first 10 presidents. first ten wash a ton- washington atoms- adams chef’s son- jefferson mad son-...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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First 10 Presidents

First ten Wash a ton- Washington Atoms- Adams Chef’s son- Jefferson Mad son- Madison Money row (5)- Monroe A dam- Adams Jacks- Jackson Van Bureau- Van Buren Hairy Van- Harrison Tie lure- Tyler

Presidents 11- 20

Presidents 11 to 20 Polka dots- Polk Tailor- Taylor Fill more cups- Filmore Pierce cups- Pierce U Cannons- Buchanon (15) Lincoln cabin- Lincoln John on cabin- Johnson Great ants out of john- Grant Ants to hay stack- Hayes Cigar field- Garfield (20)

Presidents 21-30

Presidents 21-30 Author- Arthur Leaf land- Cleaveland Hare’s son- Harrison Cleaver Lamb- Cleaveland McDonalds- Mc Kinley (25) Teddy’s rose belt- Roosevelt Raft with teddy- Taft Wilson tennis balls- Wilson Ball in Bell Hard-Ding- Harding Frozen bell cool edge- Coolidge (30)

Presidents 30- Owl with fur Whooo fur- Hoover Owl strolling road belt- Roosevelt Buck is tree man- Truman Tree man at tower- Eisenhower Candy at top- Kennedy (35) J and J bandages- Johnson Nicks on the box- Nixon Ford car out of box- Ford Hits cart- Carter Ray guns- Reagan

Resource Cleaveland, Will and Alvarez, Mark.

Yo, Millard Fillmore, Milbrook Press, 1993

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