family single-parent household. what is “family?” described through merriam webster dictionary,...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Single-Parent HouseholdSingle-Parent Household

What is “Family?”

Described through Merriam Webster Dictionary, Family is defined as a group of parents and children living together in a household.

In a single parent household there is one parent who takes the role of both parents, thus creating a family atmosphere for the children involved.

in the u.s..

60% of “breadwinner-mom” families are single-parent households, according to Atlantic magazine.

Single parent households have tripled since 1960.

Single Parent Conflicts

According to the American Psychological Association, single-parent homes deal with many stresses and financial problems.

if parents are divorced, sometimes a single parent deals with custody and visitation rights, conflicts between ex spouses.

Financially providing for the children and household:

single parents have to work harder to maintain a steady income, and pay bills, as well as any expenses that come along with school, for that child.

Pros of a single parent household

According to, there are benefits to being in a single-parent household.

Bonding with ones child is enforced between that parent being mother or father.

Lessons learned while a child is seeing the mother of father taking on roles that should be done by two, taking on chores and helping out around the house

A build of independence is established in children as well.

Cons of single parent household studies have shown that single parent homes do lack and can effect a child and put them risk of experiencing cognitive, social, and emotional problems. The quality of of parenting diminishes because majority of the time a child is not given the full attention needed.

According to, having a child and being a single parent can have negative effect on child development and social skills.

Financial issues are apparent in these singe-parent households, babysitters and bills for the house can be a struggle for one parents.

functionalist Theory of Single parent household

“The structural functional theory sees the family as a social institution that performs certain essential function for society. If these functions are not carried out then the family is said to be dysfunctional.”

The functional theory of a Single-Family household contradicts the meaning of family in structural functional theory. Societies sees single-family households as “dysfunctional.”

Men and woman who play single roles in a household do have a harder time going through society. It is expected that a family is a unit as one and when that is broken, it does not follow that institutions in other family situations.

Conflict theory of single Parent households

“The family contributes to social inequality by reinforcing economic inequality and by reinforcing patriarchy. Family problems stem from economic inequality and from patriarchal ideology. The family can also be a source of conflict, including physical violence and emotional cruelty, for its own members. This is Conflict Theory”

A single-parent household can be seen in conflict theory for there are inequalities and structural problems within the family. Conflict with parents in the household stems to patriarchy, and this does not benefit the family at hand.

Society and Family

Throughout the years, times have change and the divorce rate has gone up since the 60’s and single family households have tripled. Woman are becoming ore and more “bread-winners” when this was not common to see back then.

Working and keeping a family together does not change just the size of the family does it is no longer the father and mother, but sometimes the mom or just the father.

I feel that families in this position see strength and confident when having to handle so much, they have to be strong and thats for their family, even though it is hard.

work cited

“Single parenting and todays society.”American Psychological Association. n.d. web. 21 Feb. 2015

“Structural/functionalism Theory.” Blogspot. n.d.Web. 21 Feb. 2015

Witt, John. SOC. New York: New York, 2013. Book

“Single Parent Pros and Cons.” Street Directory. n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

n.p. The Future of Children. Princeton Books. Web. 13 Feb. 2013

Marthur, A., & Fu, H. (2013, September 3). The Mysterious and Alarming Rise of Single Parenthood in America. 2015 February 21

Family. (n.d.). In Merriam webster dictionary.

Sociological Perspectives on the Family. (n.d.).

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