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One of the greatest joys in life is feeling like

you are a part of something that is making a positive

difference in the lives of others. One of the missions

our church supports is called Real Life Ministries which

serves the people of Mexico. They operate a health

clinic, a dental clinic, a mobile dentistry van, plus a

woman’s shelter and orphanage in Ensenada. During

the Spring Break and during the summer months they

build houses for people in Mexico. This past year they

built 17 homes, provided dental services to over 1,152

patients, and carried out medical exams, a variety of

surgeries, and pre and post-natal child birth services at

a minimum or no charge to the people of Tijuana and

Ensenada. In addition they did 16 outreach missions,

distributed several hundred Gospels of John in Spanish,

and have developed a unique ministry associated with

the Baja off road races with a class IV Volkswagen entry

that is called “H12:One” and is a reference to Hebrews

12:1-2 “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of

witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every

encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us,

and let us run with endurance the race that is set

before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and

perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him

endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat

down at the right hand of the throne of God.”


Your missions giving is making a profound

difference in the lives of hundreds of people in

Mexico right now!

This past Sunday we heard from another of

our wonderful mission couples—Tim and Kat

Warner—who work with Cross-Connection Ministries

in Mozambique. They shared their passion to bring

Jesus Christ to the various tribal groups in which

illiteracy and the fundamentals of health and hygiene

are largely unknown. In addition Tim is involved in a

seminary program that seeks to equip local pastors

with the tools they need to teach and preach the

Word of God to their people. Your missions giving is

making a profound difference in the lives of

hundreds of people in Mozambique right now!

And these are just 2 of the 20 mission outreaches that our Meadowlark church family is involved with! I hope you will make it a point to get to know some of the other missions—both locally and worldwide—that we are supporting. In addition your prayers for these folks (who are a literal extension of our churches ministry) makes all the difference. You are part of something that is making a positive difference in the lives of others.


Pastor Dave







Pastor Dave’s Study 1pm the Ministry Center and 7pm at the Shaw’s 1827 Redwing St. San Marcos CA 92078

Women’s Study at Paula Molta’s Tuesday nights at 7pm 7037 Crane Ct., Carlsbad, CA 92009


Reign Men (Men’s Group) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. 8:30am in the Ministry Center.

Pastor Jake’s Study 3pm in the Ministry Center. “Starting 1 Corinthians

Sermon Based Study at David and Paula Molta’s Wednesday nights 7pm 7037 Crane Ct. Carlsbad, VS 92009

Youth Group – Salt & Light Night – meets Wednesday nights in the Ministry Center. For Youth 7 – 12 grades from 7 - 8:30pm


Daniel & Revelation Bible Study 1pm in the Ministry



Ironmen…Men join us every Saturday 8am in the Ministry Center

By His Grace Homeless Outreach


In the Name of Christ By Bill Baker, Founder & Chair

wtbaker@roadrunner.com – 760-438-2482.

By His Grace “BHG” is also a founder and member

of “ARS” Alliance for Regional Solutions with the 35

other Charities and 9 Cities of North San Diego

County Developing a Program to Provide Shelter for

all the Homeless in the Nine Cities of North County

with all the San Diego County Services and

Community Services and Faith Centers in North


There are 250+ homeless in Oceanside –

Escondido region that are opportunities to serve.

We have a history of getting 10-12 into recovery

programs such as Interfaith where I serve on the

Board. I lead Bible Study in the Winter Shelters

from December through March. Emphasis is

focused on “Physical Health”, “Financial Career”,

Mental & Education”, “Family & Home”.

Please contact me for more information at

wtbaker@roadrunner.com – 760-438-2482.


Mission News

Global Hope Network International From Hal and Lana Jones’ Newsletter

Dr. Fuoad

Fourteen months ago he had two homes, a car and

a clinic. He has a wonderful wife and three small

children. He was famous in his area around Mosul.

The Iraqi army had already run away from ISI but

the Kurdish army was trying to hold ISI off. Late

one evening all the church bells began ringing in

his predominantly Christian village. They were told

to leave within three hours because ISIS was

pushing the Kurdish army out. With little more

than the clothes in their backs and a suitcase, they

drove with thousands of others to the border. The

Kurds helped them escape to a road to Jordan. In a

few days over 15,000 Christians walked or drove to

Jordan. Dr. Fuoad left with almost no funds. He

sold his car and spent all his funds to get to Jordan.

He went from a thriving practice to complete

poverty in a few weeks.

We found him sitting with his family in an almost

empty third floor walkup flat in a small dusty town

near the Moab desert. Most of the family slept on

the hard cement floor in the small apartment. We

were there to deliver school supplies, clothing,

food and bedding for the family. He is 44; he lost

everything. He cannot practice medicine there and

they live hand to mouth. But they also see God’s

love in their lives, they forgive ISIS and they look to

Jesus for the next step. I was in tears as we prayed

for this family.

Respectfully submitted

Dorothy Kuster


As Valentine’s Day approached I couldn’t help but remember the vows my husband Jay and I shared over 36 years ago. The scripture verse we read was I Corinthians 13:1-8 but the part I want to focus on reads like this:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, does not boast, it is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love like Jesus had for us never fails and if the greatest gift is to lay down one’s life for another, do we take that to mean we have to die for someone like Jesus died for us in order to share that love?

If we live out the 7 verses above on love and live by laying down our own agenda’s and feelings, not by demanding our own way, or getting angry at other’s mistakes or becoming envious of them but by treating them with kindness and patience, we would be loving others according to God’s holy word.

Let’s love others with our encouraging words, by putting their needs before or own; treating others the way we would like to be treated and whenever possible by forgiving each other’s mistakes the way that Jesus forgave our sins.

So when we think of love, let’s remember the

definition of God’s love and adopt I Corinthians

13:4-7, by laying down our ways for Jesus’ sake.

Bonnie Standard


San Diego Blood Bank

Meadowlark Member Group “MLCC”

As we move into the new year the focus on blood donations is ever present. The need is always there and supplies are always short so any donations from our Meadowlark Family are always appreciated and welcome. You can walk in and donate at any San Diego Blood Bank location and reference our MLCC account so we will get credit for it. Any one in our Meadowlark Family will be able to have any blood needed for surgery or emergency not covered by your insurance replaced by accessing the MLCC account. You need not be a donor to qualify. The North County Blood Bank in Vista has changed it’s location. It has moved to 1910 Via Centre Drive which is just off of Hacienda Drive about a mile from the old facility on Thunder Drive in Vista. The new donor facility is 3,700 square feet and improves the donating area from 8 beds to 11 beds. It will also have a new dedicated research area which the old site did not have. The Vista site brings in about 5,300 pints of blood a year which is about 4.5 percent of all donations to the SDBB. Be sure to note the new location if you are planning to donate there. Our blood drives in 2016 are scheduled for Sunday May 1 from 8 am until 1 pm and Sunday September 25 from 8 am until 1 pm. You may donate before, after or during both services. God has blessed our church family here at Meadowlark with His people that are willing to step up and make a difference by GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE and reaching out and touching our surrounding community in such an unselfish and personal way. Take care and God Bless Bill Troop


With Pastor Jake








God's Valentine Gift

God's Valentine gift of love to us

Was not a bunch of flowers;

It wasn't candy, or a book

To while away the hours.

His gift was to become a man,

So He could freely give His sacrificial love for us,

So you and I could live.

He gave us sweet salvation, and

Instruction, good and true--

To love our friends and enemies And love our Savior, too.

So as we give our Valentines, Let's thank our Lord and King;

The reason we have love to give

Is that He gave everything.

By Joanna Fuchs


February Ushers

Ushers and greeters Bob & Judy Wigand

David and Paula Molta Communion Bob & Judy Wigand

2/7 Lyle Birkley Steve Allen Marty McDougall Janice Birkley 2/14 Larry Hale Gordon Olson Joan Anderson Wade Thompson 2/21 Ken Kreutz Noni Kreutz Don Lovitt Bill Troop 2/28 Ruben Escovedo Ed Griffith Audrey Hillier Daisy McKennet

Please arrive ½ hour before the service when you


February Greeters

2nd Service

Feb. 7th Norma Stewert Kathy Martin

Feb. 14th Shirley Lovitt

Bill Troop

Feb. 21st Ross Swanson Sami Swanson

Feb. 28th Kay Gervais Al Zimmerman

First Service Contemporary Service

10:30 Service Traditional Service

Bible Verse for February:

And we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his


Romans 8:28

Visit our Meadowlark Website at www.meadowlarkchurch.com for more

about our church. Also, check out and like our facebook page at



Susan Story Feb 2 Shyrline Somers Feb 2 Ed Compton Feb 4 Elaine Eldridge Feb 5 Larry Hale Feb 6 Fran Allen Feb 9 Ken Foster Feb 11 Harry Chadwell Feb 12 Amy Wolter Feb 9

A BIG Happy Birthday to these people celebrating



Words of Appreciation

Thank you from Sue Story and family for

all the encouragement, prayers, and love

during this time of loss and remembrance

for their

beloved mother, Dottie Dyson.

A Memorial Fund has been set up in

Dottie Dyson’s name for donations to

Meadowlark Church. If you would like to

contribute, mark on your check or on the

connection envelope, “Dottie Dyson


Happy Spring! The Easter season is

quickly approaching and there a many egg-

citing things coming up for Spring!

Palm Sunday

March 20th

Kids Choir will sing and parade with palm

leaves to celebrate our King at the beginning

of both services. We will have 6 practices every

week during Sunday school beginning on Feb

7th. Your kids won’t want to miss any of the fun!

Please encourage your child to come each


On March 20th, please have kids arrive & check

in at the Fireside room no later than 8:30 am for

sound check and performance prep. Attire will

be pastel, spring colors, please. Nice shirt and

pants for boys, dresses or top and skirt for girls!

Breakfast goodies provided for early birds!!

Easter Sunday

March 27th

8:00am Sonrise service outdoors

(No Sunday School)

8:30am Breakfast

9:00am Contemporary Worship

Service w/Sunday School

followed by an Egg Hunt & FUN!

10:30am Traditional Service


Cathrine Osthimer Director of Children’s Ministry

*If you are interested in submitting an article to the Meadowlark Messenger Monthly Newsletter, please contact, Kathy

Martin by email: kmart708@yahoo.com

**All articles are subject to approval and may be edited for content or length at the editor’s discretion.

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