felix master 2001

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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90th Birthday


•Great Grandchildren•Feeding Llamas•Remodeling Trailer•Ranch Activities•Cats•Cat Trapping•Gator Time•River Time•Baby Llamas•Erosion Control•Plumbing Changes•Landscaping

2001 Great Grandchildren


90th Birthday

Back row: Garrett, Jason, Blair

Front row: Wesley, Felix, Alysa, Kailey, and Chase.

Felix’s seven great grandchildren.

2001 Kailey Feeding Llamas


90th Birthday

Blair and Kailey.

Kailey liked to feed the llamas and one of them liked eating her food.

2001 Installing Door


90th Birthday

Garrett and Wesley look on.

Stacy and Ray installed a sliding glass door to replace the existing front door in trailer. Melanie had found the door in Billings.

2001 Sammons Visit Ranch


90th Birthday

Carving on the stump.

Target practice.

Ray, Phyllis, Blair, Nancy (Elizabeth’s mother), Felix, Elizabeth, Chase, Chuck (Elizabeth’s father), Garrett, Steve.

Elizabeth’s folks visited the Ranch when Steve & Elizabeth came to pick up their boys that came with Ray & Phyllis a month earlier.

2001 Sammons Visit Ranch


90th Birthday

Ray, Chase, Garrett, Felix.

Blair, and Stacy.


Wesley, Kailey, and Garrett.

Garrett organized Wesley and Kailey into an adventure outing; walking sticks, and salutes included. (Garrett is left handed). There was also some fishing and some catching and some sitting on the patio.

2001 Cats


90th Birthday

Felix’s favorite pets are his cats. The black & white one is the favorite and his private cat! She follows him like a dog, sits on his lap, lays around his feet – but when anyone comes onto the patio she vanishes!

2001 Trapping Cats


90th Birthday

Lookclose!one isgoingup theramp.

Papa listens as Chase explains the concept.

Now its just a matter of time before he has a cat – lots of time.

Chase and Garrett wanted to catch one of Grandpa’s wild cats. They arranged a trap with a ramp for the cats to walk up and a string on the trap door to lock them in.

2001 Sammons Visit Ranch


90th Birthday

Melanie and Steve gave Chase some fishing pointers. Blair and Garrett rode the motorcycles up the river and shot rabbits.

2001 Sammons Visit Ranch


90th Birthday

In August both Steve and Stacy and families came to the Ranch. Steve gave Felix a bird house, Stacy cut his hair, Chase and Kailey caught lady bugs and fish.

2001 The Gator


90th Birthday

Felix, Blair, Chase, Ray, Garrett.

Ray fixing a flat.

Phyllis pruning trees.

Linda Reed and Felix.

Edna Mae and Felix.

The John Deere 6x4 Gator provides a ride for all the visitors and is very useful for irrigating and small jobs around the Ranch.

2001 River Then & Now


90th Birthday

Steve and Ray on the SeaDos on the river in front of the trailer house.

That little naked girl on the left grew up to hold the fish over the river while other little bodies play in the water.

2001 Baby Llamas


90th Birthday

Trips on the left (black) and Chipper on the right; that was the names given the baby llamas born one week apart in September.

2001 Dam Construction


90th Birthday

Felix surveyed the height of the dam with a long level on the pickup box.

The erosion problem

Several years of flash flooding had created a serious erosion problem so we decided to construct a dam to stop it and solve the problem.

2001 Dam Washout


90th Birthday

The first night after the dam was completed the rain washed out a small section. The only thing to do was fill it in again.

2001 Making Road


90th Birthday

While the Cat was at the ranch and after the dam was finished Ray put some fill on the road (the one that the trailers slid off) raising it up so the spring run off water could not run over the road and into the trailer house yard.

2001 Getting the log


90th Birthday

Felix took pictures while Ray crossed the river and Phyllis rode on the back.

The high spring run off left a big log on the far bank and Phyllis spent the summer dreaming about going after that log and using it for a river bank border at the house.

2001 Moving Red Shed


90th Birthday

The two poles purchased to skid the shed left deep ruts in the yard. Felix’s long braided nylon rope was needed to keep the shed from sliding off the skids.

The cat turned in the allotted space with an inch to spare.

Felix was the project engineer.

After finishing the dam the Red Shed was moved from the yard to a spot near the well house.

2001 Digging Front Yard


90th Birthday

Digging the backyard

The Bobcat, Felix, and Ray pulled the water hose from under the trailer – time for the ‘victory dance’.

We removed a water faucet from the front yard (where the trailer house water ran from a hose) and dug a ditch to connect it to the water from the back yard – we also made a connection for the travel trailer, which would be moved in to replace the red shed which was moved up by the well house.

2001 The Big Rock


90th Birthday

Ray tumbled the rock ½ a mile.

The rock is in place!

Put that rock right there!

Digging the rock

Felix selected a big rock from up the river.

Getting the big rock.

2001 Ranch Wild Life


90th Birthday

The Ranch is always alive with wild life going about their daily chores of finding food and shelter.

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