fclerk’s report - loraincounty.us of the board...  · web viewraphael, rula. ocda...

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November 28, 2018

The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,

226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Ted Kalo, President, Commissioner Matt

Lundy, Vice President and Commissioner Lori Kokoski, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.


Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Lundy gave an inspiration word of the day.

Dog Warden Pihlblad presented a 5 year old terrier, in cage 7, or choose from 12 other dogs.

The following business was transacted __________________


a.1 RESOLUTION NO. 18-746

In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )Lorain County Treasurer )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain County Treasurer.

DATE DESCRIPTION INTEREST EARNED / ON cusip# INV WITH ACCT #1 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $7,301 Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#16-0002 3136GO6Q9 US BANK 0010509762602 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $6,250 Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#16-0020 3136G3MXO US BANK 0010509762603 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $6,750 Federal Home Loan Mortgage, PO#16-0021 3134G9MW4 US BANK 0010509762604 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $3,750 Federal Home Loan Mortgage PO#16-0026 3134G9QB6 US BANK 0010509762605 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $4,800 Federal Home Loan Bank, PO#16-0033 3130A87G2 US BANK 0010509762606 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $4,250 Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#17-0034 3136GO5J6 US BANK 0010509762607 11/26/2018 INT PAYMENT $6,468.75 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Assn, PO#18-0012 3134GBX56 US BANK 001050976260

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.2 RESOLUTION NO. 18-747

In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.

$ 25,632.16 to be appropriated to: lc port authority/prosecutors$ 25,632.16 to 1000-0000-220-000-01-5000-5001$ 520.00 to be appropriated to: pending transcript fee inv/dr$ 520.00 to 1000-0000-401-000-02-7000-7003$ 2,350.00 to be appropriated to: end year exp/sheriff$ 2,100.00 to 1020-1023-550-000-03-5000-5005$ 250.00 to 1020-1023-550-000-03-5040-0000$ 1,120.44 to be appropriated to: sy18 grant portion of pers for exe dir salary match/adas$ 1,120.44 to 2000-2000-620-0000-05-5040-0000$ 80,000.00 to be appropriated to: spec docket grant pay veterans family drug juv mental health courts adm costs as part of pass$ 80,000.00 to 2000-2001-620-000-05-6200-0000 thru grant/adas$ 33,535.00 to be appropriated to: fy19 recovery housing grant to pay prov for serv/adas$ 33,535.00 to 2000-2004-620-000-05-6200-0000$ 20,000.00 to be appropriated to: payroll thru end year 2018/solid waste$ 10,000.00 to 2260-0000-100-000-05-5000-5005$ 10,000.00 to 2260-0000-100-000-05-5000-5006$ 35,100.00 to be appropriated to: ex for year/jfs$ 25,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-000-06-5040-0000$ 2,400.00 to 2280-0000-260-000-06-5080-5081$ 2,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-262-06-5040-0000$ 200.00 to 2280-0000-260-262-06-5080-5081$ 5,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-5040-0000$ 500.00 to 2280-0000-260-264-06-5080-5081$ 4,000.00 to be appropriated to: in exp for year/jfs$ 4,000.00 to 2280-0000-260-0000-06-5100-0000$ 11,400.00 to be appropriated to: pers, lab, therapy exp for courts drug court prog/dr$ 1,200.00 to 2620-0000-400-452-03-5000-5001$ 2,000.00 to 2620-0000-400-452-03-6200-6210$ 8,200.0 0 to 2620-0000-400-452-03-6200-6218$ 2,300.00 to be appropriated to: ex for courts mental health prog/dr$ 2,000.00 to 2700-0000-400-413-06-5000-5001$ 300.00 to 2700-0000-400-413-06-5040-0000$ 150.00 to be appropriated to: gas mileage exp for courts cip prog/dr$ 150.00 to 2700-000-400-414-06-6000-6010$ 50,000.00 to be appropriated to: chairs for employees/lccs$ 50,000.00 to 3200-0000-580-00-06-6050-0000$ 18,800.00 to be appropriated to: in c for exp year/jfs

Resolution No. 18-747 cont. November 28, 2018

$ 18,000.00 to 3520-0000-260-000-06-5040-0000$ 800.00 to 3520-0000-260-000-06-5080-5081$ 38,750.00 to be appropriated to: modification to eng and insp serv for comm and jfs parking lots/q-bldgs$ 25,400.00 to 5000-5008-100-000-10-6200-6218$ 13,350.00 to 5000-5064-100-000-10-6200-6218$ 49,100.00 to be appropriated to: payment to columbia twp for work done on hawke rd/san eng$ 49,100.00 to 7100-7118-300-304-11-6200-0000$ 12,500.00 to be appropriated to: exp year end for lcra/comm airport$ 5,000.00 to 7300-000-100-000-11-6200-6202$ 7,500.00 to 7300-000-100-000-11-6380-0000

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 18-748

In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers.

Account Transfers:$ 7,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-142-01-5110-0000 comms accts to cover exp thru year end/comm gf

To 1000-0000-100-142-01-7220-0000$ 1,200.00 from 1000-0000-100-142-01-5110-0000

To 1000-0000-100-142-01-7000-7004$ 2,500.00 from 1000-0000-100-000-01-6050-6050

To 1000-0000-100-000-01-6000-0000$ 1,500.00 from 1000-0000-100-112-01-6200-6218

To 1000-0000-100-112-01-6380-0000$ 8,500.00 from 1000-0000-220-000-01-5040-0000 equipment/pros

To 1000-0000-220-000-01-6050-0000$ 3,500.00 from 2220-0000-100-000-05-6200-0000 exp thru year end dog kennel/comm dog

To 2220-0000-100-000-05-6200-6202$ 2,000.00 from 3412-3413-100-116-07-6000-0000 equip needed for glri efficiently perform assigned task for restoring

To 3412-3413-100-116-07-6050-0000 river banks/comm dev glri p2$ 6,000.00 from 3412-3413-100-116-07-6200-6218

To 3412-3413-100-116-07-6050-0000$ 750.00 from 3424-0000-100-000-05-6380-6381 exp thru year end for county home/comm

To 3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-6202$ 2,000.00 from 3460-0000-100-000-03-5110-0000 exp thru year end crime lab/comm crime

To 3460-0000-100-000-03-6000-0000$ 1,000.00 from 3480-0000-100-000-03-6050-6050 payment of vehicle repair/911

To 3480-0000-100-000-03-6380-6380$ 200.00 from 7200-7200-100-150-11-7220-0000 exp thru year end transportation ctr/comm transit

To 7200-7200-100-150-11-6050-0000$ 1,200.00 from 7200-7200-100-150-11-7220-0000

To 7200-7200-100-150-11-6200-6202Fund transfers;$ 462.00 from 3520-0000-260-000-06-5080-5081 sept 2018 life ins/comm life

To 1030-0000-100-000-01-4200-4202$ 16.50 from 8100-fy19-100-000-14-5080-5081

To 1030-0000-100-000-01-4200-4202

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.3a RESOLUTION NO. 18-749

In the matter of authorizing various fund transfers in the)Amount of $14,091.00 for payment of life insurance for)county employees for the month of October 2018 ) November 28, 2018

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various fund transfers in the amount of $14,091.00 for payment of life insurance for county employees for the month of October 2018

October Life Insurance Department Amount

1000.0000. WORKFORCE DEV. (WDA) $ 156.75

1000.0000. PROSECUTOR IVD $ 107.25 1000.0000.400.406.02.5080.5081 DOMESTIC CHILD SUPPORT $ 107.25 1000.0000. COMMISSIONERS $ 3,869.25 1020.1023.550.000.03.5080.5081 ROTARY - NEW RUSSIA $ 8.25 2000.2000.620.000.05.5080.5081 ADAS $ 33.00 2000.2004.620.000.05.5080.5081 ADAS-Recovery Grant $ 24.75 2200.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 SHERIFF - JAIL $ 1,179.75 2220.0000. DOG KENNEL $ 41.25 2260.0000. SOLID WASTE $ 41.25 2280.0000. JFS - INC. MAINT. $ 1,072.50 2280.0000. JFS- SOCIAL SERVICES $ 66.00 2280.0000. JFS- SHARED $ 288.75 2480.0000. AUDITOR/REAL ESTATE $ 231.00 2500.2501. DRETAC - TREASURER $ 8.25 2500.2502. DRETAC - PROSECUTOR $ - 2520.0000.510.000.01.5080.5081 AUTO TITLE $ 165.00

2560.2560. ADULT PROBATION $ 57.75 2560.2562. ADULT PROB - MISDEMEANANT $ 16.50 2560.2563. ADULT PROB - JAIL CASE $ - 2560.2564. ADULT PROBATION - PSI $ 49.50 2560.2565. ADULT PROB - NON SUPP $ 8.25 2560.2566. ADULT PROB - IMPR $ - 2560.2569. Justice-Reinvest Inc Grant $ -

2560.2570. ADULT PROB - TCAP $ 33.00

2580.0000.300.300.04.5080.5081 ENGINEER $ 396.00 2610.0000.400.000.02.5080.5081 DOMESTIC IVE $ 74.25 2620.0000.400.407.03.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - FAM DRUG CRT $ 8.25 2620.0000.400.416.03.5080.5081 DOMESTIC DRUG COURT $ - 2620.0000.400.452.03.5080.5081 DRUG COURT $ - 2630.0000.400.000.03.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - MENTAL HEALTH $ -

2640.0000. BRIDGE $ 49.50

2680.0000.400.428.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC VFC $ 24.75

2680.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 DOM - TRUANCY 2 $ 33.00 2700.0000.400.412.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC -RECLAIM OHIO $ - 2700.0000.400.414.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - DAY TRTMT $ - 2700.0000.400.418.06.5080.5081 DOM - STEPPING STONE $ 57.75

2700.0000.400.422.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - SEX OFFENDER $ 8.25

2700.0000.400.430.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - RESTITUTION $ 8.25 2700.0000.400.438.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - IN HOME $ 16.50

2700.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 DOMESTIC - TRUANCY $ - 2940.0000. COUNTY PROBATION $ 24.75 3110.0000.650.000.02.5080.5081 LAW LIBRARY $ 16.50 3140.0000.360.000.03.5080.5081 COURT MEDIATOR $ 16.50 3200.0000.580.000.06.5080.5081 CHILDREN SERVICES $ 940.50 3260.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 CCW SHERIFF $ 8.25 3280.0000.590.000.06.5080.5081 DEVELOP DISABILITES $ 2,829.75 3340.A100.600.A18.05.5080.5081 COM MENTAL HEALTH $ 90.75 3440.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 DRUG TASK FORCE $ 41.25 3441.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 CRIMINAL JUSTICE - SHERIFF $ 8.25 3460.0000. CRIME LAB $ 24.75 3480.0000. 911 $ 231.00 3520.0000. CHILD SUPPORT $ 495.00 3560.3560. PROS - VICTIM WITNESS $ 49.50 3630.0000.360.000.02.5080.5081 FORECLOSURE $ 24.75 7000.7000. PERSONNEL BENEFITS $ 8.25 7010.0000. WORKERS COMP $ 8.25 7100.7100.300.304.11.5080.5081 SANITARY ENGINEER $ 49.50 7200.0000. TRANSIT $ 8.25 8016.0000. VISITORS BUREAU $ 8.25 8100.FY19. CHILDREN & FAMILY FIRST $ 16.50 8300.0000.660.000.14.5080.5081 CBCF $ 280.50 8410.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 DISTRICT HEALTH $ 486.75 8420.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 HEALTH DEPT - FOOD SERV $ 66.00 8450.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 HEALTH DEPT - WIC $ 107.25 8850.0000.640.000.14.5080.5081 SOIL & WATER $ 8.25

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.4 JOURNAL ENTRYThere were no advances/repayments for this day. __________________

a5 RESOULTION NO. 18-750

In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)Services for various county departments ) November 28, 2018

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.

LOG # DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE VENDOR AMOUNT1468 9-1-1 Agency 3480 Firewall Support for the Trackstar GPS Sys. Cerdant, Inc. 3,510.001469 9-1-1 Agency 3480 Dash Mount Standard Control Head with Palm Vasu Communications Inc. 4,744.001470 Airport 7300 BPO Sept-Dec 2018 Water & Sewer Services Rural Lorain County Water 225.001471 Airport 7300 Amend PO 2018003320 SBPO Electric Ohio Edison 4,300.00 1472 Bascule Bridge 2640 Amend PO 2018000277 SBPO Water Svc. City of Lorain Utilities 1,150.001473 CBCF 8300 VersaDesk Power Pro Sit-to-Stand Desks Office Depot 1,949.95 1474 Children Serv. 3200 (3) 2018 Ford Fusions Kowalski Ford 48,915.02 1475 Commissioners 1000 2019 Membership Dues CCAO/CEAO 11,457.00 1476 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000599 Network Security Cerdant Inc. 645.001477 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000460 Taping of Meetings Rogers, Harold 500.001478 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000313 Cellphone Services Cellco Partnership 1,150.001479 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000321 SBPO Gas Services Columbia Gas of Ohio 1,500.00 1480 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000326 SBPO Gas Services Columbia Gas of Ohio 1,000.001481 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000327 SBPO Gas Services Columbia Gas of Ohio 1,500.001482 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000330 SBPO Gas Services Columbia Gas of Ohio 5,000.001483 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000331 SBPO Gas Services Columbia Gas of Ohio 5,000.001484 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000320 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 610.001485 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000333 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 50.001486 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000334 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 1,000.001487 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000336 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 120.001488 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000337 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 2,100.00 1489 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000338 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 5,000.001490 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000339 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 1,000.001491 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000340 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 700.001492 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000341 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 500.001493 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000343 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 820.001494 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000345 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 1,300.001495 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000346 Water & Sewer Elyria Public Utilities 2,300.00 1496 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000640 Network Services Everstream Holding Co. 2,036.74 1497 Commissioners 1000 County Membership Dues NACO 6,027.001498 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000427 Electric Services Ohio Edison 3,200.00 1499 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000428 Electric Services Ohio Edison 750.001500 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000429 Electric Services Ohio Edison 2,180.00 1501 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000430 Electric Services Ohio Edison 44,170.00 1502 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000431 Electric Services Ohio Edison 38,000.00 1503 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000433 Electric Services Ohio Edison 4,250.00 1504 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000436 Electric Services Ohio Edison 50.00 1505 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000437 Electric Services Ohio Edison 2,200.001506 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000439 Electric Services Ohio Edison 2,400.001507 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000446 Electric Services Ohio Edison 200.001508 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000449 Electric Services Ohio Edison 160.001509 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000450 Electric Services Ohio Edison 1,400.001510 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000451 Water & Sewer Rural Lorain County Water 100.001511 Commissioners 1000 Amend PO 2018000463 SBPO Supplies W.B. Mason Co. Inc 1,000.001512 Community Dev. 3412 1994 Crest Savannah SE Boat, Trailer L.C. Port Authority 6,680.00 1513 Crime Lab 3460 Amend PO 2018000472 BPO Cellphone Cellco Partnership 10.001514 Crime Lab 3460 Amend PO 2018000473 SBPO Misc. Supplies Fisher Scientific 2,000.00 1515 Domestic Rel. 1000 Security Camera Hardware, Services Bailey Communications 5,291.001516 Domestic Rel. 2140 Testing Materials for Court Psychologist Multi Health Systems Inc. 151.001517 Drug Task Force 3440 Various Guns and Holsters Vance’s Shooters Supplies 12,518.951518 Golden Acres 3424 Amend PO 2018000499 BPO Cellphone Svc. Cellco Partnership 10.001519 Job & Family 2280 PRC Furniture/Appliances Voucher Program Aaron’s Inc. 1,184.001520 Job & Family 2280 PRC Utilities Voucher Program A. Perez City of Lorain Utilities Dept. 1,000.001521 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Hering, Brian 1,100.001522 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Invinceable Inc. 2,508.001523 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program JB Patriot Properties XI 1,500.001524 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Jerry Rader 1,300.001525 Job & Family 2280 PRC Car Repair Voucher Program E. Jackson Kovich, John dba A OK Auto 1,500.001526 Job & Family 3520 Reimburse LCDJFS for Shared Costs LCDJFS 268,062.991527 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Lorain Metropolitan Housing 1,387.001528 Job & Family 2280 PRC Furniture/Appliances Voucher Program Mattress 4 Less Stores 30,000.00 1529 Job & Family 2280 PRC Car Repair Voucher Program C.Keiper Midway Muffler dba Tuffy 1,236.47 1530 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Premier Development Group 2,470.001531 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Select Portfolio Servicing 1,047.07 1532 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program SNJ Property Management 1,545.001533 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Victor Rivera 1,290.00 1534 Job & Family 2280 PRC Shelter Assistance Voucher Program Westway Garden and Vesta 1,156.001535 Law Library 3110 Law Books- Ohio Capitol Connection Hannah News Service, Inc. 1,700.00 1536 Maintenance 1000 Amend PO 2018001495 Custodial Supplies Joshen Paper & Packaging 2,200.001537 Maintenance 1000 Amend PO 2018001496 Custodial Supplies Parker Supply LLC 1,400.00 1538 Prosecutor’s 1000 File Folders, Laser Label Sheets, Shipping Central Bus. Equip. Co. 3,513.841539 Prosecutor’s 1000 Hon 4 Drawer Lateral File, Drawer Handles Friends Service Co. 1,098.501540 Prosecutor’s 1000 Apple MAC Mini Desktop Computer, Monitor MNJ Technologies Direct 1,664.001541 Prosecutor’s 1000 Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall, Updates MNJ Technologies Direct 5,984.201542 Prosecutor’s 1000 Veritas Software, Hyper V Agent, Window MNJ Technologies Direct 4,130.001543 Prosecutor’s 1000 Eset, LLC Endpoint 3yr Renewal, File Security MNJ Technologies Direct 3,796.001544 Prosecutor’s 1000 (15) Riser, Monitor, Gas Lift Office Depot 2,999.851545 Prosecutor’s 1000 Xerox Altalink Copier Office Products dba MT 9,864.00

1546 Prosecutor’s 1000 Attorney Membership Yearly Dues Ohio State Bar Assoc. 4,500.001547 Prosecutor’s 1000 Legal Research For Nov & Dec 2018 Relx Inc dba Lexis Nexis 1,889.001548 Prosecutor’s 1000 Clear Proflex Investigation Research Nov-Dec West Publishing Corp 1,330.001549 Prosecutor’s 1000 Yearly Library Books Nov & Dec West Publishing Corp 3,000.001550 Sheriff’s 1000 Fuji Finepix XP130 Camera w/ SD Card Dodd Camera Holdings 1,490.00 1551 Sheriff’s 3260 Supply Package for Zebra Printer Total ID Solutions 3,000.001552 Visitors’ Bureau 8016 Amend PO 2018002636 Professional Services Lucas, Alexandra M 500.001553 Visitors’ Bureau 8016 BPO Sept-Dec 2018 Water & Sewer Svc. Rural Lorain County Water 225.001554 Coroner’s 1000 BPO Jan-Dec 2018 Misc. Equipment MP Acquisitions LLC 2,000.001555 Storm Water 7100 Completion of Hawke Rd Culvert Replacement Columbia Township 49,024.951556 Commissioners 100 Amend PO 2018001272 Consulting Services Clemans Nelson & Assoc. 12,000.00

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.6 .RESOLUTION NO. 18-751

In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various )personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to Attending meeting of interest to their departments.


not to exceed

377 Children & Family Council

Messer, Doug Ohio Family & Children First Coordinators Association Annual Meeting

Columbus, OH 10/21-10/23/18


378 Community Development

Dunton, Reese Ohio & Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credits- Heritage Ohio Annual Conference

Cleveland, OH 10/22-10/24/18


379 Job & Family Services Gage, Shanda TOPC & LSC Information Session Akron, OH 12/11/18 10.00380 Job & Family Services Krupa, Kelly In-Person Readiness Meetings Marysville, OH 12/4/18 10.00381 Job & Family Services Molnar, Joe OJFSDA Child Care Committee Meeting Columbus, OH 12/11/18 30.00382 Job & Family Services Phelan, Robert TOPC & LSC Information Session Akron, OH 12/11/18 15.00383 Job & Family Services Raphael, Rula OCDA Canton/Cleveland District Meeting Hartville, OH 12/10/18 15.00384 Job & Family Services Shope, Leesa In-Person Readiness Meetings Marysville, OH 12/4/18 10.00385 Job & Family Services Wanderi, Lucy OJFSDA Child Care Committee Meeting Columbus, OH 12/11/18 10.00386 Job & Family Services Whiteman, Kristin JFSHRA Quarterly Meeting Delaware, OH 12/5/18 70.00387 Prosecutor’s Janik, Nicole Specialized Dockets Annual Conference Columbus, OH 10/11-


388 Workforce Development Roeder, Shawn Amend Res 18-421 Reimbursement for Fuel for County Vehicles

Columbus, OH 9/25-9/26/18


Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.7 RESOLUTION NO. 18-752

APPROVING BILLS FOR PAYMENTBE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have

been signed by two or more Commissioners:


General FundAbraham Ford LLC dba Elyria Ford Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380


Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000


Autobody Products Inc Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380


Autobody Products Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Autobody Products Inc Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000


CEIA USA Freight Charges 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 0000


Central Exterminating Co. Contract Services 1000 0000 100 104 01 6200 0000


Eberly, Jason Parking Refund 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089


Emerge Corporation Contract Services 1000 0000 100 100 01 6200 0000


Everstream Holding Company LLC Late Fee 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 0000


Fastenal Company Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


FedEx Grand Shipping Charges 1000 0000 100 000 01 7070 0000


Firelands Electric, Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000


Friends Service Co. Inc dba FriendsOffice Supplies 1000 0000 100 116 01 6000 0000


Globalstar Telephone Services 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202


H Leff Electric Company, Inc. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


H Leff Electric Company, Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000


Interline Brands Inc dba Supply Works Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Interline Brands Inc dba Supply Works Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Janine M Meyers & Assoc. Inc dba Myers & Assoc.

Court Reporting Services 1000 0000 100 142 01 7000 7004


John Pais Auto Service Inc Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 0000


Koricke, Deborah dba Deborah Koricke & Assoc.

Professional Services 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 6218


Lake Screen Printing Supplies 1000 0000 100 110 01 6000 0000


Leppo Inc dba Leppo Rents Equipment Rental 1000 0000 100 104 01 6050 6050


Lorain County Engineer Fuel 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 6000


Lorain County Printing & Publishing dba Chronicle

Advertising 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000


Lorain County Printing & Publishing dba Chronicle

Advertising 1000 0000 100 142 01 7220 0000


Lorain County Printing & Publishing dba Chronicle

Advertising 1000 0000 100 118 01 7220 0000


Lorain County Sanitary Engineers Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202


LTE, Inc dba Lakeshore Tool Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Minney Enterprises Inc dba Don's Auto and Truck

Vehicle Expenses 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380


Naviant Inc. Computer System Software

1000 0000 100 100 01 6000 6009


Office Products dba MT Business Equipment Lease 1000 0000 100 100 01 6050 6050


Robert Taylor Insurance Agency Bond Renewals 1000 0000 100 136 01 7070 7076


Robert Taylor Insurance Agency Bond Renewals 1000 0000 100 136 01 7070 7076


Robert Taylor Insurance Agency Bond Renewals 1000 0000 100 136 01 7070 7076


Simply Compliance Holdings LLC dba Thompson

ADA Compliance Guide 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Simply Compliance Holdings LLC dba Thompson

Employer's Handbook 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Simply Compliance Holdings LLC dba Thompson

Fair Labor Standards 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Sound Com Repairs 1000 0000 100 108 01 6380 0000


Sunbelt Rental, Inc. Repair/Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000


Synchrony Bank - Amazon Com Supplies 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000


Time Warner Cable Utility Services 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202


Tursack, Melissa Reimbursement 1000 0000 100 000 01 7220 0000


United Refrigeration Inc. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


Vasu Communications, Inc. Batteries 1000 0000 100 124 03 6000 0000


Windstream Holdings, Inc dba Windstream Telephone Services 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202


W.W. Grainger dba Grainger Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000


TOTAL $16,474.16

Dog KennelCintas Corporation No 2 dba Cintas Corp #011

Uniform Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 $3.18

Cintas Corporation No 2 dba Cintas Corp #011

Mat Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 $9.12

Cintas Corporation No 2 dba Cintas Corp #011

Mat Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 $9.12

Cintas Corporation No 2 dba Cintas Corp #011

Uniform Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 $3.18

Citibak N.A. Home Depot Credit Services Repair/Maint. 2220 0000 100 000 05 6380 0000 $164.30 Columbia Gas of Ohio Utility Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $452.00 John Deere Financial Supplies 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $44.96 Lorain County Engineers Fuel 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 $500.09 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 $10.97

TOTAL $1,196.92 Solid Waste

Bankers Advertising Company Custom Labels 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 7220 $170.00 Dobie Pallets Supplies 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $995.00 Lorain County Engineers Fuel 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 $214.89 Lorain County Office on Aging Advertising 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 $62.40 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 $221.28

TOTAL $1,663.57 Bascule Bridge

Gross Plumbing, Inc. Supplies 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 $191.58 Lorain County Engineers Fuel 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 6000 $65.87 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 2640 0000 100 000 04 6000 0000 $3.03 Vasu Communications, Inc. Repair/Maint. 2640 0000 100 000 04 6380 0000 $608.00

TOTAL $868.48 Medically Handicapped Children

Treasurer, State of Ohio Other Expenses 2740 0000 580 000 06 7070 0000 $57,567.48 TOTAL $57,567.48

Law Library Accellis Technology Group, Inc. Professional Services 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 6218 $323.00 Office Products dba MT Business Technologies

Contract Services 3110 0000 650 000 02 6200 0000 $25.43

TOTAL $348.43 Community Development

Office Products Inc dba MT Business Technologies

Supplies 3412 3413 100 116 07 6000 0000 $89.30

TOTAL $89.30 Crime Lab

Advanced Computer Technologies, LLC Contract Services 3460 0000 100 000 03 6200 0000 $212.60 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Paper 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $30.95 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 3460 0000 100 000 03 6000 0000 $2.82

TOTAL $246.37 9-1-1 Agency

Central Exterminating Co. Building Maintenance 3480 0000 100 000 03 6380 6381 $120.00 Everstream Utility Services 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 $9,750.00 Lorain County Engineer Fuel 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6000 $27.59 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6002 $41.41 NENA 2019 Membership Dues 3480 0000 100 000 03 7070 7070 $142.00 Vasu Communications, Inc. Fees 3480 0000 100 000 03 7000 0000 $480.00

TOTAL $10,561.00 Hospitalization

John Gintonio Hosp. Refund 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $155.93 Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7000 7000 100 000 12 6000 6002 $1.00 Michael D Dougall Hosp. Refund 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $155.93 Steven R Comer Hosp. Refund 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $97.80

TOTAL $410.66 Workers' Compensation

Ohio Bureau of Workers' Comp Annual Premium 7010 0000 100 000 12 7000 7017 $386,453.00 TOTAL $386,453.00

Storm WaterLorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7100 7118 300 304 11 6000 6002 $101.23

TOTAL $101.23 Transit

Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 7200 0000 100 000 11 6000 6002 $2.56 TOTAL $2.56

Transportation CenterBASF Corporation Deposit Refund 7200 7200 100 150 11 7070 7089 $500.00 Central Exterminating Co. Contract Services 7200 7200 100 150 11 6200 0000 $165.00 Friends Service Co Inc dba FriendsOffice Supplies 7200 7200 100 150 11 6000 0000 $94.11

TOTAL $759.11 AirportBlueglobes LLC Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $173.92 Burrer, Stephen W & Kimberly A dba Bobs Truck

Repair/Maintenance 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 0000 $25.26

Fisher Auto Parts, Inc. Repair/Maintenance 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 0000 $172.59 Great Lakes Petroleum Fuel 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $1,197.63 Judco, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $172.00 Judco, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $16.25 Lorain County Sanitary Engineers Utility Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 $97.92 MRK Aviation, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $255.00 MRK Aviation, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $648.00 Ohio Edison Utility Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 $9.98 Truck Sales and Service, Inc. Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $450.00

TOTAL $3,218.55 Visitors' Bureau Charter Communications Holdings LLC Utility Services 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6202 $269.26 CMT Consulting LTD Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $5,850.00 Elyria Lorain Broadcasting Co Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $250.25 Elyria Lorain Broadcasting Co Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $250.25 Friends Service Co Inc dba FriendsOffice Coasters 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $2,119.93 Lorain County Printing & Publishing dba Chronicle

Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $600.00

Lorain County Sanitary Engineers Utility Services 8016 0000 100 000 14 6200 6202 $38.76

Lorain County Treasurer c/o Office Services Postage 8016 0000 100 000 14 6000 6002 $204.05 Mariotti, Martin G dba Mariotti Printing Company

Ballot Box Inserts 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $27.00

Mariotti, Martin G dba Mariotti Printing Company

Shaken & Stirred Passports

8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $549.00

Simpleview LLC Software Licensing 8016 0000 100 000 14 6000 6009 $600.00 W.B. Mason Supplies 8016 0000 100 000 14 6000 0000 $24.45 WDWL Radio Inc Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $62.50 WDWL Radio Inc Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $62.50 WOBL Radio Inc Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $62.50 WOBL Radio Inc Advertising 8016 0000 100 000 14 7220 0000 $62.50

TOTAL $11,032.95 Forfeited LandLorain County Auditor 2018 Deed Prep 8310 8354 100 000 14 7070 0000 $2,300.00 Lorain County Recorder 2018 Recordings 8310 8354 100 000 14 7070 0000 $1,288.00

TOTAL $3,588.00 Children and Family CouncilCleveland Metropolitan Park District Respite 8280 8288 100 000 14 6200 6219 $348.00 Connection for Kids of Westlake Nonprofit Table Fee 8240 FY19 100 000 14 7070 0000 $250.00 Jams Val Park Inc- dba Valpak of West Cleveland

Contract Services 8240 FY19 100 000 14 6200 0000 $800.00

TOTAL $1,398.00 Job & Family Services:HS H18-1287 Administrative payroll TOTAL $407,775.96

H18-1273Byrd, Jessica gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $30.16Dean, Randall gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $180.44Martinez Vega, Lizamy gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $67.08Nemeth, Becky gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $21.84Orlandi, Michael gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $58.76Reichert, Julie gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $67.08Russell, Antionetta gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $52.00Whitefield-Allgood, Tina gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $103.48Wilmington, Doris gas mileage reimbursement 2280-0000-260-264-06-6000-6010 $142.48

TOTAL $723.32Sb18-571Burks, Ruth notary renewal fees 3520-0000-260-000-06-7070-0000 $40.00Hill, Tracey gas mileage reimbursement 3520-0000-260-000-06-6000-6010 $5.20Jewels-Wright, Biletta gas mileage reimbursement 3520-0000-260-000-06-6000-6010 $10.40Phillips, Barbara gas mileage reimbursement 3520-0000-260-000-06-6000-6010 $5.20

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________


Mr. Cordes requested an executive session to discuss new hires at Crime Lab, Collection Center, 911, ongoing labor negotiations with USW and 1 pending litigation issue __________________

a.9 RESOLUTION NO. 18-753

In the matter of amending Resolution #07-451, adopted )June 28, 2007 adopting a credit card policy in accordance)with Sections 301.27 – 301.29 for the authorization for ) November 28, 2018use of credit cards for purpose as set forth in Chapter 301 )for all employees of Lorain County. Amendment is to )reflect addition of (9) to Section V., Permissible expenses )

WHEREAS, Sections 301.27 through 301.29 provide for the authorization for the use of credit cards for the purposes as set forth in Chapter 301 and in accordance with the procedures set in said chapter; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio to establish a policy guiding the use of county credit cards.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio pursuant to Sections 301.27 through 301.29 of the Revised Code that the credit card policy attached hereto, is hereby adopted and approved for all employees of Lorain County.

Credit Card PolicyI. Purpose

To inform Lorain County employees of the guidelines and policies governing the use of county credit cards.II. References

O.R.C. 301.27 - “county credit card” defined(A) O.R.C. 2913.21- general provisions on credit card purchases(B) O.R.C. 301.29 - “procurement card” distinguished(C) O.R.C. 301.28 - “financial transaction devices” distinguished

III. ScopeThis policy applies to all county employees using a credit card held by Lorain County.

IV. Definitions(A) “Credit card” includes gasoline and telephone credit cards but excludes a

“procurement card” as defined below.(B) “Officer” includes an individual who is an appointing authority.(C) “Gasoline and oil expenses” and “motor vehicle repair and maintenance expenses” refer to only those expenses incurred for motor

vehicles owned or leased by Lorain County.(D) “Financial transactions device” include a credit card, debit card, charge

card, or prepaid or stored value card, to be used by an individual a pay county expenses.(E) “Procurement Card” – a financial transaction device issued by the county

for purchases.(F) “County expenses” include fees, costs, taxes, assessments, fines penalties

payments or any other expense a person owes a county office, other than automobile registration.(G) “Cardholder” – the individual authorized to use the credit card as defined

in O.R.C. Section 301.28 as authorized under Section 301.29 O.R.C.V. Credit Card Policy

(A) Permissible Expenses. A credit card held by the Lorain County board of county commissioners or the office of any other county appointing authority shall be used only to pay the following work-related expenses:(1) Food expenses;(2) Transportation expenses;(3) Gasoline and oil expenses;(4) Motor vehicle repair and maintenance expenses;(5) Telephone expenses;(6) Lodging expenses;(7) Internet service provider expenses;(8) Expenses for purchases for children for emergency temporary custody care by the Lorain County Children’s Services. It

may also be used for purchases for children in the temporary or permanent custody of LCCS, or for children in a planned permanent living arrangement.

(9) Webinar expenses(B) No late charges or finance charges shall be allowed as an allowable expense unless authorized by the board of county

commissioners.(C) Segregation of Duties1. Each department head has the option to participate in the program and recommend who will be cardholders for their office.

Card issuance to staff is based on criteria such as job duties, the current number of cardholders in an office, the anticipated use, volume of purchases, types of purchases anticipated, and the overall ability to maintain adequate control of the program. Cancellation of a card may be initiated by the program administrator if the job duties of the cardholder change, if the card use volume drips significantly, or for program security.a. The added responsibility of being a cardholder must be freely accepted by the employee. The County will not require

staff to be cardholders. All cardholders will be directly involved with their deputy director’s procurement process and authorized to make purchases on their behalf.

b. The cardholder is not permitted to use the card to obtain personal benefit either directly or indirectly. The credit card cannot be used for personal purchases even if the intent is to reimburse the county. The card cannot be used to gain any indirect privileges with a vendor that results in discounts, rebates, tax exemptions, or any “quid pro quo” arrangements that personally benefit the cardholder, the cardholder’s family, friends, or associates. Any violation of these prohibitions will result in criminal sanctions as well as discipline.

c. Cardholders will assure their purchases represent the best value to the county. Purchases will be business related and allowable within the mission and/or statutory authority of the department.

d. With the issuance of cards, the cardholder will agree that failure to abide by the cardholder responsibilities will result in revocation of card privileges and may result in possible disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.

2. The cardholder’s supervisor must be the cardholder’s immediate supervisor. The cardholder’s supervisor will be responsible for assuring purchases made are within the scope of the cardholder’s responsibilities and notifying the card administrator on the cardholder’s separation or relocation and on possible or suspected misuse of the card. The cardholder’s supervisor will be responsible for reviewing and approving the credit card activity report.

3. Payer. The payer will be the Lorain County Auditor’s Office. This office currently processes all vendor payments for the department. The card payer is responsible for the prompt processing of payments in the Central Accounting System (CAS) once formal notification from the cardholder has been received on purchasing activity.

4. Reconciler. The reconciler will be the Lorain County Auditor’s office. Weekly activity logs, with receipts, will be required from all cardholders to be submitted for review by the reconciler.

5. The department head shall have responsibility for assuring that Credit cards are used as intended and that all administrative processing requirements are followed.

(D) A county appointing authority may apply to the board of county commissioners for authorization to have an officer or employee of the appointing authority use a credit card held by that appointing authority. The authorization request shall state whether the card is to be issued only in the name of the office of the appointing authority or whether the issued card also shall include the name of a specified officer or employee.

(E) The debt incurred as a result of the use of a credit card pursuant to this section shall be paid from moneys appropriated to specific appropriation line items of the appointing authority for work-related expenses listed in section V(A) above.

(F) The Lorain County Board of Commissioners may adopt a resolution authorizing an officer or employee of an appointing authority to use a county credit card to pay for a specific class or classes of work-related expenses, or use a specific credit card for any of those work-related expenses, without submitting an estimate of those expenses to the board. Prior to adopting the resolution the board shall notify the county auditor. The resolution shall specify whether the officer’s or employee’s exemption extends to the use of a specific credit card, which card shall be identified by its number, or to one or more specific work-related uses from the classes of uses permitted under this section. Before any credit card exemption for specific uses may be used to make purchases for uses other than those specific uses listed in the resolution. The procedures outlined in this section must be followed or the use shall be considered an unauthorized use. Use of any credit card under division (D) of this section shall be limited to the amount appropriated and encumbered in a specific appropriation line item for the permitted use or used designated in the authorizing resolution, or, in the case of a resolution that authorizes use of a specific credit card, for each of the permitted uses listed in division V(A) of this section, but only to the extent the moneys in those specific appropriation line items are not otherwise encumbered.

(G) (1) Any time a county credit card approved for use for an authorized amount under this section is used for more than that authorized amount, the appointing authority may request the board of county commissioners to authorize after the fact the expenditure of any amount charged beyond the originally authorized amount if, upon the board’s request, the county auditor certifies that sum of money is in the treasury or in the process of collection to the credit of the appropriate appropriation line item for which the credit card was used, and is free from previous and then-outstanding obligations or certifications. If the card is used for more than the amount originally authorized and if for any reason that amount is not authorized after the fact, the county treasury shall be reimbursed for any amount spent beyond the originally authorized amount in the following manner:(a) If the card is issued in the name of a specific officer or employee, that officer or employee is liable in person and upon any

official bond of the officer or employee has given to the county to reimburse the county treasury for the amount charge to the county beyond the originally authorized amount.

(b) If the card is issued to the office of the appointing authority, the appointing authority is liable in person and upon any official bond the appointing authority has given to the county for the amount charged to the county beyond the originally authorized amount.

(H) Any time the county credit card authorized for use under this section is used for more than the amount appropriated under thatdivision, the county treasury shall be reimbursed for any amount spent beyond the originally appropriated amount in the following manner:(1) If the card is issued in the name of a specific officer or employee, that officer or employee is liable in person and upon any

official bond the officer or employee has given to the county for reimbursing the county treasury for any amount charged on the card beyond the originally appropriated amount.

(2) If the card is issued in the name of the office of the appointing authority, the appointing authority is liable in personand upon any official bond the appointing authority has given to the county for reimbursement for any amount charged on the card beyond the originally appropriated amount.

(I) Whenever any officer or employee who is authorized to use a credit card held by the board or the office of any other county appointing authority suspects the loss, theft, or possibility of unauthorized use of the card, the officer or employee shall notify the county auditor and either the officer’s or employee’s appointing authority or the board immediately and in writing.

(J) If the county auditor determines there has been a credit card expenditure beyond the appropriated or authorized amount as provided in this section, the auditor immediately shall notify the board of county commissioners. When the board determines, on its own or after notification from the county auditor that the county treasury should be reimbursed for credit card expenditures beyond the appropriated or authorized amount as provided in this section, it shall give written notice to the county auditor and to the officer or employee or appointing authority liable to the treasury as provided in those divisions. If within thirty days after issuance of the written notice, the county treasury is not reimbursed for the amount shown on the written notice, prosecuting attorney of the county shall recover that amount from the officer or employee or appointing authority who is liable under this section by civil action in any court of appropriate jurisdiction.

(K) Use of a county credit card for any use other than those permitted under division (B)(1) of this section is a violation of section 2913.21 of the Revised Code.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, the Lorain County Board of Commissioners hereby amends resolution to include an addition to Section V permissible expenses (9).

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.10 RESOLUTION NO. 18-754

In the matter of adjusting salary of Lorain Clerk of Courts, )effective January 1, 2019 which reflects the county’s 2/5 ) November 28, 2018share for a new bi-weekly rate of $1,815.08 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby adjust salary of Lorain Clerk of Courts, effective January 1, 2019 which reflects the county’s 2/5 share for a new bi-weekly rate of $1,815.08

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________


In the matter of accepting the Findley Davis actuary report )and establish the Lorain County health care rates and ) November 28, 2018contribution shares for non-bargaining unit employees for  )the year 2019 )

County Administrator Cordes said based upon the actuary report, plan b has been adjusted due to not producing desired effect. There will be no spousal carve out but there will be ongoing discussion with co pay deductible possibly being adjusted. There had been some shocking claims in amount of $750-800,000 and the stop loss is only at $500,000. There has also been decreases in prescriptions and a lot was due to the narcotics being dispensed only receiving a 7 day rather than the monthly subscription. Medical has increased 7%; dental 4.6% and 3 years ago there was a holiday premium. We need to monitor the fund since we are billed quarterly $12-13 million and if there is a spike in claims this needs to be covered by cash. Mr. Cordes said there will be a review of the plan possibly new for next year.

Following resolution was adopted:

a.11 RESOLUTION NO. 18-755

In the matter of accepting the Findley Davis actuary report )and establish the Lorain County health care rates and ) November 28, 2018contribution shares for non-bargaining unit employees for  )the year 2019 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby accept the Findley Davis actuary report and establish the Lorain County health care rates and contribution shares for non-bargaining unit employees for the year 2019.

                Said employees in the non general fund under the direction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners to include; Lorain County Community Development, Job and Family Services, Bascule Bridge, Dog Kennel, 911, EMA/Homeland Security, Workforce Development, Children and Families Council, Records Center, Purchasing, Maintenance/Custodian, Office Services, IT Department, Personnel, Budget, Visitors Bureau, Crime Lab and Solid Waste and all contracted political subdivisions and all bargaining in compliance with CBA.             Said cost are as follows:

Plan A: FAMILY                                                 Full Premium                Employee monthly share

Medical, dental, vision and            Prescription drug                      $ 2,318.00                    $ 278.16

 SINGLEMedical, dental, vision and   Prescription drug                     $ 924.00                       $ 110.88

 Plan B:FAMILY                                                 Full Premium               Employee monthly share

Medical, dental, vision and            Prescription drug                      $ 2,214.64                    $ 265.76

 SINGLEMedical, dental, vision and   Prescription drug                      $ 882.82                       $ 105.94

                FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, Plan C is established due to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for medical only rates.

Plan C:FAMILY                                               Full Premium                Employee monthly share                Medical                                   $ 1,660.00 $ 199.20

SINGLE                Medical                                   $ 662.00 $ 79.44

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________(discussion was held on the above)



In the matter of authorizing a Purchase of Service ) agreement between Lorain County Department of Job )and Family Services (LCDJFS) and Excel Management) November 28, 2018for snowplowing/salting services for FFY 2019 )

Commissioner Kokoski said there was an issue at JFS yesterday with the snow/salt. The salt truck broke down and someone from inside building started throwing salt down because it was icy. Mr. Cordes said there could be something with the contract regards to just salt but JFS has a maintenance person and they should have done something, he will review.

Following resolution was adopted:

a.12 RESOLUTION NO. 18-756

In the matter of authorizing a Purchase of Service ) agreement between Lorain County Department of Job )and Family Services (LCDJFS) and Excel Management) November 28, 2018for snowplowing/salting services for FFY 2019 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize a Purchase of Service agreement between Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services and Excel Management, 511 North Abbe. Rd. Suite B, Elyria, Ohio 44035 Elyria, Ohio for snowplowing/salting services for FFY 2019. Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution and by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners office/Purchasing Department and Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services. This agreement is effective from November 28, 2018 through April 30, 2019 and will not exceed a value of $30,000.00.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize the Director of Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services to execute this agreement and amend this agreement for changes in the programming content of this agreement on behalf of the Lorain County Commissioners, as needed, with the Prosecutor’s approval as to form.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payment for services to be made within the amount set above for contract and/or subcontracts.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________


In the matter of authorizing a Purchase of Service )agreement between Lorain County Department of )Job and Family Services and Lorain County Transit) November 28, 2018to provide non-emergency medical transportation )services for state fiscal year 2019 )

County Administrator Cordes said this has been a good service but not sure if we are getting enough benefit, he will review in January/February. We need to be running a loop, service Elyria downtown, juror, etc.

Following resolution was adopted:

a.13 RESOLUTION NO. 18-757

In the matter of authorizing a Purchase of Service )agreement between Lorain County Department of )Job and Family Services and Lorain County Transit) November 28, 2018to provide non-emergency medical transportation )services for state fiscal year 2019 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize a Purchase of Service agreement between Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services and Lorain County Transit to provide non-emergency medical transportation services for state fiscal year 2019.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution and by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing Department and Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services. This agreement is effective from December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 and will not exceed the amount of $300,000.00.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize the Director of Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services to execute this agreement and amend this agreement for changes in the programming content of this agreement on behalf of the Lorain County Commissioners.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments for services to be made within the amount set above for contracts and/or subcontracts.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________(discussion was held on the above)

a.14 RESOLUTION NO. 18-758

In the matter of authorizing a Purchase of Service )agreement between Lorain County Department of )Job and Family Services and Future Age Inc., dba ) November 28, 2018Provide A Ride to provide non-emergency medical )transportation services for state fiscal year 2019 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize a Purchase of Service agreement between Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services and Future Age Inc., dba Provide A Ride to provide non-emergency medical transportation services for state fiscal year 2019.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution and by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing Department and Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services. This agreement is effective from December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 and will not exceed the amount of $300,000.00.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize the Director of Lorain County Department of Job and Family Services to execute this agreement and amend this agreement for changes in the programming content of this agreement on behalf of the Lorain County Commissioners.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments for services to be made within the amount set above for contracts and/or subcontracts.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________


a.15 RESOLUTION NO. 18-759

In the matter of authorizing various personnel)in the Lorain County Children Services )Department to utilize the Agency’s ) November 28, 2018Mastercards for the year 2018 not to exceed )$2,500.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel in the Lorain County Children Services Department to utilize the Agency’s Masterscards for the year 2018 not to exceed $2,500 for the following work-related expenses: food, lodging, transportation, telephone, gas and oil for vehicles the county owns or leases, minor vehicle maintenance and emergency repairs for vehicles the county owns or leases, webinar expenses and for purchases for children. List of personnel as follows:



Moquette Elizabeth 13923Jackson Cynthia 13924Holston Danielle 13925Terminations:


Rosario-Silva Nayda 3695Eberly Jason 11949Rhodes Laura 11940Scott-Rose Shauna 12547

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________



In the matter of awarding contract to Underground Utilities )Monroeville, Ohio in the amount of $3,887,525.53 for the )LOR-Cooper Foster Park Road Widening and Reconstruction) November 28, 2018Project in the cities of Amherst and Lorain )

Commissioner Kokoski said she is great and so happy that it is finally getting done. County Administrator Cordes said Lorain County Transportation District (TID) consist of 3 Commissioners, Engineer and himself and TID committed $250,000 to this project and there was discussion on this project since Amherst Mayors were in office; Taylor, Higgins and DePalo. Commissioner Kalo thanked everyone that worked on this and NOACA for contributing this project is great.

Following resolution was adopted:

a.16 RESOLUTION NO. 18-760

In the matter of awarding contract to Underground Utilities )Monroeville, Ohio in the amount of $3,887,525.53 for the )LOR-Cooper Foster Park Road Widening and Reconstruction) November 28, 2018Project in the cities of Amherst and Lorain )

WHEREAS, Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer, by letter dated November 20, 2018 submitted the following:“We have reviewed the bids that were received for the LOR-Cooper Foster Park Road Widening and Reconstruction Project in the cities

of Lorain and Amherst. The respondents to this bid were:Underground Utilities $3,887,525.53Speer Bros. $3,943,926.20Fabrizi Trucking $3,997,847.98

Underground Utilities agrees to complete all work by May 31, 2020. They have no substitutions but will be using Smith Paving & Excavating, Norwalk, Ohio, Lake Erie Construction, Norwalk, Ohio and Trafftech, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio as subcontractors for this project. The project includes the widening and reconstruction of approximately 1.05 miles of two lane roadway from State Route 58 to Oberlin Avenue in the Cities of Lorain and Amherst. Construction activities include replacing the existing two lane asphalt pavement with three lanes of new concrete curbed pavement, reconstruction of sidewalk and drive aprons, new storm sewers and catch basins, signing and pavement markings. This project was initiated as part of the Lorain County Engineer’s Bond Program.

The estimated construction cost including construction administration is $4,445,265. The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency will be contributing $2,000,000 and the Lorain County Transportation Improvement District has committed $250,000. The balance of the construction funding will be provided by the Cities of Amherst and Lorain.

We recommend that this bid be awarded to Underground Utilities, Monroeville, Ohio in the amount of $3,887,525.53. Thank you for your cooperation with this project.”

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Lorain County Commissioners, that based upon bids received, reviewed and recommendation by the Lorain County Engineer in letter dated November 20, 2018 we do hereby award contract to Underground Utilities, Monroeville, Ohio in the amount of $3,887,525.53 for the LOR-Cooper Foster Park Road Widening and Reconstruction project in the cities of Lorain and Amherst, Ohio.

This was the lowest and most responsive bid received and complied with all specifications.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLED work will be completed on or before May 31, 2020.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________(discussion was held on the above)


a.17 RESOLUTION NO. 18-761

In the matter of approving & entering into a Technology )Services Agreement with IT Resource Management, Inc.,) November 28, 2018Vermilion in amount of $90/hour for DTF, effective )retroactive October 1, 2018 – October 1, 2019 )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby Approve & enter into a Technology services agreement with IT Resource Management, Inc., Vermilion in amount of $90/hour for DTF.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and Sheriff’s Office, effective retroactive October 1, 2018 – October 1, 2019 with two 1 year renewals beginning October 1, 2019 and October 1, 2020 and contains a 90 day cancellation clause.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payment to be made within agreement for DTF accounts.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

a.18 RESOLUTION NO. 18-762

In the matter of amending Res#18-738, adopted )November 14, 2018 renewing a psychological )services agreement with Dr. Deborah Koricke, )The Center for Effective Living, LLC, Fairview )Park, to provide certain medical services to inmates) November 28, 2018

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby amend Res#18-738, adopted November 14, 2018 renewing a psychological services agreement with Dr. Deborah Koricke, The Center for Effective Living, LLC, Fairview Park, to provide certain medical services to inmates.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing & Sheriff’s Office.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED said amendment is to reflect hourly rate is $65.47/hour and agreement is effective for 36 months, beginning October 1, 2018 and contains a 30 day cancellation clause.

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

b. PUBLIC COMMENT November 28, 2018There was no public comment for this day. _____________________


Mr. Cordes attended performing art at LCCC - Lucky Chops. They are a high energy brassy funk forming in NYC in 2006. He said they are started playing in subways with a hat donation and now they have millions of hits on U tube and he would have gone to Chicago, Cleveland, NY to see them. The performing arts at LCCC are great and we really need to get the word out about performing arts.

__________________(discussion was held on the above)

d ASSISTANT COUNTY PROSECUTORMr. Gerald Innes said he is thankful, no one has sued today

__________________(discussion was held on the above)


Commissioner Kokoski said we had a ditch hearing last week and have put it off until next year for review.Commissioner Kokoski said there was not board meeting last week; hope all had a wonderful ThanksgivingCommissioner Kokoski met with ADAS to discus treatment that can be provided at Recovery 1 since the levy failed. The need is still

great and something needs to be done.

Commissioner Kalo hoped all had a great Thanksgiving.Commissioner Kalo said the Mapleview Ditch hearing has been continued until FebruaryCommissioner Kalo spoke on WEOL regards to the budget

Commissioner Lundy hope all had a good Thanksgiving.Commissioner Lundy thanked the Prosecutor Office on the collection of the delinquent taxes. There was $1.1 million collected by

Treasurer but the county does not receive this it mainly goes to the schools and levies. Commissioner Kalo said the county receives $1.62 so it’s like $30,000. Mr. Cordes said there are a lot of properties that will never be collected on but thanked the Prosecutors office stepping up on this collection through the landbank

Commissioner Lundy said GM is cutting the jobs in Lordstown and they received the federal government money and something needs to be done to help the 1500 workers

Commissioner Lundy has had discussions with Recovery 1Commissioner Lundy said there was a meeting the other night in Avon on the Nexus pipeline and they are actually doing a good job with

the connections and a lot of trustees said they have not heard many complaints other than disturbing the grass and yards but this will be done by spring next year depending on weather _________________(discussion was held on the above)

f CLERK’S REPORTClerk Upton had no issues for this day. ___________________


Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to approve the Board Correspondence and waive the reading of the same. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried.

#1. County Engineer issued various highway use permits1) #18-055 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus install 1” gas service tap on east side of East Ave at 545’ south of 16 th St, then bore

under road to west side to service house #1344, Carlisle Twp2) #18-056 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on north side of N. Ridge Rd at 1,570’ west of Trinter

Rd to service house #52930, Brownhelm Twp3) #18-057 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on east side of Broadway Ave at 185’ north of

Jefferson Rd to service house #4059, Sheffield Twp4) #18-058 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on north side of Haigh Rd at 1,160’ east of Baird Rd

to service house #51192, Camden Twp5) #18-059 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on east side of Jaquay Rd at 700’ north of Nichols Rd

to service house #12067, Columbia Twp6) #18-060– Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on south side of Oberlin Elyria Rd (old us highway

#20) 2,125 east of Hale Rd to serve house #43103, Carlisle7) #18-061 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on west side of E River Rd (SR252) at 2,250’ south

of Copora Trail then bore under road to east side of road to serve house #24850 Eagle Point Court, Columbia Twp8) #18-062 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap east side of Gore Orphanage Rd at 1,012’ south of N.

Ridge Rd then bore under road to west side of road to service house #8460, Brownhelm Twp9) #18-063 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on south side of Barrington Dr at 1,475’ east of

Kensington Dr to service house #13197 (lt 96), Eaton Twp10) #18-064 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on south side of Law Rd at 131’ east of Chamberlain

Rd then bore under Law Rd to north side of road to service house #17963 Chamberlin Rd, Grafton Twp11) #18-065 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on west side of Fleming Ave at 175’ south of

Mayfield St to service house #5156 Fleming Ave., Sheff Twp12) #18-066 – Rural Lorain County Water Authority to extend 700’+- of 4” pvc water main on east side of N. Professor St starting at

end of existing 4” main and extend south 700’+- ending with blow off assembly, New Russia Twp13) #18-067– Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on east side of Taylor St at 290’ south of Tenney Ave

then bore under road to west side of road to service house #326, Amherst Twp14) #18-068 – Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on west side of Middle Ave., at 150’ north of

Centurion Dr (private road) to service house #10860, Carlisle Twp15) #18-069 - Columbia Gas of Ohio, Columbus to install a 1” gas service tap on east side of Reserve Way at 920’ south of

Lakeridge Way then bore under west side to sere house #11412, Columbia Twp

#2. NOACA has begun development of 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program effective July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2024. Projects need submitted by December 21, 2018 http://ww.noaca.org/tipprojects

Board correspondence cont. November 28, 2018

#3. December 15 from 11 am – 2 pm, LCCC Brunch with Santa. Cost $20 adult, children under 12 $10 under 3 free. RSVP at 440-366-4100 or www.lorainccc.edu/santa

#4. Chamber Chambers congrats to Wickens Herzer Panza ranked by US News & World Report as one of areas best Law Firms and Valley of the Eagles on being named by Golf.com as best US remodel of golf course

#5. Auditor Year End Deadlines; December 12 at 4:30 pm., last day to submit vouchers to Bookkeeping.December 14 at 4:30 pm., last day to submit purchase ordersLast day for pay ins will be 4:15 pm., December 28

#6. Commissioner Kalo & Lundy executed request of payment status of funds request B-C-16-1BQ-2 & 1 and B-F-17-1BQ-1 (org: LCCDD)

#7. Commissioner Kalo executed equipment inventory (org: DTF)

#8. Publications: “Bricker & Eckler – zoning challenges”: “Government Procurement”; “NACO county news”: “Ohio Turnpike customer connection”; “Counties Current’: “CCAO statehouse reports”; “LCCAA mission moment”: “`NEXUS community briefing project update issue 5”; “GCN”: “County Clips”; “Legal Aid Society”; “Fresh Thoughts – 2nd Harvest Food Bank”; “

#9. Thank you card from Polen Implement for equipment purchase

#10. First Energy letter of notification for Beaver-Black River 138kV transmission line rebuild and Beaver-Johnson 138 kv transmission line partial rebuild project. Total length is 9.2 miles located in Brownhelm Township, City of Amherst, Amherst Township and City of Lorain

#11. Commissioners sent a support letter to Nord Family Foundation on behalf of Main Street Amherst

#12. December 6, Elyria Country Club – Chamber Holiday Reception from 5-8 pm., RSVP at www.loraincountychamber.com

#13. Ohio Family & Children First approved SFY19 family centered services and support allocation for $62,742, effective July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 (cc: CFFC)

#14. OHEPA public notice receipt of 401 applicant to construct 18 multifamily lots and all associated utilities for Parkside Drive to eastern section of Woodbridge Way. Subdivision will include independent stormwater retention in eastern portion of project area for Gamellia Construction located in Avon Lake http://www.epa.ohio.gov/dsw/401/permitting.aspx

#15. Courtyard Cleveland Elyria now open at 1755 Travelers Lane, Elyria 440-284-3000

#16. December 7 at 8:30 a.m., Annual Year End Governmental Update Roundtable sponsored by Community Alliance. RSVP at 440-328-2362 by December 1 or Administrator@lccommunityalliance.com

#17. Commissioner Kalo executed Ohio Dept of Youth Services subsidy grant (org: DR)___________________


With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kalo seconded by Lundy to recess into an executive session at 10:05 a.m. to discuss new hires at Crime Lab, Collection Center, 911, bargaining negotiations with USW and 1 pending litigation issue. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried.

Commissioners reconvened from executive session and the following resolution was adopted:


In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions as )Indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the ) November 28, 2018Jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.

Crime Labe:New hire;1. William Clark, Male Monitor Tech, effective November 26, 2018 at rate of $11.16/hourPromotion;2. Elizabeth Doyle, Assistant Director, effective December 10, 2018 at rate of $23.41/hour

LCCCRe-appointments;1. Ben Fligner, effective January 29, 2019 – January 28, 2015

Motion by Kalo, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

JOURNAL ENTRY November 28, 2018

With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kalo seconded by Lundy to adjourn at 4:09 p.m. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: All Kalo, Lundy & Kokoski / Nays: None

Motion carried. __________________

The meeting then adjourned._____________________________________________)CommissionersTed Kalo, President )

)__________________________________________ _)ofMatt Lundy, Vice-president )

)_____________________________________________)Lorain CountyLori Kokoski, Member )Ohio

Attest:________________________________, Clerk

Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.

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