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Fayetteville Technical Community College

Detailed Assessment Report2013-2014 Management Information Services (MIS)

As of: 8/20/2016 01:29 PM EST

Mission / Purpose

To provide computer and communications services to the College through intranet and internet as well as maintain,install, upgrade and service hardware and software.

Other Outcomes/Objectives, with Any Associations and Related Measures, Targets, ReportingFindings, and Action Plans

O/O 1: Implementation of New WebAdvisor Web Application project Use information to analyze problems and make logical decisions in the assessment of the implementation of the EllucianStudent Finance Self Service (New WebAdvisor) web application for the FTCC college web users.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.StrategicObjectives Associations

FTCC41 Cascade technology when replacements are made to reduce cost.

Related Measures

M 1: Implementation of New WebAdvisor Web Application projectWhat: Implement the Ellucian Student Finance Self Service (New WebAdvisor) web application for our FTCC student,staff, faculty, and applicant population. Why: Ellucian has developed a new web application called the StudentFinance Self Service that replaces the college's current WebAdvisor web application. The new web application isgeared toward easier self service and has many overall improvements. It will be a required upgrade as we transitiontoward implementation of a college web portal. How: The new hardware and software will be installed, configured, andtested prior to replacing the current WebAdvisor application. When: The new application will be implemented over thecourse of the 2013-2014 fiscal year as directed by the North Carolina Community College System Office. Who:System Administrator will oversee this project.Source of Evidence: Document Analysis

Target: The WebAdvisor Web Application will be fully implemented and operational under the supervision of the SystemsAdministrator.

Reporting Finding (2013-2014) - Target: Partially MetThis project is ongoing and timeline is established by the system office. Data cleanup is complete, serversare setup, awaiting next steps from system office.

Connected DocumentSO_Update_6_24_2014.docx

Reporting Finding (2012-2013) - Target: Partially MetThe Achievement was partially met for the 2012-2013 assessment period. Ellucian released a new version ofthe Self Service software in December. At that time, the NC System Office stopped all on-going college testingof the software and placed the project on Hold until this latest version was re-evaluated by them. FTCCremains in a hold status pending re-release of the new installshields by the System Office. FTCC hascompleted the installation and configuration of all required server hardware and Operating system software for2 servers. We will resume work on the project immediately upon notification and software release by thesystem office.

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):Implementation Schedule from System OfficeEstablished in Cycle: 2013-2014Awaiting next steps from system office. This project is driven by their timeline.

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

O/O 2: Asset Tracking System Implementation The implementation of a MIS Asset Tracking system for the department that will track both Adminstrative equipment; aswell as Instructional Lab equipment.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.StrategicObjectives Associations

FTCC40 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacementparts.

Related Measures

M 2: Asset Tracking System ImplementationWhat: The merging of the Asset Tracking and work order systems for the MIS Department.Why: This is needed for efficiency of the department. There are currently two separate systems and they areinconsistent in set-up. Merging will create a one-stop database for equipment.How: The needed software/hardware is in place; however there is much data to be keyed into the system to make thesystem operational. Data intergrity and consistency is paramount. Temporary data entry personnel will be neededto complete this major task in a timely manner.When: The sytem will be implemented in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.Who: The MIS Support Manager & Instructional Lab Supervisor. Source of Evidence: Administrative measure - other

Target: The data will be entered and the system will be fully operational.

Reporting Finding (2013-2014) - Target: Partially MetOver 3,600 computer assets which include computer labs, classrooms, and offices for all FTCC campuses,have been discovered and entered into Track-It and is currently operational. Training for the technicians onthe proper use of the system will bring the system into full use. Once training has been completed, the newTrack-It Inventory system will fully replace the older Track-It which is running concurrently as of now.Connected Documents

Computer ModelsTrack-it data info.

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):Training of MIS PersonnelEstablished in Cycle: 2013-2014The training for the full use of the track-it system is scheduled to take place early in the next fiscal year.This training ha...

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

O/O 3: Research and develop a web based Information Application We will research and develop the logic and programming that will allow us to have a web based information tool to helpfaculty and staff quickly access needed information to react and project business requirements.

Relevant Associations:InstitutionalGoals Associations

2 Establish a culture of quality customer service.StrategicObjectives Associations

FTCC36 Ensure appropriate communication among affected areas.

Related Measures

M 3: Research and develop a web based Information ApplicationWhat: Implementation of System.Why: SQL is the new format that will be used for the College Administrative Computing System.How: Steps to achieve Objective:

Define scope (reporting) of initial developmentDefine required data tables and fields in the college's SIS that will be used to extract the dataDefine and layout table structure in SQL that will be needed for data importationObtain the knowledge and training required for the necessary SQL programming to accomplish data extraction,importation and updating

When: The sytem will be implemented in the 2013-2014 fiscal year.Who: Applications Development Manager.

Source of Evidence: Administrative measure - otherTarget: Program the user interface and underlying processes to bring the data to the user and still maintain PCI and dataintegrity.

Reporting Finding (2013-2014) - Target: Not MetTarget not met due to inadequate training, limited resources, and competing projects from other areas of thecollege

Projects Since June 2013

FA E-Forms ImplementedHealth Programs Web Advisor sign up processHealth Programs Student Health Program Change processHealth Programs program selection listing maintenance processHealth Programs On/Off maintenance processEnvisionize Faculty Eval processSoft Doc PERSON file data pullFixed Asset threshold conversionFA Manual Change clear flag processSecurity Vehicle search process

Web Advisor Drop Class warning message processesFA Modification of XDEV processModification to the WebAdv Selects to stop student flippingBb Snapshot extract mods to accomadate course copy issueBb Snapshot extract mods to add observers and then remove observersDMA BackfillGAED Course Drop processGAED Graduation UploadEnvisionize CE Certificate print processWork Order ModificationWaitlisting ImplementationWaitlisting Report Process Reg and Waitlisted for same courseWaitlisting Informer ReportingData Extract for Booklog SRIImplementation of Instant EnrollmentProgramming of SMURF projectEnvisionize CE Payroll programMyCAA Course upload process (XML)Misc Query RequestsSupport of SACS (Fac Cred Web Site, Online Audit Report)Preparation and Execution of WebAdvisor/Gmail Clean upResearched Military Students Advisor SolutionInitiation of HYLAND project???Initiation or GAED Registration Import???

Related Action Plans (by Established cycle, then alpha):SQL Local Data WarehouseEstablished in Cycle: 2013-2014Reduce the scope of the project Obtain SQL server training to increase personnel skill levels in order tosuccessfully achiev...

For full information, see the Details of Action Plans section of this report.

Details of Action Plans for This Cycle (by Established cycle, then alpha)Track-it Implementation

This project was too massive to complete in a single fiscal year. The data entry is monumental and will requireadditional manpower to complete in a reasonable time. MIS proposes that we hire temporary Data Entry Clerks(Manpower) that will be placed in charge of keying the data. This action plan, project, data integrity, and qualityassurance will be verified jointly by Support Services Manager and Instructional Labs Supervisor. Established in Cycle: 2012-2013Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: HighImplementation Description: Data Entry CompletionProjected Completion Date: 01/2014Responsible Person/Group: Support Services Manager and Instructional Labs SupervisorAdditional Resources: Manpower Associate (Data Entry Clerks)Budget Amount Requested: $12,000.00 (recurring)

Implementation Schedule from System OfficeAwaiting next steps from system office. This project is driven by their timeline.Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Implementation of New WebAdvisor Web Application project | Outcome/Objective:Implementation of New WebAdvisor Web Application project

Implementation Description: Will continue to work with system office on this projectProjected Completion Date: 11/2014Responsible Person/Group: System Administrator & Director of MISAdditional Resources: None

SQL Local Data Warehouse

Reduce the scope of the projectObtain SQL server training to increase personnel skill levels in order to successfully achieve the SQL portionof the projectObtain additional personnel to handle departmental goals and objectives as well as projects initiated by otherareas of the college

Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Research and develop a web based Information Application | Outcome/Objective: Research

and develop a web based Information ApplicationProjected Completion Date: 06/2014Responsible Person/Group: Applications Development ManagerAdditional Resources: Training and People

Training of MIS PersonnelThe training for the full use of the track-it system is scheduled to take place early in the next fiscal year. This traininghas been postponed due to several major unforeseen projects that required MIS support.Established in Cycle: 2013-2014Implementation Status: FinishedPriority: High

Relationships (Measure | Outcome/Objective):Measure: Asset Tracking System Implementation | Outcome/Objective: Asset Tracking SystemImplementation

Implementation Description: Training of MIS PersonnelProjected Completion Date: 08/2014Responsible Person/Group: MIS Support Manager & Instructional Labs SupervisorAdditional Resources: None

Analysis Questions and Analysis Answers

What were the strengths of your assessment process?

This year's assessment seemed reasonable; however, MIS was hit with several major unforeseen projects that directlyaffected the entire department. MIS Human Resources had to be diverted to these projects which left our assessmentsincomplete. The system office is also establishing the timeline for an item that is directly related to one of our assessmentitems. Both of these items were out of the MIS departmental control.

What were the weaknesses of your assessment process?

No known weakness are noted. What is evident is the fact that MIS is a support unit and is at the call of the campus. Unforeseen projects, such as a major move of personnel from TRSC to GCB and the opening of several off campuslocations, mandated that resources be allocated for the support of these projects. Therefore, the MIS assessment itemsremained incomplete.

What was learned as a result of your assessment process?

MIS will attempt to better plan for unforeseen project and work to develop assessment items that are achievable yetrelevant. I see this year's assessment as successful although all items were not fully achieved. MIS will attempt to narrowthe scope of future assessment items that they may be more achievable. Possibly, splitting a major project into milestonesand making one milestone an assessment item.

How will what was learned impact the direction and emphasis of your academic or support unit?

Taking a more narrow approach for next year's assessment plan was learned this year. More emphasis on milestoneswill be addressed in next year's assessment plan.

Annual Report Section Responses

Program Review (Academic Units) Support entities are not required to have program reviews.

Advisory Comm. Minutes (Academic Units) Support entities are not required to have advisory committee meeting minutes.

End Of Year Reports (VPs, AVPs, Deans) End of Year Report (2013-14) and Strategic Plan (2013-2018).Connected Documents

End of Year Report 2013-2014Strategic Plan (2013-2018)


System Office Update

June 24, 2014

2:00-3:30 PM Telephone Number: 919-733-2511

<Lync Session Information>

College User Support Team – Patrick Fleming

1. The College User Support Team will welcome Kristina Eudy as our new

Curriculum and Student Records Subject Matter Expert on Monday June

30th. Kristina will partner with Sonya Bartley to deliver CIS training and


2. Update on collaborative Informer training with SME and Entrinsik staff

Entrinsik has two options for a college to host this training.

Per seat

o Host college extends invitation to other colleges to


o Each attendee pays per seat fee to Entrinsik.

o This model works best for a host college that cannot

meet the minimum attendee requirement of 16 seats.

College specific

o Training available for host college staff only.

How to register

Training sessions are advertised on NCCCS CUST website and by email from our training coordinator.

Entrinsik maintains all registration processes and invoicing.

College response

Cape Fear, Catawba, Craven, Fayetteville, Surry and

Wilson requested more information on hosting sessions.

Fayetteville is finalizing sessions for September.

Southwestern is hosting a ‘per seat’ session this week. If you or members of your staff are interested in hosting a session

please contact our Training Coordinator Diana Spears at


3. The System Office launched a redesigned website! If you have questions

or need assistance with CIS training registration or class material access

please contact our Training Coordinator Diana Spears at


CCL and Program of Study – Rick Bundy

1. Use of statewide “Z” code to identify pre-health science students on hold

2. End of Life for Legacy CCL (so2) 08/01/14; Instructions for manually

maintaining ISA’s and Captive Programs will be sent to colleges

3. CIS Template Tier Funding Business Requirements completed

System Office Update – June 24, 2014


Developmental Math – Rick Bundy 1. SCR 201303 (Importing data captured in instructional software) is at a

UAT college.

Developmental Reading/English - Rick Bundy

1. Instructions for manually recording DRE test information sent to all

colleges on 06/02/14

2. Colleges may use new DRE assessment tests now. Required

implementation will be March 2015. Cut scores will be re-assessed in the

August/September time frame.

LEIS – Rick Bundy

1. SCR 201308 (Data Initiative Changes) was released to all colleges on

04/03/14. Needs to be installed for report due 07/09/14.

2. Business Requirements for automated placement being reviewed.

Public Safety Training ( a.k.a RCS) – Rick Bundy 1. SCR 201357 will deliver process for colleges to build and send a file to

System Office. Currently at UAT colleges.

2. SO SCR 900237 updates the Regional Calendar at System Office with

files from the colleges. Currently in UAT.

CRPFA – Rick Bundy

1. Due date from Spring report moved to July 10th.

NCCCS/CFI Grants Interface Project – Angelica Pickett

1. Ellucian delivered software update (CFI Grant Interface Update - N99R30

– SCR 201383) with modifications to one form. The patch fixes the issue

with XSGMLP not keeping the records linked. It is scheduled to be

released to all the colleges on July 24, 2014.

2. Ellucian delivered a new software update containing custom menus for the

Grant Interface and ISIR Verification Project. The new menus will be

delivered to all the colleges between late July 2014 and early August


NCCCS/CFI ISIR Verification Interface Project – Angelica Pickett

1. The Financial Aid SMEs are planning to do training at the System Office

for the 12 participating colleges in collaboration with CFI on October 21-

22, 2014.

2. The participating colleges: Brunswick CC, Caldwell CC, Carteret CC,

Craven CC, Davidson CC, Gaston CC, Fayetteville Tech CC, Johnston

CC, Piedmont CC, Robeson CC, Stanly CC and Wake Tech CC.

AR Archiving – Angelica Pickett

System Office Update – June 24, 2014


1. SCR 201375 - AR Archiving - ARCV (Archive AR Transactions) is

scheduled to be released to all the colleges on July 17, 2014. The patch

will fix field security issues on ARCV.

State Health Plan Change from BenefitFocus to AonHewitt – Duane Maxie

1. In late May the State Health Plan announced its intent to move all benefit

enrollment and management services from BenefitFocus to AonHewitt.

2. Colleges will still use BenefitFocus for State Health Plan and NC Flex benefit

management through at least April 30, 2015.

3. April 30, 2015 is the current proposed “Go Live” date for AonHewitt to take

over full operations for benefits.

4. The project kick-off discussions were held June 18-19th.

5. There will be several data extracts needed by AonHewitt as they are verifying

data for employees and their benefit selections over the next 3-6 months.

6. The System Office is working to define what data is needed, how to get it

from Colleague, and how colleges will send it to them.

7. Additional communication will be forthcoming once we learn more details.

Systems Update – Larry Butts

1. If you have not yet scheduled your UniData 7.3.6 upgrade, please do so as soon as possible. As of today, 52 colleges have completed the upgrade have it

scheduled, leaving 6 colleges unscheduled. Also, if you have a separately

licensed Disaster Recovery server license, don’t forget to also upgrade it. Our

target completion date for all colleges to finish UniData upgrades has been

June 30, 2014.

2. We anticipate several Colleague component updates being released in the

July-August time frame. Most have not been publically disclosed so we

cannot specify them at this time.

CIS Modernization Program Status – Danny Gilchrist

1. CIS Template Hosting

The System Office receives responses to the Request for Information

(RFI) released on May 16, 2014. The System Office project team is

evaluating the information received to develop a business model for

cloud-based hosting of the CIS Template as well as to prepare a

Request for Proposal to solicit bids for hosting services.

Will have more information at the time of the next System Office


2. CIS Platform Migration

The System Office project team has submitted the business case for

the initial review and we will be meeting with the ITS Enterprise

Architecture team before submitting the case for statewide IT


Ellucian Course Requisite Software Update – Arthur Hohnsbehn

System Office Update – June 24, 2014


1. Feedback on changes to reports have been requested.

2. Reviewing the impact of changes on ISASORR. Several of the features

are included but a few do not work in the exact same way. We will be

meeting internally to determine the changes then analyze them with

review teams.

3. We are planning to release the software starting September 7, 2014.

4. We will be releasing Self-Service 2.4, Web API 1.4, and Mobile 3.0 at the

same time.

5. The next course “quiet period” will take place when we release the

software to all of the colleges to put into Production. Because of the

nature of the change, we will not follow normal Beta testing processes.

Colleague Mobile Release – Arthur Hohnsbehn

1. A Data cleanup manual has been released. Colleges are encouraged to

complete the data cleanup as soon as possible, even if you are not

deploying Mobile or Self-Service this fall. The cleanup will prepare you

for SQL Migration.

2. Colleges are encouraged to setup Google Analytics to track the utilization

of Mobile.

Colleague Student Self-Service Release – Arthur Hohnsbehn

1. Self-Service 2.5 is due in July. This release has a major impact on how a

student that drops and adds a course will affect AR/CR.

2. According to latest information from Ellucian, the course will allow a

course to be dropped and new one added and have no impact in AR/CR.

3. This will require a major testing effort on the part of System Office and

some pilot colleges. We need to make sure it does not impact Cash


Colleague e-Transcript – Arthur Hohnsbehn

1. We will begin work after the completion of Ellucian Course Requisites.

Technology Information Sessions (Formerly Technology Summit) – Dr.


1. Completed the first meeting at Brunswick Community College. Second

session is this week at Wake Technical Community College.

2. The results of the meetings will be presented sometime in the fall.

System Office Update dates in the fall.

IIPS Update – Amanda Crouse

Next System Office Update – July 23, 2014

Listing of All FTCC AssetsEastern Daylight Time

Dates displayed in

Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM


FBB05097PPMDQ17PPMDQ1 6/3/2014 12:04:19PMOptiPlex 980 FBSDC206

SLCHXX7WD4VH17WD4VH1 7/8/2014 5:37:36PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

XP01209696DGQ91832-012096 11/27/2013 12:15:14AMOptiPlex GX620 CUH381

FW2BF1832-012146 Latitude D830 ATC133-SURPLUS

VCC213011ZM8HF1832-012147 5/21/2014 3:03:24PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21302JXM8HF1832-012148 5/21/2014 3:03:38PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213035ZM8HF1832-012149 5/21/2014 3:04:09PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21304BYM8HF1832-012150 5/21/2014 3:11:59PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21305FYM8HF1832-012151 5/21/2014 3:03:37PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213067YM8HF1832-012152 5/21/2014 3:06:47PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213073YM8HF1832-012153 5/21/2014 3:00:04PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21313CYM8HF1832-012154 5/21/2014 3:32:17PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213126ZM8HF1832-012155 5/21/2014 3:28:01PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21311DYM8HF1832-012156 3/14/2014 3:54:49PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21310GYM8HF1832-012157 3/14/2014 4:06:17PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213092ZM8HF1832-012158 3/14/2014 3:13:10PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213083ZM8HF1832-012159 3/14/2014 2:43:39PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21314FXM8HF1832-012160 7/10/2013 3:07:49PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21315CZM8HF1832-012161 3/14/2014 4:28:42PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213168ZM8HF1832-012162 3/14/2014 3:07:09PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21317HWCBHF1832-012163 3/14/2014 2:49:08PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213184XCBHF1832-012164 3/14/2014 2:17:56PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC213191XCBHF1832-012165 3/14/2014 2:35:38PMVostro 400 VCC213

VCC21320J83QGF1832-012166 5/22/2014 8:02:23PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 VCC213

W7-012172HT3JHF1832-012172 5/13/2014 7:18:14PMPrecision WorkStation T3400 ADM100B

W7-0121902NLCGH1832-012190 OptiPlex 755 GCB109B

W7-0121914NLCGH1832-012191 OptiPlex 755 GCB109B

W7-0121925NLCGH1832-012192 OptiPlex 755 GCB104C

W7-012193HMLCGH1832-012193 7/3/2014 1:45:07PMOptiPlex 755 SLC116B

W7-012197BN6HXH1832-012197 6/17/2014 7:42:41PMOptiPlex 760 HOS618O

ATC116F7FY3J1832-012209 XPS630 ATC116

LT-W7-130965H7FY3J1832-012211 4/28/2014 9:06:29PMXPS 630i ATC133

LT-W7-0122652FFDVK1832-012265 3/28/2014 4:00:17PMPrecision M6400 CUH377S

W7-01227885YK6M1832-012278 5/21/2014 7:48:52PMOptiPlex 780 LAH100A

XP0123004313QN1832-012300 5/29/2014 4:44:31PMOptiPlex 780 LAH111

W7-012351BLNN0R1832-012351 3/28/2014 4:23:47PMOptiPlex 990 GCB202M

LT-W7-012353CNU1320P1Z832-012353 12/11/2013 4:03:54PMHP ProBook 4530s CBI120

CUH315016Z5HWR1832-012361 5/21/2014 5:54:46PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315026Z6KWR1832-012362 5/21/2014 5:48:56PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315036Z6LWR1832-012363 5/21/2014 5:49:05PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315046Z6NWR1832-012364 5/21/2014 5:57:22PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315056Z7KWR1832-012365 5/21/2014 5:55:03PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315066Z7LWR1832-012366 5/21/2014 5:55:13PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315076Z7NWR1832-012367 5/21/2014 5:49:52PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315086Z8KWR1832-012368 5/21/2014 5:51:14PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315096Z8LWR1832-012369 5/21/2014 5:58:13PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315106Z8NWR1832-012370 5/21/2014 5:58:02PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315116Z9KWR1832-012371 5/21/2014 5:52:25PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315126Z9MWR1832-012372 5/21/2014 5:52:34PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

Powered by Track-It! Page 1 of 77

Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCUH315136ZBKWR1832-012373 5/21/2014 5:49:36PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315146ZBLWR1832-012374 5/21/2014 5:55:15PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315156ZBMWR1832-012375 5/21/2014 5:55:33PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315166ZCHWR1832-012376 5/21/2014 5:50:33PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315176ZCKWR1832-012378 5/21/2014 6:02:16PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315186ZCMWR1832-012379 5/21/2014 6:01:59PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315196ZFKWR1832-012380 5/21/2014 6:03:38PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315206ZHJWR1832-012381 5/21/2014 7:05:48PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315216ZJGWR1832-012382 5/21/2014 5:59:20PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315226ZJHWR1832-012383 5/21/2014 5:58:57PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315235WFGQW1832-012384 5/21/2014 5:57:52PMOptiPlex 9010 CUH315

CUH315246ZKGWR1832-012385 5/21/2014 5:58:06PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

CUH315INST6ZKHWR1832-012386 7/11/2013 1:38:17PMOptiPlex 990 CUH315

W7-012390GBKYXR1832-012390 12/3/2013 2:07:42PMOptiPlex 990 GCB103

W7-01239325D0YR1832-012393 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239425D2YR1832-012394 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239525D3YR1832-012395 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239625DYXR1832-012396 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239725F0YR1832-012397 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239825F3YR1832-012398 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01239925G0YR1832-012399 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01240025G1YR1832-012400 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01240125G3YR1832-012401 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-012340225G4YR1832-012402 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01240325H1YR1832-012403 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-01240425H2YR1832-012404 OptiPlex 990 GCB104

W7-012405GBJYXR1832-012405 12/3/2013 2:10:05PMOptiPlex 990 GCB109D

XP012406GBK0YR1832-012406 6/20/2014 1:14:29PMOptiPlex 990 GCB104D

W7-012407GBK2YR1832-012407 12/3/2013 2:12:30PMOptiPlex 990 GCB104C

W7-012408GBG1YR1832-012408 12/3/2013 2:14:50PMOptiPlex 990 GCB109B

W7-012409GBK4YR1832-012409 1/17/2014 7:55:28PMOptiPlex 990 GCB104E

W7-012410GBL1YR1832-012410 12/3/2013 2:17:15PMOptiPlex 990 GCB104C

W7-012461BV50NS1832-012461 4/11/2014 2:38:14PMOptiPlex 790 ATC133

W7-012462BV5XMS1832-012462 5/6/2014 8:03:50PMOptiPlex 790 HOS708

W7-012463BV4ZMS1832-012463 3/14/2014 2:49:13PMOptiPlex 790 GCB216

IPAD-012473DYTJ43ASDJ8V832-012473 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012474DYTJ487MDJ8V832-012474 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012475DYTJ43CRDJ8V832-012475 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012476DYTJ437XDJ8V832-012476 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012477DYTJ46X4DJ8V832-012477 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012478DYTJ46RXDJ8V832-012478 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012479DYTJ4378DJ8V832-012479 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012480DYTJ45SKDJ8V832-012480 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012481DYTJ46JLDJ8V832-012481 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012482DYTJ4703DJ8V832-012482 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012483DYTJ46XYDJ8V832-012483 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012484DYTJ46TYDJ8V832-012484 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012485DYTJ46P6DJ8V832-012485 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012486DYTJ46PFDJ8V832-012486 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012487DYTJ47DYDJ8V832-012487 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012488DYTJ45Z0DJ8V832-012488 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012489DYTJ46WNDJ8V832-012489 IPAD LAH138

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IPAD-012491DYTJ46EJDJ8V832-012491 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012492DYTJ4664DJ8V832-012492 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012493DYTJ45VDDJ8V832-012493 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012494DYTJ46Q2DJ8V832-012494 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012495DYTJ47K2DJ8V832-012495 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012496DYTJ44U6DJ8V832-012496 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012497DYTJ489YDJ8V832-012497 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012498DYTJ46S9DJ8V832-012498 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012499DYTJ46ZJDJ8V832-012499 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012500DYTJ47RGDJ8V832-012500 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012501DYTJ43B3DJ8V832-012501 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012502DYTJ46DTDJ8V832-012502 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012503DKWLC0C5F184832-012503 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012504DYTJ47EQDJ8V832-012504 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012505DKVML08BDJ8V832-012505 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012506DYTJ4763DJ8V832-012506 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012507DYTJ45V4DJ8V832-012507 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012508DYTJ47BEDJ8V832-012508 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012509DYTJ47JKDJ8V832-012509 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012510DYTJ43JQDJ8V832-012510 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012511DYTJ47CUDJ8V832-012511 IPAD LAH138

IPAD-012512DYTJ474GDJ8V832-012512 IPAD LAH138

MTLION-012513C17J31CJDTY3832-012513 MACBOOK PRO LAH138

MTLION-012514C17J31BPDTY3832-012514 MACBOOK PRO LAH138

MTLION-012515C17J318GDTY3832-012515 MACBOOK PRO LAH138

MTLION-012516C17J31CBDTY3832-012516 MACBOOK PRO LAH138


LAH13801D25J71KCDHJW832-012518 IMAC LAH138

LAH13802D25J71KHDHJW832-012519 IMAC LAH138

LAH13803D25J71KBDHJW832-012520 IMAC LAH138

LAH13804D25J71KEDHJW832-012521 IMAC LAH138

LAH13810D25J71KJDHJW832-012522 IMAC LAH138

LAH13809D25J71KDDHJW832-012523 IMAC LAH138

LAH13808D25J71KKDHJW832-012524 IMAC LAH138

LAH13811D25J71K9DHJW832-012525 IMAC LAH138

LAH13812D25J71KNDHJW832-012526 IMAC LAH138

MTLION-012527D25J71KMDHJW832-012527 IMAC ATC133A

MTLION-012528D25J71KFDHJW832-012528 IMAC LAH137C

MTLION-012529D25J71K5DHJW832-012529 IMAC LAH137C

LAH13813D25J71KLDHJW832-012530 IMAC LAH138

LAH13814D25J71K7DHJW832-012531 IMAC LAH138

LAH13815D25J71KADHJW832-012532 IMAC LAH138

LAH13816D25J71KGDHJW832-012533 IMAC LAH138

LAH13817D25J71K6DHJW832-012534 IMAC LAH138

LAH13818D25J71K8DHJW832-012535 IMAC LAH138

MTLION-012536C02J7H1TDRVC832-012536 MACBOOK AIR LAH138




MTLION-012540C02J7H1VDRVC832-012540 MACBOOK AIR LAH138

MTLION-012541C07J7059DKDJ832-012541 MAC MINI LAH138

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-012562F2BXYV1832-012562 5/9/2014 5:27:11PMOptiPlex 790 LAH100B

W7-012563F2CQYV1832-012563 5/9/2014 5:52:28PMOptiPlex 790 LAH111A

BT11701-LT2CE2490NQ8832-012565 6/19/2014 10:29:26AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11702-LT2CE2490NQD832-012566 6/19/2014 10:29:29AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11703-LT2CE2490NQG832-012567 6/19/2014 10:38:56AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11704-LT2CE2490NVQ832-012568 6/19/2014 10:38:53AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11705-LT2CE2490NVR832-012569 6/19/2014 10:45:19AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11706-LT2CE2490NVS832-012570 6/19/2014 10:45:31AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11708-LT2CE2490NVW832-012571 6/19/2014 10:49:39AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11707-LT2CE2490NVY832-012572 6/19/2014 10:49:54AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11709-LT2CE2490NVZ832-012573 6/19/2014 10:54:29AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11710-LT2CE2490NW0832-012574 7/3/2014 10:29:46AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11711-LT2CE2490NW1832-012575 6/19/2014 10:58:49AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11712-LT2CE2490NW2832-012576 6/19/2014 10:58:52AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11713-LT2CE2490NW3832-012577 6/19/2014 11:07:18AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11714-LT2CE2490NW4832-012578 6/19/2014 11:07:58AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11715-LT2CE2490NW5832-012579 7/3/2014 10:22:20AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11716-LT2CE2490NW6832-012580 6/19/2014 12:05:39PMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11717-LT2CE2490NW7832-012581 6/19/2014 11:57:10AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11718-LT2CE2490NW8832-012582 6/19/2014 11:52:03AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11719-LT2CE2490NW9832-012583 6/19/2014 11:25:37AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11720-LT2CE2490NWB832-012584 6/19/2014 11:31:51AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11721-LT2CE2490NWC832-012585 6/19/2014 11:31:26AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11722-LT2CE2490NWD832-012586 6/19/2014 11:39:12AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11723-LT2CE2490NWF832-012587 6/19/2014 11:40:16AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11724-LT2CE2490NWG832-012588 6/19/2014 11:45:52AMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

BT11725-LT2CE2490NWH832-012589 6/19/2014 12:22:26PMHP ProBook 4540s BT117

W7-0125942UA31007BD832-012594 12/3/2013 2:29:56PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT GCB102F

W7-0125952UA31007BF832-012595 12/3/2013 2:32:14PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT GCB102F

W7-01259614CWBX1832-012596 12/3/2013 2:34:32PMOptiPlex 3010 GCB104H

LAH13806D25KK0M8DNMP832-012601 IMAC LAH138

LAH13807D25KK0MJDNMP832-012602 IMAC LAH138

WFD-W7-0126072UA32104KK832-012607 12/5/2013 10:22:09AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126082UA32104KL832-012608 5/23/2014 12:43:39PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126092UA32104KM832-012609 12/9/2013 6:01:50PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126102UA32104KN832-012610 12/5/2013 10:15:00AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126112UA32104KP832-012611 12/5/2013 10:12:33AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126122UA32104KQ832-012612 12/5/2013 10:10:08AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

LT-W7-1290542UA32104KR832-012613 12/10/2013 8:01:22PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126142UA32104KS832-012614 12/9/2013 5:59:24PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126152UA32104KT832-012615 12/9/2013 5:57:02PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126162UA32104KV832-012616 12/5/2013 6:49:06AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126172UA32104KW832-012617 12/5/2013 10:03:36AMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT WFD

WFD-W7-0126192CE3221LHK832-012618 2/10/2014 3:44:29PMHP ProBook 4540s WFD

WFD-W7-0126182CE3221LHN832-012619 12/5/2013 10:01:08AMHP ProBook 4540s WFD

WFD-W7-0126202CE3221LHL832-012620 12/9/2013 5:54:34PMHP ProBook 4540s WFD

WFD-W7-0126212CE3221LHJ832-012621 12/5/2013 9:56:08AMHP ProBook 4540s WFD

WFD-W7-0126222CE3221LHM832-012622 12/9/2013 5:52:07PMHP ProBook 4540s WFD

W7-0126405V13BY1832-012640 6/2/2014 8:24:49PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC133

11437137832-114331 Satellite T1960CT ATC133-SURPLUS

D7J9Q832-117900 Latitude CP M166ST ATC133-SURPLUS

GFL5X31832-122369 OptiPlex GX270 ATC133-SURPLUS

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W7-1277126ZCBHM1832-122712 1/21/2014 4:52:36PMOptiPlex 780 ATC103

1W65P41832-122746 Dimension 2400 ATC133-SURPLUS

HVVQ671832-123338 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

3WVQ671832-123339 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

5WVQ671832-123340 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

6WVQ671832-123341 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

9WVQ671832-123342 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

CWVQ671832-123343 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

FWVQ671832-123344 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

1XVQ671832-123345 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

3XVQ671832-123346 OptiPlex GX280 ATC133-SURPLUS

52ZS771832-123373 Precision Workstation 470 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP123911CPD4281832-123655 11/27/2013 12:47:03AMOptiPlex GX620 CUH313

3TRFH81832-123679 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1236825TRFH81832-123682 12/5/2013 6:34:06AMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

DTRFH81832-123691 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

GSRFH81832-123693 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP123697JSRFH81832-123697 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

45HFH81832-123703 11/14/2013 3:35:55PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1237229XXCH81832-123722 11/26/2013 11:15:12PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC244C

XP123727GB39K81832-123727 11/26/2013 10:34:10PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC149

XP123728CB29K81832-123728 12/11/2013 2:31:25PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

XP123741GLF1L81832-123741 12/4/2013 7:39:22PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC141

XP123742JLF1L81832-123742 12/4/2013 8:06:39PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC141

XP123746BMF1L81832-123746 12/4/2013 3:06:59AMOptiPlex GX620 ATC141

5BJYL81832-123754 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

BHWPR81832-123762 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

3RLRR81832-123764 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP123823DGSJS81832-123823 11/26/2013 9:07:31PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP123824G3SJS81832-123824 12/10/2013 3:10:19PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP12382617JMS81832-123826 4/9/2014 9:58:41PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

W7-1238271DJMS81832-123827 4/8/2014 9:47:57PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP1238281PJMS81832-123828 11/26/2013 10:13:07PMOptiPlex GX620

4GJMS81832-123836 4/17/2014 1:31:04PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1238395PJMS81832-123839 4/9/2014 8:02:57PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP1238406DJMS81832-123840 4/2/2014 5:42:39PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

6PJMS81832-123843 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9FJMS81832-123850 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

BDJMS81832-123854 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

CGJMS81832-123857 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

D7JMS81832-123858 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP123864FDJMS81832-123864 1/16/2014 4:36:16PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

1FGMS81832-123876 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

1WGMS81832-123877 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1238812QGMS81832-123881 1/16/2014 2:10:42PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

7GGMS81832-123893 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP123904CHGMS81832-123904 1/27/2014 12:49:50PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1240141LVMW81832-124014 11/15/2013 1:50:37PMOptiPlex GX620 HEC101C

2NVMW81832-124016 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

3PVMW81832-124017 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

4KVMW81832-124018 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

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5HVMW81832-124020 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1240216QVMW81832-124021 11/7/2013 8:22:11PMOptiPlex GX620 HOS610D

7HVMW81832-124022 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

8PVMW81832-124023 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9HVMW81832-124024 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9JVMW81832-124025 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9KVMW81832-124026 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9QVMW81832-124027 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9RVMW81832-124028 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

BHVMW81832-124029 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

BPVMW81832-124030 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

CQVMW81832-124031 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

DRVMW81832-124032 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-124033FPVMW81832-124033 4/8/2014 7:12:54PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

GQVMW81832-124034 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

310PY81832-124048 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124058B05CZ81832-124058 12/12/2013 5:02:53PMOptiPlex GX620 ADM101

4KC9391832-124103 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

6KC9391832-124107 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

7KC9391832-124109 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

7LC9391832-124110 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

8LC9391832-124112 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9LC9391832-124114 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1241828F6CP91832-124182 12/10/2013 9:42:11PMOptiPlex GX620 ADM101

XP1242218P78S91832-124221 11/27/2013 12:11:56AMOptiPlex GX620 VCC200

W7-1242282C9BS91832-124228 11/5/2013 7:40:51PMOptiPlex GX620 ECC120

W7-1242314C9BS91832-124231 1/17/2014 8:42:57PMOptiPlex GX620 ECC120

6C93S91832-124236 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

8B9BS91832-124237 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

999BS91832-124238 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1242399B9BS91832-124239 7/16/2013 4:14:12PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1237228NHSX91832-124275 4/24/2014 5:11:06PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

4KHSX91832-124284 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124290JKHSX91832-124290 1/15/2014 2:53:19PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

7ZNF9B1832-124311 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1243524VDWKB1832-124325 5/30/2014 2:26:46PMOptiPlex GX620

7TDWKB1832-124327 4/18/2014 12:24:47PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

9TDWKB1832-124329 Optiplex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124333JTDWKB1832-124333 11/26/2013 9:24:43PMOptiPlex GX620 CUH334C

XP1243352XDWKB1832-124335 11/27/2013 3:32:54PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC244D

DWDWKB1832-124350 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

HWDWKB1832-124352 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124359BKZHKB1832-124359 4/9/2014 8:35:45PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP124361FJZHKB1832-124361 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

FKZHKB1832-124362 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124372GNSHKB1832-124372 12/12/2013 1:34:06PMOptiPlex GX620

W7-1244263LZHKB1832-124426 Optiplex GX620 GCB109A

XP1244297KZHKB1832-124429 11/27/2013 12:21:16AMOptiPlex GX620 CUH388

XP124430CKZHKB1832-124430 11/26/2013 9:06:32PMOptiPlex GX620 CUH378H

XP124442FHZHKB1832-124442 12/4/2013 12:30:39AMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

34THKB1832-124446 1/31/2014 4:37:13PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationB246PB1832-124485 11/11/2013 7:40:19PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

W7-1245254WV0YB1832-124525 4/8/2014 8:00:03PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP124529FVV0YB1832-124529 12/4/2013 2:29:10AMOptiPlex GX620 ATC141

GV09YB1832-124541 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

GWQ9YB1832-124542 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

1ZQ9YB1832-124543 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

2ZQ9YB1832-124544 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

4ZQ9YB1832-124545 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

6ZQ9YB1832-124546 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

8ZQ9YB1832-124547 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

8WQ9YB1832-124563 Optiplex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP124580D2HNZB1832-124580 11/26/2013 9:16:52PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

W7-1245898Y9X0C1832-124589 5/27/2014 7:45:57PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP1245932FRL1C1832-124593 12/4/2013 2:43:29PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

XP1246842Y0J8C1832-124684 12/11/2013 2:35:54PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC154A

8Z0J8C1832-124689 4/17/2014 12:03:07PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1247179NCM8C1832-124717 11/27/2013 12:09:51AMOptiPlex GX620 CUH391

XP1247471C5SBC1832-124747 12/16/2013 4:30:54PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

4B5SBC1832-124750 OptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1247525B5SBC1832-124752 12/10/2013 6:58:28PMOptiPlex GX620 SDC113A

7C5SBC1832-124756 1/21/2014 9:15:49PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-124760995SBC1832-124760 7/11/2014 3:26:57PMOptiPlex GX620

XP124765D95SBC1832-124765 12/9/2013 3:31:07PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133

XP124766DB5SBC1832-124766 4/8/2014 8:39:10PMOptiPlex GX620 IMBC

XP124800409LGC1832-124800 4/14/2014 2:22:12PMOptiPlex 745 CEC101

W7-124801D09LGC1832-124801 11/12/2013 4:59:15PMOptiPlex 745 CEC101

XP1248536YV5JC1832-124853 4/14/2014 3:16:42PMOptiPlex 745 CEC201B

W7-1248602G8PKC1832-124860 4/4/2014 6:00:02PMOptiPlex 745 ADM109

W7-1248616G8PKC1832-124861 4/4/2014 3:35:22PMOptiPlex 745 ADM107

W7-1248628G8PKC1832-124862 11/12/2013 3:56:23PMOptiPlex 745 CEC103

W7-1248639G8PKC1832-124863 12/9/2013 4:57:48PMOptiPlex 745 LAH100C

CUH301013Y72MC1832-124877 1/31/2014 4:26:55PMOptiPlex 745 CUH311B

W7-1248781934NC1832-124878 2/21/2014 5:02:17PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-1248791B34NC1832-124879 5/7/2014 2:25:19PMOptiPlex 745 NCB3

W7-1248812834NC1832-124881 12/3/2013 3:19:47PMOptiPlex 745 NCB3

W7-1248822D34NC1832-124882 12/3/2013 3:22:23PMOptiPlex 745 NCB2

W7-1248833734NC1832-124883 6/26/2014 7:32:51PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1248843B34NC1832-124884 3/20/2014 3:22:09PMOptiPlex 745 NCB3

CEC147014834NC1832-124885 11/22/2013 9:59:12PMOptiPlex 745 CEC147

CEC151054934NC1832-124886 12/13/2013 3:27:43PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151

W7-1248874C34NC1832-124887 7/3/2014 2:40:51PMOptiPlex 745 NCB1B

W7-1248884D34NC1832-124888 12/3/2013 3:30:08PMOptiPlex 745 NCB10B

W7-1248895B34NC1832-124889 12/3/2013 3:32:43PMOptiPlex 745 NCB09D

W7-1248905D34NC1832-124890 12/3/2013 3:35:14PMOptiPlex 745 NCB10a

W7-1248926734NC1832-124892 12/3/2013 3:37:47PMOptiPlex 745 NCB12A

W7-1248936934NC1832-124893 12/3/2013 3:40:20PMOptiPlex 745 NCB11A

W7-1248967B34NC1832-124896 12/4/2013 8:35:54PMOptiPlex 745 NCB11A

W7-1248977C34NC1832-124897 12/3/2013 3:44:28PMOptiPlex 745 NCB11A

W7-1248987D34NC1832-124898 12/3/2013 3:47:18PMOptiPlex 745 NCB12D

CREST038B34NC1832-124900 4/29/2014 8:25:28PMOptiPlex 745

CEC118019634NC1832-124901 7/16/2013 11:57:20AMOptiPlex 745 CEC118

CEC143019734NC1832-124902 2/5/2014 9:27:43PMOptiPlex 745 CEC143

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCEC133019834NC1832-124903 7/8/2014 3:00:55PMOptiPlex 745 CEC133

W7-1249049C34NC1832-124904 7/10/2013 7:03:31PMOptiPlex 745 HOS611

LIB117089F34NC1832-124906 11/21/2013 3:46:17PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

BB34NC1832-124907 1/21/2014 4:35:31PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB11709C934NC1832-124908 11/21/2013 3:48:23PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

W7-124915DD34NC1832-124915 5/27/2014 5:24:06PMOptiPlex 745 NCB10B

CEC15101G634NC1832-124917 12/13/2013 3:21:22PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151

CEC15102G734NC1832-124918 12/13/2013 3:20:05PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151

CEC15103GD34NC1832-124919 12/13/2013 3:20:59PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151

CEC15104H834NC1832-124920 12/13/2013 3:14:26PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151

W7-124921H934NC1832-124921 5/19/2014 12:22:03PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151A

W7-124922HB34NC1832-124922 11/11/2013 11:08:54PMOptiPlex 745 CEC151A

W7-124923J634NC1832-124923 11/14/2013 2:58:00PMOptiPlex 745 CEC150D

W7-124924JC34NC1832-124924 11/11/2013 5:46:39PMOptiPlex 745 LAH114

W7-124925JD34NC1832-124925 1/27/2014 4:54:14PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

LIB117031MBGPC1832-124929 6/12/2014 12:52:15PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117042CBGPC1832-124930 6/12/2014 1:01:27PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117103LBGPC1832-124936 7/11/2013 3:01:13PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117114KBGPC1832-124937 7/11/2013 3:01:59PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117124LBGPC1832-124938 7/11/2013 3:02:49PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117145DBGPC1832-124940 7/11/2013 3:04:16PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117165GBGPC1832-124942 7/11/2013 3:05:50PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117175HBGPC1832-124943 7/11/2013 3:06:35PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117195LBGPC1832-124945 7/11/2013 3:08:02PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117206KBGPC1832-124946 7/11/2013 3:08:48PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117247LBGPC1832-124950 7/11/2013 3:12:18PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

W7-1249528JBGPC1832-124952 7/10/2013 6:57:29PMOptiPlex 745 CUH377M

8KBGPC1832-124953 4/23/2014 8:33:19PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

9KBGPC1832-124955 7/10/2013 7:00:02PMOptiPlex 745 CUH311D

9LBGPC1832-124956 7/10/2013 7:00:56PMOptiPlex 745 CUH346B

W7-124957BJBGPC1832-124957 1/15/2014 1:36:17PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-124958CDBGPC1832-124958 7/10/2013 7:02:38PMOptiPlex 745 CUH311C

CFBGPC1832-124959 OptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-124960CKBGPC1832-124960 7/10/2013 7:04:24PMOptiPlex 745 CUH346B

W7-124961CLBGPC1832-124961 2/25/2014 6:56:44PMOptiPlex 745 CUH377R

W7-124962DGBGPC1832-124962 7/10/2013 7:06:11PMOptiPlex 745 CUH319

W7-124963DHBGPC1832-124963 6/9/2014 2:51:02PMOptiPlex 745 CUH377G

W7-124964DKBGPC1832-124964 7/14/2014 1:51:11PMOptiPlex 745

W7-124965DLBGPC1832-124965 7/14/2014 3:41:17PMOptiPlex 745

W7-124966FCBGPC1832-124966 7/14/2014 1:42:48PMOptiPlex 745

HTC24301FFBGPC1832-124967 5/28/2014 4:06:12PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

HTC24302FKBGPC1832-124968 5/28/2014 4:08:20PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

HTC24303GDBGPC1832-124969 5/28/2014 4:06:57PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

HGBGPC1832-124970 OptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

HTC24305HLBGPC1832-124971 5/28/2014 4:05:54PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

HTC24306JCBGPC1832-124972 5/28/2014 4:05:59PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

JKBGPC1832-124973 OptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-124974JLBGPC1832-124974 OptiPlex 745 HTC225A

HOS613011FMGPC1832-124975 5/22/2014 7:01:38PMOptiPlex 745 HOS613

LIB117INST2CMGPC1832-124976 3/4/2014 3:56:30PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB117073DMGPC1832-124978 7/11/2013 2:58:09PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

CUH340013GMGPC1832-124979 5/21/2014 6:30:39PMOptiPlex 745 CUH340

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC201015CMGPC1832-124981 6/20/2014 4:54:40PMOptiPlex 745 ATC201

HOS639B015DMGPC1832-124982 6/18/2014 7:46:53PMOptiPlex 745 HOS639

HOS622B015GMGPC1832-124983 5/22/2014 7:12:37PMOptiPlex 745 HOS622

LAH123017DMGPC1832-124986 5/22/2014 7:39:19PMOptiPlex 745 LAH123

SSSEC10018BMGPC1832-124987 11/14/2013 2:07:33PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC10

CUH329018GMGPC1832-124988 7/11/2013 1:49:40PMOptiPlex 745 CUH329

CUH325019FMGPC1832-124989 7/11/2013 1:47:21PMOptiPlex 745 CUH325

HOS70601BCMGPC1832-124990 2/27/2014 8:10:13PMOptiPlex 745 HOS706

W7-124991BDMGPC1832-124991 12/5/2013 3:20:35PMOptiPlex 745 ATC159B

W7-124992BGMGPC1832-124992 6/18/2014 6:09:45PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-124994DFMGPC1832-124994 12/5/2013 1:38:52PMOptiPlex 745 HOS640C

W7-124995DGMGPC1832-124995 11/11/2013 7:10:30PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

JBMGPC1832-124999 11/27/2013 7:16:04PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133A

W7-125000JCMGPC1832-125000 12/3/2013 3:56:53PMOptiPlex 745 ECC105

2F5FPC1832-125005 11/26/2013 7:38:18PMOptiPlex GX620 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP125028BC5FPC1832-125028 3/19/2014 3:07:59PMOptiPlex GX620 SDC 114

XP125032CF5FPC1832-125032 11/27/2013 3:22:24PMOptiPlex GX620 HOS618M

XP125042GG5FPC1832-125042 11/26/2013 11:10:09PMOptiPlex GX620 HOS643B

XP1250721T0BRC1832-125072 6/30/2014 2:30:22PMOptiPlex 745 FBSDC206

W7-1250862V0BRC1832-125075 3/14/2014 2:31:31PMOptiPlex 745 FBSDC206

SLC105024T0BRC1832-125077 5/20/2014 3:13:43PMOptiPlex 745 SLC105

W7-1250794W0BRC1832-125079 12/3/2013 4:03:17PMOptiPlex 745

W7-1250804X0BRC1832-125080 7/9/2014 1:28:05PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-1254555W0BRC1832-125081 6/25/2014 11:29:28AMOptiPlex 745 SLC116A

W7-1250846X0BRC1832-125084 7/2/2014 5:13:16PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

SLC206018S0BRC1832-125085 11/9/2013 1:33:24AMOptiPlex 745 SLC206

W7-1250758T0BRC1832-125086 3/24/2014 1:42:07PMOptiPlex 745 FBSDC206

W7-1250878W0BRC1832-125087 4/10/2014 1:37:13PMOptiPlex 745 SLC125B

W7-1250888X0BRC1832-125088 7/11/2014 5:15:05PMOptiPlex 745 SLC100

SLC211039W0BRC1832-125089 5/23/2014 12:02:19PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

SLC211029X0BRC1832-125090 6/5/2014 3:17:12PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

SLC21108CT0BRC1832-125092 5/23/2014 12:03:50PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

W7-125093CV0BRC1832-125093 7/2/2014 12:59:38PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-125094CX0BRC1832-125094 7/9/2014 2:56:13PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-125096DW0BRC1832-125096 7/9/2014 3:37:29PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-125098FT0BRC1832-125098 4/23/2014 5:23:37PMOptiPlex 745 SLC101

W7-125099FX0BRC1832-125099 6/30/2014 2:36:31PMOptiPlex 745

SLC21105GW0BRC1832-125102 5/23/2014 12:02:57PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

SLC21106GX0BRC1832-125103 5/23/2014 12:03:48PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

SLC21107HW0BRC1832-125104 5/23/2014 12:03:38PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

SLC21101JX0BRC1832-125105 6/5/2014 12:42:35PMOptiPlex 745 SLC211

XP1251062JK9RC1832-125106 5/30/2014 2:24:01PMOptiPlex 745 CEC240

W7-1251073HK9RC1832-125107 11/12/2013 3:15:33PMOptiPlex 745 CEC203B

W7-1251083JK9RC1832-125108 4/14/2014 3:06:51PMOptiPlex 745 CEC201

W7-1251106HK9RC1832-125110 11/12/2013 3:30:21PMOptiPlex 745

XP1251116JK9RC1832-125111 4/14/2014 3:29:25PMOptiPlex 745 CEC203

W7-1251138JK9RC1832-125113 4/14/2014 3:33:39PMOptiPlex 745 CEC203A

XP125114CJK9RC1832-125114 12/9/2013 6:14:13PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

XP125116GHK9RC1832-125116 5/9/2014 5:05:06PMOptiPlex 745 CEC215

W7-125118JHK9RC1832-125118 4/10/2014 4:21:03PMOptiPlex 745 CUH378D

CUH35101DW8X5D1832-125176 12/6/2013 9:56:47PMOptiPlex 745 CUH346F

W7-125177JW8X5D1832-125177 1/16/2014 5:41:07PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLT-W7-125178JMKZ5D1832-125178 4/25/2014 11:24:53AMLatitude D820 ATC133

W7-1251812SJYCD1832-125181 2/6/2014 7:33:49PMOptiPlex 745 HOS640B

W7-1251825SJYCD1832-125182 12/12/2013 6:00:45PMOptiPlex 745 HOS701E

HOS615016SJYCD1832-125184 5/22/2014 6:45:56PMOptiPlex 745 HOS615

HEC104017VJYCD1832-125185 5/30/2014 3:56:37PMOptiPlex 745 HEC104

HEC207018SJYCD1832-125186 5/30/2014 3:51:54PMOptiPlex 745 HEC207

HEC11201FSJYCD1832-125187 5/30/2014 4:11:44PMOptiPlex 745 HEC112

W7-125188JRJYCD1832-125188 12/3/2013 4:17:32PMOptiPlex 745 GCB101

HOS60501JTJYCD1832-125189 3/11/2014 2:01:08PMOptiPlex 745 HOS605

HOS638B01GWJXCD1832-125193 6/18/2014 7:36:14PMOptiPlex 745 HOS638

CUH33001BXJXCD1832-125194 2/20/2014 2:32:33PMOptiPlex 745 CUH330

HEC201011TJYCD1832-125195 5/30/2014 4:08:54PMOptiPlex 745 HEC201

HOS636A01BTJYCD1832-125196 6/18/2014 5:34:54PMOptiPlex 745 HOS636

HOS638A01DSJYCD1832-125197 6/18/2014 7:06:32PMOptiPlex 745 HOS638

HOS60601DVJYCD1832-125198 5/22/2014 6:46:44PMOptiPlex 745 HOS606

HEC109014XJXCD1832-125199 5/30/2014 3:55:52PMOptiPlex 745 HEC109

W7-1252008XJXCD1832-125200 6/9/2014 2:10:42PMOptiPlex 745 CUH346F

ATC20201JWJXCD1832-125201 11/6/2013 2:37:10PMOptiPlex 745 ATC202

W7-125202125GCD1832-125202 2/21/2014 7:29:43PMOptiPlex 745 LAH132

W7-125203135GCD1832-125203 11/12/2013 2:41:53PMOptiPlex 745 LAH148A

W7-125204335GCD1832-125204 11/11/2013 7:17:25PMOptiPlex 745 LAH114

W7-125205415GCD1832-125205 11/7/2013 8:27:51PMOptiPlex 745 HOS618A

HTC243INST425GCD1832-125206 5/28/2014 4:07:45PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

W7-125207535GCD1832-125207 5/6/2014 12:37:39PMOptiPlex 745

W7-125209735GCD1832-125209 11/11/2013 4:28:51PMOptiPlex 745 LAH120A

W7-125210825GCD1832-125210 12/3/2013 4:19:53PMOptiPlex 745 HTC242B

VCC21601915GCD1832-125211 11/14/2013 3:32:51PMOptiPlex 745 VCC216

SSSEC2101C25GCD1832-125213 7/15/2013 6:13:33PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC210

SSSEC2102C35GCD1832-125214 7/15/2013 3:58:07PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC210

SSSEC2103D15GCD1832-125215 11/26/2013 2:02:37PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC210

SSSEC2104G15GCD1832-125216 7/15/2013 3:37:37PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC210

W7-125217G25GCD1832-125217 11/25/2013 4:40:16PMOptiPlex 745

SSSEC19011Z4GCD1832-125218 11/26/2013 1:56:44PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC19

SSSEC0701305GCD1832-125219 7/1/2014 6:24:17PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC7

SSSEC11014Y4GCD1832-125220 11/14/2013 2:08:25PMOptiPlex 745 CSEC11

LAH10801505GCD1832-125221 3/18/2014 3:26:37PMOptiPlex 745 LAH108

LAH128015Z4GCD1832-125222 5/22/2014 7:37:49PMOptiPlex 745 LAH128

LAH130017Y4GCD1832-125223 7/10/2013 8:37:23PMOptiPlex 745 LAH130

W7-125227C05GCD1832-125227 6/24/2014 12:11:37PMOptiPlex 745 ATC219

LIB11723CZ4GCD1832-125229 11/21/2013 3:48:42PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB11715GZ4GCD1832-125231 7/11/2013 3:05:04PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

ECC22801HX4GCD1832-125232 1/16/2014 6:19:44PMOptiPlex 745 ECC228

LIB11721JZ4GCD1832-125233 7/11/2013 3:09:36PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

HOS63501215GCD1832-125234 6/18/2014 5:25:08PMOptiPlex 745 HOS635

LIB11713235GCD1832-125236 7/11/2013 3:03:43PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB11702435GCD1832-125237 6/12/2014 1:31:55PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

W7-REG49525GCD1832-125238 12/5/2013 10:33:12AMOptiPlex 745 ATC159C

W7-125239635GCD1832-125239 2/25/2014 8:06:20PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-125240725GCD1832-125240 2/6/2014 7:26:00PMOptiPlex 745 HOS640D

W7-125241815GCD1832-125241 6/23/2014 12:37:15PMOptiPlex 745 NCB3

W7-125242835GCD1832-125242 4/23/2014 12:30:23PMOptiPlex 745

W7-125244B35GCD1832-125244 11/7/2013 9:00:23PMOptiPlex 745 HOS618B

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLIB11705D35GCD1832-125247 11/14/2013 7:16:38PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

LIB11718H15GCD1832-125248 7/11/2013 3:07:17PMOptiPlex 745 LIB117

SLC1050115DZFD1832-125252 5/20/2014 3:24:28PMOptiPlex 745 SLC105

W7-12525344DZFD1832-125253 12/3/2013 4:24:55PMOptiPlex 745 BSDC101

SLC2110164DZFD1832-125254 5/2/2014 1:08:10PMOptiPlex 745

SLC2180184DZFD1832-125255 5/23/2014 4:50:48PMOptiPlex 745 SLC218

SLC22001B4DZFD1832-125256 5/23/2014 4:57:09PMOptiPlex 745 SLC220

SLC22401F4DZFD1832-125257 7/8/2014 4:03:51PMOptiPlex 745 SLC224

SLC20701G4DZFD1832-125258 5/15/2014 4:06:16PMOptiPlex 745 SLC207

SLC10801J3DZFD1832-125259 5/16/2014 5:23:25PMOptiPlex 745 SLC108

SLC10301J4DZFD1832-125260 6/3/2014 10:49:53PMOptiPlex 745 SLC103

SLC106011SCZFD1832-125261 5/16/2014 3:43:18PMOptiPlex 745 SLC106

SLC122012RCZFD1832-125262 6/3/2014 1:40:12PMOptiPlex 745 SLC122

SLC204INST5RCZFD1832-125264 7/8/2014 1:08:41PMOptiPlex 745 SLC204

SLC208015SCZFD1832-125265 5/23/2014 6:11:58PMOptiPlex 745 SLC208

SLC102015TCZFD1832-125266 6/3/2014 1:24:08PMOptiPlex 745 SLC102

SLC104016RCZFD1832-125267 6/3/2014 1:17:29PMOptiPlex 745 SLC104

SLC119017RCZFD1832-125268 5/14/2014 2:21:45PMOptiPlex 745 SLC119

SLC121017SCZFD1832-125269 7/3/2014 5:48:04PMOptiPlex 745 SLC121

SLC12701BSCZFD1832-125271 6/20/2014 11:30:49AMOptiPlex 745 SLC127

SLC20901CRCZFD1832-125272 5/15/2014 3:49:38PMOptiPlex 745 SLC209

W7-125273FSCZFD1832-125273 7/10/2014 8:30:29PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

SLC22101GRCZFD1832-125274 5/23/2014 5:42:04PMOptiPlex 745 SLC221

SLC22301JRCZFD1832-125275 5/23/2014 5:30:44PMOptiPlex 745 SLC223

W7-125276JSCZFD1832-125276 7/2/2014 3:52:22PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

HTC24304JW94JD1832-125281 5/28/2014 4:05:48PMOptiPlex 745 HTC243

W7-1252846Q31QD1832-125284 11/11/2013 1:31:18PMOptiPlex 745 ATC220C

W7-1252858Q31QD1832-125285 4/15/2014 5:20:05PMOptiPlex 745 ATC220D

W7-125286BP31QD1832-125286 12/3/2013 4:31:17PMOptiPlex 745 ECC103

W7-125287BQ31QD1832-125287 12/9/2013 7:31:37PMOptiPlex 745 CEC203C

W7-125290DQ31QD1832-125290 1/22/2014 5:21:43PMOptiPlex 745 VCC230

HTC206F01GP31QD1832-125291 11/6/2013 12:11:54AMOptiPlex 745 HTC206F

HTC206G01GQ31QD1832-125292 11/25/2013 8:27:19PMOptiPlex 745 HTC206G

HTC206A01JP31QD1832-125293 11/25/2013 8:17:02PMOptiPlex 745 HTC206A

LT-W7-1253029KL6PD1832-125302 12/12/2013 7:09:59PMLatitude D830 ECC205

W7-125303CW8CMD1832-125303 7/9/2014 1:00:27PMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-1242371NXW0F1832-125344 12/3/2013 2:54:52PMOptiPlex 745

XP1242904MXW0F1832-125346 3/7/2014 5:52:44PMOptiPlex 745 GCB215A

XP1253486NXW0F1832-125348 2/11/2014 2:29:01PMOptiPlex 745 GCB202I

XP1253497MXW0F1832-125349 4/14/2014 4:46:19PMOptiPlex 745 GCB202C

W7-1253508NXW0F1832-125350 4/11/2014 7:19:49PMOptiPlex 745 Enrollment Management

XP1244209MXW0F1832-125351 7/11/2014 5:09:27PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

XP125353BNXW0F1832-125353 4/29/2014 3:46:22PMOptiPlex 745 CUH365

W7-125355DMXW0F1832-125355 4/1/2014 2:16:41PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-125356GMXW0F1832-125356 12/12/2013 2:40:25PMOptiPlex 745 HOS800

XP125357HMXW0F1832-125357 12/4/2013 8:11:11PMOptiPlex 745

XP125358DPXW0F1832-125358 4/18/2014 2:53:02PMOptiPlex 745 GCB202S

W7-125367FD3K2F1832-125367 4/3/2014 1:41:00PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200D

XP125368GD3K2F1832-125368 2/20/2014 5:18:05PMOptiPlex 745 CUH371A

HOS62601HD3K2F1832-125369 5/22/2014 6:56:37PMOptiPlex 745 HOS626

VCC232J0192LR2F1832-125371 5/20/2014 1:56:26PMOptiPlex 745 VCC232J

VCC232J02C2LR2F1832-125372 5/20/2014 1:56:32PMOptiPlex 745 VCC232J

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationVCC232J03F2LR2F1832-125373 5/20/2014 1:29:16PMOptiPlex 745 VCC232J

VCC232J04G2LR2F1832-125374 5/20/2014 1:56:46PMOptiPlex 745 VCC232J

VCC232J05J2LR2F1832-125375 5/20/2014 1:56:50PMOptiPlex 745 VCC232J

LIB200011QGR2F1832-125377 7/11/2013 5:38:15PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200023QGR2F1832-125378 6/12/2014 2:11:52PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200034QGR2F1832-125379 6/12/2014 2:12:26PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200045QGR2F1832-125380 6/12/2014 2:13:30PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200056PGR2F1832-125381 6/13/2014 12:08:41PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

6QGR2F1832-125382 7/11/2013 5:41:18PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

LIB200077QGR2F1832-125383 6/12/2014 2:32:51PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200088PGR2F1832-125384 6/13/2014 12:09:09PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200098QGR2F1832-125385 6/13/2014 12:09:20PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200109PGR2F1832-125386 6/12/2014 2:33:21PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB200119QGR2F1832-125387 6/12/2014 2:33:01PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20012BPGR2F1832-125388 6/12/2014 2:33:50PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20013BQGR2F1832-125389 6/12/2014 2:33:22PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20014CPGR2F1832-125390 6/13/2014 12:09:32PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20015CQGR2F1832-125391 6/12/2014 2:42:17PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20016DPGR2F1832-125392 6/13/2014 12:11:39PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20017FPGR2F1832-125393 6/13/2014 12:11:29PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20018GPGR2F1832-125394 6/13/2014 12:11:43PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20019HPGR2F1832-125395 6/13/2014 12:11:29PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

LIB20020JPGR2F1832-125396 6/12/2014 2:42:04PMOptiPlex 745 LIB200

W7-125399CCGT3F1832-125399 3/20/2014 1:50:54PMOptiPlex 745 ADM3A

W7-1254218P924F1832-125421 4/29/2014 7:12:09PMOptiPlex 745 SLC116F

W7-125422BP924F1832-125422 7/11/2014 3:05:12PMOptiPlex 745 SLC116

SLC2020116N54F1832-125430 5/23/2014 2:59:32PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020217N54F1832-125431 5/23/2014 2:59:45PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020326N54F1832-125432 5/23/2014 3:03:27PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020437N54F1832-125433 5/23/2014 4:00:36PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020546N54F1832-125434 5/23/2014 2:35:34PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020647N54F1832-125435 5/23/2014 2:35:29PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020766N54F1832-125436 5/23/2014 2:07:14PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020867N54F1832-125437 5/23/2014 2:07:10PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2020976N54F1832-125438 5/23/2014 2:28:36PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2021077N54F1832-125439 5/23/2014 1:45:12PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2021186N54F1832-125440 6/24/2014 11:27:19AMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2021296N54F1832-125441 5/23/2014 3:21:48PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC2021397N54F1832-125442 5/23/2014 3:25:28PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20214B7N54F1832-125443 5/23/2014 3:26:03PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20215C6N54F1832-125444 5/23/2014 3:29:12PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20216C7N54F1832-125445 5/23/2014 3:31:19PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20217D6N54F1832-125446 5/23/2014 3:44:00PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20218F6N54F1832-125447 5/23/2014 3:43:27PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC20219F7N54F1832-125448 7/1/2014 12:50:09PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

SLC202INSTH6N54F1832-125449 6/27/2014 2:05:49PMOptiPlex 745 SLC214A

W7-125450J6N54F1832-125450 7/11/2014 12:22:36AMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

W7-1249622D155F1832-125451 7/3/2014 12:35:54PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1254553QK55F1832-125455 3/14/2014 2:46:38PMOptiPlex 745 BH 434

W7-1254554V0BRC1832-125455 6/20/2014 11:52:09AMOptiPlex 745 FBSDC206

W7-1254567QK55F1832-125456 7/11/2014 12:44:40AMOptiPlex 745 SLC118

HTC211019L4G4F1832-125457 7/16/2013 5:17:03PMOptiPlex 745 HTC211

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCUH316011SL67F1832-125470 5/21/2014 5:53:17PMOptiPlex 745 CUH316

LAH103012SL67F1832-125472 7/10/2013 8:26:57PMOptiPlex 745 LAH103

HOS642B012TL67F1832-125473 6/18/2014 7:27:01PMOptiPlex 745 HOS642

HOS644A013SL67F1832-125474 6/18/2014 4:53:41PMOptiPlex 745 HOS644

HOS644B013TL67F1832-125475 6/18/2014 6:41:26PMOptiPlex 745 HOS644

LAH125015SL67F1832-125476 7/10/2013 8:34:44PMOptiPlex 745 LAH125

CUH317016SL67F1832-125477 7/10/2013 6:54:14PMOptiPlex 745 CUH317

CUH353016TL67F1832-125478 7/10/2013 7:26:04PMOptiPlex 745 CUH353

CUH308017SL67F1832-125479 5/21/2014 6:59:52PMOptiPlex 745 CUH308

CUH311017TL67F1832-125480 7/10/2013 6:01:49PMOptiPlex 745 CUH311

HOS641B018RL67F1832-125481 6/18/2014 5:50:27PMOptiPlex 745 HOS641

CUH305018TL67F1832-125482 5/21/2014 7:00:26PMOptiPlex 745 CUH305

HOS641A019SL67F1832-125483 6/18/2014 5:16:34PMOptiPlex 745 HOS641

LAH10401BSL67F1832-125484 5/22/2014 7:56:48PMOptiPlex 745 LAH104

HOS639A01CRL67F1832-125485 6/18/2014 6:53:42PMOptiPlex 745 HOS639

CUH32001CSL67F1832-125486 7/11/2013 1:40:52PMOptiPlex 745 CUH320

LAH12701FSL67F1832-125489 8/5/2013 2:26:25PMOptiPlex 745 LAH127

CUH34401GRL67F1832-125490 5/21/2014 6:17:44PMOptiPlex 745 CUH344

LAH12401GSL67F1832-125491 5/22/2014 7:35:34PMOptiPlex 745 LAH124

CUH33901JRL67F1832-125492 6/2/2014 5:20:54PMOptiPlex 745 CUH339

LAH12101JSL67F1832-125493 5/22/2014 7:37:39PMOptiPlex 745 LAH121

W7-12549429ZF6F1832-125494 11/11/2013 5:17:09PMOptiPlex 755 LAH134

W7-12549578ZF6F1832-125495 7/14/2014 2:37:51PMOptiPlex 755

W7-12549679ZF6F1832-125496 12/12/2013 2:17:52PMOptiPlex 755 HOS811

W7-12549789ZF6F1832-125497 11/12/2013 4:31:21PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120C

W7-125499G8ZF6F1832-125499 3/13/2014 8:04:43PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125500H8ZF6F1832-125500 11/14/2013 3:14:35PMOptiPlex 755 AUB101B

W7-1255011MLB7F1832-125501 4/22/2014 6:26:53PMOptiPlex 755 LAH133

W7-1255032LLB7F1832-125503 11/7/2013 8:40:39PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633D

W7-1255042NLB7F1832-125504 11/7/2013 9:26:59PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610A

W7-1255052PLB7F1832-125505 6/11/2014 3:11:39PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253J

W7-1255094MLB7F1832-125509 11/7/2013 8:56:35PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618P

W7-1255104NLB7F1832-125510 7/14/2014 2:43:40PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1255114PLB7F1832-125511 12/12/2013 7:29:18PMOptiPlex 755 NCB10C

W7-1255125KLB7F1832-125512 11/7/2013 8:43:55PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618C

W7-1255135LLB7F1832-125513 11/11/2013 1:29:23PMOptiPlex 755 HOS800A

W7-1255146GLB7F1832-125514 4/24/2014 3:41:37PMOptiPlex 755 GCB102

W7-1255156LLB7F1832-125515 2/3/2014 9:05:58PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1255166PLB7F1832-125516 11/7/2013 7:31:46PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618E

W7-1255177HLB7F1832-125517 11/7/2013 8:32:58PMOptiPlex 755 HOS800B

W7-1255187JLB7F1832-125518 7/14/2014 3:01:49PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1255197MLB7F1832-125519 11/8/2013 12:24:16AMOptiPlex 755 ATC244F

W7-1255208GLB7F1832-125520 11/11/2013 7:05:14PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120K

W7-1255218JLB7F1832-125521 7/1/2014 6:15:52PMOptiPlex 755 CUH334

HTC222A018KLB7F1832-125522 1/22/2014 9:18:21PMOptiPlex 755 HTC222

CUH343018LLB7F1832-125523 5/21/2014 6:24:26PMOptiPlex 755 CUH343

CUH350018NLB7F1832-125524 7/10/2013 7:23:25PMOptiPlex 755 CUH350

HTC222A029HLB7F1832-125525 1/22/2014 9:16:24PMOptiPlex 755 HTC222

HTC222A039NLB7F1832-125526 2/26/2014 4:20:08PMOptiPlex 755 HTC222

W7-125527CGLB7F1832-125527 4/14/2014 3:54:26PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

HTC222A04CLLB7F1832-125528 1/22/2014 9:16:05PMOptiPlex 755 HTC222

VCC23501CMLB7F1832-125529 5/20/2014 1:43:00PMOptiPlex 755 VCC235

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationVCC23301CNLB7F1832-125530 5/7/2014 8:43:18PMOptiPlex 755 VCC233

W7-125531DHLB7F1832-125531 4/10/2014 2:32:37PMOptiPlex 755 CEC203

CUH34201DJLB7F1832-125532 5/21/2014 6:18:44PMOptiPlex 755 CUH342

CUH35501DNLB7F1832-125533 5/21/2014 6:20:34PMOptiPlex 755 CUH355

W7-125534FKLB7F1832-125534 12/3/2013 5:02:08PMOptiPlex 755 ATC154B

W7-125536GGLB7F1832-125536 12/12/2013 3:08:50PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618D

W7-125537GJLB7F1832-125537 11/11/2013 11:36:37PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169E

HOS636B01HHLB7F1832-125540 6/18/2014 6:02:31PMOptiPlex 755 HOS636

W7-125541HJLB7F1832-125541 11/11/2013 6:42:01PMOptiPlex 755 LAH131

W7-125542HKLB7F1832-125542 11/11/2013 4:32:35PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120I

W7-125543HLLB7F1832-125543 6/11/2014 3:13:41PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253H

VCC23101HNLB7F1832-125544 11/14/2013 3:52:42PMOptiPlex 755 VCC231

W7-125545JGLB7F1832-125545 11/11/2013 6:40:13PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120H

CUH34101JJLB7F1832-125546 5/21/2014 6:29:10PMOptiPlex 755 CUH341

W7-125547JKLB7F1832-125547 12/3/2013 5:08:03PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

W7-125548JMLB7F1832-125548 11/11/2013 11:40:30PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253F

W7-1255584MXN9F1832-125558 3/14/2014 1:45:10PMOptiPlex 745 SLC103A

W7-1255595MXN9F1832-125559 1/21/2014 3:40:13PMOptiPlex 745 SLC101

XP125560JLXN9F1832-125560 5/29/2014 2:59:57PMOptiPlex 745 SLC101

W7-1255611NXN9F1832-125561 1/21/2014 9:06:59PMOptiPlex 745 BTEC123

W7-125562BMXN9F1832-125562 4/23/2014 10:51:17AMOptiPlex 745 FBSDC206

W7-125563GMXN9F1832-125563 12/3/2013 5:15:40PMOptiPlex 745 BTEC125

W7-1255701062CF1832-125570 7/8/2014 4:49:22PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-1255712062CF1832-125571 4/14/2014 3:38:22PMOptiPlex 745 GCB202T

GCB225STU1HBWNGF1832-125610 3/18/2014 2:52:09PMOptiPlex 755 GCB225

W7-125611JBWNGF1832-125611 11/11/2013 5:48:24PMOptiPlex 755 ATC109

W7-12561210LSGF1832-125612 7/1/2014 6:46:33PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

11LSGF1832-125613 7/5/2013 12:16:17PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1256164ZKSGF1832-125616 11/12/2013 2:55:16PMOptiPlex 755 CEC208B

W7-12561761LSGF1832-125617 5/23/2014 3:12:53PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12561870LSGF1832-125618 2/25/2014 7:40:55PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

7YKSGF1832-125619 7/5/2013 12:18:46PMOptiPlex 755

81LSGF1832-125620 7/5/2013 12:19:34PMOptiPlex 755

W7-1256218ZKSGF1832-125621 12/4/2013 9:11:21PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618T

W7-125622B0LSGF1832-125622 11/7/2013 7:53:54PMOptiPlex 755 HOS602F

W7-125623CYKSGF1832-125623 11/7/2013 9:05:34PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616N

W7-125625DZKSGF1832-125625 3/5/2014 5:58:07PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125626H0LSGF1832-125626 11/7/2013 9:14:08PMOptiPlex 755 HOS602D

W7-125627JYKSGF1832-125627 5/13/2014 5:04:53PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616D

W7-1256281NVRGF1832-125628 3/10/2014 3:27:23PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633E

W7-1256292MVRGF1832-125629 5/15/2014 8:52:38PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616H

W7-1256303NVRGF1832-125630 11/11/2013 1:13:19PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616A

W7-1256314MVRGF1832-125631 5/28/2014 4:28:31PMOptiPlex 755 LIB120

W7-1256324NVRGF1832-125632 7/2/2014 7:21:43PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618N

W7-1256335NVRGF1832-125633 11/11/2013 1:10:21PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616E

W7-1242436MVRGF1832-125634 7/11/2014 2:04:08PMOptiPlex 755 ECC208

LAH145016NVRGF1832-125635 5/22/2014 8:13:41PMOptiPlex 755 LAH145

W7-1256367NVRGF1832-125636 11/7/2013 7:26:02PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618G

W7-1256378MVRGF1832-125637 2/7/2014 9:27:29PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616C

W7-125638BMVRGF1832-125638 4/18/2014 6:30:30PMOptiPlex 755 CUH348

W7-125639CLVRGF1832-125639 11/12/2013 3:49:45PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618L

W7-125641GLVRGF1832-125641 1/17/2014 8:00:59PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610G

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-125642HMVRGF1832-125642 4/3/2014 6:49:58PMOptiPlex 755 AUB101A

W7-125643JLVRGF1832-125643 11/7/2013 7:17:57PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618Q

W7-1256441YKSGF1832-125644 3/5/2014 3:05:05PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616G

W7-1256451MVRGF1832-125645 6/26/2014 12:44:14PMOptiPlex 755 LIB122

W7-1256462NVRGF1832-125646 11/7/2013 8:20:20PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616I

W7-1256473MVRGF1832-125647 11/7/2013 9:03:41PMOptiPlex 755 HOS611A

W7-1256485MVRGF1832-125648 11/7/2013 9:21:03PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633C

W7-1256497LVRGF1832-125649 3/25/2014 7:14:45PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616S

W7-1256507MVRGF1832-125650 4/10/2014 7:33:01PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616L

W7-1256518LVRGF1832-125651 11/7/2013 7:29:54PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616B

W7-1256529LVRGF1832-125652 2/19/2014 9:20:39PMOptiPlex 755 HOS611B

W7-1256539MVRGF1832-125653 5/5/2014 3:19:29PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125656DLVRGF1832-125656 3/31/2014 8:31:59PMOptiPlex 755 HOS632

LIB20006DMVRGF1832-125657 6/12/2014 2:32:47PMOptiPlex 755 LIB200

GMVRGF1832-125658 7/25/2013 2:24:47PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

HLVRGF1832-125659 7/25/2013 2:25:21PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125660JMVRGF1832-125660 2/25/2014 7:07:04PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125661157XGF1832-125661 7/14/2014 3:10:39PMOptiPlex 755 ATC120

167XGF1832-125662 7/25/2013 2:20:42PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125664457XGF1832-125664 4/16/2014 6:27:58PMOptiPlex 755 NCB4A

W7-125665547XGF1832-125665 4/14/2014 4:32:07PMOptiPlex 755 CEC246

W7-125666657XGF1832-125666 12/12/2013 5:06:57PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

XP125667847XGF1832-125667 12/4/2013 2:58:36AMOptiPlex 755

W7-125668857XGF1832-125668 12/5/2013 5:39:09AMOptiPlex 755 ADM162A

W7-125669B47XGF1832-125669 11/12/2013 4:45:33PMOptiPlex 755 CEC108A

W7-125670C57XGF1832-125670 12/3/2013 5:37:25PMOptiPlex 755 GCB102B

W7-126594D47XGF1832-125671 12/5/2013 3:58:48PMOptiPlex 755 ATC113H

W7-125672F57XGF1832-125672 6/16/2014 8:01:26PMOptiPlex 755 CEC127

W7-125673G57XGF1832-125673 11/8/2013 12:49:48AMOptiPlex 755 ATC220H

W7-125675H57XGF1832-125675 2/10/2014 6:49:08PMOptiPlex 755 GCB205

W7-125676J57XGF1832-125676 2/17/2014 4:14:00PMOptiPlex 755 GCB102C

W7-12567727LSGF1832-125677 12/3/2013 5:45:18PMOptiPlex 755 NCB11A

W7-12567828LSGF1832-125678 4/15/2014 8:20:58PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12567938LSGF1832-125679 6/11/2014 2:29:07PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169B

W7-12568048LSGF1832-125680 6/11/2014 2:40:22PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101H

W7-12568177LSGF1832-125681 4/10/2014 6:57:16PMOptiPlex 755 CEC126

W7-12568220LSGF1832-125682 12/3/2013 5:49:42PMOptiPlex 755

W7-1256833ZKSGF1832-125683 11/14/2013 3:31:45PMOptiPlex 755 LIB122

W7-1256844YKSGF1832-125684 11/7/2013 8:51:27PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618H

W7-1256855XKSGF1832-125685 11/7/2013 8:49:25PMOptiPlex 755 HOS600A

W7-12568660LSGF1832-125686 11/7/2013 7:22:25PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618U

W7-1256886ZKSGF1832-125688 11/7/2013 7:16:03PMOptiPlex 755 HOS810

LAH143018XKSGF1832-125689 7/11/2013 6:40:29PMOptiPlex 755 LAH143

W7-1256909XKSGF1832-125690 12/4/2013 2:04:26PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616T

W7-125691BYKSGF1832-125691 11/7/2013 8:29:47PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616K

W7-125692BZKSGF1832-125692 11/13/2013 1:23:21AMOptiPlex 755 LIB122

W7-125693CXKSGF1832-125693 2/5/2014 7:56:55PMOptiPlex 755 HOS611C

W7-125694FXKSGF1832-125694 11/7/2013 8:45:43PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633B

W7-125695FZKSGF1832-125695 3/5/2014 3:01:43PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616M

W7-125696HYKSGF1832-125696 5/13/2014 2:25:02PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12569724LSGF1832-125697 3/13/2014 7:53:12PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12569833LSGF1832-125698 3/25/2014 1:56:30PMOptiPlex 755 LIB119

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-12570052LSGF1832-125700 6/16/2014 4:00:07PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12570154LSGF1832-125701 11/7/2013 8:24:05PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618J

HTC1430163LSGF1832-125702 5/28/2014 3:23:51PMOptiPlex 755 HTC143

W7-12570494LSGF1832-125704 11/11/2013 1:21:59PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618K

W7-125705B2LSGF1832-125705 11/7/2013 9:30:03PMOptiPlex 755 HOS603A

W7-125706B3LSGF1832-125706 11/7/2013 8:17:16PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618Y

W7-125707C4LSGF1832-125707 11/7/2013 7:57:42PMOptiPlex 755 HOS616F

W7-125708D2LSGF1832-125708 11/11/2013 7:14:42PMOptiPlex 755 LAH110

W7-125709D4LSGF1832-125709 4/14/2014 2:00:30PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120B

W7-125710F3LSGF1832-125710 4/11/2014 4:17:00PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120E

W7-125711H2LSGF1832-125711 11/11/2013 5:15:26PMOptiPlex 755 MNT202

W7-125712H3LSGF1832-125712 11/7/2013 8:38:51PMOptiPlex 755 HOS701D

W7-12571378LSGF1832-125713 1/21/2014 6:43:41PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618W

W7-12571598LSGF1832-125715 4/24/2014 3:39:52PMOptiPlex 755 GCB102

W7-125716C7LSGF1832-125716 4/11/2014 4:39:20PMOptiPlex 755 LAH110

W7-125717C8LSGF1832-125717 12/5/2013 5:36:41AMOptiPlex 755 ADM107

W7-125718D7LSGF1832-125718 11/11/2013 5:39:48PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120D

W7-125719D8LSGF1832-125719 6/11/2014 2:55:10PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

W7-125720F8LSGF1832-125720 12/10/2013 4:29:00PMOptiPlex 755 HOS809

W7-125722H7LSGF1832-125722 11/11/2013 1:55:12PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618X

W7-125723J7LSGF1832-125723 11/7/2013 7:24:15PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610A

W7-12572415LSGF1832-125724 12/10/2013 7:59:11PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313A

W7-12572525LSGF1832-125725 2/28/2014 1:45:03PMOptiPlex 755 HOS643A

W7-12572626LSGF1832-125726 11/7/2013 7:28:06PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610A

W7-12572735LSGF1832-125727 12/12/2013 4:57:05PMOptiPlex 755 ADM107

W7-12572955LSGF1832-125729 11/7/2013 7:35:28PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610A

W7-12573066LSGF1832-125730 6/11/2014 2:39:52PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101C

W7-12573185LSGF1832-125731 11/11/2013 1:52:06PMOptiPlex 755 HOS618S

W7-12573286LSGF1832-125732 11/7/2013 7:37:14PMOptiPlex 755 HOS617

W7-12573395LSGF1832-125733 12/3/2013 5:57:26PMOptiPlex 755 SDC5

W7-125735C5LSGF1832-125735 12/10/2013 8:29:24PMOptiPlex 755

XP123882F4LSGF1832-125736 12/12/2013 9:11:30PMOptiPlex 755 SDC126B

W7-125737F5LSGF1832-125737 6/11/2014 2:42:44PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101B

W7-125738H4LSGF1832-125738 4/30/2014 2:17:31PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125739H5LSGF1832-125739 11/7/2013 8:04:02PMOptiPlex 755 HOS610H

W7-12574012LSGF1832-125740 4/11/2014 3:34:05PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120L

W7-12574113LSGF1832-125741 6/11/2014 2:43:40PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101

W7-12574232LSGF1832-125742 5/28/2014 4:42:01PMOptiPlex 755 HTC204A

W7-12574343LSGF1832-125743 6/26/2014 1:11:16PMOptiPlex 755 LAH146A

W7-12574451LSGF1832-125744 5/13/2014 3:52:26PMOptiPlex 755 HTC230

W7-12574553LSGF1832-125745 4/18/2014 3:44:42PMOptiPlex 755 HOS700A

W7-12574682LSGF1832-125746 1/17/2014 8:21:15PMOptiPlex 755 HOS640E

W7-12574793LSGF1832-125747 12/9/2013 7:39:36PMOptiPlex 755 CEC212

W7-125748B1LSGF1832-125748 7/2/2014 5:55:28PMOptiPlex 755 GCB211

W7-125750C3LSGF1832-125750 6/11/2014 2:58:46PMOptiPlex 755 HTC206B

W7-125751D1LSGF1832-125751 12/3/2013 6:08:45PMOptiPlex 755 GCB205

W7-125752G2LSGF1832-125752 7/14/2014 4:15:30PMOptiPlex 755 LAH111C

W7-125753G3LSGF1832-125753 11/7/2013 8:02:02PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633F

W7-125754H1LSGF1832-125754 3/10/2014 8:08:31PMOptiPlex 755 HOS633A

LAH1480117LSGF1832-125756 5/22/2014 8:11:48PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480236LSGF1832-125757 5/22/2014 8:20:12PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480337LSGF1832-125758 5/22/2014 8:22:56PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLAH1480447LSGF1832-125759 5/22/2014 8:25:58PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480556LSGF1832-125760 5/22/2014 8:33:02PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480657LSGF1832-125761 5/22/2014 8:18:33PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480765LSGF1832-125762 6/16/2014 5:47:50PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480876LSGF1832-125763 6/16/2014 5:48:34PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH1480996LSGF1832-125764 6/16/2014 6:33:02PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH14810C6LSGF1832-125765 6/16/2014 6:31:12PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH14812D5LSGF1832-125767 6/16/2014 5:47:47PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH14811D6LSGF1832-125767 6/16/2014 5:48:04PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

LAH148INSTG5LSGF1832-125768 5/22/2014 8:17:46PMOptiPlex 755 LAH148

W7-125770H6LSGF1832-125770 11/12/2013 4:36:38PMOptiPlex 755 LAH137

W7-1257921V5WLF1832-125792 12/10/2013 8:59:14PMOptiPlex 755 ADM166

W7-125793JT5WLF1832-125793 7/11/2014 2:14:15PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125794H9NWLF1832-125794 6/13/2014 2:58:40PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC113A

W7-126296J9NWLF1832-125795 3/3/2014 6:40:19PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC113D

W7-1257962BNWLF1832-125796 5/29/2014 1:21:29PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC113G

W7-1257971BNWLF1832-125797 3/3/2014 3:34:29PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC154D

XP12580629BQMF1832-125806 4/4/2014 4:07:16PMOptiPlex 755 ADM168A

HTC22202DFZ16F1832-125811 1/21/2014 7:24:22PMPrecision WorkStation 390 HTC222

W7-1258197CSXQF1832-125819 11/12/2013 3:33:44PMOptiPlex 755 PRD2

W7-1258208CSXQF1832-125820 11/11/2013 5:20:00PMOptiPlex 755 PRD7C

XP1258494P0NSF1832-125849 1/23/2014 3:22:20PMOptiPlex 755 CEC124

XP1258505M0NSF1832-125850 12/12/2013 7:58:08PMOptiPlex 755 CEC124

XP1258515N0NSF1832-125851 1/27/2014 7:07:08PMOptiPlex 755 CEC131

XP1258526N0NSF1832-125852 4/10/2014 1:56:57PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1258538N0NSF1832-125853 12/9/2013 7:54:35PMOptiPlex 755 CEC214

W7-1258549M0NSF1832-125854 11/12/2013 12:27:22AMOptiPlex 755 CEC218

XP1258559N0NSF1832-125855 4/14/2014 7:07:02PMOptiPlex 755 CEC226

W7-125856BN0NSF1832-125856 7/3/2014 2:48:22PMOptiPlex 755 CBI120

XP125859DN0NSF1832-125859 4/14/2014 8:29:18PMOptiPlex 755 CEC233

W7-125860FM0NSF1832-125860 4/14/2014 4:02:31PMOptiPlex 755 CEC235

XP125861FN0NSF1832-125861 4/14/2014 4:20:42PMOptiPlex 755 CEC255

W7-125862HM0NSF1832-125862 1/17/2014 9:15:15PMOptiPlex 755 AUB101A

W7-125863HN0NSF1832-125863 4/14/2014 4:12:37PMOptiPlex 755 CEC251

XP125864JN0NSF1832-125864 4/14/2014 4:16:51PMOptiPlex 755 CEC253

W7-1258792ZTBSF1832-125879 7/7/2014 8:11:39PMOptiPlex 755 CEC205

XP1258804ZTBSF1832-125880 4/14/2014 4:45:11PMOptiPlex 755 CEC223

XP1258817ZTBSF1832-125881 5/27/2014 7:09:08PMOptiPlex 755 CEC208A

W7-125882GYTBSF1832-125882 1/10/2014 4:10:32PMOptiPlex 755 CEC101

W7-125883JYTBSF1832-125883 11/12/2013 4:35:04PMOptiPlex 755 CEC101A

CEC108011B10TF1832-125894 6/18/2014 11:47:58AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108021D10TF1832-125895 7/16/2013 11:42:25AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108032C10TF1832-125896 7/16/2013 11:43:25AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108043910TF1832-125897 7/16/2013 11:44:04AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108054F10TF1832-125898 7/16/2013 11:45:01AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108065B10TF1832-125899 11/25/2013 9:39:58PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108075D10TF1832-125900 7/16/2013 11:47:01AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108086910TF1832-125901 7/16/2013 11:47:58AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108097C10TF1832-125902 7/16/2013 11:48:39AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108108910TF1832-125903 7/16/2013 11:49:31AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108118B10TF1832-125904 7/16/2013 11:50:25AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10812B910TF1832-125905 7/16/2013 11:49:34AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCEC10813BC10TF1832-125906 11/25/2013 9:39:15PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10814BD10TF1832-125907 7/16/2013 11:53:14AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10815CB10TF1832-125908 7/16/2013 11:54:06AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10816F910TF1832-125909 7/16/2013 11:53:13AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10817GC10TF1832-125910 7/16/2013 11:55:43AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10818H810TF1832-125911 7/16/2013 11:56:29AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC10819HB10TF1832-125912 7/16/2013 11:57:15AMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

CEC108INSTJD10TF1832-125913 11/25/2013 9:34:57PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12591569NZTF1832-125915 2/7/2014 5:47:28PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-12591689NZTF1832-125916 1/21/2014 1:32:42PMOptiPlex 755 CEC240

LT-W7-1259271XL01G1832-125927 2/18/2014 4:14:48PMLatitude D830 ATC133

W7-1259309B330G1832-125930 12/5/2013 12:38:44PMPrecision WorkStation 490 ATC159C

W7-1259321W100G1832-125932 11/11/2013 4:55:20PMOptiPlex 755 VCC210

XP125933H42M0G1832-125933 4/10/2014 6:10:42PMOptiPlex 755 CEC138

HTC151012GZ80G1832-125934 5/28/2014 3:04:23PMOptiPlex 755 HTC151

HTC202013HZ80G1832-125935 6/11/2014 2:54:08PMOptiPlex 755 HTC202

W7-1259364GZ80G1832-125936 11/14/2013 1:05:57AMOptiPlex 755 CSECLOBBY

W7-1259375HZ80G1832-125937 2/27/2014 8:13:39PMOptiPlex 755 CSEC20

HTC142016FZ80G1832-125938 7/16/2013 4:45:06PMOptiPlex 755 HTC142

W7-1259397GZ80G1832-125939 2/25/2014 7:30:37PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1259407HZ80G1832-125940 11/12/2013 3:25:38PMOptiPlex 755 CSEC2A

HTC155018FZ80G1832-125941 5/28/2014 2:43:48PMOptiPlex 755 HTC155

HTC247019FZ80G1832-125942 5/28/2014 4:03:18PMOptiPlex 755 HTC247

W7-1259439GZ80G1832-125943 3/21/2014 7:13:44PMOptiPlex 755 CSEC24

W7-125944BHZ80G1832-125944 11/7/2013 3:42:50PMOptiPlex 755

W7-125945CFZ80G1832-125945 2/27/2014 7:55:51PMOptiPlex 755

W7-125946DGZ80G1832-125946 3/24/2014 6:17:04PMOptiPlex 755 CSEC24A

W7-125947FFZ80G1832-125947 11/7/2013 3:48:35PMOptiPlex 755 CSEC23

HTC23101GGZ80G1832-125948 5/28/2014 4:23:08PMOptiPlex 755 HTC231

W7-125950JGZ80G1832-125950 12/5/2013 1:42:51PMOptiPlex 755 ATC244H

XP125952152M0G1832-125952 3/31/2014 4:42:43PMOptiPlex 755 NCB9D

W7-125953652M0G1832-125953 6/20/2014 3:52:17PMOptiPlex 755 ATC113B

W7-125954CLW80G1832-125954 11/8/2013 12:19:51AMPrecision WorkStation 490 ATC149D

XP125963FJL51G1832-125963 12/4/2013 3:46:37AMPrecision WorkStation 490 VCC206

W7-1259663KYV1G1832-125966 5/1/2014 12:31:55PMOptiPlex 755 ADM101B

W7-125968BKYV1G1832-125968 1/24/2014 6:55:41PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-125969DKYV1G1832-125969 4/4/2014 7:21:09PMOptiPlex 755 ADM109

W7-125971CXXT3G1832-125971 11/26/2013 9:19:10PMOptiPlex 755 SLC116B

TR0C4D17R0C4D1832-125973 12/6/2013 7:09:37PMOptiPlex 745 HTC207

W7-125974FRY05G1832-125974 5/29/2014 12:51:09PMOptiPlex 755 MNT201

XP12597440LSGF1832-125974 6/5/2014 6:20:52PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

IMMERSIO-3D44C97218GF1832-125975 12/6/2013 3:49:46PMOptiPlex 745 HTC207

W7-1259801WKL9G1832-125980 11/12/2013 12:36:57AMOptiPlex 755 CEC135

SDC143032WKL9G1832-125981 3/31/2014 3:11:37PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

HTC14101D4YQ9G1832-125984 11/14/2013 4:43:48PMOptiPlex 755 HTC141

HTC14601B4YQ9G1832-125985 11/14/2013 7:34:34PMOptiPlex 755 HTC146

XP124751BZ0LCG1832-125989 11/27/2013 12:54:54AMOptiPlex 755

LT-W7-125997H8S3GG1832-125997 12/11/2013 8:24:55PMVostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

61V3GG1832-126000 Vostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

81V3GG1832-126001 12/11/2013 10:47:02PMVostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

91V3GG1832-126002 Vostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-126004C1V3GG1832-126004 12/12/2013 7:23:47PMVostro 1700 ECC203

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J1V3GG1832-126008 Vostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-12600922V3GG1832-126009 6/4/2014 12:47:35PMVostro 1700 ATC159B

LT-W7-012306B2V3GG1832-126012 12/11/2013 8:30:16PMVostro 1700 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-126018C3V3GG1832-126018 1/23/2014 8:46:35PMVostro 1700 ATC133

LT-W7-12602014V3GG1832-126020 3/7/2014 5:26:06PMVostro 1700 CUH377S

LAH14601J8S3GG1832-126022 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146023HS3GG1832-126023 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146035HS3GG1832-126024 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146048HS3GG1832-126025 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14605BHS3GG1832-126026 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14606CHS3GG1832-126027 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14607FHS3GG1832-126028 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14608GHS3GG1832-126029 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146091JS3GG1832-126030 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146104JS3GG1832-126031 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146115JS3GG1832-126032 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146127JS3GG1832-126033 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146138JS3GG1832-126034 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14614BJS3GG1832-126035 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14615DJS3GG1832-126036 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14616FJS3GG1832-126037 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14617HJS3GG1832-126038 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146182KS3GG1832-126039 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146193KS3GG1832-126040 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146204KS3GG1832-126041 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146217KS3GG1832-126042 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH146228KS3GG1832-126043 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14623BKS3GG1832-126044 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14624CKS3GG1832-126045 Vostro 1700 LAH146

LAH14625GKS3GG1832-126046 VOSTRO 1700 LAH146

W7-126052D728VG1832-126052 7/14/2014 1:18:27PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 VCC209

LAH14901BMLVWG1832-126054 5/22/2014 8:10:41PMOptiPlex 755 LAH149

W7-126055HMLVWG1832-126055 11/12/2013 4:33:13PMOptiPlex 755 CEC226

W7-126059HZPVWG1832-126059 4/25/2014 2:44:48PMOptiPlex 755 ADM114A

W7-1260641WTH2H1832-126064 5/13/2014 1:54:54PMOptiPlex 755 VCC105

W7-1260651XTH2H1832-126065 6/11/2014 11:59:38AMOptiPlex 755 HTC169M

W7-1260663WTH2H1832-126066 6/11/2014 2:55:20PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

W7-1260673XTH2H1832-126067 11/12/2013 12:43:03AMOptiPlex 755 HTC206B

W7-1260685WTH2H1832-126068 11/12/2013 12:44:46AMOptiPlex 755 HTC169H

W7-1260695XTH2H1832-126069 2/6/2014 5:56:07PMOptiPlex 755 VCC114

W7-1260707WTH2H1832-126070 12/3/2013 6:20:25PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201D

W7-1260717XTH2H1832-126071 12/4/2013 7:34:56PMOptiPlex 755 CBI120

W7-1260729WTH2H1832-126072 11/12/2013 12:47:48AMOptiPlex 755 HTC169G

W7-1260739XTH2H1832-126073 3/24/2014 1:11:19PMOptiPlex 755 MNT205

W7-126074CWTH2H1832-126074 2/5/2014 5:39:06PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253D

W7-126075FVTH2H1832-126075 6/17/2014 7:12:31PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-126076FWTH2H1832-126076 6/11/2014 2:16:43PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169A

W7-126077GVTH2H1832-126077 6/11/2014 3:43:56PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201B

W7-126078HWTH2H1832-126078 4/8/2014 8:12:40PMOptiPlex 755

W7-126079JVTH2H1832-126079 7/10/2014 1:19:11PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253L

W7-1260802WTH2H1832-126080 11/11/2013 5:35:58PMOptiPlex 755 LAH149A

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-1260812XTH2H1832-126081 6/11/2014 2:28:08PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169C

W7-1260824WTH2H1832-126082 6/11/2014 2:27:46PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169D

W7-1260834XTH2H1832-126083 11/14/2013 3:36:45PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169J

W7-1260846WTH2H1832-126084 6/11/2014 2:13:51PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169K

W7-1260856XTH2H1832-126085 11/11/2013 7:23:30PMOptiPlex 755 LAH142A

W7-1260868WTH2H1832-126086 11/12/2013 3:40:36PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101F

W7-1260878XTH2H1832-126087 6/11/2014 2:10:42PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169L

W7-126088BWTH2H1832-126088 11/12/2013 2:40:01PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101D

W7-126089BXTH2H1832-126089 4/15/2014 6:25:35PMOptiPlex 755 ATC220G

W7-126090CXTH2H1832-126090 11/12/2013 1:03:27AMOptiPlex 755 HOS618F

W7-126091DWTH2H1832-126091 6/2/2014 3:11:30PMOptiPlex 755 ECC104

W7-126092DXTH2H1832-126092 4/14/2014 3:13:48PMOptiPlex 755 CEC201A

W7-126094HVTH2H1832-126094 11/11/2013 4:30:45PMOptiPlex 755 LAH107

W7-1260971X3H2H1832-126097 4/1/2014 1:55:13PMOptiPlex 755 LAH135

HOS630013X3H2H1832-126098 6/18/2014 6:14:46PMOptiPlex 755 HOS630

HOS628014W3H2H1832-126099 5/22/2014 6:58:36PMOptiPlex 755 HOS628

ATC203016W3H2H1832-126100 6/20/2014 5:04:19PMOptiPlex 755 ATC203

W7-1261027X3H2H1832-126102 4/11/2014 4:41:04PMOptiPlex 755 LAH100D

W7-1261038W3H2H1832-126103 6/11/2014 3:47:28PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201C

W7-1261048X3H2H1832-126104 6/11/2014 3:27:02PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253G

W7-1261059V3H2H1832-126105 6/11/2014 3:30:41PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253E

W7-1261069X3H2H1832-126106 5/13/2014 12:57:46PMOptiPlex 755

W7-126107BW3H2H1832-126107 12/3/2013 6:33:37PMOptiPlex 755

W7-126108DV3H2H1832-126108 6/11/2014 3:13:24PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253C

W7-126109DW3H2H1832-126109 3/4/2014 5:42:50PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253M

W7-126110GV3H2H1832-126110 5/12/2014 2:48:11PMOptiPlex 755 GCB218

W7-126111GW3H2H1832-126111 12/9/2013 8:29:49PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201F

W7-1261122KNH2H1832-126112 6/11/2014 3:38:52PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201G

W7-1261144KNH2H1832-126114 1/14/2014 8:17:04PMOptiPlex 755 CEC101A

W7-1261154LNH2H1832-126115 12/5/2013 6:16:22PMOptiPlex 755 LAH146A

W7-1261165KNH2H1832-126116 6/11/2014 3:17:59PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253A

W7-1261176KNH2H1832-126117 6/11/2014 2:21:13PMOptiPlex 755 HTC169F

W7-1261187LNH2H1832-126118 6/11/2014 2:54:41PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

W7-1261198KNH2H1832-126119 4/2/2014 7:32:49PMOptiPlex 755 HTC105

W7-1261209LNH2H1832-126120 12/3/2013 6:39:53PMOptiPlex 755 SDC118

W7-126121BKNH2H1832-126121 4/17/2014 3:49:43PMOptiPlex 755 LAH149A

W7-126122CLNH2H1832-126122 6/11/2014 3:46:24PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201E

W7-126123DKNH2H1832-126123 11/11/2013 6:04:11PMOptiPlex 755 MNT205

W7-126124GKNH2H1832-126124 11/12/2013 1:24:10AMOptiPlex 755 HTC201H

W7-126125GLNH2H1832-126125 11/11/2013 6:23:31PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-126126JKNH2H1832-126126 6/11/2014 3:21:11PMOptiPlex 755 HTC253B

W7-126127JLNH2H1832-126127 6/11/2014 3:41:17PMOptiPlex 755 HTC201A

W7-1261281WSQZG1832-126128 12/9/2013 4:49:11PMOptiPlex 755 MNT200B

W7-1261295WSQZG1832-126129 2/4/2014 8:27:39PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1261307WSQZG1832-126130 6/11/2014 2:47:16PMOptiPlex 755 HTC102B

W7-126132DWSQZG1832-126132 3/25/2014 4:04:36PMOptiPlex 755 CEC137

W7-126133FVSQZG1832-126133 11/12/2013 1:34:13AMOptiPlex 755 HTC253K

W7-126134HVSQZG1832-126134 11/12/2013 4:54:19PMOptiPlex 755 HTC101A

W7-1261626DRB3H1832-126162 7/3/2014 2:31:25PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

SDC05087BRB3H1832-126163 2/18/2014 3:14:02PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

SDC05027DRB3H1832-126165 2/18/2014 3:43:49PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

SDC05108BRB3H1832-126166 3/17/2014 3:32:17PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationSDC05058CRB3H1832-126167 2/18/2014 3:26:57PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1261699BRB3H1832-126169 4/9/2014 2:40:50PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

SDC05079CRB3H1832-126170 2/27/2014 7:47:10PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

SDC05039DRB3H1832-126171 5/27/2014 7:02:52PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

GCB11501BBRB3H1832-126172 6/18/2014 1:02:20PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11502BCRB3H1832-126173 6/18/2014 1:09:36PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

CUH31303BDRB3H1832-126174 6/13/2014 2:48:24PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11504CBRB3H1832-126175 6/18/2014 1:21:56PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11505CCRB3H1832-126176 6/18/2014 1:08:30PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11506DBRB3H1832-126177 6/18/2014 1:02:32PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11507DCRB3H1832-126178 6/18/2014 1:27:31PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11508FBRB3H1832-126179 6/18/2014 1:27:35PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11509FCRB3H1832-126180 6/18/2014 1:23:00PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

GCB11510GBRB3H1832-126181 6/18/2014 1:17:42PMOptiPlex 755 CUH313

CUH31401GCRB3H1832-126182 12/10/2013 2:36:05PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH31402HBRB3H1832-126183 12/10/2013 2:36:47PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH31403HCRB3H1832-126184 7/10/2013 6:12:14PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH31404JBRB3H1832-126185 5/21/2014 8:27:32PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH31405JCRB3H1832-126186 5/21/2014 8:27:22PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3140613J93H1832-126187 5/21/2014 8:32:21PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3140714J93H1832-126188 3/13/2014 1:40:30PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3140815J93H1832-126189 3/13/2014 1:35:02PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3140916N93H1832-126190 5/21/2014 7:48:36PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141023J93H1832-126191 5/21/2014 8:26:47PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141124J93H1832-126192 5/21/2014 8:26:39PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141225J93H1832-126193 5/21/2014 8:32:22PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141326N93H1832-126194 5/21/2014 8:33:20PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141433J93H1832-126195 5/21/2014 8:28:34PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141534J93H1832-126196 5/21/2014 8:29:05PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141635J93H1832-126197 5/21/2014 8:30:03PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141736N93H1832-126198 5/21/2014 8:29:50PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141843J93H1832-126199 5/21/2014 8:35:56PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3141944J93H1832-126200 5/21/2014 8:27:03PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3142045J93H1832-126201 5/21/2014 8:33:36PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3142146N93H1832-126202 5/21/2014 8:27:20PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3142253J93H1832-126203 2/27/2014 9:23:19PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3142354J93H1832-126204 5/21/2014 8:27:28PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH3142455J93H1832-126205 5/21/2014 8:39:34PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

CUH314INST63J93H1832-126206 6/4/2014 1:44:34PMOptiPlex 755 CUH314

BH303B0174J93H1832-126210 4/15/2014 8:20:10PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B0283J93H1832-126211 11/13/2013 9:34:59PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B0384J93H1832-126212 11/13/2013 9:35:44PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B0493J93H1832-126213 11/13/2013 9:36:32PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B0594J93H1832-126214 11/13/2013 9:37:15PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B06B3J93H1832-126215 11/13/2013 9:38:00PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B07B4J93H1832-126216 11/13/2013 9:38:46PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B08C3J93H1832-126217 11/13/2013 9:39:32PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B09C4J93H1832-126218 12/5/2013 7:54:32PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B10D3J93H1832-126219 4/16/2014 1:28:29PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B11D4J93H1832-126220 11/13/2013 9:41:04PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B12F3J93H1832-126221 11/13/2013 9:41:50PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B13F4J93H1832-126222 11/13/2013 9:42:33PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationBH303B14F5N93H1832-126223 11/13/2013 9:43:08PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B15G3J93H1832-126224 11/13/2013 9:43:54PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B16G4J93H1832-126225 11/13/2013 9:45:43PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B17G5N93H1832-126226 4/25/2014 4:15:02PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B18H2J93H1832-126227 11/13/2013 9:48:17PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B19H3J93H1832-126228 11/13/2013 9:49:04PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B20H4J93H1832-126229 11/13/2013 9:49:51PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

BH303B21H5N93H1832-126230 3/3/2014 2:02:06PMOptiPlex 755

BH303B22J2J93H1832-126231 4/15/2014 5:58:57PMOptiPlex 755 BH303B

W7-126232J3J93H1832-126232 5/30/2014 4:11:29PMOptiPlex 755 SLC216A

W7-126423AJ4J93H1832-126233 6/3/2014 5:44:59PMOptiPlex 755 SLC216A

SLC21104J5N93H1832-126234 5/23/2014 12:03:03PMOptiPlex 755 SLC211

W7-126247B6ZX5H1832-126247 4/30/2014 9:58:22PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

LAH1060128FW5H1832-126248 5/22/2014 7:51:08PMOptiPlex 755 LAH106

ATC1371638FW5H1832-126249 5/20/2014 5:24:20PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

VCC2190148FW5H1832-126250 3/26/2014 2:02:13PMOptiPlex 755 VCC219

VCC2190258FW5H1832-126251 5/7/2014 7:20:58PMOptiPlex 755 VCC219

VCC2190368FW5H1832-126252 5/7/2014 7:13:24PMOptiPlex 755 VCC219

VCC2190478FW5H1832-126253 5/23/2014 12:52:25PMOptiPlex 755 VCC219

ATC137177XNX5H1832-126254 5/20/2014 5:23:11PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC1371887FW5H1832-126255 5/20/2014 5:35:16PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC1371997FW5H1832-126256 11/21/2013 4:38:00PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC13720B7FW5H1832-126257 11/21/2013 5:28:22PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC13721C7FW5H1832-126258 5/20/2014 5:28:09PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC13722D7FW5H1832-126259 5/20/2014 5:26:54PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

LAH10705F7FW5H1832-126260 1/21/2014 8:25:15PMOptiPlex 755 LAH107

ATC13723G7FW5H1832-126261 5/20/2014 5:40:11PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC13724H7FW5H1832-126262 5/20/2014 5:23:36PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137

ATC13725J7FW5H1832-126263 11/21/2013 3:50:05PMOptiPlex 755 ATC137


W7-1262861816GH1832-126286 4/24/2014 6:38:00PMOptiPlex 755 ATC107

W7-1262872816GH1832-126287 4/24/2014 8:16:15PMOptiPlex 755 ATC105

W7-126296FDXPGH1832-126296 5/15/2014 12:18:17PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC133

W7-1256743C6NGH1832-126298 6/5/2014 2:39:34PMOptiPlex 755 VCC114

LIB200CAT0112TYGH1832-126301 11/15/2013 7:49:32PMOptiPlex 755 LIB200

LIB200CAT0222TYGH1832-126302 7/11/2013 5:56:35PMOptiPlex 755 LIB200

LIB200CAT03D1TYGH1832-126303 7/11/2013 5:55:48PMOptiPlex 755 LIB200

SDC143011ZTZGH1832-126304 4/16/2014 12:58:07PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1263582FTBJH1832-126358 5/6/2014 4:06:15PMOptiPlex 755 VCC232F

XP1263594FTBJH1832-126359 3/11/2014 9:19:39PMOptiPlex 755 VCC232

W7-126360CDTBJH1832-126360 11/13/2013 12:04:03AMOptiPlex 755 VCC232F

XP126361FDTBJH1832-126361 12/4/2013 12:55:18AMOptiPlex 755 VCC232E

XP126362HDTBJH1832-126362 3/11/2014 9:19:20PMOptiPlex 755 VCC232

W7-126363JDTBJH1832-126363 12/3/2013 6:50:10PMOptiPlex 755 VCC232

W7-1263649PQBJH1832-126364 11/11/2013 4:25:45PMOptiPlex 755 LAH120J

XP126365HPQBJH1832-126365 11/27/2013 12:00:14AMOptiPlex 755 VCC232F

1QCZJH1832-126366 Latitude D830 ATC133-SURPLUS

XP1263677CTBJH1832-126367 5/20/2014 12:14:40PMOptiPlex 755 GCB215A

XP1263688CTBJH1832-126368 3/27/2014 3:52:26PMOptiPlex 755 CBI120

XP126369CCTBJH1832-126369 4/14/2014 3:27:36PMOptiPlex 755 GCB202F

XP126371FCTBJH1832-126371 6/23/2014 12:59:17PMOptiPlex 755 GCB109

ATC251011TVRKH1832-126380 5/20/2014 3:27:47PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC251021VVRKH1832-126381 5/20/2014 3:27:47PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251032TVRKH1832-126382 7/3/2014 6:15:17PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251043TVRKH1832-126383 5/20/2014 3:27:38PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251054TVRKH1832-126384 5/20/2014 3:30:32PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251065TVRKH1832-126385 5/20/2014 3:32:15PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251076TVRKH1832-126386 5/20/2014 3:40:33PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251087TVRKH1832-126387 5/20/2014 3:44:42PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251098TVRKH1832-126388 5/20/2014 3:26:20PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC251109TVRKH1832-126389 5/20/2014 3:27:19PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25111BTVRKH1832-126390 5/20/2014 3:45:58PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25112CTVRKH1832-126391 7/8/2013 7:58:29PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25113DSVRKH1832-126392 5/22/2014 6:42:58PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25114DTVRKH1832-126393 7/8/2013 8:03:54PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25115FSVRKH1832-126394 7/8/2013 8:03:16PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25116FTVRKH1832-126395 7/8/2013 8:01:40PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25117GSVRKH1832-126396 7/8/2013 8:06:15PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25118GTVRKH1832-126397 10/2/2013 11:31:23AMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25119HSVRKH1832-126398 7/8/2013 8:06:23PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25120HTVRKH1832-126399 5/20/2014 3:28:04PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25121JSVRKH1832-126400 6/30/2014 7:19:00PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

ATC25122JTVRKH1832-126401 5/20/2014 3:28:31PMOptiPlex 755 ATC251

XP1264091PLJLH1832-126409 7/8/2014 11:10:52AMOptiPlex 755

W7-1264103PLJLH1832-126410 4/16/2014 4:14:09PMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

XP1264114PLJLH1832-126411 4/17/2014 6:01:33PMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

FBB05117PLJLH1832-126412 3/11/2014 11:52:53AMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

FBB05129PLJLH1832-126413 3/11/2014 11:20:41AMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

FBB05142Z1LMH1832-126415 2/4/2014 12:48:16PMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

SLCSH13Z1LMH1832-126416 6/3/2014 7:18:04PMOptiPlex 755 SLC Lobby

SLCSH26Z1LMH1832-126417 6/3/2014 7:10:30PMOptiPlex 755 SLC Lobby

SLCSH37Z1LMH1832-126418 6/3/2014 6:58:15PMOptiPlex 755 SLC Lobby

W7-1264199Y1LMH1832-126419 6/30/2014 3:00:49PMOptiPlex 755 SLC101B

W7-1264209Z1LMH1832-126420 7/10/2014 10:24:24AMOptiPlex 755 FBBTEC

W7-126421BY1LMH1832-126421 7/10/2014 7:06:07PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126422BZ1LMH1832-126422 7/2/2014 1:57:06PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126423CY1LMH1832-126423 7/10/2014 7:16:54PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126424DY1LMH1832-126424 7/9/2014 12:14:11AMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126425DZ1LMH1832-126425 7/9/2014 12:07:26AMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126426FZ1LMH1832-126426 7/8/2014 7:53:53PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126427GY1LMH1832-126427 7/9/2014 2:30:19PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126428HY1LMH1832-126428 7/9/2014 2:18:18PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126429JY1LMH1832-126429 7/10/2014 10:40:49AMOptiPlex 755 FBSDC206

XP126433HYDFNH1832-126433 4/8/2014 4:34:55PMOptiPlex 755 CBI106A

SLC11815HXDFNH1832-126434 7/2/2014 4:33:09PMOptiPlex 755 SLC118

W7-126475D0MWRH1832-126475 5/5/2014 6:20:29PMOptiPlex 755 NCB8A

W7-12647757M2SH1832-126477 6/17/2014 1:09:07PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 VCC206B

HOS625012QDVTH1832-126478 3/11/2014 1:04:35PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133A

CUH314225QDVTH1832-126481 5/21/2014 8:27:04PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133A

W7-127190CPDVTH1832-126484 11/20/2013 7:53:55PMOptiPlex 760 VCC217

HOS70701FPDVTH1832-126485 6/18/2014 6:31:09PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133A

LAH123023XD4VH1832-126487 11/26/2013 3:19:46PMOptiPlex 760 LAH123

W7-1264882YD4VH1832-126488 7/10/2014 11:16:23AMOptiPlex 760 FBSDC206

SLC211INST4YD4VH1832-126489 6/5/2014 12:45:53PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-1264906XD4VH1832-126490 7/14/2014 6:50:42PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

W7-1264916YD4VH1832-126491 7/10/2014 12:33:18AMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

W7-1264939WD4VH1832-126493 12/5/2013 4:55:55AMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1264949XD4VH1832-126494 11/8/2013 12:15:11AMOptiPlex 760

W7-1264959YD4VH1832-126495 7/14/2014 3:22:03PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126496CWD4VH1832-126496 1/16/2014 3:33:13PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLC20101CYD4VH1832-126497 5/23/2014 1:16:46PMOptiPlex 760 SLC201

W7-126498DXD4VH1832-126498 2/4/2014 5:16:56PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

HWD4VH1832-126501 1/8/2014 9:33:35PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-1265024T66VH1832-126502 1/14/2014 12:50:42PMOptiPlex 760 VCC200B

W7-1265041Z85VH1832-126504 6/11/2014 2:38:15PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1265085YD4VH1832-126508 1/6/2014 3:13:10PMOptiPlex 760 GCB109

W7-1265098XD4VH1832-126509 5/14/2014 7:03:19PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLC101A018YD4VH1832-126510 6/23/2014 9:43:37PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A02BYD4VH1832-126511 6/23/2014 9:43:52PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A03CXD4VH1832-126512 6/23/2014 9:44:52PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A04DYD4VH1832-126513 6/23/2014 9:44:16PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A05FYD4VH1832-126514 6/23/2014 9:44:31PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A06GYD4VH1832-126515 6/23/2014 10:02:39PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A07HYD4VH1832-126516 6/23/2014 10:02:49PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A08JWD4VH1832-126517 6/23/2014 10:03:02PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A09JYD4VH1832-126518 6/23/2014 10:03:17PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC101A101VH4VH1832-126519 6/23/2014 10:03:25PMOptiPlex 760 SLC101A

SLC207022VH4VH1832-126520 6/3/2014 12:49:17PMOptiPlex 760 SLC207

SLC207033VH4VH1832-126521 6/3/2014 12:49:42PMOptiPlex 760 SLC207

SLC207044VH4VH1832-126522 6/3/2014 12:50:01PMOptiPlex 760 SLC207

W7-1265235VH4VH1832-126523 1/22/2014 4:38:33PMOptiPlex 760 ECC105

CUH356018VH4VH1832-126526 5/21/2014 6:28:26PMOptiPlex 760 CUH356

SLC126019VH4VH1832-126527 7/3/2014 11:29:21AMOptiPlex 760 SLC126

W7-126528BVH4VH1832-126528 4/17/2014 4:22:39PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377G

W7-126529CVH4VH1832-126529 7/5/2013 4:52:59PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377B

DTH4VH1832-126530 7/25/2013 8:39:40PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

FTH4VH1832-126531 7/6/2013 3:32:56PMOptiPlex 760

W7-126532GTH4VH1832-126532 4/2/2014 5:05:39PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126533HTH4VH1832-126533 7/6/2013 3:34:20PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377P

W7-126534JTH4VH1832-126534 12/5/2013 5:05:52PMOptiPlex 760 CUH375

W7-12653510J4VH1832-126535 12/12/2013 4:31:05PMOptiPlex 760 ATC15

W7-1265361ZH4VH1832-126536 1/17/2014 7:49:24PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377C

CZH4VH1832-126537 7/25/2013 8:41:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

30J4VH1832-126538 7/25/2013 8:41:37PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1265393ZH4VH1832-126539 12/16/2013 3:04:35PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

5ZH4VH1832-126540 7/25/2013 8:42:25PMOptiPlex 760 CUH357

W7-12654160J4VH1832-126541 4/14/2014 2:29:31PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

W7-12654270J4VH1832-126542 6/4/2014 1:31:45PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1265437ZH4VH1832-126543 7/8/2013 1:48:22PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377L

W7-12654490J4VH1832-126544 12/9/2013 8:46:55PMOptiPlex 760 ATC244B

W7-126545BZH4VH1832-126545 7/10/2014 1:29:59PMOptiPlex 760 ATC15A

C0J4VH1832-126546 7/25/2013 8:43:30PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126547GYH4VH1832-126547 12/16/2013 3:04:11PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120

GZH4VH1832-126548 7/25/2013 8:43:56PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

HYH4VH1832-126549 7/25/2013 8:44:10PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

HZH4VH1832-126550 7/25/2013 8:44:25PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL Location20J4VH1832-126551 7/8/2013 1:54:20PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377D

2ZH4VH1832-126552 7/25/2013 8:42:04PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

HTC111014ZH4VH1832-126553 3/21/2014 8:06:51PMOptiPlex 760 HTC111

ATC2460150J4VH1832-126554 6/20/2014 5:51:41PMOptiPlex 760 ATC246

ATC226016ZH4VH1832-126555 6/20/2014 5:44:08PMOptiPlex 760 ATC226

ATC2050180J4VH1832-126556 6/20/2014 5:14:55PMOptiPlex 760 ATC205

ATC207019ZH4VH1832-126557 6/20/2014 5:32:31PMOptiPlex 760 ATC207

CUH30201B0J4VH1832-126558 7/10/2013 5:46:36PMOptiPlex 760 CUH302

CUH30301D0J4VH1832-126559 7/10/2013 5:47:20PMOptiPlex 760 CUH303

W7-126560DZH4VH1832-126560 12/5/2013 6:43:07PMOptiPlex 760 ATC120A

HOS60401FYH4VH1832-126561 5/22/2014 6:44:24PMOptiPlex 760 HOS604

HOS61201FZH4VH1832-126562 5/22/2014 6:55:57PMOptiPlex 760 HOS612

CUH35601G0J4VH1832-126563 7/10/2013 7:29:18PMOptiPlex 760

HTC23301H0J4VH1832-126564 5/28/2014 4:34:25PMOptiPlex 760 HTC233

CUH30401JZH4VH1832-126566 5/21/2014 6:49:08PMOptiPlex 760 CUH304

XP12656721J4VH1832-126567 1/17/2014 7:53:36PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

HOS600B0122J4VH1832-126568 5/22/2014 6:36:17PMOptiPlex 760 HOS600

HOS642A0141J4VH1832-126569 6/18/2014 7:16:13PMOptiPlex 760 HOS642

XP12501242J4VH1832-126570 5/21/2014 6:10:09PMOptiPlex 760 CUH351

CUH3060161J4VH1832-126571 5/21/2014 6:49:58PMOptiPlex 760 CUH306

AUCS0562J4VH1832-126572 5/2/2014 6:54:18PMOptiPlex 760 Agape

CUH366A0181J4VH1832-126573 2/18/2014 10:24:43PMOptiPlex 760 CUH366A

HTC1070182J4VH1832-126574 5/28/2014 3:41:12PMOptiPlex 760 HTC107

HTC14501B1J4VH1832-126575 5/28/2014 3:31:57PMOptiPlex 760 HTC145

CUH35401B2J4VH1832-126576 12/6/2013 9:29:40PMOptiPlex 760 CUH354

HTC20701D1J4VH1832-126577 2/28/2014 8:08:59PMOptiPlex 760 HTC207

D2J4VH1832-126578 11/14/2013 4:45:18PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133A

HTC11301G1J4VH1832-126579 5/28/2014 3:32:26PMOptiPlex 760 HTC113

HTC15301G2J4VH1832-126580 5/28/2014 2:54:36PMOptiPlex 760 HTC153

HTC22901J0J4VH1832-126581 5/28/2014 4:20:09PMOptiPlex 760 HTC229

LAH10101J1J4VH1832-126582 5/22/2014 7:48:53PMOptiPlex 760 LAH101

W7-126583B3J4VH1832-126583 11/12/2013 5:03:28PMOptiPlex 760 CEC212

W7-126584C5J4VH1832-126584 11/12/2013 4:49:47PMOptiPlex 760 CEC212

XP12658515J4VH1832-126585 4/9/2014 1:18:53PMOptiPlex 760 CEC101

XP12658616J4VH1832-126586 4/14/2014 3:33:28PMOptiPlex 760 CEC101

XP12658734J4VH1832-126587 4/14/2014 3:01:11PMOptiPlex 760 CEC224

XP12658845J4VH1832-126588 2/7/2014 4:46:07PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-12658954J4VH1832-126589 4/14/2014 2:34:45PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

XP12659074J4VH1832-126590 4/9/2014 5:58:43PMOptiPlex 760 CEC222

XP12659175J4VH1832-126591 1/31/2014 5:16:42PMOptiPlex 760 CEC224

W7-12659295J4VH1832-126592 4/14/2014 2:31:50PMOptiPlex 760 CEC225

XP126593D4J4VH1832-126593 7/14/2014 12:50:13PMOptiPlex 760 CEC237

W7-126594G3J4VH1832-126594 6/4/2014 4:47:58PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

XP126595G5J4VH1832-126595 3/14/2014 2:52:31PMOptiPlex 760 CEC123

XP126596H4J4VH1832-126596 4/14/2014 4:24:07PMOptiPlex 760 CEC252

W7-126597J3J4VH1832-126597 11/11/2013 6:12:44PMOptiPlex 760 NCB4A

XP126598J5J4VH1832-126598 4/10/2014 2:38:10PMOptiPlex 760 CEC240

XP12659985J4VH1832-126599 7/8/2014 11:57:40AMOptiPlex 760 CEC112

CEC1050193J4VH1832-126600 11/22/2013 8:13:44PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10502B5J4VH1832-126601 4/30/2014 2:02:06PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10503C3J4VH1832-126602 7/16/2013 12:09:01PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10504C4J4VH1832-126603 7/16/2013 12:09:53PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCEC10505D3J4VH1832-126604 11/22/2013 8:14:00PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC1050624J4VH1832-126605 7/16/2013 12:10:15PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC1050735J4VH1832-126606 7/16/2013 12:12:43PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC1050844J4VH1832-126607 7/16/2013 12:13:49PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC1050964J4VH1832-126608 7/16/2013 12:14:59PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC1051065J4VH1832-126609 7/16/2013 12:15:50PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10511F3J4VH1832-126610 7/16/2013 12:16:40PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10512F5J4VH1832-126611 7/16/2013 12:17:33PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10513G4J4VH1832-126612 7/16/2013 12:18:12PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10514H3J4VH1832-126613 7/16/2013 12:17:24PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC10515J4J4VH1832-126614 7/16/2013 12:19:47PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC105171VD4VH1832-126615 11/22/2013 8:17:45PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC105166VD4VH1832-126616 11/22/2013 8:16:26PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257011TD4VH1832-126617 4/16/2014 8:10:09PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257028VD4VH1832-126618 4/16/2014 8:18:16PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257039TD4VH1832-126619 4/16/2014 8:19:49PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC25704BVD4VH1832-126620 4/16/2014 8:10:37PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC25705CTD4VH1832-126621 6/18/2014 12:03:23PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257063VD4VH1832-126622 4/16/2014 8:10:55PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257074TD4VH1832-126623 4/16/2014 8:11:08PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257086TD4VH1832-126624 4/16/2014 8:11:26PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC25709FTD4VH1832-126625 4/16/2014 8:11:38PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC25710GSD4VH1832-126626 4/16/2014 8:11:48PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC25711HTD4VH1832-126627 4/16/2014 8:11:56PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257122TD4VH1832-126628 4/16/2014 8:12:08PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC2571311J4VH1832-126629 4/16/2014 8:12:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC2571412J4VH1832-126630 4/16/2014 8:12:31PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC2571513J4VH1832-126631 4/16/2014 8:25:49PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC2571631J4VH1832-126632 4/16/2014 8:12:48PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

CEC257INST32J4VH1832-126633 4/16/2014 8:24:05PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

FB3130151J4VH1832-126634 6/5/2014 7:17:47PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3130252J4VH1832-126635 11/13/2013 8:50:33PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3130371J4VH1832-126636 11/13/2013 8:51:10PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3130491J4VH1832-126637 11/13/2013 8:51:54PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3130592J4VH1832-126638 11/13/2013 8:52:34PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31306C1J4VH1832-126639 11/13/2013 8:53:17PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31307C2J4VH1832-126640 11/13/2013 8:54:03PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31308F1J4VH1832-126641 11/13/2013 8:54:47PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31309F2J4VH1832-126642 11/13/2013 8:55:30PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31310FVH7VH1832-126643 11/13/2013 8:56:16PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB31311H1J4VH1832-126644 11/13/2013 8:56:58PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3131218J4VH1832-126645 11/13/2013 8:57:40PMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3131337J4VH1832-126646 2/7/2014 11:42:15AMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB3131438J4VH1832-126647 3/5/2014 11:36:43AMOptiPlex 760 FB313

FB313INST57J4VH1832-126648 1/15/2014 12:58:08PMOptiPlex 760

ALSD0158J4VH1832-126649 5/5/2014 1:41:28PMOptiPlex 760 ALSD

ALSD0268J4VH1832-126650 5/5/2014 1:39:22PMOptiPlex 760 ALSD

EMPT0178J4VH1832-126651 4/29/2014 8:19:02PMOptiPlex 760 Employment Source

EMPT0287J4VH1832-126652 4/29/2014 5:33:16PMOptiPlex 760 Employment Source

CREST0198J4VH1832-126653 4/30/2014 5:34:47PMOptiPlex 760 C.R.E.S.T.

CREST02B8J4VH1832-126654 4/30/2014 5:20:38PMOptiPlex 760 C.R.E.S.T.

AUCS01C7J4VH1832-126655 5/6/2014 5:42:24PMOptiPlex 760 Agape

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationAUCS02C8J4VH1832-126656 5/6/2014 5:38:59PMOptiPlex 760 Agape

AUCS03D8J4VH1832-126657 5/6/2014 5:36:41PMOptiPlex 760 Agape

AUCS04F6J4VH1832-126658 5/6/2014 5:40:11PMOptiPlex 760 Agape

RHA01H7J4VH1832-126660 4/29/2014 7:06:20PMOptiPlex 760 RHA

W7-126669F69JXH1832-126669 12/12/2013 4:29:50PMOptiPlex 760 ADM117A

PFCS01H69JXH1832-126670 4/30/2014 6:24:10PMOptiPlex 760 PFCS

J69JXH1832-126671 12/12/2013 4:35:17PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1266731GGKXH1832-126673 7/14/2014 7:39:01PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

W7-1266741HGKXH1832-126674 7/14/2014 8:12:52PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01032GGKXH1832-126675 3/18/2014 1:42:22PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01042HGKXH1832-126676 3/18/2014 1:45:09PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01053GGKXH1832-126677 11/22/2013 5:51:34PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01064GGKXH1832-126678 11/22/2013 5:52:30PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01076GGKXH1832-126679 11/22/2013 5:53:20PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01087GGKXH1832-126680 11/22/2013 6:01:05PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01098GGKXH1832-126681 3/4/2014 1:54:13PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01109GGKXH1832-126682 3/4/2014 2:04:33PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0111BGGKXH1832-126683 11/22/2013 6:04:31PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0112CGGKXH1832-126684 11/22/2013 6:05:57PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0113DGGKXH1832-126685 2/19/2014 7:53:38PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0114GGGKXH1832-126686 2/19/2014 7:54:45PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0115JFGKXH1832-126687 2/19/2014 7:38:09PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB0116JGGKXH1832-126688 2/19/2014 7:56:27PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01171VNKXH1832-126689 6/5/2014 7:58:41PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBB01INST8VNKXH1832-126690 6/26/2014 1:44:17PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

FBUCB04INSTJVNKXH1832-126712 6/24/2014 10:44:30AMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

W7-1267137YNKXH1832-126713 6/30/2014 4:17:43PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267141YNKXH1832-126714 6/20/2014 2:59:57PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267153YNKXH1832-126715 6/20/2014 2:51:23PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267165YNKXH1832-126716 6/20/2014 2:37:40PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126717GXNKXH1832-126717 5/16/2014 6:33:06PMOptiPlex 760 GCB212

W7-1267189YNKXH1832-126718 6/30/2014 4:32:19PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126719BXNKXH1832-126719 6/20/2014 2:47:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126720DXNKXH1832-126720 6/20/2014 2:54:45PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126721FXNKXH1832-126721 6/30/2014 4:29:38PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267229N9LXH1832-126722 6/10/2014 8:33:00PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202C

W7-126723BM9LXH1832-126723 6/20/2014 3:21:00PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267242N9LXH1832-126724 6/20/2014 2:53:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267255N9LXH1832-126725 6/4/2014 12:57:37PMOptiPlex 760 CUH377V

W7-126726CM9LXH1832-126726 5/27/2014 3:37:19PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1267298M9LXH1832-126729 4/25/2014 12:45:48PMOptiPlex 760 HOS602

W7-1267309M9LXH1832-126730 5/22/2014 2:29:48PMOptiPlex 760 GCB115

W7-126731CN9LXH1832-126731 6/3/2014 5:59:05PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202C

W7-126732D26QXH1832-126732 5/22/2014 3:30:08PMOptiPlex 760 GCB115

XP126733FM9LXH1832-126733 4/14/2014 4:09:46PMOptiPlex 760 CEC239

W7-126734GM9LXH1832-126734 4/2/2014 3:28:27PMOptiPlex 760 SDC118

W7-126735HM9LXH1832-126735 6/4/2014 4:41:46PMOptiPlex 760 SDC118

W7-126736HN9LXH1832-126736 3/13/2014 7:14:48PMOptiPlex 760

W7-126737JM9LXH1832-126737 4/14/2014 4:30:17PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202Q

XP126738C69JXH1832-126738 5/12/2014 4:32:13PMOptiPlex 760 GCB109

W7-126739D69JXH1832-126739 12/9/2013 5:50:03PMOptiPlex 760 SDC118C

LT-W7-12674154MHXH1832-126741 6/16/2014 4:52:03PMMXG071 SLC216A

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LT-W7-126745C4MHXH1832-126745 12/11/2013 10:34:55PMMXG071 ATC133-SURPLUS

BT11801-LTD4MHXH1832-126746 12/5/2013 8:45:37PMMXG071 BTEC118

LT-W7-12674735MHXH1832-126747 12/11/2013 10:22:40PMMXG071 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-12675075MHXH1832-126750 6/12/2014 8:24:05PMMXG071 HOS618A

95MHXH1832-126752 XPS M1730 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-126753C5MHXH1832-126753 4/9/2014 2:53:57PMMXG071 ATC159B

LT-W7-126754D5MHXH1832-126754 1/17/2014 4:39:58PMMXG071 SR12

LT-W7-126755F5MHXH1832-126755 12/12/2013 9:03:25PMMXG071 HOS602E

W7-1267595BXP3J1832-126759 4/30/2014 5:27:39PMOptiPlex 760 ATC220F

W7-1267606BXP3J1832-126760 11/20/2013 2:26:11PMOptiPlex 760 PRD7

XP126831DQ0WYH1832-126831 5/1/2014 7:19:46PMOptiPlex 760 NCB12A

XP1268514TRM3J1832-126851 3/31/2014 9:07:54PMOptiPlex 760 NCB9B

ATC22901FTM26J1832-126861 6/3/2014 4:14:42PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229029TM26J1832-126862 6/3/2014 3:39:26PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22903BTM26J1832-126863 6/3/2014 3:39:43PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22904CTM26J1832-126864 6/3/2014 2:56:56PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22905DTM26J1832-126865 6/3/2014 2:56:22PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229066HB26J1832-126866 6/3/2014 2:40:14PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229077HB26J1832-126867 6/3/2014 3:42:45PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229088HB26J1832-126868 6/3/2014 3:43:03PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229099HB26J1832-126869 6/3/2014 3:43:22PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22910CNB26J1832-126870 6/3/2014 3:44:13PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22911DNB26J1832-126871 6/3/2014 3:43:57PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22912GNB26J1832-126872 6/3/2014 3:43:43PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22913JNB26J1832-126873 6/3/2014 3:41:37PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22914HJB26J1832-126874 6/3/2014 3:41:56PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22915JJB26J1832-126875 6/3/2014 3:42:37PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229161KB26J1832-126876 6/3/2014 3:37:28PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229172KB26J1832-126877 6/4/2014 1:36:51PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22918DHB26J1832-126878 6/3/2014 3:38:40PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22919FHB26J1832-126879 6/3/2014 3:44:09PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22920GHB26J1832-126880 6/3/2014 3:44:30PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC22921HHB26J1832-126881 6/3/2014 3:45:07PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229223KB26J1832-126882 6/3/2014 3:50:49PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229234KB26J1832-126883 6/3/2014 3:50:44PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229INST5KB26J1832-126884 7/9/2014 12:16:03PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

ATC229246KB26J1832-126885 7/3/2014 1:59:53PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 ATC229

XP1269601HF7GJ1832-126960 12/3/2013 11:08:11PMPrecision WorkStation T5400 VCC211

XP126964HVL3JG1832-126964 4/9/2014 2:50:34PMOptiPlex 760 HTC201

XP126966HVL5JG1832-126966 4/23/2014 2:55:50PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202J

XP126968HVL7JG1832-126968 5/19/2014 12:44:24PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126969HVL8JG1832-126969 4/23/2014 2:58:24PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202J

W7-126970HVL9JG1832-126970 12/13/2013 2:03:54PMOptiPlex 760 GCB212

HTC102G018BV75J1832-127112 11/25/2013 3:40:12PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102G

HTC102G028BV85J1832-127113 11/25/2013 3:39:51PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102G

HTC102098BV95J1832-127114 11/25/2013 3:49:10PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

HTC102118BVB5J1832-127115 11/25/2013 4:42:31PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

HTC102128BVC5J1832-127116 11/25/2013 4:46:57PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

HTC102198BVD4J1832-127117 11/25/2013 3:50:13PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

HTC102208BVD5J1832-127118 11/25/2013 3:49:37PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

HTC102018BVF4J1832-127119 4/28/2014 12:37:54PMOptiPlex 760 HTC102

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-1271205J686K1832-127120 11/12/2013 1:53:26AMOptiPlex 760 HTC102A

HTC102C01-LT4Y5F4K1832-127121 4/28/2014 12:43:40PMLatitude E6500 HTC102C

HTC102D01-LT5Y5F4K1832-127122 11/25/2013 6:11:57PMLatitude E6500 HTC102D

HTC104A01-LT6Y5F4K1832-127123 11/25/2013 3:24:02PMLatitude E6500 HTC104A

HTC104B01-LT7Y5F4K1832-127124 11/25/2013 3:28:02PMLatitude E6500 HTC104B

HTC104C01-LT8Y5F4K1832-127125 11/25/2013 3:30:56PMLatitude E6500 HTC104C

HTC104D01-LT9Y5F4K1832-127126 11/25/2013 3:30:59PMLatitude E6500 HTC104D

HTC104E01-LTBY5F4K1832-127127 11/25/2013 3:29:35PMLatitude E6500 HTC104E

HTC14801-LTCY5F4K1832-127128 11/25/2013 6:43:30PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14802-LTDY5F4K1832-127129 11/25/2013 6:41:27PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14803-LTFY5F4K1832-127130 11/25/2013 6:43:45PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14804-LTGY5F4K1832-127131 11/25/2013 6:44:32PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14805-LTJY5F4K1832-127132 11/25/2013 6:44:43PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14806-LT1Z5F4K1832-127133 11/25/2013 6:47:21PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14807-LT2Z5F4K1832-127134 11/25/2013 6:47:31PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14808-LT3Z5F4K1832-127135 11/25/2013 6:48:10PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14809-LT4Z5F4K1832-127136 11/25/2013 6:48:12PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

HTC14810-LT5Z5F4K1832-127137 11/25/2013 6:48:16PMLatitude E6500 HTC148

LT-W7-1271566YVRJK1832-127156 3/25/2014 1:09:02PMLatitude E6500 ATC133

AUB01CY43CK1832-127158 12/6/2013 2:46:32PMOptiPlex 760 AUB101

CUH30101B3SBNK1832-127175 5/21/2014 6:48:02PMOptiPlex 760 CUH301

HTC206H01F3SBNK1832-127176 11/25/2013 8:23:55PMOptiPlex 760 HTC206H

LAH10501D3SBNK1832-127177 12/12/2013 7:22:13PMOptiPlex 760 LAH105

LIB11701135BNK1832-127178 11/21/2013 2:10:45PMOptiPlex 760 LIB117

LIB11706145BNK1832-127179 11/6/2013 1:41:07AMOptiPlex 760 LIB117

LIB11722255BNK1832-127180 7/11/2013 3:10:22PMOptiPlex 760 LIB117

W7-127181325BNK1832-127181 11/15/2013 2:00:17PMOptiPlex 760

CUH35201535BNK1832-127182 5/21/2014 6:10:11PMOptiPlex 760 CUH352

CUH35701545BNK1832-127183 5/21/2014 6:46:27PMOptiPlex 760 CUH357

CUH35901565BNK1832-127184 5/21/2014 6:31:55PMOptiPlex 760 CUH359

CUH33801725BNK1832-127185 5/21/2014 6:21:22PMOptiPlex 760 CUH338

CUH33601855BNK1832-127186 5/21/2014 6:32:02PMOptiPlex 760 CUH336

CUH33701935BNK1832-127187 5/21/2014 6:24:00PMOptiPlex 760 CUH337

CUH35801C25BNK1832-127188 6/26/2014 4:25:55PMOptiPlex 760 CUH358

W7-127190F25BNK1832-127190 2/27/2014 2:14:16PMOptiPlex 760 ATC159B

ATC13901F35BNK1832-127191 11/12/2013 10:26:55PMOptiPlex 760 ATC139

XP124418G45BNK1832-127192 5/28/2014 4:49:55PMOptiPlex 760

GCB225STU2H55BNK1832-127193 4/10/2014 10:58:21PMOptiPlex 760 GCB225

XP1272536NXHFK1832-127253 2/25/2014 3:51:23PMOptiPlex 760 ADM170

W7-1272691ZP66L1832-127269 11/13/2013 12:16:06AMOptiPlex 760 LIB

W7-1272702ZP66L1832-127270 11/12/2013 11:39:09PMOptiPlex 760 LIB

W7-127271FYP66L1832-127271 11/14/2013 4:25:48PMOptiPlex 760 LIB

W7-127272GYP66L1832-127272 3/31/2014 3:46:32PMOptiPlex 760 LIB105

W7-127273HYP66L1832-127273 7/10/2014 2:15:12PMOptiPlex 760 LIB109

W7-127274JYP66L1832-127274 3/31/2014 7:37:34PMOptiPlex 760 LRC105

W7-12727554L17L1832-127275 11/11/2013 7:21:15PMOptiPlex 760

W7-127277B5J17L1832-127277 11/11/2013 7:36:31PMOptiPlex 760

W7-12727814L17L1832-127278 11/11/2013 4:44:41PMOptiPlex 760

W7-12727916J17L1832-127279 5/14/2014 7:59:15PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-127280C5J17L1832-127280 5/14/2014 8:00:03PMOptiPlex 760

W7-12727624L17L1832-127281 5/14/2014 7:59:10PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-12728226J17L1832-127282 6/20/2014 2:52:42PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-12728334L17L1832-127283 5/14/2014 7:58:37PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-126131D5J17L1832-127284 11/11/2013 4:53:34PMOptiPlex 760

W7-12728544L17L1832-127285 11/11/2013 6:00:47PMOptiPlex 760

W7-127286F5J17L1832-127286 11/11/2013 6:02:28PMOptiPlex 760

W7-127287G5J17L1832-127287 11/11/2013 6:06:00PMOptiPlex 760

W7-127288H5J17L1832-127288 11/11/2013 7:08:46PMOptiPlex 760

W7-127289J3L17L1832-127289 12/12/2013 3:04:10PMOptiPlex 760 HOS618R

W7-12729064L17L1832-127290 4/15/2014 3:52:20PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

LIB127018KL17L1832-127291 6/12/2014 1:48:51PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

LIB127029KL17L1832-127292 3/21/2014 6:21:10PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

LIB12703BKL17L1832-127293 6/30/2014 5:27:42PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

LIB12704CKL17L1832-127294 6/12/2014 1:57:57PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

LIB12705DKL17L1832-127295 7/1/2014 5:48:16PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

LIB12706FKL17L1832-127296 6/13/2014 12:12:03PMOptiPlex 760 LIB127

W7-1273097R08GK1832-127309 7/1/2014 1:25:03PMOptiPlex 760 GCB108

W7-1273107QYHGK1832-127310 3/26/2014 1:35:50PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273117QZFGK1832-127311 3/13/2014 12:03:12PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QX7GK1832-127312 7/25/2013 2:53:57PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273137QY6GK1832-127313 3/31/2014 12:29:49PMOptiPlex 760 CUH348

W7-1273147QY4GK1832-127314 5/12/2014 7:06:15PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273157QZDGK1832-127315 3/11/2014 2:43:37PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273167QYBGK1832-127316 4/24/2014 1:58:36PMOptiPlex 760 CUH334H

W7-1273177QW5GK1832-127317 4/1/2014 8:22:08PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273187QWBGK1832-127318 4/23/2014 12:18:28PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QZGGK1832-127319 7/25/2013 2:53:11PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273207QZCGK1832-127320 2/7/2014 8:03:17PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QWHGK1832-127321 11/6/2013 2:06:01PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QZ6GK1832-127322 11/11/2013 8:42:06PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273237QWCGK1832-127323 2/24/2014 4:18:53PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273247QY2GK1832-127324 4/16/2014 12:12:14PMOptiPlex 760 HTC157A

W7-1273257QY5GK1832-127325 2/7/2014 8:09:40PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273267QYCGK1832-127326 2/7/2014 7:54:30PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273277QZBGK1832-127327 7/14/2014 2:46:05PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273287QZ2GK1832-127328 4/2/2014 3:57:26PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273297QZHGK1832-127329 2/7/2014 8:08:36PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273307QX2GK1832-127330 2/7/2014 7:58:31PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QX5GK1832-127331 7/25/2013 2:54:06PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7R0DGK1832-127332 7/25/2013 2:52:46PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7QWFGK1832-127333 10/1/2013 5:55:35PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLC217017QXDGK1832-127334 6/23/2014 8:10:02PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217027R0CGK1832-127335 6/23/2014 8:10:15PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217037R54GK1832-127336 6/23/2014 8:10:27PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217047R77GK1832-127337 6/23/2014 8:10:37PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217057R6HGK1832-127338 6/23/2014 8:10:49PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217067R6GGK1832-127339 6/23/2014 8:11:27PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217077R8CGK1832-127340 6/23/2014 8:24:25PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217087R48GK1832-127341 6/23/2014 8:24:13PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217097R83GK1832-127342 6/23/2014 8:23:59PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217107R27GK1832-127343 6/23/2014 8:23:43PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217117R25GK1832-127344 6/23/2014 8:29:47PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217127R7GGK1832-127345 6/23/2014 8:23:12PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217137R64GK1832-127346 6/23/2014 8:34:40PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationSLC217147R35GK1832-127347 6/23/2014 8:34:52PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217157R5CGK1832-127348 6/23/2014 8:35:02PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217167R88GK1832-127349 6/23/2014 8:35:12PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217177R5GGK1832-127350 6/23/2014 8:35:24PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217187R38GK1832-127351 6/23/2014 8:36:05PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217197R87GK1832-127352 6/23/2014 8:46:51PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217207R3CGK1832-127353 6/23/2014 8:46:37PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217217R75GK1832-127354 6/23/2014 8:46:20PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217227R67GK1832-127355 6/23/2014 8:46:07PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217237R2CGK1832-127356 6/23/2014 8:45:52PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217247R3BGK1832-127357 6/23/2014 8:45:39PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

SLC217INST7R4CGK1832-127358 6/23/2014 8:56:12PMOptiPlex 760 SLC217

W7-1273597R43GK1832-127359 7/14/2014 3:28:39PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273607R7FGK1832-127360 4/24/2014 5:51:08PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273617R46GK1832-127361 7/3/2014 3:58:15PMOptiPlex 760 NCB3

W7-1273627R5HGK1832-127362 4/10/2014 12:58:27PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273637R78GK1832-127363 4/8/2014 3:10:29PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273647R5BGK1832-127364 4/11/2014 3:58:41PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273657R6FGK1832-127365 7/14/2014 3:19:47PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273667R56GK1832-127366 4/7/2014 6:53:31PMOptiPlex 760 HTC242A

W7-1273677R26GK1832-127367 4/22/2014 5:48:33PMOptiPlex 760 Fitness Center

W7-1273687R44GK1832-127368 4/14/2014 1:38:17PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273697R7DGK1832-127369 4/10/2014 4:41:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273707R36GK1832-127370 4/16/2014 11:14:51AMOptiPlex 760 GCB202M

W7-1273717R37GK1832-127371 4/4/2014 1:33:21PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273727R8DGK1832-127372 5/20/2014 6:59:39PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

7R17GK1832-127373 7/25/2013 6:53:48PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273747R28GK1832-127374 7/8/2014 4:29:11PMOptiPlex 760 GCB102C

W7-1273757R1FGK1832-127375 7/7/2014 3:47:49PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273767R53GK1832-127376 4/7/2014 7:26:57PMOptiPlex 760 HTC242C

W7-1273777R55GK1832-127377 4/2/2014 6:58:40PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273787R1DGK1832-127378 4/17/2014 12:50:21PMOptiPlex 760 HOS618I

W7-1273797R86GK1832-127379 4/10/2014 6:01:39PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273807R45GK1832-127380 5/2/2014 3:50:14PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273817R58GK1832-127381 3/27/2014 4:55:34PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273827R1CGK1832-127382 4/17/2014 1:45:53PMOptiPlex 760 HOS643D

W7-1273837R6CGK1832-127383 4/17/2014 2:08:03PMOptiPlex 760 HOS618V

W7-1273849BZGHK1832-127384 7/11/2014 7:55:23PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273859BZHHK1832-127385 7/8/2014 2:27:19PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273869BZJHK1832-127386 7/7/2014 8:47:33PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-1273879BZQGK1832-127387 7/7/2014 7:45:46PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

W7-1273889BZSGK1832-127388 7/11/2014 5:57:28PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

W7-1273899BZVGK1832-127389 7/10/2014 3:42:08PMOptiPlex 760 SLC214A

W7-1273909BZWGK1832-127390 4/8/2014 11:17:32AMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLCSH19C05GK1832-127391 7/10/2014 9:23:07PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLCSH29C07GK1832-127392 7/10/2014 8:50:52PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

SLCSH39C09GK1832-127393 7/10/2014 8:06:30PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

9C0CHK1832-127394 7/25/2013 6:11:22PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

9C0GHK1832-127395 7/25/2013 6:04:58PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

9C0HHK1832-127396 7/25/2013 6:07:32PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

9C0KHK1832-127397 7/25/2013 6:07:02PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

9C0RGK1832-127398 7/25/2013 6:07:16PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC227249C0TGK1832-127399 5/19/2014 8:31:42PMOptiPlex 760 ATC227

ATC222139C0WGK1832-127400 5/20/2014 8:32:15PMOptiPlex 760 ATC222

ATC222149C0XGK1832-127401 5/20/2014 8:29:27PMOptiPlex 760 ATC222

ATC222159C14GK1832-127402 5/20/2014 8:04:55PMOptiPlex 760 ATC222

ATC222169C15GK1832-127403 5/20/2014 8:04:48PMOptiPlex 760 ATC222

ATC239219C19GK1832-127404 5/20/2014 2:35:22PMOptiPlex 760 ATC239

ATC239229C1FHK1832-127405 5/20/2014 2:34:56PMOptiPlex 760 ATC239

ATC239239C1GHK1832-127406 5/20/2014 2:31:07PMOptiPlex 760 ATC239

ATC239249C1JHK1832-127407 5/20/2014 2:41:52PMOptiPlex 760 ATC239

9C1KHK1832-127408 10/1/2013 9:51:19PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

XP127418HTW4GK1832-127418 4/9/2014 1:52:58PMOptiPlex 760 CEC101

HTC23901JW8FGK1832-127421 5/28/2014 4:48:23PMOptiPlex 760 HTC239

HTC24101JW8GGK1832-127422 5/28/2014 4:46:25PMOptiPlex 760 HTC241

W7-127423JW8CGK1832-127423 4/9/2014 1:38:25PMOptiPlex 760 HTC241

XP12742797XNHK1832-127427 6/6/2014 1:05:54PMOptiPlex 760 GCB108A

XP12742897WSHK1832-127428 1/17/2014 9:44:56PMOptiPlex 760 GCB109

W7-12742997YKHK1832-127429 4/14/2014 4:06:07PMOptiPlex 760 GCB202C

XP12743097XRHK1832-127430 4/16/2014 6:48:34PMOptiPlex 760 GCB212

W7-12743197WTHK1832-127431 4/29/2014 2:01:21PMOptiPlex 760 PRD2

XP12428397WWHK1832-127433 12/4/2013 2:06:56PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-12743697YPHK1832-127436 7/9/2014 1:39:02PMOptiPlex 760 ATC133

W7-12743897XKHK1832-127438 7/11/2014 2:32:56PMOptiPlex 760 ECC212

W7-12744750NWLL1832-127447 5/19/2014 12:47:33PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 ATC147

W7-1274522YNNML1832-127452 12/3/2013 7:32:39PMOptiPlex 760 NCB12C

XP12745899RPML1832-127458 11/26/2013 11:56:07PMOptiPlex 760 PRD3

SLC21901D6JPML1832-127461 6/23/2014 6:56:55PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21902D6LNML1832-127462 6/23/2014 6:57:06PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21903D6JQML1832-127463 6/23/2014 6:57:20PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21904D6LPML1832-127464 6/23/2014 6:58:21PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21905D6NPML1832-127465 6/23/2014 6:58:32PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21906D6KPML1832-127466 6/23/2014 6:58:42PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21907D6KNML1832-127467 6/26/2014 11:31:06AMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21908D6MQML1832-127468 6/23/2014 7:10:18PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21909D6NNML1832-127469 6/23/2014 7:10:26PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21910D6JRML1832-127470 6/23/2014 7:10:37PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21911D6LRML1832-127471 6/23/2014 7:10:58PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21912D6MNML1832-127472 6/23/2014 7:11:09PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21913D6LQML1832-127473 6/23/2014 7:21:30PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21914D6KRML1832-127474 6/23/2014 7:21:46PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21915D6MPML1832-127475 6/23/2014 7:26:09PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21916D6JNML1832-127476 6/23/2014 7:22:10PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21917986QML1832-127477 6/23/2014 7:22:22PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21918987RML1832-127478 6/23/2014 7:22:33PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21919988PML1832-127479 6/23/2014 7:33:04PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21920985QML1832-127480 6/23/2014 7:33:17PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21921986RML1832-127481 6/23/2014 8:02:01PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21922986PML1832-127482 6/23/2014 7:33:46PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21923985RML1832-127483 6/23/2014 7:34:00PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC21924984RML1832-127484 6/23/2014 7:34:10PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

SLC219INST987QML1832-127485 6/23/2014 7:44:03PMOptiPlex 760 SLC219

W7-127764HC78WL1832-127496 3/4/2014 4:07:14PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

HTC102MICROFJBGNL1832-127505 12/6/2013 4:07:58AMOptiPlex 780 HTC102

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationXP127514GWLQ3M1832-127514 12/12/2013 4:54:03PMOptiPlex 780 ADM100A

5D275M1832-127516 12/5/2013 5:21:41AMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

W7-127517DJW63M1832-127517 4/4/2014 3:34:44PMOptiPlex 780 ADM107

ATC137INST1N6BPL1832-127519 5/22/2014 6:22:01PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137011N99PL1832-127520 5/20/2014 5:23:50PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137021N88PL1832-127521 5/20/2014 5:22:56PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137031NB8PL1832-127522 5/20/2014 5:35:32PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137041N79PL1832-127523 7/5/2013 1:15:04PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137051NB9PL1832-127524 7/5/2013 1:15:42PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137061NB7PL1832-127525 5/20/2014 5:25:28PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137071N69PL1832-127526 5/20/2014 5:24:25PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137081N9BPL1832-127527 5/20/2014 5:26:27PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137091N97PL1832-127528 5/20/2014 5:27:58PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137101N89PL1832-127529 5/20/2014 5:39:23PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137111N8BPL1832-127530 5/20/2014 5:48:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137121N98PL1832-127531 5/20/2014 5:23:10PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137131N7BPL1832-127532 5/20/2014 5:31:55PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137141NBBPL1832-127533 7/5/2013 1:40:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

ATC137151N78PL1832-127534 7/5/2013 1:41:26PMOptiPlex 780 ATC137

XP127539GMW63M1832-127539 12/10/2013 9:12:16PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

W7-12754529VQ3M1832-127545 12/10/2013 9:04:18PMOptiPlex 780 ADM167A

W7-127547CGHS4M1832-127547 5/22/2014 3:35:33PMOptiPlex 780 GCB108

W7-127548DGHS4M1832-127548 11/8/2013 12:01:34AMOptiPlex 780 ATC220B

XP127549FGHS4M1832-127549 12/5/2013 1:48:14PMOptiPlex 780 ADM102

W7-127550GGHS4M1832-127550 4/30/2014 1:02:19PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

W7-1275692T5WPL1832-127569 6/17/2014 2:45:53PMPrecision T1500 ADM162

ATC24101C8VS4M1832-127589 3/27/2014 8:24:41PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24102C7VS4M1832-127590 5/19/2014 7:51:37PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24103D8VS4M1832-127591 5/19/2014 7:45:56PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24104F6VS4M1832-127592 5/19/2014 7:56:01PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24105F7VS4M1832-127593 5/19/2014 7:51:36PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24106F8VS4M1832-127594 3/27/2014 8:16:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24107G6VS4M1832-127595 5/19/2014 8:00:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24108G7VS4M1832-127596 3/27/2014 8:16:29PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24109G8VS4M1832-127597 5/19/2014 8:00:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24110H6VS4M1832-127598 5/19/2014 7:58:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24111H7VS4M1832-127599 5/19/2014 8:02:43PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24112H8VS4M1832-127600 5/19/2014 7:57:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24113J6VS4M1832-127601 5/19/2014 7:58:03PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24114J7VS4M1832-127602 5/19/2014 7:55:03PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24115J8VS4M1832-127603 5/19/2014 7:51:29PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC24116D7VS4M1832-127604 5/19/2014 7:42:11PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC2411768VS4M1832-127605 3/27/2014 8:13:48PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC2411817VS4M1832-127606 6/23/2014 1:01:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC2411918VS4M1832-127607 7/8/2014 12:50:22PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

ATC241INST19VS4M1832-127608 5/22/2014 6:32:32PMOptiPlex 780 ATC241

W7-12760927VS4M1832-127609 12/9/2013 8:51:58PMOptiPlex 780 ATC244A

XP12761069VS4M1832-127610 12/16/2013 3:22:39PMOptiPlex 780 ATC244G

ATC2390177VS4M1832-127611 5/20/2014 2:48:59PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390278VS4M1832-127612 5/20/2014 2:47:46PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390379VS4M1832-127613 5/20/2014 2:22:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390487VS4M1832-127614 5/20/2014 2:23:05PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC2390588VS4M1832-127615 3/18/2014 2:17:09PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390628VS4M1832-127616 3/19/2014 7:00:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390729VS4M1832-127617 5/20/2014 3:26:39PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390837VS4M1832-127618 3/19/2014 7:01:11PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2390938VS4M1832-127619 5/20/2014 2:29:21PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391039VS4M1832-127620 5/20/2014 2:45:11PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391147VS4M1832-127621 5/20/2014 2:48:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391248VS4M1832-127622 5/20/2014 2:32:45PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391349VS4M1832-127623 5/20/2014 2:31:23PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391457VS4M1832-127624 5/20/2014 2:31:04PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391558VS4M1832-127625 5/20/2014 2:28:56PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391659VS4M1832-127626 5/20/2014 2:31:37PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391767VS4M1832-127627 5/20/2014 2:40:00PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391897VS4M1832-127628 5/20/2014 2:40:45PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC2391998VS4M1832-127629 5/20/2014 2:46:44PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC23920B7VS4M1832-127630 5/20/2014 2:39:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

ATC239INSTB8VS4M1832-127631 5/22/2014 6:26:39PMOptiPlex 780 ATC239

W7-127638GKS6BM1832-127638 4/4/2014 3:33:18PMOptiPlex 780 ADM107

W7-127698B0V6GM1832-127698 12/3/2013 7:39:19PMOptiPlex 780 BTEC118

W7-127699H0V6GM1832-127699 5/19/2014 2:50:30PMOptiPlex 780 BTEC122

W7-1277115ZCBHM1832-127711 6/17/2014 3:17:26PMOptiPlex 780 HTC204

W7-1277137ZCBHM1832-127713 4/17/2014 8:04:12PMOptiPlex 780 HOS600

W7-127714BZCBHM1832-127714 11/7/2013 8:08:55PMOptiPlex 780 HOS606

W7-12771513DBHM1832-127715 4/7/2014 5:15:10PMOptiPlex 780 HOS610F

W7-12771614DBHM1832-127716 11/27/2013 2:29:24PMOptiPlex 780 LAH120

XP127717H3DBHM1832-127717 7/11/2014 2:25:49PMOptiPlex 780 FRONT DESK

W7-12771833DBHM1832-127718 12/10/2013 2:40:24PMOptiPlex 780 HOS633

W7-12771934DBHM1832-127719 7/14/2014 1:46:22PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

W7-12772043DBHM1832-127720 11/12/2013 3:27:25PMOptiPlex 780 ATC244

W7-12772153DBHM1832-127721 12/10/2013 8:21:30PMOptiPlex 780 ECC201

W7-12772254DBHM1832-127722 11/7/2013 3:52:55PMOptiPlex 780 CSEC2

W7-12772363DBHM1832-127723 4/3/2014 8:03:48PMOptiPlex 780 HTC169

W7-12772473DBHM1832-127724 3/13/2014 2:37:49PMOptiPlex 780 HTC253

W7-12772574DBHM1832-127725 12/9/2013 8:37:22PMOptiPlex 780 HTC209

W7-12772683DBHM1832-127726 4/22/2014 2:36:26PMOptiPlex 780 ATC113

W7-127727B2DBHM1832-127727 3/10/2014 6:09:09PMOptiPlex 780 CUH377

W7-127728B3DBHM1832-127728 5/6/2014 8:59:56PMOptiPlex 780 ATC103A

W7-127729C3DBHM1832-127729 5/6/2014 2:10:17PMOptiPlex 780 HOS616

W7-127730F2DBHM1832-127730 5/14/2014 1:36:18PMOptiPlex 780 HOS618

W7-127731H2DBHM1832-127731 1/27/2014 9:00:58PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

XP12773253GVHM1832-127732 6/5/2014 6:16:24PMOptiPlex 780 ADM101C

W7-127733CKLVHM1832-127733 4/4/2014 2:42:27PMOptiPlex 780 ADM107A

XP127734DKLVHM1832-127734 6/5/2014 5:13:04PMOptiPlex 780 ADM109A

W7-127735FKLVHM1832-127735 6/9/2014 12:16:54PMOptiPlex 780 ADM115A

W7-12775288NVHM1832-127752 12/3/2013 7:46:14PMOptiPlex 780 GCB205

XP127754B8NVHM1832-127754 12/12/2013 4:25:23PMOptiPlex 780 GCB205

W7-127755C8NVHM1832-127755 5/28/2014 4:21:20PMOptiPlex 780

XP0124073VJVHM1832-127756 7/7/2014 1:29:48PMOptiPlex 780 GCB114

W7-1277574VJVHM1832-127757 12/3/2013 7:50:59PMOptiPlex 780 GCB Lobby

W7-1263705VJVHM1832-127758 5/2/2014 1:26:23PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

XP1277596VJVHM1832-127759 5/28/2014 1:23:24PMOptiPlex 780 GCB212

XP1277607VJVHM1832-127760 4/17/2014 7:48:59PMOptiPlex 780 GCB202J

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationXP1277618VJVHM1832-127761 7/1/2014 12:56:21PMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

XP127762CVJVHM1832-127762 7/8/2014 2:13:59PMOptiPlex 780 GCB202A

XP127764BVJVHM1832-127764 4/22/2014 3:22:30PMOptiPlex 780 GCB202A

W7-1277704LRXHM1832-127770 4/2/2014 3:32:28PMOptiPlex 780 SLC103B

SLC109015LRXHM1832-127771 12/5/2013 1:30:29PMOptiPlex 780 SLC109

SLC111016LRXHM1832-127772 11/11/2013 12:34:04PMOptiPlex 780 SLC111

W7-1277737LRXHM1832-127773 11/12/2013 2:05:53AMOptiPlex 780 CEC117

W7-1277748LRXHM1832-127774 11/12/2013 2:07:31AMOptiPlex 780 CEC119

XP12777670SXHM1832-127776 5/21/2014 1:12:36PMOptiPlex 780 CBI116

XP12777780SXHM1832-127777 6/4/2014 5:44:14PMOptiPlex 780 CBI116

XP12777890SXHM1832-127778 3/26/2014 8:40:37PMOptiPlex 780 CBI116

XP127779B0SXHM1832-127779 4/3/2014 4:23:30PMOptiPlex 780 CBI103

W7-127780C0SXHM1832-127780 2/25/2014 6:53:32PMOptiPlex 780 CUH377S

FB20201512YHM1832-127781 1/22/2014 2:36:13PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20202422YHM1832-127782 11/13/2013 8:34:41PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20203612YHM1832-127783 11/13/2013 8:35:19PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20204622YHM1832-127784 11/13/2013 8:35:57PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20205712YHM1832-127785 11/13/2013 8:36:39PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20206722YHM1832-127786 11/13/2013 8:37:17PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20207812YHM1832-127787 11/13/2013 8:37:56PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20208822YHM1832-127788 11/13/2013 8:38:37PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20209D22YHM1832-127789 11/13/2013 8:39:16PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20210F12YHM1832-127790 11/13/2013 8:39:55PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20211F22YHM1832-127791 11/13/2013 8:40:35PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20212G12YHM1832-127792 11/13/2013 8:41:14PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20213G22YHM1832-127793 11/13/2013 8:41:47PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20214H02YHM1832-127794 11/13/2013 8:42:29PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20215H12YHM1832-127795 11/13/2013 8:43:07PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20216J02YHM1832-127796 11/13/2013 8:43:41PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20217912YHM1832-127797 11/13/2013 8:44:24PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20218J12YHM1832-127798 11/13/2013 8:45:02PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20219922YHM1832-127799 11/13/2013 8:45:41PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB20220B12YHM1832-127800 11/13/2013 8:46:22PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

FB202INSTB22YHM1832-127801 11/13/2013 8:48:02PMOptiPlex 780 FB202

ATC22101C12YHM1832-127802 5/22/2014 3:20:55PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22102C22YHM1832-127803 5/22/2014 3:20:37PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22103D12YHM1832-127804 5/22/2014 3:21:17PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22104112YHM1832-127805 5/22/2014 3:28:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22105122YHM1832-127806 11/11/2013 9:43:37PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22106212YHM1832-127807 11/11/2013 9:45:18PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22107222YHM1832-127808 11/11/2013 9:46:59PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22108312YHM1832-127809 5/22/2014 3:22:20PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22109322YHM1832-127810 5/22/2014 3:24:59PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22114412YHM1832-127811 5/15/2014 8:40:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC22113522YHM1832-127812 5/15/2014 8:39:34PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211210VXHM1832-127813 7/3/2014 6:26:07PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211161VXHM1832-127814 7/3/2014 6:26:17PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211012VXHM1832-127815 5/15/2014 8:37:53PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211520VXHM1832-127816 5/15/2014 7:19:24PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC221166ZTXHM1832-127817 5/15/2014 7:03:34PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211770VXHM1832-127818 5/15/2014 6:47:44PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2211871VXHM1832-127819 5/22/2014 3:32:52PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC221197ZTXHM1832-127820 6/11/2014 5:13:38PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2212480VXHM1832-127821 7/3/2014 6:33:23PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2212381VXHM1832-127822 5/15/2014 6:55:46PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC221228ZTXHM1832-127823 5/22/2014 3:44:21PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2212190VXHM1832-127824 6/18/2014 5:20:48PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC2212091VXHM1832-127825 6/13/2014 5:35:30PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC221INST9ZTXHM1832-127826 7/3/2014 6:34:20PMOptiPlex 780 ATC221

ATC24501B0VXHM1832-127827 5/19/2014 8:43:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24502B1VXHM1832-127828 5/19/2014 8:39:50PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24503BZTXHM1832-127829 5/20/2014 1:57:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24504C0VXHM1832-127830 5/19/2014 8:33:43PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24505C1VXHM1832-127831 5/19/2014 8:39:28PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24506CZTXHM1832-127832 3/27/2014 8:44:10PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24507D0VXHM1832-127833 5/19/2014 8:43:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24508D1VXHM1832-127834 5/20/2014 2:07:45PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2450921VXHM1832-127835 5/19/2014 8:25:55PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2451022VXHM1832-127836 5/20/2014 2:06:10PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2451130VXHM1832-127837 3/27/2014 8:40:15PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2451231VXHM1832-127838 5/19/2014 8:32:05PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24513DZTXHM1832-127839 5/19/2014 8:31:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24514F0VXHM1832-127840 5/19/2014 8:42:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24515F1VXHM1832-127841 5/19/2014 8:39:46PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC24516FZTXHM1832-127842 5/19/2014 8:25:33PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC245173ZTXHM1832-127843 5/19/2014 8:34:26PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2451840VXHM1832-127844 5/19/2014 8:36:23PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC2451941VXHM1832-127845 5/19/2014 8:33:54PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC245204ZTXHM1832-127846 5/19/2014 8:24:10PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC245INST50VXHM1832-127847 5/22/2014 6:40:06PMOptiPlex 780 ATC245

ATC22201G0VXHM1832-127848 5/9/2014 2:22:52PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22202G1VXHM1832-127849 5/20/2014 8:32:52PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22203GZTXHM1832-127850 5/20/2014 8:06:34PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22204H0VXHM1832-127851 5/20/2014 8:10:36PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22205H1VXHM1832-127852 5/20/2014 8:32:32PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22206HZTXHM1832-127853 5/20/2014 8:11:21PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22207J0VXHM1832-127854 5/13/2014 3:19:46PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22208J1VXHM1832-127855 5/13/2014 3:18:52PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC22209JZTXHM1832-127856 5/20/2014 7:59:42PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC2221051VXHM1832-127857 5/20/2014 7:59:48PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC222115ZTXHM1832-127858 5/20/2014 8:23:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC2221260VXHM1832-127859 5/20/2014 8:00:26PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC222INST11VXHM1832-127860 5/20/2014 8:06:43PMOptiPlex 780 ATC222

ATC21104BXYXHM1832-127861 11/11/2013 8:59:54PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21103BWYXHM1832-127862 11/11/2013 8:58:11PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21102CWYXHM1832-127863 11/11/2013 8:56:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21101CXYXHM1832-127864 11/11/2013 8:54:52PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21105DVYXHM1832-127865 5/14/2014 2:36:49PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21106DWYXHM1832-127866 5/14/2014 2:24:30PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21107FVYXHM1832-127867 5/14/2014 2:24:16PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21108FWYXHM1832-127868 5/14/2014 2:09:10PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21109GVYXHM1832-127869 5/14/2014 2:09:47PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21110GWYXHM1832-127870 5/7/2014 8:19:02PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21111HVYXHM1832-127871 11/11/2013 9:11:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC21112HWYXHM1832-127872 11/11/2013 9:13:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21113JVYXHM1832-127873 11/11/2013 9:14:53PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21114JWYXHM1832-127874 11/11/2013 9:16:27PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC21115CVYXHM1832-127875 7/3/2014 7:05:51PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211164WYXHM1832-127876 5/14/2014 3:08:31PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211171VYXHM1832-127877 5/14/2014 3:15:05PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211181WYXHM1832-127878 5/14/2014 2:56:51PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211191XYXHM1832-127879 5/14/2014 2:55:29PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211202VYXHM1832-127880 5/14/2014 5:09:34PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211212WYXHM1832-127881 5/14/2014 5:22:22PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211222XYXHM1832-127882 5/14/2014 5:23:07PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211233VYXHM1832-127883 11/11/2013 9:31:29PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211243WYXHM1832-127884 11/11/2013 9:33:09PMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC211INST3XYXHM1832-127885 5/27/2014 11:39:56AMOptiPlex 780 ATC211

ATC247014VYXHM1832-127886 5/20/2014 3:13:06PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247024XYXHM1832-127887 5/20/2014 3:09:57PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247035VYXHM1832-127888 5/20/2014 3:08:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247045WYXHM1832-127889 5/20/2014 3:08:36PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247055XYXHM1832-127890 5/20/2014 3:00:32PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247066VYXHM1832-127891 5/20/2014 3:01:55PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247076WYXHM1832-127892 5/20/2014 3:01:41PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247086XYXHM1832-127893 5/20/2014 3:13:20PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247097VYXHM1832-127894 3/27/2014 7:51:53PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247107WYXHM1832-127895 5/20/2014 3:22:38PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247117XYXHM1832-127896 3/27/2014 7:52:36PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247128VYXHM1832-127897 3/27/2014 7:52:44PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247138WYXHM1832-127898 5/20/2014 3:08:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247148XYXHM1832-127899 5/20/2014 3:07:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

GLMLQM1832-127900 Latitude E6410 ATC133-SURPLUS

ATC247159VYXHM1832-127900 5/20/2014 3:02:37PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247169WYXHM1832-127901 5/20/2014 3:02:14PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC247179XYXHM1832-127902 5/20/2014 3:01:08PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

ATC24718BVYXHM1832-127903 5/20/2014 3:02:12PMOptiPlex 780 ATC247

W7-127908FV6YPM1832-127908 6/6/2014 12:18:03PMOptiPlex 780 ADM162B

W7-127918B4MX1N1832-127918 3/5/2014 2:39:22PMOptiPlex 780 GCB212

HTC1090197MX1N1832-127919 5/28/2014 3:42:32PMOptiPlex 780 HTC109

W7-127920B8MX1N1832-127920 11/15/2013 1:48:03PMOptiPlex 780 HEC101B

HEC101C6MX1N1832-127921 11/15/2013 1:43:55PMOptiPlex 780 HEC101

CEC12001F7MX1N1832-127922 11/22/2013 8:27:38PMOptiPlex 780 CEC120

W7-127923G4MX1N1832-127923 5/29/2014 1:55:27PMOptiPlex 780 GCB108

W7-127924832-127924 5/8/2014 12:51:56PMOptiPlex 780 GCB102A

W7-127925J3MX1N1832-127925 2/19/2014 4:49:28PMOptiPlex 780 CBI105

W7-127926J6MX1N1832-127926 11/7/2013 3:56:13PMOptiPlex 780 CBI102

W7-12792716MX1N1832-127927 12/11/2013 3:03:17PMOptiPlex 780 ATC113F

W7-12792818MX1N1832-127928 11/7/2013 3:57:49PMOptiPlex 780 CBILOBBY

W7-12792925MX1N1832-127929 1/21/2014 2:46:51PMOptiPlex 780 CBI135

W7-12793048MX1N1832-127930 7/14/2014 1:43:34PMOptiPlex 780 CBI135

W7-12793157MX1N1832-127931 11/7/2013 4:02:47PMOptiPlex 780 CBI102

W7-12793264MX1N1832-127932 12/10/2013 3:28:52PMOptiPlex 780 CBI119

W7-12793365MX1N1832-127933 7/7/2014 4:04:16PMOptiPlex 780 CBI104A

W7-12793466MX1N1832-127934 11/14/2013 4:34:11PMOptiPlex 780 CBI104

W7-12793578MX1N1832-127935 5/29/2014 8:08:26PMOptiPlex 780 CBI119

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-127936B5MX1N1832-127936 5/28/2014 7:02:35PMOptiPlex 780 CBI135

CBI11101CSSX1N1832-127937 5/22/2014 3:05:39PMOptiPlex 780 CBI111

CBI122012TSX1N1832-127938 7/15/2013 6:08:30PMOptiPlex 780 CBI122

CBI12401FSSX1N1832-127939 5/22/2014 2:53:33PMOptiPlex 780 CBI124

CBI12501GSSX1N1832-127940 5/22/2014 2:55:04PMOptiPlex 780 CBI125

CBI12601HSSX1N1832-127941 5/22/2014 2:54:20PMOptiPlex 780 CBI126

CBI12701JSSX1N1832-127942 5/22/2014 3:01:29PMOptiPlex 780 CBI127

CBI12801DSSX1N1832-127943 11/15/2013 1:58:51PMOptiPlex 780 CBI128

CBI129013TSX1N1832-127944 5/22/2014 3:02:40PMOptiPlex 780 CBI129

W7-1279454TSX1N1832-127945 7/14/2014 11:42:10AMOptiPlex 780 ATC133

ART01015TSX1N1832-127946 2/5/2014 1:39:02PMOptiPlex 780 ART01

EAGLESOFT-CBI6TSX1N1832-127947 6/18/2014 2:36:51PMOptiPlex 780 CBI110

W7-1279487SSX1N1832-127948 11/7/2013 4:10:38PMOptiPlex 780 CBI117

W7-1279497TSX1N1832-127949 11/7/2013 4:12:21PMOptiPlex 780 CBI118F

W7-1279508SSX1N1832-127950 4/14/2014 4:50:12PMOptiPlex 780 CBI120

W7-1279519SSX1N1832-127951 11/7/2013 4:15:37PMOptiPlex 780 CBI120

W7-127952BSSX1N1832-127952 1/17/2014 9:40:38PMOptiPlex 780 CBI120

W7-1279531TSX1N1832-127953 11/7/2013 4:18:57PMOptiPlex 780 CBI106

XP1279722UA8511CFM832-127972 HP 2450 ATC133

LT-W7-12798381KJQM1832-127983 6/13/2014 12:20:13PMLatitude E6410 ATC159E

LT-W7-1279847TPJQM1832-127984 7/1/2014 11:44:42AMLatitude E6410 ATC133

C2KJQM1832-127985 Latitude E6410 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-127986D3QJQM1832-127986 6/13/2014 12:31:56PMLatitude E6410 ATC133

LT-W7-127997HYLLQM1832-127997 7/1/2014 11:53:26AMLatitude E6410 ATC133

SLC10702-LTG42K5N1832-128022 1/21/2014 3:36:43PMLatitude E5510 ATC120

SLC10701-LTB42K5N1832-128029 1/21/2014 3:35:50PMLatitude E5510 SLC107

W7-12803262KWKN1832-128032 2/26/2014 6:51:35PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 ATC151

W7-1280339DHCWN1832-128033 7/14/2014 1:27:25PMOptiPlex 780 SR

W7-1280667V4N1P1832-128066 4/4/2014 4:37:53PMOptiPlex 780 LIB127

XP128067HNKM1P1832-128067 11/27/2013 1:09:55AMOptiPlex 780 LIB202

LIB12709GNKM1P1832-128068 3/21/2014 6:31:32PMOptiPlex 780 LIB127

XP12807245H08M1832-128072 12/11/2013 9:28:58PMLatitude 2100 ATC159B

XP1280831W4N1P1832-128083 11/27/2013 2:51:31PMOptiPlex 780 VCC232F

XP1281141KRNMN1832-128114 11/26/2013 8:14:08PMPrecision WorkStation T3500 ADM167C

LT-W7-128137CNU0500DM6832-128137 12/10/2013 7:17:46PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128138CNU0500DMH832-128138 12/10/2013 7:14:49PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128139CNU0500DMN832-128139 12/10/2013 7:28:57PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128140CNU0500DMZ832-128140 12/10/2013 7:26:33PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128141CNU0500DNB832-128141 12/10/2013 7:31:17PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128142CNU0500DNS832-128142 12/10/2013 6:53:18PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128143CNU0500DPL832-128143 12/10/2013 6:58:38PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128144CNU0500DPX832-128144 12/10/2013 6:58:13PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128145CNU0500DQ8832-128145 12/10/2013 6:59:04PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128147CNU0500DQR832-128147 12/10/2013 7:36:36PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128149CNU0500DR6832-128149 12/10/2013 7:40:34PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128151CNU0500DL7832-128151 12/10/2013 7:17:15PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128152CNU0500DLL832-128152 12/10/2013 7:07:36PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

LT-W7-128153CNU0500DLY832-128153 12/10/2013 7:08:03PMHP Mini 5103 CUH314

W7-128159CNU0500DNZ832-128159 11/27/2013 11:22:15PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128160CNU0500DPN832-128160 11/28/2013 12:01:27AMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128161CNU0500DQ1832-128161 11/28/2013 12:01:23AMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128162CNU0500DQ9832-128162 11/28/2013 12:01:01AMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-128163CNU0500DQM832-128163 11/28/2013 12:00:46AMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128164CNU0500DQT832-128164 1/21/2014 8:21:47PMHP Mini 5103 SLC216A

W7-128165CNU0500DR1832-128165 12/2/2013 3:31:23PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128166CNU0500DR8832-128166 12/2/2013 3:31:53PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128167CNU0500DRQ832-128167 11/28/2013 12:00:15AMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128168CNU0500DLD832-128168 12/2/2013 2:14:23PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128169CNU0500DLR832-128169 12/2/2013 2:11:25PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128170CNU0500DM3832-128170 12/2/2013 2:16:00PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128171CNU0500DMD832-128171 12/2/2013 2:25:13PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128172CNU0500DMM832-128172 12/2/2013 3:24:34PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128173CNU0500DMW832-128173 12/2/2013 3:37:12PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128174CNU0500DN7832-128174 12/2/2013 3:24:42PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128175CNU0500DNL832-128175 12/2/2013 2:31:17PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128176CNU0500DPH832-128176 12/2/2013 2:24:17PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128177CNU0500DPR832-128177 12/2/2013 3:17:40PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

W7-128183CNU0500DRC832-128183 12/2/2013 3:17:21PMHP Mini 5103 SLC105

XP128184CJCVNN1832-128184 12/5/2013 4:00:31AMOptiPlex 780 VCC114

XP1281874F11PN1832-128187 6/10/2014 1:14:12PMOptiPlex 780 ADM116A

W7-1281884F12PN1832-128188 4/4/2014 2:02:15PMOptiPlex 780 ADM101A

W7-1281894F20PN1832-128189 4/25/2014 1:33:29PMOptiPlex 780 ADM101D

VCC2150197LRPN1832-128225 5/21/2014 3:10:59PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150297NQPN1832-128226 5/21/2014 3:14:05PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150397MQPN1832-128227 5/21/2014 3:08:35PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150497KSPN1832-128228 6/3/2014 5:53:29PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150597LQPN1832-128229 6/3/2014 5:54:22PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150697MRPN1832-128230 5/21/2014 3:39:03PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150797MSPN1832-128231 6/3/2014 5:54:48PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150897LSPN1832-128232 5/21/2014 3:21:27PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2150997HRPN1832-128233 5/21/2014 3:16:02PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151097GSPN1832-128234 5/21/2014 3:15:58PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151197JRPN1832-128235 5/21/2014 3:15:44PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151297HQPN1832-128236 5/21/2014 3:08:57PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151397GQPN1832-128237 5/21/2014 3:16:50PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151497HSPN1832-128238 5/21/2014 3:02:30PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151597GRPN1832-128239 5/21/2014 2:59:31PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151697JQPN1832-128240 5/21/2014 2:59:17PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151797FRPN1832-128241 5/21/2014 2:59:11PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151897KQPN1832-128242 5/21/2014 2:59:04PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2151997JSPN1832-128243 5/21/2014 2:58:51PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

VCC2152097FSPN1832-128244 6/3/2014 5:51:13PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC215

HEC20601GVB6CP1832-128322 5/30/2014 4:14:02PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20602GVD4CP1832-128323 5/30/2014 4:14:08PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20603GVC0CP1832-128324 5/30/2014 4:29:19PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20604GVD0CP1832-128325 5/30/2014 4:28:36PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20605GVC1CP1832-128326 5/30/2014 4:27:20PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20606GVD2CP1832-128327 5/30/2014 3:39:43PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20607GVB7CP1832-128328 5/30/2014 2:50:33PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20608GVC5CP1832-128329 5/30/2014 2:52:01PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20609GVD1CP1832-128330 5/30/2014 2:50:21PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20610GVC4CP1832-128331 5/30/2014 2:50:01PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20611GVC7CP1832-128332 5/30/2014 3:20:50PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20612GVCZBP1832-128333 6/18/2014 1:04:16PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationHEC20613GVDZBP1832-128334 5/30/2014 3:21:12PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20614GVD7CP1832-128335 5/30/2014 3:21:03PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20615GVC2CP1832-128336 5/30/2014 3:21:40PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20616GVD6CP1832-128337 5/30/2014 4:14:52PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20617GVD5CP1832-128338 5/30/2014 4:14:40PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20618GVC3CP1832-128339 5/30/2014 4:15:14PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20619GVBZBP1832-128340 5/30/2014 4:22:42PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC20620GVD3CP1832-128341 5/30/2014 4:15:30PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

HEC206INSTGVC6CP1832-128342 5/30/2014 3:38:39PMOptiPlex 980 HEC206

W7-1283433KYFCP1832-128343 7/14/2014 12:01:21PMOptiPlex 980 ATC159A

W7-1283443KYCCP1832-128344 7/14/2014 11:43:33AMOptiPlex 980 ATC159D

W7-1283453KYDCP1832-128345 7/14/2014 11:37:21AMOptiPlex 980 ATC159B

VCC23201GV85CP1832-128346 5/20/2014 1:34:33PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23202GVB2CP1832-128347 5/20/2014 1:34:43PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23203GV9ZBP1832-128348 5/20/2014 1:57:43PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23204GV76CP1832-128349 5/20/2014 1:37:21PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23205GV92CP1832-128350 5/20/2014 1:37:29PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23206GV96CP1832-128351 5/20/2014 1:32:23PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23207GV74CP1832-128352 5/20/2014 1:31:36PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23208GV93CP1832-128353 5/20/2014 1:39:57PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23209GV81CP1832-128354 5/20/2014 1:39:16PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23210GVB3CP1832-128355 7/10/2013 3:49:14PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23211GV73CP1832-128356 7/10/2013 3:49:52PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23212GV8ZBP1832-128357 11/12/2013 8:34:53PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23213GV95CP1832-128358 5/20/2014 1:35:33PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23214GV75CP1832-128359 5/20/2014 1:34:57PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23215GV91CP1832-128360 7/2/2014 12:35:30PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23216GV84CP1832-128361 5/20/2014 1:36:12PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23217GVB1CP1832-128362 5/20/2014 1:36:53PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23218GV97CP1832-128363 7/10/2013 3:58:06PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23219GVB0CP1832-128364 7/10/2013 3:57:14PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23220GV90CP1832-128365 7/2/2014 12:59:47PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23221GV94CP1832-128366 5/20/2014 1:33:12PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23222GV7ZBP1832-128367 5/20/2014 1:37:15PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23223GVB4CP1832-128368 5/20/2014 1:43:08PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23224GVB5CP1832-128369 5/20/2014 1:43:32PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23225GV77CP1832-128370 5/20/2014 1:44:19PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23226GV87CP1832-128371 5/20/2014 1:48:45PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23227GV86CP1832-128372 5/20/2014 1:47:01PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23228GV82CP1832-128373 5/20/2014 1:43:19PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23229GV80CP1832-128374 5/20/2014 1:43:17PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

VCC23230GV83CP1832-128375 5/20/2014 1:53:41PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232

ECC22213573PGQ1832-128404 1/15/2014 4:31:15PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22214575NGQ1832-128405 1/15/2014 4:31:23PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22215572PGQ1832-128406 5/8/2014 7:28:54PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22216575PGQ1832-128407 1/24/2014 8:15:31PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22217573MGQ1832-128408 1/24/2014 7:52:18PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22218576MGQ1832-128409 2/21/2014 4:49:16PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22219574MGQ1832-128410 3/14/2014 8:18:23PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22220576NGQ1832-128411 2/21/2014 5:20:24PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22221573NGQ1832-128412 1/15/2014 4:07:27PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22222575MGQ1832-128413 1/24/2014 8:15:57PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationECC22223576PGQ1832-128414 1/15/2014 4:00:02PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC22224574NGQ1832-128415 1/15/2014 3:59:48PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ATC11913574PGQ1832-128416 5/14/2014 6:21:53PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

W7-128603DV3GDP1832-128603 11/7/2013 4:20:37PMOptiPlex 980 CBI107

CEC2080144R7DP1832-128610 11/25/2013 9:01:14PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080244Q7DP1832-128611 7/16/2013 12:26:49PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080344T3DP1832-128612 7/1/2014 2:35:20PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080444R8DP1832-128613 11/25/2013 9:06:51PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080544Q9DP1832-128614 7/1/2014 2:19:44PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080644S3DP1832-128615 7/1/2014 1:58:44PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080744S8DP1832-128616 7/1/2014 1:59:29PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080844Q6DP1832-128617 11/25/2013 9:08:12PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2080944R6DP1832-128618 7/1/2014 2:13:05PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081044S4DP1832-128619 7/16/2013 12:33:35PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081144S6DP1832-128620 7/16/2013 12:32:34PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081244T4DP1832-128621 7/16/2013 12:34:57PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081344Q8DP1832-128622 7/1/2014 2:37:49PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081444R5DP1832-128623 7/1/2014 2:39:04PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081544S5DP1832-128624 7/1/2014 8:15:34PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081644S7DP1832-128625 7/1/2014 3:38:37PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081744R9DP1832-128626 7/1/2014 6:26:36PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081844Q4DP1832-128627 7/16/2013 12:37:53PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2081944Q5DP1832-128628 7/16/2013 12:40:18PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC2082044R3DP1832-128629 7/16/2013 12:39:17PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC208INST44R4DP1832-128630 6/30/2014 6:48:11PMOptiPlex 980 CEC208

CEC243017SS8DP1832-128636 11/25/2013 9:24:58PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243027SR7DP1832-128637 7/1/2014 3:12:38PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243037SR5DP1832-128638 7/1/2014 3:13:05PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243047SQ4DP1832-128639 7/1/2014 3:03:20PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243057SS6DP1832-128640 7/1/2014 3:03:13PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243067SR3DP1832-128641 7/16/2013 12:47:17PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243077SS5DP1832-128642 7/16/2013 12:47:51PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243087ST3DP1832-128643 7/1/2014 2:52:01PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243097ST6DP1832-128644 7/1/2014 2:54:25PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243107SQ5DP1832-128645 7/16/2013 12:50:34PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243117ST4DP1832-128646 7/16/2013 12:51:16PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243127SR9DP1832-128647 7/16/2013 12:51:51PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243137ST7DP1832-128648 7/16/2013 12:52:32PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243147SR4DP1832-128649 7/16/2013 12:53:08PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243157SQ6DP1832-128650 7/16/2013 12:53:42PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243167ST8DP1832-128651 11/25/2013 9:23:41PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243177SS7DP1832-128652 7/16/2013 12:54:32PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243187SQ9DP1832-128653 7/16/2013 12:55:07PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243197SR8DP1832-128654 7/16/2013 12:55:41PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243207SQ3DP1832-128655 7/1/2014 3:23:34PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243217SR6DP1832-128656 7/16/2013 12:57:29PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243227ST5DP1832-128657 7/16/2013 12:58:03PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243237SS3DP1832-128658 7/16/2013 12:58:40PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243247SQ8DP1832-128659 7/16/2013 12:59:14PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243257SS4DP1832-128660 7/16/2013 12:59:56PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243267SV3DP1832-128661 11/25/2013 9:24:42PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

CEC243INST7SQ7DP1832-128662 7/1/2014 3:16:30PMOptiPlex 980 CEC243

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationW7-1286677SV4DP1832-128667 12/5/2013 5:41:39AMOptiPlex 980 ADM4A

W7-1286687SV5DP1832-128668 12/12/2013 4:23:29PMOptiPlex 980 ADM4

W7-128669DLQTHQ1832-128669 7/9/2014 5:46:10PMOptiPlex 990

W7-1286761YDDDP1832-128676 4/24/2014 3:21:40PMOptiPlex 980 VCC107

W7-1286771YDCDP1832-128677 7/10/2013 4:07:20PMOptiPlex 980 VCC232C

W7-1286781YFCDP1832-128678 12/13/2013 9:09:21PMOptiPlex 980 LIB200C

W7-1286791YDBDP1832-128679 7/10/2014 2:12:42PMOptiPlex 980 LRC108

W7-1286801YFBDP1832-128680 7/10/2014 2:12:29PMOptiPlex 980 LRC109

MAC-128685QP1140BXDNR832-128685 IMAC PRD2

LT-W7-128690CJ9M4Q1832-128690 1/21/2014 7:41:46PMLatitude E6410 VCC104

ATC11901B3CLDQ1832-128693 5/14/2014 2:56:59PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11902B39KDQ1832-128694 5/21/2014 1:31:20PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11903B39JDQ1832-128695 5/21/2014 1:32:12PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11904B2ZHDQ1832-128696 5/21/2014 1:32:32PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11905B35JDQ1832-128697 5/21/2014 1:31:24PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11906B37JDQ1832-128698 5/21/2014 1:31:28PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11907B32LDQ1832-128699 5/14/2014 2:57:42PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11908B34KDQ1832-128700 5/14/2014 2:58:29PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11909B38KDQ1832-128701 5/14/2014 5:38:08PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11910B3BLDQ1832-128702 5/14/2014 5:31:22PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11911B30JDQ1832-128703 5/21/2014 1:37:10PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11912B36KDQ1832-128704 5/21/2014 1:37:00PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11914B2YJDQ1832-128705 5/14/2014 6:13:20PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11915B35KDQ1832-128706 6/30/2014 1:27:17PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11916B2XHDQ1832-128707 5/21/2014 1:35:23PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11917B3BJDQ1832-128708 5/21/2014 1:33:09PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11918B36JDQ1832-128709 5/21/2014 1:33:14PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11919B32KDQ1832-128710 5/14/2014 2:50:04PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11920B33KDQ1832-128711 5/21/2014 1:31:13PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC119213QVNDQ1832-128712 5/21/2014 1:30:59PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11922B38LDQ1832-128713 5/21/2014 1:32:51PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11923B30LDQ1832-128714 5/21/2014 1:32:38PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC11924B2ZJDQ1832-128715 5/21/2014 1:32:25PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC119INSTB34LDQ1832-128716 7/10/2014 3:38:27PMOptiPlex 980 ATC119

ATC22301B38JDQ1832-128718 5/19/2014 5:16:09PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22302B33JDQ1832-128719 5/15/2014 7:20:43PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22303B34JDQ1832-128720 5/19/2014 7:16:29PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22304B35LDQ1832-128721 5/19/2014 7:14:01PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22305B30KDQ1832-128722 5/19/2014 7:01:24PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22306B3CKDQ1832-128723 5/19/2014 7:13:34PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22307B2ZKDQ1832-128724 5/15/2014 7:28:55PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22308B2YKDQ1832-128725 5/15/2014 7:28:24PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22309B37KDQ1832-128726 5/19/2014 5:50:53PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22310B31JDQ1832-128727 5/15/2014 7:10:41PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22311B2WKDQ1832-128728 7/3/2014 6:59:19PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22312B2XKDQ1832-128729 7/3/2014 6:59:06PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22313B36LDQ1832-128730 5/15/2014 7:52:11PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22314B37LDQ1832-128731 5/23/2014 1:46:21PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22315B2WHDQ1832-128732 5/15/2014 7:47:42PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22316B2XJDQ1832-128733 5/15/2014 7:37:55PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22317B3BKDQ1832-128734 5/15/2014 7:37:48PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22318B2YHDQ1832-128735 5/22/2014 5:51:05PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC22319B33LDQ1832-128736 5/15/2014 7:25:29PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22320B31LDQ1832-128737 5/15/2014 6:28:40PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22321CW09ZV1832-128738 5/15/2014 7:34:36PMOptiPlex 990 ATC223

ATC22322B31KDQ1832-128739 5/15/2014 6:27:35PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22323B2WJDQ1832-128740 5/15/2014 7:06:49PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC22324B32JDQ1832-128741 5/15/2014 7:05:06PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC223INSTB39LDQ1832-128742 5/23/2014 2:48:27PMOptiPlex 980 ATC223

ATC227013QSLDQ1832-128743 5/21/2014 2:30:20PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227023QXNDQ1832-128744 5/21/2014 2:30:13PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227033QYLDQ1832-128745 7/25/2013 8:11:39PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227043R0NDQ1832-128746 7/3/2014 7:18:53PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227053R1NDQ1832-128747 5/19/2014 7:49:17PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227063QYMDQ1832-128748 7/3/2014 7:08:15PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227073QZNDQ1832-128749 5/20/2014 1:53:45PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227083R1MDQ1832-128750 5/20/2014 1:53:34PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227093QXMDQ1832-128751 5/19/2014 8:35:15PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227103QTNDQ1832-128752 5/19/2014 8:30:51PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227113R1PDQ1832-128753 5/19/2014 7:51:27PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227123QRNDQ1832-128754 5/19/2014 7:51:19PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227133QTMDQ1832-128755 5/19/2014 6:42:03PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227143QWPDQ1832-128756 7/25/2013 8:26:22PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227153QSNDQ1832-128757 5/19/2014 8:47:45PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227163QSMDQ1832-128758 5/19/2014 8:45:42PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227173QTLDQ1832-128759 5/19/2014 8:16:03PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227183QXPDQ1832-128760 5/19/2014 8:16:12PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227193QYNDQ1832-128761 5/19/2014 7:52:00PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227203QZLDQ1832-128762 5/19/2014 7:53:58PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227213R0MDQ1832-128763 5/19/2014 8:12:15PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227223R2NDQ1832-128764 5/19/2014 8:12:25PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227233QTPDQ1832-128765 5/19/2014 8:31:49PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ATC227INST3QRPDQ1832-128766 5/22/2014 6:59:20PMOptiPlex 980 ATC227

ECC222013QWMDQ1832-128767 2/24/2014 1:42:47PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222023QYPDQ1832-128768 5/22/2014 8:11:42PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222033R2MDQ1832-128769 1/15/2014 4:49:35PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222043QXLDQ1832-128770 5/22/2014 8:11:58PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222083QWLDQ1832-128771 5/22/2014 8:01:45PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222073QVMDQ1832-128772 5/22/2014 8:01:37PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222063QVLDQ1832-128773 5/22/2014 8:01:04PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222053QZMDQ1832-128774 5/22/2014 7:58:58PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222113QSPDQ1832-128775 1/15/2014 4:30:49PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222093R0PDQ1832-128776 5/22/2014 8:25:22PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

ECC222103QVPDQ1832-128777 3/6/2014 8:01:52PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

LT-W7-128787CCCM4Q1832-128787 2/17/2014 8:13:03PMLatitude E6410 ATC133

FBB05017PPPDQ1832-128788 12/3/2013 11:48:46AMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBUCB05INST7PPNDQ1832-128789 5/1/2014 12:27:10PMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05037PKPDQ1832-128790 12/3/2013 11:54:22AMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05047PLMDQ1832-128791 3/7/2014 11:38:59AMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05057PJNDQ1832-128792 1/15/2014 12:43:01PMOptiPlex 980 FBSDC206

FBB05067PJPDQ1832-128793 12/3/2013 12:00:37PMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05077PQLDQ1832-128794 12/3/2013 12:03:19PMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05107PMMDQ1832-128797 12/3/2013 12:14:33PMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

BT132017PKNDQ1832-128798 5/8/2014 4:58:12PMOptiPlex 980 BT132

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationBT132027PLPDQ1832-128799 2/19/2014 6:31:53PMOptiPlex 980 BT132

BT132037PKMDQ1832-128800 2/19/2014 6:34:17PMOptiPlex 980 BT132

BT132047PQMDQ1832-128801 7/3/2014 11:34:49AMOptiPlex 980 BT132

FBB05157PJMDQ1832-128802 12/3/2013 12:24:08PMOptiPlex 980 FBB05

FBB05197PNMDQ1832-128806 2/6/2014 11:58:05AMOptiPlex 980 FBSDC206

FBB05207PHPDQ1832-128807 1/15/2014 12:47:50PMOptiPlex 980 FBSDC206

ECC222123QWNDQ1832-128810 1/15/2014 4:31:01PMOptiPlex 980 ECC222

LT-W7-128835CNU1164N7T832-128835 3/17/2014 9:38:57PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128836CNU1164N7Y832-128836 6/13/2014 12:32:58PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128837CNU1164N82832-128837 11/26/2013 9:50:57PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128838CNU1164N84832-128838 3/17/2014 9:38:31PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128839CNU1164N8F832-128839 12/19/2013 5:44:34PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128840CNU1164N8K832-128840 3/17/2014 9:39:05PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128841CNU1164N8N832-128841 3/17/2014 9:39:26PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128884CNU1164N8X832-128844 3/18/2014 7:29:50PMHP Mini 5103 (WQ211AV) ATC133

LT-W7-128845CNU1164N92832-128845 11/27/2013 7:10:39PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128846CNU1164N9X832-128846 3/18/2014 5:58:21PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128847CNU1164N9Z832-128847 3/18/2014 5:59:09PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128848CNU1164NB4832-128848 3/18/2014 5:57:59PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128849CNU1164NBB832-128849 3/18/2014 5:59:17PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128850CNU1164NBH832-128850 3/17/2014 9:39:12PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128851CNU1164NBM832-128851 3/17/2014 9:39:19PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128853CNU1164NBS832-128853 11/27/2013 7:13:19PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128854CNU1164NBV832-128854 11/26/2013 9:48:19PMHP Mini 5103 CEC241

LT-W7-128856CNU1164NC2832-128856 11/27/2013 7:00:57PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128857CNU1164NC7832-128857 3/18/2014 5:58:27PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128858CNU1164NCB832-128858 11/26/2013 9:42:35PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128859CNU1164NCT832-128859 6/3/2014 5:08:06PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128860CNU1164NCZ832-128860 11/27/2013 7:21:05PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128862CNU1164ND6832-128862 11/26/2013 9:52:11PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128863CNU1164NDJ832-128863 3/18/2014 5:58:46PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128864CNU1164NDL832-128864 11/26/2013 8:56:39PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128865CNU1164NDP832-128865 11/26/2013 9:25:43PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128867CNU1164NDV832-128867 11/26/2013 9:39:07PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128868CNU1164NF1832-128869 11/27/2013 7:19:01PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128870CNU1164NF6832-128870 11/26/2013 9:44:03PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128871CNU1164NFM832-128871 3/18/2014 5:58:39PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128872CNU1164NFP832-128872 11/27/2013 7:23:05PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128873CNU1164NFV832-128873 11/22/2013 6:59:32PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128874CNU1164NFZ832-128874 6/13/2014 12:38:49PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128875CNU1164NG2832-128875 3/17/2014 9:39:33PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128876CNU1164NG8832-128876 3/17/2014 9:38:50PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128877CNU1164NGC832-128877 3/18/2014 5:58:08PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128878CNU1164NGJ832-128878 11/27/2013 7:15:27PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128879CNU1164NGP832-128879 11/27/2013 7:24:01PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

LT-W7-128880CNU1164NHC832-128880 3/18/2014 5:58:58PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128881CNU1164NHR832-128881 3/17/2014 9:36:11PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128882CNU1164NHZ832-128882 3/17/2014 9:38:40PMHP Mini 5103 ATC133

LT-W7-128883CNU1164NSB832-128883 11/22/2013 7:11:54PMHP Mini 5103 CEC221

W7-128908-LT8Y565Q1832-128908 1/21/2014 7:45:22PMLatitude E6410 VCC103

4KHMTH1832-128982 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

VCC219INST5H9JPJ1832-128984 3/28/2014 7:38:47PMOptiPlex 740 Enhanced ATC133A

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VCC219016KHMTH1832-128987 5/23/2014 12:56:12PMOptiPlex 740 Enhanced ATC133A

W7-1289887H9JPJ1832-128988 3/21/2014 6:59:17PMOptiPlex 740 Enhanced VCC219

6H9JPJ1832-128990 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

WFD-W7-1289911KHMTH1832-128991 12/5/2013 9:48:24AMOptiPlex 740 Enhanced 410 Ray Avenue

9Q83WH1832-128993 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

CH9JPJ1832-128994 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

7KHMTH1832-128995 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

WFD-W7-128989BKHMTH1832-128996 12/5/2013 9:51:20AMOptiPlex 740 Enhanced ATC133-SURPLUS

5R83WH1832-128998 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

3R83WH1832-129000 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

GQ83WH1832-129002 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

CKHMTH1832-129006 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

BQ83WH1832-129008 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

CQ83WH1832-129010 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

PKHMTH1832-129013 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

WFD-W7-129016CH2HPJ1832-129016 12/5/2013 9:45:46AMLatitude E4300 410 Ray Avenue

1YW3Y51832-129019 Dimension 4600 ATC133-SURPLUS

LT-W7-129036757YLQ1832-129036 4/7/2014 9:42:40PMLatitude E5420 ATC133

W7-1290387580MQ1832-129038 12/5/2013 5:04:37AMLatitude E5420 VCC201

WFD-W7-129056BH2HPJ1832-129056 12/5/2013 9:43:09AMLatitude E4300 Ray Ave. WFD

W7-129071HXFWVR1832-129071 12/5/2013 4:51:35AMOptiPlex 990 ADM107

W7-129072HXFXVR1832-129072 1/27/2014 1:05:04PMOptiPlex 990 ADM107

W7-129073HXF7WR1832-129073 6/26/2014 12:31:56PMOptiPlex 990 ATC133

VCC12401D25GJ1RVDHJW832-129074 IMAC VCC124

VCC12402D25GK070DHJW832-129075 IMAC VCC124

VCC12403D25GK071DHJW832-129076 IMAC VCC124

VCC12404D25GK072DHJW832-129077 IMAC VCC124

VCC12405D25GK073DHJW832-129078 IMAC VCC124

VCC12406D25GK074DHJW832-129079 IMAC VCC124

VCC12407D25GK075DHJW832-129080 IMAC VCC124

VCC12408D25GK076DHJW832-129081 IMAC VCC124

VCC12409D25GK077DHJW832-129082 IMAC VCC124

VCC12410D25GK078DHJW832-129083 IMAC VCC124

VCC12415D25GK079DHJW832-129084 IMAC VCC124

VCC12414D25GK07ADHJW832-129085 IMAC VCC124

VCC12413D25GK07BDHJW832-129086 IMAC VCC124

VCC12412D25GK07CDHJW832-129087 IMAC VCC124

VCC12411D25GK07EDHJW832-129088 IMAC VCC124

VCC12419D25GK07FDHJW832-129089 IMAC VCC124

VCC12422D25GK07GDHJW832-129090 IMAC VCC124

VCC12417D25GK07HDHJW832-129091 IMAC VCC124

VCC12416D25GK07JDHJW832-129092 IMAC VCC124

VCC12425D25GK07KDHJW832-129093 IMAC VCC124

VCC12424D25GK07LDHJW832-129094 IMAC VCC124

VCC12423D25GK07MDHJW832-129095 IMAC VCC124

VCC12418D25GK07NDHJW832-129096 IMAC VCC124

VCC12421D25GK07PDHJW832-129097 IMAC VCC124

VCC12420D25GK07QDHJW832-129098 IMAC VCC124

VCC124INSTD25GK07RDHJW832-129099 IMAC VCC124

VCC12501D25GK07SDHJW832-129100 IMAC VCC125

VCC12502D25GK07TDHJW832-129101 IMAC VCC125

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VCC12504D25GK07VDHJW832-129103 IMAC VCC125

VCC12505D25GK07WDHJW832-129104 IMAC VCC125

VCC12506D25H30NMDHJW832-129105 IMAC VCC125

VCC12507D25GK07YDHJW832-129106 IMAC VCC125

VCC12508D25GK07ZDHJW832-129107 IMAC VCC125

VCC12509D25GK080DHJW832-129108 IMAC VCC125

VCC12510D25GK081DHJW832-129109 IMAC VCC125

VCC12511D25GK082DHJW832-129110 IMAC VCC125

VCC12512D25GK083DHJW832-129111 IMAC VCC125

VCC12513D25GK084DHJW832-129112 IMAC VCC125

VCC12514D25GK085DHJW832-129113 IMAC VCC125

VCC12515D25GK086DHJW832-129114 IMAC VCC125

VCC12516D25GK087DHJW832-129115 IMAC VCC125

VCC12517D25GK088DHJW832-129116 IMAC VCC125

VCC12518D25GK089DHJW832-129117 IMAC VCC125

VCC12519D25GK08ADHJW832-129118 IMAC VCC125

VCC12520D25GK08BDHJW832-129119 IMAC VCC125

VCC12521D25GK08CDHJW832-129120 IMAC VCC125

VCC12522D25GK08DDHJW832-129121 IMAC VCC125

VCC12523D25GK08EDHJW832-129122 IMAC VCC125

VCC12524D25GK08FDHJW832-129123 IMAC VCC125

VCC12525D25GK08GDHJW832-129124 IMAC VCC125


ATC11602DFW6WR1832-129131 4/28/2014 7:04:52PMOptiPlex 790 ATC116

LAH10202DFW7WR1832-129132 5/22/2014 8:43:43PMOptiPlex 790 LAH102

CUH31802DFX1WR1832-129133 5/21/2014 6:51:03PMOptiPlex 790 CUH318

HTC205B02DFX6WR1832-129135 11/14/2013 4:17:02PMOptiPlex 790 HTC205B

GCB209252UA15204GB832-129138 5/27/2014 8:04:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB216012UA15204DR832-129139 2/5/2014 12:30:52AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB216

GCB224012UA15204DJ832-129141 1/17/2014 8:33:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB224

GCB113012UA15204HC832-129142 12/3/2013 1:08:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113022UA15204HP832-129143 3/14/2014 1:15:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113032UA15204GL832-129144 3/14/2014 1:15:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113042UA15204G9832-129145 3/14/2014 1:15:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113052UA15204HR832-129146 3/14/2014 1:14:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113062UA15204GS832-129147 4/29/2014 3:23:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113072UA15204GN832-129148 4/29/2014 3:23:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113082UA15204GW832-129149 4/29/2014 3:22:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113092UA15204G5832-129150 4/29/2014 3:22:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113102UA15204GH832-129151 4/29/2014 3:22:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113112UA15204HQ832-129152 4/29/2014 3:18:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113122UA15204HJ832-129153 4/29/2014 3:17:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113132UA15204H8832-129154 4/29/2014 3:17:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113142UA15204GJ832-129155 4/29/2014 3:17:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113152UA15204G0832-129156 5/29/2014 6:50:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113162UA15204H0832-129157 4/29/2014 3:09:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113172UA15204FB832-129158 4/29/2014 3:10:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113182UA15204H2832-129159 4/29/2014 3:10:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113192UA15204KV832-129160 4/29/2014 3:10:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113202UA15204DX832-129161 1/15/2014 4:35:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113212UA15204HT832-129162 4/29/2014 3:10:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB113222UA15204K9832-129163 1/15/2014 4:33:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113232UA15204JX832-129164 12/3/2013 1:50:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB113242UA15204K7832-129165 3/14/2014 1:46:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB113

GCB209262UA15204JS832-129166 5/27/2014 8:38:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

W7-1291672UA15204G3832-129167 3/28/2014 8:00:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC133

GCB115022UA15204HZ832-129168 11/15/2013 2:45:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115032UA15204F8832-129169 11/5/2013 8:14:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115042UA15204FQ832-129170 7/9/2013 3:34:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115052UA15204JK832-129171 7/9/2013 3:34:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115062UA15204F5832-129172 11/5/2013 7:44:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115072UA15204FY832-129173 11/5/2013 7:46:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115082UA15204FV832-129174 7/9/2013 3:37:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115092UA15204FX832-129175 7/9/2013 3:38:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115102UA15204HM832-129176 3/27/2014 6:40:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115112UA15204KB832-129177 3/27/2014 6:40:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115122UA15204F2832-129178 7/9/2013 3:40:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115132UA15204F4832-129179 3/27/2014 12:50:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115142UA15204FP832-129180 3/27/2014 1:09:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115152UA15204J8832-129181 3/27/2014 1:36:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115162UA15204F9832-129182 3/31/2014 4:56:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115172UA15204HY832-129183 7/9/2013 3:44:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC133

GCB115182UA15204KS832-129184 5/20/2014 7:13:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB225

GCB115192UA15204FS832-129185 3/12/2014 7:43:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB225

GCB115202UA15204HG832-129186 2/5/2014 9:53:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB225

GCB115212UA15204DV832-129187 3/27/2014 6:40:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115222UA15204J9832-129188 3/31/2014 3:36:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115232UA15204DY832-129189 3/27/2014 12:48:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB115242UA15204DW832-129190 3/27/2014 1:46:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB115

GCB225LT22UA15204KC832-129191 7/14/2014 11:57:37AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB225

GCB117192UA15204J1832-129192 3/13/2014 7:49:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117202UA15204KG832-129193 11/5/2013 7:51:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117212UA15204JP832-129194 4/23/2014 3:29:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117222UA15204K0832-129195 7/9/2013 4:27:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117232UA15204DS832-129196 6/10/2014 2:13:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117242UA15204KY832-129197 7/9/2013 4:28:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117132UA15204KW832-129198 7/9/2013 4:18:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117142UA15204DC832-129199 11/20/2013 9:11:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117152UA15204DH832-129200 4/23/2014 3:35:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117162UA15204KX832-129201 7/11/2013 2:13:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117172UA15204L7832-129202 7/11/2013 2:13:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117182UA15204KP832-129203 11/5/2013 7:48:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117072UA15204KT832-129204 7/9/2013 4:15:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117082UA15204J4832-129205 7/9/2013 4:15:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117092UA15204JJ832-129206 7/9/2013 4:16:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117102UA15204G6832-129207 7/9/2013 4:16:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117112UA15204F0832-129208 4/7/2014 3:26:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117122UA15204KH832-129209 7/9/2013 4:18:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117012UA15204F1832-129210 2/21/2014 5:50:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117022UA15204L4832-129211 7/9/2013 4:12:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117032UA15204FL832-129212 7/9/2013 4:12:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117042UA15204GC832-129213 7/9/2013 4:13:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB117052UA15204DD832-129214 7/9/2013 4:13:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB117062UA15204JY832-129215 7/9/2013 4:14:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB117

GCB209272UA15204HS832-129216 5/27/2014 8:14:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB119012UA15204H4832-129217 3/31/2014 2:02:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119022UA15204GV832-129218 3/31/2014 2:02:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119032UA15204F3832-129219 3/31/2014 2:03:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119042UA15204HH832-129220 3/31/2014 2:07:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119052UA15204JZ832-129221 7/9/2014 12:37:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119062UA15204H1832-129222 3/31/2014 2:03:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119072UA15204GX832-129223 3/31/2014 2:03:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119082UA15204GF832-129224 3/31/2014 2:04:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119092UA15204FC832-129225 3/31/2014 2:04:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119102UA15204DQ832-129226 3/31/2014 2:04:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119112UA15204GP832-129227 3/31/2014 2:04:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119122UA15204HV832-129228 3/31/2014 2:06:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119132UA15204J0832-129229 3/31/2014 2:41:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119142UA15204HF832-129230 4/25/2014 5:33:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119152UA15204H9832-129231 3/31/2014 2:41:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119162UA15204H5832-129232 3/31/2014 2:41:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119172UA15204GY832-129233 3/31/2014 2:41:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119182UA15204F6832-129234 3/31/2014 2:41:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119192UA15204HD832-129235 4/2/2014 5:58:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119202UA15204HB832-129236 3/31/2014 3:13:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119212UA15204HN832-129237 3/31/2014 3:12:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119222UA15204HL832-129238 7/9/2013 5:00:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119232UA15204HX832-129239 3/31/2014 3:11:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

GCB119242UA15204KF832-129240 3/31/2014 3:11:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB119

W7-1292412UA15204JR832-129241 7/11/2014 10:24:23AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

GCB206012UA15204DF832-129242 7/9/2013 5:05:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206022UA15204G4832-129243 7/9/2013 5:05:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206032UA15204GG832-129244 7/9/2013 5:06:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206042UA15204FT832-129245 7/9/2013 5:07:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206052UA15204DK832-129246 7/9/2013 5:08:23PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206062UA15204L2832-129247 7/9/2013 5:09:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206072UA15204L0832-129248 4/11/2014 12:19:23PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206082UA15204HW832-129249 7/9/2013 5:10:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206092UA15204J5832-129250 7/9/2013 5:10:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206102UA15204J2832-129251 7/9/2013 5:11:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206112UA15204KD832-129252 7/9/2013 5:12:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206122UA15204JQ832-129253 7/9/2013 5:07:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206132UA15204JG832-129254 7/9/2013 5:13:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206142UA15204DL832-129255 7/9/2013 5:13:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206152UA15204KR832-129256 7/9/2013 5:14:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206162UA15204K2832-129257 11/21/2013 9:48:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206172UA15204JW832-129258 7/9/2013 5:16:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206182UA15204JL832-129259 7/9/2013 5:18:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206192UA15204DG832-129260 7/9/2013 5:18:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206202UA15204DM832-129261 7/9/2013 5:19:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206212UA15204KZ832-129262 11/21/2013 9:49:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206222UA15204L6832-129263 7/9/2013 5:20:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206232UA15204DP832-129264 7/9/2013 5:22:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB206242UA15204JN832-129265 3/4/2014 10:44:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB206

GCB209282UA15204K4832-129266 5/27/2014 7:59:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB207172UA15204GT832-129267 5/30/2014 5:42:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207182UA15204GM832-129268 5/30/2014 5:42:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207192UA15204GQ832-129269 5/30/2014 5:42:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207202UA15204DT832-129270 5/30/2014 5:42:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207212UA15204GD832-129271 5/30/2014 5:42:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207222UA15204GK832-129272 5/30/2014 5:43:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207232UA15204GZ832-129273 5/30/2014 5:43:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207242UA15204H3832-129274 5/30/2014 5:43:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207162UA15204G7832-129275 5/28/2014 1:42:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207152UA15204G1832-129276 5/28/2014 1:42:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207142UA15204FD832-129277 5/28/2014 1:42:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207132UA15204G8832-129278 5/28/2014 1:42:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207122UA15204DZ832-129279 5/28/2014 1:42:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207112UA15204F7832-129280 5/28/2014 1:41:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207102UA15204FJ832-129281 5/28/2014 1:41:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerGCB207

GCB207092UA15204GR832-129282 5/28/2014 1:41:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207012UA15204FN832-129283 5/30/2014 5:42:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207022UA15204FH832-129284 5/30/2014 5:43:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207032UA15204FG832-129285 5/30/2014 5:43:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207042UA15204FR832-129286 5/30/2014 5:43:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207052UA15204H6832-129287 5/30/2014 5:43:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207062UA15204FM832-129288 5/30/2014 5:44:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207072UA15204FF832-129289 5/30/2014 5:42:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB207082UA15204FZ832-129290 5/30/2014 5:42:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB207

GCB225LT12UA15204FK832-129291 7/9/2014 9:11:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB225

GCB209012UA15204JT832-129292 5/27/2014 7:37:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209022UA15204K1832-129293 5/27/2014 7:37:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209032UA15204JD832-129294 5/27/2014 7:40:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209042UA15204JF832-129295 5/27/2014 7:40:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209052UA15204JC832-129296 5/27/2014 7:50:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209062UA15204JV832-129297 5/27/2014 7:51:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209072UA15204J6832-129298 5/27/2014 8:29:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209082UA15204K3832-129299 5/27/2014 8:28:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209092UA15204K5832-129300 5/27/2014 8:29:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209102UA15204KN832-129301 5/27/2014 8:29:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209112UA15204JH832-129302 5/27/2014 8:29:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209122UA15204DN832-129303 5/27/2014 8:35:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209132UA15204K6832-129304 5/27/2014 8:37:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209142UA15204KK832-129305 5/27/2014 8:35:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209152UA15204JM832-129306 5/27/2014 8:33:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209162UA15204J3832-129307 5/27/2014 8:27:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209172UA15204L3832-129308 5/27/2014 8:25:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209182UA15204HK832-129309 5/27/2014 8:14:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209192UA15204J7832-129310 5/27/2014 8:45:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209202UA15204L1832-129311 5/27/2014 8:01:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209212UA15204KQ832-129312 5/27/2014 7:50:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209222UA15204DB832-129313 5/27/2014 7:54:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209232UA15204L5832-129314 5/27/2014 7:28:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

GCB209242UA15204KL832-129315 5/27/2014 7:35:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB209

W7-1293162UA15204KJ832-129316 7/7/2014 2:18:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

GCB202J012UA15204KM832-129317 7/9/2013 5:03:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB202

GCB221012UA15204FW832-129318 4/17/2014 6:48:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB221

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB222012UA15204JB832-129319 5/28/2014 4:38:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB222

GCB215012UA15204H7832-129320 4/28/2014 9:34:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC GCB215

W7-129321H01470UREUH832-129321 4/29/2014 1:33:16PMMacPro5,1 ATC133

W7-129348CJF2XR1832-129348 1/24/2014 2:25:02PMOptiPlex 990 LAH111B

W7-129383J3HGXR1832-129383 12/5/2013 4:44:34AMOptiPlex 990 ADM117

W7-129389J3JFXR1832-129389 11/14/2013 4:45:51PMOptiPlex 990 LIB200D

W7-129390J3JGXR1832-129390 4/15/2014 6:49:20PMOptiPlex 990 LIB200B

LIB12708J3JHXR1832-129391 3/21/2014 6:30:14PMOptiPlex 990 LIB127

W7-129392J3KBXR1832-129392 3/7/2014 2:00:57PMOptiPlex 990 VCC232D

W7-129399747YXR1832-129399 5/22/2014 3:46:10PMPrecision WorkStation T5500 VCC211

LT-W7-1294016XCM5S1832-129401 12/3/2013 3:01:05PMLatitude E5520 ECC206

LT-W7-1294026XCN4S1832-129402 5/13/2014 6:59:57PMLatitude E5520 ECC207

LT-W7-1294036XCN5S1832-129403 12/11/2013 8:32:26PMLatitude E5520 CEC201A

LT-W7-1294046XCP4S1832-129404 2/5/2014 3:48:52PMLatitude E5520 ATC133

LT-W7-1294056XCP5S1832-129405 7/10/2014 4:56:13PMLatitude E5520 ECC212

LT-W7-1294066XCQ5S1832-129406 6/13/2014 12:42:33PMLatitude E5520 ATC159B

LT-W7-1294076XCR5S1832-129407 1/24/2014 4:58:10PMLatitude E5520 ECC205

LT-W7-1294086XCY4S1832-129408 12/5/2013 6:46:47AMLatitude E5520 HOS643D

LT-W7-1294096XCZ4S1832-129409 6/13/2014 12:58:33PMLatitude E5520 ECC210

LT-W7-1294106XD05S1832-129410 2/6/2014 3:28:09PMLatitude E5520 ECC203

LT-W7-1294116XD55S1832-129411 6/25/2014 2:31:28PMLatitude E5520 ATC159E

LT-W7-1294126XD75S1832-129412 1/24/2014 4:36:43PMLatitude E5520 ECC211

LT-W7-1294138L6L5S1832-129413 11/6/2013 6:47:02AMLatitude E5520 ECC204

GCB113INST-LT6XCL4S1832-129414 12/13/2013 10:15:30PMLatitude E5520 GCB113

GCB115INST-LT6XCL5S1832-129415 11/15/2013 2:38:20PMLatitude E5520 GCB115

GCB117INST-LT6XCM4S1832-129416 11/15/2013 3:35:43PMLatitude E5520 GCB117

GCB119INST-LT6XCQ4S1832-129417 11/15/2013 3:48:50PMLatitude E5520 GCB119

GCB209INST-LT6XCR4S1832-129418 5/27/2014 7:45:50PMLatitude E5520 GCB209

GCB20501-LT6XCS4S1832-129419 7/9/2013 5:04:40PMLatitude E5520 GCB205

GCB206INST-LT6XCT4S1832-129420 4/11/2014 12:19:17PMLatitude E5520 GCB206

GCB207INST-LT6XCV4S1832-129421 6/26/2014 1:42:35PMLatitude E5520 GCB207

GCB21001-LT6XCX4S1832-129422 4/1/2014 7:32:07PMLatitude E5520 GCB210

GCB21101-LT6XD15S1832-129423 11/14/2013 4:01:57PMLatitude E5520 GCB211

GCB21201-LT6XD25S1832-129424 11/14/2013 4:12:00PMLatitude E5520 GCB212

GCB21301-LT6XD35S1832-129425 3/5/2014 5:52:21PMLatitude E5520 GCB213

GCB21401-LT6XD45S1832-129426 2/27/2014 9:41:29PMLatitude E5520 GCB214

GCB21901-LT6XD65S1832-129427 11/5/2013 8:29:50PMLatitude E5520 GCB219

W7-129432982TGS1832-129432 12/3/2013 8:21:20PMOptiPlex 790 ATC133

XP-129433982VGS1832-129433 4/24/2014 4:00:51PMOptiPlex 790 ATC133

GCB-QD-CARTA015CD2053ML0832-129437 11/18/2013 3:01:26PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA025CD2053MGT832-129438 11/14/2013 12:37:02AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA035CD2053MGV832-129439 11/13/2013 11:46:08PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA045CD2053MGW832-129440 11/18/2013 1:44:43PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA055CD2053MGX832-129441 1/16/2014 1:22:20AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA065CD2053MGY832-129442 11/15/2013 5:20:55PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA075CD2053MGZ832-129443 11/15/2013 4:31:34PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA085CD2053MH0832-129444 6/10/2014 3:04:14PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA095CD2053MH1832-129445 11/13/2013 11:11:11PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA105CD2053MH2832-129446 4/4/2014 12:28:36PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA115CD2053MH3832-129447 11/14/2013 1:03:14AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA125CD2053MH4832-129448 11/14/2013 1:04:01AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA135CD2053MH5832-129449 11/13/2013 11:37:22PMHP 3115m GCB225

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB-QD-CARTA145CD2053MH6832-129450 11/13/2013 11:26:47PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA155CD2053MH7832-129451 11/14/2013 12:48:33AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA165CD2053MH8832-129452 11/13/2013 11:22:47PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA175CD2053MH9832-129453 11/13/2013 11:26:02PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA185CD2053MHB832-129454 11/15/2013 5:42:45PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA195CD2053MHC832-129455 11/13/2013 11:31:54PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA205CD2053MHD832-129456 11/14/2013 1:20:58AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA215CD2053MHF832-129457 11/13/2013 11:46:40PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA225CD2053MHG832-129458 3/17/2014 10:09:43PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA235CD2053MHH832-129459 11/13/2013 11:10:58PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA245CD2053MHJ832-129460 11/14/2013 1:09:23AMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTA255CD2053MHK832-129461 11/13/2013 11:45:02PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTB015CD2053MHL832-129462 12/2/2013 8:42:54PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB025CD2053MHM832-129463 4/22/2014 4:27:48PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB035CD2053MHN832-129464 2/7/2014 7:27:47PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB045CD2053MHP832-129465 2/7/2014 8:32:32PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB055CD2053MHQ832-129466 2/7/2014 7:39:25PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB065CD2053MHR832-129467 2/7/2014 4:05:13PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB075CD2053MHS832-129468 2/10/2014 1:54:30PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB085CD2053MHT832-129469 2/7/2014 7:20:51PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB095CD2053MHV832-129470 2/7/2014 3:15:51PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB105CD2053MHW832-129471 7/9/2014 8:27:32PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB115CD2053MHX832-129472 2/10/2014 12:03:50PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB125CD2053MHY832-129473 2/7/2014 2:36:39PMHP 3115m GCB108

QCB-QD-CARTB135CD2053MHZ832-129474 4/15/2014 2:32:16PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB145CD2053MJ0832-129475 2/7/2014 3:41:10PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB155CD2053MJ1832-129476 2/7/2014 6:14:07PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB165CD2053MJ2832-129477 2/7/2014 2:58:19PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB175CD2053MJ3832-129478 2/7/2014 4:11:10PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB185CD2053MJ4832-129479 2/7/2014 4:13:06PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB195CD2053MJ5832-129480 1/21/2014 1:58:25PMHP 3115m GCB114

GCB-QD-CARTB205CD2053MJ6832-129481 1/21/2014 1:34:16PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB215CD2053MJ7832-129482 2/7/2014 7:06:16PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB225CD2053MJ8832-129483 11/15/2013 12:48:14AMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB235CD2053MJ9832-129484 2/7/2014 4:16:24PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB245CD2053MJB832-129485 12/2/2013 8:44:36PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTB255CD2053MJC832-129486 11/15/2013 6:33:22PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTC15CD2053MJD832-129487 6/16/2014 5:18:33PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC25CD2053MJF832-129488 6/16/2014 5:18:30PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC35CD2053MJG832-129489 6/16/2014 5:19:37PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC45CD2053MJH832-129490 6/16/2014 5:19:39PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC55CD2053MJJ832-129491 6/16/2014 5:18:43PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC65CD2053MJK832-129492 6/19/2014 1:54:35PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC75CD2053MJL832-129493 6/19/2014 1:54:33PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC85CD2053MJM832-129494 6/19/2014 1:55:34PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC95CD2053MJN832-129495 6/19/2014 1:55:50PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC105CD2053MJP832-129496 6/19/2014 1:55:31PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC115CD2053MJQ832-129497 6/16/2014 5:18:45PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC125CD2053MJR832-129498 6/16/2014 5:42:16PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC135CD2053MJS832-129499 6/19/2014 1:54:43PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC145CD2053MJT832-129500 6/19/2014 1:56:05PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC155CD2053MJV832-129501 6/19/2014 1:54:43PMHP 3115m GCB225

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationGCB-QD-CARTC165CD2053MJW832-129502 11/15/2013 5:16:56PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC175CD2053MJY832-129503 4/10/2014 10:00:49PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC185CD2053MJX832-129504 6/16/2014 5:40:09PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC195CD2053MJZ832-129505 11/15/2013 5:16:55PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC205CD2053MK0832-129506 11/15/2013 5:17:50PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC215CD2053MK1832-129507 6/16/2014 5:42:06PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC225CD2053MK2832-129508 11/14/2013 5:11:05PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC235CD2053MK3832-129509 11/14/2013 5:29:20PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC245CD2053MK4832-129510 11/14/2013 5:29:14PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTC255CD2053MK5832-129511 6/16/2014 6:03:15PMHP 3115m GCB225

GCB-QD-CARTD015CD2053MK6832-129512 1/31/2014 5:16:55PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD025CD2053MK7832-129513 1/31/2014 5:16:25PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD035CD2053MK8832-129514 1/30/2014 9:23:50PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD045CD209271D832-129515 1/31/2014 5:15:38PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD055CD2053MKB832-129516 2/5/2014 3:49:47PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD065CD2053MKC832-129517 1/31/2014 5:20:10PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD075CD2053MKD832-129518 4/3/2014 1:46:38PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD085CD2053MKF832-129519 1/31/2014 5:16:47PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD095CD2053MKG832-129520 1/31/2014 7:26:00PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD105CD2053MKH832-129521 1/31/2014 7:14:11PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD115CD2053MKJ832-129522 4/23/2014 12:12:33PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD125CD2053MKK832-129523 3/6/2014 2:36:47PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD135CD2053MKL832-129524 1/31/2014 4:46:45PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD145CD2053MKM832-129525 1/31/2014 4:42:35PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD155CD2053MKN832-129526 1/31/2014 5:27:04PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD165CD2053MKP832-129527 1/31/2014 4:20:59PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD175CD2053MKQ832-129528 1/31/2014 7:28:00PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD185CD2053MKR832-129529 1/31/2014 7:28:43PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD195CD2053MKS832-129530 1/31/2014 4:35:04PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD205CD2053MKT832-129531 1/31/2014 8:11:41PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD215CD2053MKV832-129532 1/31/2014 9:20:10PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD225CD2053MKW832-129533 2/10/2014 2:54:14PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD235CD2053MKX832-129534 1/31/2014 8:48:01PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD245CD2053MKY832-129535 1/31/2014 8:41:33PMHP 3115m GCB108

GCB-QD-CARTD255CD2053MKZ832-129536 3/12/2014 4:43:46PMHP 3115m GCB108

LT-W7-129603CNU21133QF832-129603 12/16/2013 7:20:02PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129604CNU211360F832-129604 12/16/2013 7:20:33PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129605CNU2113619832-129605 12/16/2013 7:23:03PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129606CNU211361Q832-129606 12/16/2013 7:18:41PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129607CNU211363Y832-129607 12/16/2013 7:23:28PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129608CNU2113642832-129608 12/16/2013 7:18:25PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129610CNU211364K832-129610 12/16/2013 7:19:07PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129611CNU211364Z832-129611 12/16/2013 7:21:13PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129612CNU2113651832-129612 12/16/2013 7:22:32PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129614CNU2113656832-129614 12/16/2013 7:16:16PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129616CNU211365G832-129616 12/16/2013 7:17:33PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129617CNU211365Q832-129617 12/16/2013 7:22:19PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129618CNU211365X832-129618 12/18/2013 1:18:49PMHP ProBook 4430s ATC133

LT-W7-129619CNU2113660832-129619 12/16/2013 7:20:58PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129620CNU2113667832-129620 12/16/2013 7:19:37PMHP ProBook 4430s CEC241

LT-W7-129622CNU211366Y832-129622 6/3/2014 3:50:10PMHP ProBook 4430s ATC133

W7-129642FD1LJS1832-129642 2/28/2014 2:13:23PMOptiPlex 790 ATC133

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLIB20021-LTHFM94S1832-129705 6/12/2014 2:57:50PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

LIB20022-LTHFM95S1832-129706 6/12/2014 2:57:44PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

LIB20023-LTHFMB4S1832-129707 6/12/2014 2:57:34PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

LIB20024-LTHFMB5S1832-129708 6/12/2014 2:57:21PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

LIB20025-LTHFMC4S1832-129709 6/12/2014 2:57:09PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

LIB20026-LTHFMC5S1832-129710 6/12/2014 3:09:56PMLatitude E5520 LIB200

W7-1297117L91KS1832-129711 12/3/2013 8:32:33PMOptiPlex 990 BTEC122

W7-1297127LB0KS1832-129712 11/12/2013 3:35:25PMOptiPlex 990 CEC101

W7-1297158NVWNS1832-129715 2/6/2014 9:44:10PMOptiPlex 990 ADM167

W7-129717DWGFKS1832-129717 11/12/2013 4:43:46PMOptiPlex 990 CEC208B

W7-1297202UA2100F7H832-129720 6/18/2014 9:24:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC NCB7B

SLC202012UA2100F7J832-129721 6/30/2014 4:23:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202022UA2100F7K832-129722 6/27/2014 7:16:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202032UA2100F7L832-129723 6/27/2014 6:45:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202042UA2100F7M832-129724 6/27/2014 6:41:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202052UA2100F7N832-129725 6/27/2014 5:45:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202062UA2100F7P832-129726 6/27/2014 5:49:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202072UA2100F7Q832-129727 6/27/2014 6:09:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202082UA2100F7R832-129728 6/27/2014 6:09:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202092UA2100F7S832-129729 6/27/2014 6:27:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202102UA2100F7T832-129730 6/27/2014 6:31:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202112UA2100F7V832-129731 7/2/2014 7:08:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202122UA2100F7W832-129732 6/27/2014 4:17:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202132UA2100F7X832-129733 6/27/2014 4:36:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202142UA2100F7Y832-129734 6/27/2014 4:51:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202152UA2100F7Z832-129735 6/27/2014 5:21:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

SLC202162UA2100F8B832-129736 6/27/2014 5:26:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC202

CEC108012UA2100F8C832-129737 7/8/2014 5:29:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108022UA2100F8D832-129738 7/8/2014 5:29:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108032UA2100F8F832-129739 7/8/2014 5:35:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108042UA2100F8G832-129740 7/8/2014 5:35:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108052UA2100F8H832-129741 7/8/2014 5:43:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108062UA2100F8J832-129742 7/8/2014 5:44:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108072UA2100F8K832-129743 7/8/2014 5:53:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerCEC108

CEC108082UA2100F8L832-129744 7/8/2014 6:18:23PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108092UA2100F8M832-129745 7/8/2014 5:58:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108102UA2100F8N832-129746 7/8/2014 5:56:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108112UA2100F80832-129747 7/8/2014 5:57:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108122UA2100F81832-129748 7/8/2014 5:57:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108132UA2100F82832-129749 7/8/2014 5:58:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108142UA2100F83832-129750 7/8/2014 5:58:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108152UA2100F84832-129751 7/8/2014 6:15:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108162UA2100F85832-129752 7/8/2014 6:12:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108172UA2100F86832-129753 7/8/2014 6:14:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108182UA2100F87832-129754 7/8/2014 6:07:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108192UA2100F88832-129755 7/8/2014 6:03:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

CEC108INST2UA2100F89832-129756 7/8/2014 6:14:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CEC108

ATC104B012UA2100F8S832-129757 5/15/2014 2:58:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B022UA2100F8P832-129758 5/15/2014 2:56:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B032UA2100F8Q832-129759 5/15/2014 2:58:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B042UA2100F8R832-129760 5/15/2014 2:56:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B052UA2100F8T832-129761 5/15/2014 2:56:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC104B062UA2100F8V832-129762 5/15/2014 3:06:23PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B072UA2100F8W832-129763 5/15/2014 2:56:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B082UA2100F8X832-129764 5/15/2014 3:05:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B092UA2100F8Y832-129765 5/15/2014 2:56:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B102UA2100F8Z832-129766 5/14/2014 7:35:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B112UA2100F90832-129767 5/14/2014 7:45:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B122UA2100F91832-129768 5/14/2014 7:23:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B132UA2100F92832-129769 5/14/2014 7:23:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B142UA2100F93832-129770 5/15/2014 3:08:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B152UA2100F94832-129771 5/14/2014 7:23:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B162UA2100F95832-129772 5/15/2014 4:39:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B172UA2100F96832-129773 5/15/2014 5:20:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B182UA2100F97832-129774 5/15/2014 3:18:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B192UA2100F98832-129775 5/15/2014 5:19:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerATC104B

ATC104B202UA2100F99832-129776 5/15/2014 5:07:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B212UA2100F9B832-129777 5/15/2014 2:06:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B222UA2100F9C832-129778 5/15/2014 2:04:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B232UA2100F9D832-129779 5/15/2014 2:04:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B242UA2100F9F832-129780 5/15/2014 2:04:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B252UA2100F9G832-129781 5/15/2014 2:05:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B262UA2100F9H832-129782 5/27/2014 4:05:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B272UA2100F9J832-129783 5/27/2014 4:04:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC104B282UA2100F9K832-129784 5/19/2014 2:15:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC104B

ATC156012UA2100F9L832-129785 5/14/2014 6:19:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156022UA2100F9M832-129786 5/14/2014 6:33:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156032UA2100F9N832-129787 5/14/2014 6:50:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156042UA2100F9P832-129788 5/14/2014 6:39:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156052UA2100F9Q832-129789 5/14/2014 7:21:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156062UA2100F9R832-129790 5/14/2014 7:21:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156072UA2100F9S832-129791 10/17/2013 12:01:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156082UA2100F9T832-129792 2/4/2014 8:58:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156092UA2100F9V832-129793 2/4/2014 8:49:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156102UA2100F9W832-129794 10/17/2013 12:07:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156112UA2100F9X832-129795 2/4/2014 8:51:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156122UA2100F9Y832-129796 10/1/2013 11:58:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156132UA2100F9Z832-129797 5/15/2014 2:12:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156142UA2100FB0832-129798 5/15/2014 2:13:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156152UA2100FB1832-129799 5/15/2014 2:33:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156162UA2100FB2832-129800 5/15/2014 2:15:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156172UA2100FB3832-129801 5/15/2014 2:33:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156182UA2100FB4832-129802 5/15/2014 2:47:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156192UA2100FB5832-129803 10/17/2013 12:23:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156202UA2100FB6832-129804 10/17/2013 12:25:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156212UA2100FB7832-129805 10/17/2013 12:26:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156222UA2100FB8832-129806 10/17/2013 12:28:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156232UA2100FB9832-129807 10/17/2013 12:30:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156242UA2100FBB832-129808 10/17/2013 12:32:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156252UA2100FBC832-129809 5/15/2014 2:47:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156262UA2100FBD832-129810 5/15/2014 3:27:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC156INST2UA2100FBF832-129811 5/22/2014 6:17:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC156

ATC120A4B012UA2100FBG832-129812 6/6/2014 12:30:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4B022UA2100FBH832-129813 5/16/2014 1:46:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC120A4B032UA2100FBJ832-129814 5/22/2014 8:58:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4B042UA2100FBK832-129815 5/22/2014 8:55:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4B052UA2100FBL832-129816 5/16/2014 1:46:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4B062UA2100FBM832-129817 5/16/2014 1:46:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4B072UA2100FBN832-129818 5/16/2014 1:48:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C012UA2100FBP832-129819 6/6/2014 12:30:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C022UA2100FBQ832-129820 5/16/2014 1:49:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C032UA2100FBR832-129821 7/25/2013 2:27:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C042UA2100FBS832-129822 3/10/2014 1:10:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C052UA2100FBT832-129823 5/16/2014 1:41:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C062UA2100FBV832-129824 5/16/2014 1:40:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C072UA2100FBW832-129825 5/16/2014 1:36:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4C082UA2100FBX832-129826 5/30/2014 4:49:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D012UA2100FBY832-129827 7/11/2014 12:02:23AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D022UA2100FBZ832-129828 7/11/2014 12:02:09AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D032UA2100FC0832-129829 7/11/2014 12:48:54AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D042UA2100FC1832-129830 7/11/2014 12:03:12AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D052UA2100FC2832-129831 7/11/2014 12:03:13AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D062UA2100FC3832-129832 7/11/2014 12:48:16AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4D072UA2100FC4832-129833 7/11/2014 12:04:06AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A062UA2100FC5832-129834 5/23/2014 2:36:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A072UA2100FC6832-129835 5/23/2014 2:36:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A082UA2100FC7832-129836 5/23/2014 2:36:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

W7-1298373TRVKS1832-129837 11/7/2013 4:28:46PMOptiPlex 790 GCB114

ATC120A2A012UA2111RQB832-129858 7/11/2014 12:22:08AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A022UA2111RQC832-129859 7/11/2014 12:22:17AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A032UA2111RQD832-129860 7/11/2014 12:22:26AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A042UA2111RQF832-129861 7/11/2014 12:22:37AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A052UA2111RQG832-129862 7/11/2014 12:22:46AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A062UA2111RQH832-129863 7/11/2014 12:22:55AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A072UA2111RQJ832-129864 7/11/2014 12:23:05AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2A082UA2111RQK832-129865 7/11/2014 12:26:44AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B012UA2111RQL832-129866 7/11/2014 12:04:33AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B022UA2111RQM832-129867 7/11/2014 12:04:42AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B032UA2111RQN832-129868 7/11/2014 12:04:49AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B042UA2111RQP832-129869 7/11/2014 12:05:16AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B052UA2111RQQ832-129870 7/11/2014 12:05:22AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2B062UA2111RQR832-129871 7/11/2014 12:05:46AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C012UA2111RQS832-129872 7/11/2014 12:30:52AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C022UA2111RQT832-129873 7/11/2014 12:45:45AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C032UA2111RQV832-129874 7/11/2014 12:37:14AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C042UA2111RQW832-129875 7/11/2014 12:31:33AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C052UA2111RQX832-129876 7/11/2014 12:31:51AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C062UA2111RQY832-129877 7/11/2014 12:31:58AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C072UA2111RQZ832-129878 7/11/2014 12:32:10AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A2C082UA2111RQ3832-129879 7/11/2014 12:32:17AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A022UA2111RQ4832-129880 7/10/2014 10:32:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A012UA2111RQ5832-129881 7/10/2014 10:33:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A032UA2111RQ6832-129882 7/10/2014 10:32:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A042UA2111RQ7832-129883 7/10/2014 10:37:10PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A052UA2111RQ8832-129884 7/10/2014 10:38:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3A062UA2111RQ9832-129885 7/10/2014 10:26:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC120A3B012UA2111RRB832-129886 7/10/2014 10:42:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B022UA2111RRC832-129887 7/10/2014 10:42:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B032UA2111RRD832-129888 7/10/2014 10:42:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B042UA2111RRF832-129889 7/10/2014 10:42:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B052UA2111RRG832-129890 7/10/2014 10:43:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B062UA2111RRH832-129891 7/10/2014 10:41:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B072UA2111RRJ832-129892 7/10/2014 10:41:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A3B082UA2111RRK832-129893 7/10/2014 10:41:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E012UA2111RRL832-129894 7/10/2014 11:17:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E022UA2111RRM832-129895 7/10/2014 11:47:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E032UA2111RRN832-129896 7/10/2014 11:37:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E042UA2111RRP832-129897 7/10/2014 11:37:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E052UA2111RRQ832-129898 7/10/2014 11:29:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E062UA2111RRR832-129899 7/11/2014 12:01:53AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E072UA2111RRS832-129900 7/10/2014 11:55:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A4E082UA2111RRT832-129901 7/10/2014 11:55:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A012UA2111RRV832-129902 7/10/2014 11:17:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A022UA2111RRW832-129903 7/10/2014 11:17:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A032UA2111RRX832-129904 7/10/2014 11:17:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A042UA2111RRY832-129905 7/10/2014 11:16:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A052UA2111RRZ832-129906 7/10/2014 11:16:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5A062UA2111RR0832-129907 7/10/2014 11:16:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B012UA2111RR1832-129908 7/10/2014 11:44:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B022UA2111RR2832-129909 7/10/2014 11:42:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B032UA2111RR3832-129910 7/10/2014 11:42:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B042UA2111RR4832-129911 7/10/2014 11:19:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B052UA2111RR5832-129912 7/10/2014 11:19:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A5B062UA2111RR6832-129913 7/10/2014 11:19:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A012UA2111RR7832-129914 7/10/2014 5:28:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A022UA2111RR8832-129915 5/23/2014 2:36:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A032UA2111RR9832-129916 7/10/2014 5:39:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A042UA2111RSB832-129917 7/10/2014 5:45:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC120A6A052UA2111RSC832-129918 5/23/2014 2:36:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC120

ATC209012UA2111RSD832-129919 5/29/2014 5:17:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209022UA2111RSF832-129920 5/29/2014 3:07:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209032UA2111RSG832-129921 5/29/2014 3:07:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209042UA2111RSH832-129922 5/29/2014 5:47:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209052UA2111RSJ832-129923 5/29/2014 3:07:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209062UA2111RSK832-129924 5/29/2014 3:07:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209072UA2111RSL832-129925 5/29/2014 3:07:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209082UA2111RSM832-129926 5/29/2014 4:01:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209092UA2111RSN832-129927 5/29/2014 4:01:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209102UA2111RSP832-129928 5/29/2014 4:01:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209112UA2111RSQ832-129929 5/29/2014 4:01:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209122UA2111RSR832-129930 5/29/2014 5:23:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209132UA2111RSS832-129931 5/29/2014 4:53:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209142UA2111RST832-129932 5/29/2014 4:53:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209152UA2111RSV832-129933 3/26/2014 12:19:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209162UA2111RSW832-129934 3/27/2014 6:19:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209172UA2111RSX832-129935 5/29/2014 6:50:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209182UA2111RSY832-129936 5/29/2014 5:14:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209192UA2111RSZ832-129937 5/29/2014 5:14:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC209202UA2111RS0832-129938 5/29/2014 4:46:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209212UA2111RS1832-129939 5/29/2014 6:47:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209222UA2111RS2832-129940 5/29/2014 5:39:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209232UA2111RS3832-129941 5/29/2014 6:46:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC209INST2UA2111RS4832-129942 5/29/2014 7:17:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC209

ATC213012UA2111RS5832-129943 7/29/2013 7:16:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213022UA2111RS6832-129944 7/29/2013 7:19:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213032UA2111RS7832-129945 7/29/2013 7:27:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213042UA2111RS8832-129946 7/29/2013 7:39:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213052UA2111RS9832-129947 7/29/2013 7:39:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213062UA2111RTB832-129948 7/29/2013 7:39:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213072UA2111RTC832-129949 5/14/2014 6:59:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213082UA2111RTD832-129950 5/14/2014 6:53:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213092UA2111RTF832-129951 5/14/2014 6:38:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213102UA2111RTG832-129952 5/14/2014 6:32:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213112UA2111RTH832-129953 5/14/2014 6:23:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213122UA2111RTJ832-129954 5/14/2014 6:12:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213132UA2111RTK832-129955 5/14/2014 7:20:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213142UA2111RTL832-129956 5/14/2014 7:21:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213152UA2111RTM832-129957 5/15/2014 2:27:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213162UA2111RT0832-129958 5/14/2014 7:53:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213172UA2111RT1832-129959 5/14/2014 7:53:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213182UA2111RT2832-129960 5/15/2014 1:55:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213192UA2111RT3832-129961 10/15/2013 4:20:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213202UA2111RT4832-129962 10/15/2013 4:21:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213212UA2111RT5832-129963 7/5/2013 3:47:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213222UA2111RT6832-129964 7/29/2013 7:28:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213232UA2111RT7832-129965 7/29/2013 7:18:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213242UA2111RT8832-129966 7/29/2013 7:18:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

ATC213INST2UA2111RT9832-129967 5/22/2014 6:51:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC213

FQ83WH1832-129986 OptiPlex 740 ATC133-SURPLUS

W7-13000774FWMS1832-130007 7/9/2014 6:13:48PMOptiPlex 790 SLC101B

W7-1300115P3WMS1832-130011 5/13/2014 7:46:43PMOptiPlex 990 ADM1A

W7-1300125P3XMS1832-130012 12/6/2013 3:51:40PMOptiPlex 990 ADM1

W7-1300135P3ZMS1832-130013 5/29/2014 12:53:32PMOptiPlex 990 ADMLOBBY

LT-W7-130015CCRR5S1832-130015 1/14/2014 9:18:33PMLatitude E5520 ATC133

LT-W7-130185GY7GBT1832-130185 6/11/2014 2:27:16PMLatitude E5520 VCC114A

SLC214012UA2301CWK832-130210 5/30/2014 1:25:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214022UA2301CWH832-130211 5/30/2014 1:26:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214032UA2301CSW832-130212 5/30/2014 2:21:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214042UA2301CT6832-130213 5/30/2014 1:56:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214052UA2301CSV832-130214 5/30/2014 2:29:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214062UA2301CSM832-130215 5/30/2014 2:50:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214072UA2301CSQ832-130216 6/12/2014 4:02:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214082UA2301CTV832-130217 5/19/2014 4:43:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214092UA2301CSL832-130218 5/19/2014 4:42:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214102UA2301CVD832-130219 7/8/2014 9:13:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214112UA2301CTP832-130220 6/12/2014 12:00:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214122UA2301CSX832-130221 6/12/2014 11:59:15AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214132UA2301CV7832-130222 7/9/2014 7:14:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214142UA2301CWY832-130223 5/19/2014 5:27:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214152UA2301CPF832-130224 5/19/2014 5:28:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationSLC214162UA2301CWP832-130225 5/19/2014 5:28:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214172UA2301CWX832-130226 5/19/2014 5:29:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214182UA2301CX4832-130227 5/19/2014 5:30:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214192UA2301CX8832-130228 5/19/2014 5:30:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214202UA2301CRF832-130229 5/19/2014 5:23:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214212UA2301CPK832-130230 5/19/2014 5:24:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214222UA2301CXJ832-130231 6/10/2014 11:03:52AMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214232UA2301CWV832-130232 5/19/2014 5:25:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214242UA2301CXB832-130233 5/19/2014 5:26:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC214INST2UA2301CX6832-130234 6/13/2014 4:02:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC214

SLC216012UA2301CXC832-130235 6/24/2014 7:04:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216022UA2301CQ2832-130236 6/24/2014 7:06:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216032UA2301CPC832-130237 6/24/2014 7:08:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216042UA2301CQD832-130238 6/24/2014 7:10:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216052UA2301CX2832-130239 6/24/2014 7:11:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216062UA2301CX0832-130240 6/24/2014 7:12:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216072UA2301CXH832-130241 6/24/2014 7:13:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216082UA2301CWQ832-130242 6/24/2014 7:13:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216092UA2301CXL832-130243 6/24/2014 7:14:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216102UA2301CWT832-130244 6/24/2014 7:14:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216112UA2301CXG832-130245 6/24/2014 7:15:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216122UA2301CX5832-130246 6/24/2014 7:15:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216132UA2301CTM832-130247 6/24/2014 7:16:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216142UA2301CV5832-130248 6/24/2014 7:17:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216152UA2301CSP832-130249 6/24/2014 7:17:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216162UA2301CTX832-130250 6/24/2014 7:22:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216172UA2301CT1832-130251 6/24/2014 7:21:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216182UA2301CRS832-130252 6/24/2014 7:21:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216192UA2301CV3832-130253 6/24/2014 7:23:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216202UA2301CSK832-130254 6/24/2014 7:23:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216212UA2301CTB832-130255 6/24/2014 7:24:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216222UA2301CV4832-130256 6/24/2014 7:25:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216232UA23413RH832-130257 6/24/2014 7:25:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216242UA2301CS3832-130258 6/24/2014 7:26:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

SLC216INST2UA2301CSZ832-130259 6/24/2014 7:27:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC SLC216

HTC242012UA2301CVW832-130260 6/11/2014 5:28:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242022UA2301CVN832-130261 6/24/2014 3:44:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242032UA2301CT7832-130262 6/11/2014 5:28:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242042UA2301CPB832-130263 6/11/2014 5:31:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242052UA2301CVT832-130264 6/11/2014 5:39:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242062UA2301CWB832-130265 6/11/2014 5:39:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242072UA2301CT5832-130266 7/3/2014 3:56:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242082UA2301CRK832-130267 6/11/2014 5:30:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242092UA2301CRQ832-130268 6/11/2014 5:30:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242102UA2301CQK832-130269 6/11/2014 5:31:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242112UA2301CRP832-130270 6/11/2014 5:31:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242122UA2301CW0832-130271 6/11/2014 5:31:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242132UA2301CW1832-130272 6/11/2014 5:31:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242142UA2301CVZ832-130273 6/11/2014 5:31:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242152UA2301CSY832-130274 6/11/2014 5:31:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242162UA2301CTF832-130275 6/12/2014 1:14:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242172UA2301CR4832-130276 6/11/2014 5:37:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationHTC242182UA2301CQT832-130277 6/11/2014 5:38:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242192UA2301CTR832-130278 6/11/2014 5:38:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242202UA2301CTY832-130279 6/11/2014 5:38:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242212UA2301CR3832-130280 6/11/2014 5:38:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242222UA2301CRT832-130281 6/11/2014 5:38:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242232UA2301CW3832-130282 6/11/2014 5:38:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242242UA2301CRW832-130283 6/11/2014 5:39:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242252UA2301CPN832-130284 6/11/2014 5:39:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242262UA2301CR0832-130285 5/20/2014 5:54:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242272UA2301CW6832-130286 5/20/2014 5:54:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242282UA2301CQZ832-130287 5/20/2014 5:54:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242292UA2301CQP832-130288 5/20/2014 5:54:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242302UA2301CVS832-130289 5/20/2014 5:54:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242312UA2301CS4832-130290 5/20/2014 5:53:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242322UA2301CV2832-130291 5/20/2014 5:53:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242332UA2301CTH832-130292 5/20/2014 5:53:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242342UA2301CQL832-130293 5/20/2014 5:53:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242352UA2301CWN832-130294 5/20/2014 5:53:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242362UA2301CTZ832-130295 6/11/2014 6:41:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242372UA2301CQX832-130296 6/11/2014 6:41:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242382UA2301CPH832-130297 6/11/2014 6:42:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242392UA2301CR1832-130298 6/11/2014 6:42:11PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242402UA2301CQQ832-130299 6/11/2014 6:42:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242412UA2301CRG832-130300 6/11/2014 6:42:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242422UA2301CRX832-130301 6/11/2014 6:42:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242432UA2301CRR832-130302 6/11/2014 6:42:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242442UA2301CQ3832-130303 6/11/2014 6:42:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242452UA2301CVJ832-130304 6/11/2014 6:43:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242462UA2301CVV832-130305 6/11/2014 6:43:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242472UA2301CQS832-130306 6/11/2014 6:43:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

HTC242482UA2301CRV832-130307 6/11/2014 6:43:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

VCC129012UA2301CTG832-130308 5/21/2014 2:39:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129022UA2301CVX832-130309 5/21/2014 2:45:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129032UA2301CRZ832-130310 5/21/2014 2:39:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129042UA2301CVK832-130311 5/21/2014 2:38:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129052UA2301CVF832-130312 5/21/2014 2:33:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129062UA2301CRH832-130313 5/21/2014 2:32:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129072UA2301CRN832-130314 5/21/2014 2:41:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129082UA2301CVL832-130315 5/21/2014 2:37:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129092UA2301CTQ832-130316 5/21/2014 2:38:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129102UA2301CRC832-130317 5/21/2014 2:38:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129112UA2301CVP832-130318 5/21/2014 2:38:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129122UA2301CRB832-130319 5/21/2014 2:42:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129132UA2301CVH832-130320 5/21/2014 2:38:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129142UA2301CS9832-130321 5/21/2014 2:35:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129152UA2301CQ4832-130322 7/10/2013 2:44:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129162UA2301CS7832-130323 5/21/2014 2:35:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129172UA2301CVC832-130324 5/21/2014 2:35:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129182UA2301CSF832-130325 5/21/2014 2:35:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129192UA2301CW4832-130326 5/21/2014 2:28:08PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129202UA2301CPG832-130327 5/21/2014 2:34:27PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129212UA2301CR7832-130328 5/21/2014 2:33:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationVCC129222UA2301CV8832-130329 5/21/2014 2:35:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129232UA2301CVG832-130330 5/21/2014 2:45:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC129INST2UA2301CVY832-130331 5/22/2014 7:29:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC129

VCC128012UA2301CSH832-130332 7/10/2013 2:19:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128022UA2301CTN832-130333 3/28/2014 3:09:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128032UA2301CTK832-130334 7/10/2013 2:18:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128042UA2301CSG832-130335 7/10/2013 2:20:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128052UA2301CR5832-130336 7/10/2013 2:21:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128062UA2301CRY832-130337 7/10/2013 2:22:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128072UA2301CV6832-130338 7/10/2013 2:22:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128082UA2301CQR832-130339 7/10/2013 2:23:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128092UA2301CS6832-130340 7/10/2013 2:24:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128102UA2301CQG832-130341 7/10/2013 2:24:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128112UA2301CVQ832-130342 7/10/2013 2:25:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128122UA2301CWJ832-130343 5/21/2014 2:43:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128132UA2301CT3832-130344 5/21/2014 2:37:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128142UA2301CS5832-130345 5/21/2014 2:39:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128152UA2301CW5832-130346 5/21/2014 2:34:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128162UA2301CPJ832-130347 5/21/2014 2:31:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128172UA2301CW7832-130348 5/21/2014 2:28:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128182UA2301CXK832-130349 5/21/2014 2:29:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128192UA2301CWM832-130350 5/21/2014 2:13:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128202UA2301CP9832-130351 5/21/2014 2:13:19PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128212UA2301CRL832-130352 5/21/2014 2:13:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128222UA2301CWL832-130353 5/21/2014 2:13:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerVCC128

VCC128232UA2301CW2832-130354 5/21/2014 2:12:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

VCC128INST2UA2301CSC832-130355 5/22/2014 7:30:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC VCC128

ATC122012UA2301CPL832-130356 5/15/2014 4:35:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122022UA2301CQ1832-130357 5/15/2014 4:35:59PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122032UA2301CXF832-130358 5/15/2014 5:24:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122042UA2301CR9832-130359 5/15/2014 5:29:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122052UA2301CR2832-130360 5/15/2014 5:54:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122062UA2301CSD832-130361 5/15/2014 6:13:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122072UA2301CVR832-130362 5/15/2014 5:11:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122082UA2301CS8832-130363 5/15/2014 3:30:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122092UA2301CVB832-130364 5/15/2014 5:06:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122102UA2301CW8832-130365 5/15/2014 5:25:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122112UA2301CPM832-130366 5/15/2014 5:25:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122122UA2301CPS832-130367 5/15/2014 5:24:57PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122132UA2301CQ8832-130368 5/15/2014 3:34:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122142UA2301CQF832-130369 5/15/2014 3:31:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122152UA2301CXN832-130370 5/15/2014 3:28:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC122INST2UA2301CWG832-130371 5/22/2014 6:21:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC122

ATC233012UA2301CX3832-130372 5/20/2014 7:40:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233022UA2301CQW832-130373 5/20/2014 7:46:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233032UA2301CPX832-130374 5/20/2014 7:41:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233042UA2301CW9832-130375 5/20/2014 1:52:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233052UA2301CPP832-130376 5/20/2014 1:53:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233062UA2301CTL832-130377 5/20/2014 1:53:37PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233072UA2301CRM832-130378 5/20/2014 1:54:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233082UA2301CXD832-130379 5/20/2014 1:54:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233092UA2301CXM832-130380 5/20/2014 1:55:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC233102UA2301CX9832-130381 5/20/2014 7:37:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233112UA2301CPQ832-130382 5/20/2014 7:37:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233122UA2301CWS832-130383 5/20/2014 7:36:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233132UA2301CWW832-130384 5/30/2014 2:48:35PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233142UA2301CX7832-130385 5/30/2014 2:46:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233152UA2301CX1832-130386 5/20/2014 7:36:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233162UA2301CPY832-130387 5/20/2014 7:47:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233172UA2301CPR832-130388 5/20/2014 7:37:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233182UA2301CWR832-130389 5/20/2014 7:37:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233192UA2301CS1832-130390 5/20/2014 7:37:41PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233202UA2301CWZ832-130391 5/20/2014 7:37:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC233INST2UA2301CQ7832-130392 5/22/2014 7:05:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC233

ATC231012UA2301CPV832-130393 5/15/2014 5:53:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231022UA2301CQ9832-130394 5/15/2014 5:53:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231032UA2301CR8832-130395 5/15/2014 5:54:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231042UA2301CPD832-130396 5/15/2014 6:14:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231052UA2301CQV832-130397 5/15/2014 6:10:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231062UA2301CQB832-130398 5/15/2014 6:17:44PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231202UA2301CQN832-130399 11/11/2013 8:30:30PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231072UA2301CPW832-130400 5/15/2014 3:18:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231162UA2301CQC832-130401 5/15/2014 5:50:13PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231172UA2301CQM832-130402 5/15/2014 5:50:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231182UA2301CXP832-130403 5/15/2014 5:50:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231192UA2301CR6832-130404 11/11/2013 8:28:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231122UA2301CPT832-130405 5/30/2014 8:06:53PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231132UA2301CQH832-130406 5/15/2014 5:49:46PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231142UA2301CQJ832-130407 5/15/2014 5:49:56PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231152UA2301CQY832-130408 5/15/2014 5:50:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231082UA2301CQ5832-130409 5/15/2014 3:31:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231092UA2301CPZ832-130410 5/15/2014 5:47:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231102UA2301CRJ832-130411 5/15/2014 5:47:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC231112UA2301CRD832-130412 5/20/2014 2:21:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6005 MT ATC231

ATC231INST2UA2301CQ6832-130413 5/22/2014 7:14:23PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC231

ATC115012UA2301CWF832-130414 7/14/2014 8:32:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115022UA2301CT9832-130415 5/14/2014 1:27:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115032UA2301CT4832-130416 5/13/2014 7:44:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115042UA2301CS0832-130417 5/13/2014 7:38:45PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115052UA2301CT2832-130418 5/13/2014 7:38:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115062UA2301CSR832-130419 6/25/2014 6:53:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115072UA2301CV0832-130420 5/13/2014 7:58:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115082UA2301CSN832-130421 2/6/2014 9:05:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115092UA2301CSS832-130422 2/6/2014 9:06:04PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115102UA2301CTT832-130423 2/6/2014 9:19:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115112UA2301CS2832-130424 5/16/2014 3:41:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115122UA2301CWC832-130425 2/6/2014 9:19:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115132UA2301CT8832-130426 2/6/2014 9:29:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115142UA2301CST832-130427 2/6/2014 9:29:07PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115152UA2301CSJ832-130428 5/13/2014 7:08:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115162UA2301CV1832-130429 5/13/2014 5:57:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115172UA2301CV9832-130430 5/13/2014 5:58:50PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerATC115

ATC115182UA2301CSB832-130431 5/16/2014 3:48:21PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115192UA2301CVM832-130432 5/16/2014 3:49:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC115202UA2301CTS832-130433 5/13/2014 6:33:31PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115212UA2301CTW832-130434 5/13/2014 6:32:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115222UA2301CTC832-130435 5/16/2014 3:49:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115232UA2301CT0832-130436 5/13/2014 6:16:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115242UA2301CTD832-130437 5/13/2014 6:16:22PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

ATC115INST2UA2301CWD832-130438 5/22/2014 6:12:02PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC ATC115

HTC242TECH2UA2301CQ0832-130439 7/14/2014 6:00:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC HTC242

W7-130440GG2J7V1832-130440 11/11/2013 4:38:47PMOptiPlex 7010 PRD7

GCB10801-LT2BJBBT1832-130442 7/11/2013 1:58:11PMLatitude E5520 GCB108

W7-13046551TVTV1832-130465 12/12/2013 4:33:28PMOptiPlex 990 ADM115

HTC20701-LTCNU2291F24832-130466 3/10/2014 5:37:39PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20702-LTCNU2291LL0832-130467 2/28/2014 3:25:45PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20703-LTCNU2291KKQ832-130468 2/28/2014 9:49:57PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20704-LTCNU2291KQM832-130469 3/10/2014 3:30:34PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20705-LTCNU2291RCJ832-130470 2/28/2014 2:49:47PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20706-LTCNU2291KJV832-130471 3/4/2014 3:09:46PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20707-LTCNU2291TS3832-130472 2/28/2014 3:57:15PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

HTC20708-LTCNU2291QTK832-130473 3/10/2014 6:40:56PMHP ProBook 4530s HTC207

LT-W7-1304852CE2371BDS832-130485 12/12/2013 1:26:20PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304862CE2371BDT832-130486 6/25/2014 10:31:24PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304872CE2371BF1832-130487 12/12/2013 1:45:32PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304882CE2371BDN832-130488 12/12/2013 1:47:33PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304892CE2371BF7832-130489 12/12/2013 1:50:57PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304902CE2371BF8832-130490 12/12/2013 1:35:30PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304912CE2371BFB832-130491 12/12/2013 1:51:33PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304922CE2371BDY832-130492 12/12/2013 2:07:36PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304932CE2371BDQ832-130493 12/12/2013 1:15:43PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304942CE2371BDW832-130494 12/12/2013 1:59:36PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304952CE2371BFD832-130495 12/12/2013 1:42:02PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304962CE2371BF5832-130496 12/12/2013 1:36:20PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304972CE2371BFC832-130497 12/12/2013 1:14:07PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304982CE2371BF9832-130498 12/12/2013 12:42:03PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1304992CE2371BF0832-130499 12/12/2013 1:42:10PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305002CE2371BF4832-130500 12/12/2013 1:36:49PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305022CE2371BDR832-130502 12/12/2013 1:24:06PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305032CE2371BDX832-130503 12/12/2013 1:42:34PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305042CE2371BDV832-130504 12/12/2013 1:48:37PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305052CE2371BF3832-130505 12/12/2013 1:48:29PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305062CE2371BDZ832-130506 12/12/2013 1:59:30PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305072CE2371BF6832-130507 12/12/2013 1:47:01PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305082CE2371BF2832-130508 12/12/2013 2:02:26PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

LT-W7-1305092CE2371BDM832-130509 12/12/2013 1:40:03PMHP ProBook 4440s Cliffdale Park Building

W7-1305113FT8VV1832-130511 4/30/2014 2:29:53PMOptiPlex 790 HOS700E

W7-13051290Y5VV1832-130512 3/28/2014 6:44:14PMOptiPlex 990 ATC133

MTLION130529D25JH0DHDHJW832-130529 IMAC VCC200

LT-W7-1305341003LV1832-130534 12/13/2013 8:58:09PMLatitude E5530 non-vPro LRC120

LT-W7-1305354003LV1832-130535 2/18/2014 8:25:25PMLatitude E5530 non-vPro HOS616P

CBI108C01-LT2CE2422FH8832-130546 11/20/2013 7:11:14PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C02-LT2CE2422FHH832-130547 11/22/2013 3:07:44PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C03-LT2CE2422FHS832-130548 11/20/2013 10:08:55PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C04-LT2CE2422FJV832-130549 11/20/2013 9:58:54PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C05-LT2CE2422FK5832-130550 11/20/2013 9:55:06PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCBI108C06-LT2CE2422FN6832-130551 11/20/2013 10:01:09PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C07-LT2CE2422FND832-130552 11/20/2013 7:43:17PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C08-LT2CE2422FNV832-130553 11/20/2013 7:26:58PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C09-LT2CE2422FP8832-130554 11/20/2013 7:37:14PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C10-LT2CE2422FPF832-130555 11/22/2013 2:55:13PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C11-LT2CE2422FPH832-130556 11/22/2013 3:49:10PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C12-LT2CE2422FPS832-130557 11/20/2013 7:54:58PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C13-LT2CE2422FQ3832-130558 11/20/2013 9:46:03PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C14-LT2CE2422FQ9832-130559 11/20/2013 8:16:02PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C15-LT2CE2422FQF832-130560 11/20/2013 8:16:10PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C16-LT2CE2422FR1832-130561 11/20/2013 8:26:37PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C17-LT2CE2422FR4832-130562 11/20/2013 8:24:09PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C18-LT2CE2422FRS832-130563 11/20/2013 8:50:22PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C19-LT2CE2422GJF832-130564 11/22/2013 3:48:51PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C20-LT2CE2422GJY832-130565 11/20/2013 8:50:49PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C21-LT2CE2422GKW832-130566 11/22/2013 3:49:22PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C22-LT2CE2422GL3832-130567 11/20/2013 9:05:18PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C23-LT2CE2422GLB832-130568 11/20/2013 9:45:14PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C24-LT2CE2422GLL832-130569 11/20/2013 9:45:51PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108C25-LT2CE2422GLQ832-130570 11/20/2013 9:45:32PMHP ProBook 4440s CBI108C

CBI108AINST2UA2430BSY832-130572 7/14/2014 1:21:26PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A012UA2430BT8832-130573 7/14/2014 1:27:06PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A022UA2430BV6832-130574 7/14/2014 1:26:14PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A032UA2430BT4832-130575 7/14/2014 1:32:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A042UA2430BTQ832-130576 7/14/2014 1:36:17PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A052UA2430BV7832-130577 7/14/2014 1:39:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A062UA2430BTP832-130578 7/14/2014 1:43:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A072UA2430BT7832-130579 7/14/2014 1:45:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A082UA2430BSZ832-130580 7/14/2014 1:48:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A092UA2430BT3832-130581 7/14/2014 1:48:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerCBI108A

CBI108A102UA2430BSW832-130582 6/11/2014 7:21:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A112UA2430BV1832-130583 5/22/2014 2:21:28PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A122UA2430BTB832-130584 5/22/2014 1:53:34PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A132UA2430BTD832-130585 5/22/2014 1:59:12PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI108A142UA2430BT1832-130586 5/22/2014 2:00:05PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI108A

CBI121012UA2430BT9832-130587 5/22/2014 6:15:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121022UA2430BTJ832-130588 5/22/2014 6:12:15PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121032UA2430BT5832-130589 5/22/2014 6:04:42PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121042UA2430BTH832-130590 5/22/2014 6:02:55PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121052UA2430BTC832-130591 11/15/2013 2:25:38PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121062UA2430BTR832-130592 5/22/2014 6:04:01PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121072UA2430BTG832-130593 5/22/2014 6:03:54PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121082UA2430BT0832-130594 5/22/2014 6:03:48PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121092UA2430BT6832-130595 5/22/2014 6:03:47PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121102UA2430BT2832-130596 11/15/2013 2:19:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121112UA2430BV3832-130597 11/15/2013 2:19:43PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121122UA2430BTY832-130598 11/15/2013 2:19:36PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121132UA2430BV2832-130599 5/22/2014 3:43:24PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI121142UA2430BTZ832-130600 3/19/2014 7:58:51PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MicrotowerCBI121

CBI121INST2UA2430BTV832-130601 5/22/2014 6:10:25PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI121

CBI123INST2UA2430BV0832-130602 5/22/2014 6:25:20PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123012UA2430BSX832-130603 5/22/2014 6:25:49PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCBI123022UA2430BTN832-130604 5/22/2014 6:26:39PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123032UA2430BTM832-130605 5/22/2014 6:26:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123042UA2430BTT832-130606 5/22/2014 6:31:32PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123052UA2430BTK832-130607 5/22/2014 6:31:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123062UA2430BTX832-130608 5/22/2014 6:31:52PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123072UA2430BTL832-130609 5/22/2014 6:32:03PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123082UA2430BV4832-130610 5/22/2014 6:20:58PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123092UA2430BV5832-130611 5/22/2014 6:22:00PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123102UA2430BST832-130612 5/22/2014 6:29:18PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123112UA2430BTW832-130613 5/22/2014 6:28:33PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123122UA2430BV8832-130614 5/22/2014 6:33:09PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123132UA2430BTS832-130615 2/7/2014 4:22:01PMDSDT_PRJ CBI123

CBI123142UA2430BV9832-130616 2/7/2014 4:22:16PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123152UA2430BSV832-130617 2/7/2014 4:22:29PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

CBI123162UA2430BTF832-130618 2/7/2014 4:22:40PMHP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC CBI123

W7-1306302UA24229SW832-130630 7/11/2014 4:32:35PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133

W7-1306312UA24229SX832-130631 7/14/2014 12:21:31PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133A

W7-1306322UA24229SY832-130632 7/14/2014 11:47:48AMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133

W7-1306332UA24229SZ832-130633 7/7/2014 2:01:06PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC118

W7-1306342UA24229T0832-130634 7/14/2014 12:30:15PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133

W7-1306352UA24229T1832-130635 7/8/2014 5:55:06PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133

W7-1306362UA24229T2832-130636 6/27/2014 3:20:52PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133A

W7-1306372UA24229T3832-130637 11/14/2013 1:44:18AMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC120A

W7-1306382UA24229T4832-130638 7/7/2014 11:39:12AMHP Z220 CMT Workstation SDC206

832-130639 HP Z220 CMT Workstation

W7-1306402UA24229T6832-130640 7/14/2014 12:13:51PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC118

W7-1306412UA24229T7832-130641 7/7/2014 11:43:55AMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133

W7-1306422UA24229T8832-130642 7/14/2014 11:34:45AMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC133A

W7-1306499LLMXV1832-130649 11/15/2013 1:45:39PMOptiPlex 790 HEC101A

W7-130708JXBYWV1832-130708 12/10/2013 9:10:32PMOptiPlex 790 ADM167

HOS622A012UA24528FY832-130717 5/22/2014 6:04:31PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A022UA24528FZ832-130718 7/25/2013 8:59:32PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A032UA24528GB832-130719 3/11/2014 2:46:28PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A042UA24528GC832-130720 7/25/2013 9:00:48PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A052UA24528GD832-130721 7/25/2013 9:01:27PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A062UA24528GF832-130722 7/25/2013 9:02:04PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A072UA24528GG832-130723 5/22/2014 6:12:44PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A082UA24528GH832-130724 5/22/2014 6:12:21PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A092UA24528GJ832-130725 5/22/2014 6:13:22PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A102UA24528GK832-130726 5/22/2014 6:12:51PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A112UA24528GL832-130727 5/22/2014 6:12:39PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A122UA24528GM832-130728 5/22/2014 6:14:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A132UA24528GN832-130729 5/22/2014 6:16:30PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A142UA24528GP832-130730 5/22/2014 6:14:17PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A152UA24528GQ832-130731 5/22/2014 6:14:50PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A162UA24528G0832-130732 5/22/2014 6:09:48PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A172UA24528G1832-130733 5/22/2014 6:14:41PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A182UA24528G2832-130734 5/22/2014 6:11:43PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A192UA24528G3832-130735 5/22/2014 6:07:41PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A202UA24528G4832-130736 5/22/2014 6:09:25PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A212UA24528G5832-130737 5/22/2014 6:09:34PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A222UA24528G6832-130738 5/22/2014 6:15:28PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationHOS622A232UA24528G7832-130739 5/22/2014 6:22:15PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622A242UA24528G8832-130740 5/22/2014 6:15:44PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

HOS622AINST2UA24528G9832-130741 5/22/2014 6:18:49PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT HOS622A

CLF20301MXL23902GQ832-130745 6/12/2014 8:30:53PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT ATC133

W7-130746MXL23902GT832-130746 6/12/2014 6:06:40PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

CLF20401MXL23902GX832-130747 1/21/2014 1:24:32PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT CLF204

CLF20501MXL23902H0832-130748 6/25/2014 1:57:34PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 Convertible MicrotoCLF205

W7-130750MXL23902HC832-130750 12/3/2013 8:43:27PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

W7-130753MXL23902HJ832-130753 4/2/2014 2:29:23PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

W7-130755MXL23902HL832-130755 12/3/2013 8:50:27PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

W7-130756MXL23902HM832-130756 6/17/2014 3:35:07PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

W7-130754MXL23902HV832-130757 12/3/2013 8:48:07PMHP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT

W7-130803CT6TPW1832-130803 12/12/2013 4:45:32PMOptiPlex 990 ADM162C

ATC117012UA30707N2832-130854 5/14/2014 2:29:21PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117022UA30707N3832-130855 5/14/2014 2:29:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117032UA30707N4832-130856 5/14/2014 2:29:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117042UA30707N5832-130857 5/14/2014 2:27:17PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117052UA30707N6832-130858 5/14/2014 2:00:17PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117062UA30707N7832-130859 5/14/2014 1:59:45PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117072UA30707N8832-130860 5/14/2014 2:29:58PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117082UA30707N9832-130861 5/14/2014 2:30:01PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117092UA30707NB832-130862 5/14/2014 2:39:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117102UA30707NC832-130863 5/14/2014 2:30:17PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117112UA30707ND832-130864 5/14/2014 2:30:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117122UA30707NF832-130865 7/10/2014 4:04:18PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117132UA30707NG832-130866 7/10/2014 4:01:02PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117142UA30707NH832-130867 5/14/2014 2:40:11PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117152UA30707NJ832-130868 5/14/2014 2:40:15PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117162UA30707NK832-130869 5/14/2014 2:40:20PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117172UA30707NL832-130870 5/14/2014 2:42:50PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117182UA30707NM832-130871 5/14/2014 2:40:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117192UA30707NN832-130872 5/14/2014 2:40:38PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117202UA30707NP832-130873 5/15/2014 2:16:30PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117212UA30707NQ832-130874 5/14/2014 2:40:49PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117222UA30707NR832-130875 5/15/2014 12:47:34PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117232UA30707NS832-130876 5/14/2014 2:40:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117242UA30707NT832-130877 5/14/2014 2:41:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC117INST2UA30707NV832-130878 5/22/2014 6:08:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC117

ATC125012UA30707NW832-130879 5/14/2014 6:01:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125022UA30707NX832-130880 5/14/2014 6:01:47PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125032UA30707NY832-130881 5/14/2014 6:02:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125042UA30707NZ832-130882 5/14/2014 6:26:24PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125052UA30707P0832-130883 5/16/2014 3:34:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125062UA30707P1832-130884 5/14/2014 6:01:51PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125072UA30707P2832-130885 5/14/2014 6:43:18PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125082UA30707P3832-130886 5/14/2014 6:42:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MicrotowerATC125

ATC125092UA30707P4832-130887 5/13/2014 6:45:30PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125102UA30707P5832-130888 5/14/2014 5:37:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125112UA30707P6832-130889 5/13/2014 7:34:37PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125122UA30707P7832-130890 5/13/2014 7:33:40PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125132UA30707P8832-130891 5/13/2014 7:29:13PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125142UA30707P9832-130892 5/16/2014 3:34:33PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

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7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC125152UA30707PB832-130893 5/14/2014 6:01:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125162UA30707PC832-130894 5/14/2014 6:12:01PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125172UA30707PD832-130895 5/14/2014 6:01:25PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125182UA30707PF832-130896 5/14/2014 6:01:12PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125192UA30707PG832-130897 5/14/2014 6:02:56PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125202UA30707PH832-130898 5/14/2014 6:04:11PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125212UA30707PJ832-130899 5/14/2014 5:58:08PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125222UA30707PK832-130900 5/14/2014 5:58:18PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125232UA30707PL832-130901 5/14/2014 5:58:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125242UA30707PM832-130902 5/14/2014 6:00:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

ATC125INST2UA30707PN832-130903 5/22/2014 6:02:33PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ATC125

LT-W7-13091682PHXW1832-130916 6/11/2014 12:48:13PMLatitude E5430 non-vPro ATC159B

W7-130929-LTBQXPYW1832-130929 6/16/2014 5:23:03PMXPS L521X FBSDC206

W7-1309528D9GTW1832-130952 5/8/2014 9:07:36PMOptiPlex 3010

W7-1309538D9FTW1832-130953 5/6/2014 7:26:31PMOptiPlex 3010 ADM114

W7-1309548DBGTW1832-130954 12/5/2013 4:20:31AMOptiPlex 3010 ADM107

W7-1309558DBHTW1832-130955 12/3/2013 8:58:58PMOptiPlex 3010

W7-1309568DBFTW1832-130956 12/12/2013 5:00:45PMOptiPlex 3010 ADM107C

W7-1309578DCFTW1832-130957 11/26/2013 9:12:34PMOptiPlex 3010 SLC116B

W7-130959J6F9TW1832-130959 11/11/2013 7:34:48PMOptiPlex 3010 VCC114

W7-13096614YTBX1832-130966 3/5/2014 4:27:06PMOptiPlex 3010 ADM3

SLC20401-LT2CE3141RHP832-130967 6/6/2014 2:46:24PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20402-LT2CE3141RHQ832-130968 6/6/2014 2:56:11PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20403-LT2CE3141RHR832-130969 6/6/2014 2:56:33PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20404-LT2CE3141RHS832-130970 6/6/2014 2:56:42PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20405-LT2CE3141RHT832-130971 6/6/2014 2:57:07PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20406-LT2CE3141RHV832-130972 6/6/2014 3:14:28PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20407-LT2CE3141RHW832-130973 6/6/2014 3:22:59PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20408-LT2CE3141RHX832-130974 6/6/2014 3:14:37PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20409-LT2CE3141RHY832-130975 6/6/2014 3:14:28PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20410-LT2CE3141RHZ832-130976 6/6/2014 3:33:40PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20411-LT2CE3141RJ0832-130977 5/29/2014 10:59:44PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20412-LT2CE3141RJ1832-130978 5/29/2014 11:52:22PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20413-LT2CE3141RJ2832-130979 5/30/2014 12:39:06AMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20414-LT2CE3141RJ3832-130980 5/30/2014 12:38:55AMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20415-LT2CE3141RJ4832-130981 5/30/2014 12:38:40AMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20416-LT2CE3141RJ5832-130982 5/30/2014 2:39:09PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20417-LT2CE3141RJ6832-130983 6/6/2014 4:10:14PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20418-LT2CE3141RJ7832-130984 5/30/2014 4:09:51PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20419-LT2CE3141RJ8832-130985 5/30/2014 2:38:14PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20420-LT2CE3141RJ9832-130986 5/30/2014 2:38:32PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20421-LT2CE3141RJB832-130987 6/6/2014 3:59:39PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20422-LT2CE3141RJC832-130988 5/30/2014 5:24:49PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20423-LT2CE3141RJD832-130989 5/30/2014 5:29:52PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20424-LT2CE3141RJF832-130990 5/30/2014 5:25:07PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

SLC20425-LT2CE3141RJG832-130991 5/30/2014 6:01:38PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC204

XP126670GF06CX1832-130993 11/26/2013 9:15:01PMOptiPlex 3010 SDC134

W7-1309972UA3161P5D832-130997 6/30/2014 4:06:19PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ADM162

W7-1309982UA3162G9L832-130998 1/16/2014 1:42:19PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ADM166

W7-131122JXMBFX1832-131122 11/11/2013 7:16:36PMOptiPlex 7010 PRD7

W7-131123JXMCDX1832-131123 11/11/2013 7:22:53PMOptiPlex 7010 PRD7

ECC217INST2UA32428YK832-131164 6/27/2014 1:02:41PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MicrotowerECC217

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationECC223INST2UA32428YJ832-131165 5/22/2014 8:19:47PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ECC223

ECC225INST2UA32428YL832-131166 5/22/2014 7:46:31PMHP Compaq Pro 6305 MT ECC225

ECC21701-LT2CE3231M7K832-131167 3/12/2014 1:38:30PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21702-LT2CE3231M7L832-131168 3/12/2014 1:25:57PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21703-LT2CE3231M7M832-131169 3/12/2014 1:25:56PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21704-LT2CE3231M7N832-131170 3/12/2014 1:39:37PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21705-LT2CE3231M7P832-131171 3/12/2014 1:42:15PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21706-LT2CE3231M7Q832-131172 3/12/2014 1:52:55PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21707-LT2CE3231M7R832-131173 3/12/2014 1:52:30PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21708-LT2CE3231M7S832-131174 3/12/2014 2:20:13PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21709-LT2CE3231M7T832-131175 3/12/2014 2:21:39PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21710-LT2CE3231M7V832-131176 3/12/2014 1:49:17PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21711-LT2CE3231M7W832-131177 3/12/2014 2:10:48PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21712-LT2CE3231M7X832-131178 3/12/2014 2:30:49PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21713-LT2CE3231M7Y832-131179 3/12/2014 2:37:14PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21714-LT2CE3231M7Z832-131180 3/12/2014 1:52:23PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21715-LT2CE3231M80832-131181 3/12/2014 2:33:34PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21716-LT2CE3231M81832-131182 3/12/2014 2:39:35PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21717-LT2CE3231M82832-131183 3/12/2014 2:38:00PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21718-LT2CE3231M83832-131184 3/12/2014 3:03:03PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21719-LT2CE3231M84832-131185 3/12/2014 3:13:31PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21720-LT2CE3231M85832-131186 3/12/2014 3:11:53PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21721-LT2CE3231M86832-131187 3/12/2014 3:19:36PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21722-LT2CE3231M87832-131188 3/12/2014 3:00:41PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21723-LT2CE3231M88832-131189 3/12/2014 3:28:54PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21724-LT2CE3231M89832-131190 3/12/2014 3:22:30PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21725-LT2CE3231M8B832-131191 3/12/2014 2:40:15PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21726-LT2CE3231M8C832-131192 3/12/2014 3:19:05PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21727-LT2CE3231M8D832-131193 3/12/2014 2:53:30PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC21728-LT2CE3231M8F832-131194 3/12/2014 2:51:05PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC224INST-LT2CE3231M8G832-131195 5/22/2014 8:07:55PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC224

ECC21730-LT2CE3231M8H832-131196 3/12/2014 3:38:45PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC215INST-LT2CE3231M8J832-131197 5/22/2014 8:45:21PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC215

ECC222INST-LT2CE3231M8K832-131198 5/22/2014 8:25:49PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC222

ECC21729-LT2CE3270Z23832-131199 3/12/2014 3:12:14PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC217

ECC228INST-LT2CE3231M8M832-131200 1/16/2014 6:19:21PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC228

ECC229INST-LT2CE3231M8N832-131201 5/22/2014 7:35:27PMHP ProBook 4540s ECC229

ATC15627HD8X6Y1832-131218 5/15/2014 3:30:26PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC156

ATC15628HD8Y6Y1832-131219 5/15/2014 3:09:54PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC156

ATC120ALT1HD8Z6Y1832-131220 7/14/2014 7:01:45PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120ALT2HD907Y1832-131221 7/14/2014 5:29:15PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4D08HD9X6Y1832-131222 7/11/2014 12:04:24AMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A1B02HD9Y6Y1832-131223 7/11/2014 1:05:37PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A1B03HD9Z6Y1832-131224 7/14/2014 7:44:15PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A1B04HDB07Y1832-131225 7/11/2014 1:20:50PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A1B05HDBX6Y1832-131226 7/11/2014 12:58:08PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A01HDBY6Y1832-131227 7/10/2014 10:49:51PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A02HDBZ6Y1832-131228 7/10/2014 10:50:18PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A03HDC07Y1832-131229 7/10/2014 10:50:20PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A04HDCX6Y1832-131230 7/10/2014 10:55:32PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A05HDCY6Y1832-131231 7/10/2014 10:55:21PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

ATC120A4A06HDCZ6Y1832-131232 7/10/2014 10:55:13PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC120

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC12701HDD07Y1832-131233 5/20/2014 1:22:22PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12702HDDX6Y1832-131234 5/20/2014 1:22:32PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12703HDDY6Y1832-131235 5/16/2014 6:36:16PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12704HDDZ6Y1832-131236 5/20/2014 1:23:34PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12705HDF07Y1832-131237 5/20/2014 1:23:40PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12706HDFX6Y1832-131238 5/20/2014 1:23:53PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12707HDFY6Y1832-131239 5/20/2014 1:24:03PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12708HDFZ6Y1832-131240 5/20/2014 1:24:17PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12709HDG07Y1832-131241 5/20/2014 1:24:19PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12710HDGX6Y1832-131242 5/20/2014 1:24:29PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12711HDGY6Y1832-131243 5/20/2014 1:25:12PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12712HDGZ6Y1832-131244 5/20/2014 1:25:24PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12713HDHX6Y1832-131245 5/20/2014 1:25:08PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12714HDHY6Y1832-131246 5/20/2014 1:23:17PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12715HDHZ6Y1832-131247 5/20/2014 1:22:17PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12716HDJX6Y1832-131248 5/20/2014 1:21:39PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12717HDJY6Y1832-131249 5/20/2014 1:22:23PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12718HDJZ6Y1832-131250 5/20/2014 1:23:42PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12719HDKX6Y1832-131251 5/20/2014 1:24:04PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12720HDKY6Y1832-131252 5/20/2014 1:24:15PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12721HDKZ6Y1832-131253 5/20/2014 1:21:40PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12722HDLX6Y1832-131254 5/20/2014 1:21:51PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12723HDLY6Y1832-131255 5/20/2014 1:21:57PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12724HDLZ6Y1832-131256 5/20/2014 1:22:07PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12725HDMX6Y1832-131257 5/20/2014 1:22:19PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12726HDMY6Y1832-131258 5/20/2014 1:22:27PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12727HDMZ6Y1832-131259 5/20/2014 1:23:09PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12728HDNX6Y1832-131260 5/20/2014 1:22:30PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12729HDNY6Y1832-131261 5/20/2014 1:23:20PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC12730HDNZ6Y1832-131262 5/20/2014 1:23:25PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC127INSTHDPX6Y1832-131263 5/22/2014 5:57:48PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC127

ATC22501CMGY6Y1832-131264 5/20/2014 7:07:29PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22502CMGZ6Y1832-131265 5/20/2014 7:06:58PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22503CMHX6Y1832-131266 11/14/2013 5:16:32PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22504CMHY6Y1832-131267 11/14/2013 5:18:07PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22505CMHZ6Y1832-131268 11/14/2013 5:19:47PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22506CMJX6Y1832-131269 11/14/2013 5:21:26PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22507CMJY6Y1832-131270 11/14/2013 5:23:03PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22508CMJZ6Y1832-131271 11/14/2013 5:24:41PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22509CMKX6Y1832-131272 11/14/2013 5:26:20PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22510CMKY6Y1832-131273 5/20/2014 7:01:39PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22511CMKZ6Y1832-131274 5/20/2014 7:08:08PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22512CMLX6Y1832-131275 5/20/2014 7:00:54PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22513CMLY6Y1832-131276 5/20/2014 7:09:50PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22514CMLZ6Y1832-131277 5/20/2014 7:10:00PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22515CMMX6Y1832-131278 5/20/2014 7:11:48PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22516CMMY6Y1832-131279 5/20/2014 7:05:11PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22517CMMZ6Y1832-131280 5/20/2014 7:04:08PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22518CMNX6Y1832-131281 5/20/2014 7:20:10PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22519CMNY6Y1832-131282 5/20/2014 7:15:50PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22520CMNZ6Y1832-131283 5/20/2014 7:14:50PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22521CMPX6Y1832-131284 5/20/2014 7:10:33PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC22522CMPY6Y1832-131285 5/20/2014 7:10:39PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22523CMPZ6Y1832-131286 5/20/2014 7:10:31PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC22524CMQX6Y1832-131287 5/20/2014 7:10:29PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

ATC225INSTCMQY6Y1832-131288 5/22/2014 6:56:52PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC225

W7-131289934T7Y1832-131289 12/10/2013 9:03:15PMOptiPlex 3010 ADM167B

HTC-CARTA01-LT2CE33615P2832-131291 3/13/2014 2:34:46PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA02-LT2CE33615P3832-131292 3/13/2014 2:36:48PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA03-LT2CE33615P4832-131293 3/13/2014 2:44:01PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA04-LT2CE33615P5832-131294 3/13/2014 2:38:54PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA05-LT2CE33615P6832-131295 3/13/2014 2:52:12PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA06-LT2CE33615P7832-131296 3/13/2014 3:01:03PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA07-LT2CE33615P8832-131297 3/13/2014 3:10:14PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA08-LT2CE33615P9832-131298 3/13/2014 2:57:57PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA09-LT2CE33615PB832-131299 3/13/2014 2:58:54PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA10-LT2CE33615PC832-131300 3/13/2014 3:54:11PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA11-LT2CE33615PD832-131301 3/13/2014 3:55:21PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA12-LT2CE33615PF832-131302 3/13/2014 12:29:33PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA13-LT2CE33615PG832-131303 3/13/2014 1:59:25PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA14-LT2CE33615PH832-131304 3/13/2014 1:16:27PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA15-LT2CE33615PJ832-131305 3/13/2014 2:19:14PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA16-LT2CE33615PK832-131306 3/13/2014 2:58:44PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA17-LT2CE33615PL832-131307 3/13/2014 3:35:29PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA18-LT2CE33615PM832-131308 3/13/2014 3:14:45PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA19-LT2CE33615PN832-131309 3/13/2014 4:15:32PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA20-LT2CE33615PP832-131310 3/13/2014 3:18:24PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

LT-W7-1304862CE33615PQ832-131311 3/13/2014 3:43:36PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA22-LT2CE33615PR832-131312 3/13/2014 3:42:16PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA23-LT2CE33615PS832-131313 3/13/2014 3:54:45PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA24-LT2CE33615PT832-131314 3/13/2014 4:19:50PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTA25-LT2CE33615PV832-131315 3/13/2014 4:42:39PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB01-LT2CE33615PW832-131316 3/13/2014 1:06:55PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB02-LT2CE33615PX832-131317 3/13/2014 1:10:04PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB03-LT2CE33615PY832-131318 3/13/2014 1:05:46PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB04-LT2CE33615PZ832-131319 3/13/2014 1:56:51PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB05-LT2CE33615Q0832-131320 3/13/2014 3:38:56PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB06-LT2CE33615Q1832-131321 3/13/2014 1:07:03PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB07-LT2CE33615Q2832-131322 3/13/2014 1:15:31PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB08-LT2CE33615Q3832-131323 3/13/2014 2:21:45PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB09-LT2CE33615Q4832-131324 3/13/2014 1:39:01PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB10-LT2CE33615Q5832-131325 3/13/2014 1:35:47PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB11-LT2CE33615Q6832-131326 3/13/2014 1:25:50PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB12-LT2CE33615Q7832-131327 3/13/2014 3:30:59PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB13-LT2CE33615Q8832-131328 3/13/2014 2:46:42PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB14-LT2CE33615Q9832-131329 11/15/2013 4:23:21PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB15-LT2CE33615QB832-131330 3/13/2014 4:06:23PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB16-LT2CE33615QC832-131331 3/13/2014 1:11:59PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB17-LT2CE33615QD832-131332 3/13/2014 1:46:49PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB18-LT2CE33615QF832-131333 3/13/2014 1:59:13PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB19-LT2CE33615QG832-131334 3/13/2014 1:59:05PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB20-LT2CE33615QH832-131335 3/13/2014 3:41:03PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB21-LT2CE33615QJ832-131336 3/13/2014 2:29:30PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB22-LT2CE33615QK832-131337 3/13/2014 1:12:00PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationHTC-CARTB23-LT2CE33615QL832-131338 3/13/2014 2:49:07PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB24-LT2CE33615QM832-131339 3/13/2014 1:36:50PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

HTC-CARTB25-LT2CE33615QN832-131340 3/13/2014 1:50:13PMHP ProBook 4540s HTC207

W7-1313498Q1X8Y1832-131349 1/16/2014 9:01:37PMOptiPlex 7010

W7-1313508Q1Y8Y1832-131350 12/5/2013 8:49:59AMOptiPlex 7010

W7-1313518Q209Y1832-131351 12/5/2013 12:44:45PMOptiPlex 7010

W7-1313528Q1Z8Y1832-131352 12/5/2013 1:57:51PMOptiPlex 7010

W7-1283026RDY8Y1832-131355 7/2/2014 2:51:00PMOptiPlex 7010 VCC209

CUH321012UA325086S832-131356 5/21/2014 7:16:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321022UA325086V832-131357 5/21/2014 7:16:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321032UA325086X832-131358 5/21/2014 7:12:27PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH314

CUH321042UA325086Z832-131359 5/21/2014 7:14:20PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH314

CUH321052UA3250870832-131360 5/21/2014 7:14:09PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH314

CUH321062UA3250871832-131361 5/21/2014 7:16:18PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321072UA325087T832-131362 4/1/2014 2:09:15PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321082UA325088G832-131363 4/1/2014 1:57:30PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321092UA32508B0832-131364 5/21/2014 7:15:16PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321102UA32508B1832-131365 5/21/2014 7:12:53PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321112UA32508B5832-131366 5/21/2014 7:26:25PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321122UA32508B6832-131367 5/21/2014 7:20:53PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321132UA32508BD832-131368 5/21/2014 7:13:32PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321142UA32508BK832-131369 4/1/2014 1:14:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

CUH321INST2UA32508BS832-131370 4/1/2014 1:25:34PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT CUH321

W7-1313742UA3160J53832-131374 2/26/2014 2:18:32PMHP Z220 CMT Workstation ATC151

CEC20501JQSH9Y1832-131387 2/4/2014 12:59:13PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20502JQSJ9Y1832-131388 2/4/2014 12:45:05PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20503JQSK9Y1832-131389 2/4/2014 12:47:45PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20504JQSL9Y1832-131390 2/4/2014 12:49:14PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20505JQSM9Y1832-131391 2/4/2014 1:02:22PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20506JQSN9Y1832-131392 2/4/2014 12:50:21PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20507JQSP9Y1832-131393 2/4/2014 12:49:40PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20508JQSQ9Y1832-131394 2/4/2014 1:02:50PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

CEC20509JQSR9Y1832-131395 2/24/2014 7:40:43PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC205

GED-TESTINGJQSS9Y1832-131396 11/25/2013 8:54:15PMOptiPlex 3010 CEC229

W7-131401-LT2CE3382G82832-131401 3/25/2014 3:17:13PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC216A

W7-131402-LT2CE3382G83832-131402 2/7/2014 1:28:34PMHP ProBook 4540s SLC216A

W7-131403DXM9BY1832-131403 5/28/2014 3:54:22PMOptiPlex 3010 SDC Front Desk

W7-131408DXZBBY1832-131408 4/24/2014 4:13:58PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC133

W7-131416F0QQBY1832-131416 1/17/2014 9:00:09PMOptiPlex 3010 SR

W7-131417F0QRBY1832-131417 11/11/2013 4:46:23PMOptiPlex 3010 SR

W7-131443GPJH9Z1832-131443 7/11/2014 6:16:44PMOptiPlex 3010 SLC100

W7-13144477XS9Z1832-131444 2/7/2014 8:25:54PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC133

W7-13144577YP9Z1832-131445 2/7/2014 8:23:49PMOptiPlex 3010 ATC133

LT-W7-1314482CE348131F832-131448 6/26/2014 12:14:40PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC159B

ATC111012UA3250GGF832-131463 5/14/2014 7:16:38PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111022UA3250GKR832-131464 5/14/2014 7:16:22PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111032UA3250GKB832-131465 5/14/2014 7:27:46PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111042UA3250GKH832-131466 5/14/2014 7:37:25PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111052UA3250GLK832-131467 5/15/2014 2:36:27PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111062UA3250GLH832-131468 5/15/2014 2:36:51PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111072UA3250GL4832-131469 5/14/2014 7:44:14PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111082UA3250GGT832-131470 5/15/2014 1:47:12PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC111092UA3250GM2832-131471 5/15/2014 2:09:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111102UA3250GLV832-131472 5/15/2014 2:19:20PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111112UA3250GHZ832-131473 5/15/2014 2:45:13PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111122UA3250GL7832-131474 5/15/2014 2:06:42PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111132UA3250GKC832-131475 5/14/2014 8:06:54PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111142UA3250GL6832-131476 5/14/2014 7:48:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111152UA3250GLZ832-131477 5/14/2014 7:12:42PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111162UA3250GKP832-131478 5/14/2014 7:00:22PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111172UA3250GL0832-131479 5/14/2014 6:48:44PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111182UA3250GKZ832-131480 5/14/2014 6:35:16PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111192UA3250GKT832-131481 5/14/2014 7:16:01PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111202UA3250GKK832-131482 5/14/2014 7:14:51PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111212UA3250GL3832-131483 5/14/2014 6:45:53PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111222UA3250GLX832-131484 5/14/2014 7:54:08PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111232UA3250GG1832-131485 5/14/2014 6:46:37PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111242UA3250GM0832-131486 5/14/2014 6:46:44PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC111INST2UA3250GFZ832-131487 5/22/2014 6:14:31PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC111

ATC123012UA3250GH2832-131488 5/13/2014 6:50:33PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123022UA3250GH0832-131489 5/13/2014 6:48:16PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123032UA3250GFY832-131490 5/13/2014 6:50:58PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123042UA3250GGZ832-131491 5/13/2014 7:10:10PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123052UA3250GG2832-131492 5/14/2014 1:36:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123062UA3250GFT832-131493 5/14/2014 1:36:12PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123072UA3250GGP832-131494 5/13/2014 7:33:36PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123082UA3250GG9832-131495 5/13/2014 7:33:14PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123092UA3250GGH832-131496 6/12/2014 3:33:58PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123102UA3250GH7832-131497 7/3/2014 7:27:52PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123112UA3250GG4832-131498 5/13/2014 7:49:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123122UA3250GGQ832-131499 5/16/2014 3:33:45PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123132UA3250GJP832-131500 5/16/2014 3:32:24PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123142UA3250GGM832-131501 5/13/2014 7:06:22PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123152UA3250GGD832-131502 5/13/2014 6:57:43PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123162UA3250GG8832-131503 5/14/2014 5:34:56PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123172UA3250GGX832-131504 5/13/2014 7:57:49PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123182UA3250GJ9832-131505 5/13/2014 7:49:30PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123192UA32508CB832-131506 5/16/2014 3:31:21PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123202UA3250GG6832-131507 5/13/2014 7:18:51PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123212UA3250GG0832-131508 5/13/2014 7:00:45PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123222UA3250GH4832-131509 5/13/2014 6:49:15PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123232UA3250GFW832-131510 5/13/2014 6:31:27PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123242UA3250GGB832-131511 5/13/2014 6:30:50PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC123INST2UA3250GGV832-131512 6/12/2014 4:02:24PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC123

ATC129012UA3250GGR832-131513 12/17/2013 2:41:38PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129022UA3250GLG832-131514 4/4/2014 7:19:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129032UA3250GKQ832-131515 5/30/2014 5:44:12PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129042UA3250GKF832-131516 5/14/2014 2:55:39PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129052UA3250GKY832-131517 5/14/2014 1:59:06PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129062UA3250GKL832-131518 5/14/2014 2:09:43PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129072UA3250GL2832-131519 5/14/2014 2:27:59PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129082UA3250GL1832-131520 5/15/2014 7:06:41PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129092UA3250GKG832-131521 12/17/2013 3:23:43PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129102UA3250GG3832-131522 12/17/2013 3:23:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationATC129112UA3250GFR832-131523 6/3/2014 7:23:01PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129122UA3250GG5832-131524 12/17/2013 2:40:03PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129132UA3250GKS832-131525 5/13/2014 7:58:09PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129142UA3250GFX832-131526 5/14/2014 1:20:40PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129152UA3250GKX832-131527 5/13/2014 7:44:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129162UA3250GGC832-131528 12/17/2013 2:44:54PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129172UA3250GKV832-131529 5/13/2014 7:27:29PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129182UA3250GK3832-131530 5/13/2014 7:07:32PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129192UA3250GFV832-131531 12/17/2013 2:45:45PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129202UA3250GK1832-131532 5/13/2014 6:46:32PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129212UA3250GKD832-131533 12/17/2013 2:53:34PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129222UA3250GK2832-131534 5/13/2014 6:28:16PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129232UA3250GK4832-131535 5/13/2014 6:11:26PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129242UA3250GG7832-131536 12/17/2013 2:54:38PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

ATC129INST2UA3250GGY832-131537 5/22/2014 5:57:12PMHP Compaq Pro 6300 MT ATC129

LT-W7-1315432CE4020ZGG832-131543 3/11/2014 12:28:54PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1315442CE4020ZGJ832-131544 6/12/2014 2:49:06PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1315452CE4020ZGH832-131545 6/13/2014 12:09:05PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1315462CE4020ZGK832-131546 6/13/2014 11:47:14AMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1315472CE4020KZ4832-131547 5/14/2014 1:50:10PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

W7-1315632UA4060Y7P832-131563 5/13/2014 1:02:24PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR NCB12A

W7-1315662UA4061P3J832-131566 2/26/2014 5:12:51PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315782UA410119L832-131578 5/30/2014 3:31:45PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315792UA410119G832-131579 6/4/2014 2:11:55PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315802UA410119H832-131580 6/3/2014 2:47:16PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315812UA410119K832-131581 5/30/2014 4:52:23PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315822UA410119J832-131582 5/30/2014 2:28:57PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315832UA4101H9Q832-131583 3/21/2014 5:03:19PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315942UA4131VPY832-131594 4/25/2014 4:24:30PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315952UA4131VPZ832-131595 4/25/2014 12:11:00PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1315962UA4131VQ0832-131596 4/25/2014 5:23:09PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-13159711L4K02832-131597 4/15/2014 5:18:00PMPrecision T3610 GCB102A

W7-13159811L6K02832-131598 4/15/2014 5:16:55PMPrecision T3610 GCB102A

W7-13159911L8K02832-131599 4/15/2014 5:16:50PMPrecision T3610 GCB102A

W7-1316012UA41320RT832-131601 5/28/2014 7:33:31PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316022UA41320RV832-131602 5/28/2014 7:12:50PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316032UA41320RX832-131603 7/8/2014 2:01:35PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316042UA41320RW832-131604 5/28/2014 7:34:25PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316052UA41320RQ832-131605 4/22/2014 7:49:03PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB202E

W7-1316062UA41320RR832-131606 4/22/2014 7:45:52PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB202E

W7-1316072UA41320RS832-131607 4/29/2014 7:43:30PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB222

XP1259712CE4150050832-131608 6/20/2014 10:21:03AMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11727-LT2CE4150051832-131609 6/20/2014 10:37:17AMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11728-LT2CE4150052832-131610 6/20/2014 10:53:22AMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11729-LT2CE4150053832-131611 5/22/2014 1:49:59PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11730-LT2CE4150054832-131612 5/22/2014 2:01:34PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11731-LT2CE4150055832-131613 5/22/2014 2:07:17PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11732-LT2CE4150056832-131614 5/22/2014 2:19:39PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11733-LT2CE4150057832-131615 5/22/2014 2:15:58PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11734-LT2CE4150058832-131616 5/15/2014 3:55:26PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11735-LT2CE4150059832-131617 5/22/2014 2:24:25PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11736-LT2CE415005B832-131618 5/22/2014 2:33:18PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationBT11737-LT2CE415005C832-131619 5/22/2014 2:33:08PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11738-LT2CE415005D832-131620 4/22/2014 8:30:12PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11739-LT2CE415005F832-131621 5/22/2014 2:46:20PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11740-LT2CE415005G832-131622 4/22/2014 8:29:07PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11741-LT2CE415005H832-131623 4/22/2014 7:57:43PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11742-LT2CE415005J832-131624 5/28/2014 11:40:35AMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11743-LT2CE415005K832-131625 4/22/2014 8:34:34PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11744-LT2CE415005L832-131626 5/22/2014 3:26:36PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11745-LT2CE415005M832-131627 5/23/2014 2:05:56PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

W7-1287892CE415005N832-131628 5/22/2014 3:33:48PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11747-LT2CE415005P832-131629 5/22/2014 3:42:06PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11748-LT2CE415005Q832-131630 4/23/2014 4:44:53PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11749-LT2CE415005S832-131631 5/22/2014 3:47:52PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

BT11750-LT2CE415004Z832-131632 5/22/2014 3:57:57PMHP ProBook 450 G1 BT117

W7-1316332UA41326BN832-131633 7/2/2014 4:43:53PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR NCB01

W7-1316342UA41326BP832-131634 4/22/2014 5:47:17PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR NCB12

LT-W7-1316352CE4140CSN832-131635 5/2/2014 2:14:39PMHP ProBook 450 G1 CEC133

W7-1316362UA41326BQ832-131636 7/1/2014 6:52:49PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBSDC206

LT-W7-1316372CE415005R832-131637 6/10/2014 1:35:35PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

W7-1316672UA4151P5P832-131667 5/5/2014 6:16:50PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

LT-W7-1316684VCZXZ1832-131668 6/2/2014 2:51:25PMLatitude E5540 ATC133

LT-W7-131669CVCZXZ1832-131669 6/2/2014 2:45:10PMLatitude E5540 ATC133

W7-1316702UA4151WF3832-131670 5/8/2014 9:21:02PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316712UA4151WF5832-131671 4/29/2014 2:20:08PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316722UA4151WF4832-131672 4/29/2014 2:13:20PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316732UA4151WF0832-131673 5/8/2014 9:26:42PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316742UA4151WF1832-131674 5/5/2014 8:57:17PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ADM168

W7-1316752UA4151WF6832-131675 4/29/2014 3:16:51PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316762UA4151WF2832-131676 4/29/2014 1:21:45PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1316772UA4151WDZ832-131677 4/25/2014 12:18:21PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ADM102A

LT-W7-1316832CE4171JK7832-131683 6/5/2014 7:29:48PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316842CE4171JK8832-131684 6/5/2014 7:29:16PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316852CE4171JK9832-131685 6/5/2014 7:29:33PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316862CE4171JKB832-131686 6/5/2014 7:28:44PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316872CE4171JKC832-131687 6/5/2014 7:29:21PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316882CE4171JKD832-131688 6/5/2014 7:28:57PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316892CE4171JKF832-131689 6/5/2014 7:28:33PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316902CE4171JKG832-131690 6/5/2014 7:28:48PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316912CE4171JKH832-131691 6/5/2014 7:28:40PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316922CE4171JKJ832-131692 6/5/2014 7:29:38PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316932CE4171JKK832-131693 6/5/2014 7:29:02PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316942CE4171JKL832-131694 6/5/2014 7:56:29PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316952CE4171JKM832-131695 6/5/2014 7:37:44PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316962CE4171JKN832-131696 6/5/2014 7:43:02PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316972CE4171JKP832-131697 6/5/2014 7:56:02PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316982CE4171JKQ832-131698 6/5/2014 9:14:54PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1316992CE4171JKR832-131699 6/5/2014 8:02:45PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317002CE4171JKS832-131700 6/9/2014 9:08:32PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317012CE4171JKT832-131701 6/5/2014 8:28:36PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317022CE4171JKV832-131702 6/5/2014 7:51:14PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317032CE4171JKW832-131703 6/5/2014 8:14:19PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317042CE4171JKX832-131704 6/5/2014 8:21:07PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

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Serial Number Computer Name

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STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLT-W7-1317052CE4171JKY832-131705 6/5/2014 8:39:15PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317062CE4171JKZ832-131706 6/5/2014 7:58:24PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317072CE4171JL0832-131707 6/5/2014 8:23:44PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LT-W7-1317102CE420043D832-131710 6/10/2014 12:16:30PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

CBI110012UA42113DL832-131725 6/27/2014 12:36:58PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110022UA42113DM832-131726 6/19/2014 11:56:47AMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110032UA42113DN832-131727 6/18/2014 8:37:21PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110042UA42113DP832-131728 6/18/2014 8:37:53PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110052UA42113DQ832-131729 6/18/2014 7:55:01PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110062UA42113DR832-131730 6/18/2014 7:16:57PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110072UA42113DS832-131731 6/19/2014 11:50:38AMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110082UA42113DT832-131732 6/18/2014 5:46:35PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110092UA42113DV832-131733 6/18/2014 5:59:11PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110102UA42113DW832-131734 6/18/2014 6:29:54PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110112UA42113DX832-131735 6/18/2014 8:49:40PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110INST2UA42113DY832-131736 6/24/2014 2:39:47PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110122UA42113DZ832-131737 6/27/2014 12:05:38PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110132UA42113FB832-131738 6/18/2014 8:54:38PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110142UA42113FC832-131739 6/18/2014 7:54:05PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110152UA42113FD832-131740 6/19/2014 11:47:26AMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110162UA42113FF832-131741 6/18/2014 8:06:28PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110172UA42113FG832-131742 6/27/2014 12:27:17PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110182UA42113FH832-131743 6/24/2014 1:57:25PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI110192UA42113FJ832-131744 6/18/2014 8:06:18PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI110

CBI108B012UA42113FK832-131745 6/17/2014 8:38:34PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B022UA42113FL832-131746 6/16/2014 2:46:04PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B032UA42113FM832-131747 7/14/2014 1:54:47PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B042UA42113FN832-131748 6/16/2014 5:04:06PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B052UA42113FP832-131749 6/17/2014 6:56:55PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B062UA42113FQ832-131750 6/17/2014 6:53:53PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B072UA42113FR832-131751 6/17/2014 6:53:35PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B082UA42113FS832-131752 6/17/2014 6:51:48PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B092UA42113FT832-131753 6/17/2014 6:54:54PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B102UA42113FV832-131754 6/17/2014 6:54:32PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B112UA42113FW832-131755 6/17/2014 6:51:33PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B122UA42113FX832-131756 6/17/2014 6:50:12PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B132UA42113FY832-131757 6/17/2014 6:49:11PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B142UA42113FZ832-131758 6/17/2014 6:49:00PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B152UA42113F0832-131759 6/17/2014 6:51:14PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108B162UA42113F1832-131760 6/17/2014 6:48:46PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CBI108BINST2UA42113F2832-131761 6/17/2014 6:55:31PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CBI108B

CEC257012UA42113F3832-131762 7/10/2014 1:53:03PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257022UA42113F4832-131763 7/10/2014 1:53:10PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257032UA42113F5832-131764 7/10/2014 2:04:55PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257042UA42113F6832-131765 7/10/2014 2:01:13PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257052UA42113F7832-131766 7/10/2014 2:01:44PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257062UA42113F8832-131767 7/10/2014 1:58:52PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257072UA42113F9832-131768 7/10/2014 1:52:16PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257082UA42113GB832-131769 7/10/2014 1:50:09PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257092UA42113GC832-131770 7/10/2014 2:27:32PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257102UA42113GD832-131771 7/10/2014 2:31:39PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257112UA42113GF832-131772 7/10/2014 2:13:39PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationCEC257122UA42113GG832-131773 7/10/2014 2:10:11PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257132UA42113GH832-131774 7/10/2014 2:32:41PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257142UA42113GJ832-131775 7/10/2014 2:15:23PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257152UA42113GK832-131776 7/10/2014 2:15:28PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257162UA42113GL832-131777 7/10/2014 2:18:41PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC257INST2UA42113GM832-131778 7/10/2014 2:33:43PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC257

CEC105012UA42113GN832-131779 7/3/2014 2:09:02PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105022UA42113GP832-131780 7/3/2014 5:26:02PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105032UA42113GQ832-131781 7/3/2014 5:46:13PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105042UA42113GR832-131782 7/3/2014 5:47:27PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105052UA42113GS832-131783 7/3/2014 5:47:38PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105062UA42113GT832-131784 7/3/2014 2:14:12PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105072UA42113GV832-131785 7/3/2014 2:14:15PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105082UA42113GW832-131786 7/10/2014 6:17:12PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105092UA42113GX832-131787 7/10/2014 6:24:59PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105102UA42113GY832-131788 7/3/2014 2:14:47PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105112UA42113GZ832-131789 7/3/2014 2:14:54PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105122UA42113G0832-131790 7/3/2014 2:15:03PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105132UA42113G1832-131791 7/3/2014 2:15:01PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105142UA42113G2832-131792 7/7/2014 1:16:51PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105152UA42113G3832-131793 7/3/2014 2:17:50PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105162UA42113G4832-131794 7/7/2014 1:16:47PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

CEC105172UA42113G5832-131795 7/7/2014 1:16:31PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105

W7-1317962UA42113G6832-131796 7/7/2014 1:20:46PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR CEC105





























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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

















W7-132026-LTCND4142TJC832-132026 6/4/2014 3:04:54PMHP ZBook 17 FBSDC206

FBB01012UA421204B832-132027 7/8/2014 11:15:17AMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01022UA421204C832-132028 6/25/2014 3:39:01PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01032UA421204D832-132029 6/25/2014 3:32:49PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01042UA421204F832-132030 6/25/2014 3:19:38PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01052UA421204G832-132031 6/25/2014 3:53:58PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01062UA421204H832-132032 6/25/2014 3:57:11PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01072UA421204J832-132033 6/25/2014 4:02:00PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01082UA421204K832-132034 6/25/2014 3:26:42PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01092UA421204L832-132035 6/25/2014 4:09:16PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01102UA421204M832-132036 6/25/2014 4:14:14PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01112UA421204N832-132037 6/25/2014 4:17:49PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01122UA421204P832-132038 6/25/2014 4:21:22PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01132UA421204Q832-132039 6/25/2014 4:28:48PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01142UA421204R832-132040 6/26/2014 4:22:57PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01152UA421204S832-132041 6/25/2014 4:55:23PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01162UA421204T832-132042 6/25/2014 4:58:07PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01172UA421204V832-132043 6/25/2014 5:02:12PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01182UA421204X832-132044 6/25/2014 5:07:12PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01192UA421204W832-132045 6/25/2014 5:11:45PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01202UA421204Y832-132046 6/26/2014 4:06:30PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB01INST2UA421204Z832-132047 6/27/2014 10:36:34AMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB01

FBB04202UA421205N832-132067 6/16/2014 1:07:34PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB04

FBB04212UA421205P832-132068 6/13/2014 6:56:57PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB04

FBB04INST2UA4212052832-132069 7/1/2014 6:32:59PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR FBB04

W7-1320702UA4220GQS832-132070 6/30/2014 7:13:44PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB222A

W7-1320712UA4220GQT832-132071 7/2/2014 7:26:49PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1320722UA4220GQV832-132072 7/2/2014 3:38:29PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB214A

W7-1320732UA4220GQW832-132073 7/1/2014 1:52:47PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB211

W7-1320742UA4220GQX832-132074 7/1/2014 2:42:37PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB211

W7-1320752UA4220GQY832-132075 7/2/2014 2:04:24PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB212

W7-1320762UA4220GQZ832-132076 7/7/2014 2:03:20PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1320772UA4220GR0832-132077 7/2/2014 5:51:13PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB211

W7-1320782UA4220GR1832-132078 7/1/2014 2:38:18PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR ATC133

W7-1320792UA4220GR2832-132079 7/1/2014 2:20:42PMHP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR GCB211

LT-W7-1320802CE4210HQV832-132080 7/3/2014 4:01:07PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

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Serial Number Computer Name

7/15/2014 7:29:52AM

STATE-ID AUDIT_DATECOMPUTER MODEL LocationLT-W7-1320812CE4210HQW832-132081 7/3/2014 3:32:14PMHP ProBook 450 G1 ATC133

LIB200MOB012ZJVCX1832-800062 6/24/2014 12:22:03PMOptiPlex 3010 LIB200

LIB200MOB022ZJWCX1832-800063 6/12/2014 2:30:40PMOptiPlex 3010 LIB200

SDC05048DRB3H18DRB3H1 7/1/2014 1:10:44PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-1253529NXW0F19NXW0F1 7/11/2014 2:01:49PMOptiPlex 745 ATC133

W7-CNU01815M9CNU01815M9CNU01815M9 1/17/2014 6:47:10PMHP Mini 5102 ATC149C

W7-125538GLLB7F1GLLB7F1 7/14/2014 2:52:33PMOptiPlex 755 ATC133

W7-129385J3JBXR1J3JBXR1 7/14/2014 1:23:10PMOptiPlex 990 ATC133

W7-129386J3JCXR1J3JCXR1 7/14/2014 1:16:25PMOptiPlex 990 PRDLobby

Unassigned Equipment ATC133


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Computer Listing By Model - FTCC Campus 7/15/2014 7:40:58AM


Dimension 2400 1Dimension 4600 1DSDT_PRJ 1HP 2450 1HP 3115m 100HP Compaq 6005 Pro Microtower 7HP Compaq 6005 Pro MT PC 677HP Compaq Elite 8300 CMT 8HP Compaq Elite 8300 Convertible Microto 1HP Compaq Pro 6005 MT 1HP Compaq Pro 6300 MT 90HP Compaq Pro 6305 Microtower 2HP Compaq Pro 6305 MT 91HP Mini 5102 1HP Mini 5103 75HP Mini 5103 (WQ211AV) 1HP ProBook 4430s 16HP ProBook 4440s 49HP ProBook 450 G1 61HP ProBook 4530s 9HP ProBook 4540s 142HP ProDesk 600 G1 TWR 136HP Z220 CMT Workstation 14HP ZBook 17 1IMAC 74IPAD 40Latitude 2100 1Latitude CP M166ST 1Latitude D820 1Latitude D830 4Latitude E4300 2Latitude E5420 2Latitude E5430 non-vPro 1Latitude E5510 2Latitude E5520 36Latitude E5530 non-vPro 2Latitude E5540 2

Powered by Track-It! Page 1 of 3

MODELS AMOUNT OF PC'sLatitude E6410 9Latitude E6500 18MAC MINI 1MAC PRO 1MACBOOK AIR 5MACBOOK PRO 5MacPro5,1 1MXG071 8OptiPlex 3010 102OptiPlex 7010 8OptiPlex 740 14OptiPlex 740 Enhanced 5OptiPlex 745 314OptiPlex 755 490OptiPlex 760 420OptiPlex 780 290OptiPlex 790 17OptiPlex 9010 1OptiPlex 980 224OptiPlex 990 67OptiPlex GX270 2OptiPlex GX280 9OptiPlex GX620 120Precision M6400 1Precision T1500 1Precision T3610 3Precision WorkStation 390 1Precision Workstation 470 1Precision WorkStation 490 3Precision WorkStation T3400 1Precision WorkStation T3500 1Precision WorkStation T5400 34Precision WorkStation T5500 23Satellite T1960CT 1Vostro 1700 36Vostro 400 19XPS 630i 1XPS L521X 1XPS M1730 2XPS630 1Powered by Track-It! Page 2 of 3

MODELS AMOUNT OF PC's3,959Grand Total

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Mission Statement

“Serve our community as a learning-centered institution to build a globally competitive workforce supporting economic development”

P.O. Box 35236 2201 Hull Road

Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303-0236 www.faytechcc.edu



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1.1 Promote student successes and College Best Practices with a targeted goal of 50+ information releases and/or presentations annually (2)

Workforce Development Director and Business Services Representative have made several presentations regarding WIA services, to include FASHRM (Fayetteville Area Society of Human Resource Managers) and a workshop on On-the-Job Training at the NC Partnership Conference. (Workforce Development) FTCC Foundation Board Members, Executive Director, and College President made presentations to five community groups in support of raising funds for student needs. Also, the FTCC Foundation Board Members, Staff, and Ambassadors were included in three radio programs and four radio spots. (Foundation) FTCC Foundation Executive Director coordinated with faculty and staff to donate four full Backpack Buddy bags through Leadership Fayetteville and led the FTCC Alumni Association and Ambassadors in an Adopt-a-Student effort that provided Christmas presents to three student families. (Foundation) Marketing & Public Relations Department Information Released: 1) Press Releases - 25 Postings 2) Facebook Releases - 205 Postings - Likes increased from 1,430 to 3,541 3) Twitter Releases - 336 Postings - Followers increased from 21 to 222 - Example/US Department of Veteran Affairs



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

* Response to FTCC VA Tweet/Credit for Prior Learning * US Dept of VA Affairs - 19,200 followers * Student Veterans of America - 6,300 followers * VFW Post 2866 - 400 followers * Total: Message Tweeted to 29,000+ followers 4) LinkedIn - Company Page - 1,091 Followers - College Page - 6,667 Followers 5) Blog - 15 Postings - 18 Followers 6) Instagram - 21 Photos Posted - 23 Followers 7) Google+ (new site) - 1,559 Views - 2 Followers 8) YouTube (Media Services) - 71 Subscribers (Marketing & Public Relations) FTCC Media Services produced public relations, marketing, promotional and informative media to inform and educate an adult audience. (Media Services)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Provided curriculum program/division orientations. (Curriculum) Provided Health Applicant Counseling Sessions for prospective health students and information sessions for eligible health applicants. (Curriculum) Sigma Kappa Delta produced a video of student literacy narratives in coordination with FTCC Media Services. (Curriculum) Provided 46 community presentations plus weekly in-house briefing/presentations to the College and Career Readiness Orientation Class (Make the Grade) and various weekly HRD classes both on and off campus. (Continuing Education) Through advertisement, tabloid and bi-weekly ads the College continued to increase enrollment to meet the demanding needs of the community. (Continuing Education) Participated in Open Houses, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) workshops, and NCAEOP presentations. (Curriculum) Provided 26 outreach events included: Five major print articles, two radio interviews, 16 Education Fairs, presentations given at CAEL and CCME symposiums. ( Military Programs)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Produced and hosted 24 (two per month) "FTCC Community Spotlight" radio shows on the WIDU AM radio network. (Success Center) Wrote an article highlighting the history, services, and resources of the Success Center; published in the April 9-15, 2014 edition of "Up and Coming" magazine. (Success Center) Career Counseling participated in a UNC-CH videography on FTCC C-STEP student’s successes and who completed an internship in Switzerland. (Student Services).

1.2 Use the Educational TV channel to provide timely information/programming to the community (2)

FTCC Media Services production staff produced five monthly programs in the FCE-TV studio including two Cumberland County programs that promoted our region: “Cumberland Conversations” and “Cumberland Matters” and two FTCC education programs that promoted our College, one in English, “FTCC and You” one in Spanish, “Punto de Encuentro,” and “Get Connected” in partnership with Cumberland County Schools. We added several productions to FCE-TV: The FTCC 2014 Graduation Ceremony at the Crown Coliseum, a series of student orientation videos including “FTCC Student Welcome,” “FTCC Student Checklist,” “FTCC Financial Aid,” “How to use WEBADVISOR,” “Esthetics,” “2014 State of the



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

College: FTCC’s Economic Impact on Our Region,” and six new FCE-TV Channel Identification videos. (Media Services) Once a month: Punto de Encuentro and FTCC and You. (Continuing Education) A new TV commercial was released for advertising FTCC Continuing Education programs such as EMS, Fire and Certified Nursing Assistant that have been viewed by the public. (Continuing Education) Barbering Program was highlighted in Continuing Ed informational commercial. (Continuing Education) The Small Business Center created an infomercial and utilized the educational TV channel to promote the Small Business Center services. (Continuing Education) An informational piece on MOS Program was provided to FECTV. (Military Programs)

1.3 Partner with community organizations to connect students to potential employers (3)

The Document Control Technician attended Job Fairs to include: “March to Work” on March 27 and “Hiring Our Heroes” on April 30. (HR/WFD/IE) The Workforce Development Business Services Representative/On-the-Job Training Coordinator met and partnered with over 40 businesses and



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

organizations around the community for On-the-Job training opportunities, including, but not limited to, Hercules Steel, McCune Technology, Time Warner Cable, U-Teck, Center for Economic Empowerment & Development, Harlow Heating & Air Services, Union Corrugating, Tekton Construction Company, L3 Communications, Karaman Communications, Operations Services, Inc., and Southeastern Freight Lines. (Workforce Development) Conducted Annual Employer Survey in Spring 2013. 100% would hire more FTCC graduates. (HR/WFD/IE) FTCC Foundation Board Member offered internship opportunity through Systel. FTCC Foundation circulated two large job fairs notices out to the FTCC Alumni Association members. (Foundation) FTCC partnered with Cumberland County, Cumberland County Schools, UNC Pembroke, FSU to provide educational and informative programming for students and the community. (Curriculum) Procurement Manager connected Workforce Development with management at the Cameo Theatre to connect students with potential job opportunities. (Business & Finance) In partnership with Career Step, we offered optional externships with CVS/Walgreens for students in the “Working in the Pharmacy” program.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Continuing Education) Provided HRD classes for those specifically seeking employment at the following plants: Smithfield, Mountainair and Prestige Farms. (Continuing Education) We have partnerships with Cape Fear Valley Hospital, Cumberland County EMS and surrounding area health offices to meet the growing demand for potential employers. (Continuing Education) Local businesses came into classes as guest speakers to promote employment after completion. Partnered with CEED, SBTDC, SCORE and SBA to offer entrepreneurship educational training for potential self-employers and small business owners. (Continuing Education) Chamber of Commerce – Provided AMA classes for students to achieve promotional levels in their current jobs or for obtaining other possible jobs. Took flyers to Job Fairs. (Continuing Education) Industry Services partnered with Workforce Development and the Employment Security Commission. (Continuing Education) Developed an English Education Pre-Major; and liaisoned with Cumberland County Public Schools and the Fayetteville



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Observer to place students in Work-Based Learning internships. (Curriculum) Social Work Club hosted the following: a LCSW from Ft. Bragg to discuss her career as a social worker; the clinical supervisor of the Social Work Program at Methodist University gave students an overview of social work as a career. (Curriculum) Provided a paralegal reception at the Cumberland County Courthouse. (Curriculum) Career Counseling coordinated Health Job Fair with 27 vendors (98 FTCC health students attended); Coordinated and planned Career Job Fair for various programs with 37 vendors (over 500 FTCC students attended); Provided 154 job vacancy announcements from potential employers; Met with 52 potential FTCC student employers to advertise job notices. (Student Services) Spring Lake received 25 scholarships at $1000 for FTCC graduates marticulating to FSU. (Curriculum)

1.4 Engage stakeholders to develop and expand College funding opportunities melding community and student needs. (1, 2, 3)

FTCC Foundation engaged stakeholders and focused on re-engaging past organizational and scholarship donors while also expanding existing fundraising campaigns and events. (Foundation)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Technical Innovations and Applications obtained NCCCS Virtual Learning Community (VLC) grant of $150,000 and partnered with other VLC Centers to obtain $200,000 2+2 funds. All funds expended to serve the end user, the students. (Foundation) FTCC has been awarded grants from local businesses, state and federal governments, and various non-profit foundations to enhance students’ educational experiences. FTCC has received grants ranging from $3,000 to over $1,000,000. Each grant has a specific purpose for use. Some of the grants that FTCC has received were used to award scholarships for students in specific programs of study, to pay for childcare costs for students to attend classes, and to reimburse students for testing fees. (Foundation) Briefs were provided to: Select Committee of the NC General Assembly; NC Lt. Gov; NC State Senators; NC Sec of Commerce; NC State Representatives; XVIII ABN Corps Commander; and NC State Adjutant General. (Military Programs) Career Counseling completed recruitment of high school and college students for the C-STEP program, emphasizing Carolina Covenant opportunities of possible funding sources; designed and advertised university flyers for representatives and their campus visits to recruit FTCC students for continued education beyond the two-year funding limit (15); coordinated visit from UNC-CH FA office to discuss student funding. (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1.5 Align the FTCC Foundation, Inc. goals and outcomes to support the College. (2, 3)

FTCC Foundation worked with the College to move the scholarship application and selection process to financial aid and scholarship so that more students had the opportunity to apply and more awards made to students who meet the donors' criteria. FTCC Foundation Board voted to allow for full-time equivalence to be counted for health scholars who were in clinicals and to allow a semester academic probation period to better align the scholarships and student needs. Foundation staff met with Veteran's Service center, Career Center, Culinary Arts, high school, Performing Arts, and Business program areas to discuss funding needs and opportunities. (Foundation) Utilized grant funding through the Foundation for bus passes to improve student retention in the HRD program. (Continuing Education) EMT-Basic and Paramedic pass rates were measured with Paramedic passing rates of 97% and EMT-Basic at 91% passing rate for 2013-2014. (Continuing Education) Worked with the Foundation Office to seek funding to promote youth entrepreneurship. Small Business Center received $5,000 grant from Wells Fargo Corporation. (Continuing Education) Provided two adequate Center for Business and Industry rooms for quarterly meetings enabling them to have a place that allowed for catering food, so they did not have to leave the premises and can continue their meetings.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Continuing Education)

1.6 Streamlining initial processing of WIA participants to ensure more efficient transition into training programs. (2, 3, 4)

The Workforce Development Center have streamlined its services to customers by integrating our services with Wagner-Peyser (Employment Service). We closed the separate office in Spring Lake, and we have organized the WIA staff into teams with the Wagner-Peyser staff: Welcome, Employment Assistance, Talent development, and Employer Services. All customers entered one door at Ray Avenue, and were escorted to the team that meets their needs. Each individual was co-enrolled in Wagner-Peyser and WIA. We have moved the staff into cubicles to be closer to their teams. We have integrated the phone system as well. The entire staff meets weekly, and we have done a lot of cross-training. In addition, we are contracted services for Youth, Adults, and Dislocated Workers through an RFP process, and the contractors were required to fit into the Integrated Services model. (HR/WFD/IE) Provided on-demand HRD daytime and evening classes designed specifically for both adult and young WIA participants. (Continuing Education)

1.7 Reduce the number of students testing into developmental classes. (1, 2)

Technical Innovations and Applications created a MOOC as a refresher in basic math to prepare the student for taking ACCUPLACER© with the intended outcome of placing out of developmental math. Offered 15 Academic Review classes to prepare students for post secondary



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

education. (Continuing Education) Moved an instructor to I-PASS to aid in English/Reading workshops and test preparation for Developmental Reading and English students. Faculty worked with the IPASS Center. (Curriculum) Provided additional refresher training in English and Mathematics to military students and dependents. (Military Programs) Admissions implemented an ACCUPLACER Prep program for new students. (Student Services)

1.8 Administer student course evaluations to assess the satisfaction rates for course and programs of study. (1, 5, 6)

Institutional Effectiveness created web-based course evaluations and downloaded the results during the 2013-14 academic year. (HR/WFD/IE) Student course evaluations were administered every semester at every level of DRE and ENG. (Curriculum) Administered end-of-course student evaluations for both traditional and distance learning courses. Evaluation forms were updated upon the need. (Continuing Education) 100% of all College and Career Readiness students meeting enrollment requirements completed course evaluations. (Continuing Education)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

At the end of each Emergency and Protective Services course, students were required to evaluate the course and the instructor. (Continuing Education) Mid-Course and End-of-Course evaluations were completed in all business services classes. (Continuing Education) Small Business Center administered seminar evaluations at every seminar for quality control and to ensure customer satisfaction. (Continuing Education) Classes were asked to complete course evaluations every semester. (Curriculum) Surveys were conducted in 10% of each semester's classes. (Military Programs) Administered student course evaluations for the Continuing Education Teacher Renewal courses. (Success Center)

1.9 Administer an annual non-returning student survey to assess the reasons for not continuing studies at FTCC. (1, 5, 6)

Institutional Effectivness administered the Annual Non-Returning survey in October 2013. The top three reasons for students not returning were:



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1. Financial reasons-36.26% 2. Family/Personal reasons-20.88% 3. Relocated-12.09% (IE) Reasons from Continuing Education students for not returning: No scholarships were offered and no senior citizen free courses were offered to help them financially take courses. Continuing Education staff called students when classes had been canceled and informed them of the new class. (Continuing Education)

1.10 Administer an annual graduate survey to assess satisfaction rates for courses and programs of study. (1, 5, 6)

Institutional Effectiveness administered the Annual Graduate Survey to assess satisfaction rates for courses and programs of study from January to May 2014. 1. Instruction in program area courses 94.6% 2. Overall quality of academic program 95.4% (IE) Administered a Graduation Survey through Survey Monkey to secondary education graduates. (Continuing Education) Annual graduate surveys were performed to submit findings to COAMPS Accreditation for National Registry Paramedic. (Continuing Education) 100% end of course evaluations were conducted in Industry Services.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Continuing Education) Phone calls were made to complete this information gathering. (Curriculum)

1.11 Improve assessment plans with documented evidence of outcomes. (1)

Institutional Effectiveness conducted an audit of assessment plans within WEAVEonline for the current assessment cycle that met College and SACSCOC standards and identified those that needed improvement during the 2013-14 academic year. (IE) This was done by the manager through WEAVEonline. (Print Shop) Maintained an assessment plan for quality enhancement. (Administrative Services) Utilized organizational plans to improve efficiency. (Plant Operations) Senior VP for Business & Finance, AVP for Business & Finance, Director of Bookstore, and Property Control Supervisor used WEAVEonline to gather information, improve goals and outcomes, and update assessment plans. (Business & Finance) Amended the WEAVEonline Assessment process to incorporate a variety of classes within our department including Occupational Effective Teaching Training, Small Gas Engine Repair, and personal interest Sewing classes.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Continuing Education) Provided regular student assessments in accordance to NRS standards. Created quarterly and yearly reports of student progress. (Continuing Education) Conducted annual assessment plans with Paramedic program WEAVE and COAMPS accreditation for National Registry Paramedic. (Continuing Education) Offered AMA courses to employers (CCS/PWC) for their employees to achieve a better job environment and success. (Continuing Ecucation) Revised ENG 111 course objectives, assessment objectives, and Rubric. (Curriculum) Posted to WEAVEOnline assessment findings and plans for improvement. (Curriculum) Submitted annual WEAVEOnline assessment submission. (Military Programs) Student Services had an ongoing evaluation of assessment plans. (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1.12 Create and administer a professional development program to support academic quality for student success. (1-6)

Institutional Effectiveness created a professional development program that explained the NCCCS Annual Performance of Student Performance Measures and how faculty can increase student success in each performance category. Through meeting the goal for each respective measure, the College may receive increased performance-based funding that will further support academic programs and other resources that help students succeed. (IE) The Human Resources Office coordinated 54 Professional Development sessions covering 32 different topics including: Elementary Principles of Behavior (2), Southern Culture (2), FTCC Online Template Webinar, Chemical Hygiene, Hazardous Communication (3), Bloodborne Pathogen (3), FMLA, Data-Driven Change, Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft, Retirement/Wealth Planning, Stress and Health, Death – A Student Perspective (3), Pre-Majors in Psychology and Social Work, Procrastination – A Behavioral Perspective (3), Grant Funding Opportunities for Community College Programs, Managing Your Money: Budgeting and Savings Strategies, DDI Targeted Selection Interviewing (6), Excel 2010: Goodies You Might Have Missed, Managing Job Stress, Diversity Training: Cultural Baggage, All About Credit, Performance Measures for Student Success, Career Coaching Industry Analysis: Tools for Students, Faculty, and Staff, WEAVEonline: Best Practices, Performance Appraisal Process, Teaching Well, While Staying Out of Jail: Handling Intellectual Property in the Digital College, Customer Service Behavior Styles and the Platinum Rule (2),



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

PeopleAdmin for Hiring Mangers, Workplace Ergonomics and Office Safety, Prevention of Sexual Harassment (6), Multiple Intelligences to Promote Metacognition in the Online Learning Environment (2) (HR) Technical Innovations and Applications offered professional development webinars and workshops on the following topics:

Retention Center

Monitoring Student Performance

Webcam: Showing Your Face

Assessing Learners


Grade Center

Making the Most of Discussions

Discussion Boards, Wikis, and Blogs


Enhancing Communication

Course Redesign to Template Created an academic development program that included in-house training workshops and evidence based training sponsored by the NCCCS System Office. The NCCCS System Office trainings afforded eight instructors the opportunity to complete the Silver Cord Certificate, three the STAR training, 11 received the Certified Resource Specialist Award, and 13 instructors



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

participated in the CASAS training/certification. (Continuing Education) Conducted instructor training for EMS instructors to help improve courses and quality of instructing for student success. (Continuing Education) Small Business Center offered professional development training to the business community and college faculty and staff. (Continuing Education) Business Services provided computer training for FTCC faculty and staff. (Continuing Education) Implemented curriculum faculty teaching, technology, and field specific professional development workshops. Faculty (curriculum) attended the following workshops:

Course Redesign

Veterans On Campus

Blackboard Rubric,

Blackboard Retention Center

Student workshops (Curriculum) Conducted division-wide Peer Teaching Rounds. Created and administered a training session for select counselors on how to register DMA/DMS students.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Provided student mentoring. Conducted three Dress for Success Workshops for students and one Professional Language Workshop for FTCC SGA. (Curriculum) Career Counseling re-implemented the use of career assessment to support ACA course offerings; counseled and reviewed academic mid-term reports for Parents for Higher Education (PFHE) population; counseled and reviewed academic mid-term reports for C-STEP population of students; coordinated 2 UNC-CH academic advising sessions for C-STEP students. (Student Services) Career Counseling coordinated a C-STEP orientation and educational plan for academic grade success to include personality assessments, study skills and time management workshops with weekly grade review evaluations. (Student Services) Career Couseling received and followed-up with students referred by instructors for career redirection and assessment; continued community facilitation for PFHE group with workshops aimed to support student academic success and continued parental success (28 groups); coordinated 16 PFHE presentations from community agencies to foster academic and parent success; continued implementation of weekly individualized academic advisement sessions and monthly facilitation of C-STEP to monitor academic success of group (576). (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1.13 Promote use of the research such as Education Advisory Board studies to identify and benchmark successes at other Colleges that can be emulated at FTCC. (1-6)

Institutional Effectiveness partnered with EMSI (Economic Modeling Specialists Incorporated) to produce GAP analyses for every curricular program of study; a study regarding the incremental budgetary decrease effects upon FTCC and the surrounding community; and an analysis of the current social and economic effects of FTCC upon the local community. Insitutional Effectiveness also taught faculty and staff about EMSI Career Coach and its benefit for faculty, staff, students, and the community. Institutional Effectiveness partnered with EMSI to launch a labor market analytic tool that can help curricular programs, along with other College divisions, better understand the demand for their respective programs during the next 10 years and their current economic position with the surrounding community. (IE) Members of the Business Office communicated with sister Colleges on items such as Affordable Care Act, instant enrollment, Financial Aid no shows, and PCard processes to seek guidance and benchmark successes. (Business & Finance) Provided evidence-based training opportunities sponsored by the NCCCS System on-site. Participated in monthly Directors meetings and regular information exchanges via email. Encouraged staff members to attend conferences such as NCAHEAD to gain knowledge of best practices. Participated in the Accelerated Transition conference. (Continuing Education) Conducted two EMS Advisory meetings annually to identify and benchmark



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

successes for the Paramedic program in Continuing Education. (Continuing Education)

1.14 Maintain memberships in relevant professional organizations and groups. (1-6)

Various members of Insitutional Effectivness belong to the Association of Institutional Researchers, North Carolina Association of Institutional Researchers, Community College Professional Research Organization, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources. (IE) Human Resources personnel held memberships with CUPA-HR, Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), Fayetteville Area SHRM and Community College Professional Researchers Organization (CCPRO). Individual memberships include Kiwanis Club, Partnership for Children, FTCCAEOP, NCAEOP, the American Heart Association. (IE) FTCC Foundation Executive Director completed Leadership Fayetteville through the Chamber of Commerce this period.(Foundation) The Director of Media Services is a graduate and active participant of the FTCC President's Leadership Institute and a FTCC Foundation Committee member promoting financial opportunities for FTCC Students.(Media Services) Technical Innovations and Applications Director is on the Executive Board of the NCCCS Virtual Learning Committee (VLC) and the North Carolina



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Community College Association for Distance Learning. Encouraged staff to join memberships. Director of Facility Services-ACCFO. Grounds Department-Turfgrass Council of NC. (Plant Operations) Business Office memberships include: ACCBO, AICPA, IMA, NACUBO, NACS, NCACPA, NCAEOP Faculty (curriculum) hold professional memberships in NEA, NCTE, TCYA, NCADE, and NCCFA. Faculty members involved in: Society for Military History, American Sociological Association, American Psychological Association, UNC-Program in the Humanities, Cumberland County Library-Friends of the Library, Kappa Delta Pi-International Honor Society for Education, NC Association of Educators, Society for the Scientific Study of Relgion (SSSR), American Historical Society, Board Member for Harnett Regional Theater, Cumberland County Arts Council, Fayetteville Society for Human Resources Management, DBSH Academy of Finance Board of Directors, NCACPA, NACCE, American Culinary Federation, American College of Healthcare Executives, Sandhills Health Executive Forum, National Association of Health Service Executives, ECU Healthcare Management Advisory Board, and Graduation Committee. Served as an ambassador of assessment.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Council of Colleges and Military Educators; Service members Opportunity Colleges. (Military Programs) Student Services active memberships include: NC AHEAD (Special Populations Counselor), NCAEOP and NASW (Senior Secretary for Special Populations) (CC) NC3SDPA membership. (Student Services) Serve on the Executive Boards of Faces in the Community, Inc. (as the FTCC representative) and Cumberland County CommuniCare, Inc. (and as Vice- Chair of the latter); serve on the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Fayetteville-Lafayette. (Success Center) Developed and/or maintained partnerships with community agencies/organizations to include: The Re-Store Warehouse, Rape Crisis Volunteers of Cumberland County, CERT: Community Emergency Response Training groups, the Dispute Resolutions Center, ICD/Goodyear, Fayetteville Center for Economic Empowerment and Development, Partnership for Children, 360ATraining.com, Ed2go, and Career Step, NCAHEAD, NCCAEA, NCAEOP, National Registry of EMT's and North Carolina EMS Educators Association, NCCCAEA, Fayetteville Regional Chamber Board of Directors, NC Safety and Health Council, NCCER Board, Board of Electrical Examiners, and Fiber Optics Association. (Continuing Education)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1.15 Promote faculty-staff engagement in public relations, community service, and College activities. (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

HR/WFD/IE Staff attended relevant activities. FTCC Foundation has worked with Public Relation and Marketing and directly with media outlets to promote its events and activities. (Foundation) Marketing & Public Relations Department Information Releases- 1) Press Releases - 25 Postings 2) Facebook Releases - 205 Postings - Likes increased from 1,430 to 3,541 3) Twitter Releases - 336 Postings - Followers increased from 21 to 222 - Example/US Department of Veteran Affairs * Response to FTCC VA Tweet/Credit for Prior Learning * US Dept of VA Affairs - 19,200 followers * Student Veterans of America - 6,300 followers * VFW Post 2866 - 400 followers * Total: Message Tweeted to 29,000+ followers 4) LinkedIn - Company Page - 1,091 Followers - College Page - 6,667 Followers 5) Blog - 15 Postings - 18 Followers 6) Instagram - 21 Photos Posted



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

- 23 Followers 7) Google+ - 1,559 Views - 2 Followers 8) YouTube (Media Services) - 71 Subscribers (Marketing &Public Relations) FTCC Media Services produced a variety of media promoting faculty-staff public relations, community service and promoting college activities by delivering information on campus-wide digital signage, and in-house produced programming for the Fayetteville Cumberland Educational Television Channel or FCE-TV. Technical Innovations and Applications Director is a member of the Cape Fear Kiwanis Club. All staff members were encouraged to participate in service to their community and at college activities. (Print Shop) Staff members participated in community services and College activities (Plant Operations) Senior VP for Business & Finance serves as the President designee for the



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Partnership for Children Board and serves on the Finance Committee, Douglas Byrd Finance Academy Advisory Board, NCCCS Task Force member for Financial Aid and ACA, and ACCBO Nominating Committee chair. The Director of Student Accounts & Fiscal Controls and one Accounting Technician are members of the PLI. The Procurement Manager is on the Military Unit Scholarship Fund Board. The Property Control Supervisor is on the FTCC Automotive Board. Advertised programs at monthly Army/Air Force Newcomers' meeting, placed ads on Billboards, in the Fayetteville Observer, Paraglide magazine, and Up & Coming, spoke on the FTCC Radio show five times throughout the year, highlighted programs in the CE Tabloid and brochures, and hosted an information booth at Cape Fear Valley Hospital and other school sponsored events on seven separate occasions. (Continuing Education) Participated in Center for the Blind, Vocational Rehabilitation, Alliance, Catholic Charities, and Urban Ministries. (Continuing Education) Participated annually in paramedic competition, airport disaster events and Cape Fear Valley Hospital disaster event. (Continuing Education) Listened to student needs to redirect them to the appropriate class which they would benefit taking for a possible job. (Continuing Education)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Time was provided for industry services staff members to participate in services and activities, (i.e. parent/teacher conferences, golf tournaments, etc.) (Continuing Education) Conducted health fair on campus in collaboration with other community agencies to serve over 700 students, faculty/staff, and community members. (Curriculum) Ongoing tours of the program areas and presentations at local schools. (Curriculum) Participated in FTCC's Fall Festival; Open Houses; High School Connections; Annual Club Tree Decorating Contest; Spring Fling; sponsored the upcoming 2014 edition of Unbound; partnered with New Century International Elementary School to hold interactive poetry workshops for 5th grade students to help with EOG scores in reading, literature, and poetry; The President's Leadership Institute (PLI); The Institute for Community Learning; Social Work Club; Psychology Club; FTCC Art Gallery; public performance of plays by the FTCC Fine Arts Department; Annual Graduation Ceremony; Cape Fear Kiwanis; Fayetteville Urban Ministry; Community Concerts; Lafayette Rotary; Up and Coming articles; FTCC Global Education Committee; Institute for Community Leadership; Arts Council of Fayetteville; Relay for Life; and Success Closet. (Curriculum)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Provided presentations to local Kiwanis group. Supported the All American Marathon/Half Marathon, and 3M Hire Heros Program. (Military Programs) Career Counseling wrote two articles for Up and Coming Magazine; Parents for Higher Education (PFHE) completed two community food drives, sponsored eight FTCC students for Thanksgiving; supported one family with five children for Christmas; Members assisted Partnership for Children at Dogwood Festival and completed three fundraising campus events; Each C-STEP student completed 20 community service hours (23); Participated in UNC-CH Videography for C-STEP student at Chapel Hill; Planned and organized College Transfer Day (37 universities attending); two job fairs and publicized 15 additional College/university visits from representatives; Promoted use of C-STEP students in campus video. (Student Services) Spring Lake continued collaboration with FSU and Links, Inc. (Student Services)

Student Activities coordinated the following activities: 9/11 Observance: Held in the morning on main campus and noon-time concert was performed by the 82nd Airborne Chorus on main campus.

9-17-13 - A public concert by Latin music group Tropicante - Main Campus.

10-12-13: Faculty, staff and students participated in the American Heart Walk.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Four blood drives held on behalf of the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Blood Bank.

11-13-13: "How's Your Sugar" Health Fair was held.

11-15-13: A public concert was performed by Latin band Xperimento.

11-20-13: A public concert was performed by Native American Larry Omaha.

1-20-14: Faculty, staff and students participated in the MLK Day of Service. The SGA President, Dir. of Student Activities and Dean of Spring Lake Campus participated in the MLK Parade.

4-10-14: The Scottish band/educational group "Saor Patrol" conducted two educated sessions and one public concert on main campus.

4-23-14: Public Earth Day event held on SPLK campus Produced and hosted 24 "FTCC Community Spotlight" radio shows on the WIDU radio network (consisting of three regional AM stations) annually. Most guests have been College faculty or staff (with occasional guests from partner organizations, e.g., Cumberland County Schools). (Success Center)

1.16 Encourage faculty and staff to complete higher levels of relevant education and/or degree completion. (1, 2)

Briefed all new employees on FTCC policies regarding education benefits. Assisted employees with obtaining higher degrees by utilizing the Merit Increase for Educational Achievement policy and Tuition Reimbursement policy. Also assisted employees with use of tuition free classes on the FTCC campus. (HR/WFD/IE)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

FTCC Foundation has one staff member taking additional accounting courses and encourages additional education and professional development through webinars, in-service classes, conferences, and seminars. Staff members are taking classes. (Plant Operations) One Senior Accounting Technician and one Accounting Technician are working on their BA. The Assistant Bookstore Director and one Financial Accountant are working on their MA. The Director of Disbursements is working on his DBA. In May 2014, Sydney Darden completed her Masters of Adult and Community College Education at NC State University. Master Degrees received by Tamieka Whitfield, Joy Melvin and Sakiyna Ragland. (Continuing Education) Taking professional development courses in new computer skills, therefore, always learning to better process the job load. Business Services faculty and staff participate in college professional development each year. The director met with the employees to encourage higher levels of relevant education and/or degree completion. (Continuing Education) Several faculty currently enrolled in higher degree programs to include doctoral degrees. (Curriculum)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

219 full-time and part-time instructors have completed the Excellence in Teaching course (EIT). (Curriculum) 50 full-time and part-time instructors have completed the Certified Online Instructor (COI) Level 1 course, and 28 in the COI Level 2 course. (Curriculum) Faculty have completed the following: the President's Leadership Institute; Department Chairs Institute; CEU seminars/workshops for legal, dietitian, and CPA licenses. (Curriculum) A faculty member received 18 graduate hours in Geography and can now teach this discipline. (Curriculum) Two staff members completed their Master's degrees; one is currently pursuing a Doctorate. (Success Center)

1.17 Encourage Return to Industry Training. (1, 2)

Each VP encouraged participation in the Return to Industry program for his/her respective Division. The Return to Industry policy can be found in the Administrative Procedures Manual, I-8.9. Industry Services staff has revisited local industries to become more familiar



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

with new products and processes. (Continuing Education)

1.18 100% of new instructors will successfully complete the Excellence in Teaching course prior to teaching their first class. (1, 5, 6)

Placed information regarding the Excellence in Teaching course on the Professional Development website with a link to the modules. Continue in collabration with the Senior VP for Academic and Student Services to promote attendance to the training. All curriculum full- and part-time new hires must be enrolled or have completed EIT prior to employment. (Curriculum)

1.19 More clearly define and articulate expectations for the role of instructional leaders. (1, 5, 6)

HR/WFD/IE hosted the second cohort of President's Leadership Institute with 26 attendees working on second year projects. Held quarterly New Instructor Orientation meetings to effectively train instructors, while also completing annual evaluations for feedback. (Continuing Education) For college and division continuity, the English Division Program Coordinators and Division Chair produced an SOP of duties, roles, and expectations. (Curriculum)

1.20 Create an effective Instructional Leaders HR/WFD/IE hosted the second cohort of President's Leadership Institute with



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

course. (1, 5, 6) 26 attendees working on second year projects.

1.21 Standardize blackboard shells to ensure more active learning for students. (1, 5, 6)

Technical Innovations and Applications created a standard Blackboard template for use in all online courses in the Fall of 2013 and designed a Course Review Sheet for supervisors to assess compliance. Continued to create Online EMS courses to stay competitive with other community colleges. (Continuing Education) Audited of 100% of online health and computer technology programs reveals compliance with template. (Curriculum) English Division began standardizing Blackboard shells and English course offering effective Fall 2013. All Blackboards standardized as of May 1, 2014. Math department is currently using a standardized Bb math shell. (Curriculum)

1.22 Increase Co-op and intern work opportunities for students (1, 2, 3, 6)

FTCC Foundation has shared internship and co-op opportunities with Systel and connected the contact with the department. The Office of Business & Finance utilized the Workforce Development Summer Youth Program to hire a PT Records Clerk for Finance and a PT assistant for Property Contol. The Business office hire an FTCC student from the Office Technology program as a PT Secretary.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Students are required to complete internships while attending courses to meet requirements for Phlebotomy, EMT-Basic, Paramedic, Certified Nursing Assistant I and II, Registered Medical Assistant, and fire fighter courses with local hospitals, EMS, and clinics within area. (Continuing Education) English Education Pre-Major with the addition of WBL credit submitted to and approved by Curriculum Committee. This is scheduled to be done in the AGE program in the Fall of 2014. (Curriculum) Worked with Cumberland County Paralegal Association in placing LEX students. (Curriculum) Networked with local employers to create additional Co-Op opportunities. (Curriculum) Class tours of local businesses were conducted (i.e. Culinary, HMT) Invited local professionals to attend functions to meet students (i.e. Culinary) (Curriculum) Career Couseling sent 30 referrals to the Co-Op office for possible internship opportunities. (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

1. 23 Provide a safe and secure learning environment. (6)

HR/WFD/IE updated their portion of the COOP Plan and evaluated its successful implementation processes. Public Safety and Security is committed to providing a safe and secure learning enviornment for all faculty, staff and students. Security staffing was increased by 9 FTE positions during this reporting period to increase patrol and service to the college community. Satisfaction survey results for 2013 are listed below: Security - 81.2%, Print Shop (Internal Survey) - 99.1%, Ground/Maintenance - 92.7%, Housekeeping - 87.7% Maintained a safe and secure learning environment as documented in Annual Crime Report. (Administrative Services) Provided a safe and secure learning environment by sidewalk improvement, cameras in parking lots, added lighting in parking lots, and removed plant material in parking lot for security. Purchased updated equipment for the Motorcycle classes and Culinary Arts classes to encourage learning in a clean and safe environment. (Continuing Education) Processed work orders within 24 hours of request in order to have repairs completed in a timely manner. (Continuing Education)



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Communicated regularly with campus security through quarterly classroom list assignments to ensure classrooms were secure. (Continuing Education) Provided hall monitors, security, and police officers. Instructors and staff follow proper procedures to maintain a safe and secure learning environment. (Continuing Education) Had behavioral contract in place for Barber program and panic buttons installed on Record Clerk computers in Barber program. (Continuing Education) All Small Business Center seminars and events were conducted (on and off premises) with adequate security. (Continuing Education) Had open door policy for students to voice their concerns and any problems. (Continuing Education) Inspected classes regularly to ensure clean environment with working equipment. (Curriculum) Students were informed about services, such as counseling, security, and ADA guidelines. (Curriculum) Students and instructors needs were met during evenings and weekends.



Institutional Goal # 1: Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals: 1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually. 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students. 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training programs by 20%. 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Curriculum) Offered synchronous online classes. (Curriculum) Career Couseling assisted faculty through completion of 324 crisis intervention referrals and counseling sessions. (Student Services) Veterans Services established the All American Veterans Center, which will provide veteran students with a safe and secure environment. (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

2.1 Ensure that faculty and staff understands their individual responsibility to provide high quality customer service. (1-5)

Offered Customer Service professional development sessions throughout the fiscal year and encouraged attendance. Also, added customer service to the STAR concept for questions used in interviewing panels. (HR/WFD/IE) FTCC Foundation relied on strong customer service as a critical factor to donor stewardship and engagement. Additional measures will be added to work plans to stipulate each staff member’s obligation to providing that service in a specific aspect of their roles. (Foundation) Marketing & Public Relations Department

Department meetings focused on internal and external opportunities to provide high quality of customer service.

Positive and informative responses were received via Social Media inquiries, emails, and telephone calls.

Positive postings were left on FTCC Home Page. (Marketing) FTCC Audio Visual Services provided day-to-day technology and event support services, and event services in a friendly and timely manner. FTCC Media Production Staff covered campus events and provided same day digital photos on discs for use on Facebook, the FTCC Website, and at the Print Shop for publication, as well as links to videos promoting the College on YouTube and the FTCC Server. Media Staff exceeded all production deadlines for finished high quality video productions. (Media Services)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

MIS has completed the merge for our IT resource tracking and help desk management software. Previously, this information was housed in two separate systems divided by administrative and instructional boundaries. (MIS) Print shop staff conducted bi-monthly meeting to discuss customer service. (Print Shop) All Public Safety and Security staff attended a customer service professional development class during this reporting period. (Public Safety & Security) Provided Customer Service Training to staff members Reorganized security staffing to improve quality of service. (Public Safety & Security) Provided professional development classes to improve employee knowledge Conducted office call training with new employees emphasizing customer service. (Administrative Services) Ensured that staff went to Customer Service Training. Gave Professional Development classes for departments. (Plant Operations) All Business and Finance employees have attended the Customer Service



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Behavioral Styles and the Platinum Rule class as part of their Professional Development. (Business & Finance) Met regularly with staff/faculty and provided weekly assignments to ensure all members understood expectations of the college. Staff and faculty attended Customer Service Training in CCR program and provided in-house training. Faculty and staff are required to provide high quality customer service with the department. (Continuing Education) Weekly meetings were conducted with Barbering instructors. Small Business Center encouraged faculty and staff to attend customer service training provided to the business community. Helped every student to achieve their goals by listening to their needs and showing them the classes that might benefit them. Practiced the Platinum Rule by "Treating others the way they want to be treated." (Continuing Education) Industry Services faculty and staff attended professional development workshops related to customer service. (Continuing Education) Beyond teaching and advisement, faculty provided workshops to address students' key academic areas, as well as providing scheduled hours for Academic Coaching. (Curriculum) Faculty utilized student retention tools, such as the Blackboard Retention



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Center warning system, the S-22, mid-term grade reporting, and referrals to the Success Center and other campus support entities. This was done through deparmental meetings, departmental seminars, individual conferences, and annual evaluations. (Curriculum) Modeled good customer service in an effort to demonstrate how it can be done. (Curriculum) Participated in FTCC sponsored customer service training. (Military Services) Conducted customer service professional development workshops at Ft.Bragg Center. (Military Services) 62 Student Services staff completed MKT-223 Customer Service class. (Student Services) High School Connections Office included customer service question in recent hiring process to find a new Senior Secretary for the progam. (Student Services)

2.2 Provide well maintained and safe campuses demonstrating our pride in FTCC. (4)

Offered a Workplace Eronomics and Office Safety professional development class and encouraged attendance. (HR/WFD/IE)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

FTCC Foundation implemented methods for reducing the perception that cash or valuables are housed in our office are readily available to staff members so that employees feel more secure at their workstations. (Foundation) The print shop staff maintained a neat and safe work area at all times and whenever possible, we made changes to better suit the needs of the shop and the faculty and staff that visited the shop. (Print Shop) In support of providing a safe campus environment, the Public Safety and Security department established a 24-hour dispatch and video monitoring function to maximize security camera effectiveness and response to service request of the college community. (Public Safety & Security) Conducted monthly walk through of facilities with contractors emphasizing high quality of maintenance. (Administrative Services) Demonstrated our pride by eliminating trip hazards on all walkways, pruning trees, HVAC controls, eliminating debris and continued to develop plant beds with new plant materials while maintaining the beauty of our campus. (Plant Operations) The Benefits Specialist worked directly with the OSHA Coordinator to make improvements to campus safety. (Business and Finance)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

The Business Office worked with Grounds and Maintenance to maintain budget for a safe and secure campus. (Business and Finance) Property Control disposed of chemicals no longer needed on campus. (Property Control) Submitted annual building evaluations to address classroom needs. (Continuing Education) Purchased updated equipment for various departments to encourage learning in a positive environment. (Continuing Education) Processed work orders within 24 hours of request in order to have repairs completed in a timely manner. (Continuing Education) Received positive evaluations from the students/faculty on classrooms and turn-around time for repairs. (Continuing Education) The grounds technicians and security were available when needed. (Continuing Education) Inspected classes regularly to ensure clean environment with working equipment. Every effort is made to ensure office areas are well-maintained and student accessible. (Curriculum)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

2.3 Resolve customer needs with minimal referral to others. (3)

HR/WFD/IE staff resolved customer needs with minimal referral to others. (HR/WFE/IE) FTCC Foundation empowered staff to answer questions and provide materials as expediently as possible while the person was on the phone or in the office. This has been done through common files, shared computer drives, and one general e-mail for FTCC Foundation business so that staff have access. (Foundation) FTCC Media Services worked to meet and exceed customer expectations in a timely manner. All customer needs were funneled through the manager and then to the technician best suited for the task. (Print Shop) The Business Office used several outlets to resolve customer needs: use of Instant Messaging with co-workers around campus, robo calls were used to keep students informed, used mnemonic FASI to see FA notes, online transcript requests. Accounting Technician relocated to the Bookstore at the beginning of each semester, increased availability of online book orders, book rentals, and online payments for child care. Property Control used email to advertise surplus items, PC Card equipment, and quote threshold were



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

lowered as result. Payroll used Web Advisor to reprint W-2 forms. (Business and Finance) Held regular staff meetings and quarterly training sessions to cross-train all staff members to provide assistance for customers with less than one transferred call. Adhered to the institution's customer service procedures. (Continuing Education) Specific questions were asked and did not blindly transfer calls. Questions were asked to see what their needs were instead of transferring the call. (Continuing Education) Handled all walk-in customers as expedient as possible with few referrals. (Continuing Education) Health Admissions Center established serving the needs of health students in one area. (Curriculum) Students and instructors were encouraged to follow the chain-of-command in dealing with challenges, and every effort was made to resolve issues at the lowest level possible. Faculty assisted students with advising issues and other issues to prevent sending students to multiple locations. (Curriculum) To reduce referrals, Student Services started Friday afternoon cross-training



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

sessions to educate all areas within Student Services. (Student Services) Approximately 22,550 customers were assisted by One Stop staff. (Student Services)

2.4 Answer the phone within 3 rings. (1-5)

HR/WFD/IE staff answered ALL phones within 3 rings, regardless of whose phone is ringing. Staff quickly answered the phones of others who have stepped out or are otherwise unavailable. (HR/WFD/IE) FTCC Foundation incorporated this along with a call forwarding plan for when staff are away from the desk. (Foundation) Marketing & Public Relations Department

Department meetings focused on internal and external opportunities to provide high quality of customer service.

Positive and informative responses were received via Social Media inquiries, emails, and telephone calls.

Positive postings on FTCC Home Page. (Marketing) FTCC Media Services responded immediately to requests via e-mail, phone calls, technical support, event support and documentation. (Media Services)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

This has been implemented by our print shop staff. (Print Shop) The Public Safety and Security department answered all phone calls within 3 rings for all service requests while providing quality customer service to the campus community. (Public Safety & Security) The Business Office answered the phones within three rings. (Business & Finance) Customers were served well as employees answered calls immediately when present and returned all voice mails within a 24-hour period. (Continuing Education) All Industry Services staff maintained close proximity to phones and if unanswered, the phones rolled over to other staff members to answer. (Continuing Education) When faculty were in their office, they made themselves available to students and callers, regardless of whether or not it was during official office hour or divisional hour time. (Curriculum) New phone procedures were implemented through the FTCC call center. (Military Programs)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

4,003 phone calls (internal and external) were answered within 3 rings in the Career Counseling area. (Student Services)

2.5 Educate all employees on functions and activities of College departments to minimize referrals. (2)

Institutional Effectiveness created Professional Development sessions that taught faculty and staff about data-driven change and where current statistical resources are located on the Institutional Effectivness homepage (i. e. Planning Guide, IEP, Administrative Manual, etc.). Participants learned about the location of these resources and placed fewer calls to different departments looking for information. Updated the annual planning cycle and planning guide to ensure all activities were aware of annual activities and events regardless of the division that was leading the efforts. (HR/WFD/IE) FTCC Foundation sent out “All at Fayetteville” messages related to appropriate events that may incur questions. Also, the staff worked with financial aid and scholarships to establish a common application schedule (July-April with selections made by June) so students could be counseled on scholarship funding opportunities. (Foundation) Coordinated Professional Development classes for completing F-11, work orders, completed Professional Development classes, and used the Web Service Portal that has been established. (Plant Operations) The Benefits Specialist sent monthly Benefit emails to employees. The Bookstore sent emails with calendar and sales information. The Assistant AR



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Manager provided a list of Business Office contacts and duties to various departments on campus. Implemented Instant Enrollment to provide students with the opportunity to register online. Encouraged interdepartmental communications to minimize referrals. All employees in the EMS area were educated on functions and activities of college departments to minimize referrals. (Continuing Education) Provided cross training within Business Services and throughout the Center for Business and Industry. (Continuing Education) New hires were given a general college orientation. (Continuing Education) Industry Services staff members were updated regarding activities held at the college. (Continuing Education) This is an objective for all new faculty on their E-32s, and these strategies are on the English faculty mentor checklist. Faculty are encouraged to update changes to department areas in their Blackboards. (Curriculum) Continual workshops and information sessions were conducted from and to other FTCC staff sections. (Military Programs) The library taught 91 orientations affecting approximately 50 faculty and 1,345



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

students. (Library) Presented Professional Development on Special Populations. (Student Services)

2.6 Incorporate advanced technology that can help to eliminate or reduce on-campus visits and lines. (1, 4, 5)

The Human Resources Office implemented the PeopleAdmin electronic application system to eliminate the need for applicants to come to office. (HR) Enhanced the College Social Media presence. (Marketing & Public Relations) FTCC Media Services Production staff produced online educational media accessed from the website and stored on the FTCC media server. Media Services produced a variety of media including video, audio, photographs and interactive media accessible to instructors and students who request access. (Media Services) FTCC Media Services Production staff produced a series of student orientation videos including “FTCC Student Welcome,” “FTCC Student Checklist,” “FTCC Financial Aid,” and “How to use WebAdvisor.” (Media Services) MIS Programming staff completed the automation and linkages for the DocEFill



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

project to allow Financial Aid students to submit paperwork without coming to campus.(MIS) The Bookstore used Facebook to communicate information to students. The Business Office offered an online Q&A for student questions. Transcript request forms and payments have been made available online. Students are now refunded electronically through Higher One. Continuing Education payments made available online using Instant Enrollment. (Business & Finance) Installed five SMART boards and received training for approximately 10 CCR instructors on the new technology. (Continuing Education) Offered online registration for classes. (Continuing Eduction) Small Business Center had on-line registration for counseling and seminars. (Continuing Education) Checked Datatel to see if a class is full or has been canceled. Placed calls to notify students that calls are full. (Continuing Education) Health admissions moved the application process to online. (Curriculum) The library instituted a single sign on the system and a single search model to



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

eliminate the confusion involved with searching hundreds of databases with multiple passwords. (Library)

Continued to provide off-campus and online Curriculum and Developmental Studies student access to SmarThinking, an online tutorial service available 24 hours per day, seven days a week. (Success Center)

2.7 Triage lines to move customers to appropriate College locations quickly. (3, 4)

The Bookstore used PT employees to assist students in line and when finding books. Business Office Management assisted students in line and on the phone during high traffic periods. (Business & Finance)

Small Business Center staff assessed the needs of callers to ensure the call was transferred to the appropriate contact person and department. SBC also maintained up- to-date directories. (Continuing Education)

Asked student on the phone, what kind of payment they will be doing (credit card), so that they can go directly to the right building to register. (Continuing Educaion)

During heavy registration times, the Admission’s staff were equipped with netbooks and could maneuver through the lines to query student issues and direct to appropriate area. (Student Services)

2.8 Ensure signage is visible, adequate and accurately directing visitors to correct locations. (3, 4)

HR/WFD/IE had appropriate visible signage. (HR/WFD/IE) FTCC Foundation incorporated sign placement and balloon purchases for



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

events. When changes to regular meetings occured, multiple e-mails with maps were provided to the associated individuals. (Foundation) Facility Services continued to keep within the guidelines of ADA signage. Upgraded signage due to moves and relocations. (Plant Operations) The Business Office added signage to the Spring Lake Cashier and Bookstore area. (Continuing Education) The building directory on Continuing Education Center - 1st floor was regularly updated. (Continuing Education) Signs were visible, adequate, and accurately directed visitors to correct locations. (Continuing Education) The Barbering program signage was placed roadside per State Board requirements. (Continuing Education) Clases were posted daily on the board at the Center for Business and Industry. (Continuing Education) Signs were displayed during New Student Orientations to assist students in locating this event. (Curriculum)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Directory signs created for GCB; signs updated for outside regarding the All American Veterans Center. (Student Services)

2.9 Require all hiring managers to include one or more interview questions focused on customer service. (1-5)

Institutional Effectiveness included interview questions related to customer service when hiring a part-time Senior Secretary in January 2014. (IE) The Human Resources office updated the FTCC Interview Guide (Form D-12) and the Interview Target/Question Rating Consensus Sheet (Form D-13) to include Customer Focus as a mandatory target. This will require choosing at least one interview question from the Customer Focus Target. (HR) FTCC Foundation initiated customer focus as part of their interview process since new Executive Director arrived in August 2012. (Foundation) MIS included customer service focused questions in the interview process throughout the 2013-2014 year. Customer service has always been a focus of the MIS Department. (MIS) Public Safety and Security required multiple customer service focused questions be used in the two hiring panels conducted during this reporting period. (Public Safety & Secuity) All hiring managers included one or more questions regarding customer service. (Plant Operations)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

The Business Office ensured that all hiring managers included at least one customer service question in all interviews. (Business & Finance) Interview questions by hiring manager included questions focused on customer service. All full-time staff attended DDI training and followed DDI guidelines when conducting interviews. Hiring procedures were in compliance with DDI. (Continuing Education) The library was very customer service focused. Our recent hire had three out of ten customer service focused questions. (Library) Customer service questions included in all hiring interviews for positions at the Fort Bragg Center. (Military Programs)

2.10 Create and implement incentive program to recognize employees that excel in providing customer service. (1-5)

The Human Resources office oversaw the nomination and selection process for Excellence in Teaching and President's Distinguished Staff awards for those who excelled in customer service and job performance. Winners received $500 and a reserved parking space for one year. (Human Resources) Public Safety and Security established an Employee of the Quarter recognition program for the department starting July 2013. (Public Safety & Security) Employees took Professional Development classes for Customer Service, so



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

that everyone can be of help in different ways. (Contining Education)

2.11 Conduct annual surveys of faculty, staff and students to provide data related to the College climate and customer service/support. (4)

Institutional Effectiveness administered the Faculty/Staff Survey in April 2014 that evaluated curricular and support departments on campus. The average satisfaction rate was 84.2%. (IE) The print shop sent out a survey card in Oct 2013 and 73% of the staff and faculty responded with a 99% above average to excellent grade. (Print Shop) The Business Office participated in the Annual College survey. There is a tag line added to the Business Office employee emails to offer a link for feedback on customer service. (Business & Finance) Faculty and Staff in the Academic & Student Services Division participated in the surveys sent out by the Institutional Effectiveness Office. (Curriculum) Conducted regular evaluations on courses, instructors, and staff members, responding to needs within a 24-hour period. (Continuing Education) Small Business Center conducted annual surveys to all attendees and clients to assess seminar content, counseling assessments, presenter knowledge, and customer satisfaction. (Continuing Education)

2.12 Create and deliver professional development classes to educate employees on quality

The Human Resources Office offered two Customer Service Behavior Styles and the Platinum Rule professional development classes and encouraged



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

customer services standards and expectations. (1-5)

attendance. (HR) All Workforce Development staff attended training regarding Integrated Services Delivery and Frontline Functions (The ISD Learning Map: Frontline Functions in the NC Integrated Services Delivery Model) (WFD) Media Staff provided SmartBoard and Camera Capture classes as professional development opportunities for instructors. All print shop staff members participated in the customer service classes provided this reporting year. The Public Safety and Security staff attended a customer service professional development class during this reporting period. Created professional development classes to educate employees on F-11, work orders, and room/vehicle reservations to meet higher standards. (Plant Operations) Faculty and staff participated in college sponsored Customer Service workshops. Professional development courses were created and delivered to educate employees on quality customer service standards and expectations. (Continuing Education)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Math depatment created and administered a training session for select counselors about how to register DMA/DMS students. Four counselors attended. (Curriculum) FTCC Customer Service Training was conducted. (Curriculum) Roundtable discussions and information sessions on customer service conducted at the Fort Bragg Center. (Military Programs)

2.13 Create and develop two FTCC website portals. One website will be focused to students, ensuring it remains user-friendly and focused to student needs while the other website will be focused to internal faculty/staff use and required mandatory reporting elements under the Higher Education Act and other local, State and Federal legislation requirements. (1, 3)

Institutional Effectivness created webpages, using the Department of Education web template, for Gainful Employment programs that included required disclosure information related to tuition/fees, graduation rates, median loan amounts, and linkages to the appropriate Standard Occupation Codes. Those webpages were placed within specific curricular websites per the Department of Education's Gainful Employment Amendment to the Higher Education Act's discloure mandates. Institutional Effectiveness created a webpage, using the Department of Education web template, to post the net price calculator which uses institutional data to provide estimated net price information to current and prospective students and their families. This is also a requirement of the Higher Education Act. The Human Resources Office in conjuction with Institutional Effectiveness



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

created webpages specific to Human Resources and employment. The webpage is used as a portal to make important information relevant to faculty and staff available and with easy access. The Workforce Development website, which is accessible through the FTCC Office of Human Resources and Institutional Effectiveness pages, was continuously updated. Development of a stand-alone Workforce Development website was postponed due to the directive of the State Director, as the state will create template for all local workforce areas to follow. FTCC Foundation updated its portions as necessary and worked with website developer and credit card processor to assure ease of use, PCI compliance, and donor stewardship. FTCC Media Services provided assistance and technical support to the Webmaster, including video clips posted on the server, photographic support and logo creation. The FTCC Media Services Online Audio Visual Request Form was officially launched in January of 2013 and is now being used regularly now. FTCC Media Services, Facilities and MIS are working together to create a “Request for Service Portal” on the web to streamline service issues on campus, (i.e, replacing projector bulbs, computer updates and facility support.)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Staff created Service Portal for MIS, Media Services, and Facility Services on non-operational equipment or emergencies. (Plant Operations) Small Business Center kept the Small Business Center website updated to inform the business community about seminars and events. (Continuing Education) The math department is in the process of completing their math website . (Curriculum) The library redesigned its website to ensure students receive the most pertinent information. (Library) A new Military Programs website, supporting students, will be operational no later than June 16, 2014. (Military Programs) Student Services developed and re-designed the webpage for easier student use. (Student Services)

2.14 Promote equal employment opportunities in all aspects of the hiring process. Ensure one DDI targeted selection STAR criteria evaluates customer service orientation of all prospective candidates. (2, 3, 5)

All employment ads have the Equal Opportunity Employment statement on them. All interviews are conducted using the DDI Targeted Selection process. Equal Employment and Affirmative Action statements are included in appropriate handbooks, manuals and guides. (HR/WFD/IE)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

The Director of Media Services is DDI trained, served on several hiring committees, hired three individuals on staff and encouraged Media Services staff to train in DDI. Public Safety and Security ensured that at least one DDI targeted selection STAR criteria evaluates the customer service orientation of employee candidates in the hiring process. DDI is being utilized with hiring procedures. (Plant Operations) The Business Office ensured that all hiring managers included at least one customer service question in all interviews. The interview committee included a diverse group of individuals. Conducted equal employment opportunities in hiring process using DDI targeted process. Department hiring processes follow college procedures. (Continuing Education) STAR criteria are used throughout the DDI Interviewing process. At least one customer service question is required for interviews. (Curriculum) One or more DDI customer service STAR criteria is included during each hiring interview. (Military Programs)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

2.15 Include quality customer service and support as a measured item on annual performance appraisals. (5)

All appraisals included comments related to customer service support. (HR/WFD/IE) The Director of Media Services chose several customer service questions for the hiring process in our department. The Director included quality customer service in staff performance objectives. This will was done within on our 2014 print shop evaluations. All Public Safety and Security employees are measured on providing quality customer service and support during their annual performance appraisal. Business Office included quality customer service and support as a measured item on annual performance appraisals. Answered all phone calls and voice messages while also providing immediate response to customer requests within 24 hours. Customer service goal is included as a measured item on annual performance appraisals. (Continuing Education) Quality customer service is part of the Employee Performance Appraisal, however, it is not one of the critical measures. (Curriculum) All library employees are evaluated on customer service skills. (Library)



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Customer service is a measured item in each employee's annual appraisal. (Military Programs)

2.16 Provide adequate training to employees to ensure the Continuity of Operations (Safety) and Emergency Preparedness Plan can be implemented quickly and accurately in times of emergency. (2)

The Human Resources office is working with the Security office to ensure that an Emergency Preparedness professional development session is made available. Additionally, the HR/WFD/IE portion of the COOP plan was updated this year. FTCC Foundation has taken the existing plan and established a call tree and incorporated a text messaging process to ensure staff are informed promptly and confirm receipt of communication. This was seen in action during the inclement weather days this past year The staff in the print shop had an open discussion about safety and emergency preparedness at our bi-monthly meetings An Emergency Operations Response Plan was created and approved for the campus. Professional development classes are being scheduled to provide training to all college employees. An emergency application for smartphones has been identified and is being implemented to provide immediate accees to information assisting employees with relevant information on emergency procedures in accordance with the college plan.



Institutional Goal # 2: Establish a culture of quality customer service: 1. Success of our students is our number one priority. 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and responsiveness to the needs of our customers

and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Conducted Emergency Notification System Checks to familiarize personnel with system and test operations. (Administrative Services) Upgraded radios to communicate with Security and all Facility Services Departments. Fire Exit signs were placed at Cliffdale Plaza. Lighting and occupancy sensors were placed in the shelters at CBI/SLC. (Plant Operations) The Business Office reviewed and updated the COOP Plan annually. Training, workshops, and reviews of existing Continuity of Operations plans were conducted throughout the year to ensure compliance and readiness. (Military Programs)



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

3.1 Submit accurate budget decision packages in a timely manner to support division operations and support an institutional goal related to the request for funding. Initial decision packages will be submitted annually in May. (1-6)

Administrative Assistant met with the VP after collecting the needs for HR and IE to discuss the necessity. After the decisions were made and approved by the VP the Administrative Assistant prepares the decision packages and forwarded them to the Senior VP for Business and Finance for final approval prior to the deadline. FTCC Foundation performed this for their portion of the College budget, as part of its FTCC Foundation fiscal operations, and as part of its separate annual nonprofit audit. A clean audit and timely submission of IRS Form 990 was provided. The Director of Media Services planned and prepared budget decision packages in a timely manner based on research, technical knowledge, and institutional goals. MIS has a very complex budget package which was completed and submitted prior to the due date. The print shop manager handled this assignment and reviews different equipment for its needs and costs. Prepared and submitted timely budget decision packages. (Administrative Services)



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Utilized budget decision packets for support. (Plant Operations) The Business Office submitted budget decision packages as needed for the office. Submitted all equipment requests by the requested deadline. (Continuing Education) Prepared budget packages for computer equipment and new Tallywood location equipment. (Continuing Education) Career Counseling completed budgetary outline for C-STEP annually. (Student Services)

3.2 Ensure appropriate communication among affected areas. (1, 2, 4)

Administrative Assistant met regularly with the HR/WFD/IE VP to discuss any issues or needs within HR, WFD and IE offices. The Director of Institutional Effectiviness met periodically with staff members regarding their current technological needs, assessed their demands with quantifiable evidence, and made recommendations accordingly. The AVP for HR/WFD/IE and Career Center manager met weekly with the Workforce Solutions and Workforce Development Staff. FTCC Foundation provided Finance and Investment Committee meeting notices, invitations, and materials to Senior Vice President of Business and



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Finance and the President of FTCC in addition to its board members. Timely and appropriate documentation occured as needed for fiscal compliance with state and federal entities overseeing nonprofits. MIS has been more forward thinking with communication flow to the campus via the “All at Fayetteville” mass mailings to ensure that the campus is notified of outages and issues in a timely manner. Public Safety and Security added contract security services to the operations to provide better staffing flexibility in staffing to increase security coverage or reduce coverage based on service need and thus best provide cost savings for the college Established renovation and construction priorities to utilize limited resources. (Administrative Services) Purchased new radios for communication across campus departments. (Plant Operations) The Business Office held budget meetings, prepared calendars, and used phone and email correspondence to keep employees informed throughout the year. Web Advisor was used for budget access.



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Conducted regular staff meetings and provided information via email and phone calls in a timely manner. Supported the development of a newsletter. (Continuing Education) Career Counseling submitted appropriate request of funding for C-STEP funds through appropriate chain of command. (Student Services)

3.3 Monitor monthly budget reports and submit a budget reconciliation mid-year.

(2, 4, 5, 6)

Administrative Assistant to the VP prepared all expense requests, monitored and maintained the monthly budgets for HR and IE, and submitted mid-year budget reconciliations as required. Marketing & Public Relations Department - Completed and submitted MIS has a very complex budget and continues to seek ways to better plan for unforeseen projects. Mid-Year budget revisions were minimal this year and were submitted in a timely manner. The Print Shop manager reviewed the monthly reports and made any recommendations as needed. Monthly budget reports were monitored and mid-year budget reconciliation were accomplished. (Plant Operations)



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Mid-year budget revisions are due in January each year. Monthly expenditure reports were done monthly and communicated to appropriate individuals. (Business Office) Monitored monthly expenditures and kept staff informed of budget status. (Continuing Education) Small Business Center submitted mid-year budget report to the System Office on or before deadline. (Continuing Education) The library consistently monitors its budget and products to ensure the highest quality for the money. (Library) The Academic & Student Services Division monitors their individual budgets. Mid-year budget revisions are provided in January each year.

3.4 Consistently review the salary plan and hiring scale to keep salaries for staff and faculty comparable to market. (1-6)

The Compensation Committee met regularly throughout the year to evaluate changes to job descriptions and recommended adjustments to pay grades that reflect those changes. All recommendations were approved by the President. Additionally, the College has been working with an outside agency, Fox-Lawson, to conduct a compensation study to evaluate the College's competitiveness with the market.



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

The Office of Business and Finance, in conjunction with Benefit focus, prepared and distributed Total Compensation Packages for all current full-time employees who worked 1/1/13 through 12/1/13. The purpose of the Total Compensation Package is to enable employees to quantify the value of all benefits they receive by working for the College, which also enables them to make a better comparison of their salary/benefits package to those of similar positions in the market. A campus-wide compensation study was done this year. College salaries for County paid employees were compared to the County pay scale. Attended quarterly meetings throughout the state for Fire EMS, and Law Enforcement to compare hiring scale to stay comparable with the market. (Continuing Education)

3.5 Communicate with all levels of the College to stay abreast of the future needs of the community and forecast future funding needed to meet these needs. (1-6)

Institutional Effectiveness partnered with EMSI to gain such resources as Career Coach and EMSI Analytics. Faculty had the ability to determine growth rates regarding their respective programs of study and possible budgetary increases that could be supported by such data. Twenty-Three staff members were certified as Labor Market Analysts after completion of EMSI training. Foundation staff met with Veteran's Service center, Career Center, Culinary Arts, high school, Performing Arts, and Business program areas to discuss funding needs and opportunities.



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

MIS has a very complex budget and continues to seek ways to better plan for unforeseen projects. Mid-Year revisions were minimal this year and were submitted in a timely manner. Coordinated with all levels of the College to project future facility needs. (Administartive Services) Coodinated at all levels to project future construction budget needs. (Plant Operations) Budget decision packets forecasting future needs were analyzed and funded based upon availability. Effective July 1, 2013, the capitalized equipment threshold was changed from $1,000 to $5,000. Meetings concerning funding needs were held as new projects and needs were recognized. Communication was also done through emails and phone calls. The library annually surveyed the faculty for suggested curriculum support materials to which the library has purchased 99% of their suggested materials. Provided equipment requests within the requested time period. (Continuing Education)

3.6 Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize

MIS continued to produce and publish a minimum hardware cofiguration for PCs, Laptops, and printers for the campus. MIS also facilitated and



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

replacement parts. (2, 4)

recommended replacement for those technology items that no longer met our minimum specification. The print shop has implemented a program to network all MFP units (copiers) campus wide so the vendors can collect data as needed and auto replenish all consumables The start of upgrades have been implemented to the emergency call boxes on campus as well as upgrading video cameras in strategic locations to better provide effective utilization of video surveillance on campus. Siemens Electronic control devices for heating/cooling systems were standardized to reduce costs and maximize operations. (Administrative Sevices) Siemens controls have been implemented as standard systems controls. Lighting upgrades have been added. (Plant Operations) Technological purchases were coordinated between subject matter experts in Media Services, Management Information Systems, Plant Operations, and the Purchasing Office in order to standardize technology when possible.

3.7 Cascade technology when replacements are made to reduce cost. (2, 4)

MIS facilitated PC replacement plan that replaces lab PCs and moved older PCs to faculty offices. This approach has worked for the campus; however,



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

there is a new initiative that requires faculty to move to laptops in their offices. Not sure of the future of this cascade approach. Additionally, MIS is testing the use of Virtual Desktop technology which will reduce replacment costs for instructional labs over time when fully deployed. The Business Office cascaded technology within the division when new purchases are made. MIS guided the cascading of technology when technology was not needed or appropriate within the division. Purchased a SMART board and ELMO projector for CS/OE classes and provided training for employees. Transferred computers to other Continuing Education departments when newer computers have been purchased. (Continuing Education) Technology resources were cross-leveled between SLC, FTCC, and Fort Bragg offices/classrooms. (Military Programs)

3.8 Communicate the College’s needs to the FTCC Foundation. (2)

FTCC Foundation learned that specific scholarships are not being awarded or are being pulled from students due to what was out-dated or restrictive wording in the criteria. The FTCC Foundation Board reviewed criteria and made changes that did not change the intent of the donor. Marketing & Public Relations Department - Assisted Foundation with Marketing and Public Relations needs



Institutional Goal # 3: Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability: 1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds in areas that result in the greatest return on

investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.

Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Small Business Center worked with FTCC Foundation to seek funding for entrepreneurial activities, programs and training. (Continuing Education) The Veterans Services Office and FTCC Foundation has established an umbrella piece to help veterans and their dependants. (Student Services)



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

4.1 Align curriculum and continuing education programs of instruction/course offerings with reported needs of employers, as reflected in the annual employer survey. (4)

In order to meet this goal, the Institutional Effectiveness Department administered the Annual Employer Survey in March 2014. 100% of employers would consider hiring more FTCC graduates. Provided a Credit for Prior Learning plan to allow Continuing Education students to receive credit for various Curriculum classes based on completion and passing industry certification exams. (Continuing Education) Submitted AMA classes for consideration to be counted toward curriculum credit in the FTCC curriculum Business area. (Continuing Education) Per employer request, curriculum EMS program implemented industry specifc certifications, including PALS and ACLS into curriculum. (Curriculum) Request submitted for permission to assess the need for Medical Assisting program within curriculum. (Curriculum) Nursing Assistant Diploma approved for implementation Fall 2014, allowing students to receive financial aid for curriculum NA program. (Curriculum) EMS major curriculum review approved to be implemented Fall 2014. (Curriculum) Pilot for Pre-Health Academy at SLC implemented in Spring 2013. Preparations made for full implementation Fall 2014. (Curriculum)



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Instructional Service Agreement with Johnston Community College adapted to move program to JCC to increase consistency/eliminate duplicate work. (Curriculum) ISA's for Funeral Service Education revised to support additional partner and provide consistency. (Curriculum) Used employer survey data to determine needs to help guide development of Writing Lab. (Curriculum) Mapped AMA courses taught in Continuing Education with curriculum courses. (Curriculum)

4.2 Enhance outreach to business/industry to understand and define existing and future workforce training needs. (1)

The OJT Coordinator has met with over 40 different businesses to discuss their personnel and training needs. When developing an On-the-Job Training contract, the skills gap is identified and a six-month training plan is developed for each individual participant and business. Utilized work study students to provide on the job training and experience in staff support areas. Provide maintenance system orientation to HVAC students on College systems (Administrative Services) Needs assessment surveys are being conducted for the following programs:

Cosmetology instructor




Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)


Broadcasting & Production Technology

Medical Assisting

Global Logistics & Distribution Mgt Tech. Reached out to local businesses related to the types of classes Business Services offers via flyers, phone calls and face-to-face meetings. (Continuing Education) The Industry Services Director and Coordinator met regularly with area industy representatives. (Continuing Education)

4.3 Expand the use of customized industry training funds. (1, 3, 4)

As part of the On-the-Job Training process, the OJT Coordinator discussed the needs for specialized training for one job, multiple jobs or every job for the business. In several cases (Hercules Steel, McCune Technologies, and U-Teck), we have developed multiple OJT contracts. In addition, we worked closely with T.J. Haney to identify companies that needed customized training. We referred him to U-Teck, and he is currently providing customized training to that company. (HR/WFD/IE) Sought out high cost training opportunities with industries that have low number of employees. Routinely met with industries to find needs that could use Customized Training funds. (Continuing Education)

4.4 Engage with the Economic Alliance in the recruitment, expansion and retention of

Whenever the Economic Alliance had a prospective business that may locate in Cumberland County, Jim Lott and Edith Edmond met with the company to



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

businesses. (1, 4)

talk about the labor force, offered assistance on recruitment and hiring, and even offered their offices for interviewing prospective employees. (HR/WFD/IE)

4.5 Seek additional funding for the NC Military Business Center to better engage businesses winning government contracts and providing post-contract assistance. (1, 3)

Maintained a staff of 17 year-round personnel and three seasonal/part time personnel in 13 office locations across the state, from Franklin to Morehead City, including a State headquarters at FTCC and a new office in Cary

Assisted NC businesses in winning at least 126 federal contracts in CY2013, worth $133.0 million to $906.4 million

Assisted NC businesses in winning at least 30 federal contracts in CY2014 (as of 31 MAY 14), worth $18.3 million to $665.7 million

Assisted NC businesses in winning at least 1,915 contracts from 1 JAN 05 to 31 MAY 14 that were worth $3.834 billion to $12.844 billion, generated at least $264 million in State corporate income tax and generated a 26:1 ROI on State investment in the NCMBC

NCMBC business development staff: o Made 1,121,576 connections of 1,822 federal contract opportunities

to businesses in NC during CY2013 o Made 511,368 connections of 743 federal contract opportunities to

businesses in NC during CY2014 (as of 31 MAY14) o Made 6,760,746 connections of 17,531 federal contract opportunities

to businesses in NC from 1 JAN 05 to 31 MAY 14 o Conducted approximately 3,000 counseling and one-on-one training

sessions annually with businesses statewide

NCMBC MatchForce.org: o Achieved 20,576 business and 40,359 individual users (25 JUN 14)



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

o Made 31,449,920 matches of 115,120 federal contract opportunities to businesses in NC during CY2013

o Made 185,655 matches of 6,470 job opportunities to individuals during CY2013

Conducted at least nine major statewide events during CY2013, with up to 800 attendees each, at venues from Winston-Salem to Wilmington. Several events were conducted with US Senators, other state agencies and public/private organizations, and are recognized as premier business development events for federal opportunities in NC

Conducted intermediate level Defense Contractor Academies in Charlotte (CPCC, OCT 13), Wilmington (CFCC, DEC 13) and Raleigh (MAR 14)

Initiated and conducted advanced level Proposal Development Workshops in Charlotte and Cary (CPCC, Wake Tech), MAR 14.

Prepared and recruited for DCAs in Fayetteville (FTCC, JUL 14), Charlotte and Wilmington (CPCC/CFCC, DEC 14)

Conducted numerous basic and intermediate level training in federal contracting at various locations across the state in support of SBCs, chambers of commerce, economic developers and other agencies

Maintained a world class website that is nationally recognized as a premier resource for market intelligence and federal contracting procedures

Communicated NCMBC events, federal contract awards, training and business development presentations and contracting technical information via social media, including NCMBC Facebook, Twitter, blog, SlideShare and an active NCMBC LinkedIn group ,

Provided subject matter expert testimony at the General Assembly, and



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

participated on/in State, regional and local Commissions, boards and panels to expand the State economy and grow jobs through federal contracting

4.6 Create career pathways for students and graduates to engage with employers to include defense contractors. (2, 3)

We provided individual employability plans for each student or graduate that came to the Workforce Development Center. We have identified an individual (Lorria Troy) who will make presentations to the graduating seniors, orienting them to the services that the Workforce Development Center offers, including job search assistance, resume preparation, and tips on interviewing, and encouraging each one to visit the Workforce Development Center. In addition, our new automated system, NCWorks online, can be accessed by anyone. The system includes a large listing of job vacancies. (HR/WFD/IE) Created Basic Skills Plus Career Pathway for College and Career Readiness students. (Continuing Education) Small Business Center partnered/collaborated with NC Military Business Center to offer seminars to learn about the process of defense contracts for small business owners. (Continuing Education) The Pre-Major Associate in Arts degrees in Social Work and Psychology were created with the intended outcome of providing A.A. transfer students with a clearly defined education/career path. This is the same situation for our Associate in Fine Arts degrees that provide clear pathways in Visual Arts, Drama, Music, and General Fine Arts. The Advertising and Graphic Design A.A.S degree opportunities directly lead to employment upon graduation.



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

(Curriculum) Supported Pre-Health Academy at SLC. (Curriculum) Worked with Sandhills Consortium (Cumberland, Hoke, Moore, Robeson, Richmond County schools) to develop pathway for Logistics and Distribution Management. (Curriculum) Coordinated pathways to FSU for business students. (Curriculum)

4.7 Promote and solicit scholarship and funding opportunities that parallel employer needs and student curriculum. (1-4)

FTCC Foundation has engaged new and re-engaged existing scholarship donors within curriculum. Additionally, significant high school awards are being used as recruitment tools. Public Safety and Security partnered with cooperative education services to provide the opportunity for a criminal justice students to work within their field of study. Short- term loans were made available to assist students in paying tuition, fees, and books. A tuition payment plan is available for tuition and fees. (Business Office) Provided scholarships to students taking eight Distance Learning programs at least twice within the year. Offered scholarships to help fund opportunities of programs to meet employer needs and student curriculum needs for a variety



Institutional Goal # 4: Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development: 1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to modify program/course offerings to meet employer


Strategies Accomplishments (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

of entry-level training classes and programs. (Continuing Education) Provided specifically designed HRD classes that included KeyTrain in preparation for the WorkKeys Test to achieve nationally recognized CRC for military Veterans participating in the Back-to-Work Grant and the Operation ReEntry Collaborative Grant. (Continuing Education) Grant funding for GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) converted to scholarships for STEM students. eleven scholarships were awarded. (Curriculum)

Fayetteville Technical Community College STRATEGIC PLAN 2013-2018

Current Version Originally Published Fall 2009

Last Revised: September 16, 2013

Proponent: Vice President for Human Resources/ Workforce Development and Institutional Effectiveness

Available online at: http://www.faytechcc.edu/institutional_effectiveness/handbookmanualplans.aspx

Fayetteville Technical Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees, diplomas and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur,

Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Fayetteville Technical Community College.

Fayetteville Technical Community College P.O. Box 35236

Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303-0236

(910) 678-8400


September 16, 2013 Dear Advocates of Fayetteville Technical Community College: Fayetteville Technical Community College recently celebrated its 50th-year anniversary. In doing so, the administration, faculty, and staff of FTCC celebrated the hard work and commitment that resulted in 1981 certificates, diplomas and degrees being awarded. As we transition into the next fifty years of service, we look to the future with even more passion and enthusiasm by developing, implementing, and monitoring innovative ways to better serve our students and the business-and-industry segment of the world we serve. The 2013-2018 Strategic Plan was developed with a more defined, focused scope, identifying key initiatives to explore, evaluate and accomplish. Initiatives will be assessed annually to respond to changes that could impact student success. We cannot put a price tag on the results of our successful efforts at Fayetteville Technical Community College, but we can enjoy the realization that through affordable, high-quality education available at FTCC, lives are made more productive, spirits and confidence levels grow, and individuals are better equipped with job skills for success in the workforce. While there are good reasons to celebrate our past accomplishments, we must remain focused on future successes. Using the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, we will build new relationships and strengthen existing ones, improve communications, share both individual and collective responsibility, and exhibit our care and pride toward one another in doing the tasks at hand. We will make the journey a success building on the momentum of everyone’s strengths, talents, and abilities moving forward. Sincerely, J. Larry Keen, Ed. D. President


FTCC Institutional Goals

2013-2018 1. Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals

2. Establish a culture of quality customer service

3. Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability

4. Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development


Institutional Goal: 1 Respond to student and community needs through measurable goals

1. FTCC will increase graduation rates to 25% by 2018. 2. Increase headcount enrollment by 3% annually 3. Increase gainful employment (employment in field of study) of students 4. Increase completion rates for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training

programs by 20% 5. Meet or exceed the NCCCS Performance Measures goals. 6. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on all surveys and course evaluations.


Promote student successes and College Best Practices with a targeted goal of 50+ information releases and/or presentations annually (2)

Use the Educational TV channel to provide timely information/programming to the community (2)

Partner with community organizations to connect students to potential employers (3)

Engage stakeholders to develop and expand College funding opportunities melding community and student needs. (1, 2, 3)

Align the FTCC Foundation, Inc. goals and outcomes to support the College. (2, 3)

Streamlining initial processing of WIA participants to ensure more efficient transition into training programs. (2, 3, 4)

Reduce the number of students testing into developmental classes. (1, 2)

Administer student course evaluations to assess the satisfaction rates for course and programs of study. (1, 5, 6)

Administer an annual non-returning student survey to assess the reasons for not continuing studies at FTCC. (1, 5, 6)

Administer an annual graduate survey to assess satisfaction rates for courses and programs of study. (1, 5, 6)

Improve assessment plans with documented evidence of outcomes. (1)


Create and administer a professional development program to support academic quality for student success. (1-6)

Promote use of the research such as Education Advisory Board studies to identify and benchmark successes at other Colleges that can be emulated at FTCC. (1-6)

Maintain memberships in relevant professional organizations and groups. (1-6)

Promote faculty-staff engagement in public relations, community service, and College activities. (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

Encourage faculty and staff to complete higher levels of relevant education and/or degree completion. (1, 2)

Encourage Return to Industry Training. (1, 2)

100% of new instructors will successfully complete the Excellence in Teaching course prior to teaching their first class. (1, 5, 6)

More clearly define and articulate expectations for the role of instructional leaders. (1, 5, 6)

Create an effective Instructional Leaders course. (1, 5, 6)

Standardize blackboard shells to ensure more active learning for students. (1, 5, 6)

Increase Co-op and intern work opportunities for students (1, 2, 3, 6)

Provide a safe and secure learning environment. (6)


Institutional Goal: 2 Establish a culture of quality customer service

1. Success of our students is our number one priority 2. Competition for services requires that we maintain the highest standards and

responsiveness to the needs of our customers and stakeholders. 3. Create a welcoming and service oriented culture delivering support with

minimal referrals. 4. Achieve 90% satisfaction rate on customer service survey. 5. Consistency of service and information will be maintained across the College.


Ensure that faculty and staff understands their individual responsibility to provide high quality customer service. (1-5)

Provide well maintained and safe campuses demonstrating our pride in FTCC. (4)

Resolve customer needs with minimal referral to others. (3)

Answer the phone within 3 rings. (1-5)

Educate all employees on functions and activities of College departments to minimize referrals. (2)

Incorporate advanced technology that can help to eliminate or reduce on-campus visits and lines. (1, 4, 5)

Triage lines to move customers to appropriate College locations quickly. (3, 4)

Ensure signage is visible, adequate and accurately directing visitors to correct locations. (3, 4)

Require all hiring managers to include one or more interview questions focused on customer service. (1-5)

Create and implement incentive program to recognize employees that excel in providing customer service. (1-5)

Conduct annual surveys of faculty, staff and students to provide data related to the College climate and customer service/support. (4)

Create and deliver professional development classes to educate employees on quality customer services standards and expectations. (1-5)


Create and develop two FTCC website portals. One website will be focused to students, ensuring it remains user-friendly and focused to student needs while the other website will be focused to internal faculty/staff use and required mandatory reporting elements under the Higher Education Act and other local, State and Federal legislation requirements. (1, 3)

Promote equal employment opportunities in all aspects of the hiring process. Ensure one DDI targeted selection STAR criteria evaluates customer service orientation of all prospective candidates. (2, 3, 5)

Include quality customer service and support as a measured item on annual performance appraisals. (5)

Provide adequate training to employees to ensure the Continuity of Operations (Safety) and Emergency Preparedness Plan can be implemented quickly and accurately in times of emergency. (2)


Institutional Goal: 3 Ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability and financial stability

1. Plan and prepare annual budgets that enable the College to be responsive to

community needs. 2. Maximize strained resources by enhancing productivity and accountability. 3. Focus resources on the core mission of teaching by strategically budgeting funds

in areas that result in the greatest return on investments. 4. Streamline operations with a focus on efficiencies. 5. Monitor current spending and forecast future funding requirements to sustain

financial stability. 6. Institute a data driven decision process based through assessment of needs.


Submit accurate budget decision packages in a timely manner to support division operations and support an institutional goal related to the request for funding. Initial decision packages will be submitted annually in May. (1-6)

Ensure appropriate communication among affected areas. (1, 2, 4)

Monitor monthly budget reports and submit a budget reconciliation mid-year. (2, 4, 5, 6)

Consistently review the salary plan and hiring scale to keep salaries for staff and faculty comparable to market. (1-6)

Communicate with all levels of the College to stay abreast of the future needs of the community and forecast future funding needed to meet these needs. (1-6)

Standardize technology across the campus to reduce maintenance cost and maximize replacement parts. (2, 4)

Cascade technology when replacements are made to reduce cost. (2, 4)

Communicate the College’s needs to the FTCC Foundation. (2)


Institutional Goal: 4 Focus on workforce preparedness to support economic development

1. Strengthen economic development in the service area. 2. Establish an effective job placement office. 3. Expand veterans support services. 4. Analyze Program Advisory Committee data and annual employer surveys to

modify program/course offerings to meet employer needs. Strategies:

Align curriculum and continuing education programs of instruction/course offerings with reported needs of employers, as reflected in the annual employer survey. (4)

Enhance outreach to business/industry to understand and define existing and future workforce training needs. (1)

Expand the use of customized industry training funds. (1, 3, 4)

Engage with the Economic Alliance in the recruitment, expansion and retention of businesses. (1, 4)

Seek additional funding for the NC Military Business Center to better engage businesses winning government contracts and providing post-contract assistance. (1, 3)

Create career pathways for students and graduates to engage with employers to include defense contractors. (2, 3)

Promote and solicit scholarship and funding opportunities that parallel employer needs and student curriculum. (1-4)

Approved: September 16, 2013

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