
Post on 12-Feb-2017






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By : Catherine Adcock

Why are fans important to the world??

Who invented the first fan?

Schuyler Skaats Wheeler

invented the first non

electric fan .

Why was the fan invented?

Fans were invented to circulate air.

What was the fan used for?

Fans were used to reduce the health

effects of heat waves .

How was it changed or improved in function until today?

There are many ways and

many different styles. They

are transportable now .

What is the latest version of that technology?

portable fans .

Why are fans considered technology?

Some fans have motors and were

made to help people just like

technology .

What career or career cluster or clusters is the technology used in?

architecture and construction

How does technology impact you personally and our society in general?

This is the generation of technology. It impacts

my life because almost everything we do in this

generation is either with computers or phones.

Society has been horrible affected by

technology, good and bad ways.

The End !!!!

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