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Discover New Insights Femap Symposium 2014

May 14-16, Atlanta, GA, USA

FEMAP What’s New –

Development Roadmap

Mark Sherman, Director of Femap Development, Siemens PLM Software


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Femap History

• Founded by George Rudy, 1985

• Mission – PC-based dedicated Pre-

and Post-Processor for Engineering

Finite Element Analysis

• Originally a Pre-Processor Only for




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Femap History

• DOS to Windows Transition 1990-1992

• Rapid Growth from 1992 on

• Significant strength in Aerospace Accounts

• Laboratory Module of the ISS (Boeing)

• OEM Partnership – MSC/Nastran for


• Tens of thousands of licenses worldwide


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Femap History

• Continuous development with the same core team!

• Since 1985 there have been more than 30 releases of Femap.

• Windows-Only – Windows-Native Continuous Development since 1990.

• Femap Development Team is all engineers turned programmers – FEA By

Engineers for Engineers

• Product development has been driven by FEA Analyst input


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Post-Processing - Beams

Provide API Access to Beam Cross

Section Stress Calculator

• Expose Beam Post-Processing


• Recover Mesh Locations

• Recover Stress values

calculated at Cross Section


• Allows users to post-process

well beyond standard FEA

beam results


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Post-Processing - Beams

Provide API Access to Beam Cross Section Stress Calculator

While feElem.Next

If feElem.type = femap.FET_L_BEAM Then

mxStress = 0.0

fbc.Element = feElem.ID

rc = fbc.CalculateStress( ouSetsID, FBMC_SC_VONMISES, nNumNodes, pdCoord, pdStress, vMax, vMaxI, vMin, vMinI )

If vMax(0) > mxStress Then

mxStress = vMax(0)

mxStressSetID = vMaxI(0)

End If

If mxStress > mxStress2 Then

mxStress2 = mxStress

mxStress2ID = feElem.ID

mxStressSetID2 = vMaxI(0)

End If

Msg = "The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element " + Str$( feElem.ID) + " is " + Str$( mxStress) + " Output Set ID " + Str$(mxStressSetID)

rc = App.feAppMessage( FCM_NORMAL, Msg )

End If


The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1921 is 1624.12158203125 Output Set ID 6

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1924 is 484.064239501953 Output Set ID 6

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1925 is 603.2958984375 Output Set ID 6

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1976 is 142.394958496094 Output Set ID 5

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1977 is 105.169021606445 Output Set ID 5

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1978 is 107.716011047363 Output Set ID 5

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1979 is 131.4267578125 Output Set ID 5

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1980 is 204.934524536133 Output Set ID 5

The Maximum vonMises Stress for Element 1981 is 138.246719360352 Output Set ID 10


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Post-Processing - Beams


(pdArea, pdIzz, pdIyy, pdIyz, pdJ, pdShearAreaY, pdShearAreaZ, pdWarp,

pdNeutralAxisOffsetY, pdNeutralAxisOffsetZ)


(pnNumNode, pvCoord, pnNumElem, pvNodes)


(nOutputSetID, enComponent, pnNumNodes, pvCoordinates, pvStresses, pvMaxStress,

pvMaxStressInfo, pvMinStress, pvMinStressInfo)


(dForcesA, dForcesB, enComponent, pnNumNodes, pvCoordinates, pvStresses,

pvMaxStress, pvMaxStressInfo, pvMinStress, pvMinStressInfo)


(nOutputSetID, enStressComponent, nMaxSetID, enMaxComponent, dMaxLocation,

dMaxStress, nMinSetID, enMinComponent, dMinLocation, dMinStress)


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Post-Processing - Beams

Property Description

INT4 Element Element ID to use with the beam calculator. Must be a valid beam

element with a recoverable cross-section.

REAL8 Position The position along the beam, between 0.0 and 1.0 to calculate

stresses. Default = 0.0

INT4 MeshFactor Setting determining the mesh density used in calculating stresses.

Value from 1 (default, coarse) to 5 (fine)

BOOL IncludeAxialForce Consider axial forces when calculating internal stresses. Default




Consider shear forces in the element y-direction. Default TRUE



Consider shear forces in the element z-direction. Default TRUE

BOOL IncludeMomentY Consider moment about the element y-axis. Default TRUE

BOOL IncludeMomentZ Consider moment about the element z-axis. Default TRUE

BOOL IncludeTorque Consider torque. Default TRUE

Constant Name Constant Name







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Rigid Body Rotation – Coordinate System

• Rotation of Coordinate Systems will now “Rigid Body” rotate all sub-entities

• Loads

• Boundary Conditions

• DOFs

• Sub-Coordinate Systems

• New Modify – Align – Coordinate System

• Move Mesh from one Coordinate System to another


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Rigid Body Rotation – Coordinate System

Modify – Rotate By – Coordinate System


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Nastran Load Set Improvements

Dedicated Temperature set definition has been added to the

Nastran Analysis Set Boundary Conditions

• Allows Femap to maintain load set ids when round tripping bdf


• Currently supported in SOL 101, 103, 105, 106. Other

solutions to follow in 11.2

• Previously a user needed to manually add the temperature

loads to the Femap Load Combination or one of its referenced

sets. Femap Then would then create a synthetic temperature

set which made it impossible to maintain set ids.


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FEMAP v11.1.1 Nastran Load Set Improvements

Improvements when reading SPCD loads with LOAD cards.

• SPCD loads are read into a synthetic Femap load set and

labels as such.

• Structural loads are read into their respective sets and

combined via the Femap LOAD Combination

• The synthetic SPCD set is also added as a referenced set in

the Femap LOAD combination.

• LOAD card id as well as referenced structural load set ids are



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FEMAP v11.1.1 - Geometry

• Added ability to the Geometry Copy, Scale, Rotate, Reflect

commands to properly copy and transform geometric loads with

the new geometry.

• Fixed the similar capability in the Model->Copy, Scale, Rotate,

Reflect commands to properly work with non-rectangular load

coordinate systems.

• Added capability to Geometry->Copy, Scale, Rotate, Reflect to

properly copy geometric constraints that either reference DOF

in a specific coordinate system or that allow sliding along a

specified direction.


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Modify Node – Project Along Vector

Rewrote the Modify->Project-> Point/Node along a vector onto surfaces command to better handle large numbers of

entities projected onto a large number of surfaces. Previously a model with about 43,000 nodes projecting onto about

3900 surfaces did not finish in 12 hours, now finishes in 37 seconds.


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Pre-Processing – Model – Load – From Free Body

Free Body Loads from One Model – Transferred and “RBE3’d” into

another model


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Pre-Processing – Model – Load – From Free Body

Free Body Loads from One Model – Transferred and “RBE3’d” into

another model


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FEMAP v11.1.2

Maintenance Release - Out Soon

Bug Fixes – not much new functionality

NX Nastran v9.1 – Mark Donley presenting later today


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FEMAP v11.1.2 - Enhancements

Post-Processing Updated List->View to only list legacy XY plotting lines if the preference is


Post-Processing Tweaked freebody loading code to speed up draws

Post-Processing LS-DYNA Support reading of ls-dyna d3plot (result )files with SPH elements


Added capability to use the "Measure Between Geometry" on basic

FEMAP curves, not just Solid curves, previously it just gave a message

that it wasn't valid. (PR 7133788 )


Updated method of determining sheet solids. Model with 2500 surfaces

with equation based pressure loads and 230000 elements previously took

over an hour to expand the loads and write a Nastran file, now 11 seconds.

NEW: Updated the Automatic Connections capability. Prior to V11 we did

not check faces that were adjacent but not overlapping. V11 to v11.1.1 did.

This eliminates that while still catching some connections that were missed



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FEMAP v11.1.2 – Bug Fixes


Corrected two problems in the Results Browser API object. First, calling VectorComponents(

) previously crashed FEMAP. Second, calling GetColumns( ) previously incorrectly returned

FE_BAD_DATA even if it succeeded.


Added hard limit to magnification of 1e15 and 1e-15. Before we had a soft limit of 1e4 and

1e-4 and when magnification got above 1e15 (hard limit in GDI UI), numerical INF and NaN

caused graphics issues especially with Spaceball

Graphics Fixed animation of trace deformation for performance graphics

Graphics Fixed bug where criteria fail was not drawn textured with results


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FEMAP v11.1.2 – Bug Fixes


Fixed bug indexing GPF corners in a XDB file created with the HK method. It was

possible that corners 2..n might be not indexed. DO NOT DOCUMENT: Also made a few

lint corrections.

Post-Processing Fixed problem detecting new/old Ansys format for elemental stresses. This caused the

wrong stride to be used corrupting the corner data.

Post-Processing Nastran PR #1981690 Fixed problem where Femap would crash when attaching to Nastran SOL

129 results when Femap was asked to skip reading of nonlinear result vectors.


Bug Fix - material direction not drawn correctly if aligned to solid element coordinate

systems - also added a square in plane of ply for PCOMPS material direction to help

differentiate between PCOMPS and ordinary solid material direction

Post-Processing Nastran

Corrected a bug in handling of attached OP2 and CSV files that prevented Output-

>Calculate that used the VEC( ) function and the EntityValue( ) method of the Results

Browser API object from returning results other than 0.0. (PR 1977805)

Post-Processing Fixed solid element transformation when transform to and from are the same


Fixed issue reported in PR 7138827. When using the List->Output->Force Balance

Interface Load Summary command to create / plot functions, if the freebody summation

location was defined in a system other than CS0, it would incorrectly report the value in

CS0. Also fixed a bug in listing of freebody interface load results. Summation location

was always listed in CS0 regardless of if a user defined a CSys for the summation



Fixed issue where chart data series dialog would repeat error messages if the model had

output sets, but no active output set and the first output set was > 1. Reported by NST,



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FEMAP v11.1.2 – Bug Fixes

Pre-Processing Added support for pyramid faces in connection regions.

Pre-Processing Fixed geom clean toolbox problem where we were removing surface areas greater than the limit instead

of less than.

Pre-Processing Added enhancement to not overwrite the material orientation on elements where the new orientation

direction is perpendicular to the planar element (PR 7123115)


Added support for converting curve and surface attributes in Tools->Unit Conversion. Now meshing

attributes such as orientation, offsets, tolerances and target mesh sizes on curves and surfaces are

converted. (PR 7112881 )

Pre-Processing Corrected a bug that caused 4-Point Bilinear data surfaces to be used incorrectly in certain cases

because the wrong interpolation plane was chosen.


Corrected a bug that could cause entries in Functions to be entered twice. Previously if you selected an

entry from the function list and Data Entry method was on Single Value the "Add" button would be

available. In this state if you pressed either "OK" or "Save to Library" the values in X and Y would be

added back into the function prior to saving the function, thus duplicating the existing entry. Now, "OK"

and "Save to Library" do not add any entries, all entries must be in the list prior to pressing them. ( PR

7138043 )


Corrected a crash that occurred if you tried to read a Nastran file with an INCLUDE statement that was

invalid because it went past 72 characters. In that case the ending delimiter will never be found, Now

gives an error that it cannot find the file. However, in addition to the INCLUDE file, other lines of data will

still also be lost in the translation, but a crash will not occur.


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FEMAP v11.1.2 – Bug Fixes


Corrected a problem expanding Total Bearing loads on multiple surfaces. The total load

adjustment was only being computed across the final surface where the total load was


Pre-Processing Corrected a problem in the Selector dialog box selection. Previously it did not work for any of

the Load or Constraint types.


Eliminated a crash that occurred when you attempted to mesh a boundary surface that

referenced curves that no longer existed since the surface had become corrupted, (PR

7134776 )

Pre-Processing Group->Operations->Generate Solids previously still created groups if you pressed the

Cancel button on the "Group Operations Generate Solids" dialog box. Now it simply exits.


In the Meshing Toolbox, when you set mesh sizing with the "Increase" operation, previously if

the curve was unsized but meshed with a default size the first increase would be one more

element than expected. Similarly, if the curve was unsized and unmeshed the size initially

went to one. It now goes to two since "unsized" already would seem to be one element along

the curve.

Translator LS-DYNA Fix MAT_ISOTROPIC_ELASTIC_PLASTIC material card LS-DYNA export for case where G

not specified (but E and nu are non-zero)

Translator LS-DYNA PR7132470 all Mass elements were not being translated AND modify some cards to be fixed

field format that could exceed DYNA's 80 character csv format length limit


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FEMAP v11.1.2 – Bug Fixes

Translator Nastran Fixed problem writing dbs cmd line option in adv nl when spaces existed in path

to restart file.

Translator Nastran Fixed problem writing invalid 0.0 value for MAT10 density, bulk modulus, c

fields. Zero will now be written as blank.

Translator Nastran PR # 7114194 Fixed problem assigning scratch directories when the same

directory was chosen for both SCR and SCR1

Translator ANSYS PR# 7113927 Increased precision to 16,12 when writing coordinate systems and

nodes. Added user preference "AnsysNarrowField" to go back to old way.


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FEMAP v11.1.2 Bug Fixes

UI Fixed bug in PopulateCombinedBCSet & DepopulateCombinedBCSet that caused the tree to become corrupt. Both calls were

wrong causing bad records to be saved every time the view was reloaded. This eventually caused the tree to crash.

UI Fixed problem where Femap would throw an exception when exiting. This could happen if a default view had been defined in

which visible layers were being set.

UI Ctrl-c during trace animation does not work - found by SMART customer. Also did not work for straight animation or multi-set


UI Added back the "Use Existing Points" button in the Mesh->Mesh Control->Mesh Points on Surface command dialog. This button

was inadvertently deleted in V11.1. This will not be in localized versions of v11.1.2


Added capability to Model Merge to transform meshing attributes (orientation and offset) on curves. Corrected a problem in

Model->Merge that causes curves on FEMAP surfaces to be either renumbered incorrectly which can cause a failure to import

geometry. The only workaround is to make sure that both FEMAP points and curves are not renumbered during Merge.

UI Corrected a problem that caused icons that were set on the toolbars via the API to be lost when you exited FEMAP.

UI Fixed spaceball crash due to environment not set up correctly, fixed spaceball bug where if done during animation, orientation

incorrectly snaps back to pre spaceball orientation and removed common static shared by spaceball and mouse

UI Fixed commands that listed to the message window with a line break; the string that was being used as a line break got changed

between versions.


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FEMAP v11.2 – Model Merge

• Geometry

• Mesh

• Loads

• Boundary Conditions

• Flexibility, including sub-components of geometry, i.e. just one surface of a solid, one

curve of a surface, etc.

• Import just Groups from one model to another. In this case, if no entity types in the

group are being merged, then the group is transferred "as-is" with no entity

renumbering or removal


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FEMAP v11.2

Major Annual Release – October 2014


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FEMAP v11.2 Post-Processing

Organize Output into Studies/Containers

• Organize any number of Output

Sets/Steps into User Defined Studies

• Separate based on Analysis Discipline,

Modal Value, Time Step Blocks

• Easier to Find/Delete particular types of



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FEMAP v11.2 Post-Processing

On-the-fly Post-Processing

• Envelope – Specify Output Sets, immediately plot

maximum/minimum displacements, stresses

• Expand Complex – Animate Complex Output Data

without creating additional Output Sets

• Combinations – Similar to Load Case Combination

Data Surface, immediately post-process user

defined Output Set Linear Combinations

• Data Probe – using same options as above, user

defined probes that persist session to session and

can query output results anywhere in the model


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FEMAP v11.2 Post-Processing

On-the-fly Post-Processing – Complex Data


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FEMAP v11.2 – Geometry Modification Tools

Updates to Meshing Toolbox

Pad & Washer – Distance and Factor

Pad Around Slot


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FEMAP v11.2 – Geometry Modification Tools

Geometry – Curve From Surface – Offset Curves

Switch to Parasolid Native Calls to create the offset curves, more

robust, more flexible


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FEMAP v11.2 Pre-Processing

Move Element Thickness to the Element


• FEMAP currently stores thickness data on

the property record

• Tapered plates require one property per


• Moving corner thickness data to the

Element allows referencing only a single



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FEMAP v11.2 Pre-Processing

$ Femap Property 1 : PLATE Property

PSHELL 1 1 .1 1 1 0.

CQUAD4 1 1 1 2 12 11 +

+ .15.1555556 .15.1444444

CQUAD4 2 1 2 3 13 12 +

+ .1555556.1611111.1555556 .15

CQUAD4 3 1 3 4 14 13 +

+ .1611111.1666667.1611111.1555556

CQUAD4 4 1 4 5 15 14 +

+ .1666667.1722222.1666667.1611111


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FEMAP v11.2 – CBUSH Enhancements

Moved Csys Reference optionally to Element

$ Femap Coordinate System 1064 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1064 0679.6982 -68.198125.1186 844.07-172.918791.6852+

+ 607.3819 -753.04 35.3606

$ Femap Coordinate System 1065 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1065 0678.5493 -68.125 125.492884.3252-173.475 779.232+

+ 606.6135-752.20937.89491

$ Femap Coordinate System 1066 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1066 0 677.348-68.0629 126.002940.1208-173.434757.7906+

+ 606.1885-751.52741.60902

$ Femap Coordinate System 1067 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1067 0676.2504-68.0274 126.658 1024.41-172.115714.8208+

+ 606.5491-751.24247.00791

$ Femap Coordinate System 1068 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1068 0675.4743-68.0258127.35441131.636 -169.78635.9555+

+ 606.7366-751.22252.31995

$ Femap Coordinate System 1069 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1069 0674.8973-68.0556 128.2211245.583-162.709504.9403+

+ 606.9209-751.58359.45624

$ Femap Coordinate System 1070 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1070 0 674.618-68.1156 129.2191335.966-149.314309.4215+

+ 606.9701-752.41269.14717

$ Femap Coordinate System 1071 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1071 0674.6494-68.1853130.14341361.466-133.181101.9132+

+ 607.7531-753.62180.73391

$ Femap Coordinate System 1072 : Rectangular Coordinate System

CORD2R 1072 0675.0121-68.2754131.15471322.339-118.169-105.452+

+ 608.4393-755.06593.84263

$ Femap Property 1001 : SPRING/DAMPER Property

PBUSH 1001 K 74685. 58008. 58008. 10. 2837.1000000.

CBUSH 1137 1001 1151 1041 1064

CBUSH 1138 1001 1150 1040 1065

CBUSH 1139 1001 1200 1042 1066

CBUSH 1140 1001 1147 1037 1067

CBUSH 1141 1001 1148 1038 1068

CBUSH 1142 1001 1149 1039 1069

CBUSH 1143 1001 1201 1036 1070

CBUSH 1144 1001 1152 1043 1071

CBUSH 1145 1001 1165 1057 1072


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FEMAP v11.1.2 - Spaceball

Spaceball or any 3-D Mouse – updated our FEMAP code to

respond to driver changes

In short, the drivers now send significantly more move messages,

at very short intervals that could cause problems

If you experience Spaceball problems, hangs, etc. I even have a

patch for v11.1.1 that I can send to you.


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FEMAP v11.2 Post-Processing

Free-Body Cutting Plane

• Interactive Tool where the

cutting plane can be moved, and

an automatic cut of the mesh

recovers a Free-Body Interface


• Quickly query full Shear and

Bending Moment information

across a complete structure at

users defined cuts


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FEMAP v11.2 - Performance Graphics

Already added to FEMAP v11.2

• Coordinate Systems

• All color and shape options

• Performance greatly improved

• Solid Element Coordinate Systems

• Solid Element Material Direction

• PCOMPS layup orientation

• small square in ply plane added – also added in OGL


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FEMAP v11.2 - Performance Graphics

Planned for FEMAP v11.2

• Point Elements

• Mass and Mass Matrix

• Line Elements

• Rod, Bar, Beam, Curved Beam, Parabolic Beam

• Offsets, neutral axes, stress locations

• Probably not cross-sections in 11.2

• Tube, Curved Tube

• Spring/Damper, DOF Spring, Link, Gap, Stiffness Matrix

• Plot

• Constraints


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FEMAP v11.2 – Already Implemented

Pre-Processing Added feCurvepad and feCurveOffsetCurveWasher2 Pre-Processing Added number mesh seeds on curve to entity editor/data table. Post-Processing

Nastran Added support for NXN BEAM Strain results in op2 blocks OSTRPSD1,OSTRRMS1,OSTRNO1


Nastran Added support for op2 block oesmx1 ( DDAM summary results ) in attach and import and also removed the export warning: "DDAM Results are only available in F06 format.

Pre-Processing Added support for unit conversion of contact properties. Translators Nastran Added write contact pairs comments Added R/W of comments for

connection regions, connection properties. Added R/W of comments as titles for: Combined Load Sets Force, Moment Pressure Grav Combined Constraint Set SPC,SPC1 MPC MPCADD, SPCADD

Pre-Processing Meshing Toolbox

Numerous enhancements to track and auto-remesh, solids, shells, and beams during geometry modifications

Pre-Processing Added ability to delete midside nodes automatically when converting to Linear elements in the Modify->Update Elements->Linear/Parabolic Order command – ER Japan

Pre-Processing Geometry

Added ability to delete surfaces that are part of solids.

Pre-Processing Element Update

Added ability to update planar element normals using a vector, location or CSys axis. Change name of Modify->Update Element->Reverse Normal/Orient First Edge to "Orient Plate Normal/First Edge"


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FEMAP v11.2 – Already Implemented

Translators ANSYS Added support for reading and writing both linear and parabolic pyramid elements to ANSYS

Pre-Processing Mid-Surfacing

Enabled Geometry->Midsurface->Single, Single in Solid and Trim to Solid to work with nonmanifold bodies. Also corrected the direction of the midplane of surfaces who have normals that are perpendicular or beyond.

Pre-Processing Geometry Implemented new Solid->Slice command that allows slicing nonmanifold bodies and many new options. Moved Geometry->Solid->Slice With Plane, Slice Match and Slice Along Face to the additional commands menu. Added new command to the solids toolbar but also left Slice With Plane. Changed all the old slicing commands to use the new code along with the old API calls.

Pre-Processing Interfaces

Improved performance of expanding connection regions in certain cases. One model with 692 regions and 400,000+ solid elements previously took around 9 minutes to write a Nastran file, now it takes around 4 seconds.

Pre-Processing Increased the limit on Constraint Equation DOFs from 70 to 6000 Pre-Processing Updated the creation and editing of Constraint Equations to better support

creating multiple equations, large equations and specific link/averaging equations.

Pre-Processing Updated the Automatic Connections capability. Prior to V11 we did not check faces that were adjacent but not overlapping. V11 to v11.1.1 did. This eliminates that while still catching some connections that were missed previously


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FEMAP v11.2 Possibilities

Face Pair Control

• Automatic Face Pairing works great on a large majority of parts. Certain parts

can benefit from the user being able to create and modify pairings

Support Contact for MSC Nastran

Add Full NASTRAN PARAM Manager

• Replace current support of most often uses PARAMs with All

• Grid/Table Interface

• User Preference File and Library for PARAM selection


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FEMAP v11.2 Possibilities

Data Interpolation via API

• Already in process

• Full Scalar, Vector, and Tensor 3-D Data Interpolation Routines

• Fast, used internally in FEMAP, also available via API

• Stress Linearization Tool

• Charting of Scalar, Vector, or Tensor Results along user selected curve

Linear & Nonlinear Results Recovered in Same Output Set

• Due to historic reservations of Output Vector IDs, there was simply no where

to put them

• Use MSC MARC reserved nonlinear data vectors to store nonlinear results

top related