final assesment

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Ramirez, Charles Jon N. December 9, 2015CE121/B2 Engr. Balmoris


After 10 weeks of learning, cramming, and grinding with this

subject, a lot of things have changed ever since the very first day.

I am so glad that I became part of this class because of several

reasons. First is, in my 3 years in Mapua I have never been in a

class this lively which makes every lesson more fun and

interesting. Also, I am glad that during fieldworks I can now

efficiently use the theodolite and apply the concepts needed to

get the needed data because my groupmates this term really

want to perform every fieldwork properly. Another is, I am lucky

that my professor Mam Balmoris is really considerate when it

comes to deadlines, schedule of quizzes, schedule of fieldworks,

etc. I think that communicating and understanding what the class

needs is the most important thing a professor can offer in order

for his/her students to really do well in his/her subject and our

professor really did that this term.

Really enjoyed the topics in Surveying 2 compared to

Surveying 1 because the topics in surveying 2 are really complex

and has a lot of good applications in the field of civil engineering.

In all the topics covered, my favorite topics were all about

parabolic curves but I think the most important topic is all about

simple curves for the main reason that this topic will be the

foundation in order to solve other problems in reverse,

compound, and even parabolic curves. On the other hand, I think

Ramirez, Charles Jon N. December 9, 2015CE121/B2 Engr. Balmoris

that reverse curves is the most hardest because I find the curve

complicated and very hard to visualize.

Furthermore, during fieldworks I really learned a lot. During

my surveying 1, most of the time we really just relied on OT's

because sometimes our professor doesn't even discuss to us on

how we will perform the fieldwork properly. Thus, our group didn't

have a choice and not take the fieldworks seriously since the

professor himself is not giving us a reason to look forward to

something. But this term, thank God it was so much different. This

term, most of the time, I will be the one who will orient and set

the theodolite properly. This term as much as possible I really

want to be involved in the step by step process on how to perform

every single fieldwork. This term I appreciated surveying a

thousand times than last term.

What I really like about the class is the atmosphere, I really

enjoyed learning all the topics throughout the term because

almost everyone is lively and involved during discussions. The

only thing that I didn’t like about the class is I never had the

chance to know everyone because almost everyone has its own

circle of friends. Can’t believe that this term and subject is

already nearing to an end, this subject is really one of the few

that I will surely remember as one of my favorite subjects in my

college career. With that, I am really thankful Ma’am Balmoris for

making this subject worth our pockets and worth remembering

after our college career.

Ramirez, Charles Jon N. December 9, 2015CE121/B2 Engr. Balmoris

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