femalerose fertility&libido capsulesvenusroses-labsolutions.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/...for...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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The TRUE Balance of Herbal Health Recipe for Women

About product

FemaleRose Fertility&Libido Capsules

• Naturally and safely support the production of cervical fluids. • Increase female arousal and sexual stimulation. • Increase hydration of the mucin (liquidity of mucus). • Promote mucus alkalinity and mucosal thinning. • Support a healthy uterine lining for implantation of the embryo.

FemaleRose Fertility&Libido Capsules is the nutritional fertility supplement designed to support the production of cervical mucus (CM) - and promote endometrial secretions to help build the uterine lining for implantation of the fertilized egg. In addition, ingredients in the product have been demonstrated to support female sexual function and libido. In established studies, key ingredients in FemaleRose Fertility&Libido Capsules have been shown to:

Key benefits

Address:1680 Sofia, Bulgaria, 16, Vorino Str., office 18

mob: +359 888 699 294; +359 879 343 417office@venusroses-labsolutions.eu


Enhancing Fertility Naturally

FemaleRose Fertility&Libido Capsules

• The natural Rosa Damascena oil, supports good hormone balance and normal ovulation, helps maintain healthy uterine lining.• Clinical study shows Rosa Damascena antioxi-dant activity, which helps enhance reproductive health by repairing oxidative damage due to aging and environmental toxins. - Normalizes Arousal & Desire - Tonifies the Reproductive System

• High efficiency of scientifically proven active ingredient complex

How it Works? Rosa Damascena oil

The researchers found that since the anti-depressant effect of rose drops appeared acutely and in a short period of time, like amphet-amine, it is probable that, it’s effect is due to release of pre-synaptic amines.

Scientific studies also indicate that Rosa Damascena oil supports the production of cervical mucus also increases endometrial secretions in order to prepare the uterine lining for implantation. For female fertility, the ingredients in FemaleRose Fertility&Libido Capsules have been shown to work in three important ways.1. Promotes 'fertile-quality' cervical mucus during the ovulatory cycle.2. Helps build uterine lining for implantation of the embryo (pregnancy).3. Enhances female sexual function, libido, and stimulation.

Pharmacology and Mechanism of action

Depression is a common mental disorders with incidence of 15-20% which cause dysfunction in different social and personal aspects of life, and anhedonia and emotional tension.(1,2)Rose is probably the first flower which oil had been extracted in Iran by distillation method in the 10th Century.(3) Rose has been used for a long time as a hilarity enhancer, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety and in aromatherapy it is used as a mild but powerful sexual enhancer in men and women and it is a perfect oil for skin care.(3,7)Since rose oil has many ideal characteristics, it causes desired relaxation. Rose oil also has shown stimulant effect on human brain.(7)In a double-blind, placebo-controlled empirical study ; the anti-depressant effect of rose oil on laboratory rat in comparison with placebo ; the rose oil with 10, 20 and 40% concentration reduce depression significantly that is similar to the amphetamine's effects.

1. Blazer D.G. Mood disorders. In: Sadock B.J, Sadock V.A (eds). Kaplan & Sadock Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 7th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000:1298-1308.3. Bekhradi R. , Khayat kashani M., Therapeutic applications of essential oils, kashan, morsal pub., 1385: 121

7. Lis-Balchin Maria. Aromatherapy science: A guide for healthcare professionals. Pharmaceutical press. 2006:293

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