financial assistance policy

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ORIGINAL DATE: 11/2015 LAST REVIEWED: 11/09/2020 DATE EFFECTIVE: 11/10/2020


Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center (“Hospital”) will treat all patients with respect and fairness.

Hospital is committed to ensuring that a patient’s financial circumstances will not affect the care that he or

she receives at Hospital. Patients who meet the income guidelines set forth in this Financial Assistance

Policy (the “Policy”) may qualify for free or reduced-cost care (“Financial Assistance”). This Policy

standardizes the method by which Hospital will determine whether a patient qualifies for Financial


This Policy applies to all Emergency Treatment and Medically Necessary Care that Hospital provides as

well as the Emergency Treatment and Medically Necessary Care provided by those physicians and other

providers listed in Exhibit A at Hospital’s buildings located at 1214 Coolidge Street, Lafayette, Louisiana,

and 2810 Ambassador Caffery Parkway, Lafayette, Louisiana (each a “Hospital Facility”). Those

physicians and providers who may provide Emergency Treatment and Medically Necessary Care at the

Hospital Facility but who are not covered by this Policy are listed in Exhibit B.

Hospital will interpret and apply this Policy in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, including,

without limitation, the requirements of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (“EMTALA”)

and Internal Revenue Code Section 501(r). To the extent that this Policy conflicts with any applicable

federal or state law, such federal or state law shall control.


All hospital departments and company-affiliated facilities.


The following definitions shall apply to this Policy:

A. Amounts Generally Billed (“AGB”) – The amounts generally billed by Hospital for Emergency

Treatment and Medically Necessary Care to patients who have health insurance is referred to in

this Policy as AGB. AGB is calculated by using the billing and coding process that Hospital

would use if the patient were a Medicare fee-for-service beneficiary, and AGB equals the amount

reimbursed by Medicare plus the amount the patient would be responsible for paying if he or she

were a Medicare beneficiary in the form of co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles.

B. Application Period – The Application Period is the period during which Hospital will accept and

process an application for Financial Assistance under this Policy. The Application Period begins

on the date that care is provided to the individual in question, and it ends on the 240th day after

Hospital provides the individual with the first Post-Discharge billing statement for the Emergency

Treatment or Medically Necessary Care provided.

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C. Elective Procedures – Procedures that do not qualify as Emergency Treatment or Medically

Necessary Care are referred to in this Policy as Elective Procedures. Examples of Elective

Procedures include services that are cosmetic or reproductive in nature. Financial Assistance is

not available under this Policy for Elective Procedures.

D. Eligible Patient – Any individual who qualifies for Financial Assistance under this Policy is an

Eligible Patient.

E. Emergency Medical Condition – The term Emergency Medical Condition will be defined as set

forth in EMTALA.

F. Emergency Treatment – Emergency Treatment means the care or treatment provided for an

Emergency Medical Condition.

G. Extraordinary Collection Action – Subject to the exceptions described below, an action taken

by Hospital against a patient or any Responsible Party that involves (i) legal or judicial process;

(ii) selling an individual’s debt to a third party; (iii) reporting adverse information about the

individual to a consumer credit agency or credit bureau; (iv) deferring or denying, or requiring a

payment before providing, Medically Necessary Care because of a patient’s nonpayment of one

or more bills for previously provided care under the Policy; and (v) such other actions as defined

by Internal Revenue Service with respect to Section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue Code.

H. An Extraordinary Collection Action does not include (A) Hospital’s sale of an individual’s debt

to a third party if, prior to the sale, Hospital has entered into a legally binding agreement with the

purchaser of the debt pursuant to which (i) the purchaser is prohibited from engaging in any

Extraordinary Collection Action to obtain payment; (ii) the purchaser is prohibited from charging

interest on the debt in excess of the rate allowable under Section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue

Code at the date the debt is sold; (ii) the debt is returnable to or recallable by Hospital upon a

determination by Hospital that the individual is eligible for Financial Assistance; and (iv) if the

individual is determined to be eligible for Financial Assistance and the debt is not returned to or

recalled by Hospital, the purchaser is required to adhere to procedures specified in the agreement

that ensure that the individual does not pay, and has no obligation to pay, the purchaser and

Hospital together more than he or she is personally responsible for paying as an individual eligible for Financial Assistance; (B) any lien that Hospital is entitled to assert under state law on

the proceeds of a judgment, settlement, or compromise owed to an individual (or his or her

representative) as a result of personal injuries for which Hospital provided care; or (C) the filing

of a claim in any bankruptcy proceeding.

I. Federal Poverty Guidelines (“FPG”) – Federal Poverty Guidelines or FPG means those

guidelines that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issues each year in the

Federal Register. The effective date of the annual update to FPG for purposes of this Policy will

be the first day of the month following the publication of FPG in the Federal Register.

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J. Gross Charges –Hospital’s full, established price for Emergency Treatment, Medically

Necessary Care or Elective Procedures, as the case may be, that it uniformly charges all patients

before applying any contractual allowances, discounts or deductions.

K. Household Gross Income – All wages, salaries, compensation and other pay, including, without

limitation, Social Security benefits, pension payments, unemployment compensation, workers’

compensation payments, veterans benefits, rents, alimony, child support, survivors’ benefits and

income from estates or trusts, earned by or attributable to the members of the Immediate Family

on an annual basis. Household Gross Income will be rounded to the nearest dollar when applied

to the scale for determining whether an individual is an Eligible Patient.

L. Immediate Family – Immediate Family consists of the patient, his or her spouse and his or her

children (natural or adoptive) who are under the age of eighteen (18) and living at home or who

are claimed by the patient as a dependent for federal tax purposes. If the patient is under the age

of eighteen (18), the Immediate Family shall include the patient, his or her natural or adoptive

parents (regardless of whether they live in the home with the patient) and the parents’ children

(natural or adoptive) who are under the age of eighteen (18) and living in the home with the

patient or who are claimed by the parent(s) as dependents for federal tax purposes. In the event

of a divorce in the Immediate Family, appropriate documentation will be required to determine

which parent is the Responsible Party for a child who requires Emergency Treatment or

Medically Necessary Care. If no legal document is present, the parent accompanying the child at

the time of service will be presumed to be the Responsible Party until appropriate documentation

is provided. If a patient is at least eighteen (18) years old but is claimed by another as a

dependent for federal tax purposes, the Immediate Family shall include the individual claiming

the patient as a dependent, his or her spouse and all of his or her children (natural or adoptive)

who are under the age of eighteen (18) and living at home or who are claimed by the individual as

a dependent for federal tax purposes.

M. Medically Necessary Care – Medically Necessary Care means those health care services that

satisfy the definition of “medically necessary services” for purposes of the Louisiana Medicaid

program set forth at Title 50, Chapter 11, Section 1101 of the Louisiana Administrative Code.

Medically Necessary Care does not include Elective Procedures.

N. Notification Period – The Notification Period refers to the period during which Hospital will

notify individuals about the availability of Financial Assistance under this Policy. The

Notification Period begins on the first date care is provided and ends on the 120th day after

Hospital provides the individual with the first Post-Discharge billing statement for such care.

O. Post-Discharge – Post-Discharge means the period of time after medical care (whether inpatient

or outpatient) has been provided and the individual has left Hospital.

P. Presumed Eligible Patient – A patient who does not have coverage through any Third Party

Payer, Medicare, Medicaid or similar Federal or state health insurance program and who Hospital

believes will qualify for Financial Assistance based on the use of external data sources that

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provide information regarding the patient or Responsible Party’s ability to pay, including, without

limitation, credit history, bankruptcies, liens, judgments and estimates of Household Gross


Q. Reasonable Efforts – Reasonable Efforts are the actions that Hospital will take to determine

whether an individual is an Eligible Patient under this Policy. Hospital will (i) offer a paper copy

of the plain language summary of this Policy to patients as part of the intake or discharge process;

(ii) include a conspicuous written notice on billing statements that identifies the Policy and

informs patients about the availability of Financial Assistance, including, without limitation, the

website address where a patient may obtain copies of this Policy, an application form and a plain

language summary of the Policy as well as the phone number of Hospital department that can

provide information about the Policy and the application process; (iii) make reasonable efforts to

notify the patient about the Policy and how to obtain assistance with the application process in

oral communications regarding the bill that occur during the Notification Period; (iv) provide the

patient with at least one written notice that contains a plain language summary of this Policy and

describes the Extraordinary Collection Actions that Hospital may take if the patient does not

submit a complete application for Financial Assistance or pay the amount due by a deadline

specified in the notice that is no earlier than thirty (30) days after the date of the notice or the

expiration of the Notification Period (whichever is later); and (v) take such other actions as are

required by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to Section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue


R. Responsible Party – A Responsible Party as used in this Policy is the patient if the patient is at

least eighteen (18) years old and is not claimed by another person as a dependent for federal tax

purposes. If the patient is under the age of eighteen (18), the Responsible Party shall be the

patient’s parents (natural or adoptive) or legal guardians, unless someone else claims the patient

as a dependent for Federal tax purposes. If the patient is claimed as a dependent by another

person for Federal tax purposes, the Responsible Party shall be the person claiming the patient as

a dependent.

S. Third Party Payer – Any commercial insurance, health benefit plan, employer-sponsored

program, health maintenance organization or similar arrangement that is or may be legally liable

for payment of charges incurred for medical services is referred to in this Policy as a Third Party

Payer. Third Party Payers for purposes of this Policy do not include Medicare, Medicaid or

similar Federal or state health insurance programs.


Hospital shall review this policy at least annually, and hospital shall make such adjustments to this policy

as necessary to comply with applicable federal and state law, including, without limitation, emtala and

section 501(r) of the internal revenue code.

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1. Louisiana Residency Required for Financial Assistance. Any person seeking Financial

Assistance under this Policy must be a Louisiana Resident.

2. Presumed Eligible Patients. Hospital may conduct an initial screening of individuals

interested in Financial Assistance to determine on an expedited basis whether such

individuals qualify for Financial Assistance. Such initial screenings (if any) shall adhere

to the following procedures:

a. Hospital shall solicit demographic information regarding the patient and/or

Responsible Party, including his or her name, address, and Social Security


b. Hospital shall utilize an outside vendor who will analyze the patient’s information

regarding personal assets and resources as it applies to the Louisiana Medicaid

program set forth at Title 50, Chapter 11, Section 1101 of the Louisiana

Administrative Code to determine whether an individual qualifies as a Presumed

Eligible Patient. If an individual qualifies as a Presumed Eligible Patient, Hospital

will notify the individual in writing regarding this determination, the level of

Financial Assistance for which such individual qualifies and how to submit a

general application for Financial Assistance if the Presumed Eligible Patient

believes that he or she may qualify for a greater level of Financial Assistance.

Except as otherwise approved by Hospital, each Presumed Eligible Patient will

have thirty (30) days from the date of such written notice in which to provide

Hospital with information necessary to verify his or her Household Gross Income.

Information that Hospital will accept for these purposes includes the patient or the

Responsible Party’s (i) most recent pay stub; (ii) most recently filed federal or state

tax return; (iii) evidence of food stamp eligibility; (iv) evidence of unemployment

benefits; (iv) a letter from the individual’s employer regarding his or her annual

income; or (v) an affidavit from the patient or Responsible Party attesting to the

fact that he or she has no income. Failure by a Presumed Eligible Patient to provide

such information will result in a suspension of Financial Assistance until such time

as the information is provided and may result in a reversal of any Financial

Assistance previously awarded.

c. If (i) Hospital determines that the individual does not qualify as a Presumed

Eligible Patient, (ii) the patient does not provide the information necessary for

Hospital to conduct an initial screening or (iii) a Presumed Eligible Patient fails

to provide the information necessary to verify his or her Household Gross Income,

Hospital shall notify the patient and/or Responsible Party that he or she may still

submit an application for Financial Assistance in accordance with the procedures

set forth in Section C.3 (General Application Process).

d. Hospital shall maintain copies in accordance with its recordkeeping policies of all

information used to determine whether an individual qualifies as a Presumed

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Eligible Patient, including, without limitation, information provided by the patient

and/or Responsible Party or through external sources.

3. General Application Process.

a. An individual who believes that he or she may qualify for Financial Assistance or

has requested that Financial Assistance be provided must submit an application

on Hospital-provided form during the Application Period. Individuals must

submit a separate application for Financial Assistance with respect to each

illness, injury or other condition for which Hospital provides Emergency

Treatment or Medically Necessary Care. This Policy, a plain language summary

of this Policy and an application may be obtained for free by mail at Lafayette

General Medical Center, 1214 Coolidge Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503, and

Attention: PFS Department or by visiting

b. It is the applicant’s responsibility to complete the application in full and to provide

the supporting documentation that the application requires. Such information

includes, without limitation, the patient’s or Responsible Party’s name, citizenship,

date of birth, number and age(s) of dependents, phone number, address, current

employer, and position. The applicant must also submit documentation as part of

the application process to verify his or her Household Gross Income, such as

income tax returns, pay stubs, W-2 forms, unemployment compensation forms or

letters from employers. If the applicant indicates that he or she has earned no

income, the applicant must complete a “Lafayette General Medical Center No

Income Form” and authorize Hospital to run a credit report to verify that the

applicant has no income. The applicant may be required to submit additional

documentation as part of his or her application, such as a copy of a letter verifying

that Medicaid has been denied. If the applicant has not yet applied for Medicaid,

he or she should be encouraged to do so.

c. If the applicant submits an incomplete application for Financial Assistance during

the Application Period, Hospital will suspend any Extraordinary Collection

Actions (if any) that it has commenced against the applicant, and Hospital will

provide the applicant with written notice regarding the information necessary to

complete the application, including, without limitation, the telephone number and

address of Hospital department that can provide information about this Policy and

assistance with the application process. The Hospital may also contact the

applicant by telephone to determine whether the applicant received the notice and

to discuss any questions the applicant might have regarding the missing

information. The applicant will have at least thirty (30) days from the date of

Hospital’s written notice to submit the missing information.

d. Completed applications must be returned within the Application Period to

Lafayette General Medical Center, 1214 Coolidge Street, Lafayette, Louisiana

70503, and Attention: PFS Department. Patients may also complete the

application in person with the aid of PFS Department personnel.

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e. Hospital’s Chief Financial Officer, or his or her designee, will determine initial

eligibility for Financial Assistance and then will approve Financial Assistance

determinations. The forms shall then be returned to the Patient Financial Services

Department, which shall notify the applicant in writing within one month regarding

the eligibility determination. The written notice shall identify the Financial

Assistance for which the patient qualifies pursuant to Section D.3 (Financial

Assistance Levels).

4. Eligibility Verification.

Individuals must submit a separate application for Financial Assistance in accordance with

Section C.3 (General Application Process) with respect to each illness, injury or other

condition for which Hospital provides Emergency Treatment or Medically Necessary Care.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that such illness, injury or other condition

persists for more than one (1) year, Eligible Patients must verify their eligibility for

Financial Assistance under this Policy at least annually by providing Hospital with

sufficient information to conduct an initial screening as described in Section C.2 (Presumed

Eligible Patients) or by submitting an application for Financial Assistance in accordance

with Section C.3 (General Application Process).

5. Failure to Provide Complete Application May Result in Denial.

An applicant’s failure to provide all information requested by Hospital as part of this Policy

or the application may result in a denial of Financial Assistance. However, Hospital may

not deny any individual Financial Assistance under this Policy for the failure to provide

information that was not required to be submitted either by this Policy or the application.


1. Patients with Medicare, Medicaid or Third-Party Payer Coverage May Qualify for Only

Limited Financial Assistance. For all payers (including Medicare, Medicaid or similar

Federal or state health insurance program recipients), the Financial Assistance available

under this Policy is limited to those charges for Emergency Treatment and Medically

Necessary Care for which the patient has financial responsibility, e.g. co-payments,

deductibles, self-administered drugs, etc.

2. Eligibility Based on Household Gross Income. Hospital will utilize the patient’s

Household Gross Income compared to FPG for the size of his or her Immediate Family to

determine whether an individual qualifies for Financial Assistance under this Policy.

a. Household Gross Income at or below 200% FPG. Applicants who have

Household Gross Income at or below 200% of FPG will receive Emergency

Treatment and Medically Necessary Care at no cost.

b. Extenuating Circumstances. Hospital recognizes that there may be instances in

which Household Gross Income exceeds the limits set forth in Sections D.2.a and

D.2.b, but the expenses of the patient’s Immediate Family also exceed its

Household Gross Income. Such extenuating circumstances include a recent death

of a spouse or other immediate family member, recent disability, recently

diagnosed long term illness, or a recent job loss. In such circumstances, the patient

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may be incapable of accepting any additional financial burden. A Financial

Assistance discount may also be appropriate for these individuals. Additional

consideration for a charity discount will be given to patients who indicate on their

application that, even though they may not meet income guidelines, extenuating

financial hardship exists due to pre-existing financial obligations and who provide

evidence of such hardship. Any award of Financial Assistance resulting from such

extenuating circumstances shall be within the discretion of the Hospital.

Extenuating circumstances are rare and limited to verifiable situations.

3. Charges Limited for Eligible Patients. Following a determination that a patient qualifies

as an Eligible Patient under this Policy; Hospital shall not charge any Eligible Patient more

than the AGB for any Emergency Treatment or Medically Necessary Care.


Those persons who are determined not to be Eligible Patients shall be processed in accordance with

Hospitals’ billing and collection policies. Interested individuals may obtain a free copy of

Hospital’s billing and collection policy from the Patient Accounts Department at 337-289-7287,

Monday – Friday (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.). Collection activity is conducted within the applicable

federal and state laws and regulations governing patient collections. In no event shall Hospital

engage in Extraordinary Collection Actions before Hospital has used Reasonable Efforts to

determine whether an individual is eligible for Financial Assistance under this Policy.


Hospital will provide, without exception, Emergency Treatment to all patients seeking such care,

regardless of ability to pay or to qualify for Financial Assistance and in accordance with the

requirements of EMTALA. In recognition of its obligations under EMTALA, Hospital will not

undertake any action that would discourage an individual from seeking Emergency Treatment, such

as demanding that emergency department patients pay before receiving Emergency Treatment or

by permitting debt collection activities in the emergency department or any other area of Hospital

that could interfere with the provision, without discrimination, of Emergency Treatment.




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The Financial Assistance Policy covers the Emergency Treatment and Medically Necessary Care performed at

Hospital’s facility by the following physicians and other providers:

Name Specialty

Akoghlanian, Garabet, MD Infectious Diseases

Alexander, Michael S., MD Internal Medicine

Allam, Mohamad A., MD Cardiovascular Surgery

Allemond, Maggie J., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ancelet, Jean C., MD General-Family Practice

Appley, Alan J., MD Neurosurgery

Arceneaux, Jordan M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ashley, Stacey A., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ayo, Markell A., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Barlow, Jessica S., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Baumgartner, Molly H., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bertrand, Allison D., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bhanushali, Reshma A., MD Internal Medicine

Blanchard, Deanna K., MD General-Family Practice

Blanchet, Paulette M., MD Oncology

Block, Jennifer M., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bodker, Theresa F., CNS Advanced Dep Practitioner

Boothe, Traci L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Boutte, Kathryn A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Broussard, Jessica B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Buzhardt, Paul C., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Caldwell, Bobbi M., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Chastant, Bradley J., II, M.D. Internal Medicine

Cole, Constance L., MD Oncology

Constantinou, Georgios, M.D. Oncology

Copponex, Keri D., MD Pain Management

Cunningham, Rachel B., CFNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Daigle, Megan E., MD Radiology

Daigle, Sarah H., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Devalcourt, Todd A., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Donohue, Rebecca B., CNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Drew, Otis R., MD Orthopedic Surgery

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Drexler, Samona S., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

DuBose, Adria C., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

DuBose, Tracie L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dupre, Megan A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Durham, Debra A., MD Internal Medicine

Estopinal, Angelle W., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Etier, Brian E., Jr., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Fernandez, Marc J., MD General-Family Practice

Fontenot, Bennett B., MD Plastic Surgery

Foreman, Adam N., M.D. Neurology

Fortie, Brittany D., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Foster, W. Stanley, MD Orthopedic Surgery

Grisby, Shaunda K., MD General Surgery

Hanks, Marie B., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hargrave, Kevin R., MD Neurology

Hendrick, John C., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Johnson, Deborah M., M.D. Oncology

Jolivette, Milton J., Jr., M.D. Internal Medicine

Kellner, Virginia E., M.D. Neurology

Kennedy, Adam M., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

LaGrange, Cynthia K., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Langheinz, Kirk P., M.D. Radiology

Langlinais, Adam P., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Leleux, Stephanie D., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lirtzman, Mitchell D., M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery

Lupo, Joseph P., M.D. Plastic Surgery

Malad, Salman, M.D. Oncology

Malesky, Anna J., M.D. Family Medicine

Manafi, Jason J., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Martin, Kathryn F., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mathers, Mareesa P., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mayeux-Hebert, M. A., MD Orthopedic Surgery

McCarron, Kenneth E., M.D. Internal Medicine

McLain, Elizabeth W., M.D. General-Family Practice

McMorris, Latonya S., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Miller, Lisa P., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Moussaoui, Asma, MD Neurology

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Orgeron, Joseph E., MD General-Family Practice

Park, Sea Mi, MD Neurology - Vascular/Neurointerventional

Patterson, Damon E., MD Neurology - Vascular/Neurointerventional

Pelafigue, Abigail T., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Perez, Juan J., MD Internal Medicine

Perrin-Bellelo, Tyler M., MD Internal Medicine

Pillette, Cassandra M., M.D. General-Family Practice

Prouet, Philippe E., II, MD Oncology

Rami, Cheramie W., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Rees, Stephen G., Sr., M.D. Physical Medicine/Rehab.

Robichaux, Judy, PNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Rogers, Decolia R., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Romero, Brena E., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Saccaro, Steven J., MD Oncology

Sager, Kristen W., MD Oncology

Schmitz, Marcus P., M.D. Neurosurgery

Schutte, John P., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Sheffield, Sommer S., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Skrasek, Jimmy W., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Smith, Karen R., MD Internal Medicine

Snow, Angela D., MD Internal Medicine

Stonicher, Katie M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Taylor, Michelle M., MD General-Family Practice

Tedesco, Victor E., IV, M.D. Cardiovascular Surgery

Terro, Jeremy L., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Thomas, Courtney L., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Thomas, Molly B., MD Oncology

Voitier, Thomas L., II, M.D. Internal Medicine

Walton, Blaine T., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

Wattigny, Amber R., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Weber, Kira V., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

West, Kellie D., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

White, Jacqueline, FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Yerger, Scott, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

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The Financial Assistance Policy does NOT cover the Emergency Treatment and Medically Necessary Care

performed at Hospital’s facility by the following physicians and other providers:

Name Specialty

Coolidge Emergency Physicians

Ambassador Emergency Group

Abraham, Shema, MD Internal Medicine

Abshire, Stephen G., M.D. Gastroenterology

Accousti, William K., M.D. Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

Acosta, Joseph A., MD Neurology

Adams, Angela R., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Adams, Brian C., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Adams, Kentry S., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Africk, Diane K., M.D. Pediatric Neurology

Agarwal, Nayan, MD Cardiology

Ahluwalia, Jatinder P., MD Gastroenterology

Ahuja, Brian J., MD Neurology

Akamiro, Ezinne I., M.D. Internal Medicine

Alam, Irfan, MD Gastroenterology

Alano, Maria A., MD Pediatrics

Albritton, Courtney B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Alemany, Fernando, MD Internal Medicine

Alexander, Lisa B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ali, Rehan Z., M.D. Cardiology

Ali, Shaawn B., DO General-Family Practice

Alldredge, John W., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Alleyn, Amanda L., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Allie, David E., MD Cardiovascular Surgery

Ally, MP, Glenn A., PhD Psychology

Altamirano, John-Mario W., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Altmann, Lisa D., MD Pathology

Amin, Amit N., M.D. Cardiology

Amusa, Iradat A., M.D. Internal Medicine

Anderson, Billy R., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Anderson, Dominique B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Anderson, John F., MD Radiation Oncology

Anderson, Meighan G., MD General-Family Practice

Anderson, William L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Andries, Martha R., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Antill, Troy W., MD Internal Medicine

Arceneaux, Stephanie P., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Arceri, Caroline E., PMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Arterburn, James N., MD Gastroenterology

Ashkar, MD, MPH, ScD, Ziad M.,



Atwi, Jibran E., MD Pediatrics

Ausef, Amir H., MD Internal Medicine

Autin, Robert L., M.D. General Surgery

Aviner, Zvi, M.D. Ophthalmology

Awotwi, Joseph D., M.D. Emergency Med (Pediatric)

Ayalloore, Siby G., MD Cardiology

Azar, Paul J., Jr., MD Ophthalmology

Bacon, Lauren N., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bacque, Frank R., MD Urology

Bailey, Brian, MD Pediatrics

Bandaru, Kiranmai, MD Pediatrics

Bandaru, Ravali, MD Pediatrics

Baquet, B. Todd, M.D. Endocrinology

Bares, George J., MD Pediatrics

Barnett, Claire C., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Baronne, Lon M., DPM Podiatry

Barre, Gregg M., MD Pathology

Barrilleaux, P. Scott, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Barrios, Dave J., III, MD General Surgery

Barry, Rachel A., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Barry, Robin J., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Baumbouree, Derek B., MD Pediatrics

Bearb, Ashley L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Beck, Christopher J., M.D. Radiology

Beck, John L., M.D. Radiology

Belgodere, Jorge R., MD Internal Medicine

Berard, Michael, PhD Psychology

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Bertuccini, Thomas V., M.D. Neurosurgery

Beslin, Maria T., MD Pediatrics

Bhanushali, Reshma A., MD Internal Medicine

Bienvenu, James C., MD Gastroenterology

Bienvenu, Melanie M., M.D. Gastroenterology

Black-Turner, Jeneen A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Blalock, Anthony P., MD Nephrology

Blanchette, Quinten M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Blem, Robert I., MD Ophthalmology

Bond, Thomas K., MD General-Family Practice

Boos, Michael W., Jr., MD Gynecology

Bordelon, Jacob S., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bordelon, Rebekah J., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Borissov, Mihail V., MD Internal Medicine

Boudreaux, Matthew B., MD Colon and Rectal Surgery

Bourgeois, Richard J., M.D. Ophthalmology

Bourque, Daniel R., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Bourque, Jason D., M.D. Urology

Bourque, Thad A., M.D. Urology

Bowers, Seth J., PMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Boyer, Jeremy J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bozner, Peter, MD Pathology

Brabham, Roy F., Jr., M.D. Hyperbaric Medicine

Bramlet, Charles E., Jr., MD Psychiatry

Breaux, Carl J., DDS General Dentistry

Breaux, Edward F., M.D. Urology

Breaux, Jacob L., M.D. Gastroenterology

Breaux, Jason A., MD Surgical Oncology

Breaux, Jason P., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Breaux, Rachel A., MD Emergency Medicine

Brierre, Joseph E., M.D. Oncology

Broussard, Alan P., M.D. General-Family Practice

Broussard, Andre P., M.D. Urology

Broussard, Brad A., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

Broussard, Cammie M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Broussard, Catherine B., MD Pediatrics

Broussard, Joan T., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Broussard, Julie G., MD Anesthesiology

Broussard, Richard K., MD Gastroenterology

Brown, Jeff S., MD General-Family Practice

Brown, W. Dwayne, MD Pulmonary Medicine

Brubaker, Kayla R., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bruno, Arelis F., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Bruno, Carlos A., MD Pediatrics

Bryan, Mary M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bryant, Deborah O., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Bryce, Thomas J., MD Radiology

Bui, Allen T., M.D. Peripheral Vascular Surgery

Burgin, David R., M.D. Anesthesiology

Burlison, Russell D., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Burns, Susan O., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Burugu, Shivakanth, M.D. Nephrology

Butcher, Lauren B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Caillet, Frank C., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Cain, Michael S., MD Oncology

Callerame, Kevin J., MD Neurology

Camilo, Osvaldo A., MD Neurology

Cannizzaro, Louis A., MD Neurology

Cannon, Aundria H., WHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Cardinale, Francis J., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Cardinale, Mario L., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Carlin, Drew P., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Carney, Joel, MD Pathology

Carpenter, Shaun R., MD Hyperbaric Medicine

Carriere, Casey B., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Carroll, Daniel J., M.D. General Surgery

Carter, Jacqueline, M.D. Neurology

Castro, Julio E., MD Internal Medicine

Cestia, Wayne B., M.D. General-Family Practice

Chachere, Danny M., II, MD Neurology

Chachere, Katherine J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Champagne, Bradley P., MD Colon and Rectal Surgery

Champagne, Kenneth J., MD Colon and Rectal Surgery

Chandler, Clay S., M.D. Oral Surgery

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Chapman, John C., MD Dermatology

Chappuis, Cameron C., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Charlie, Emily R., DO Internal Medicine

Chassaignac, Jeannette M., M.D. Urology

Chastant, Bradley J., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Chastant, Ryan P., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Chauffe, Ann D., DO Rheumatology

Chauffe, Ryan J., DO Cardiology

Cheeran, Bose D., MD Cardiology

Chehebar, Daniel M., DO Neurology

Chemtob, Josef, MD Internal Medicine

Chen, Jonathan H., MD Neurology

Chen, Yu-Cheng J., MD Cardiology

Chennamsetty, Sai S., MD Internal Medicine

Chokhawala, Himanshu H., MD Neurology

Chrestman, Reuben L., III, MD Radiology

Christrup, Kenneth W., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Chu, Kimberly, FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ciccotto, Giuseppe, M.D. Neurology

Clark, Kimberly R., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Clark, Roderick V., M.D. Nephrology

Clark, Stuart G., V, MD Pediatrics

Cobb, Kelly L., MD Internal Medicine

Coco, Marshall Q., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Coleman, Stephen C., DO Obstetrics/Gynecology

Collins, Andrew D., MD Allergy

Colomb, Keith A., MD, MD General Surgery

Conde, Juliet R., MD Internal Medicine

Consoer, Monique F., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Conway, Susan C., MD Gynecology

Corbello, Elizabeth A., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Cordova, Jaime M., M.D. Internal Medicine

Coreil, E. Kemp, MD Internal Medicine

Coreil, Virginia B., MD Pediatrics

Cormier, Robert N., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Cormier, Samantha M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Cortez, Matthew, MD Neonatology

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Cothern, William R., MD Emergency Medicine

Courville, Kevin A., MD Cardiology

Crackower, Sydney H. B., MD General-Family Practice

Crittendon, Ivory, III, M.D. Pediatric Cardiology

Cudihy, Damon T., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Culotta, Frank J., Jr., M.D. Ophthalmology

Curry, Karen G., M.D. Internal Medicine

Dabadie, Virginia G., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Daigle, Ronald J., M.D. Dermatology

Daigle, Wayne P., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Dailey, Alexis, CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dairo, Dokun, M.D. Internal Medicine

Daly, David D., Jr., MD Cardiology

Darbonne, Sabrina L., WHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Darouse, Sarah B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dartez, Denny J., MD Radiology

Dauterive, Matthew E., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

David, Lisa B., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Davis, D’Andra J., M.D. Anesthesiology

Dawes, David S., M.D. Psychiatry

Dawson, Mark H., M.D. General-Family Practice

Del Toro, Federico, M.D. Internal Medicine

Del Toro, Kamill R., MD Pediatric Cardiology

DeLand, M. Maitland, MD Radiation Oncology

Dennis, Katie A., MD Internal Medicine

Deranger, Carl S., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Deshotels, Jacqueline J., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

DesOrmeaux, Matthew K., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Detraz, Deirdre I., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dibbs, Paul K., MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Dickens, Nicole L., MD Psychiatry

Dill, Anne L., FPMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dobbs, James C., MD Cardiology

Doga, Benjamin N., MD General-Family Practice

Doize, Ross M., MD Internal Medicine

Domingue, Cal A., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Domingue, Daniel J., DDS General Dentistry

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Domingue, James N., MD Neurology

Donepudi, Sandhya C., M.D. Cardiology

Doucet, Karla M., MD Anesthesiology

Doucet, Maria M., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Dowden, Bradley R., MD Internal Medicine

Doyle, Todd D., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Drennan, Robert H., M.D. Cardiology

Ducote, Lester L., Jr., MD Cardiology

Dugal, John C., Sr., M.D. General-Family Practice

Dugas, Amanda K., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Dugas, Denise C., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Duhon, Daniel J., M.D. Pathology

Duhon, Erin H., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Duhon, Kristin L., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Duhon, Nathaniel R., MD Anesthesiology

Duhon, Neal J., MD General-Family Practice

Dunaway, Lige F., DDS General Dentistry

Dunn, Lauren E., MD Neurology

Duplechain, Gregory, MD Otorhinolaryngology

Duplechain, J. Kevin, M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Duplechin, Rochelle Y., MD Emergency Medicine

Durel, Jason J., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Durel, Rachel A., DDS General Dentistry

Duval, Michael J., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

Eason, Morgan A., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Edavettal, John M., M.D. Cardiology

Ehsan, Kian, M.D. Cardiology

Eikel, Henry D., MD Pediatrics

Eiser, John W., DO Radiology

Eldredge, Brytton B., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Elias, Darryl J., Jr., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Elias, Eric P., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Ellis, Mark F., DPM Podiatry

ElSayed, Nadia M., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Eschete, Dennis J., Jr., M.D. General Surgery

Estapa, Amanda H., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fail, Peter S., M.D. Cardiology

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Farooki, Aamer Z., MD Radiology

Faugot, Allison C., M.D. Pediatrics

Faul, Robert K., M.D. Anesthesiology

Faul, Timothy D., MD Anesthesiology

Felberg, Robert A., MD Neurology

Fernandez, Ralph J., Jr, MD Gynecology

Feucht, Richard B., II, MD General-Family Practice

Figueroa, Glenn R., MD Internal Medicine

Fitton, Natalie Y., MD Radiology

Fogleman, Lance P., MD Emergency Medicine

Fontenot, Angela H., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fontenot, Benjamin P., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fontenot, Christopher P., M.D. Urology

Fontenot, Eric P., M.D. Internal Medicine

Fontenot, Justin W., MD Endocrinology

Fontenot, Kerwin J., MD Anesthesiology

Fontenot, Mary A., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fontenot, Matthew S., MD Internal Medicine

Fontenot, Tamera L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Foreman, David J., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Foreman, Julie L., M.D. Ophthalmology

Foreman, Michael D., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Forest, Thomas J., M.D. Pediatric Urology

Foster, Breigh L., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Foster, Suzanne P., MD Pediatrics

Fournet, Byron K., Jr., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Frederick, Louise D., CNS Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fremaux, Richard L., M.D. Radiology

Fruge, Bernard C., Jr., M.D. Allergy

Frye, Jacqueline H., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fuller, George H., Jr., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Funderburk, Candace M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Fuselier, John L., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Gachassin, Philip, MD General Surgery

Gad, Sarwat M., M.D. Psychiatry

Gadi, Venkata Satish, MD Cardiology

Gadivemula, Jaya R., MD Internal Medicine

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Gaffga, Christopher M., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Gagnard, Yeney, PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Gannon, Joe M., M.D. Ophthalmology

Garbutt, Mark G., MD Internal Medicine

Garcelon, James S., M.D. General Surgery

Garcia, Anna E., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Garrett, Deiadra J., MD Pediatric General Surgery

Gary, Blake J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Gates, Trevor A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Gauthreaux, Scott T., M.D. Ophthalmology

Ghanami, Racheed J., M.D. Peripheral Vascular Surgery

Giddings, Adam P., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Gidman, G. Gregory, MD Orthopedic Surgery

Gillespie, Joseph T., MD Pain Management

Giuffreda, Leonard J., III, MD Emergency Medicine

Godeaux, Kenneth B., MD Emergency Medicine

Going, Libby L., M.D. General-Family Practice

Golla, Karen L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Gombos, Zoltan, M.D. Pathology

Gonzales, Douglas M., Jr., MD Pediatrics

Gonzales, Joseph A., MD Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

Goodyear, Lindsey R., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Granger, Harold J., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Grant, S. Reyna, MD Pediatrics

Graul, Edward E., Jr., M.D. Ophthalmology

Greco, Leslie K., DO Hyperbaric Medicine

Green, Carolyn F., M.D. Emergency Med (Pediatric)

Griffin, Michael T., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Grizzaffi, Jeffery R., DPM Podiatry

Guedon, Duncan F., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Guedry, Christopher J., MD Psychiatry

Guidry, Dexter P., II, CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guidry, Fallon S., WHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guidry, G. Gary, MD Pulmonary Medicine

Guidry, Joelle E., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guillet, Julie D., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guillory, Rachael L., MD Radiology

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Guillory, Stephanie S., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guillot, Jamie A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Guillot, Luke G., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Guillot, Trish H., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Gupta, Akshey K., M.D. Nephrology

Gupta, Maneesh K., M.D. Gastroenterology

Gupta-Desai, Anu P., M.D. Ophthalmology

Gutierrez, Albert M., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Haddad, Heather L., M.D. Radiology

Hall, Frederick D., III, M.D. Ophthalmology

Hamilton, Scott A., MD Emergency Med (Pediatric)

Hanna, Magdy M., MD Cardiology

Hardee, Angela L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Harding, Kimberly P., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Harlin, Daniel C., MD Radiology

Harmon, Ernest K., DDS General Dentistry

Harper, Nicole P., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Harrington, Deedra H., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Harrington, Melisa G., MD Nephrology

Harwood, Andrew R., M.D. Radiation Oncology

Hawes, Truman P., Jr., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Hayes, Amanda J., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hayes, Chris S., MD General-Family Practice

Hayes, Eric A., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Heard, Michel E., Jr., MD Anesthesiology

Hebert, Britni F., M.D. Internal Medicine

Hebert, Christopher K., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Hebert, Melissa D., MD Pediatrics

Hebert, Stuart C., M.D. Radiology

Hebert-Hunter, Madelyn A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hemsell, Erin B., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Henderson, Darrell L., M.D. Plastic Surgery

Hendry, John A., DDS Pedodontics

Herfel, Barbara M., M.D. Pathology

Herpich, Byron K., MD Internal Medicine

Herrington, A’Dair W., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Herrington, Christopher P., M.D. Gastroenterology

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Herrington, J. Patrick, MD Gastroenterology

Higginbotham, John, MD Nephrology

Hill, Jill C., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hill, Lewis W., Jr, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Hines, Richard A., Jr., MD General-Family Practice

Hlavacek, James D., III, MD Orthopedic Surgery

Hoang, Vivian, MD Neurology

Hodges, Daniel L., MD Physical Medicine/Rehab.

Hodges, Precious J., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Holmes, Antonina B., DDS General Dentistry

Honeybrook, Adam L., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Hoover, Stanley T., M.D. General-Family Practice

Horaist, Michael F., MD Colon and Rectal Surgery

Horton, James R., M.D. Radiology

Howell, Richard J., II, CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Humble, Stephanie L., MD Emergency Medicine

Hummel, Stefanie M., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hunt, Rebecca Z., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Hunter, Anita L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Huval, Farrah R., MD Pediatrics

Hymel, Suzanne M., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ibrahim, Mian A., MD Radiology

Ingraldi, Agostino, MD Cardiology

Istre, Joshua M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Iwuchukwu, Ifeanyi O., MD Neurology

Jabbar, Ahmad Y., MD Cardiology

Jackson, Crystal B., MD Anesthesiology

Jackson, Paul M., M.D. Radiology

Jaikishen, Jay P., MD Internal Medicine

Jalili, Firooz, M.D. Pediatric Gastroenterology

Jameel, Shahed M., M.D. Internal Medicine

James, Lauren B., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Janani, Crystal S., MD Neurology

Janga, Karunasri, MD Pediatrics

Janumpally, Krishna C., MD Pediatrics

Jarrell, William S., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Jeansonne, Crystal W., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Jenkins, Patsy M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Jenkins, Ronald A., M.D. Internal Medicine

Jhaveri, Preeti, MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Johnson, Jeffrey L., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Johnson, Michael B., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Johnson, Shanna R., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Jones, Nathan D., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Joseph, Bina E., MD Allergy

Joseph, Jamie P., MD Radiology

Joseph, Jeffrey J., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Joseph, Jonathan M., MD Ophthalmology

Juneau, Patrick A., III, M.D. Neurosurgery

Karim, Wael A., MD Neurology

Karpan, Daniel J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Karr, Jacob R., MD Gastroenterology

Kasindula, Ramakrishna, M.D. Pediatrics

Kassarjian, Ara, M.D. Radiology

Kaufman, Henry J., IV, MD Surgical Oncology

Keaty, William A., DDS Pedodontics

Keeler, Timothy D., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Kelley, Brian W., M.D. Oral Surgery

Kenney, Kayla H., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Keys, Timothy C., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

Kgoadi, Collins T., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Khan, Asma, M.D. Emergency Medicine

Khan, Mohammad H., M.D. Radiology

Khorsandi, Jahanyar, MD General-Family Practice

King, Garth T., MD Internal Medicine

King, Mika M., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Kitakule, Moses M., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

Kleinmahon, Jake A., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Korab, Mazen S., MD Pediatrics

Kordisch, Foster C., III, M.D. Emergency Medicine

Kowalski, Joseph M., M.D. Cardiology

Krawczyk, Julian J., M.D. Radiation Oncology

Laborde, Kenneth J., M.D. General Surgery

Lacour, Aleisha S., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Lacour, Allen J., MD Radiology

LaCour, Keith J., M.D. Radiology

Lafleur, Colby P., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

LaFleur, Naomie R., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

LaGraize, Christopher E., MD Peripheral Vascular Surgery

LaGraize, Tami T., MD Geriatrics

Lagrange, Brandon J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

LaHaye, Leon C., M.D. Ophthalmology

Lalonde, Chrissy V., MD Pathology

Lamarche, Maximo B., M.D. Nephrology

Landes, Joshua S., MD General Surgery

Landreneau, N. Paul, Jr., MD General-Family Practice

Landry, Christopher C., M.D. Internal Medicine

Landry, Cynthia K., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Landry, Jacob E., M.D. General Surgery

Landry, Matt J., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Landry, Nathan K., MD General-Family Practice

Laperouse, Patrick A., MD Gastroenterology

Lara, Diego A., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Lasseigne, Kevin J., Jr., MD Physical Medicine/Rehab.

Lastrapes, Deborah D., MD Pathology

Lauchner, Corey G., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Laurente, Sarah U., MD Pediatrics

Lavergne, Kyle G., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lavergne, Nicole M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lawrence, Christopher D., MD Emergency Medicine

Lazaro, Ladislas, IV, M.D. Rheumatology

Le Gros, Jimmy, III, CFNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Le, Chuong M., MD Neurology

LeBean, Bryan A., Sr., M.D. Internal Medicine

LeBlanc, Julie H., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

LeBlanc, Ken S., DDS General Dentistry

LeBlanc, Kirk S., MD Ophthalmology

Leblanc, Robert D., Jr., MD Orthopedic Surgery

LeBlanc, Selleck T., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

LeBlanc, Yvette L., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lebron-Berges, Alfonso J., M.D. Nephrology

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LeCorgne, Lyle L., PhD Psychology

Lee, Bobby J., MD Emergency Medicine

Lee, Laurie T., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lege, Justin T., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Leger, Jason C., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lejeune, Geneva M., M.D. Pediatrics

Leleux, Jon D., M.D. Cardiology

Lenahan, Christy L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lenox, Staci G., PhD Psychology

Leonards, Nicholas J., MD Emergency Medicine

Leoni, Rick R., II, MD Ophthalmology

Leoni, Toni B., MD Pediatrics

Levy, Richard A., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lewis, Deron J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Liles, Rein T., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lim, Susana Q., M.D. Pediatrics

Lindemann, Wayne T., M.D. Physical Medicine/Rehab.

Lindle, Katherine A., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology

Lindsay, John K., M.D. Cardiology

Lipstate, James M., MD Rheumatology

Little, Katherine H., PMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Littlefield, Amber P., CNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Liu, Michael K., MD Nephrology

Lodha, Ankur, M.D. Cardiology

Logue, Amanda C., MD Internal Medicine

Lopez, Kacey B., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Louis, Charles H., MD Internal Medicine

Louviere, Kate M., FPMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lowe, Sara, PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lucas, Victor W., Jr, MD Pediatric Cardiology

Luent-Sonnier, Nicole M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Lugo, Fabian, M.D. Neurology

Luke, Deedee C., M.D. General-Family Practice

Luke, John B., III, M.D. Peripheral Vascular Surgery

Luke, Lauren F., MD General-Family Practice

Lyons, Edward P., MD Internal Medicine

Magay, Yelena A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Malek, Fadi Y., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

Malin, Jennifer K., MD Rheumatology

Mallett, Debra T., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mallett, John S., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mampilly, George A., M.D. Pain Management

Maness, Mandy R., MD General Surgery

Mannina-Williams, Morgan A., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Manthena, Himani Reddy, MD Internal Medicine

Manuel, Chad B., MD General-Family Practice

Manuel, Francine A., M.D. General-Family Practice

Manuel, Mary M., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Manuel, Powlin V., MD Allergy

Maraist, David V., Jr., DPM Podiatry

Marcantel, Kara B., MD Radiology

Martin, Troy M., MD General-Family Practice

Massey, Eric M., MD Anesthesiology

Massey, Greta H., MD Emergency Medicine

Matt, Christopher J., M.D. Internal Medicine

Mawri, Sagger H., M.D. Cardiology

May, Wade B., MD Cardiology

Mayers, Scott D., MD Psychiatry

McCormic, Laurie K., MD Anesthesiology

McFarlain, Andrew R., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

McGrade, Harold C., MD Neurology

McManus, David W., MD Emergency Medicine

McManus, Fallon S., MD General-Family Practice

Meaux, Rachelle, MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Meaux, Tiffany L., PMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Meche, Jedediah D., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Medlin, Nicole M., NNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Melancon, Charles D., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Melancon, Elizabeth M., MD Pediatrics

Melvin, Ross R., DO Cardiology

Menard, Darrin D., MD General-Family Practice

Menuet, Lisa M., MD Psychiatry

Menuet, Robert L., II, MD Cardiology

Mickey, John J., M.D. Cardiology

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Miedecke, Susan H., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mier, Melanie M., MD Internal Medicine

Miller, S. Troy, DDS Pedodontics

Mire, Geoffrey A., MD General-Family Practice

Mire, L. Glen, MD General-Family Practice

Mire, Tori M., PMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mitchell, Jamila A., DDS General Dentistry

Mitchell, Paula A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mixon, Keely N., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Mogabgab, Owen N., M.D. Cardiology

Molbert, Brandy L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Monteilh, Monique M., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Montet, Marcus A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Montgomery, Denbo H., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Montgomery, Thomas J., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Moody, Kelsey K., DO Emergency Medicine

Moore, Patrick D., MD General-Family Practice

Mora, Michelle M., DO Neurology

Moses, Donald G., MD Pathology

Mosier, Willard W., Jr., MD General Surgery

Mouledoux, Jessica H., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Mulder, Theodorus J., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Muldowny, David S., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Mullen, William C., M.D. Radiology

Munshi, Ilyas, MD Neurosurgery

Musumeche, Adrienne R., MD Pediatrics

Myers, Elliot J., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Myers, Melanie L., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Naeem, Uzma F., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Nagendran, Krishna, M.D. Cardiology

Nagendran, Manikandan, M.D. Internal Medicine

Naidu, Durga P., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Naquin, Lauren B., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Navarre, Sarah E., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Neumann, Duane E., MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Neusetzer, Scott M., M.D. Urology

Nicklas, Alicia F., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Noel, Jacque F., III, MD Gastroenterology

Noel, Phillip E., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Noriega, James A., Jr, DPM Podiatry

Novak, Christopher E., M.D. Internal Medicine

O’Neal, James W., IV, MD General Surgery

O’Neal, Kenneth, MD Internal Medicine

O’Quin, Jacob M., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Oats, Sylvia M., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ogden, Moira L., MD Internal Medicine

Oge, Linda K., MD General-Family Practice

Okechukwu, Vitalis C., M.D. Infectious Diseases

Oliver, Noah G., DPM Podiatry

Olivier, Joseph R., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Omoregbee, Edugie V., DPM Podiatry

Ovella, Ty A., MD Radiology

Overton, Tiameko J., WHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Owens, Justin M., M.D. Radiology

Padgett, Charles E., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Padgett, Stephen M., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Palfrey, Richard G., MD Anesthesiology

Panelli, Victoria E., MD Oncology

Panyanouvong, Vannasinh B., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Paredes, Juan R., M.D. General Surgery

Parker, Catrina A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Parsel, Lauren J., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Passos, Mary Q., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Patel, Amit N., M.D. Cardiology

Patel, Jay B., MD Internal Medicine

Patel, Jigar N., M.D. Radiology

Patel, Rajiv A., MD Internal Medicine

Patin, Nicholas C., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Patlola, Raghotham R., MD Cardiology

Pearce, James A., DDS General Dentistry

Pearson, Bryan S., DDS Periodontics

Peck, Trevor H., MD Anesthesiology

Peebles, Michael L., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Penton, Judson L., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

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Perdigao, Ana Maria, M.D. Radiology

Perdigao, Joseph A., M.D. Radiology

Perry, Adam T., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

Person, Stephen M., M.D. Gastroenterology

Petrolia, Chelsea R., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Petry, Jessica L., MD Internal Medicine

Phelps, Russell T., DO Obstetrics/Gynecology

Phillips-Savoy, Amanda R., MD General-Family Practice

Picard, Guy D., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Piccione, Richard J., MD Ophthalmology

Pike, Steven L., MD Peripheral Vascular Surgery

Pizzolato, Lindsi D., NP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Plaisance, Morgan S., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Polk, Loretta F., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Preis, Cynthia J., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Prejean, Brandon M., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Prejean, Stella P., CNS Advanced Dep Practitioner

Prellop, Perri B., M.D. Radiation Oncology

Price, Stephen R., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Prouet, Emily M., M.D. Ophthalmology

Prudhomme, Matthew B., DO Emergency Medicine

Pugliese, Jennifer B., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Pumarol Castillo, Edgar, M.D. Internal Medicine

Quebedeaux, Timothy J., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Quincy, Richard E., Jr., MD Anesthesiology

Rabalais, M. Scott, MD Pediatrics

Ramirez-Astacio, Cesar A., M.D. Internal Medicine

Ramsey, Brent K., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ramsey, Joshua C., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Rao, Ashwin P., M.D. Radiology

Redlich, Gillian C., MD Pathology

Reed, David A., MD Internal Medicine

Reed, Donald J., M.D. General-Family Practice

Rhinehart, Timothy A., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Rhodes, John B., Jr., MD Gastroenterology

Richard, Arlene C., MD General-Family Practice

Ridgley, Kira L., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

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Riehl, Winston P., M.D. General-Family Practice

Riggs, Gregory S., MD Internal Medicine

Ritch, Ellen D., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Robichaux, Michael S., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Robin, Dena G., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Robinson, Darrell C., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Robles, Hector A., M.D. Internal Medicine

Rochon, Brent J., M.D. Cardiology

Rodts-Palenik, Sheryl, MD Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Romero, Ashley T., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Romero, Neil C., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Romero, Quentin D., MD Internal Medicine

Rossitter, Chad W., MD Nephrology

Rosson, Billy J., Jr., M.D. Pulmonary Medicine

Roth, William B., M.D. Urology

Rue, Byron T., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ruiz, Fernando J., MD Cardiology

Rupe, Brad D., MD Anesthesiology

Rupley, Daniel G., MD Radiology

Russo, James K., II, M.D. Radiation Oncology

Ryan, Allie L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ryder, Brad M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Saad, Marc N., M.D. Cardiology

Sabbaghian-Hebert, M. S., MD General Surgery

Saeed, Ali M., MD Internal Medicine

Saenz, Rodrigo E., M.D. Radiology

Safavi, Kurosh A., M.D. Radiology

Saleh, Omar M., M.D. Internal Medicine

Salopek, Stephen R., M.D. Internal Medicine

Salvaggio, Louis A., M.D. Cardiology

Salvatierra, Erick A., MD Gastroenterology

Samii, Mark, M.D. General-Family Practice

Sanders, Brandt J., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sanders, Laterica L., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sanford, Curtis L., II, CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sasser, Charles G., MD Internal Medicine

Schaublin, Greg A., MD Neurology

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Schlecht, Brooke R., MD Emergency Medicine

Schneider, Bruce A., DDS Oral Surgery

Schulze, Eric S., M.D. Radiology

Schunemeyer, Amy B., DPM Podiatry

Scimio, Maryam N., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Scott, Walter I., III, M.D. Pediatrics

Sfondouris, John L., M.D. Radiology

Shaffett, Todd P., DNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sharma, Priyanka, MD Internal Medicine

Sharma, Sarita, MD Neonatology

Shepard, Bailey T., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Shipley, Kayla O., M.D. Emergency Medicine

Showalter, Josh A., MD Pathology

Shuffler, Samuel H., MD Urology

Shute, Creighton E., DO Emergency Medicine

Sibley, Bryan G., M.D. Pediatrics

Sicard, Colleen C., M.D. Pediatrics

Siddiqi, Saif H., M.D. Radiology

Sigue, Gerard F., MD Nephrology

Silva, Francisco J., MD General-Family Practice

Simar, Leah T., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Simms, Lindsey S., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Simpson, Karen W., MD Pathology

Simpson, Stephen R., M.D. Cardiology

Singleton-Ben, Mia A., M.D. Emergency Med (Pediatric)

Smalling, William E., Jr., M.D. Neonatology

Smith, George R., DPM Podiatry

Smith, Ronni A., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sobiesk, Angela G., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Sobiesk, George A., DPM Podiatry

Solet, Darrell J., M.D. Cardiology

Spears, Katherine P., FPMHNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Speeg, Jeremy S., M.D. Urology

Spurgeon, Kelly L., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Srigiriraju, Hyndhavi, MD Pediatrics

Srivastava, Mohit, MD Internal Medicine

Stafford, John W., M.D. General-Family Practice

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Staires, Steven K., M.D. Pain Management

Steinberg, Lon R., MD Neurology

Stephan, Mark T., MD Radiology

Stephenson, Jamie D., CPNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Stewart, Norman C., MD Obstetrics/Gynecology

Stewart, Steven E., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Stone, Andrew M., MD Radiology

Storment, John M., MD Gynecology

Stubbs, Malcolm J., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Sugeng, Budi N., M.D. Pediatrics

Summers, Mary F., MD Ophthalmology

Sumrall, Stepheny B., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Swan, Kevin R., MD Ophthalmology

Tadin, David M., M.D. Cardiology

Tainsh, Cynthia S., MD Neurology

Talahma, Murad M., M.D. Neurology

Tan, Kenneth T., M.D. Radiology

Tarsia, Joseph, III, M.D. Neurology

Tauzin, Kristin E., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Taylor, Kimberly B., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Thekkoott, Narayanan D., MD Cardiology

Theriot, Cory D., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Theriot, Jeanne D., MD General-Family Practice

Theriot, Matthew B., ACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Thibodaux, Emily R., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Thibodeaux, Jeffrey J., MD Urology

Thomas, Corwin A., DO Cardiology

Thomas, Patricia E., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Thomas, Timothy R., DDS General Dentistry

Thomassee, Eric J., MD Cardiology

Thomassee, May S., MD Gynecology

Thompson, Charles A., M.D. Cardiology

Thompson, Jonathan W., MD Radiation Oncology

Thompson, Shelly K., MD Pediatrics

Toler, Jeremy M., MD Pediatric Neurology

Torres, Jean-Carlo, M.D. Pediatrics

Toups, Lori L., MD Pediatrics

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Trahan, Jason R., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

Trahan, Jayme, M.D. Neurosurgery

Trahan, Katie C., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Trahan, Maxie A., MD General Surgery

Trawick, Eric P., MD Gastroenterology

Tseng, Ian K., MD Radiology

Tujague, Laken C., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Tumma, Rajachendra S., MD Internal Medicine

Vaid, Rajesh R., MD Radiology

Valentino, Vernon A., MD Cardiology

Vallee, John P., M.D. Urology

Vallee, Monique P Dibbs, M.D. Emergency Med (Pediatric)

Vanderbrook, Richard C., Jr., MD Radiology

Vargas Estrada, Andres M., M.D. Cardiology

Vasireddy, Deepa, MD Pediatrics

Veeramachineni, Suguna, M.D. Internal Medicine

Veerina, Kalyan K., MD Cardiology

Verlander, Gregory E., MD Anesthesiology

Verlander, Leo D., MD Anesthesiology

Vicknair, Emily, FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Vidal, Gabriel A., MD Neurology

Villanueva, Juanito S., Jr., MD Radiology

Villien, Marc J., MD Anesthesiology

Villien, Richard P., MD Anesthesiology

Vizzi, Peter D., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Waguespack, Elaine M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Waheed, Salman, M.D. Cardiology

Walker, Craig M., M.D. Cardiology

Walker, James C., MD Otorhinolaryngology

Walker, Michael A., PA-C Advanced Dep Practitioner

Ward, Rachel J., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Weaver, Sydney S., AGNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Webb, Kelsey J., M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology

Wei, Stephen C., M.D. Radiology

Weir, David L., M.D. Neurology

Welch, Patrick J., M.D. Cardiology

West, Donald W., M.D. Pathology

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Wheat, James E., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

White, James R., Jr., M.D. Otorhinolaryngology

White, Jonathan E., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

White, Michael G., M.D. Pediatric Cardiology

Whitmore, Ashley L., PA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Whittington, Mathew J., MD Emergency Medicine

Williams, George R., M.D. Orthopedic Surgery

Williams, Matthew D., MD Orthopedic Surgery

Williams, Michael, M.D. General-Family Practice

Williams, Samantha L., ANP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Willis, John K., II, M.D. Pediatric Neurology

Wilt, Stephen R., M.D. Radiation Oncology

Wimberley, Alex G., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Wojak, Joan C., MD Neuroradiology

Woodruff, Seth M., FNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Wortham, Roger L., M.D. Psychiatry

Wyble, Keiffer B., AGACNP Advanced Dep Practitioner

Yazdi, Masoud, M.D. Nephrology

Yellin, Joshua H., MD Radiology

Yellin, Steven D., MD Radiology

Yerasi, Srinivasa R., M.D. Pediatrics

Yoselevitz, Moises, M.D. Radiology

Young, Thomas W., MD Pediatric Cardiology

Zafar, Sarosh N., MD Plastic Surgery

Zaroban, Linsey M., CRNA Advanced Dep Practitioner

Zeik, Juan C., MD Nephrology

Zweifler, Richard M., MD Neurology

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