commersoni


Wahoo Acanthocybium commersoni


Paraw Jack, Trevallies

Carangoides gymnostethus


Carangoides fulvoguttatus

Thumba parawa

Caranx ignobilis Atanagul


Caranx hebiri Guru parawa

Balaya Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis Balaya

Kelawalla yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares Kelawalla

Other Blood fish

Sail fish Istiophorus platypterus



Makariya indika Kalu koppara

Makariya mazara Nil koppara

Tetrapturus audax Iri koppara

Sword fish Xiphias gladius Sappara

Big eye tuna Thunnus abesus Esgedi kelawalla/Kenda

Bullet tuna Auxis rochei Ragodu/kombaya

Frigate tuna Auxis thazard Alagoduwa

Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis Attawalla


Mackerel shark Isurus sp. Mee mora

Thresher shark Alopias sp. Kasa mora (Banned)

Requiem sharks‐silky


Carcharhinus Falciformis

Honda mora/Bala maora

Ocean white strip shark Carcharhinus Longimanus

Polkola mora

Blue shark prionace gluaca Seeni mora/Hudja Mora

Hammerhead shark Sphyrna sp. Udalu mora


Batoid Fisher shovelnose rays

Rhinobatos sp. Baloliya

String rays Dasyatis sp. Welli maduwa

Spotted eagle rays Aetobatus narinari Vavoi maduwa

Javanees cownose rays Rhinoptera javanica valuvadi cownose ray

Numbfishers Narcine sp. Electric ray

Manta and devil rays Mobula sp. Ali maduwa and Anga maduwa

Rock Fish/Galmalu

Spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus Meewetiya/Atissa

Longface emperor Lethrinus olivaceus Uru hota

Sharptooth jobfish Pristipomoides typus


Blubberlip snapper Lutjanus rivulatus Badawa

Mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus


Blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflamma


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Malabar grouper Epinephelus malabaricus

Gas bola/Gal kossa

Rock Fish/Galmalu

Wavylined grouper Epinephelus undulosus


Coral hind Cephalopholis miniata


Sri Lanka sweetlips Plectorhinchus ceylonensis


Threadfin breams Nemipterus sp. Suddaha

Parrotfishes Scarus sp. Girawa

Rabbitfsh Siganus so. Orawa

Barracudas Sphyraena sp. Jeelawa

Shore Seine

Mullets Liza sp. Godaya

Trenched sardinella Amblygaster sirm Hurulla

Bleeker’s smooth belly Amblygaster clupeoides

Gal Hurulla

Smoothbelly Sardinells Amblygaster clupeoides


Rainbow sardine Dussumieria acuta Thondaya

White sardine Escualosa thoracata Wella sudaya

Shad Nematalosa nasus Koiya

Goldstripe sardinella Sardinella gibbosa Kalawenna/Salaya

White sardinella Sardinella albella Sudaya

Bigeye scade Selar crumenophtthalamus


Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta


Anchovy Stolephorus sp. Halmessa

Ribbon fish Lepturacanthus savalaa


Gar fisher Belonidae Habarali

Thryssa Thryssa sp. Lagga

Silverbiddies Gerres sp. Thirali

Pony fish Leiognathus sp. Karalla

Ilishas Ilish sp. Puvali

Half beaks Hemiramphus sp. Moralla

Flying fish Cheilopogon sp. Piyamessa


Giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Karadu issa

Indian white shrimp Penaeus indicus Kiri issa

Giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon Karawandu issa

Green tiger prawns Penaeus semesulsctus

kurutu issa


Scalloped spiny lobster Panulirus homorus Weli issa

Ornate spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus Devi issa

Pronghorn spiny lobster Panulirus penicillatus

Gal issa

Painted spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor Bathik issa/Raga issa

Slipper lobster Panulirus polyphagus

Mada issa

Slipper lobster Scyllarus sp. Sapathuwa

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Squids Loligo singhalensis Bothal della

Loligo duvauceli Ahin della

Cuttle fish

Sepia pharaonis Gebi

della/Pothu della

Sepia aculeata Pothu della

Sea Cucumber (Beach de mer)

Holothuria fucogilva Ham attaya/White tearfish

Holothuria scabra Welli attaya/Sand fish

Holothuria nobilis Polon attaya/Black teatfish

Bohadschia marmorata

Nul attaya/Chalky fish

Actinopygs miliaris Kalu attaya /Black fish

Holothuria edulis Rathu attaya/Pinkfish

Holothuria atra Nari attaya/Lolyfish

Theienota ananas Annasi attaya/Prickly redfish

Thelenota anax Punattaya/Amberfish

Srichopus chloronotus

Dabalaya/Green fish


Portunus pelagicus Seenakali/Blue swimming crab

Scylla serrata Kalapu kakuluwa/mangrove crab

Portunus spp. Mudu kakuluwa

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Major Marine Fish Types by Commercial Group

English Name (Common Name)

Scientific Name Sinhala Name

Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commersoni Thora

Wahoo Acanthocybium commersoni Sawara

Jack, Trevallies

Carangoides gymnostethus Vattiya

Carangoides fulvoguttatus Thumba parawa

Caranx ignobilis Atanagul Parawa

Caranx hebiri Guru parawa

Skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis Balaya

yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares Kelawalla

Sail fish Istiophorus platypterus Thalapath


Makariya indika Kalu koppara

Makariya mazara Nil koppara

Tetrapturus audax Iri koppara

Sword fish Xiphias gladius Sappara

Big eye tuna Thunnus abesus Esgedi kelawalla/Kenda

Bullet tuna Auxis rochei Ragodu/kombaya

Frigate tuna Auxis thazard Alagoduwa

Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis Attawalla

Mackerel shark Isurus sp. Mee mora

Thresher shark Alopias sp. Kasa mora

Requiem sharks‐silky shark Carcharhinus Falciformis Honda mora/Bala maora

Ocean white strip shark Carcharhinus Longimanus Polkola mora

Blue shark prionace gluaca Seeni mora/Hudja Mora

Hammerhead shark Sphyrna sp. Udalu mora

Batoid Fisher‐ shovelnose rays

Rhinobatos sp. Baloliya

String rays Dasyatis sp. Welli maduwa

Spotted eagle rays Aetobatus narinari Vavoi maduwa

Javanees cownose rays Rhinoptera javanica valuvadi cownose ray

Numbfishers Narcine sp. Electric ray

Manta and devil rays Mobula sp. Ali maduwa and Anga maduwa

Spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus Meewetiya/Atissa

Longface emperor Lethrinus olivaceus Uru hota

Sharptooth jobfish Pristipomoides typus Kalamee

Blubberlip snapper Lutjanus rivulatus Badawa

Mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus Thabalaya

Blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflamma Ranna

Malabar grouper Epinephelus malabaricus Gas bola/Gal kossa

Commercial group English Name (Common Name)

Scientific Name Sinhala Name

Rock Fish/Galmalu Wavylined grouper Epinephelus undulosus Lawaya

Coral hind Cephalopholis miniata Thabuwa

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Sri Lanka sweetlips Plectorhinchus ceylonensis Boraluwa

Threadfin breams Nemipterus sp. Suddaha

Parrotfishes Scarus sp. Girawa

Rabbitfsh Siganus so. Orawa

Barracudas Sphyraena sp. Jeelawa

Mullets Liza sp. Godaya

Shore Seine

Trenched sardinella Bleeker’s smooth belly

Amblygaster sirm Amblygaster clupeoides

Hurulla Gal Hurulla

Smoothbelly Sardinells

Amblygaster clupeoides Keeramin

Rainbow sardine Dussumieria acuta Thondaya

White sardine Escualosa thoracata Wella sudaya

Shad Nematalosa nasus Koiya

Goldstripe sardinella Sardinella gibbosa Kalawenna/Salaya

White sardinella Sardinella albella Sudaya

Bigeye scade Selar crumenophtthalamus Bolla

Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta Kumbala

Anchovy Stolephorus sp. Halmessa

Ribbon fish Lepturacanthus savalaa Savalaya

Gar fisher Belonidae Habarali

Thryssa Thryssa sp. Lagga

Silverbiddies Gerres sp. Thirali

Pony fish Leiognathus sp. Karalla

Ilishas Ilish sp. Puvali

Half beaks Hemiramphus sp. Moralla

Flying fish Cheilopogon sp. Piyamessa


Giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Karadu issa

Indian white shrimp Penaeus indicus Kiri issa

Giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon Karawandu issa

Green tiger prawns Penaeus semesulsctus kurutu issa


Scalloped spiny lobster

Panulirus homorus Weli issa

Ornate spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus Devi issa

Pronghorn spiny lobster

Panulirus penicillatus Gal issa

Painted spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor Bathik issa/Raga issa

Slipper lobster Panulirus polyphagus Mada issa

Scyllarus sp. Sapathuwa


Squids Loligo singhalensis Bothal della

Loligo duvauceli Ahin della

Cuttle fish Sepia pharaonis Gebi della/Pothu della

Sepia aculeata Pothu della

Octopus Octopus sp. Buwalla

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Commercial group

English Name (Common Name)

Scientific Name Sinhala Name


Sea Cucumber (Beach de mer)

Holothuria fucogilva Ham attaya/White tearfish

Holothuria scabra Welli attaya/Sand fish

Holothuria nobilis Polon attaya/Black teatfish

Bohadschia marmorata Nul attaya/Chalky fish

Actinopygs miliaris Kalu attaya /Black fish

Holothuria edulis Rathu attaya/Pinkfish

Holothuria atra Nari attaya/Lolyfish

Theienota ananas Annasi attaya/Prickly redfish

Thelenota anax Punattaya/Amberfish

Srichopus chloronotus Dabalaya/Green fish


Portunus pelagicus Seenakali/Blue swimming crab

Scylla serrata Kalapu kakuluwa/mangrove crab

Portunus spp. Mudu kakuluwa

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Fish exports by Metric Tons (MT)

Item 2012 2013 2013 Jan -

Sep 2014

Jan - Sep

Change %


Percentage to Total

Live fish na na na na na na

Prawns 1,078 1,625 1,225 1,770 44.5 9.04

Lobsters 119 340 256 204 -20.4 1.04

Crabs 1,557 1,861 1,161 1,318 13.5 6.73

Beche de mer 255 260 134 139 3.4 0.71

Other Moluscus 1,642 2,064 1,267 1,490 17.6 7.61

Shark fins 56 34 21 22 5.9 0.11

Fish maws 2 3 2 2 48.8 0.01

Chank & shells 325 286 234 265 13.5 1.35

Food Fish 13,229 16,919 11,011 13,982 27.0 71.38

Other 370 519 352 395 12.3 2.02

Total 18,631 23,910 15,662 19,588 25.1 100.00

Table 4: Value of Exported Fish and Fishery Products (Rs.Mn)

Item 2012 2013 2013 Jan -

Sep 2014

Jan - Sep

Change %


Percentage to Total

Live fish 960 1,383 989 1,201 21.4 5%

Prawns 1,662 2,521 1,833 2,954 61.1 11%

Lobsters 350 1,107 807 780 -3.4 3%

Crabs 1,691 2,087 1,065 1,871 75.7 7%

Beche de mer 682 1,351 869 430 -50.5 2%

Other Moluscus 1,222 1,217 774 719 -7.2 3%

Shark fins 152 128 77 94 21.3 0%

Fish maws 13 16 13 19 42.9 0%

Chank & shells 175 115 97 97 -0.5 0%

Food Fish 19,050 21,399 15,421 18,124 17.5 68%

Other 407 468 338 345 1.9 1%

Total 26,363 31,792 22,285 26,634 19.5 100%

Source : Statistics Unit/ Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

Note : (1) Live fish weight included water (Container)

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Fish Prices (Open Market)

Consumer prices of fish at selected open markets (Rs/Kg)

Common Name of Fish

Price at 1st Week

Nov 2014 (LKR)

Price at 1st Week

Nov 2014 (USD)

Seer 1716.00 12.89

Trevally (L) 1221.00 9.17

Rock Fish (L) 1138.50 8.55

Sail fish 1353.00 10.17

Skipjack tuna 907.50 6.82

Yellowfin tuna 1171.50 8.80

Sardinella 396.00 2.98

Shark 1006.50 7.56

Herrings 462.00 3.47

Indian mackerel 577.50 4.34

Pony fish 396.00 2.98

Katuwalla 396.00 2.98

Parati 808.50 6.07

Anchovies 462.00 3.47

Indian Scade 412.50 3.10

Frigate tuna 528.00 3.97

Sea Crabs 1006.50 7.56

Prawns 1452.00 10.91

Price Sources: Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Nov 1st week , 2014

Notes: * USD Exchange rate applied as per Central Bank of Sri Lanka effective date 05.12.2014

Prices subject to change

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