finding a soulmate at an old age blessing or curse

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

Marriage is a beautiful and a pure union between two people. The institutions of love and marriage are above the human notions of cast, creed, age and time. Irrespective of the popular notion, a marriage can blossom at any age. People usually marry in their twenties or thirties but marrying in fifties or later is not a usual scene. When someone has passed the age of fifty and is still single, could they still hope for a romance to blossom? The answer is yes! Let’s delve a little deeper and see the reasons why an old age marriage is equally important… 

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

and can be successful too. 

Mature love

The greying of the hair and the wrinkles under the eyes are not just the signs of ageing; they are the signs of maturing. Old grown up people have been through the trials and triumphs of life and know exactly what kind of a partner they want. Finding true love at the age of fifty or above is a totally beautiful and wonderful thing. Seeing old couples walking past holding hands, with love and…

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

compassion in their eyes reinforces our belief in the institutions of love and marriage. Thus, old love is mature love.  

True love

Old love is also true love since at an old age relationships are not formed for any sinister or greedy motives such as money, wealth, status; power etc., in fact the sole reason behind marriage at an old age is a pure need of companionship and love. Finding a…

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

true love at such a fragile age is a blessing. 

Long vacations and spoiling each other 

Another plus point of an old age marriage is that when old couples have retired and fulfilled all their duties and obligations, they can go on long vacations and literally spoil each other. Long walks across the country side, sipping the martinis beside the beach, or simply spending some quality time together…

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

becomes all the more special and cherished when you’re in your sixties. 

Less chances of divorce

Yet another fact about an old age marriage is that there are less chances of divorce, separation or cheating when the knot is tied later in life compared to when it is tied at a tender young age. Like its said experience is the best teacher, after you’ve been in a long term relationship, you’re wiser, clearer and stronger than ever about what doesn’t…

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

and what does work. Also, old people know exactly what they want in a spouse and won’t make a mistake in choosing one. 

Married life leads to better health

Old age is the time period when your health is deteriorating and the energy levels are dropping. Having a hand to hold and a voice to wake up to in such grey years of life is no short of a blessing. Marrying at an old age ensures a better physical, emotional and mental…

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

well-being of a person. Also, this age is characterized by low libido levels.  

Whatever your story maybe, realize that it is never late to say ‘I do!’ 

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Finding a Soulmate at an Old Age- Blessing or Curse

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