first steps reassurances “prosperity around the corner” employers: no layoffs, no wage cuts...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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First StepsReassurances“prosperity around the corner”

Employers: no layoffs, no wage cutsLabor: no demands, no strikes

• Hoover’s belief in how the common person should survive the Depression:

A) Rugged individualismB) Solicitous socialismC) Federal welfareD) More stock investments

• Speaker A: "The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that."Speaker B:"Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise."Speaker C:"Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good."Speaker D:"Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved."

Which speaker best expresses the main idea of rugged individualism?

A) Speaker AB) Speaker BC) Speaker CD) Speaker D

More Direct Action

• John Maynard Keynes– Govt. cut taxes and raise spending = more private

investment• Create govt. agencies– Federal Farm Board

• Raise crop prices

– Glass-Steagall Banking Act• Banks loans easier

– Federal Home Loan Act • Lower mortgages

Construction Projects

• Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)– Emergency help for large business• “trickle down”

– Boulder Dam, bridges, roads• “Too little, too late”

• What is the correct order for Hoover’s approach to the Depression? A) meeting with key business and labor leaders, federally funded

construction projects, banking and economic acts through Congress, reassure Americans through speeches

B) federally funded construction projects, banking and economic acts through Congress, reassure Americans through speeches, meeting with key business and labor leaders

C) banking and economic acts through Congress, reassure Americans through speeches, meeting with key business and labor leaders, federally funded construction projects

D) D)reassure Americans through speeches, meeting with key business and labor leaders, federally funded construction projects, banking and economic acts through Congress

• The purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was to

A) train construction works at the sites of new federal buildings B) create schools to retrain the unemployed C) purchase the stocks of failing institutions D) provide federal loans to troubled banks, railroads, and other big businesses

• One of the Hoover administration’s major failings in dealing with the Depression was its

A) inability to win the support of the Supreme CourtB) lack of concern for the troubles of the American people C) reluctance to spend large amounts of federal funds D) dedication to the principle of intervening in the economy

• Empire State Building– Raskob vs. Chrysler• Design, workers, early years

Construction Projects


“Unless something is done soon ….”Agrarian action

Farmers burned corn, dumped milk“farm holiday”; blocked roads

• Although a newspaper editor warned the government that “you will soon have a revolution on hand” because poor, desperate people were losing patience with the political leadership, only this group used visible protests

A) business leaders B) farmers C) stock market investors D) industrial unions

WWI vets march to D.C.Early bonus payout

Disbanding the “army”MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton

Tanks, bayonets, and gas vs. ????

Huge damage to Hoover’s image“The Hoover diet is gas”

• The final outcome of the “Bonus Army” march was that Congress gave the marchers

A) everything they wanted, and they held a giant celebration before going home B) nothing, but they went home peacefully anyway C) nothing, and the president authorized the use of military force to make them leave D) immediate payment of the bonus that was promised them

• “The 12th Infantry was in full battle dress. Each had a gas mask and tear gas bombs. Soon the entire block was covered in gas. Flames were coming up, where the soldiers had set fire to the buildings to drive these people out.” This quote describes

 A) The Bonus ArmyB) The forced removal of migrant workersC) The government’s strike breaking techniqueD) Poison gas warfare on the Western Front

•    stop at 9:40

• “Mellon pulled the whistleHoover rang the bellWall Street gave the signalAnd the country went to ______”

A) prosperity B) the economic pits C) hellD) depression

• The quote in the previous question, a popular ditty for the time, along with such phrases as “Hoover blankets” and “Hoover flags” represent

A) Stand-up comedyB) Gallows humorC) Unforeseen ironyD) Inappropriate comments

Next Lesson

• “We’re in the Money”–

– “Dancing in the Dark”– (no video available)

• “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?”–– Stop at 1:55

• A popular question that summed up people’s sudden economic decline:

A) Brother, can you spare a dime?B) Yo, Jimmy, you got a quarter?C) If I put 10 percent down, can I borrow the rest?D) Sister, are you a gold digger?

• Optimistic and cheerful songs, such as “We’re in the Money,” were designed to

A) Keep couples awake during marathon dancingB) Encourage people to buy more radiosC) Let people momentarily escape the misery of the depressionD) Reflect the reality in many people’s lives

•     4 mins

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