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You Are Welcome Here! Phone: (719) 633-8888—Fax: (719) 633-8832—Prayer Phone: (719) 635-4000—

First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ )

16 East Platte Avenue

Colorado Springs, CO 80903


Special Congregation


Small Groups

Music Ministry



Addie’s Kitchen

925 Million People

Done In A Day

Sam Cogburn

In Memory



Bible Study

Thank You

Save the Date

May Birthdays

Women’s Ministry

March Income & Expenses

Spring Cleanup

Wish List

Worship Hours Sunday Worship Service @ 8:15 & 11:00 a.m. - Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m.

April 19, 2011

Continue on next page

FCC is on Facebook! Look for us there and add your name to those who "like" us! You can also follow FCC on Twitter at fcccos

Our Easter (and Every) Sunday Welcome by Pastor Chuck I hope you are reading this a few days before Easter Sunday, because I want to share with you (somewhat revised) some of what I shared last year before Easter. I hope that you continue to find it helpful - and not just on Easter (although will be a wonderful opportunity for us to share our “radical hospitality”!) but on any Sunday. Part of the excitement of Easter worship is that we will likely have many first-time and returning visitors. Thanks be to God for that! Some will come because they are what some call "Easter and Christmas Christians." We will excitedly welcome them knowing that Christmas and Easter are key times when folks are most likely to decide to become more involved.

-Some will come because they saw our Easter ad in the Gazette and it struck a chord with them. Or they have visited our website and want to know more about us and how we can help them know more about God.

-Some who come will be long-time “church folks” who understand how worship works, but are looking for a new community.

-But many may come with almost no church background at all. They come because they are hungry for "something" that they may not even know how to name -- but it's something bigger than themselves, something worthy, something where they can find community, nurture, and meaning.

-Many may come very tentatively. It's hard to walk into a new and totally unfamiliar place for the first time, a place where you don't know "the rules" -- where to go, what to do when, when to sit and when to stand, and so on. It may even be harder for those who have been hurt in the past by other experiences of church (they felt judged or got tired of hearing folks “bashed”). Yet they have courageously decided to try again in the hopes that this time they might find a church that is more ac-cepting, more welcoming, and will not insist that they have certain views on this or that political or theological issue.

-Some will come because they are a neighbor or co-worker or friend whom YOU

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Continued from Page 1

invited (studies show that the single most effective way to grow a church is through personal invitation!) They will be looking for the person who invited them, the only one they expect to know in the whole crowd.

So with all that in mind, I want to ask us to remember the following nine things in the face of our evangelism opportunity that Easter Sunday (but really, any Sunday!) will bring:

1. If you are able-bodied, please consider not parking in the north parking lot, or in the YMCA lot that we can use on Sundays, leaving that for our visitors. Instead, consider parking down the street a block or two, and walk. Remember that meters are free on Sundays.

2. Be extra-alert for folks who are looking tentative, shy, scared, or lost; find them, welcome

them, answer any questions (or find someone who can if you don't know) and offer to sit with them. No visitor should ever sit alone in worship or fellowship time!

3. Be extra-extra alert to folks with children -- ask them if they'd like you to show them where

the nursery is (in the case of the littlest ones). If they'd prefer to keep their wee ones with them, please let them know that that's fine too! For those with older kids, tell them about children’s Sunday School, offer to show them where (our wonderful old building is not terribly obvious in how you get around or find things in it!)

4. If you see folks you don't know, introduce yourself. Ask if they are visiting. If they tell you

they've been members for 107 years, say something like "Great! It's good to finally get to meet you in person; I'm glad our paths have crossed" or some such. Don't be embarrassed to mistake an old member for a new visitor!

5. You may find someone, or a couple, or a family in "your" pew. Be delighted and keep on walk-

ing with a smile on your face for the gift of new faces among us!

6. Speaking of pews, please, please sit further to the front, leaving the rearward pews for visi-tors. Don't make them walk what feels like a very loooooong "on-stage" walk all the way to near the front, especially as visitors sometimes come in late and only the very last seats are left. And you don’t have to be an “official” usher or greeting to offer to help someone find a seat either.

7. It’s worth repeating: Let us make it a family rule that nobody sits alone, and nobody goes

un-greeted. If you see what are obviously visitors, please consider sitting in that pew with them and introduce yourself (even if it means you have to get up and move.)

8. Do you attend a Sunday School class? If you see visitors at Chat 'n' Coffee ask them if

they'd like to join you in going to the class.

9. We love seeing our friends at church -- these are folks who bless our lives. But on any Sun-day, if you are ever faced with the choice between having that conversation you've been wanting to have with a friend versus greeting and having a conversation with a visitor, please choose the latter. You can likely have that conversation with friends the following week or later on the phone; but your conversation with that visitor may make the difference in whether they ever return.

Our “Mission and Vision Statement” calls us to “radical hospitality.” What an exciting thing to live out on Easter Sunday and on any Sunday as we share the great God news of a God of whose uncondi-tional love for each and all nothing, nothing can kill! Happy Easter!

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Moderator of the General Board, Bruce E. Smith, has called a special meeting of the Con-

gregation for Sunday, May 22, 2011, 1215pm. The meeting will convene in the Fellowship Hall fol-

lowing the second worship service.

The stated purpose of this meeting is to consider a Trustee recommendation that the Con-

gregation consider and approve use of “Tejon Fund” monies (proceeds from the sale of the Tejon

property) for the establishment and empowerment of a Pastor Blaisdell originated “Ministry Plan”.

The text of the recommendation follows:

At its meeting on March 23, 2011, the Trustees of First Christian Church voted to: Recom-mend to the congregation at the May 22, 2011 special congregational meeting of First Christian Church that the congregation amend its previous action concerning the sale of the Tejon Property

to allow the use of up to $200,000 from the “Tejon Fund” ** for items identified in the “Ministry Plan”. This Ministry Plan was presented by Senior Pastor Chuck Blaisdell to the Trustees, Elders, General Board, the “Town Hall” meeting, and to all the congregation via mail or email. (This Minis-try Plan will be presented for General Board approval at its April 26, 2011 meeting.)

The Trustees further recommend that the congregation approve: That the General Board may make minor changes/additions to this “Ministry Plan” that are consistent with its overall intent as needs, as continuing evaluation of needs may call for (with the understanding that in no case

will the total spent from Tejon Monies exceed the $200,000 without explicit congregational ap-proval.”

** The Tejon Fund represents the proceeds from the sale of the Tejon property, such pro-ceeds employed per previous congregation direction.)

This Trustee initiated recommendation is the only business item to be considered at this special congregation meeting.


Why are we interested in small groups? Consider the object to the left of this test. Consider the Church as a whole to the area enclosed by the

green oval, we meet as a larger group for Worship and this establishes our larger identity. The smaller ovals inside the green oval represent the small groups in the church. Some of these overlap with other groups while others are self contained. We know each other better in the

smaller groups that are present, the Sunday school classes, Girlfriend’s groups, other study and interest groups such as the quilters, Addie’s kitchen, the Dinners for 8 groups, choir, hand bells, visiting around the tables and other smaller groups. It is in these smaller groups that we

develop more confident and trusted relationships and in which we can further develop social contacts with other members and support each other in our continued spiritual growth. If you find yourself inside the

larger green oval, but not yet connected to one or more of the small groups, let us know and we will try to point you toward a group that might fit your interests or if you would like to develop an interest or study group, we will try to help you develop that also.

Norman Heimer, Coordinator of Small Group Ministries

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The Music Ministry by Ray Killian

A Positively Lenten Message

Some of you may have noticed that until this past Sunday, I have not sung a solo since November. I contracted some germs from my nieces and nephews, and developed a real case of laryngitis. Only recently have the vocal cords returned to partial strength. As a singer, this was

a difficult time. As a musician, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by music. I just wasn’t able to make it myself. I had a little identity issue because music helps to define who I am. So, I looked within. Often.

I recently read an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education by William Deresiewicz called, “The End of Solitude.” He states, “We live exclusively in relation to others, and what disappears from our life is solitude. Technology is taking away our privacy and our concentration. It is also taking away

our ability to be alone.” I might add, it is taking away our ability to go within ourselves. We send text messages, add pics and friends to Facebook, and follow complete strangers on Twitter. We are wired to the electronic hive, while real contact seems to miss the point. The goal, it seems, is to be-come known by others. How many “friends” do I have? How many people have read my blog? Visi-

bility secures our self esteem. But during this Lenten time I would like to encourage each of you to unplug for a bit…to make a lit-

tle positive change that might enhance your ability to know yourself (and therefore know God). This requires intent. There are few light bulb moments when digging around those things that are be-yond the surface. Here is an example. I am not encouraging sedation. But ponder this discovery: A study was done at Princeton University to compare the cognitive/conscious mind and the intuitive

part of the brain. These can be measured through imaging techniques. In the study, the cognitive side of the brain was safely sedated and the subjects could sing but could not speak. Conversely, when the intuitive side was sedated, the subjects could speak but could not sing. We are made in a miraculous manner…and we need to recognize that. And we need to shut down some mechanisms

for others to work at their peak. While the world is all ready to respond to that which dazzles, that only entertains, that only brings a

shallow emotional response, I really believe that we all long for a more authentic (deep) experi-ence. What springs from the innermost recesses of our mind and heart and spirit? To be able to minister to that part of ourselves, which Jesus exhorted us to do in the Great Commandment, is a sacred calling for each of us. Won’t you heed the call? Perhaps our Easter voices will find a new di-

mension in our praise as a result.

Facilities Ministry

Do you have a special talent that you’d like to share or just a desire to serve? Our facilities minis-try is looking for volunteers to help keep our building and grounds beautiful and functioning smoothly. Opportunities: building –

plumbing, carpentry, painting and electrical skills, routine tasks like replacing light bulbs, installing window air conditioners, special cleaning jobs, etc.; grounds - fertilizing, raking, trimming bushes, trees, sprinkler system maintenance et al; gardens – spring and fall

preparation work, weeding, deadheading, cultivation, planting, fertil-izing et al. No amount of time is too small. Folks are needed both on a regular basis and to be on-call for urgent matters that crop up

in our wonderful but sometimes challenging building! Please contact Kathe in the church office at 633-8888 if you’d like to help.

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Addie’s Kitchen by Addie Sale

When we give a gift to someone we know, we usually put a lot of

time and thought into choosing something that will mean some-thing to the recipient. We want to choose something they can use, or something that they will like. We might even choose wrapping paper based on their favorite color or (in the case of a kid) their

favorite super-hero. Just yesterday we went to the store with Caleb to pick out a present for his school friend who has a birthday party after church today. We ended up choosing a book, because he likes to read and we chose a super-cool bouncy ball because… well, just because… who doesn’t want a super-cool bouncy ball?

Now is the time in our service when we give a gift to God. One of the really cool things about giving a gift to God is that God is easy to figure out! We know God doesn’t want a super-cool bouncy ball

or a stylish necktie. God wants our hearts. In Jesus’ sermon on the mount, in the book of Matthew, He says “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” I think it is safe to apply the re-verse, as well… where your heart is, there your treasure will be also.” So, if we are going to give God our hearts, it makes sense we offer our money to God. Our giving of offering is an act of wor-

ship. Let us worship God now by cheerfully giving from our hearts.

Laura Hatler

We had an awesome time at the last freezer meals session on April 2nd. We had 42 people in attendance and 13 were

youth. Nate and Mike told me that all the youth attended, even those who were not able to go to camp. They were SOOOOOO helpful and we really enjoyed having them with us. We col-lected over $500 for the youth camp fund. Thank you all for

your support! We always have new folks join us at every session. This last session one of the first timers told me it was the most

fun HE had had in a very long time. If you haven’t had a chance to join us I hope you can join us for the next freezer meals on June 2nd. We will probably take a break

over the summer until August after this freezer meal ses-sion. I am planning a menu of several grill type dishes for this next session and the menu will be posted in May. I’ve also started a mailing list of folks who are

regulars so if you want to be on that mailing list, email me at

I wanted to add a thanks to Betsy as my foreman at the freezer meals and to Betsy and Chris for buying and washing all the pans.

Hope to see you all on June 2nd! Addie Sale

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925 Million People Are Hungry by Nancy May Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes. That's one child

every five seconds.

There were 1.4 billion people in extreme poverty in 2005. The World Bank esti-mates that the spike in global food prices in 2008, followed by the global economic recession in 2009 and 2010 has pushed between 100-150 million people into poverty.

In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan, who provided for the needs of a com-

plete stranger after he had been beaten, robbed, and left for dead (Luke 10:25-37). Jesus told that story to expand our understanding of who is our neighbor, not to tell us to wait until someone is bleeding by the roadside before we help.

In telling his disciples to “go and do likewise,” isn’t he also calling us to make provisions for our neighbors who are victimized by their situation in life?

Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge right-

eously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9)

Everyone—including government—must do their part to end hunger. With the stroke of a pen, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. Make your voices heard in Con-gress by speaking out for the needs of hungry and poor people. 925 million people are hungry.

This call to seek justice for hungry and poor people requires us to take such compassionate actions to

another level, moving beyond simple acts of sharing with those in need to the more encompassing action of advocacy. Through our advocacy for better government policies, we can help more families receive sufficient resources so they can keep from going hungry.

On Sunday, May 22 we will be participating in Bread for the World’s 2011 Offering of Letters urging

Congress and the administration to press forward with reforms to make U.S. foreign assistance more effective in reducing poverty. These reforms will help millions of people move out of hunger and pov-erty. Please be at church to make your voice heard.

Do you have some chores you simply can’t manage? Light maintenance issues? Spring yard clean-up? Lightbulbs need changing but you can’t reach them? Batteries in Fire Alarms need changing? Gate

latch that doesn’t work? Storm windows need put away. A very small paint job? We are ready and willing to come help you out. Please call the church office and tell us what you need done.

Let’s get it all Done in a Day!!!

May 14, 2011

Looking for an opportunity to do a quick but important mission ?

Come join us on May 14 at 8:00 AM for a light breakfast and then receive a job assignment. You will be assigned a task at the home of one of our members who needs some extra help with light mainte-

nance or yard clean-up. Please let us know if you have special skills, such as carpentry or plumbing or if you have a truck. We are especially interested in families participating together. It is a very reward-

ing day. Watch for sign-up sheets at church or call the church office to volunteer. Let’s get it all -



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On Sunday, May 15, at 3:00 p.m., our concert series is presenting Sam Cogburn, a

talented young classical guitarist. He will play selections by Sonata by Turin, Six Vati-

ations on a Theme by Milan by Nin-Culmell, In the Woods by Takemitsu and Fantasia

and Variations on a Scottish Theme by Sor.

Sam Cogburn recently graduated from Colorado State University-Pueblo with a degree in guitar performance and music education. At CSU-Pueblo,

Sam was a member of a number of ensembles, including classical guitar ensemble, jazz ensemble, percussion ensemble, brass ensemble, and con-cert choir. He is involved with several organizations such as the Denver Classical Guitar Society, the Colorado Springs Guitar Society, MENC, the

American String Teachers Association, and the Guitar Foundation of Amer-ica. Sam has played in master classes for notable teachers, and has at-tended international guitar seminars and festivals. Active as a teacher, Sam is currently employed by Harmony Road Music Academy in Centennial.

In addition to teaching, Sam is also an active concert artist. In June 2009 he gave his professional debut for the Colorado Springs Guitar Society. He has given numerous other concerts in Pueblo,

Canyon City, Walsh, Colorado Springs, and Denver, and is a frequent performer with the Pueblo Symphony. In March of 2009, he won first prize in the senior guitar division for the American String Teachers Association National Solo Competition. Sam is currently pursuing a performance certifi-cate from the Lamont School of Music in Denver.

In Memory The Searchers Women’s Group has given a book to the FCC library in memory

of Dorothy Brooks, who was a member of the Searchers. The book chosen was from a recommendation in our current study. “Young children and Worship” by Sonja M. Stewart and Jerome W. Berryman will be first read by Director of Chil-dren’s Ministry, Ray Killian. Then it will be in the library for all to enjoy.

Jan Haley, Searchers President

Christmas Decorations Needed for ESM Tree. Now!

The 2011 ESM (Ecumenical Social Ministries) Festival of Trees isn't until November. The preparation is already underway. Other items besides Christmas trees are encouraged for the fundraiser, including tablescapes with dishes and centerpiece, wreaths, mantel decorations, etc. I'm

cleaning out my abundance of decorations and looking for Christmas items to donate to the cause. All items will be donated to be sold to profit ESM.

Does anyone have a set of Christmas dishes they no longer need? The theme this year is, "The Colors of Christmas." As we see what we have

we will determine our specific theme. Anything traditionally Christmas items that we can take apart and recycle the parts would be most welcome. Those having Christmas decorations/ supplies or wanting to volunteer in the fun of making ESM projects and/or repairing and refreshing our own FCC decora-

tions have a place to volunteer. Contact Jan Haley 598-6920 or

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Help FCC move toward a “Greener” tomorrow

Visit us online at and provide us with a valid email address

to receive the following communications electronically:

Church Visitor • Church News • Scheduling Changes • Weather Alerts

The Searchers May Meeting The regular meeting of the Searchers will be on

Wednesday, May 4 at 1:00 in Fellowship Hall. We will have refreshments with Lenna Fajerman and Ivagene Mikesell serving as hostesses, followed by our meeting. Then we will meet in the parlor.

Donna McWhirter will lead a longer study on "One Person Can Make a Difference!" Please, bring your "New Day" booklets for the study. Reading from "New Day" ahead of the lesson will

benefit our discussion. All women are welcome to attend Searchers. RSVP to Helen Howard @ 548-8538.

In His Love, Jan Haley, The Searchers president

The Rebekah's will be meeting on Tuesday,

May 3rd, at 7PM, at the home of Ginny Grant, 4671 Winewood Village Drive, C.S.

80917, 591-6434.

The Lesson Leader will be Dorthy Smith.

Journeys Through Revelation Apocalyptic Hope for Today

Lesson Seven: Rapture, Violence and Exodus

Call Ginny if you are unable to attend


We sent out ten "goodie" boxes to college stu-dents out of state and they have been gratefully received. We are a little low on our support of our African widow. Please bring your offerings

and a friend for fun and fellowship. See you there!

Indoors Easter Egg Eggstravaganza at First Christian Church on Saturday, April 23 9:30 to 11:45 a.m.

Free to All FCC children and Their Youthful Guests: Bring your Basket. Bring a Friend!

The basket is to use in the Easter Egg Hunt! If you have extra baskets to share bring them. Bring your friends.

Parents are welcome to guide their children through the activities. Call FCC if you will need the Nurs-ery so we can plan helpers.

We'll make bunny ears to wear, make a banner and Easter baskets for our FCC homebound members,

make fun crafts, eat a bunny snack, have an Easter Egg hunt, and close with the Easter story ending at 11:45.

If any are able to volunteer to deliver a basket to a home bound member, that would be a welcome service to plan for later in the day.

Questions? Call Ray Killian at 633-8888.

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Phil Moody 5/2 Schylar Woods 5/2

Eileen Boatright 5/3 Lorrene Good 5/3 Julie Payne 5/4

Adam Rush 5/4 Nancy Haley 5/5

Dick Anderson 5/7 Randy Richards 5/7

Tabitha Thrasher 5/7 Wendy Niswonger 5/9 Sherry Beverly 5/10 Anna Parker 5/10

Shevelle Schauermann 5/12 Ginny Grant 5/14 Ed Walker 5/14 Mary Watson 5/14

Ellen McHarg 5/15 Leland Pilger 5/15 Carolyn Postlethwaite 5/15

Joan Strating 5/15 Matt Beverly 5/16

Clara Ditmore 5/17 Bob Strawderman 5/19

Carol Millhollin 5/20 Christopher Binkley 5/21 Nate Lee 5/21 Anita Pease 5/21

Nita Deaver 5/22 Malissa Parker 5/22 Jennifer Baxter 5/25 Ginger Price 5/26

Karen Wilson 5/26 Lenna Fajerman 5/27 Jim Clark 5/28

Tamara Higgins 5/28 Cameron Parker 5/30

What a blessing it is to have a church family. My mother, as passenger, and I, the driver, had a scare in an auto accident in downtown Denver on

March 26. Thankfully, we were spared from many "it almost was" and "it could have beens." Mom was only kept overnight for observation in the hospital and is doing very well. Amanda and Matt volun-teered to fill in teaching Sunday School. Dale and Sue took an extra turn being with Kat. I have a great dentist, and two children who are doctors of physical therapy giving me excellent care. Charlie

has taken on the mess of paper work. Cars can be repaired. The "people healing" is the real blessing. The week of dinners from Tim and Nancy Haley, including chocolate cake and flowers, Addie's Kitchen providing Charlie with an impressive way to serve dinner the next week, so many calls, e-mails, cards, and prayers. That "people healing" is beyond words and feels very loving.

Thank you to my FCC family. In His Love, Jan Haley

Save the Date

First Christian Church hosts IHN families

May 22—29, 2011 July 18,19,20

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WOMEN’S MINISTRY AT FCCWOMEN’S MINISTRY AT FCCWOMEN’S MINISTRY AT FCCWOMEN’S MINISTRY AT FCC We BEFRIEND women, so they feel like they BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BE-We BEFRIEND women, so they feel like they BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BE-We BEFRIEND women, so they feel like they BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BE-We BEFRIEND women, so they feel like they BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BE-LIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different … a follower of Jesus! To complete the LIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different … a follower of Jesus! To complete the LIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different … a follower of Jesus! To complete the LIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different … a follower of Jesus! To complete the circle, we want women to BEFRIEND others, and help them BELONG,, we want women to BEFRIEND others, and help them BELONG,, we want women to BEFRIEND others, and help them BELONG,, we want women to BEFRIEND others, and help them BELONG, too. Small groups for women are going strong at FCC. Keep an eye on the bulletins and website for updates. Also read the new women’s newsletter, “THE SPICE a taste of what’s hap-pening for women” to keep up on what’s happening here at FCC. Join us for all the fun!

Saturday, April 16 9:00 PM Treasurers By Hand LET’S GO GREEN!! We are making Market Bags to use for shopping, farmers market, even your crafts.

Easy to do! Join us. Don’t sew? Come help cut and iron for the rest of us. The more the merrier.

Saturday, April 30

1:00 PM Piece Makers will continue to make a Fall table runner. It will

take multiple classes to finish. Did you miss the first session and

still want to join? Get supply list from Sue Hesser and we will set up a special session to help you catch up.

May TBA Dough Girls will learn Homemade Egg Noodle Techniques. Please sign up in advance.

Wednesday, May 4

11:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry at FCC meets in the Parlor for prayer and fellowship. Shawls are created and given to console those

who are grieving, comfort those who are ill, bring hope to those in despair and to celebrate life and its milestones. Donations to purchase yarn are welcome.

Saturday, May 7

afternoon Chick Flicks – Want to go out to a movie with the girls? Sign up to go the afternoon of May 7. We will pick which movie closer to

the date.

1st and 3rd Thursdays

9:30 AM TOTS (Time Out Together) Parents Group

Every Thursday 11:00 AM &

12:00 PM

Slimnastics and Tai Chi. Contact Bev Olson for more informa-tion

2nd and 4th Thursdays

9:30 AM Quilting Group in Room 210. Come join the fun! All skill levels are welcome.

Watch for notices TBD Card Sharks will make a scrapbook page and a Birthday card. $5.00. RSVP with Sara Strawderman.

TBD Red Hatters meet one day a month for lunch & social time. La-dies having birthdays that month pick the place & day. All ladies

50 and over welcome. Wear Red Hats & Purple outfits.

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Contributions $25,535 $78,115

Facility $2,630 $5,034

Tejon Property Receipts $3,639 $10,962

Copy Charges $112 $677

Total Income $31,916 $94,788

Less: Expenses ($33,868) ($103,828)

Net Income/<Loss> ($1,952) ($9,040)

Transfer from Reserve $5,000 $5,000

Adjusted income/<Loss> $3,048 ($4,040)

Special Offerings—WOC $461

Designated Donations $2,523

March 2011 Income & Expenses

Tennyson Center at Colorado Christian Home

Small First-aid Kits

Kids Body Wash Foot Powder


Jello/Pudding Mixes

IHN Travel Size Toiletries

Wish List for May

Spring Grounds Cleanup A Success! Thanks so much to all who helped with April 2's cleanup

of the grounds, helping to get things ready to be beauti-ful for spring: Bev and Lowell Olson

Mike Wilson Tyler Hedges Bob Hedges Norm Heimer

Chuck Blaisdell Gay Hatler Jack Lingbloom

Bruce Smith Chris Straka

Rev. Charles (Chuck) Blaisdell

Senior Pastor

Ray Killian Director of Music, Children’s Ministry Carol Wilson

Organist/Pastoral Visitor/Concert Series

Nate Thrasher

Youth Ministry Team Leader Kathe Petersen

Administrative Assistant

Diana Serna

Bookkeeper/Wedding Coordinator Mon., Tues., Wed.

8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Norman Heimer

Coordinator of Small Group Ministries Laura Patino

Custodian 7:15 a.m.-3:15p.m. M-T; Sunday a.m.

Office Hours Mon–Thurs 9-5:00 p.m. Friday—9–2:00 p.m.


First Christian ChurchFirst Christian ChurchFirst Christian ChurchFirst Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)(Disciples of Christ)(Disciples of Christ)(Disciples of Christ)

16 E Platte Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80903



Save the date! Saturday Morning, April 23,

9:30 to 11:45 a.m.

ALL First Christian Church children are invited to bring

your Easter Basket and bring a friend! Indoors program start at 9:30, includes bunny ears, making baskets for shut-ins and a banner for Easter

Sunday, crafts, bunny food snacks, egg hunt, program, and lots of fun!

Questions? Call Ray Killian @ 633-8888

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