faculty clergy presentation

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    How Notto Think About Technology

    Technology as a mere


    Technology as self-


    Technology as anti-


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    The Case of the Red Heifer

    The Cow


    Numbers 19 The Purification of theUnclean

    1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and

    unto Aaron, saying,

    2This is the ordinance of the law which

    the LORD hath commanded, saying,Speak unto the children of Israel, that

    they bring thee a red heifer without spot,

    wherein is no blemish, andupon which

    never came yoke.

    9 And a man that is clean shall gather up

    the ashes of the heifer, and lay them upwithout the camp in a clean place, and it

    shall be kept for the congregation of the

    children of Israel for a water of

    separation: it is a purification for sin.

    Clyde Lodt, rancher and Pentecostal

    Minister: The main thrust of this

    project isthe restoration of the land

    of Israel and the restoration of the

    souls of men.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation



  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Leon Kass: Wisdom of Repugnance

    Repugnance is the emotional expression of

    deep wisdom, beyond reasons power fully to

    articulate it.We intuit and feel, immediately

    and without argument, the violation of thingsthat we rightfully hold dear.Repugnance

    may be the only voice left that speaks to

    defend the central core of our humanity.

    Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how

    to shudder.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Kass: Cloning represents a giant step

    toward transforming procreation into

    manufacturetoward the increasing

    depersonalization of the process of

    generation and, increasingly, toward the

    production of human children as


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Kass: Cloning creates serious issues

    of identity and individuality.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Has biology already been

    enclosed within the realm of


    We are heading towards a

    world run by machines with an

    intelligence far superior to that

    of an individual human.We

    really need to clamp down on

    the party-pooper Neos of this

    world and get into the future as

    soon as we cana future in

    which we can be part of a

    Matrix system, which is morallyfar superior to our Neolithic

    morals of today.

    Kevin Warwick

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Richard Dawkins

    River Out of Eden

    The machine code of the genes isuncannily computer-likeLife is just

    bytes and bytes of information

    Weare survival machines

    programmed to propagate the digital

    database that did the programming.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Sherry Turkle

    The Second Self

    The computer is an

    evocative object that is

    good to think with. It is a

    new mind that is not yet a

    mind. A new object, betwixt

    and between, equally

    shrouded in superstition as

    well as science. The

    computer raises questionsabout where we stand in

    nature and where we stand

    in the world of artifact.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    The Early History of the PC:

    A Mixture of Technology, Fantasy, and Religious Mythos

    Machines of Loving GraceRichard Brautigan

    I like to think

    of a cybernetic meadow

    where animals and computers

    live together in mutuallyprogramming harmony

    like pure water

    touching clear sky

    I like to think

    of a cybernetic forestfilled with pines and electronics

    where deer stroll peacefully

    past computers

    as if they were flowers

    with spinning blossoms

    The 1960s Counter Culture Stewart Brand and The Whole Earth


    The Zen-Taoist impulse of San


    Dreams of a cybernetic paradise

    New Age religious groups

    Apples 1984 Commercial

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as

    comfortably in the circuits of a digital

    computer or the gears of a cycle oftransmission as he does at the top of a

    mountain or in the petals of the flower.

    Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle


    You talk about deus ex machina, well, were

    talking about deus in machina. You start by

    thinking theres a god in the box. And then youfind there isnt anything in the box. You put the

    god in the box.

    Lee Felsenstein, founder Resource One and

    Community Memory

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    I have always wanted to make a

    mind. Create something like that. It is

    the most exciting thing you could do.

    The most important thing anyone

    could do.

    Roger Schank, AI researcher

    To put it bluntly, we are now coming to

    realize that humans and the machines they

    create are continuous and that the same

    conceptual schemes that help explain theworkings of the brain also explain the

    workings of a thinking machine.

    Bruce Mazlish, The Fourth Discontinuity

    Several present day AI researchers at

    MIT grew up with a family tradition that

    they are descendents of Rabbi Loew,

    the creator of the Golem

    Sherry Turkle, The Second Self

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Rodney Brooks

    Flesh and Machines

    I believe myself and my children

    all to be mere machines.

    Automatons at large in the

    universe. Every person I meet is

    also a machinea big bag of skin

    full of biomolecules interactingaccording to describable and

    knowable rules.When our robots

    improve enoughand when we

    humans look at them with the

    same lack of prejudice that wecredit humans, then too we will

    break out mental

    barrierdifferentiating ourselves

    from them.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Evolution has been seen as

    a billion-year drama that led

    inexorably to its grandestcreation: human intelligence.

    The emergence in the early

    twenty-first century of a new

    form of intelligence on Earththat can compete with, and

    ultimately significantly

    exceed, human intelligence

    will be a development of

    greater import than any of the

    events that have shaped

    human history.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation



    Cybernetic + Organism

    A human being who is linked to one

    or more mechanical devices upon

    which some of his vital physiological

    functions depend.

    Our new technologically-

    enmeshed relationships

    oblige us to ask to what

    extent we ourselves have

    become cyborgs,

    transgressive mixtures ofbiology, technology, and


    Sherry Turkle, Life on the


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Extropian Principle # 4. Intelligent Technology: Applying science and technology creatively to

    transcend natural limits imposed by our biological heritage, culture, and environment. Seeing

    technologyas an effective means towards improvement of life.

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Cyberspace. A consensual

    hallucination.A graphic

    representation of data abstracted

    from the banks of every computer

    in the human system.Lines oflight ranged in the non space of

    the mind.

    William Gibson


    Cyberspace, though born of a war

    technology, opens up a space for

    collective restoration, and for peace.

    As screens are dissolving, our future

    can only take on a luminous

    dimension! Welcome to the NewWorld.

    Nicole Stenger

    Mind is a Leaking Rainbow

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Souls In Silicon

    Bit by bit our brain is replaced by

    electronic equivalentsEventuallyeverything has been replaced by

    manufactured parts. No vestige of

    our original body remains, but our

    thoughts and awareness continue.

    We call this processthe

    downloadingof a human mind into amachine. After downloading, our

    personality is a pattern impressed on

    electronic hardware.Ultimately our

    thinking procedures would be totally

    liberated from any traces of our

    original bodyThe immensities of

    cyberspace will be teeming with very

    unhuman disembodied superminds.

    Hans Moravec

  • 7/27/2019 Faculty Clergy Presentation


    Computation seems almost a theological process. Kevin Kelly

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