famous places in haskovo region_ by viktor mollov 5b class

Post on 11-May-2015






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Famous places in Haskovo region

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Virgin Mary

Monument "Virgin Mary" in Haskovo is rising over the city from the height of Youth hill statue polymer concrete considered the patroness of the city the Virgin Mary with Child. The sculpture, 14 meters high and weighing 80 tons, stands on a 17-meter pedestal, which is inside a chapel. With this statue in 2004, the city came under "Religion" in the Guinness Book as the tallest statue of the Virgin and Child.

Alexandrovo tomb

Alexander tomb was discovered in 2001 by Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Kitov near Aleksandrovo, District Haskovo.

It dates back to the 4th century BC It belonged to a Thracian king or noble aristocrat. Subjects related to funeral and Thracian religious beliefs about the afterlife of visokostatusnata person robbed, but the tomb is impressive with its unique murals.

As a tomb structure has a 10-meter corridor, a beehive-like entrance and a round burial chamber. In the chamber they found the remains of the destroyed bed ritual.

Uzundjovska church

"Assumption" is the largest church in rural Bulgaria. It amazingly combines elements of Christianity and Islam. Built as a Christian church, in 1593, was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire. In its place was built a mosque - part of a huge, according to chroniclers resembles a fortress Kervansarays whose main entrance is preserved until today. In the early 20th century Turkish property returned to Bulgaria and then began the reconstruction of the mosque into a church.

Belfry in Haskovo

In the year of our Lord 2010th, Monument to the Virgin Mary in Haskovo Belfry was built. In the years of bezduhovnost and skepticism, Haskovo once again gave its will - let us say - traditional creative urge! Nearly half a million Levs were needed to build this bright and Christian pamentik note - these funds were collected in less than a year entirely on donations!

Kenana ParkKenana Park is the pride of all of Haskovo. Ideal for walking, recreation and sport. The park has many playgrounds, bicycle paths also skateboarding site. The park is a good place to rest and away from the large and noisy city. If you can make sure you visit.

Dramatic Theatre "Ivan Dimov"

The theater was founded by a group of enthusiasts in 1921 was dramatic theater until 2000, when it merged with the city puppetry and receive status Produced center without state actors.

Art Gallery - HaskovoArt Gallery - Haskovo was founded in 1962. Initially it was housed in a former movie theater "September" and the fund and consists of about 550 works, mostly by local artists Dimitar Ivanov - Litso, Peter Tolchev and others. In 1998 the gallery moved to a new - restored buildings, monuments of the past century, on "Bishop Sophronius" № 1, where it is today. Currently the fund has 1,500 works, paintings, drawings and sculptures by artists from different generations

Bridge over HaskovoThe idea of the mayor, Mr. Georgi Ivanov was built in Haskovo beautiful bridge over the boulevard "Liberation", one of the busiest avenues in the city. It connects two neighborhoods of the city - district Shepherd Youth and square. Sculptor Mr. Tenev had considered several ideas on his composition. Initial ideas were to be made to bridge ballerinas alien men, rolling melons or stylized snails subtext motorists to drive more slowly.

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