fh presentation

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Concept Presentation


Gala Dinner

Presented By,


Design a thematic evening for a 100 pax

Make the gala dinner purely entertainment based

Create a lively, fun and engaging atmosphere resembling a carnival like energy

To provide interactive activities consistent with the theme that are fun and entertaining

To suggest entertainment that will add to the vibe and feel of the event


To create a gala dinner event where the main focus will be that of entertainment the theme will be one that

naturally draws in lively and fun elements.

The theme should embody a festive feel with a lot of colour and personality, to create a memorable and

thoroughly enjoyable experience

Which is why we are suggesting….

Logo Options


A Fiesta literally means festival which brings in a celebratory angle to the event, positioning it perfectly as entertainment.

Spanish culture itself is a very vibrant one, colorful and passionate and so it follows that a Spanish Fiesta is a very distinctive kind of festival with a

lot of elements to play with.

The theme of a Spanish Fiesta will be treated with an Ibiza party vibe twist so that the over all experience is a exuberant mix of a festival,

carnival and party feel.

The look and feel of the event will create this festival atmosphere and the dominating colour will be red as that is a colour closely associated

with a Spanish vibe.

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The invite will be shaped like Spanish fans

The fan shape will be divided into two, connected at the bottom, and will open up with the same movement as that of a real hand fan.


At the entrance there will be a host and hostess

dressed in Spanish costumes.

They will hand out glow bracelets to the guests as

they enter.

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There will be a round table setting in the venue.

Red and black drapes will be arranged over the ceiling to give a tent like appearance.

Red cocktail tables will be placed at points around the venue.

The table center pieces will be coconut themed candles and jars filled with shells with a small candle placed on top.

Red shawls will be draped over the walls.

Spanish hand fans will also be used as decoration for the walls

LED balloons will be used to bring in a very Ibiza style party vibe to the venue.

Spanish Fiesta Lanterns will be used around the venue

Flags that are thematized to a Spanish Fiesta will run along the walls.

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Tarot Card Reader.

A guitarist, in costume, will move through the crowd taking requests

and entertaining the crowd.

A magician will also move through the crowd

performing simple tricks. Stilt-Walkers will entertain

and amuse the crowd.

A photo op corner can be set up with props where guests try out and pose in Spanish attire.

The Gentlemen can throw on a frilled sleeve shirt, a hat and a artificial mustache.

The Ladies will be given frilled skirts to wrap around their waist and lovely Spanish fans to pose with. Their hair will be dressed with a red rose.

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Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

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Spanish Gift basket made up of foods, other Spanish Knick Knacks and a bottle

of Spanish Wine

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