final hero counters

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Final Hero Counters


    Hero CountersMade by dschindlerb




  • 8/9/2019 Final Hero Counters



    Moon Queen:- Any hero with minions will significantly weaken her ultimate. E.g. Ophelia, Warbeast, etc.

    - You can build a Puzzlebox or Assassin's Shroud to take away from her ultimate.

    - Its is very hard to counter a Moon Queen as she has both very high magic and physical damage. You

    can however outcarry her pretty easy.

    - Regularly check or ward their ancient spot. Gank her if she starts farming them and steal the stack.


    - Gank him in the forest. However, typically a wildsoul will be > 80% hp when jungling. So bring amate and some stuns.

    - Try to catch him in Human form. Stun him and burn him down. Don't allow him to switch to his

    ultimate form before the fight starts.

    - All of his damage is physical, so armor is the logic counter to him. Barbed armor will NOT work very

    good (he has 3k+ hp with almost no items)!!


    - The obvious counter to scout are Invisibility revealing items: Dust, Wards of Revelation and Bound

    Eye. Dust is the best choice until later in the game when you can safely buy an eye and push.

    - He has high physical damage so Armor and especially Barbed Armor will work very good.


    - Long duration disables and silence. Heroes: Puppet Master, Succubus, Defiler, Electrician, Blood


    - Itemwise is Sheepstick and Armor a solid choice. Barbed Armor is a good pickup.


    - The obvious counter to Night Hound are Invisibility revealing items: Dust, Wards of Revelation and

    Bound Eye. Dust is the best choice until later in the game when you can safely buy an eye and push.

    - He has high physical damage so Armor and especially Barbed Armor will work very good.


    - Any hero that can blink or invis is able to avoid Swift Slashes

    - Thus Assassins Shroud can be a solid pickup versus him.

    - The best counter-item however is Void Talisman! Very underrated item that is EXCELLENT against a

  • 8/9/2019 Final Hero Counters


    few heroes, including Swiftblade.

    - Other than that he is not easy to counter. Barbed Armor is useless versus him and armor stacking

    will only take you so far.

    - Check/Wards ancient spots.


    - Power Supply is an excellent Soft Counter aganist ward-spamming Slithers. Especially early game.

    Grab a Mana Battery ASAP if you are laning against him.

    - While Geometer's Bane can no longer remove his ultimate, it still can remove Poision Spray

    including its slow.

    - Shrunken Head will also not remove Poison Burst and you still get hit by it with activated Shrunken

    BUT you will take 0 damage from it while Shrunken Head lasts. Shrunken Head also removes all his

    other dots/slows and is thus a decent counter.

    - If a Slither decides to go carry do not worry, he is EASILY outcarried. Otherwise get magic armor

    and/or Shrunken Head.


    - One Word: Barbed Armor. Chronos will instagib himself when he attacks you into Barbed Armor

    when he has Elder Parasite on.

    - Don't let him free-farm. It's not easy to gank him due to time leap but try to not let him solo farm a

    lane. Scaring him away is enough. A few coordinated ganks during the mid game will significantly

    hurt him.


    - Mana Battery/Power Supply has to be gotten early if laning against Madman.

    - Early to Mid Game his damage will be mostly magical. Later Physical. Barbed Armor is good if he

    goes for pure damage (Runed Axe into Savage Mace)

    Bloodhunter:- Facing BH solo mid is one of the toughest things in HoN. Chances are you will not be able to out-cs

    him and fall behind quickly. Harassing won't solve the problem. There are 2 solutions:

    1. Put two players mid. This will shut him down for good.

    2. Call for ganks.

    - Heroes that can compete with BH in mid (mostly melee heroes): Pebbles, Blacksmith, Zephyr, Legio,

    Predator, Chronos, Deadwood and Soulstealer (Burst Nukes).

    - If he is not overfed his power will decline after the midgame.

    - Don't always stand still when he ults you. Sometimes you have to run to survive!

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    -Homecoming Stone.

    Dark Lady:- Dark Lady takes off as soon as she gets runed axe. Delay that point as long as possible. Gank her,

    Push her off the lane, Deny any kind of Free Farm.

    - A farmed up Dark Lady is possibly the strongest hero in the game. But it is pretty easy to stop her

    from getting overfarmed, always keep an eye on her. She is pretty weak early and mid game.

    - Nullfire Blade can purge the Dark Blades as well as the Attackspeed buff off her. Use it right after

    she Charges in.

    - Once she is farmed only a Barbed Armor and Nullfire Blade will really help.


    - SS is a very strong mid. He has a slow start but "takes off" once he racks up some souls (last hits).

    Send a hero with High Base damage and/or good attack animation against him. Pebbles, Corrupted

    Disciple, etc.

    - He is very voulnerable to ganks in mid. Low HP pool and no escape spells. Consider calling for ganks.

    - Don't let him get rune control. If he can constantly refill his bottle he is very hard to deal with!

    - As soon as he has Assassins Shround pick up Wards of Revelation and drop them as you push

    towers (this wins games).

    - If you are low HP don't run away from him in a straight line.


    - It is very very hard to deny Zephr farm (unlike with other carries). One way to limit it, is by warding

    his jungle and controlling the lanes.

    - Don't engange him in melee when he has all 8 cyclones up unless you are 5 vs 1.

    - Get a Barbed Armor and turn it on when standing in his ulti. (If 2 or more people do this he will kill

    himself with his ult).

    - Barrier Idol helps to counter his ult.

    - Also consider Tablet of Command to jump out of Typhoon.


    - Most Andromedas will play the roamer/supporter style described here. Gankers are best countered

    with vision, map- and rune control -> Wards.

    - If you are facing a Carry-Andro get some armor and you should be fine. She is outcarried by almost

    every other carry in the game.

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    - Valkyrie is VERY hard to counter. 2 Escape Spells, high physical and magic damage, long

    range/duration disable. Hero-wise the best counters are stunners and disablers.

    - Item-wise i suggest you carry Dust. Don't bother with armor or anything like that, it will not help


    - Even when heavily farmed a Valk is still relatively squishy. The best counter is to focus her when



    - With Shrunken Head on you can ignore Energy Field. If you play a carry get Shrunken Head versus

    Engi. (Not that it is only good against him...)

    - Don't let yourself get kegged into an enemy tower. This is very dangerous early game!

    - Level 1 Turret only has 500 attack range (increasing by 50 every level). Quite a few heroes have 550

    or 600 attack range and thus can take out level 1-2 turrets without getting hit. Easy Money.

    Courrupted Disciple:

    - Very, Very hard to counter. High physical and magic damage so neither armor nor magic armor will

    really help.

    - Ghost Marchers can help to not get chased down so easily but don't get Ghost Marchers just

    because they have CD.

    - Homecoming Stones are a solid counter when he casts Conduit on you (similar to arachna) as he

    cannot stun.

    - Deny him Runecontrol.

    Sand Wraith:

    - It's rather hard to deny her farm as she can almost always escape. If you gank her bring 2 or more

    players and some disables.

    - If she is becoming a threat buy a barrier idol to counter her Dissipate (and Mock).

    - If she ults on you, instantly use a Homecoming stone if you can't kill her. She can't cancel it.

    Forsaken Archer:

    - The best mid vs. FA is Soul Stealer. He will get souls from her Minions and quickly outgrow her in

    base damage.

    - She is very squishy with no escape spells and thus very vulnerable to ganks.

    - Activating a Barbed Armor while standing in her ult will deal significant damage to her (if two

    people do it, she is pretty much dead).

    - During the laning phase keep killing her skeletons (if you have a ranged attack). Easy gold and less

    farm for her.

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    - Carry dust. When she ults use it to try and prevent her from escaping.

    - She is no carry, so you don't need to be too worried about her getting freefarm. Actually let her

    farm, thats better than having her roaming around.

    - As with any ganking hero, wards are a good counter. But do note she has invis and can sneak past



    Blacksmith:- Magic Amor. Shamans Headdress or even a Mystic vestments greatly reduces incoming damage.

    - NullStone absorbs one spell, and thats pretty much what blacksmith is... one spell on a stick.

    - Make sure you get some HP so he can't oneshot you.


    - Carry Nymphs are easily outcarried and they are very very squishy.

    - Always keep your ears open. If you hear the sound of some sparkling fearies, then Nymphora is

    trying to port near you (most likely behind you) and might bring some friends. React early!

    - Don't Forget not to stand in her Violate Pods (The green "flowers" that appear).


    - Wards of Revelation


    - If you lane against Thunderbringer get a Mystic Vestment ASAP! Upgrade it later if you can/need to.- Use your courier to bing a lot of regen items to your lane. If you need to go back to heal more than

    once early game he will outlevel you and you will have even more problems.

    - Consider skilling stats if you can with your hero.

    Pollywog Priest:

    - You can't really counter his Wards, and that's what makes Pollywog.

    - He usually is pretty squishy so he should be a primary target in team fights.

    - Null Stone or Shrunken Head could help if you keep getting CCd by him.

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    - Heroes: Vindicator, Hellbringer, Pharaoh (can stop him from very far away, Through Shrunken


    - Items: Hellflower. Tablet of Command no longer works!

    - What you basically need to do is interrupt his Elemental Void. This is what makes Tempest. All the

    methods mentioned above short of Hellflower work through a shrunken Head.

    - Any Hero with disables can stop him but they usually need to get pretty close without getting

    sucked in (a few exceptions like Chipper, Thunderbringer, Nymphora, ...)


    - Behemoth with his block and ulti is the only hard counter hero.

    - Wards of Sight in the forest prevent her from ganking you resp. give you time to react.

    - If you play carry you can get an Alchemist Bones to instantly kill one of her creeps.

    - Never underestimate her!!!

    - Check and/or Ward Kongor once she hits level 7.


    - Get Mystic Vestments early and upgrade it later if needed.

    - Try to evade his stun by moving unpredictable.

    - If you are < 800 hp and their Pyro has a Portal Key you are marked for Death.


    - Sage's Lore is the most annoying harass in the game. For some heroes it is unbearable while other

    shrugg it off (Armadon, Slither, Demented, etc). Swap Lanes to put those heroes up against him that

    can handle it best.

    - If you get wrecked by Vindi early game you can do a bit of jungling/lanepulling.

    - Or just keep flying in those Healing Potions to deal with it.

    - Late Game vindi is no big deal. If he goes mass Int for damage he is very squishy.

    Witch Slayer:

    - He is completely Magic Damage based, get Mystic Vestments early and later upgrade if needed.

    - Get some HP so he can't insta-gib you with Graveyard -> Silverbullet.

    - Shrunken Head works good, get one especially if they have more disables.

    - Be extra careful if you rely on mana to escape (any form of blink or vanish). He drains it very quick

    while you are stunned and then you can only run.

    Defiler:- Her Ultimate is Physical damage while her Wave of Death is Magical. This means Magic Armor is not

    as effective against her as you might think. Don't bother getting it just for her.

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    - When she has her ultimate up and you are alone: RUN!

    - Deny her Rune Control in Mid, this will make the harass much more bearable.

    Demented Shaman:- All his damage is Physical. So the logic counter is Armor, especially since his ultimate tends to

    reduce your armor quite significantly.

    - Don't stand in your enemies creep wave. If he throws a heal, it will HURT!

    - If he ults you play passive until it wars off and be prepared for their initiation!

    Vodoo Jester:

    - Contrary to popular belief, his ultimate does physical damage not magical, while the damage from

    cursed ground is magic. This makes it though to counter as you can't simply stack armor or magic


    - Barbed Armor should work well. Activate it when standing in his ultimate should kill him pretty

    quick (Note: I did not test that yet)

    - You can't drink from your bottle or apply a healing potion while cursed ground is on you. The only

    item-wise way to heal yourself is power supply and astrolabe. So get at least a power supply and use

    it after cursed ground is on you, this will reduce the dot damage you take.

    - Shrunken Head does not remove the curse but stops its damage while the magic immunity runs.

    - Jereziah is an excellt counter to voodoo as he can heal through/protective charm cursed ground,

    preventing it from doing any damage and his ultimate completely stops Voodoo Jester's ward from

    doing any damage.

    Puppet Master:

    - Most Puppet Master will eventually go for Harkon's, shifting their damage from physical to magic.

    Also with shrunken they are not squishy at all. It is a very balanced hero that has no obvious hard


    - Once he has Harkons, a Shrunken Head will force him to use his normal attack instead of the magic

    attack, this does still horrendous amounts of damage though. At least Shrunken will remove the

    disables and is a start to countering him.- A lot of PMs also stack ancients with an early whispering helm. Ward their ancient spot and go steal

    it or gank him when he is doing them.


    - Electrician can purge all of Hellbringer's Debuffs as well as deal significant damage to Malphas.

    - Nullfire Blade's purge instantly kills Malphas! You get the full 100-150 Gold Bounty! Get a Nullfire if

    you play an agi hero.

    - Nullfire Blade's purge can also remove all his other debuffs on one person.

    - Shrunken Head / Magic Armor is the obvious counter to his spells but you should not be worried

    about them too much. His ulti is mostly for initiation purposes and not for the damage it does.

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    - Magic Armor all the way. Torturer is a semi carry who deals a LOT LOT of magic damage, especially

    with his ultimate later on. Barrier Idol is the way to go.

    - Shrunken Head also helps and can be considered if they have more disablers.

    Wretched Hag:

    - Magic Armor. Barrier Idol preferably. Activate it after her ultimate (or right before if you can).

    - Astrolabe. Heal your team up right after her ultimate. Excellent Counter item!

    - Any hero with silence or disable prevents her from blinking away and makes her an easy kill.

    Notably Puppet Master and Blood Hunter for their very long disables.


    - If you lane mid against her either get a Mystic Vestment or a bunch of HP before she hits level 6.

    Otherwise she kills you with Ult + Heartache.

    - If she keeps sleeping/smittening you in Teamfights you should consider a Shrunken Head.

    - She likes to gank a lot from behind the trees. Putting up some wards there helps greatly during the

    laning phase.

    Plague Rider:- Barrier Idol. Absorbs the major damage of his ultimate.

    - Magic Armor in general really helps.

    Soul Reaper:

    - Magic Armor is solid against him.

    - Don't try to counter him too much, better focus on you / your team getting stronger than him.


    - An early Mystic Vestments should help against the harassment.

    - Chipper has very low hp and can relatively easy be focused down.

    - Chipper is a ganking hero, so wards do a good job at seeing him coming and thus preventing you

    from getting ganked.

    - Power Supply is very good vs him as each individual rocket will add one charge. And he will spam

    them a LOT.

    - Shrunken Head stops most of the damage and prevents you from being slowed.

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    - An early Mystic Vestments should help against the harassment.

    - Bubbles has very low hp and can relatively easy be focused down.

    - Bubbles is a ganking hero, so wards do a good job at seeing him coming and thus preventing you

    from getting ganked.

    - Shell Surf can be dodged if you see it coming.

    - Spread out in Team Fights so he can't hit all of you with his AoE Silence (500 AoE @ level 4)

    - Vindicator's aura will make bubble's life hell. Not allowing him to TP to his shell and not allowing

    him to chain his spells.



    - Power Supply! Get at least mana battery asap from the outpost when laning against him. He spams

    his spells a LOT.

    - Try not to use your most damaging/expensive spells when his back is turned towards you. Move

    around or wait until he turns to you. Otherwise a significant amount of the damage will be absorbed.

    - If you see armadon stacking armor, consider a Harkons Blade on someone on your team.

    - Don't focus him in team battles!


    - When pushing or defending, stay away from your creeps! Otherwise his initiation will be


    - Try to spread out as much as you can so he doesn't hit you all with his Shockwave.

    - Closely watch Behemoth's movement in the early game. Be very careful if he is trying to trap you

    with a fissure. This is very very deadly!

    - Finally a Barrier Idol can be helpful counter.


    - Nullfire Blade will make the oh-so-awesome Hammerstorm cry like a little baby. There is no other

    case in the game where one item completely counters a hero. This might be the reason why we don't

    see him in competitive play. Regardles, get a Nullfire Blade and use it on him as soon as he pops his


    Pebbles:- You need to get above a certain Health Treshold to not be oneshottet by him. To be safe buy either

    Mystic Vestment + 1 Bracelet or 2 Bracelets additional to your Steamboots.

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    - If you know it's coming you can sometimes dodge his Stalagmite by moving unpredictable.

    - Once he has Portal Key never stay on a lane with less than 800 HP unless you know he is all across

    the map.

    Keeper of the Forest:

    - If playing a melee hero you should pick up a logger's hatchet and cut down any Tree with an eye

    floating above it.

    - You can put a hatchet on a courier to go kill eyes but do note that the eyes are now invisible unless

    a hero come within 450 range. So this is really only to save you a slot in your inventory.

    - If you want to kill him, bring dust.

    - As soon as Teamfights start happening bring along Wards of Revelation, place them down and kill

    him when he tries to initiate.

    - Later in the game a Bound Eye can be considered.


    - Legionnaire doesn't scale into lategame. Thats why his power will decrease drastically compared to

    other heroes (carries). This is his biggest weakness and the reason he is rarely seen these days.

    - Spread out so Legio can't hit all of you with his taunt.


    - Predator is one of those carries that start to hit like a truck with just one big item (shieldbreaker

    usually). Unlike other Hardcarries he doesn't require a ton of farm to be very effective. The more

    important it is to deny him any early farm on his lane.

    - 2 things make you get destroyed by pred: If you have a lot of HP pred will leech an insane amount

    of life with each hit. If you have low armor and he can reduce it to around 0 or even below he tears

    through you like butter.

    - So don't stack HP, but armor instead. Ulti + Shieldbreaker reduces 11 armor. So you want to have a

    LEAST 15 Armor, better 20+. Anything below 15 Armor will make you get crushed. -> Plague Rider is

    actually a soild counter as pred heavily relies on armor reduction.

    - Plated Greaves and Nome's Wisdom are a good against him. Nome's offers 3 Armor to the wholeteam.


    - Electrician's Purge can remove Jeraziah's Protective Charm as well as Sol's Blessing. If a Unit has

    both charm and blessing on him, one application of purge will remove both (and slow the enemy).

    - Nullfire blade will remove Sol's Blessing, but can't purge through Protective charm. In some cases its

    still worth building it tho (if you have other uses for it in that particular game).

    - His Heal is pure damage, it cannot be mitigated by Magic Armor but you can precisely calculate the

    damage it will do.

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    - Stack Armor. ALL his damage is physical and thus subject to mitigation by Armor. Nome's Wisdom,

    Plated Greaves, etc work fine.

    - If he is rushing A Shrunken Head consider building a Tablet of Command to interrupt his Face

    Smash. This is critical if he can disable your carry with it.


    - Not much to say. You can't do more than stack some Armor and HP and hope he doesnt stunlock

    you to death.

    - Always carry a TP. If you see him charging you and you are alone, INSTANLTY TP away!

    Devourer:- Magic Armor reduces the damage from rot and devour, but not from hook (hook is physical


    - Try to stand behind, right next to your own creeps so he can't hook you. If you can't do that then

    keep moving, don't stand still.


    - Ignore him for the most part. Kill everyone of his team mates first . Save some disables to

    interrupt his Grip, he will barely be a nuissance after.- If he is roaming, make sure you get wards up.


    - Stuns and disables are good if you either have very good reactions or if the Kraken is not very good.

    If you disable him while his ult is running it will go off after the stun ends. So you have enough time

    to walk away. Good Krakens however will blink in and instantly hit R, giving you no outs.

    - Mock of Brilliance can be good against him as it prevents him from blinking on your team once he

    gets too close.

    - Be prepared for his ulti. Either spread out or stand close and get all sucked in. Most of the time you

    can anticipate when he will be using it and if you move back fast enough you can escape him.


    - He has high phyiscal damage and will most likely carry a shrunken head. Void Talisman is the most

    optimal counter to that. Armor Stacking will help too.

    - Storm Spirit serves a similar purpose as Void Talisman in being to save you or even team mates

    from his fury. If you can make use of them, get both items!

    - Warbeast will most of the time be jungling. Make sure you pay him a visit from time to time as

    uninterrupted farming will make him a war BEAST faster than you might think.

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    - Make use of the fact that most Warbeast players will be almost completely useless before the 20-30

    minute mark turning it into a 5vs4 in your favor. Push hard if you can.

    Pharaoh:- Tablet of Command. Seriously, if you are not carrying and playing against a Pharao get this item. It's

    ridiculous how much this will screw him. You can save allies by pushing them outside his mummies,

    you can push himself out of the mummies or you can frogleap the mummies when he tries to use

    them to escape. You can also escape should he catch you will hellfire.

    - Power Supply as he will spam his Tormented Soul like there is no tomorrow.

    - Standing behind your creeps will most of the time save you from being initiated on.

    - If you are a squishy carry hero (Like FA, Arachna, Madman, etc) pharao will most likely try to initiate

    on you. Stay back and be prepared for it.


    - There are heroes that can kill accursed without triggering his ultimate. This is achieved by dealing

    more damage than his remaining HP with one single spell while his ultimate is not yet activated. The

    following heroes can do this relatively easy: Legionnaire (Decapitate is instant kill even while his ulti

    is ON), Witchslayer, Pyromancer, Deadwood.

    - The vast majority of Accursed you will meet will go this or a similar support route. You can't really

    counter that. He has no obvious weakness. Simply ignore him and kill his team mates first. He is a

    P.I.T.A. to kill as you need to do it twice.


    - Remember that Pestilence takes an additional 10% damage when his flight is on. So it is a good idea

    to burn your spells on him when he comes charging in.

    - Void Talisman might be a good idea as he hits like a TRUCK on squishies.

    - If you want to counter him, stack armor. You need to get to at least 20 Armor. There is a huge

    difference between 15 and 20 Armor (0% vs 20%+ dmg reduction). Get Plated Greaves and Nome's

    wisdom for that if you are support /get good use of it. Then throw a Platemail on top and you will be



    - Vindicator. Not only does he WRECK Maliken in the laning phase but he completely prevents

    Maliken from initiating with Sword Throw. Once he casts Sword he will be silenced by the

    Vindicator's Aura preventing him from blinking in. The silence is just long enough for him not being

    able to use blink.

    - Keep an Eye on his Ancient Creep spot to see if he is stacking. If so gank him / steal it.

    - Save your stuns for when he drops low. Otherwise he is very hard to kill with Hellbourne Zeal and

    Life Essence.

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    - A Barrier Idol greatly reduces the damage from his ultimate. Be fast to activate it though.

    - Shrunken Head will also negate most of his damage as well as make you immune to the stun.

    - Carrying dust or Wards of Revelation on at least one teammate is recommended to kill him when he

    tries to escape with Steam Bath (He can directly Port Key out of it).


    - Deadwood has low base Armor and can be harassed with auto attacks quite effectively.

    - If you are laning against him try to get Plated Greaves before he hits level 6. This will most likely

    make you survive a Deadwood Punch.

    - Nome's Wisdom and Armor in General are very good to mitigate Willowmaker damage. Keep in

    mind that Grasp reduces some armor.

    - When he casts Grasp you can notice it in 3 ways: You hear a very unique sound. You see a brief

    casting animation. You see his mana go down. Whenever you see one of those 3 things immediately

    change direction and run the most unexpected way. Once you get the hang of this it's very easy to

    dodge Grasps.


    - The Minions are very voulnerable to any form of AoE damage.

    - If you get silenced, run away from your team mates so the curse will not spread.


    - Any form of CC is good.

    - Except for his initial burst, gauntlet won't do much. No need to worry much about him. He also

    loses power drasticly as the game goes to lategame.

    - Try to keep him off your Carry.


    - Kill Shiver on sight to deny mapcontrol.

    - If he uses Shards, move sidewards to only get hit by one Shard.

    - Wards are the most important thing if you don't want to get ganked into oblivion.

    - Once he switches to Pushing Mode you should have people carrying TPs at all times.



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