faculty of science universiti tunku abdul rahman project report guide v6_mar14.pdf · faculty of...

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1.1 Introduction

The aim of this guide is to help students of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in

the preparation of their project report. Students are advised to acquaint

themselves with the recommendations of this guide in the early stages of

preparation, even though some of the recommendations apply only to the final

stages. The Guide also provides information for supervisors whose

responsibilities include ensuring that the students follow its recommendations.

� A project report which does not follow the approved format will not

be accepted and the degree will not be conferred until an acceptable

standard has been met.

1.2 Project Report Preparation

The project report may be written in British or American English. However,

for consistency, the candidate must use only one spelling system and not a

mixture of both. The project report must form a distinct contribution to the

knowledge of the subject and afford evidence of originality. It must be of a

satisfactory literary standard and must be suitable for publication as a project


report of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

The project report must consist of the candidate’s account of his/her own

research. A candidate will not be permitted to submit a project report

consisting wholly of work for which a degree has been conferred on him/her

in this or any other university.

A project report must be submitted in a form that can be reproduced in a clear

and usable format.

Close attention should be paid to the following criteria:

i. The text and all illustrative materials should be clear and error free;

ii. Good quality paper should be used;

iii. Margins on each page should be as specified in this Guide.

Two soft bound copies must be submitted to the Department for

examination. The report, including tables and figures, must not exceed

100 pages (inclusive of Appendices) and both copies should be bound with

soft covers. Upon examination both the soft bound copies will be returned to


the candidate. After making the necessary corrections, the candidate is

required to submit ONE softcopy of the project report in a CD (in PDF

format) and a hardcopy of the Declaration form (Appendix D) and

Approval (Appendix E) and Permission sheets (Appendix F) to the

university; and a CD and/or hardcopy to the respective supervisor(s). An

abbreviated version of the degree, your name and the year should be printed

on the stem of the hard bound copy of your project report.

1.3 Technical specifications

1.3.1 Collation

It is the candidate’s responsibility to prepare and assemble all materials for the

project report, and to have the pages of the project report in correct order.

1.3.2 Paper

The project report must be written on one side only of good quality white

bond paper (usually of 80g weight) of A4 size (210mm x 297mm). The same

grade of paper must be used throughout the project report.


1.3.3 Pagination

All pages should be numbered right flushed at the bottom margin. Page

numbers should appear by themselves and should not be placed in brackets,

hyphenated or accompanied by other decorative devices. Print text or figures

on only one side of each sheet. Only original word-processed copy or good

and clean photocopies are acceptable.

Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the project report,

including pages for tables, figures and appendices. Each appendix should be

identified separately using an uppercase letter beginning with A. The pages of

the appendices should also be numbered accordingly.

The Preliminary pages preceding Chapter 1 must be numbered in Roman

numerals (i, ii, iii,…). The Title Page should not be numbered though it is

counted as page i. Page 1 begins with the first page of the Introduction (or

Chapter 1) but not numbered. Subsequent pages should be numbered

beginning with page 2. Each chapter should begin on a new page.


1.3.4 Production of Manuscript

Project reports must be produced on a word processor with printing done on a

high quality printer.

1.3.5 Spacing

Double line spacing must be used in between lines. However, four line

spacing must be used between paragraphs and sections. Single spacing is

permitted within:

i. Explanatory footnotes

ii. Quotations longer than three lines set in a block

iii. References (except between entries)

iv. Multi-line captions (tables, figures)

v. Appendices

vi. Headings or subheadings for Tables and Figures

A new paragraph should be at least two lines at the bottom of the page.

Otherwise, the new paragraph should start in a new page.

1.3.6 Margins

The top, bottom and right margins should be not less than 1" or 2.5 cm in


width, and the left-hand margin should be 2" or 5 cm in width to allow for loss

in binding. Right margin of the text should be justified.

1.3.7 Typeface and Font Size

The font size should be 12 point, and the same typeface must be used

throughout the text, including heading and page numbers. Font should not be

scripted or italicized except for scientific names and terms in a different

language. Bold print may be used for headings. Footnotes and text in tables

should not be less than 8 point. Equations and formulae must be typed.

Some appropriate fonts for project report are:

i. Arial

ii. Times New Roman

1.3.8 Correction of Errors

The project report must be free of typographical errors. Corrections made in

ink or with opaque fluid are not acceptable. If a neat erasure cannot be made

the page must be re-typed. Deletions must not be made by crossing out or

striking out letters or words. The typed line must be continuous. If the word or


words cannot be erased clearly and neatly with proper spacing, the whole line,

the paragraph, or the whole page must be re-typed.

Additions of words or phrases must not be typed between lines or inserted by

hand. The whole page must be re-typed to incorporate the additions.

Pages which are obviously insert pages are not acceptable. The surrounding

pages should be re-typed to incorporate the material.

1.3.9 Binding

For candidates who wish to present a hardcopy of the project report to their

supervisor(s), the report should be bound in hard cover [unless otherwise

requested by the supervisor(s)]. The binding should be as for a book in

which pages are permanently secured.

The following should be lettered in Gold with 18 point font size from the head

to the foot of the project report spine (Refer to Appendix A)

i. Name of candidate

ii. Abbreviated degree (e.g., BSc. (Hons) Biotech.)

iii. Year of submission


The following particulars should be provided on the project report cover using

Gold block font with font size 18 point. Refer to Appendix A:

i. Title of project report

ii. Name of candidate

iii. Degree

iv. Name of University

v. Year of submission




Generally, the project report consists of three major parts: preliminary pages,

text or main body and ending pages.

A) Preliminary Pages

Include the title page, dedication (optional), abstract, acknowledgement,

declaration sheet, approval sheet, permission sheet, table of contents, list of

tables, figures, and abbreviations.

B) Text or Main Body

Divided into chapters and sections.

C) Ending Pages

Consist of references and appendices.


Below is the arrangement of various pages in a project report:

Items Remarks

Title Page Not to be paginated but counted as i.

Subsequent pages are paginated and

are numbered consecutively.

Appendix B

Dedication (if any)

Abstract Appendix C


Declaration Appendix D

Approval Sheet Appendix E

Permission Sheet Appendix F

Table of Contents Appendix G

List of Table(s) Appendix H

List of Figure(s) Appendix H

List of Abbreviations Appendix K

Main Body (Chapters)

References Appendix L



2.1 Title Page

Title should describe the content of the project report accurately and concisely.

The title page should include:

i. The title page should look exactly like the sample on Appendix B.

ii. Full title of project report (uppercase)

iii. Full name of author (uppercase)

iv. Name of institution to which the project report is submitted

v. Name of faculty

vi. Degree of which the project report is submitted

vii. Month and year of submission

viii. This page is counted but not numbered (it counts as page i but

should not have a page number).

2.2 Abstract

An abstract is a concise summary of the project report, intended to inform

prospective readers about its content. It usually includes a brief description of

the research, the procedures or methods, and the results and conclusions. An

abstract should not include internal headings, parenthetical citations of items

listed in the reference section, diagrams, or other illustrations. The abstract


should be in one paragraph and less than 300 words. In short, an abstract

actually points out what has been done, what was found and what can be


Remember: an effective abstract gives information about the quality of

the research as well as the investigator.

An example of abstract is shown in Appendix C.

2.3 Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement is used to express the author’s appreciation for guidance

and assistance from individual(s) and institutions.

2.4 Table of Contents

Contains the list of all the chapter titles in upper case, preceded by their

numbers in Arabic numerals. Subheadings should be in title case (Refer to

Appendix G).

Not more than three levels of subheadings are allowed in the Table of

Contents (chapter names are level 1 headings, subheadings of a chapter are

level 2 headings, subheadings of subheadings are level 3). Subsections of

chapters may be numbered with Arabic numerals.


i. The Table of Contents should follow closely the sample in

Appendix G.

ii. The heading Table of Contents must appear at the top of the first

page. The heading must be bold, centered, and without punctuation.

iii. List chapter titles and at least the first or second order subdivisions.

Make sure that chapter and section titles are worded exactly as they

appear in the body of the project report.

iv. Single space each entry, but double space between entries.

v. Separate titles from page numbers with right-justified tabs and dot

leaders. Do not use periods to separate titles and page numbers.

vi. These pages are counted and numbered in lowercase Roman


2.5 List of Tables

Project reports that contain tables should provide a List of Tables (Appendix

H). The list should show the exact title of captions of all tables in the text,

together with the beginning page number of each table. Tables should be

numbered consecutively within each chapter.


The following guidelines apply:

i. The table number and accompanying title is placed above the body

of the table and left justified (Appendix I).

ii. Table titles should be focused, descriptive, and short.

iii. Use a solid line above and below the body of the table, thus

delimiting the table.

iv. Use horizontal lines within the heading sections to encompass

several common elements.

v. Excessively large and complex tables that require multiple pages

are discouraged, but if necessary, secondary pages should state

“Table X continued” and repeat the headings.

vi. Table footers are used to explain symbols, give notes on a statistical

analysis, define abbreviations, amplify certain aspects of the table,

or recognize sources.

2.6 List of Figures

Project reports that contain figures should include a List of Figures (Appendix

H). The list of figures includes graphs, photographs, charts and printed images.

Figures should be numbered consecutively within each chapter.


The following guidelines apply:

i. Figure captions should be placed immediately below the figure.

This includes the figure number (e.g., Figure 1.1) followed by a

concise, descriptive statement. The explanatory text should always

precede the figure (Appendix J).

ii. Colour can be used in graphs, maps, photos, etc.

iii. Glossy prints, photomicrographs, or other figures not produced on

the regular project report paper should be mounted.

Figures, tables, and illustrations must be self explanatory. Generally, a figure,

table, or illustration will occupy a separate page of the project report. However,

if it is integrated within a page of text, there must be sufficient space before

and after to clearly set it apart from the text. The text should cite a figure or

table when those data are noted. For example: “Graduate enrolment at

Missouri State University has increased during each of the last five years

(Figure 1.1).”

2.7 List of Abbreviations

When many abbreviations and/or symbols are used, a List of Abbreviations


with appropriate definitions should be included for the sake of clarity. Such

lists should be included following the List of Tables and List of Figures. When

abbreviations or other symbols are used, they should be uniform and

consistent throughout the project report. This list serves as ready reference to

readers not familiar with the abbreviation. The list should be sorted in

alphabetical order. Universally recognized scientific symbols (cm, mm, kg,

etc.) need not be listed. Appendix K shows the example.

2.8 Text of Project Report

The major parts of a project report may contain such subjects as introduction,

general argument, description of experimental procedures, research methods,

discussion, summary, conclusions, recommendations, and other pertinent

topics that are necessary for a complete understanding on the part of a

sophisticated or professional reader.

i. The chapter and section titles should be the same as the headings

listed in the Table of Contents. The pages are counted and

numbered in Arabic numerals. The text begins four lines below

this heading.

ii. The text must be double spaced. (Note that the heading lines are


single spaced.)

iii. The pages are counted and numbered in Arabic numerals.

iv. First line of each paragraph should not be indented.

2.9 Headings in Text

Chapter headings must be bold and centered.

The chapter number and title must be separated and double-spaced as shown

in the example below:



Headings must not be larger than 12 points.

Headings and subheadings must be double spaced.

2.10 Introduction

Introduction is the introductory chapter (background information) that

indicates the problem to be addressed and its importance and validity. It sets

forth the context, the hypotheses to be tested and the research objectives to be



2.11 Literature Review

A literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g.,

dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of

research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation

of each work. The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature

published on a topic. However, a literature review is not a summary of works

of different authors. Justification is given in this section for the use of specific

solution techniques or problem solving procedures in your work.

2.12 Materials and Methods

Descriptions of materials, equipment, procedures, techniques, calculations and

calibration plots employed through out the study. Limitations, assumptions

and range of validity of the methods are also included in this section. This

information is required to allow the reader to assess the believability of your

results, and also is needed by another researcher to replicate your experiment.


2.13 Results

The results are actual statements of observations, whether positive or negative.

It can be reported in the form of figures, tables, statistics or text. Sufficient

details should be presented so that others can draw their own inferences and

construct their own explanations. You can break up your results into logical

segments by using subheadings.

2.14 Discussion

A discussion is based on the results obtained from the study in relation to the

hypotheses and is not simply a restatement of the results. It highlights the main

finding, their significance and implications. The discussion section should be a

brief essay in itself, answering the following questions:

• What are the major patterns in the observations?

• What are the relationships, trends and generalizations among the


• What are the likely causes (mechanisms) underlying these patterns?

• Is there agreement or disagreement with previous work?

• How do the obtained results relate to your hypothesis/problem

statement in the introduction?


• Include possible explanations related to your results (must be

supported by references).

• What are the contributions of your findings to your field of study?

Outline and discuss also the future research work as a separate subsection in

the Discussion. The future work can arise from the results that you generated

or work that you would like to undertake to confirm your hypothesis.

2.15 Conclusions

A summary which highlights the most important observations and outcomes of

the study upon which a conclusion is drawn in line with the objective set. It

also outlines the significance and contribution of your work to the area your of


2.16 Chapter Layout

Text in a chapter can be written into major sections and subsections. Major

section is numbered as first level (e.g., 1, 2, 3,….) and subsection is numbered

second level, and etc (e.g., 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2.3,…..). Candidates should ensure

that it is consistent throughout the project report and should be limited to a


maximum of 4 levels.

2.17 References

The project report should contain appropriate documentation, i.e., references

to original literature relevant to the research presented in the project report.

The format used by UTAR for in-text literature citations and the list of

references is based on the Harvard Referencing System. Students must

adhere to the in-text citation and referencing styles of the Harvard

Referencing System prepared by the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Library

(Appendix L).

The List of References should follow closely the sample in Appendix L.

i. The heading References must appear at the top of the first page.

The heading must be bold, centered, and without punctuation.

ii. Begin the list of sources four spaces below the heading.

iii. Single space within each entry and double space between entries.

iv. Do not split entries over two pages. If an entire entry does not fit


on one page, place the entire entry on the next page.

v. Entries are arranged according to alphabetical order.

vi. These pages are counted and numbered in Arabic numerals.

Every reference cited in the text (with the exception of personal

communications) should be listed in the List of References section that

follows the main body of the project report. Likewise, citation which is not

mentioned in the text should not be listed in the reference section. This

one-to-one correspondence between citations and listing of references is


Citations. The citations in the text are done using the Harvard Referencing

System. Candidates should adhere closely to the examples in Appendix L.

2.18 Appendices

If supplementary original data, illustrative material, a detailed derivation of

equations, an extensive proof of a theorem, or a quotation too extensive for the

body of the project report are included, they may be presented in appendices.

Similar material should be gathered in a single appendix.


i. Number the appendices consecutively in alphabetical order

(Appendix A, Appendix B...).

ii. The heading Appendix A (or B, C) and the title of the material

must be bold, centered, and without punctuation.

iii. The appendix material should begin four spaces below the


iv. The pages are counted and numbered in Arabic numerals.




3.1 Units of measure

Arabic numeral should be used before measurement units and should not be

spelt out, e.g., 5 kg, not five kg. Exemption is given to the first word of the


3.2 Numbers

All numbers should be spelt out unless they are followed by units of measure.

Arabic numeral should be used for number 10 or more than 10. If a sentence

begins with a number, the number should be spelt out. e.g., “Three replicates

were done for the following experiment’.


Appendix A

Example of Spine and Cover of the Project Report





















.Sc. (H


s) Bio






Appendix B

Example of Title page


BIOMASS OF Aspergillus awamori



A project report submitted to the Department of XXXXX

Faculty of Science

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Agricultural Science / Biotechnology /

Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biomedical Science / Microbiology /

Statistical Computing and Operations Research /

Logistics and International Shipping

May / October 20xx


Appendix C

Format of Abstract



BIOMASS OF Aspergillus awamori

Yvonne Caroline

The ability of free and immobilized cells of Aspergillus awamori to act

as an effective cadmium biosorbent was investigated using………From

the study, ……………… However, …………….


Appendix D



I hereby declare that the project report is based on my original work except for

quotations and citations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare

that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree

at UTAR or other institutions.



Appendix E

Example of Approval sheet


This project report entitled “CADMIUM BIOSORPTION USING FREE

AND IMMOBILIZED BIOMASS OF Aspergillus awamori” was prepared by

YVONNE CAROLINE and submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons) Agricultural Science /

Biotechnology / Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biomedical Science / Microbiology

/ Statistical Computing and Operations Research / Logistics and International

Shipping at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Approved by:


(Prof./Assoc. Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. ABCDEF) Date:…………………..


Department of XXXXX

Faculty of Science

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman


Appendix F

Example of Permission Sheet



Date: __________________


It is hereby certified that YVONNE CAROLINE (ID No: 04UEB12345)

has completed this final year project/ dissertation/ thesis* entitled “THE


supervision of ____________________ (Supervisor) from the Department

of ____________________, Faculty of Science, and

____________________ (Co-Supervisor)* from the Department of

________________________, Faculty of Science.

(2 spaces)

I hereby give permission to the University to upload the softcopy of my final

year project / dissertation/ thesis* in pdf format into the UTAR Institutional

Repository, which may be made accessible to the UTAR community and


Yours truly,



*Delete whichever not applicable


Appendix G

Example of Table of Contents















2.1 Cadmium: Occurrences in Nature 6

2.2 Major Uses and Production of Cadmium 12

2.3 Conventional (Non-Biological) Treatment Methods 14

2.4 Biological Treatment 44

2.4.1 History 44

2.4.2 Biosorption Phenomenon and Mechanism 48

2.4.3 Fungal Biomass as an Effective Biosorbent 56

2.5 Type of Heavy Metal Removal System 62

2.5.1 Free Cell System 62

2.5.2 Immobilized Cell System 65

2.6 Concluding Remarks 66



3.1 Materials 68

3.1.1 Chemicals and Solutions 68

3.1.2 Microorganisms and Maintenance 69

3.1.3 Inoculum Preparation and Medium Composition 70

3.2 General Plan of the Experimental Work 71

3.3 Analytical Procedures 76

3.3.1 Dry Cell Weight Determination 77

3.3.2 Viable Cell Counts 78

3.3.3 Statistical Analysis 81


4.1 Effect of Different Initial Cadmium Concentrations 82

4.1.1 Langmuir Linear Adsorption Model 85

4.1.2 Comparison with Other Microbial Sorbents 87

4.2 Effect of Different Biomass Concentration on Biosorption

of Cadmium 90

4.3 Cadmium Removal in Stirred Tank Reactor 95

4.3.1 Batch Phase 95

4.3.2 Continuous Phase 97


5.1 Effect of Different Initial Cadmium Concentrations 82

5.1.1 Langmuir Linear Adsorption Model 85

5.1.2 Comparison with Other Microbial Sorbents 87

5.2 Effect of Different Biomass Concentration on Biosorption

of Cadmium 90

5.3 Cadmium Removal in Stirred Tank Reactor 95

5.3.1 Batch Phase 95

5.3.2 Continuous Phase 97





Appendix H

Example of List of Tables / List of Figures


Table / Figure


2.1 A Haworth projection representation of the structure of

glucose (α-D-glucopyranose)


2.2 Section of the amylose molecule showing the repeating

anhydroglucose unit



The effect of substrate concentration on maximum D-glucose




The effect of enzyme dosage on reaction time 32


Production of CGTase enzyme during the batch culture of

(A) Thermococcus hydrothermalis and (B) Klebsiella sp.



Appendix I

Example of Table Layout

Table 1.1: Graduate school enrolment at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.


Appendix J

Example of Figure Layout

Figure 1.1: Graduate school enrolment at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Female Male Total


Appendix K

Example of List of Abbreviations


g Acceleration of gravity (∼9.8 m/s2)

α-D-glucopyranose Alpha-D-glucopyranose

BSA Bovine serum albumin


Calcium ion

C Carbon

C/N ratio Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio


Cobalt ion

CFU Colony forming units



DP Degree of polymerization

DEAE-cellulose Diethylaminoathyl-cellulose

DOT Dissolved oxygen tension

EC Enzyme commission number


Appendix L

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Library

Harvard Referencing System

For the latest version of the Guide & Examples, please refer to:


and select “Harvard Referencing System” from among the Library Guides

to download a copy in PDF format.


Harvard Referencing System -

Guide and Examples

When presenting your research paper, it is important that you provide references to the sources of information you have used in your research. Referencing is a method of acknowledging the contributions and work of others in your writing. You will have to provide brief information in the text and full bibliographic details of all SOURCES consulted in your Reference List at the end of your piece of work.

The “Harvard Referencing System” is an author-date system for citing and referencing sources of information.

This guide provides examples of In-text citation and referencing according to the Harvard Referencing System for various information sources.


Reference List In-Text Citation

One Author Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher.

1st Edition Baldick, R., 2006. Applied optimization: formulation and algorithms for engineering systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(Baldick, 2006) …

OR Baldick (2006) …

2nd Edition, 3rd Edition, 4th edition, etc. Burns, T., 2010. Applied statics and strength of materials. 2nd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning.

(Burns, 2010) … OR Burns (2010) …

UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman




Two Authors

Format Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher. Smith, C. and Meyer, J., 2005. 3G wireless with WiMAX and Wi-Fi: 802.16 and 802.11. New York: McGraw-Hill.

(Smith and Meyer, 2005) … OR Smith and Meyer (2005) …

Three Authors Format Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher. Jamroz, W.R., Kruzelecky, R.V. and Haddad, E.I., 2006. Applied microphotonics. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

(Jamroz, Kruzelecky and Haddad, 2006) … OR Jamroz, Kruzelecky and Haddad (2006) …

Four Authors Or More Format Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher.

Miller, P., Smith, M., Roberts, J.C., Peters, B., Howard, K. and Curtis, L., 2000. Mobile phone use in teenagers. Collins: Melbourne.

           (Miller, et al., 2000) …  OR  Miller, et al. (2000) …    Note: Where there are four authors or more, only the first author should be used, followed by et al. meaning and others. 


Corporate Authors

If the item is produced by an organization, treat the organization as a "corporate author". This could include government departments, universities, associations, societies, companies, etc. Format

Corporate author, Year. Title of book (italicized). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Malaysia Airline System Berhad, 2011. Annual report. Kuala Lumpur: MAS.

First citation: …according to the report in 2011 by Malaysia Airline System Berhad (MAS) …

Subsequent citations: … MAS (2011) had published another …

Multiple Works Published By The Same Author In The Same Year Where there are multiple works published by the same author and published in the same year, use a lower case letter after the date to differentiate them. Format

Author, Initial(s)., Year followed by letter. Title of book (italicized). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Hac, A., 2003a. Mobile telecommunications protocols for data networks. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

Hac, A., 2003b. Wireless sensor network designs. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

(Hac, 2003a; 2003b) … OR Hac (2003a; 2003b) …


Multiple Works Published By One Author In The Different Year

If more than one publication from an author explains the same point and the works are published in different years, the references should be cited in chronological order (i.e. earliest first): Reference List

In-Text Citation

Capron, H.L., 2000. Capron's pocket Internet: 4001 sites. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Capron, H.L., 2002. Computers: tools for an information age. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

(Capron, 2000; 2002) … OR Capron (2000; 2002)…



Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Translated from (language) by (name of translator, initial(s) first, then surname). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Dupuy, J.P., 2009. On the origins of cognitive science: the mechanization of the mind. Translated from French by M.B. DeBevoise. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

(Dupuy, 2009) … OR Dupuy (2009)…





For books which are edited, give the editor(s) surname(s) and initials, then followed by ed. or eds.if more than one editor.


Author, Initial(s). ed(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Sjostrand, S. ed., 1993. Institutional change: theory and empirical findings. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

(Sjostrand, 1993) … OR Sjostrand (1993) …

Pike, E. R. and Sarkar, S. eds., 1986. Frontiers in quantum optics. Bristol: Adam Hilger. Note: More than one editor, use eds.

(Pike and Sarkar, 1986) … OR Pike and Sarkar (1986) …



Chapter author, Initial(s)., Year of Chapter. Chapter title. In: Book editor(s) initial(s) first followed by surname, ed. Year of book. Title of book (italicized). Place: Publisher. Page numbers followed by full stop.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

 Connell, D., 2012. Flailing about in the Murray‐Darling basin. In: K. Crowley and K.J. Walker, eds. Environmental policy failure: the Australian story. Prahran: Tilde University Press. pp. 74‐87.  Note: Use eds. if more than one editor.

(Connell, 2012) … OR Connell (2012) …




Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of book (italicized). [type of medium] Place: Publisher. Available through: UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman Library website <http://library.utar.edu.my> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

For e-books accessed through a password protected databases from the UTAR database Wolf, M.J., 2012. Before the crash. [e-book] Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Available through: UniversitiTunku Abdul Rahman Library website <http://library.utar.edu.my> [Accessed 4 December 2012].

(Wolf, 2012) … OR Wolf (2012) …

Note: E-book through UTAR database, e.g. Morgan & Claypool Synthesis.

For an open access e-book freely available over the internet such as through Google books.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A., 2009. Research methods for business students. [e-book] Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. Available at: Google Books <books.google.com> [Accessed 19 November 2013].

(Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009) …

OR Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009) …



Reference List

In-Text Citation

One Author

Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal (italicized), Volume (Issue or number), Page number(s).

Huffman, L.M., 1996. Processing whey protein for use as a food ingredient. Food Technology, 50(2), pp. 49-52.

(Huffman, 1996) … OR Huffman (1996) …

Two Authors Format Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal (italicized), Volume (Issue or number), Page number(s).

Lamb, R. and Kling, R., 2003. Reconceptualizing users as social actors in information systems research. MIS Quarterly, 27(2), pp. 197-198. 

(Lamb and Kling, 2003) … OR Lamb and Kling (2003) …

Three Authors Format Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal (italicized), Volume (Issue or number), Page number(s).

Bent, M., Campbell, J. and Spencer, C., 2007. Academic practice in computing and engineering. Journal of Citation and Referencing, 19(4), pp. 45-56.

(Bent, Campbell and Spencer, 2007) … OR

Bent, Campbell and Spencer (2007) …


Reference List

In-Text Citation

Four Authors Or More

Format Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s)., Author, Initial(s). and Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal (italicized), Volume (Issue or number), Page number(s).

Gillespie, N.C., Lewis, R.J., Pearn, J.H., Bourke, A.T., Holmes, M.J., Bourke, J.B. and Shields, W.J. 1986, Ciguatera in Australia: occurrence, clinical features, pathophysiology and management. Medical Journal of Australia, 145(11-12), pp. 584-590.

(Gillespie, et al.,1986) … OR Gillespie, et al. (1986) …


Reference List

In-Text Citation

Journal / Magazine Through UTAR Databases, e.g. ScienceDirect, IEEE, etc.

Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal / magazine (italicized), [type of medium] Volume number (issue number), Page number(s), if available. Available through: Source <url> [Accessed date].

Simon, M.D. and Geim, A.K., 2009. Diamagnetic levitation: flying frogs and floating magnets (invited). Journal of Applied Physics, [e-journal] 87(9), pp. 6200-6204. Available through: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Library website <http://library. utar.edu.my> [Accessed 25 May 2013].

(Simon and Geim, 2009) …

OR Simon and Geim (2009) …


Reference List

In-Text Citation

Journal / Magazine Articles Through Internet Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of journal article. Title of journal / magazine (italicized), [type of medium] Available at: <url> [Accessed date].

Emanuel, M., Jarus, T. and Bart, O., 2008. Effect of focus of attention and age on motor acquisition, retention, and transfer: a randomized trial. Physical Therapy. [online] Available at: <http://

ptjournal.apta.org/content/88/2/251.full> [Accessed 15 July 2013]. Notes: 1. Follow the examples for JOURNAL ARTICLES (PRINTED)

above for One Author, Two Authors, Three Authors and Four Authors Or More.

2. For web address: quote the exact URL for the article.

(Emanuel, Jarus and Bart, 2008) …

OR Emanuel, Jarus and Bart (2008) …



Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of article. Title of Newspaper (italicized), Day and month before page numbers and column line.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Prakash, M., 2012. Get ready for touch screen revolution. New Straits Times, 1 Dec. p. B6.

(Prakash, 2012) … OR Prakash (2012) …



Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of article or column header. Title of newspaper (italicized), [type of medium] Date of newspaper. Available at: <url> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Chow, B. H., 2012. Building an innovative society. The Star Online, [online] 5 Dec. Available at: <http://thestar.com.my/cus/12389549 &sec= focus> [Accessed 23 December 2012].

(Chow, 2012) … OR

Chow (2012) …


CONFERENCE PAPERS (PRINTED) Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Full title of conference paper. In: followed by editor or name of organization, Full title of conference (italicized). Location, Date. Place of publication: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

O'Connor, P.J., 2008. The role of geotourism in supporting regeneration in disadvantaged rural communities in Ireland. In: Pineda, F.D. and Brebbia, C.A., eds. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Tourism. Malta, 3-5 September 2008. Southampton: WIT Press. 

(O'Connor, 2008) … OR O'Connor (2008) …  


CONFERENCE PAPERS (ONLINE) Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Full title of conference paper. In: followed by editor or name of organization, Full title of conference (italicized). Location, Date. Place of publication: Publisher. Available at: Source <url> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Poon, S. and Swatman, P.M.C., 1997. Emerging issues on small business use of the internet: 23 Australian case studies. In: 5th European Conference on Information Systems. Ireland, 19-21 June 1997. Cork, Ireland: Cork Publishing. Available at: <http://www. uni-koblenz.de/~swatmanp/pdfs/poon.ecis97.pdf> [Accessed 27 August 2012].

(Poon and Swatman, 1997) … OR Poon and Swatman (1997) … 


Reference List

In-Text Citation

Theses and Dissertations (Printed) Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of dissertation (italicized). Level. Official name of University.

Yeap, K.H., 2011. Boundary matching techniques for terahertz lossy guiding structures. PhD. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

(Yeap, 2011) … OR

Yeap (2011) …

Theses and Dissertations Through UTAR Institutional Respository

Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of dissertation (italicized). Level. Official name of University. Available at <url> [Accessed date].

Ng, S.C., 2012. Potential use of aerated lightweight concrete for energy efficient construction. PhD. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Available at: <http://eprints.utar.edu.my/443/> [Accessed 27 November 2013].

(Ng, 2012) … OR

Ng (2012) …


Theses and Dissertations Through UTAR Databases, e.g. ProQuest–Dissertations and Theses

Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of dissertation (italicized). Level. Official name of University. Available at <url> [Accessed date].

Zhou, Y.G., 2012. Construction knowledge mining and application of generalized fuzzy network in construction decision management. PhD. Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Available at: <http://search. proquest.com.libezp.utar.edu.my/ pqdtft/docview/1365224407 /previewPDF/142839A2CF453B66F00 /22?accountid=50207#> [Accessed 22 November 2013].

(Zhou, 2012) … OR

Zhou (2012) …

REPORTS (PRINTED) Format Author, Initials(s) or Corporate Author, Year. Title of report (italicized). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Mortimer, M., & Cox, M., 1999. Contaminants in mud crabs and sediments from the Maroochy River. Brisbane: Department of Environment. 

(Mortimer and Cox, 1999) … OR Mortimer and Cox (1999) …



Author, Initial(s) or Corporate Author, Year. Title of report (italicized). [type of medium] Place: Publisher. Available at: <url> [Accessed date]. Reference List

In-Text Citation

PDF World Health Organization, 2010. The world health report: health systems financing: the path to universal coverage. [pdf] Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. Available at: <http://www.who.int/health_ financing/Health_Systems_Financing_Plan_Action.pdf> [Accessed 2 November 2011]. Internet Road Safety Vision, 2011. Road safety in Canada. [online] Ottawa: Transport Canada. Available at: <http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/ motor vehiclesafety/tp-tp15145-1201.htm> [Accessed 30 November 2012]

(World Health Organization, 2010) …

OR World Health Organization (2010) …

(Road Safety Vision, 2011) … OR Road Safety Vision (2011) … 

PATENTS Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of patent (italicized). Number of patent including country of issue. Reference List

In-Text Citation

Cookson, A.H., 1985. Particle trap for compressed gas insulated transmission systems. US Patent 4554399. 

(Cookson, 1985) … OR Cookson (1985) … 



Format Corporate author, Year. Identifying letters and numbers and full title of standard (italicized). Place: Publisher. Reference List

In-Text Citation

British Standards Institution, 2002. BS11623:2001 Transportable gas cylinders. Milton Keynes: BSI.

(British Standards Institute, 2002 p.5) …

OR British Standards Institute (2002 p.5) …

DVD, VIDEO OR FILM Format Full title of DVD or Video (italicized). Year. [type of medium] Directed by Director. Country: Filmstudio or maker. Other relevant details. Reference List

In-Text Citation

DVD Unleashing creativity. 2005. [dvd] Directed by Phyllis Lane. Stanford, CA: Bigger Picture Productions.

(Unleashing creativity, 2005) … OR Unleashing creativity (2005) …

VIDEO Homeopathy mystery of healing. 2007. [video] Directed by Timothy Dooley. Harrington Park, NJ: Janson Media.

(Homeopathy mystery of healing, 2007) …

OR Homeopathy mystery of healing (2007) …

FILM Days and clouds. 2010. [film] Directed by Lionello Cerri. USA: Film Movement.

(Days and clouds, 2010) … OR Days and clouds (2010) …


UNPUBLISHED WORKS Occasionally you may have access to a document before it is published, therefore full details may not be able to obtain. Use the below examples for unpublished works.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Unpublished Conference Papers (Printed) Matsummoto, H., 2005. Impact of Japanese traditional culture on global IS management. Paper presented at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Bangkok, Thailand, July 2005.

(Matsummoto, 2005) … OR Matsummoto (2005) …

Unpublished Conference Papers (Online) Fan, W., Gordon, M.D. and Pathak, R., 2000. Personalization of search engine services for effective retrieval and knowledge management. Paper presented at the 21st international conference on information systems. Brisbane, Australia, 10-13, December. Available at: <http://dl.acm.org.libezp.utar.edu.my/citation. cfm?id=359640.359720&coll=DL&dl=ACM&CFID =391488351&CFTOKEN=68936622> [Accessed 24 June 2012].

(Fan, Gordon and Pathak, 2000) … OR Fan, Gordon and Pathak, (2000) …

Unpublished Journal Article Rose, L. and Ramagnano, S., (in press) Emergency nurse responsibilities for mechanical ventilation: a national survey. Journal of Emergency Nursing. (Accepted for publication January 2013).

(Rose and Ramagnano, 2013) … OR Rose and Ramagnano (2013) …

Unpublished Lecture Notes Arokiasamy, L., 2008. Workforce diversity: a human resource development perspective towards organizational performance. [lecture note] Kampar: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.

(Arokiasamy, 2008) … OR Arokiasamy (2008) …


WEBSITES Website With Author(s) Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of web page or web document (italicized). [type of medium] Available at: <url> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Bryant, C., 2005. Preventing falls in bridge construction. [online] Available at: <http://ohsonline.com/Articles/2005/03/Preventing-Falls-in-Bridge-Construction.aspx> [Accessed 24 October 2013].  

(Bryant, 2005) … OR Bryant (2005) … 


Website With Institutional Or Organizational Author

Format Name of organization, Year. Title of web page or web document (italicized). [type of medium]. Available at: <url> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Queensland Health, 2009. Sun safety and physical activity. [online] Available at: <http://access.health.qld.gov.au/hid/SkinHealth/Sun Safety /SunSafetyAndPhysicalActivity_ap.asp> [Accessed 21 April 2012].

(Queensland Health, 2009) … OR Queensland Health (2009) …  




Format Author, Initial(s)., Year. Title of individual blog entry. Blog title (italicized). [medium] Blog posting date. Available at: <url> [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Lynn, K., 2009. Accelerating permafrost melt poses significant environmental risks. [blog] 28 January 2009. Available at: <http://big think.com/ideafeed> [Accessed 23 June 2009].


(Lynn, 2009) …                                 OR                                                    Lynn (2009) … 


If the information you are referencing was obtained by a personal communication such as telephone call, interview, email or blog, provide as much detail as possible and note the nature of the communication. EMAILS

Format Name of sender, email address, Year. Message or subject title (italicized). [type of medium] Recipient’s name and (email address). Date sent: including time. Available at: <url> (e.g. details of where message is archived) [Accessed date].

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Janna, H., janna@utar.edu.my, 2012. Discussion on influenza A virus transmission directly from birds to humans. [email] Message to J. Murrey (murreyj@utar.edu.my). Sent Tuesday 24 April 2012: 10:15. Available at: <http://mail.utar.edu/2012_04_24_ archive. html> [Accessed 21 September 2013]

(Janna, 2012) … OR Janna (2012) …


PICTURES, IMAGES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Format Artist/Photographer's name, Year of production. Title of image (italicized). [type of medium] Collection Details (Place, url, etc.) Reference List

In-Text Citation

Picasso, P., 1914. Still life with compote and glass. [photograph] New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

(Picasso, 1914) … OR Picasso (1914) …

Tang, C.S., 2011. A Cambodian man rows a boat near a collapsed house in Takeo province. [electronic print] Available at: <http://www. channelnewsasia.com/stories/afpasiapacific/view/1155114/1/.html> [Accessed 26 December 2012].

(Tang, 2011) … OR Tang (2011) …


If the table is reproduced entirely, place the citation below the table. Full details should be included in the reference list. Format Author, Initial(s)., Year of production. Title (italicized). Edition (if any). Place: Publisher.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Masters, J.R. W., 2000. Animal cell culture: a practical approach. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(Masters, 2000. p. 83)






For a direct quotation from an author, enclose this in quotation marks, and give the author, initial(s), date and page number(s) that the quotation was taken from, in brackets.

Reference List

In-Text Citation

Mark, B.T., 2011. Agriculture in world history. London: Routledge. Aitchison, J., 2001. Language change: progress ordecay? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Short Quotation Mark (2011, p.135.) have stated that …

Long Quotation (> 50 words) “Language, then, like everything else, gradually transforms itself over the centuries. There is nothing surprising in this. In a world where humans grow old, tadpoles change into frogs, and milk turns into cheese, it would be strange if language alone remained unaltered. In spite of this, large numbers of intelligent people condemn and resent language change, regarding alterations as due to unnecessary sloppiness, laziness or ignorance” (Aitchison, 2001, p.18).



Format If you have not read a particular source but it was referred to in another work, cite both the original source and the secondary source where you have referred to. Reference List

In-Text Citation

 Bowden, J and Marton, F., 1998. The university of learning. London: Kogan Page. 

  (Gibbs, 1981 cited in Bowden and Marton, 1998, p.35). 


Note: The reference list at the end of your document should only contain works that you have read. 

 OR  …by Gibbs (1981 cited in Bowden and Marton, 1998, p.35) found that … 

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January 2014 2nd edition

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