file three 4 am- great expectations- with atf anf aef competencies.pdf

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Term Month & weeks I||e competenceLearn|ngob[ect|ves1ype of task kesources Modu|e of |ntegrat|on (8LM proposed Lhemes)Exercises and BEM samplesGrammar Lex|s ronunc|at|on LearnlngLo lnLegraLeAssess lnLegraLlon Second Term [anuar Week 1 [anuar Week 2 [anuar Week 3 [anuar Week 4 File Three "3" "Great Expectations " Interact Interpret roduce ! red|ct|ng ! Specu|at|ng ! |ann|ng future act|v|t|es ! Lxpress|ng sat|sfact|on ! Mak|ng suggest|ons , requests, offers N.8: ! 1est n1: from "( ora| andwr|tten) " ( ora| "( ora|) " ( ora| andwr|tten ) !1|me c|auses: "when -before-t||| ." !Cond|t|ona| "type 1" "1he s|mp|e present !1he future tense w|th "w|||"

Vocabu|ary re|atedto hopes and expectat|ons Vocabu|ary re|ated to U.S.educat|ona| system WCkDS & SCUNDS suff|xes: "er,or,|an & |st" !1one |n |f c|auses ! 1one & funct|on !"#$%& '#()*+(+(, -#./0&1 /- / / -/ / - / / - / / - / / - / / Consonantc|usters Writeatouristy planning visit . Yourschool is planning an excursion to one of the historic wilayas . Your teacher asked you to chose the Wilaya you wish to visit; but asked you to convince him about your choice. Select the place you wish to visitProvide illustrations , maps , plans, pictures of monuments Convince your teacher and your friends about the place you have chosen and it's importance . Make a programme of your visit showing time, places to stop at , have lunch . Gather your information and illustrations and write an article . Present your article to your teacher and friends ,discuss the subject , take remarks and pay attention to your friends articles. SW8A1 :Show|nterest to the Nat|ona| tour|sty p|aces Where do we stand now? (p86 to 87) ! rogress check . (act|v|t|es1-2-3-p86]87) Iree exerc|ses 8LM samp|es:!1ext as:'1ransport schedu|e ' !1ext as: "keport " 8yMr. samlr 8ounab ( ) File three: Great ExpectationsListen and considerFourth Level Personal Goals: #During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on ? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation # Two-way communication with the world.[ 1) The teacher uses and plans activities that allow learners to practice and develop real-life communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening (e.g. interviewing ,writing about a past experience , a classmate, reading an email, listening to phone message). 2)The teacher chooses topics and tasks that allow learners to develop skills in learning and communicating about themselves and their community ,and about their country and the world3)The teacher introduces a variety of topics of interest to the learners that are related to other cultures, comparison of cultures and international issues. # Communicative Competence. Communicative competence in English involves interacting with others using receptive /interpretive skills ( reading and listening) and productive skills ( speaking and writing ) , supported by the ability to use vocabulary and grammar appropriately and employ a range of language strategies that help convey and clarify meaning. Lesson Focus: # Which aspects of language are you teaching: e.g. grammar point(s), aspect of pronunciation (phonemes, intonation, etc ), vocabulary (words, word phrases, idioms, etc) functions (polite requests, apologizing.)? #In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language: !Function : Predicting-Giving instructions!Grammar: Time clauses with when while-as soon as- before- after till& until Vocabulary related to: hopes and expectations !Pronunciation: Suffixes ( er- or- ian- ist)Competencies:! Which competencies in the AEF are you working toward or plan for the learners to achieve today? They should be adapted from the AEF to reflect the specifies of you lesson. "Can interact orally start and maintain short conversations ( i.e; asking/answering questions and responding to information and news of others).. "Can listen and understand the gist and some important details of :Short monologs and dialogs " Can listen to and understand unfamiliar instructions and explanations that are: Very short and straightforward / Accompanied by visuals (e.g; gestures ,writing or drawing modeling, demonstration). Broken down step- by- step .! Can effectively use the words and phrases needed to express one's ideas :Within straightforward ,familiar topics an d situations Objectives / Assessment: !SWBAT by the end of the lesson, students will be able to :1) Predict &Give instructions 2)Form nouns of occupations using the suffixes: er or ian ist Required material and/ or resources : The manuals flashcards (p66- 67 )pictures showing American football-SanDiego-Spring Valley&Script p 167&Listening Script page 169 page 3 Time kat|ona|e CreeLlng&welcomlng osslble & probable Ausplclous [poLenLlal] Ausplclous [poLenLlal] CondlLlons & characLerlsLlcs lans & arrangemenLs |nteract|o 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher 1eacher -sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs - Leacher SLudenLs P R O C E DURE File ThreeGreat Expectations 4AM !Warm-up:Tbe teocber qreets bis leorners, inquires obout tbeir Joily life scbool. Tbe teocber interocts witb bis leorners obout tbe previous file onJ its leorninq objectives {express obility-possibility- osk for permission-certointy- request- oqreement,use of tbe moJols "moy-miqbt-con-coulJ,so &neitber , be oble to ,use of prefixes il- im- in-irun& Jis] !Food For Thought: 2)/3 4(/: Tbe leorners ore oskeJ to open tbeir books on poqe 66.Tbe teocber tries to worm up tbe situotion by introJucinq tbe new "Iile" , its contents , its tbemes onJ functions onJ tbe finol project . !"#$ "&': Tbe teocber invites tbe leorners to poy ottention ot tbe pbotos on poqe 66 onJ try to interpret it. !"#$ "()##: Tbe pupils ore oskeJ to form o sbort poroqropb wbile Jescribinq tbe two pbotos .Tbe teocber moy belp tbem by introJucinq tbe fomily "Tbe WooJworJ Iomily" {Hotber, Iotber, Becky tbeir Jouqbter onJ Poul tbeir son] tbe oim is to introJuce tbe cborocters ot two Jifferent stoqes of tbeir lives: "cbilJbooJ onJ oJultbooJ" be moy olso osk tbem to onswer tbe followinq questions: *+,(-" .'#/ "(# $01"2)# 3/4-$/('" -" "(# "'$ '5 "(# $-6# )#$)#/#4" 3/('&7 8+9/ 0" - /:-;; ') - ;-)6# 5-:0;# "(#< "-?#4 "(# $01"2)#7 @+A2#// &(-" "(# 1(0;.)#4B/ ('$#/ 3$#)/$#1"0>#/ -)#C+,(-" &0;; "(# D'< 360); .' &(#4 /3(# 6)'&/ ';.7 E+F-4 *?/ (#)/& *@#6) .A*) B/'?C *(% D*60 .+00 %# %6$+(, )A/ &6>>/$ -*'*)+#(&E wbeo scbool flolsbes,8ecky wlll qo ooJ vlslt CtooJmo ooJ CtooJpo ot 5ptloq volley. 8ecky woo't Jo ooytbloq. 8ecky wlll slmply stoy lo beJ oll Joy looq llsteoloq to bet fovootlte cus, wotcb 1v ooJ eot popcoto.lool wlll keep ttololoq fot tbe oext footboll seosoo lool wlll comp ot Mooot lolomot. lool wlll Jo some motot blkloq. 3*,/ F Swbat Listen and guess Look at the photos and describe them Introduce members of family Read , identify the question then answer Read and interact with the teacher about their productions Look at the pictures and identify them and express themselves about them Look at the pictures and interpret them by answering the given questions Give their predictions Listen and check their answers . Who are my learners? Pupils con qreet onJ welcome Con sum up tbe leorninq objectives of tbe previous file Fxpress oqreement, possibility , osk for onJ qive permission, certointy, moke requests Fxpress oqreement Bescribe members of family Compore onJ controst 6uess onJ improvise Bescribe pbysicol oppeoronce Fxpress like sonJ Jislikes lJentify leisure Nome onJ locote countries Anolyse onJ try to preJict occorJinq to tbe qiven situotion listen onJ interpret listeninq script to onswer tbe tosk By Mr.S Bounab S|d| kached Ways of speaklng CeLLlng Lo know someone redlcLlng Lhlngs and lnLulLlon

SenLences and expresslons - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher 1eacher -sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs - Leacher !"#$ "()##: Tbe teocber invites tbe leorners to reoJ tbeir works, cbecks tbeir onswers tben invites tbem to open tbeir books on poqe 169, reoJ tbe script onJ correct tbe 'octivity' !"#$ 5'2): Tbe teocber exploins tbe instructions of "ActivitySp68"tben invites tbe pupils to perform "orolly" " HI#)10/# =$EXN J0/"#4 -4. :-)? "(# 04"'4-"0'4 -" "(# #4. '5 #-1( M2#/"0'4+ -- Wbot will you Jo wben scbool finisbes? # D- Eow will you spenJ your time wben you ore bock?# 1-Will you keep on troininq ofter tbe footboll seoson is over?$!"#$ 50>#: Tbe teocber invites tbe leorners to reoJ tbe questions respectinq tbe intonotion. !"#$ /0I: Tbe teocber exploins tbe instructions of "Activity4p68"tben osks tbe leorners to work in poirs. " HI#)10/# @$EXN T/# "(# 045'):-"0'4 04 "(# $)#>0'2/ B#I#)10/#B "(#4 -/? M2#/"0'4/ -D'2"K#1?046 04"' "(# 6-)-6#+ .[ 9B;; .' /':# :'"') D0?046 &(0;# 9 B: "(#)# $9/';-"0'4 N Tbe teocber isolotes one of tbe listeJ stotements +-4. 04>0"#/ "(# ;#-)4#)/ "' )#-. 0" 9 &0;; /"-< &0"( "(#: 24"0; "(# 50)/" #? '5 \2;< 0/ '>#)+ $Q4-;#)+ % % %% %%% Subject - verb- object /2D').04-"#Subject - verb-object "0:# 1'4]241"0'4 Y-04 F;-2/# !2D').04-"# S0:# F;-2/# 3*,/ G 0+&)/( )# *( #$*0 +(&)$6')+#(& )A/( $/3#$) )A/ *(&./$& )A$#6,A * .$+))/( 0+&) H+()/$3$/)I 0+&)/( )A/( >*$? #6) )A/ +()#(*)+#( *(% %+&'$+>+(*)/ @/).//( * 5*00+(, *(%* $+&+(, +()#(*)+#(&HD$#%6'/I J'#>@+(/ )A/ ).# /7/$'+&/& *(% >*?/ *( /7'A*(,/ HD$#%6'/I J=+&)/( *(% +%/()+5C * -/$@ +( * '0*6&/ #$ (#$>*0 &/()/('/H+()/$3$/)I J$/'#,(+K/ * &6@#$%+(*)/ '0*6&/ H+()/$3$/)I ulscrlmlnaLe beLween a subordlnaLe and a maln clause H+()/$3$/)I +%/()+5C )A/ )/(&/& +( @#)A &/()/('/& - Reau anu exploit wiitten sciipts - Iuentify the meaning of intonation - uisciiminate betweem iising anu falling intonation anu justify theii answeis - use the infoimation in pievious tasks to make them useful anu exploitablein the next one - Reau the sciipt anu iuentify the select statements - Reau anu analyse the selecteu task - iuentify the main constituents of a sentence -Iuentify conjunction anu tiy to uefine theii iole in the statment -iecognize a complex sentence (main clause & suboiuinate one) !"#"$%& ()*+, -.+ -$/+ 0*#)1+ 2+3+22$%& "4 ".+ 3)")2+ $15 -.+ 6#$% 0*#)1+ $1, !)78+9" + :+27 ;3)")2+< + 478+9" 5-.+ 1)742=$%#"+ -$/+ 0*#)1+ $1 : !2D').04-"# S0:# 1'4]241"0'4 + Subject + :+27 ; >2+1+%"< + 0bject redlcLlng Lhlngs and lnLulLlons SenLences and expresslons Meanlng and slgnlflcance CommunlcaLlng and keeplng ln Louch SLudenLs - 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher 1eacher -sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs -Leacher SLudenLs - sLudenLs 1eacher - sLudenLs SLudenLs - Leacher Practice *R K-/#. 5'): "-/? N !A)-::-) ,04.'& $-6# EX+ 1. S(# ;#-)4#)/ -)# -/?#. "' 1'$< "(# /#4"#41#/ '4 "(#0) 1'$< D''?/ -4. 24.#);04# "(# >#)D/ 04 1;-2/#/N -[,(-" &0;; #)+ 1[9B;; 6#" 2$ -4. .)#// -/ M201?;< -/ $'//0D;# 3-/ /''4 -/ 9 (#-) (0: .)0>046 04"' "(# 6-)-6#+ .[ 9B;; .' /':# :'"') D0?046 3&(0;# 9 B: "(#)#+ 8+ ,(01( "#4/#/ -)# "(# >#)D/ '5 "(# 1;-2/#/N! S(# >#)D/ 04 "(# 1':$;#I /#4"#41#/ -)# 04 "(# B/0:$;# $)#/#4"B -4. B"(# 52"2)# /0:$;# "#4/#/B =+V' "(# >#)D/ )#5#) "' "(# $)#/#4" ') "' "(# 52"2)#7 ! S('26( "(# >#)D/ 04 "(# 1;-2/#/ -)# 04 "(# /0:$;# $)#/#4" "#4/#/U D'"( >#)D/ 04 "(# 1':$;#I /#4"#41# )#5#) "' "(# 52"2)# ! S(# "#-1(#) 04>0"#/ "(# ;#-)4#)/ "' 6' "' $-6# *X8 -4. $-< -""#4"0'4 "' "(# 6)-::-) 4'"# -D'2" B"0:# '0*6&/&L !M#$> / '0*6&/Q*+( '0*6&/ *& #( *&J.A/( R @/5#$/J*5)/$J6()+0J)+00 R.A+0/ *$/ S&6@#$%+(*)+(, )+>/ '#(T6(')+#(&EU)A/C +()$#%6'/ &6@#$%+(*)+(, )+>/ '0*6&/&)A/ -/$@& .A+'A '#>/& *5)/$ )A/> +& +( )A/ L3$/&/() &+>30/ )/(&/ !"#$ 404# : Tbe teocber exploins tbe instructions of 6rommor WinJow tben invtes tbe leorners to onswer it !"#$ "#4: Tbe pupils reoJ oll tbe written works on tbe boorJ , tben write Jown on tbeir closs copy books .8R Y#-4046 D-/#. "-/?N Y-"1( "(# $-0)/!#4"#41# Y#-4046 1] Hoy you succeeJ in your BFH exom. 2] A: l bote ciqorettes B: So Jo l. S] lt miqbt roin toJoy. 4] You will toke tbe BFH exom tbis yeor, wont you? S] l will not stop workinq borJ until l poss my Brevet Fxom A] Possibility B] PreJictinq C] Fxpressinq o wisb B] Hokinq supposition F] Fxpressinq oqreement =^ F'::2401-"0># D-/#. "-/?N&V+*0#,6/ W#>30/)+#( ' X')+-+)C Y3:Z< D6) )A/ -/$@& +( @$*'?/)& +( )A/ '#$$/') )/(&/E Q*6$+(/. 8ye, sweetle. nove o sofe ttlp to 5ptloq volley. B/'?C. 1books, Mom. l (to pbooe) .+00 3A#(/ os sooo os l (to ottlve) ottlve tbete. Q*6$+(/. lloe. 8ot temembet tbot l woo't be bome lo tbe eotly eveoloq. l (to plck op) .+00 3+'? 63 lool oftet bls ttololoq sessloo (to be) ls ovet. B/'?C. 1bot's ot 6 p.m, lso't lt? l (to tloq) .+00 $+(, yoo befote yoo (to leove) leove bome. 8y tbe woy, Mom,(oot to fotqet ) Joo't fotqet to feeJ my bomstet wblle l (to be) om owoy . !"#$ #;#>#4: Tbe teocber invites tbe leorners to work, be moves tbrouqb tbe rows onJ offers bis belp once neeJeJ, tben tbe leoners ore oskeJ to qive bock tbeir work. !"#$ S># : Tbe teocber reports tbe correction on tbe boorJ , loter tbe pupils ore inviteJ to reoJ tbe correcteJ tosks !"#$ "(0)"##4: Tbeteocber exploins tbe instruction of "Activity Sp69" onJ invites tbe leorners to Jo it os o (':# &')? Page !9.#4"05< -4. .0/1)0:04-"# D#"#4 - /2D').04-"# 1;-2/# -4. - :-04 1;-2/# !Bo wiitten exeicise peifoiming what they have leaint

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