final fantasy x walkthrough

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Final Fantasy X Walkthrough


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F I N A L F A N T A S Y X -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Final Fantasy X Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.03 For Playstation 2(tm) (US version) By: A Tadeo Submitted: January 17, 2002 Date last Updated: February 2, 2002 Mail me at: Home Page: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DISCLAIMER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, Commercial Web Sites. Youre also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of plagiarism, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as ones own without crediting the source.You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can copy the layout though. You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal purposes. Remember You dont have to steal, just ask. - B.O.F.III -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Greetings once more! Its time to get back on track on my RPG guide writing. As promised here is my Final Fantasy X walkthrough/FAQ for the Sony Playstation 2. Ive been planning on making this guide even back when it was announced for the Playstation 2 (last year). Im a Role-Playing Game Enthusiast and I cant afford not to have this great title. Ill do what I did way back during the days of my Final Fantasy IX guide. This time, Ill try to make it better than any of my other guides. But just as my previous guides, Ill wont be accepting e-mails regarding questions and contributions for now. Ill start accepting them after the walkthrough is finished. I have my own e-mail address for this one though.As for the game, this is definitely the BEST game EVER to appear on any console. I dont want to hurt the feelings of those who got the Xbox and the Gamecube last November but you really need a PS2 for this one. Final Fantasy X is the revolutionary RPG game for the next generation console gaming. Gear up folks, lets roll! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i. E-Mail Policy I. Progress/Updates/Revisions II. Game Information a. Game Controls b. Game Menu c. Game Basics - navigation system - storyline info - battle system - element system - Items and Key Items - Weapons and Armors d. Character Stats III. Character Information a. Main Characters b. Supporting Characters c. Arch-Enemies IV. Walkthrough a. Walkthrough b. Side Quests/Secrets 1. Temple Revisiting 2. Baaj Temple V. Overdrive a. Overdrive Information (per character) b. Overdrive List (per character) VI. Ability List VII. Aeons a. Aeon Info/Strategy b. Aeon Abilities VIII. Al Bhed Primers IX. Al Bhed Clues X. All about Chocobos XI. Jechts Spheres XII. Butterfly Catching XIII. Calm Lands Training Arena XIV. Blitz Ball a. What is Blitz Ball? b. Rules and Regulations c. Game Modes d. Character Stats e. Actions f. Encounters/Breakthroughs g. Techniques h. Techcopy i. Team Information j. Status Ailments k. Character Level Up l. Strategies m. Prize List n. Blitz Ball Scouts o. Blitz Ball Secrets XV. Item List XVI. Weapon List XVII. Armor List XVIII. Shops XIX. Enemy List XX. Gameplay Tips XXI. Fantasy Trivia XXII. Other Stuff a. Words of Wisdom b. Scenes of Humor XXIII. FAQs XXIV. Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=- E-MAIL POLICY =-=-=-=-=-=-=For the past few months, Ive been receiving such a great number e-mails and some of them are quite annoying (very few though, just 2). So, I decided to put up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to me. Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail regarding this guide and any of my other guides:Dos----1. Send me a question which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that happy to help you.2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what youre trying to ask me.3. You can send in your questions/contributions/other e-mails in text or HTML format. No executables.4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions, contributions, etc. If you use later versions, the answer/s to your questions might have been answered already and will be most likely to be ignored.5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and Ill respond to you ASAP.Donts------1. Dont send any questions which can be answered from my guide. And dont be persistent in doing so.2. Dont send nonsense e-mails like I want to marry you!, Can you buy me this or that?, etc.3. Dont say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.4. And, dont send Chain letters! Please!(Doing this, your e-mail will be most likely to be ignored)5. Dont send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I dont want any Trojans wandering around. 6. Dont Spam (repeated messages)Change topic, for those who will send their contributions, Ill always credit anything that is from you. I will always make sure of that. If I ever forget, please remind me nicely. :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PROGRESS/UPDATES/REVISIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Progress: ---------Hi everyone! The walkthrough is now finished. I am accepting all your e-mails so please dont hesitate to do so. Ill now be concentrating on completing most of the parts of the guide. Thank you once more.Updates:--------Version 1.03 (Started: January 31, 2002)---------------------------------------- - Walkthrough Update: Besaid Temple Destruction Sphere Djose Temple Destruction Sphere Temple Revisiting Side Quest Baaj Temple Side Quest - Aeon Info Updated - Chocobo mini-games Update - New Blitzball Scouts - Enemy List Update - Corrected some minor mistakesVersion 1.02 (Started: January 19, 2002)---------------------------------------- - Walkthrough Update: Calm Land Treasure Chests S.S. Liki Potions New Strategy against Yu Yevon - New Characters - Training Arena Update - New Section: Al Bhed Clues - Overdrive section updated - Chocobo Section Update - Enemy List Update - FAQ Section Update - Credits Section UpdatedVersion 1.01 (January 18, 2002)------------------------------- - Completed the walkthrough for the game! - New Section for the guide: Training Arena - Revised info on Abilities/Sphere Grid - New Tip for Seymour Battle #1 - Credits Section Updated. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAME INFORMATION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=============GAME CONTROLS=============If you have played one of the games in the final fantasy series, youll be very familiar with the game controls for the game. You use the Action button (X) to examine objects and talk to people. Triangle Button will be for the menu. Circle Button is assigned as the Cancel or the Walk Button. The Square button will be a special button for the Blitz Ball mini-game. Apart from the D-Pad (up, right, down, left) buttons, you may use the Left Analog stick to control the character. It will be much convenient that way.==========GAME MENUS==========to be included in the future...===========GAME BASICS===========1. The Navigation System------------------------The navigation system of the game is much like the same as in the previous Final Fantasies. You just control your character in towns and other places looking for key items and finding certain event locations. But this time, it will be much easier since the overhead map on the upper left corner of the screen shows you at once where you should go. It will be indicated by a red arrow. Youll just have to find your way to that indicator. But of course, there will be times when youll need to find your way out yourself.2. Storyline Info-----------------The storyline is practically very linear since there are no huge turning points that change/affect the story. Youll have to devote more time now since there are voiceovers for the story. It made the game more story-based, much like the Bouncer. But of course, FFX has more action.3. Battle System----------------The game incorporates almost the same turn-based battle system as the other games in the Final Fantasy Series. The CTB (Time Bar) is located on the right side of your screen during battles. Youll see the order of movement, the top of which is the one who will move first. If a characters bar depletes, it means he/she will have his/her turn. There are various things that affect the CTB. One is the type of attack the character does. Some attacks lessen the depletion time of the CTB and thus, it slows down the character. This is most evident when you use Special Attacks and Overdrives for Aeons. Second, the CTB depletion rate can be altered by using Haste (deplete faster) or Slow (deplete slower). Sometimes, it really is necessary to watch the order so that you can plan your move ahead of time.4. Element System-----------------Again, the elemental system is applied in battles. But this time, it will be much simpler than ever. There are 4 main elements namely Ice, Fire, Water, and Lightning. Ice and Fire oppose each other as well as Water to Lightning. If you use Ice on a Fire Based opponent, that attack will be very much effective. If you use the same element as the opponent, it will be most likely that it will be less effective. Your attack may even heal the opponent so watch out and know what your opponents element is.5. Items and Key Items----------------------As usual, items play an integral part in the game. Most especially, the Key Items are needed in order to progress through the game. Each item has its own effect/price and are can even be found on spoils from enemies. As for Key Items, they sometimes need some thinking in order to acquire. 6. Weapons and Armor--------------------Weapons and Armor are the basic tools youll need in the game. They are the one you use to assault your enemies. These weapons and armors (not all weapons and armors though) have special abilities that when equipped, will be activated and for use in the battle. It has been made simpler this time though since you only have to worry about the weapon and the armor. You dont have to worry about helmets, gloves, and such.===============CHARACTER STATS===============Strength - Determines the overall physical power of the character. It determines how much damage the character will do with normal attacks.Defense - Determines how high the defense of the character is. The higher this rating is, the lower the damage he will receive from physical attacks.Magic - Determines how strong is the Magical ability of the character. The higher this stat is, the stronger the effect of magical attacks will be. Magic Defense - Just like defense, but this time, this concerns magic. It determines how much damage the character will take from Magical attacks.Agility - This shows how fast the CTB of that character will fill up. Luck - This shows how will the character fare in landing an Overkill attack. This is applicable to physical and magical attacks. Evade - This stat shows the chance of the character to evade attacks and thus, receive no damage.Accuracy - This shows the possibility or the chances of a character in successfully attacking the opponent. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHARACTER INFORMATION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===================I. Main Characters==================Tidus-----He is a young Blitz Ball star of the Zanarkand Abes. All seems great until one day, Sin changed his life anew into a journey he never dreamed of. Apart from that, Tidus is also torn between affection for Lady Yuna and hate for his father, Jecht.Yuna----Yuna is an apprentice summoner who just turned into a full-fledged summoner after praying at the Besaid Temple. Yuna is the daughter of the famous High Summoner Braska. Yuna must now journey throughout Spira in a pilgrimage to the temples in order to acquire the final aeon and defeat Sin and follow in the footsteps of her father.Wakka-----Wakka is the captain of the Besaid Aurochs. The Blitz Ball team of Besaid that never won a single game in years. They yearn for a win and Tidus will be the key. Wakka, on the other hand, is one of Lady Yunas guardians. Although he is torn between his services as a guardian and a captain for Blitz Ball, hell find the true path hell take.Lulu----Lulu is one of the guardians of Yuna. She has the ability to use Black Magic or offensive magic. Although short tempered, she is caring and soft at heart. But then, there is some mystery between him and Wakka concerning Wakkas little brother, Chappu.Kimahri Ronso-------------A member of the Ronso tribe, Kimahri doesnt speak too much and shows what he means through actions. He is strong-willed and strong-bodied at the same time. He has devoted himself into protecting Lady Yuna ever since before she became an apprentice Summoner.Rikku-----Rikku is an Al Bhed girl who first met Tidus at Spira. Although some Al Bhed are rock-hearted, Rikku is sweet and she expresses her emotions very well.=========================II. Supporting Characters=========================Shelinda--------Grand Maester Mika------------------Maester Kelk Ronso------------------Maester Kinoc-------------Yu Yevon--------Oaka-----Belgemine---------Seymour Guado-------------Sin--- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WALKTHROUGH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The game offers quite a very linear story. You can actually go through your first game without any help at all. But just incase you got lost somewhere, Ill try my best to help you out with this guide. *****IMPORTANT REMINDER*****Just take note that as with my previous RPG guides, I write the walkthrough with minor spoilers in it so that you will be able to follow fully with the story and the game. But Ill try to minimize the spoilers so as not to reveal major turning points in the story.=================ZANARKAND STADIUM=================In the beginning, youll see a short FMV with all the characters shown. After that, its onto the stadium. There, our hero is being greeted by his fans since he is a Blitz Ball star. Now, youll be able to take control of him for the first time. Try to familiarize yourself on how to move the character. I suggest using the analog controller for ease of use. Then, go south towards the screen and talk either to the 2 girls or the children. Youll be asked for the name of our hero. Let us use his default name, Tidus. You may then talk to the other persons here. After that, a cue for the start of the game will be heard. Tidus will leave. When you regain control of him, just head east. Youll be able to hear the voice of Tidus himself. Youll now notice that Tidus is actually narrating his story. Move on to the next screen.Here, Tidus will be at the center of the crowd (just incase you cant find him). Just go north towards the building. Youll then see another FMV. A short while later, a disaster will happen. Youll be able to regain control of Tidus once more. This time, check out the small map on the upper left corner of your screen. Take note that there is a red arrow there. It is actually the exact point (or the direction to that point) where you need to go to in order to advance in the game/story. Now, go south to that point and meet up and talk with Auron (I really thought it was Aaron back then ^_^). Youll then see a short time-stopped event. Youll also be introduced to Sin by Auron. After that, youll have to fight your way through the spawns. Just attack them normally. Later, youll meet up with a boss.################################################################################BOSS: SINSPAWN AMMES################################################################################HP: 2,200+AP: 0Gil: 0Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: DemiSteal: not applicableThis is easy. Just use normal attacks and perform Overdrives when possible. Just try to finish the battle quickly since Demi will cut off quite a chunk of your HPS. ################################################################################After that, follow Auron while fighting on the way. When the enemies just keep on coming, hit the machine on the right to destroy the ground and give a chance for you to evade them. But then, it seems fate laid its hand on Tidus and he is sucked inside Sin along with Auron.=====RUINS=====Treasures: Potion, 200 Gil, Hi-Potion x2, Flints, X-Potions, Ether, Withered BouquetYoure now on another world it seems. First, familiarize yourself with in-water navigation. Pressing the Circle button will let Tidus dive. Now, head to a location where you see a boy. After that, youll be in a ruin area. Here, go west for an Al Bhen Comp. Sphere. Youll be able to use it later in the game. Near this is a chest with a Potion. Go back to the water and head east. Get 200 Gil from a chest there. Finally, go north towards the Red Indicator on the map and youll eventually reach the first Save Sphere of the game. Dont hesitate, just save your game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SAVE SPHERES- youll be able to save your game here. Also, your HP and MP will be replenished as well as for the Aeons (summons). There will also be other uses for this later in the game.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\After saving the game, continue to the next screen. Here, youll see an intersection. Go left first and get a Hi-Potion from a chest. Go back to the intersection and go north. In the water, go north. Youll now encounter your first underwater battle. After beating the opponents, another boss will appear.################################################################################BOSS: GEOSGAENO################################################################################HP: 500+AP: 0Gil: 0Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: Normal Physical AttacksSteal: not applicableAgain, heres another easy one. Just use normal attacks against it. Use Potions if necessary. ################################################################################After a scene, go north and go up the stairs at the end. Youll be in a main hall. Its cold here so youll need fire. First, go southwest and youll see a Save Sphere. Save if youd like. Then, use the south door and get the Flints inside. Next, in the main hall, get a X-Potion to the east. Use the northern door. Here, get an Ether to the Lower Left area. Then, continue north. On top, get the Withered Bouquet. Continue to the next screen and get another Hi-Potion. Now, head back to the main hall and examine the center. Youll see a couple of scenes here with a battle. Some people will arrive in here. ################################################################################BOSS: KLIKK################################################################################HP: 1,500+AP: 5Gil: 100Items: Ability Sphere x2Equip: noneAttacks: Normal Physical AttacksSteal: GrenadeIn this battle, the woman is on your side. Use her grenades to inflict a sufficient amount of damage to Klikk. As for Tidus, just let him attack normally and use Potions. Also, if you run out of grenades, you can steal some from Klikk. Just use the womans steal ability.################################################################################After that, they will take you on their ship afterwards. ============SALVAGE SHIP============Treasures: Potion x3Here, youll hear their weird language. But then, talk to the girl and she will speak normally. Youll now learn more about the Sphere Grid. After that, the girl will tell you that youll have to work. When you regain control, talk to one of the guys and hell give you 3 Potions. Save at the Save Sphere on the upper left area of the deck. Talk to the woman again. Youll be able to control Tidus in the water. Just press Circle until you shift to the next screen. In this screen, just follow the chain down to the underwater ruins.================UNDERWATER RUINS================Upon reaching the ruins, I suggest that you save your game first. Then, examine the blue panel here. It will open up a new path. Go in. Examine the center then go back. Youll meet up with another one of the bosses.################################################################################BOSS: TROS################################################################################HP: 2,100+AP: 5Gil: 100Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: TentaclesSteal: GrenadeIn this battle, youll see a new variation of moves. Tros will, first, go around the battle area. It will make Tidus and the girl unable to attack. Just choose the Stand By actions for both. Tros will lunge an attack. Just use the girls grenades and let Tidus do normal attacks. When it goes around the second time, choose the Pincer attack. Tidus and the woman will sneak up on both sides of Tros. It wont be able to escape anymore. Just pummel it until it dies.################################################################################When you regain control, follow the girl towards the exit. In the water, keep on diving down towards the Red Indicator on the map. After a short while, youll be back on the Ship.============SALVAGE SHIP============Youll see some scenes here where the girl talks to Tidus. Her name is Rikku. They will talk about Zanarkand, Blitz Ball and more. After that, when you regain control of Tidus, go to the Save Point and save your game. Next, talk to Rikku again. Later, Sin will do a surprise attack on the ship. Unfortunately for Tidus, hell get sucked inside again. ============BESAID BEACH============Treasures: Moon Crest, Antidote x2, Phoenix DownYoull find yourself in a new area. Tidus will show off his amazing Blitz Ball moves and the people will be stunned. When you regain control of Tidus in the water, go east and get a Moon Crest from a chest. Now, go back and talk to the people. Tidus will show off the move again. Then, one will introduce himself as Wakka. He is the Captain of the Besaid Aurochs. After some talk between the two, youll control Tidus again. Follow Wakka. Youll talk more about Zanarkand. Then, save your game. Follow him again. When you reach the lake, Wakka will push Tidus onto the water. In the water, just follow the channel. Dive along the way for a chest with 2 Antidotes. Near the end of the channel, youll see a short scene with Wakka and Tidus, about Blitz Ball.Youll now arrive at the Village. Youll meet the Crusaders on the way. At the Village, Wakka will show you the different places you can go to. Then, hell ask you about their prayer. You may answer whichever you want. After that, Wakka will tell you to head for the temple and present yourself to the Temple Summoner. When you regain control of Tidus, go to the houses here. The first one on the left is an Item Shop. Buy some Potions and Phoenix Downs if youd like. After that, you may talk to the people on the houses on the right side. Theres a Phoenix Down just outside the Item Shop. Wakkas house is in one of them. Then, go to the Crusaders House. The Crusaders (Luzzu and Gatta) here will tell you their purpose and objectives. After that, you may talk to the person in the counter for a free nap. This will replenish your HP and MP. After that, leave and head for the temple to the north. Youll see a short scene when you enter. When you regain control of Tidus, try heading for the Northwest door. An elder will talk to you more about High Summoner Braska and about Yevon. After that, try to go up the stairs to the west door. The elder will stop you. Now, head all the way back to Wakkas house. Talk to him and take another nap. Youll see him leave with the elder. Now, go back to the temple and then, talk to Wakka. It seems the apprentice summoner has taken too long. Tidus will not hesitate to break the rules just to save the apprentice summoner. Tidus will head for the cloister of trials.===========================CLOISTER OF TRIALS (BESAID)===========================Take note, these types of trials consists of puzzles. They are easy but later, youll encounter more complex ones. First, youll see 2 glyphs here. Examine the one on the north. Then, examine the one on the right (which will open). Go down and examine another Glyph on the way. Youll be told about how to use the Glyphs and Spheres. Youll receive a Glyph Sphere. Always remember that you can only hold one Sphere at a time. Now, continue down and examine the recess on the door. Place the Sphere and it will open. Go through. In the next area, go west and youll see a pedestal at the end. First, examine the symbols on the wall just opposite the pedestal. Get the Besaid Sphere. Put in on the pedestal. The path will open. Now, push the pedestal towards the glittering light. Wakka will come in. He will now tell you that he himself is one of the guardians. Youll then move on to the Fayth (inner chamber of the temple/cloister) where the apprentice summoner prays. Note: To use the Destruction Sphere (which will reveal a treasure), put the Glyph sphere on the left recess. It will reveal the Destruction Sphere. Put the Destruction Sphere at the recess inside the small room (with lights that form lines inside) and the path to the treasure chest will appear. Youll receive the Rod of Wisdom.There, youll see the other 2 guardians. After a short talk, the apprentice summoner will finally come out. She is now a full-fledged summoner. Youll see more cutscenes afterwards. When you regain control of Tidus, leave the temple. Youll see a demonstration of the Lady summoner. She will summon the Aeon Valefor. Everyone will be overjoyed. After that, youll see more scenes. Later, Wakka will introduce Tidus to the Blitz Ball team. When you regain control of Tidus, head left and try to talk to the Summoner. The people wont allow it but the summoner will approach Tidus. She will introduce herself to Tidus. Her name is Yuna. After a some talk (Wakka comes into the scene also), go back and talk to Wakka, who is now with the Aurochs, to take some sleep. During the night, Tidus will have a weird dream. Youll be able to control him through. Just move on and talk to Yuna. Rikku and Jecht will appear too. After that, Tidus will wake up and see Wakka and Lulu. Youll see more scenes later with Tidus and Wakka talking about Wakkas little brother, Chappu. The next morning, Wakka will give you a new sword, which he gave to his little brother way back. When Yuna arrives, the party will move on to pray for victory (Blitz Ball) and safe journey. On the way, youll learn some battle basics such as the elements. After that, when you regain Tidus after they prayed, save your game. Now, follow the Red Indicator. A beast will come in. It is one of Yunas Guardians. Just beat it with normal attacks or use your Overdrive if possible. Wakka will stop the fight. Yuna will tell you more about Kimahri. After that, just move on. On the way, youll learn how to use Yunas Aeons. Use Valefor for the meantime since there are no other Aeons at the moment. To finish the battle quickly, use the Overdrive of the Aeon when the Overdrive bar fills up. From here, just move on until you reach the beach. Save your game, then board the ship. Yuna will say goodbye to the people of Besaid.=========S.S. LIKI=========Treasures: RemedyNow, youll be able to see the new world map for FFX (I do admit that this is a flaw since it deviated from the original world map concept of the previous games). On the ship, youll first see a naughty Tidus. When you regain control of him, go and talk to Wakka. Then, go to Yuna and youll automatically talk with her. After talking to her, go down to the cabin and meet Oaka. He is a traveler merchant whom youll be seeing many many times in your journey. You can buy weapons and items from him. After that, go to the south door behind the stairs. Youll see the Chocobos here. They are powering the ship (just as in FF9). Go back out and go inside the room beside the save point. Get a Remedy inside. You may save your game if youd like. Go down off the deck into the cabin below. Head into the room on the left. There's a small rectangular box on the right side of the screen. By pressing the action button Tidus will kick it and receive a potion! You can do it several times.After that, go back up to the deck and talk to Wakka then to Yuna. Youll talk more and more about Zanarkand, Blitz Ball, and more. Suddenly, Sin will appear from nowhere and youll have to do battle once more.################################################################################BOSS: SIN (and Sinscales)################################################################################HP: 2,236AP: 0Gil: 0Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: noneSteal: n/aThis is a rather simple battle, if you know what to do exactly. First, your priority should be to defeat Sins fin. To be able to attack it, you must use either Wakka, Lulu, or both of them. Yuna should be in the party to heal. Now, as for the Sinscales, just leave 1 of them alive so that more will not come anymore. Concentrate your attacks on the Fin and heal when necessary.################################################################################After that battle with Sin, Tidus is nowhere to be found. Wakka jumps in and saves him. But then, another boss comes up.################################################################################BOSS: SINSPAWN ECHUILLES (more Sinscales)################################################################################HP: 2,268AP: 10Gil: 573Items: Power Sphere x2, Mana Sphere x13, Ability Sphere x2Equip: Yellow Arm Guard, HarpoonAttacks: Blender, Drain TouchSteal: n/aThis is a long match. First, your main concern should be the Blender attack and the annoying Sinscales. Let Wakka kill the Sinscales and let Tidus handle the boss. Do not hesitate to use Potions. Youll be using several of them. Now, when available, use your overdrives to give you more advantage to the boss.################################################################################After that battle, youll see a sad scene where Sin obliterates Kilika. Then, youll finally arrive at Kilika Village.======KILIKA======When you arrive at the ill-fated Kilika Village, Yuna will offer her services as a Summoner to perform the Sending ritual for the souls of the dead. When you regain control of Tidus, save your game first then head north and then, go west. Youll see the entire ritual here where Yuna sends the soul to the farplane to give them peace. The next morning, leave the inn. Datto will talk to you and tells you that Wakka wants to talk to you. Go west first and save a girl here who is on an unstable platform. After that, go all the way to the east and talk to Wakka. After that, go west and keep on moving until you reach the Woods.============KILIKA WOODS============Treasures: Elixir, Scout, Hi-Potion, Luck SphereYoull see a scene with Yuna where she asks Tidus to become her guardian. Well, Tidus isnt a guardian yet but hell still stay close to Yuna and protect her. When you regain control, you may want to save first, go all the way to the north until you meet up with Luzzo and Gatta. They are confronted by a Lord Ochu. Do battle with it.################################################################################BOSS: LORD OCHU################################################################################HP: 4,649AP: 40Gil: 420Items: MP SphereEquip: Echo Arm GuardAttacks: Poison Claw, Water, EarthquakeSteal: n/aYou can use Valefor here. Let Valefor attack until it vanishes. Then, use Lulus Fire magic and let the others attack the Ochu. The most devastating attacks are the Poison Claw and the Earthquake. Youll need a couple of Antidotes or Yunas Esuna Magic. When the Ochu is asleep, it will Regenerate its HP by 300+ gradually. You wouldnt want that since it is hard to damage it. Just attack it with physical attacks to wake it up. Watch out, hell perform earthquake when he wakes up so heal at once.################################################################################After the battle, go south and save your game again. Dont forget to talk to Luzzo and get an Elixir. After saving, go back up to the intersection and head left. At the next intersection, go north and get a Scout. At the next intersection, move north once more. Youll meet up with several people here. Get a Hi-Potion from one of them. Go north here and get a Luck Sphere. Go back to the previous intersection and continue to the east. At the next intersection, go north. Youll finally reach the temple area. Here, youll see a short scene. After that, go and save your game at the save point. Follow Yuna and youll be battling another one of the Sinspawns.################################################################################BOSS: SINSPAWN GENEAUX################################################################################HP: 3,000 (2 tentacles: 450 HP each)AP: 82Gil: 350Items: Ability Sphere x2, Power Sphere x6Equip: Bright Arm GuardAttacks: Venom, Water, StaccatoSteal: n/aFor this boss, attack its tentacles first. His body will be armored so use Lulus Magic. When he reveals himself (including his tentacles), use Valefor to punish it. Then, when Valefor is gone, use your most powerful physical or magical attacks on it.################################################################################After that battle, save your game below once more if youd like. Then, continue up towards the temple. Youll see some scenes with Lulu. =============KILIKA TEMPLE=============Here, go north and youll be greeted by the Luca Goers, the best Blitz Team in Spira. After that, you may save again if you want then go into the temple. Talk to Wakka here and pray too. Youll see some scenes with another Summoner, Dona, and her guardian. When you regain control, go up into the door. Tidus will be left behind since he isnt a Guardian yet. Now, wait till the platform comes up again. Dona and Barthello will come and places Tidus onto the platform forcefully bringing him to the bottom. Below, go inside the chamber. Youll reach another Cloister of Trials.===========================CLOISTER OF TRIALS (KILIKA)===========================Treasures: Red ArmletFirst, get the Kilika Sphere and place it on the recess on the door. It will burn. Remove it again and place it either to the left or the right wall recess. Go through the door. This is the second room. All you have to do is to touch the Glyph to the far north. A door will open leading to the 3rd room. Here, get the Kilika Sphere on the right then step on the Glittering Panel. A Pedestal will appear. Put the Kilika Sphere on the Pedestal and push it onto the glittering panel. Next, get the Glyph Sphere and put it on the east recess (near fire) and the fire will be put out. Get the Kilika Sphere below and put it on the door first. Now, go back to the door that was opened using the Glyph Sphere. Get the Destruction Sphere inside. Place it on the recess at the bottom and the wall will crush. Now, remember that the Destruction Sphere opens up secret treasures in Cloisters just as what youve learned earlier. Get the Red Armlet here. Finally, remove the Kilika Sphere from the burning door and place it elsewhere. Go through the door. Youll see more scenes. When you regain control of Tidus, talk to Wakka and youll learn more about the Fayth and Aeons. When you regain control, try to leave the chamber. Yuna will finally come out. After that leave the temple. Youll see a couple of scenes and a flashback outside. When you regain control of Tidus again, go all the way back to the ship.=========S.S. LIKI=========See some short scenes here. When you regain control of Tidus in the Cabin, leave the room and move on to the deck. Go to the south of the deck and keep on talking to Yuna about Zanarkand. After that, go to the west side of the ship and go up. Youll see Lulu and Wakka talk about Tidus. Keep on going back up to hear the entire story. When you are able to go to both of them talk to them then go back down. Now, go north and examine the Blitz Ball. Youll see another flashback of Tidus. Its now time for the Jecht Shot Challenge. Here, youll need to perform the Jecht Shot to finally remove the bad memories Tidus had. There are 9 locations on the screen where memories (text) will appear. Youll then have to push the corresponding direction plus the X button. Example, if the text/memory appears on the upper left, you should press Up+Left and the X button. That goes the same for all directions. If it is in the center, just press the X button only. You will be given a short practice. Then, the real thing begins. Just keep on pressing those buttons with accordance to the memories until Tidus finishes the move. If you fail, Tidus will miss the ball. If you managed to get it right, Tidus will be finally freed of those bad memories. Also, youll be given the Jecht Shot Technique that you can use later in the Blitz Ball games if you successfully performed it. Youll then see lots of scenes with Yuna, Wakka, and the rest of the Aurochs. Youll then be asked to save your game. After that, youll finally reach Luca.====LUCA====Here, the announcer will introduce some of the teams that will participate in the opening tournament. Youll hear an annoying introduction for the Besaid Aurochs who didnt have any win at all. After some more scenes, youll be able to control Tidus once more. Just follow the Red Indicator on the map. Youll meet Maester Mika and Maester Seymour here. After seeing this scene, youll be asked to save your game once more. At the Locker room, youll hear the news about the match. Luckily, you wont have to face the Luca Goers for now. The first match will be against the Al Bhed Psyches. Now, youll be shown a massive tutorial for Blitz Ball. I do suggest that you go over these tutorials if you play for the first time. After that, Yuna will come in and informs you that Auron has been sighted in the city. Tidus will go with Yuna for a while. Youll see a short scene with Tidus and the Al Bhed here. After that, when you regain control of Tidus once more, just follow Yuna towards the Red Indicator on the map. You may save your game on the way. At the bar, Auron isnt found, but youll see Kimahri face 2 more of his Ronso friends. But then, the tournament has started. Then, Tidus will notice that Yuna is gone. Lulu will fill you in. Yuna is most likely to have been kidnapped. When you regain control, just follow the Red Indicator towards platform 4. Youll have to battle some Machinas on the way. Just use Lulus Thunder Magic and youll be fine. Youll also see Wakka giving it up to the Al Bhed since Yunas life is in danger. Then, Tidus and the party will catch up to an Al Bhed ship. Youll have to battle a boss.################################################################################BOSS: OBLITZERATOR################################################################################HP: 6,000AP: 36Gil: 58Items: ElixirEquip: Metal RingAttacks: Physical AttacksSteal: n/aThis battle will be easy. First, let Tidus cast Haste on Lulu. Then, have Lulu use her Thunder Magic on the Crane a few times so that it will be activated. When it is activated, operate it using Tidus. It will destroy the machina and swill damage it by 5,500 HP! Use 1 more Thunder Magic on it to obliterate it.################################################################################After that, Yuna will be safe. You will also know the lineage of Yuna. Then, Lulu will send a signal to Wakka that Yuna is safe. He will then give it one last shot to give the Aurochs their first taste of victory! After that, just follow the map to go back to the Locker Room. Its Tidus time to show off his Blitz moves. After some scenes, youll regain control of Tidus. Go back inside the Locker Room and talk to Wakka. After that, the match begins with Tidus acting as the captain. Now, youll be playing real Blitz Ball yourself. The Luca Goers stats are very very high. Even if you are good at playing (if this is your second time through the game), youll have a hard time playing it. Tidus shooting is also weak and cant penetrate easily through the goalie. Their shooters are excellent and can easily score from your goalie. During the second half, Wakka will come in and replace Tidus. The Luca Goers will win but the Aurochs proved that they are a team to be reckoned with. After the match, Tidus will go to Wakka when suddenly, fiends appear and youll have to do battle with them. Just keep on fighting until you get out. Later, outside, youll be able to control Auron. One slash is all that is needed to beat the enemy. Then, Tidus and Wakka will finally meet him. Youll do battle again. Use everything youve got. When all seems lost, Seymour comes in and demonstrates the power of his Aeon. It will pulverize all fiends. Nothing will be able to escape. Then, after those scenes, youll be asked to save your game once more. After that, youll see Wakka say his goodbye to his team. Then, youll see Auron. Youll then hear the story of Auron. He will also reveal something about Jecht and Sin and that he is a guardian too. After that, when you regain control of Tidus, just follow the map and youll see your next destination. Then, go talk to Yuna and youll see her and Tidus do some laughing and whistling. Time to go to Djose.========HIGHROAD========Treasures: Hi-Potion x3, Hunters Spear, Antidote x6, Ice Brand, Seekers Bangle, Remedy, Red Ring, Level 1 Key Sphere x2, 2000 Gil, 500 Gil, Eye Drops x3, Mega-Potion x2, Mars Crest, EtherIn this area, while going through it, talk to people and youll receive various items from them. First, save your game. Youll be given a notice that the Save Sphere has been improved to level 2 and now, you can play Blitz Ball at save points if youd like. After that, move on. Talk to the old man by the statue and hell tell you more about Miihen and the Crusaders. Continue. Get a Hunters Spear and 2 Antidotes on the way. Then, youll see ruins of an ancient machina city. Youll be introduced to Maechen, the scholar. Then, get the Ice Brand behind the ruins. If you examine the center of the ruins, youll see some Al Bhed writings. You may not be able to read it even on your second game. Check out the Al Bhed primers section of this guide for more info. Continue north. Youll see a short scene with the Djose Chocobo Knights. Theyll tell you about a fiend. When you regain control of the party, go to the ruins on the right. Youll meet another summoner, Belgemine. She will challenge Yuna to a summoner battle. Shell be using Ifrit and youll be using Valefor. This is a 1 on 1 match so no one can interfere. After the battle, youll be given the Seekers Bangle. Shell also mention something about the past. After that, continue north to the next area.In here, go east and get a Remedy. Continue heading east. Youll see a scene with Cali and about the Calm. After that, continue. Get a Red Ring on the way. Continue towards the next area. In here, go north and get a Level 1 Key Sphere and 4 Antidotes on the way. When you reach a ruin to the right, go there and get 2000 Gil. Continue north and youll see a caravan. After that, move on. Get a Hi-Potion and 500 Gil on the way. Youll then see Luzzu and Gatta at the ruins on the right. After that, continue north and youll meet up with an acolyte, Shelinda. After some talking with her, continue north and get 3 Eye Drops on the way. When you reach a shop, go in. You may save your game here and/or buy some items and equipments. After that, leave the shop and outside, talk to Yuna. There will be a long scene with them. After that, go back inside and save your game. Inside, talk to the person on the left and youll receive a Level 1 Key Sphere. Youll also be taught on how to use the Sphere Grid. Then, youll meet the owner of the shop, Rin. Hell tell you more about Al Bhed and their language. Hell give you Vol. VIII of the Al Bhed Primer (check Al Bhed Primer section on this guide). Then, trouble arises outside. Youll be given 2 Mega-Potions. Prepare for battle. Save your game then go out. Head north and youll meet...################################################################################BOSS: CHOCOBO EATER################################################################################HP: 10,000AP: 90Gil: 970Items: noneEquip: Moomba MageAttacks: Physical Attacks, PushSteal: n/aYoull need to kill the Chocobo Eater quickly if you want to defeat it. Your main concern is his push attack. If he manages to push you off the cliff, he wins. First, let Tidus cast Haste on everyone. Let the other characters attack or use Magic. But first, use Wakkas Dark Attack on it to blind it. Then immediately, use Yunas Aeons. Try to gain a full Overdrive bar so that both Ifrit and Valefor can use overdrive attacks. If you attacked it properly, it will fall on its back. This time, attack it with everything youve got to push it back (thus preventing you from falling down the cliff). Just keep on doing this until it dies. ################################################################################If you managed to defeat it, Rin and his assistant will thank you for dealing with that fiend. They will offer you a free Chocobo Ride. If did lose, your game wont be over yet. Youll just be using the road at the bottom. Lets continue. First, save your game if youd like so that your HP and MP will be replenished. Then, go out and talk to Rins assistant for a free Chocobo ride. Riding the Chocobo will stop fiends from attacking you, therefore there will be no random battles. Just continue until you reach the end. Youll see an intersected there. The path to the right is the path to the bottom road, which you would have taken if you lose to the Chocobo Eater. Go there and get the Mars Crest and youll also meet Oaka. When youre ready, to the north gate. Youll be told to disembark the Chocobo. You may then save your game if youd like. After that, talk to Summoner Dona twice. Continue north through the caravan and see Luzza and Gatta. After that, talk to the guy on the left. Hell ask you for donations. Youll be given something in return also.100 Gil - Scout1,000 Gil - Ice Lance10,000 Gil - ?0 - nothingNow, talk to the Gate Captain. Just ask him about the operation. Go back and youll see Seymour. He will help you to pass through the gate. Now, go north to the next area. Youll see Seymour and the Crusaders. After that, youll see some scenes. When you regain control move on. Talk to people for an Ether and a Hi-Potion. Move on and at the intersection, youll meet up with Clasko. Youll now have to go west.======================MUSHROOM ROCK - VALLEY======================Treasures: Hi-Potion x4, Potion x10, 1000 Gil, Remedy, X-Potion, Serene Armlet, Mega-Potion x2, Soft Ring, Phoenix Down x2, EtherYoull be battling fiends again. Youll meet up with Oaka again. Move on and talk to people for a Hi-Potion. Use the elevator platform at the end. Talk to the man that youll see beside a chest. Hell give you 10 Potions. Then, examine the chest for 1,000 Gil. Continue and youll eventually reach another chest that contains a Remedy. Move on and meet up once more with Shelinda. After that, get another chest on the way for another Hi-Potion. At the end, use the platform to go up. Next, talk to people on the way for a X-Potion. Go west to a spiral and get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 10. Then, youll see a platform to the north and one to the west. Use the west platform first and get the Serene Armlet. Go back up then use the northern platform to go up. Talk to the people again for a Mega-Potion. Now, talk to Gatta. Youll see a scene with him and Luzzu. Then, talk to Luzzu. Hell tell you more about Wakkas brother Chappu. After that, save your game and use the large platform to go up. Continue south to the next area. On top, youll see lots and lots of machina. Wakka will be mad. After more scenes, continue to the Command Center. Youll meet up with Gatta, who is quite upset. Auron will teach some something. After that, go inside and youll meet Maester Kinoc. After the talk, prepare your party and save your game. Then, talk to the guard at the lower right corner of the command center (indicated by the red arrow on the map). When youre ready, youll be dealing with another sinspawn.################################################################################BOSS: SINSPAWN GUI################################################################################HP: 12,000 (Head: 2000, Arms: 800 each)AP: 0Gil: 0Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: Physical Attacks, Thunder, Demi, VenomSteal: n/aFirst, lets talk about how Gui attacks. It uses all of its parts to attack, the head, body and arms. The head attacks using venom and magic. Both the body and the arms deal quite strong physical attacks. You have to remove both its arms in order to be able to hit its body with physical attacks (it wont be able to block magical attacks to its body). Then, destroy the head immediately. Once the arms are gone, pummel its body as quickly as you can. You may use the Aeons to further deal damage to it.################################################################################After the battle, youll see Sin itself. It will obliterate everything that stand in its way. After that, youll see Seymour and the Sinspawn. Youll fight it again but this time, Seymour will be with you.################################################################################BOSS: SINSPAWN GUI (Part 2)################################################################################HP: ?AP: 850Gil: 4,500Items: Lv. 1 Key SphereEquip: NightmareAttacks: Physical Attacks, Thunder, Demi, VenomSteal: n/aWith Seymour in your party, youll have a very easy time against it. Take note also that you can only use Auron and Yuna here. To beat the Sinspawn, just use Seymours Level 2 Magic attacks.################################################################################After that, youll see a scene where Machina goes head to head with Sin. When you regain control of Tidus, go north and talk to Gatta. Hell be hysterical. Then, Tidus will go after Sin. After that, youll be able to regain control of Tidus once more. Save your game. Talk to Auron and Kinoc. Youll also see Yuna and Seymour. Then, talk to Auron. Youll see more scenes here. When you regain control of Tidus, go west and get a Hi-Potion inside a chest. Follow the red arrow to the northeast. Youll be able to hear Kimahri talk for the first time and smile! When you regain control, save then go north. On the way, talk to the people and receive a Soft Ring. Get a chest on the left side for 2 Phoenix Downs. Continue. Talk to the people again for Hi-Potion, Ether, and Mega Potion. At the intersection, youll see a short scene. Go north. Tidus and Auron will have a short conversation.======================DJOSE: PILGRIMAGE ROAD======================Treasures: 4000 Gil, Ability Sphere x4Here, go north. Talk to Captain Lucil on the way. When you regain control, go west for 4,000 Gil. Then, go northeast. Check behind the house for Ability Sphere x4. Youll see Gatta here. Then, buy some weapons and/or items from the merchant. Save your game and head for the temple.============DJOSE TEMPLE============Inside, youll meet a new Summoner. Isaaru and his 2 brother guardians. After a short conversation, youll be able to regain control of the party. Go up. Isaaru will talk to Tidus for a while about Summoners disappearing. Continue to the Cloister of Trials.==========================CLOISTER OF TRIALS - DJOSE==========================Treasures: Magic SphereFirst, put the 2 Djose Spheres on the door to open it. Go to the 2nd room. Here, youll see a pedestal and a symbol in the middle, 2 spheres beside the door, glittering panel/glyph to the left, and 2 recesses to the right. First, get the 2 Djose Spheres beside the door and put them one by one on each of the recesses on the right. Push the pedestal (w/ a Djose Sphere) to the right until it becomes a brighter Djose Sphere. Now, take the new Djose Sphere and put it on the recess to the right of the north door. It will open. Then, put the 2 Djose Spheres (at the right recesses) both on the pedestal. Then, push it forward until it drops on the electric currents. The pedestal will stay afloat. Jump on it and push the pedestal to the north, which will activate a part of the symbol. After that, go back to the symbol and go left. Step on the glittering panel. The pedestal will now be back at the center. Now, get the New Djose Sphere and put it on the recess to the left of the door. Next, get the 2 Djose Spheres on the pedestal and put them on the recesses back in the first room. The symbol will be complete and you can see a platform in the center. Step on it to move on. If you have the destruction sphere, take it up and put it in the lone pedestal to the south. It will reveal an opening to the treasure, which is a Magic Sphere.At the next area, just push the 5 pedestals. Go up and talk to Lulu. Then, Dona will appear. Youll see a scene with Barthello and Auron. After that, when you regain control, talk to everyone and try to leave. Yuna will come out of the chamber. Youll then be asked to name the 3rd aeon, Ixion.============DJOSE TEMPLE============Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Halberd, Potion x10Outside, talk to everyone. Then, go back inside and go to the upper right door. Talk to the woman beside the bed. Yuna will wake up and they will go back to the party. Youll see a short scene outside. When you regain control, go south and keep following the red indicator on the overhead map. Talk to people on the way for Hi-Potion x2, Halberd, Potion x10. Youll then meet up with Lucil of the Chocobo Knights. Just continue south afterwards. At an intersection, head north and youll reach the moonflow.========MOONFLOW========Treasures: X-Potion, Lv.1 Key Sphere x3, Dragon Scales x2, Summoners Soul, Magic Def. Sphere, Phoenix Down x2, 5000 GilJust continue to the Red Indicator on the map. Youll see Shelinda on the way as well as 2 other Ronsos who are picking on Kimahri. They will also warn about the missing Summoners. When you regain control, get a chest for an X-Potion. Continue once again and get another chest with a Level 1 Key Sphere x3 at the right side of the road. Then, youll meet up with Belgemine. Yuna will have to fight her with Aeons. Just use Ifrit and Valefor since Belgemine will be using the new Ixion. If you win, youll get 2 Dragon Scales and a Summoners soul. You can now let your Aeons learn abilities. After that, go on and get a Magic Defense Sphere on a narrow path on the left side of the right. Move on.At the next area, continue north and youll see the Moonflow itself. Then, youll be able to see the elephant-like shoopuf. When you regain control of Tidus, get the Phoenix Down x2 then continue west to the next screen. Youll see Lucil and her knights trying to deal with the person in charge about the Chocobo. After that, save your game and talk to Wakka and Lulu. Then, get the chest behind them for 5,000 Gil. Next, talk to the driver and youll have the Shoopuf ride. Youll see some scenes during the ride, then Yuna will be caught by the Al Bhed! Tidus and Wakka will come to the rescue.################################################################################BOSS: EXTRACTOR################################################################################HP: 4,000AP: 600Gil: 2,400Items: Mega Potion x2Equip: Moon RingAttacks: Aqua Shooter, Depth ChargesSteal: n/aTo beat the extractor, have Tidus use his Delay Attack ability to give chance to both him and Wakka to attack more. Not to mention, putting both of them on haste is a very good strategy. You just have to watch out the extractor when it pulls up. It is readying its Depth Charge attack which can decimate both Tidus and Wakka in a single blow. To prevent this, just attack the extractor until it comes back down.################################################################################Youll see more scenes on the shoopuf after that. When you reach the north wharf, save your game and go all the way to the west. Youll meet up again with Rikku. Youll see some scenes here where Rikku tells her story to the girls and about her being a guardian of Yuna. After that, continue north to the North Bank.===================MOONFLOW NORTH BANK===================Treasures: Antidote x4, Mega-PotionOn the way, youll have a weird battle. Youll see a chest. Use Rikkus steal ability to get its contents. Continue afterwards. Get a chest on the way for Antidote x4. Move on and get another chest on the way for a Mega-Potion. At the end, youll reach Guadosalam.==========GUADOSALAM==========Treasures: Elixir, Mega-Potion, Hi-Potion x2Youll be greeted by Tromell Guado. He will tell you that Seymour is waiting for Yuna. After that, Rikku will tell you more about Customizing equipments. When you regain control, go inside the inn. Save your game inside. Leave the in. Go up and head south for a chest with an Elixir. Go to the house on the west. Get a Mega-Potion at the upper right corner. Dont forget also that you can recruit some of the Guado to play for your Blitz Ball Team. After that, go inside the mansion to the north. Go upstairs and get a hidden chest at the center for Hi-Potion x2. Now, talk to everyone. Tromell will then come in and will ask you to go through the door below. Go inside. Talk again to everyone then Seymour will come in. He will show you the thoughts of the people on the farplane. Youll see Zanarkand and Yunalesca. Then, Seymour will whisper something to Yuna. He wants to marry Yuna. Everyone will be surprised. When you regain control after that scene, leave the mansion and go to the north east towards the Farplane. Auron and Rikku will stay behind. At the farplane, youll see the thoughts and memories of the dead. When you regain control, talk to Wakka then Lulu. Finally, talk to Yuna. Youll see Tidus flashbacks. After that, when you leave the farplane, Jyscal will try to come out. Yuna sends him. When you regain control, go back to the mansion. Youll see some scenes. Keep on talking to Lulu. Youll be asked later whom you like (I chose Lulu). After that, go down and go east to the path to the Thunder Plains. Youll see Shelinda. Continue. Outside, youll see a scene with Yuna. Youll also hear Tidus say Macarena instead of Macalania. Continue to the Thunder Plains.==============THUNDER PLAINS==============Treasures: Phoenix Down x2, Hi-Potion x2, Water Ball, Yellow ShieldRikku will be very scared of the Lightning. Youll be told that you can take shelter at the Lightning Rod Towers. Or, you may dodge the lightning by pressing X just as the Lightning flashes. When you regain control, go north and get a chest for Phoenix Downs. Save your game. Then, get 2 Hi-Potions from a chest to the west of the Save Sphere.Now, go north and youll see a Cactuar Stone. Examine it using Square. But I still dont know what its actual use is. At the next tower, youll see Shelinda again. Youll be asked about the Marriage. Now, go north and veer off to the east for a Water Ball. Youll see another Cactuar Stone. Continue north. Youll see a scene where Rikku tries to convince everyone to rest for a while. Shell do so. Now, inside, youll see a scene with Rin and Auron. Hell give you the Al Bhed Primer volume XIV. Save your game then go to Yuna. Youll see Yuna and a sphere. After resting, talk to Rikku. Outside, when you regain control, go north and get the Yellow Shield lying on the ground. Go to the next area. Youll see another Cactuar Stone. Continue north and youll see another stone to the right. Continue north towards another save sphere. Youll see a scene with Yuna talking about her marriage to Seymour. From here, just move on until you reach the Macalania Woods.===============MACALANIA WOODS===============Treasures: 2000 GilSave your game first. Then, use the top path first and get 2,000 Gil on the way. Then, youll meet up with Barthello. Hell tell you that Dona is gone. Continue on and youll reach a place where you can catch some Butterflies (see Butterfly Catching section). Just move on along the long path. At the end, save your game. You may also buy again from Oaka here. Move on and then Auron will show you something. First, youll have to fight another fiend.################################################################################BOSS: SPHERIMORPH################################################################################HP: 11,400AP: 3,000Gil: 3,800Items: Lv. 2 Key SphereEquip: White ArmletAttacks: Press, Physical and Magical AttacksSteal: EtherThe best way to defeat spherimorph is to use magic attacks that have an element opposite of that of the spherimorph. You may use Lulus Black Magic attacks. But the most useful perhaps are the aeons. If the spherimorph has a fire element, using ifrit will be a good idea since the attacks of spherimorph will just heal Ifrit. Ifrit can then attack until spherimorph is defeated. This goes the same for Ixion.################################################################################After that, get Jechts Sphere. Tidus will play it back. Youll see Jechts memories. Youll then be told that Jechts sphere are scattered throughout the world (see Jechts Sphere section). After that, go back. Youll have a short talk with Auron. Continue north. At the shop, get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI just outside the shop wall. Move on. Youll see another scene with Tromell Guado here. Yuna will go to seymour alone. But then, the Al Bhed comes in again and tried another shot at Yuna. Youll have to fight one of their machines again.################################################################################BOSS: CRAWLER / NEGATOR################################################################################HP: 16,000 / 1,000AP: 6,820Gil: 6,800Items: Potion, ElixirEquip: LifegiverAttacks: Gatling Gun, Assault, Mana BeamSteal: ?First of all, you have to take care of the Negator since it will prevent you from using any magical skill. Its easy since it has a pretty low HP. After that, use your Aeons to finish the job. If that isnt enough, use magic attacks (especially Thunder/Lightning) and use your strong characters (Tidus, Wakka, Auron) for physical attacks. ################################################################################Rikku will then be revealed to Wakka. After that, youll ride the snowmobiles. Youll see a scene where Tidus and Lulu are talking to each other on the snowmobile. Go to the temple.================MACALANIA TEMPLE================Youll see Shelinda inside. After that, save and then one attendants will see a sphere in Yunas belongings. Go to that room and youll see Jyscals message about Seymour. Enter the Cloister. Youll see Seymour there. Then, Yuna comes out and rejoins the party. Youll now have to fight Seymour.################################################################################BOSS: SEYMOUR / 2 Guado Guardians################################################################################HP: 6,000 / 2,000 eachAP: 7,620Gil: 8,600Items: Ability Sphere x6, Black Magic Sphere x2Equip: Magical Armlet, Scout, Eye Popper, Reticent StaffAttacks: Slow, Level 2 Black Magic, Level 3 Black Magic, Protect Anima (8,000 HP): Pain, BoostSteal: ?Seymour is tough. Use 1 of your aeons (except ????) at once so that Seymour will be defeated. Another problem would be the guardians. They have the Auto-Potion ability that will automatically heal them 1000 HPs after being damaged. They also protect Seymour from your physical attacks. After beating Seymour, he will summon his aeon, Anima. Your main goal should be to finish it before its Overdrive becomes available. Use all your Aeons especially ????, or Shiva. After beating Anima, youll have to do battle with Seymour for the last time.Strategy from: Lam aka Silpheed_EX----------------------------------First, to remove the Auto-Potion ability of the Guado Guardians, take Rikku and use her steal ability on these 2 guards and she'll "steal" the potions. So they can't use their potions anymore. For the first Seymour, Use all 4 guard skills from Yuna on your party, so Seymour's spells have no effect on you. To kill Anima use ???/Shiva but use only your normal attack until your overdrive is ready, use the blizzard spells on yourself every round in order to heal yourself. As for the second Seymour, use the same strategy as the first one.################################################################################After Seymour is defeated, youll be asked to give a name to Shiva. Save your game. From this point onwards, you wont be able to play blitz ball for a while. Dont worry, youll be able to play again later in the game. Now, go east to the next area. It seems that it is an easy way out but then, youll have to complete the Cloister of Trials.=====================================CLOISTER OF TRIALS - MACALANIA TEMPLE=====================================Here, go down. Youll see 2 Icebergs, 2 Macalania Spheres, and a Glyph Sphere. First, push the pedestal to the right and then up. This will break the 2 icebergs. Now, get the glyph sphere and go down to the floor below. Put the Glyph Sphere on the leftmost recess. A new Macalania Sphere will appear on the floor above. Go up and get that sphere. Put it on the pedestal below and push it to the right. Youll see a part of the bridge appear. Next, go up and get the rightmost Macalania Sphere. Put it on the pillar on the bottom floor. Youll see the second part of the bridge appear. Now, go up and get the remaining Macalania sphere on the floor and put it in the pillar where you got the Glyph sphere a while ago. You can now cross the ice bridge. Note that if you step on the glittering floor panel on top youll be able to get a Destruction sphere. Putting it on the left recess on the bottom floor will reveal a treasure chest a bit south.================MACALANIA TEMPLE================Treasures: Level 2 Key SphereNow, just as you are leaving, Tromell will come in. The party will be trapped and framed. Everyone will run. Outside, keep on running. The Guado Guardians will follow you. Just defeat them when they come close. At the end, youll ################################################################################BOSS: WENDIGO / 2 Guado Guardians################################################################################HP: 18,000 / 1,200 eachAP: 3,160Gil: 3,800Items: Ability Sphere x4, Power Sphere x2Equip: noneAttacks: Physical Attacks, BerserkSteal: Hi-potionHere, just beat the 2 Guardians as quick as possible since they cast berserk on the Wendigo that makes it very very destructive. If possible cure Wendigo from Berserk and concentrate on defeating the 2 guardians. After beating them, concentrate all attacks on the Wendigo. It has a very strong defense. If its arms are on a defensive stance, it means that if you attack it, it will counter attack with a strong physical attack. Get your healers ready. Use Aeons as much as possible.################################################################################After that, save your game. Talk to your party members. It will be quite longer than usual. When you regain control, go north and get a Level 2 Key Sphere to the right of Kimahri. Continue. Youll see a flashback of Tidus. After that, youll see Sin hearing the hymn at Macalania. Youll then be able to regain control at the oasis.=====OASIS=====Treasures: Al Bhed Potion x24, Ether x2, X-Potion x2, Megalixir x3Save your game here. The party will be gone for now. Just head north. During a battle, youll meet up with Auron and Lulu. Continue north and youll see Wakka. Get the Al Bhed Potion here. Continue to the next area. At an intersection, go east for Kimahri. After that, go back and head northwest. Continue until you meet Rikku. Shell tell you more as to where you are now. After that, get the chest here for 2 Ethers. Get another chest for an Al Bhed Potion. Save your game inside the machina. From here on, just follow Rikku. At a clearing, go west for some X-Potions. Go north and save at another Save Sphere. Youll see a note here. Get the chest behind for another set of Al Bhed Potions. Continue to the next area. You can get the chest here for 3 Megalixirs but youll have to fight the Sandragora. Continue north. Youll see the home of the Al Bhed being attacked by Bevelle.============AL BHED HOME============Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Al Bhed Potion x6, Special Sphere, Level 2 Key Sphere, Level 4 Key Sphere, 10000 GilYoull see Cid here talking about Yuna. When you regain control go west for the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX. Then, examine a body here for 2 Hi-Potions. Go northeast and save your game. Then, go inside. Youll do more battles here. Just follow Rikku towards the underground. Below, youll see an intersection that goes to a couple of directions. To the north, there will be Al Bhed Potions. To the northeast is a compilation sphere. You also have to do battle in order to get the chest for the Special sphere. Go back to the intersection and go west. Save your game and go inside the door. Youll see the party here. Youll have to battle once more. When you regain control go down. Tidus will be mad here. Just move on. Before entering the door below, search around for a Level 4 and a Level 2 Key Spheres. Go inside. Youll see the Summoners here. Rikku will tell Tidus the truth about the Summoners and their journeys towards the final aeon. Youll see some flashbacks here. When you regain control of Tidus, search around for 10,000 Gil. Go out and move on until you reach the airship.=======AIRSHIP=======Youll see more scenes again. Youll know more about the Al Bhed here. When you regain control, save your game then talk to everyone on board, especially to Auron. Then, talk to Cid again. Youll see him talking to Auron. Talk to the pilot. Hell tell everyone that Yuna is at Bevelle with Seymour! Prepare your party then save your game. Talk to your party members then go south. The ship will be attacked by something. Youll have to fight it first. Leave the bridge and go to the top floor. Youll see the giant fiend here. Talk to Rin then go outside to the deck. The battle begins.################################################################################BOSS: EVRAE################################################################################HP: 32,000AP: 8,100Gil: 2,500Items: Black Magic SphereEquip: Gorgon GazeAttacks: Photon Spray, Poison Breath, Haste, Stone Gaze, Swooping ScytheSteal: Water GemHere, you have 2 options. You may either attack Evrae from afar or move in for the kill. From afar, the airship will provide you with support. All you have to worry about is the photon spray. Just use Wakka or Lulu when fighting at a distance. If you decide to fight in-close, use your most powerful attackers (Tidus, Auron, or Wakka/Kimahri). Let Tidus cast Haste on everyone. Also, have Rikku on standby just in case you need those Al Bhed Potions.################################################################################Youll reach Bevelle afterwards.=======BEVELLE=======The airship will crash and the party will head for Yuna in amazing display of a FMV. Near the altar, just move on and fight through the guards. When you reach Yuna, youll see her try to send Seymour. But the party will be killed if she does it. Then, youll see something awful. Seymour will kiss Yuna! But then the party is still in danger. Yuna will sacrifice herself so that the party can escape. Youll see some scenes and a FMV. Youll then find yourselves inside the temple.============================CLOISTER OF TRIALS - BEVELLE============================Treasures: HP SphereInside, youll see lots and lots of machina. Wakka will be the most frustrated. Now, go inside the trails. Here, youll have to push the pedestal in order to activate the moving platform. First press the X key when you reach a direction panel. Press at the direction here. Youll automatically go left. Now, on the next intersection, go left and get the Bevelle Sphere and put it on the pedestal. Youll have to place it on the opposite side (by turning right at the intersection). This will enable a new direction on the first intersection (where you automatically went left). Now, go to this intersection and you may now head north towards the next floor below. In this next intersection, go south first towards another floor below (3rd basement). Get the Bevelle Sphere here. Now, go back to the 2nd floor basement. Youll see 3 more intersections within. Go to the 3rd intersection and put 1 Bevelle Sphere on the recess. It will create a makeshift bridge. Now, go back to the 2nd intersection and get the Glyph Sphere. Put it at the end of the makeshift bridge at the 3rd intersection. A Destruction Sphere will appear. Get it and put it on the recess at the 2nd intersection. Now, use the 1st intersection in this floor. It will lead you to the floor above. On top, go up the stairs and get the HP Sphere. Go east from here to reach the Chamber of the Fayth where youll see Yuna praying to the fayth. Outside, Kinoc will be waiting for the party. Youll then be captured for a trial. Name Bahamut afterwards. Youll then be asked to save your game. On the next scene, youll see the trial being held. The head of trials is Maester Kelk Ronso. Youll see various scenes here. I wont spoil anything in this trial. After that, youll find yourselves controlling Yuna in Via Purifico.============VIA PURIFICO============Treasures: ElixirFirst, save your game. Youll see panels with arrows here. It will be long and it might as well be as confusing as can be. ^_^ First, at the intersection, go west and go south at the next one for an elixir. Touch the glyph. Go all the way to the north then head right. Youll meet up with Auron. Save your game. Continue north and youll meet Isaaru. Yuna will have an aeon match with him.################################################################################BOSS: ISAARU################################################################################HP: n/aAP: noneGil: noneItems: noneEquip: noneAttacks: VariousSteal: n/aIsaaru will use 3-4 aeons depending on what you use. The best way is to use any aeon except for Bahamut. Just beat his aeons and then, hell summon Bahamut. Use all your remaining aeons. The best aeons against Bahamut would definitely be Shiva and Ixion. Or, you may use Bahamut at first and try your best to defeat all 4 of the other aeons. If not, hell summon Bahamut when your Bahamut expires. You wouldnt want to run out of aeons.################################################################################After the battle, youll be controlling Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku underwater. First, save your game and move on. The path will be straightforward. Continue until you reach the second save sphere. Move on and youll meet up with the boss. ################################################################################BOSS: EVRAE ALTANA################################################################################HP: 17,500+AP: 5,700Gil: 3,000Items: Black Magic SphereEquip: Break KnucklesAttacks: Stone Gaze, Photon SpraySteal: Healing Spring, Water GemHere, youll see a gate during the battle. Just hit those 2 locks and the gate will open giving you a chance to escape. There will be 2 gates. After the 2nd gate, youll be fighting Evrae Altana on the other side of the gate. This time, it wont be able to counter attack any of your move. But he still can use his abilities. Just let Tidus cast haste on everyone and let Wakka do the status effect attacks. As for Rikku, let here use an Al Bhed potion of necessary.################################################################################After that, the party will be reunited. Then and there, Seymour and his band of weirdos will come in. Youll see Seymour transform in front of the party. Kimahri will be left behind. But then, they are together in this and they should leave no one behind. The party decides to battle on. ################################################################################BOSS: SEYMOUR NATUS / MORTIBODY################################################################################HP: 36,000 / variedAP: 9,450Gil: 3,500Items: Level 2 Key Sphere x4Equip: Shell ArmguardAttacks: Break, Flare, Banish (for Aeons), Multi-Magic Attacks, Mortibsorption, Level 1 and/or 2 Magic Attacks, Shattering ClawSteal: Tetra ElementalHere, you can talk to Seymour. For Tidus, his strength will be increase and so does Auron. As for Yuna, itll increase her Magic Defense. First, use your aeons until you dont have any left. The Moritibody will borrow some HP from Seymour when you defeat it. It starts at 4,000 and it decreases as you defeat it. I suggest that you protect and shell your party members since Seymour is very strong. Let Auron use the breaks to ease out the battle.################################################################################After that, youll regain control. Talk to everyone and go south towards the screen. Continue until you see Kimahri. Talk to Yuna. Youll see a very long scene and a cool FMV of the romance between the 2. Youll also here the song for this game. Its in Japanese though. After that, go back to the party. Continue on until you reach the Calm Lands.==========CALM LANDS==========Treasures: Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Rusty Sword, 5000 Gil, 10000 GilHere, the area is very very wide. There are lots and lots of ground to cover. First, save your game. Youll see some scenes first. After that, go northwest towards a small encampment. Get a Level 2 Key Sphere behind the camp. At the camp, youll see more scenes with Father Zuke. After that, save then talk to everyone. Take note that you can play Blitz Ball once more. Now, leave the camp and head northeast. On the way, youll be able to see an opening at the mountain side. It is the training arena. (more on this on its own section in this guide). You may save behind the man here. The Save Sphere is inside the tent. After monster hunting (if you went through it), continue to the northeast until you reach the next area. You can also head Southeast and get 2 chests there for 5,000 and 10,000 Gil each. Here, youll meet up with some Guado Guardians. They have something to fight against you.################################################################################BOSS: DEFENDER X################################################################################HP: 64,000AP: 9,900Gil: 3,500Items: Level 2 Key Sphere x2Equip: noneAttacks: Blast Punch, HaymakerSteal: Lunar CurtainThis boss is very powerful indeed. First, use Armor Break to lower its physical defenses. Use your aeons and let Lulu pummel Defender X with powerful Black Magic Attacks. Get your Phoenix Downs ready since Haymaker is almost a surefire kill for anyone.################################################################################After the battle, go near the bridge. Lulu will tell you something about a path below the bridge. Go under the bridge and continue west towards the next area. Here, save your game then go towards the entrance to a cave. Youll see a short scene then continue inside. Also, from the save point, if you continue south, youll be able to get a Rusty Sword on the way. Lets move on.==========================CAVERN OF THE STOLEN FAYTH==========================Treasures: Megalixir, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Mega-Potion x2, MP Sphere, X-Potion x2, Flexible ArmInside the cavern, move on until you see an intersection. Go east for a Megalixir. Go back and head north this time. Youll see more scenes. Continue north and at another intersection, go east and get a Lv. 2 Key Sphere. Go back to the intersection and head west. Get a chest on the way for some Mega-Potions. Save your game and then, youll meet up with Lady Ginnem. Youll have to beat her.################################################################################BOSS: LADY GINNEM / YOJIMBO################################################################################HP: n/aAP: 0Gil: 0Items: noneEquip: noneAttacks: Wakizashi, DaigoroSteal: n/aUse everything youve got. Just keep on attacking and pray that youll reach maximum overdrive. Just keep on pummeling yojimbo as quickly as possible so that he wont reach overdrive and defeat your aeons.################################################################################After that, youll see a floor panel that will take you to any 4 directions. Just face that direction (confirm it with the green arrow) and press X. Go right first and get a MP Sphere and an X-Potion x2. On the left, youll be able to acquire the Flexible Arm. After that, go to the chamber of the fayth. Here, youll be able to see Yojimbo. He will offer his services to you only if you pay his offer of around 250,000+ Gil. After that, go back to the entrance and save your game. Go back up and cross the bridge now towards Mt. Gagazet. Youll see some short scenes here. ===========MT. GAGAZET=========== Treasures: Mega-Potion x2, Defending Bracer, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Fortune SphereHere, the Ronsos will stop you from passing through since the party is branded as traitors to Yevon. But then, Yunas will to give spira a new hope reached the heart of Maester Kelk Ronso and he will then welcome the party to pass through the mountain. When you regain control, save your game and then continue north. At the next screen, Biran and Yenke wont stop the party from passing through except for Kimahri. Youll have to face both of them using Kimahri only.################################################################################BOSS: BIRAN & YENKE################################################################################HP: ?/?AP: 8,000Gil: 3,000Items: Return SphereEquip: Halberd x2Attacks: Thrust Kick, Aqua Breath, Stone Breath, White WindSteal: n/aFirst of all, you should know that Kimahri will be able to learn lots of Ronso Rages from these 2. The strategy here is all about Hi-Potions. When you reach the critical level (yellow), use a Hi-Potion or else these 2 will be able to defeat Kimahri. Next, in order to beat them, concentrate attacks on 1. Then, only attack when they are apart from each other. Because if they are together, you wont be able to do much damage since the other will just block the attack. This will be easy but very long.################################################################################After the battle, youll see more scenes. Go back and save then continue north. Youll see the Ronso tribe sing the Hymn of Yevon. When you regain control, veer off to the left for some Mega-potions. Continue north. Youll see a grave of a previous summoner. After that, just continue towards the Red Indicator on the map. At an intersection, go north. Youll see Braskas Sphere. Youll view his memories with Jecht and Auron. Continue through the long path afterwards. Youll reach the 2nd grave. Continue to another intersection, go west and youll get a Defending Bracer there. Go back to the intersection and head north. It will be a long long way. Youll then meet Wantz on the way, the brother of Oaka. Move on to the 3rd grave. At the next intersection, go south (up). Finally, save your game and prepare for a tough battle ahead. Now, continue north and youll see a scene with Rikku and Tidus. Then, Seymour will appear and will tell you what he did to the Ronso. After that, the 3rd battle with Seymour begins.################################################################################BOSS: SEYMOUR FLUX / MORTIORCHIS################################################################################HP: 70,000 / variesAP: 15,000Gil: 6,000Items: Lv. 4 Key Sphere x2Equip: Shell BangleAttacks: Banish, Lance of Atrophy, Full-LifeSteal: ElixirHeres a new strategy. First, the Lance of Atrophy inflicts the Zombie Status on anyone. This is bad since you cannot heal that party member since it will just decrease his/her HP. You can use Holy Water if you have them. Now, before entering the battle, I would really suggest that you come in with your Aeons on full overdrive so that it is worth it to call them even if they are banished. Your Aeons overdrives should be damaging Seymour by a flat 9,999 by now.################################################################################After that, youll see more scenes here. Go to the save sphere and save. Continue and youll see a weird scene on the next screen. Tidus will have a scene on his own about the fayth and their dreams. Some very shocking revelations are shown here. During the dream, just continue north and youll talk to the fayth (fayth of Bahamut, the kid). After that, enter the door at the north end. Continue talking to the fayth. After that, Tidus will return back to the party. Continue north and save your game. Go northwest and youll reach the waters. Youll then have to use only Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku during the underwater scenes. At the water, continue towards the next screen. At an intersection, go north. Youll see the first trial of Gagazet. The Blitz Ball Challenge. Youll have to time it right that Wakka hits the center with the blitz ball. After successfully hitting it, get the chest for a Lv. 1 Key Sphere. Go back south to the previous area and save. Go north and at the intersection, go west through the water. Youll see the 2nd challenge of Mt. Gagazet. Youll have to simultaneously active the 3 nodes but the sizes should be appropriate. At the leftmost node, use Tidus. At the center, use Wakka. Finally at the right, use Rikku. Get the chest underwater for the Fortune sphere. Go back and save. Now, go up ad see an intersection on the left side of the screen that is composed of tiles of stones that makes a stone stairs. Youll see more scenes and youll know more about Yunalesca from Auron. Save your game at a Save Sphere here. Prepare your party then move on. Youll fight a fiend outside.################################################################################BOSS: SANCTUARY KEEPER################################################################################HP: 40,000AP: 16,500Gil: 6,500Items: Return SphereEquip: Arc SwordAttacks: Photon W

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