fast weight loss diet how to lose your weight

Post on 25-May-2015






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Fast Weight Loss Diet - How To Lose your Weight.

To be successful in losing weight it is not about how many

pounds you can lose: it is about how many pounds you can keep

off permanently. Lots of people lose weight and feel good and

then go straight back to where they were before they started the

diet, or even worse then go on to put on more weight. Fast

weight loss diets are good, but what is more important is a

healthier lifestyle change. Enlist the help of family and

friends to keep you motivated. It is not a race and the old

saying of "slow and steady wins the race" is so true when it

comes to dieting. Therefore set realistic attainable goals to

boost your confidence, motivate you further and also to keep you

on the right track.

Try and stop emotional eating. Many people are not aware that

they do this and also fail to realize what triggers this form of

eating. The usual triggers are snacking whilst watching TV,

feeling bored, lonely or depressed or a host of other reasons.

If you can spot what starts this form of eating you can alter

your behavior to stop the problem. You could just change your

unhealthy snacks for healthy snacks, exercises or simply phoning

a friend.

Take notice of what you are eating. Too often out hectic lives

mean we eat quickly without thinking about what we are eating or

how much we are eating. By simply chewing food for longer and

slowing down the eating process, you will find it more filling.

The bonus is that you will probably start to enjoy your food

more as well. Finally on this try and stop eating before you are

full – you don’t have to eat it just because it is there.

You don’t have to keep on counting calories, but just choose

your foods wisely. The key is to choose foods that are high in

fibre, because they are filling and higher in volume and

therefore they take longer to eat and digest. The advantage of

this is that you feel fuller for longer. Eat more fruit and use

fruit as an alternative healthy snack choice. Beans in

particular are very good. It does not matter which type; black

beans, lentils, split peas, pinto beans and chickpeas are

particularly good for you. Also wholegrain fibre rich foods like

brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal and air popped popcorn is

very good to eat.

It is important to give yourself treats as a reward for

abstinence. Start to enjoy your food without going over the top

and over indulging.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so doesn’t skip

it! Your breakfast is important as it kick starts your

metabolism. Ironically those who have breakfasts tend to be

thinner than those who miss this meal. Start to plan all your

meals and even your snacks, cook your own food and make sure

that you don’t go shopping when you are hungry. It is much

better to have a glass of water before you go shopping so that

you feel full and are less likely to impulse buy food that will

not help you lose weight. Give yourself smaller portions and by

controlling your food environment you are more likely to be


Whilst fast weight loss diets are beneficial but the main goal

should really be a lifestyle change. Eat healthy food, sleep

well and try and incorporate more exercise into your life, even

if that means just doing some exercises whilst watching the TV.

John Smith is a health advisor and good writer. He has been

writing many articles about weight loss tablets, Herbal Diet

Pills, Slimming Pills, Herbal Slimming Pills, fast weight loss

diets, Fast Weight Loss

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