f g n r p n r r t r mp:u -...

Post on 29-Jan-2020






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g F r,'!.c E g r'[H_ri sJ[ N r QB BiEG r p_N At-i \ta \A G [.R, R t_r c()".1,.r' p,Mp:u quNll.R_t ROA.D, A.r.W",!B

:[ I]L,li"L t1Q-li"t. J! Q, :" -01 {":il .? Z gIllLJ

No. Sob flDate:09.01.17

E:T'qsdsr.in e N qtiqs "n

o. ?:U 2gl Q : J 7

Rll('o inr itcs s*ak'd prc/post qualil'icati.n c,mpctitirc BII)s lirr

l.lmprovement of lRoads connecting near.by viilages to MIA Alwarlront reputed colltraolors rcgistercd in appropriatc class u itlr RII('O L.imitcd. Ccntral/StatcCovcrtrtttcnl Departrltettts ond tlrcir unclcrlaLing,s,'llrc'fcnclcr/llicl shall onlr bc subrnittcd througlrortlinc tcttclcrittg ststcnl ol'\\\\\\.cproc rajilsthiln.go\,rn 'l'hc rnt0rcslcd biclclcrs sliall harc to bccnrollcd/rcgistercd rrith irorurl cll'n'r', lr.cproc.ri.r.;aslliau.gor rn lclr paltrcipating rn tlrc Brdclipg processThe rchedule of datcs is ars lirlkrn,s :-

Schcd u lcPulilishingdateI)ocunrent Don nkrarl litart l)r,rtr:

llr1eg g_t!!! lfovr nkratl l[ntl Datellirl/ l t'lrtl'r:r Su lrnr issi, rn itiirt I)a tcllid/'l'cntlar Subln ission End l)art.

Submission of sell' ;li,nted *,L\:,,t'tt*IJTR No. (Unit T'ransaction Ret'ercnccNo.) & B,arrli. Statcment tolrards proofof pa1'ment of Earnest mone), tcnde rI'ec and prrrcessing li'c o1'RlSI,

"Tlte Earttesl ltroltc\. 'I',;ndcr Ircc and Procc,ssin{.,, Fcc ol'RISL,. shall bc paicl throLrgh clcctr.nicmodconlr lilicRfCiS/NEFI'/lntcrBankTranslbrinrespccrircbank(Accounrnocz3Ttt50(X)240.IFSC ccldc ICIC000(r7},/" Nanc of Banli IC'lril Ranli. Bal Uhartr Branch. Ahrar)Details of tcnclcr

S.No. Date I TimttlJ.0t.l6 I ll:0rt nntG.itilil--- -- '[or,,fxr

nnr -07.02.t6 i 0{.{x) PM

--f'. *--..'''-17.()t.2()t(, J !rf:!!rnm _ts.()2.i4 I irr',iril pM -

t6.02.t6 l l,rm enrFrom lO:(X) AM on I tlpto tO.(X)l7.t)1,16 upto l0:(X) AM I t6.02.t6on | (r.02. l (r i


_ t_

AM on

Name of work

Inrproventent ofRoadsconrrec tingnealby villagesto MIA Alwar

-l ,{p1l'1,-;'rluefj ril'work (in lac)



Ea nnestMoney(in lac)





-f f*it"i - Pr'ro





0 cess


l fav,




Peiioo "oi
















RlSl, pa.yableJaipu r)

lTcrms & conditions:

Tender shall be' subrnificd onlinr: onh through )1115*0ru_!*!.i4!U-4[:Cg::,nNo ph.rsical/oll'line '[i:nde r/bitl slnall be rcceptetl.Thc contracttlrs mtlst havc sufllicicnl crpuricncc ol'ereculion o1'sinrilar trpc ol'norks in Oort.I)epartlnrrnts/Pu lllic [, ntcrp riscs,,

-1. The f,arnest mone\, T'endcr Ftrr anrl Pro,r'essing Fec olf RtSL, shall llc pairl thnlugh trlerctronicmode onlv lil<e FiIIGS/|..{EF'T/ Inter Bianh'Iransl'e'1 1n respeclivc btnl<, ( Account no6737050002.10, IFSC codcr lClC(}O067 37. Namc of Brnl< ICICI Bank. Bal Bharti Branch, Aln ar)

5. Bidder shall I'urnish sell'-attestcrJ copl of IJTR No. (llnil Transactkrn Rcfcrernr:c no,) an{ [anlistatemr:nt torvards proof of pa.r'nnent of Flnrnest Moncr, 'fcnrlrrr Fr.e anrl Prrrctrssing Fec ul' RISL.in thc otficc of Sr. Rr:;qional Managcr. Rll('O l,ttl, Alu ar upto se hc<lulctl rlatc anrl timtr.






(r' In case llidder lirils to sullmit scll'-attestcd cop.r of the tJTR No. (Unit Transaction Rel'crence no..1and bank statement torvards prool'of pa)ment of Earncst Money,'Ienllsr I'ee ancl proccssingFec of RISL scheduled datc and time, tho Tcchnical Bid of the bidder shallnot be openeel.7, The completion perirod'f the *,,rh shall he as mentionccr abo'..ti' 'Iht'Corporation r'e,tienes righl to ennrcl the BID uithout assigning anl. re1son to thrr [f i44er orany'one else.

9' Thc Se rvice Tax & other taxes pa.vable, if any, under thc contract shall be pai4 5y thr Siddsp.l0' Conclitional tcndors and casual lt'tters sent b1 thecontractors n,ill not bcaccepteil.ll' An.v rcprcsentatiorr after opening of tenderi, shall be ignored- These partie.s ma.v be cleSarre4from tendering in futuro f'or a specilic pc,riod,'lhtir r,arnest nrontrr in such caseis lvill standforl'eited.

12. Bidders are rcquc$tcd to read the instruction in the T.erchng(,.; Document/Bid bclbre submiltingthc Tcnder/Bid onliine.

l3' Il .1'our firm is regi$tered in Mir:ro, Small & Meclium Enterprises Der.elopment 2006, then attachregistration certifi cate.l'{' The above terms & r:onditions of thc Bids mav also be scen on Rl ICo Wcllsitc: w.n.n,.ri.

afongrvith BLD invirrati<ln notic*, 3"'rrr qrL'\' r'L 'EErr I'r' r\

- .WA

Copy to :

Rll('0 [,t(|., Alnilr

1, GM Icivil) RllC0 Ltd. Jaipur fbr infbrmarion please,2' GM (lnfra & Cornputer) with the request to upload above Bid invitation on

RllC0 website,3. GM IPR), Rtlcr] t,rd,Jaipur for pubrishing Bicl tnvirarion Norice in the

r)ewsp;rpe|s irs requjred,'Ihe n;inre of works in hindi may be rerad as(i) r-(T{r 3ftfl\f}Fn da ero.rs t f{-f,i:nq rTTq} a1 c,{ol .hr gil€-qrnuT ,7 onf t4' RM/ARM RIIC0 Ltd, Alwar for preparing anci uploading of BID on the websrrelvww,e proc.lglja sthan,gov, i n

5, All Unit hearJs, RllC0 Lrd,, ,,,,,, ,,.,,,,,, wirh rhe direction rccirculate above BID invitation notice among the contractors associaterj withyour office atrrj also to display on the notice boarrl ofyour ofl'ice and;:ny sub-ofTice associatr:d with youl Linit.

5, M/s, ,,,,,,7 , Not icer []oard M IA Alwar

lnal ManagerRIICO [,td.. Atx,ar

O! F K N.Q"N IH-E-$,&NIQ&8,.[. G I9 N A I . [!*A NA G F: B. R I ! (. Q JJUMgrl p! Ilj Rt .R0A.D,,,U__u!\-B

II r[.f,U9JI.N0,*l0lao"_220_0s I INo. So S\Date: 09.01 .1 7

FJeq d e I in g. N rrtlS.e. n p,. JiAOlfuU

RIICO invitcs scaled pre/post qualifiurtion competitir e BIDS lirr

l. Construction of r'o,ilds at south east izone extn.! NllA Alwar

2. Maintenance of drains at NXIA, Alwinl.

J. Supplv of street light nrater.ial at Rl l('O stor.e, \tlA Alwar.

lionr fcputcd controcl.ors rcgistcrcd lu appfopnatc(iovcrnrr.rcnl Dcilarhncnts and thcir undcnaliings Thconl inc tcuclcrin g sr st ern o f \\ !!l!_lDle!Jal iNhalr. gorcnrollccl/registcrcd \\'ith portal of'uun.cproc ra.jasthan gor'.iu lbrparticipating, in thc Brdcling proccss'Ihc schedule ol'dates is as lblkrr,rs :-

Publishing rl;l!c _

Documtrnt Donnload Start Dattt

{)-t.00 PMBitl/Tcnrlcr "Euffirnffi" Sil ;aD;,ti


17.{)1.16 u;rto l(}rtX) ANIon 16.02. l(r

*Tltc Eantcst ntone\. l'cndcr Fcc and Ploccssing frcc ol'RlSL,. shall trc paid tlrxrugh clcctronicntodconlr lilicRl(iS/lriF.F'llIIrlcrBartli'fra,nslbrinrcspi:ctncbank(Accor"urtno(r737(),i0(X).2"+0.IFSC codc ICIC0(X)671'7" Narnc of'Rank ICICI tlank. Bal tllrarti Branclr. Allar)Dctails ol'tcnch:r


roads ,rt south I i

east zone extn,VIIA Alwar

I l.t*,,r*orl -T npp;*.-inrre I Ea*estI of work (irr lac) MonevI (in tac)

c?ls] z0ne exln, I I

VIIA Alwar I I

M"t"t-r,,rn.- "f f--_*t0$0

--_l- tleb-_drains at MIA. I l

Submission of sclf atlesttd copr' ol'thcIJTR No. (tlnit Transaction Refi:renccNo.) & Banl< Statcment tonards prool'of pavmcnt ol' Enrncst monc\, tcndcrl'ec and prr<;rc'cs.sirrg l'et ol'RISl,

class * rtlr RII('O Lirnitcd. (lorrtralrjStatc

Tcndcr/Bid shall orrlr bc subrnitred througlrin Thc intcrestcd biddcrs shall har,c to bc


I 000/-

Rs.t 000/-







I complel

1-I 'l'h ree

] Nlonths



I P.oces*it'g F;;--I

Rs.500f (DI) inlltr: lirr our of M l).

] RlSl, payable at

| .laipur)-f [i.stiiii- (DD i,r

tlte fitvoul ol'M l),RlSl, pavable at

1 .laipu r')


Alwar i

light material atRllC0 store,NIIA Alwar

Rs.5{}0/-- ni.iiriri. lriri iiithe firvour of MD.RlSl, pavable at

.f aipu r)

-- ,",- - -, -,,--,1l'wo i


'I(rrms & conditions:

l. 'l'ender shall be sulrnritted online onh through l-.llllfllffl-c^1!:4ia,1|h*trrggrln2, No phrsir:allolTline T'ender/hid shall bc acr:t:plcd.

']' 'Ihc contract<trs murit lravc sullicicnt cxperierncc ol'erct:u(ion ol'sirnilar t1'pc ol'norl<s in (iorl.Dopartments/Pu bli,; l ) n tc rp risrs.

J. Thc Earncst rlone\','Icnder Fce and Pror:ossing Fce t;,1'RISL,, shall hc paitl thnrugh clectronicmlldc onll'like IRTGSNEIi'T'/ Intor lBanli Transferr in rcspective hanl< ( Acr:ount no6737050002J{)' IFSTC code ICICIX}tl(tl 37,f,lame of Bank ICICI Banl<, Bal ltharti Bralch, Aln ar)

5. Bidder shall I'urnish scll'-attested copv of tlTR No. ([Jrnit T'ransactkrn Rcl'crrrnco no.) nnd brnkstatelnent tlllards pnrof ol'pavmcnt of lilarncst Moncr.,'l'cnrlcr li'ec anrl l)roctrssing Fec of RlSt,.in thc ol'ticc ol'Sr. ficgional Illanagcr. RIICO l,ld, All ar upto sche tlulcd tlatc and time,

6. In cttst'bidllcr lails tqr suhmit sell-attr:stcrl copr ol'the t l'R No, (tJnil'l'ransaclion Rell'rencc no.yand banli ritatetncnt totrarrls pruol'ol'l)a\nront ol'Earnt'st Moncr,'l'entler l'ce anrl Pr<x:essingFeic of RISL sr:hedulcd date and time, the'lechnical Bid ofthc biddcr shall not bc oJrtrnod.

'l . 'Ihc completkrn ptrri<ld of the rlorlt shall ber as mentionerl nbovc.tl. The Corporation rt:sent'es right to cancel the ItID vlithout assigning anl reason to thc lliddcr or

Anr oltt.t'lrt,.9. IhcSenice'I'ax&othertarespa.r,ablc,il'anr,,undeirthecontractshall bepaidbl thellidder.10, Cltnditirlnal tcndcrs and casual lcttelrs sr:nrl bl thc contrirclors uill not be accerpted,II' An1 rcprcrcntation nllcr opt:ning ol'tcnrllcrs, rhall bc ignurcd,'fhcsc parties rnar' be de[arrrr4

from tentlering in tirturc f'<rr a spccilie pcriod."l'hcir r:arncrst tnon(.\ in such castrs nill standttr rt'citod.

l2' Iliddcrs ar0 ro(lucste,tl to rcad thtr instruction in thu'for:hnical DoculntrntiBirl bclirrc suImittingthc fcntlcrlBirl online.

13. If 'r'ourlirnl is regiritrerod in Mit:ro. Srnall & Morliunr Entcrpriscs Devckrplnent 2(f{Xr,thrrn attach-__---r_ - '_"t-"'"""' -"'registratir)n certifi catc.

l{. 'lhe above tcrms & r:onditions ol'thc Bidr; rnar also bc sct'n on Rlt(lO Wcbsitc: nalons$'ith IllD invit ation noticc.

Sr, Managcr

Copy to :

l, (iM Ir:ivilJ li]l(lO l,tri, Jaipur fbr infornr;rt.ion please.2, GM (lnfra & Conrputer) witlr the leqLrest. [o uploarl abov€] []id invikrt.ion on

RIICO websit-e,3, GM IPRJ, RIlr]0 Ltd,Jaipur for publishing tsid Invitarion Norrce in rhe

newsp.lpers as reqLlired,'lhe r?rt€ of worL:s in hindi ntay be read as(il q;1r1 3i11j'Jjl,l, ei:t, .]ti"1ri{ fi rl{*lut rp.i in);i fi)rOn i llr;'.1; f;lr1iu1 ,51 ti,lrJ


Iii] rprl 3ii1f1J,fii, s),.t i]la,irl{ it .1,'[i rt{rrl(t i]rT ,.hl)Jl

(iiiJ rti{it 3i)dtlfu]ib tTr,.iTc{q{ c'; {'1..1;T {ri{ { ,{d),:t <,tiit 3lrlfd ,l,T djrd I

4, RM/ARM RIICO Ltcl, Alwar for preparing and uploading of BID on [he websitew w w.ep-l:o c. r uaslhin .gQ_vjjtr

5, Alt tjnit heaCs, RIICO [,td,, ,,, ,,,,,, wirh rhe direcrion rocirculate albOve BID invifation notice among llrt: corrtractors a)-)^o(:iated witlryotlr office and also fo tiisplay on l.hr: notic0 board of your officer lln(l any sub-ol'fice ;rs.sur;iirtr-:rl with your- [J nit,

(r, M/s

Rll(lO l,rrl., Aln ar

Sr.Rfgional ManagrrRll(:O [,trl.. Alnar

7, N<;ticr,r [Joar'<1, MIAAlwar

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