ez-usb™ series 2100 usb controller · controllers, and peripheral devices. in a traditional...

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EZ-USB Series 2100 Family

The Anchor Chips EZ-USB™ family (AN21XX/AN23XX) providessignificant improvements over other USB architectures including anenhanced 8051 core, 4 or 8 Kbytes of RAM, an intelligent USB core, andhigh-performance I/O ports. The family includes 16 different products toaccommodate the needs of different systems.

The enhanced 8051 core provides five times the performance of thestandard 8051, while maintaining complete 8051 software compatibil-ity. With on-chip RAM, firmware code can be downloaded from thehost PC. This allows the peripheral manufacturer to easily modify andtransfer new code to current and new users. This on-chip memoryeliminates the need for external memory.

The EZ-USB family supports high-bandwidth transfers by providingan efficient mechanism to move data between external memory andthe USB FIFOs. Using this “turbo mode,” the 8051 core can transfer1024 bytes of data in or out of an isochronous FIFO in 338 microsec-onds. This leaves a high percentage of the bandwidth for the processorto service the application. The EZ-USB family also supports an equiva-lent data transfer rate for bulk packets of over 2 Mbytes per second,which is more than the USB bandwidth.

The EZ-USB family conforms to the high-speed (12 Mbps) require-ments of USB Specification version 1.0, including support for remotewake-up. The internal SRAM replaces Flash memory, EEPROM,EPROM, or masked ROM that is conventionally used in other USBsolutions.

The EZ-USB family offers two packages, a 44 PQFP and an 80 PQFP.All EZ-USB devices are pin- and software-compatible. And, all RAMversions have ROM equivalents to allow easy migration for high-volume applications.


· Single-chip, low-powersolution for high-speed USBperipherals

· Firmware downloadable

· High-performance I/O port

· Small board space (less than1 square inch)

· 44 PQFP or 80 PQFP

· USB Specification 1.1compliant

· Uses commercially-available8051 software tools

· Thirty-one flexible endpoints

· All endpoints can be doublebuffered

· 4 or 8 Kbytes of memory

· Five times the speed of astandard 8051

· Supports composite devices

· I²C controller

· Supports isochronous, bulk,control, and interrupt data

· On-chip PLL

EZ-USB Series 2100AN2121SC AN2321SCAN2125SC AN2325SCAN2126SC AN2326SCAN2131SC AN2331SCAN2135SC AN2335SCAN2136SC AN2336SCAN2131QC AN2331QC

EZ-USB™ Series 2100USB Controller

EZ-USB Series 2100











The EZ-USB RAMarchitecture providesdesign and software

flexibility. Its “soft” configurationenables peripheral manufacturersand designers to make changes tothe USB device through software.This means complete flexibilitywith minimal design risks.

The EZ-USB family usesan intelligent USB core tosimplify 8051 firmware

code by as much as 80%. Thisreduces the firmware designer’sneed to develop code to handlethe low-level nuances of the USBspecification. The designer is freeto concentrate on higher levelfunctions. EZ-USB firmwaredevelopment is quick, requiringless binary code and reducing thelikelihood of errors.

With the EZ-USB family’ssoftware utilities andtools, firmware develop-

ment is simplified and accelerated.Firmware can be tested indepen-dent of drivers, allowing thefirmware developer and driversoftware developer to write codesimultaneously. They do not needeach other to verify and test code.This dual path decreases softwaredevelopment time.

Anchor Chips’ EZ-USB familyeliminates the need to become anexpert in USB. It allows thedesigner to take advantage of thebenefits of USB without investinglarge amounts of time andenergy. With the EZ-USB family,peripheral designers can haveUSB traffic running withinhours, instead of weeks as withother USB solutions.

The EZ-USB family of controllerssimplifies the process of imple-menting USB hardware andsoftware development forperipheral manufacturers. Low-level USB protocol requirementsare automatically handled by theAnchor smart USB core and theincluded software utilities.

A typical USBimplementation usesnonvolatile memory

(EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memo-ry), a microprocessor, RAM, USBSIE and DMA. The EZ-USBfamily includes all the buildingblocks for a complete and low-cost USB solution in a single chip.The design is much simpler sincetiming and interface analysis aresignificantly reduced.





Complete USB Design Made Easy

With the EZ-USB family, theperipheral designer gainstwo overall advantages:First, the design is muchsimpler because of thechip’s significantintegration and built-inflexibility. Second, theEZ-USB architecturereduces software codesignificantly over other USBsolutions. This combinationgives users a quick and easypath toward obtaining aworking prototype.

Typical USBImplementation

Anchor USBSolution

How does Anchor Chipsmake USB easy?

EZ-USB Series 2100

Single-Chip Solution Lower overall system costMinimum board space with 44 PQFP and 80 PQFP packagesQuicker design and faster time to market than other USB solutionsMinimal design resources

RAM Architecture Quick changes in firmware and driver codeUpdates in the field via software downloadsFlexibility in multiple configurationsDynamic changes in performance/properties based on user’s needs

High-Performance I/O Transfers a full 1024-byte isochronous packet within one USB frameProvides highest quality full-motion video or audio performanceData I/O rate greater than 2 Mbyte/sec for bulk and isochronous packetsFastest response time for the end user

4- or 8-Kbyte Easy transition from RAM to ROM for high-volume applicationsPin- and Software- Pin- and software-compatible options for program code growthCompatible Family No change in hardware as needs change

Lowers system cost since only minimal memory size is needed

EZ-USB Firmware Significantly less 8051 USB code since core handles most USB activityArchitecture Shortened USB learning curve

Quicker working prototypes and final production modelsMore software development time to devote to the peripheral function

Enhanced 8051 Core Five times faster performance than 8051No new 8051 software tools to learn

Anchor USB Core/ External EPROM components eliminatedReNumeration A quick path to working prototypesCapability User-selectable changes in peripheral properties without disconnecting

EZ-USB Xcelerator Speedier firmware and driver developmentDevelopment Kit Independent development of firmware and driver

Fewer software errorsNo custom Windows® driver needed to test USB traffic and firmware

Low 3.3V Power Meets the 100 mA power-up specificationUseful in bus-powered applicationsUseful in power-sensitive applications such as battery-powered equipment

Five External Interrupts Flexible without sacrificing standard 8051 interrupts

Separate Memory Design flexibility in USB program codeExpansion Port No sacrifice in I/O capability for high-functionality peripheral devices

Non-multiplexed, requiring no external latch

Features Benefits

EZ-USB Series 2100

The focus of the EZ-USBfamily is to provide theperipheral designer amultitude of designconfigurations andmigration paths. The “soft,”programmable nature of theEZ-USB architectureprovides flexibility whileminimizing risks. USB requires synchronization

between four major technologysuppliers: operating system,UHCI/OHCI interfaces, hubcontrollers, and peripheraldevices. In a traditional hard-ware configuration, ensuringthat a peripheral device willwork with every combination ofthese technologies is a time-consuming and expensive task.

Using the EZ-USB chip’s “soft”configuration, the peripheraldeveloper can easily deviseworkarounds or accommodatedynamic changes. At the sametime, there is minimum risk todesign implementation.

Peripheral manufacturers canprovide firmware updates inconjunction with driver changesvia a floppy disk or throughInternet downloads. Thus,

Unprecedented “Soft” Architecture

software device configurabilityprovides easy field updates, lastminute software code changesprior to production, or alterationsdue to ever-changing standards.In these ways, the EZ-USB chipmakes development easier andguards against product obsoles-cence.

RAM Architecture

With an enhanced 8051 corecombined with 4 or 8 Kbytes ofSRAM in a single chip, users have acomplete solution. The 8051’sfirmware can be stored in the harddisk (along with the driver) anddownloaded into the peripheralduring its initialization. Thatmakes updates as easy as updatingany other PC software.

Host PC

Soft Configuration



Anchor ChipsUSB Controller

Now it’s easy.

Hardware configuration Software upgrades Memory enhancements Feature upgrades


EZ-USB Series 2100

Enumeration andReNumeration

Anchor Chips’ proprietaryReNumeration™ function is themeans by which the enhanced8051 firmware is downloaded.

How It WorksUpon power-up or plug-in, theEZ-USB chip automaticallyenumerates as a default USBdevice. This allows the USB core

to download 8051 code. The USBcore logic inside EZ-USB per-forms this initial enumerationand code download while holdingthe 8051 in reset.

Once enumerated, the host PCdownloads 8051 code intoEZ-USB RAM over the USBinterface. (Anchor Chips suppliesthe software tools to incorporatethe loader into any application).The downloaded 8051 codecontains program, data, and

enumeration tables. Once loaded,the EZ-USB core performs aReNumeration cycle to simulate aUSB disconnect and reconnect tocome back as a completely newUSB device.

This entire sequence of enumera-tion, download and ReNum-eration happens quickly (lessthan a quarter of a second) and istransparent to the user.

EZ-USB Series 2100

USB firmware develop-ment is faster since thereis less code to write. This

reduction in firmware allows thedesign team to concentrate moreon software development for theperipheral function.

Fewer 8051 MIPs arededicated to USBprocessing. With the

EZ-USB family, as little as 10% of8051 processing time is dedicatedto USB. That makes 90% of theenhanced 8051 core’s processingtime available for peripheralfunctions. Alternate solutionsdedicate more of their micro-controller bandwidth to USBprocessing.

The EZ-USB familyhandles most low-levelUSB overhead automati-

cally. Therefore, the learningcurve to understand all thenuances of USB is reduced,yielding fewer code errors andfaster product development.

Four Major Benefits ofSmart USB Core

The firmware code issmaller and moreefficient than alternate

USB solutions. In the EZ-USBfamily, the memory requirementis reduced by a factor of two tofive times as compared to othersolutions. And, since less memoryis needed for firmware, boardsize and system cost are reduced.

Automatically Handles Low-Level USB Overhead

Test Code Supports:· USB Chapter 9· String descriptors· USB suspend/resume· Remote wake-up· Bulk endpoint loopback


2A USB hardware connectionis simpler than currentinterface standards (ISA,PCI, serial, parallel, andSCSI). For example, thereare no IRQs or DMAs to set.USB does not use directconnections like RS232 orEPP (Enhanced ParallelPort). Instead, USB is apacketized protocol similarto telecommunicationstandards such as X.25 orframe relay. This makessoftware developmentcomplex.


The EZ-USB chip family reducesthe complexity of USB. It has apredefined default descriptorthat causes it to function as ageneric USB device. Very littlecode is required to operate theEZ-USB chip when configured inthis default state. The defaultdescriptor can be replaced as theperipheral manufacturer devel-ops customized firmware.

Efficient EZ-USB Code


FirmwareFile Type

EZ-USB Family Alternate Solutions

Source 730 lines of C code 5445 lines of assembly code

Binary < 1 Kbyte > 5 Kbytes

EZ-USB Series 2100

This diagram shows how conventional USB controllers handle a three-stage USB setup transaction called “GetDescriptor.” The serial data flowing over the USB is shown as three stages: Setup, Data and Status. Thenumbered arrows indicate transfers between the USB, endpoint FIFOs, and microprocessor memory. SignificantCPU overhead is required to transfer the data to and from the endpoint FIFOs (2,3,5) and to divide thedescriptor table data into packets for transmission using multiple USB data packets (4,6).

The EZ-USB core directly transfers setup packet data into a dedicated eight-byte Setup data buffer for CPUinspection (1). Then the 8051 loads an EZ-USB pointer with the start address of the requested descriptor data(2). The EZ-USB core does the rest. The EZ-USB core automatically takes care of error checking and retries,dividing the table into packets for the various IN transfers and responding to the Status stage.

Comparison of Standard USB Request “Get Descriptor”

Conventional Method1 USB Setup data copied to


2 CPU copies FIFO data toRAM; decodes Get Descriptorrequest

3 CPU transfers first packet ofdata from memory to endpointFIFO

4 FIFO data sent in response toUSB IN token

5 CPU transfers next packet ofdata from memory to endpointFIFO

6 FIFO data sent in response toUSB IN token

7 Repeat steps 5-6

EZ-USB Method

1 EZ-USB core copies Setupdata directly to RAM,eliminating the FIFO-to-RAMcopy step. The 8051decodes the Get Descriptorrequest.

2 The 8051 sets pointer todescriptor table in RAM.EZ-USB core does entiremulti-packet transfer.

EZ-USB Series 2100

Turbo Performance

To make full use of the USBbandwidth, the EZ-USB familyhas large endpoint buffers and afast method for transferring datainto and out of the buffers. Withthe EZ-USB architecture, bulkand isochronous endpoints canbe configured as double-bufferedwith maximum packet sizes.With the 2-Kbyte FIFO, theEZ-USB family can transfer a1024-byte isochronous packetwithin a single USB frame.Similarly for bulk endpoints, theEZ-USB can transfer data usingthe 64-byte double buffer capa-bilities at a data transfer rate ofgreater than 2 Mbytes persecond.

Fast transfer rates can occur inand out of the internal FIFOs toexternal peripherals since theEZ-USB core automaticallymonitors 8051 transfers betweenthe accumulator and the end-point FIFO registers. When one ofthese transfers occurs, theEZ-USB core also reads or writesthe FIFO data over the externaldata bus and provides externalFIFO read and write strobes forthe external interface.

Turbo IsochronousCapability

The EZ-USB family provides1024 bytes of double-bufferedFIFO memory (2048 bytes in all)which may be divided between16 isochronous endpoints.During any one millisecondframe time, one of the FIFOs isconnected to the USB and theother to the 8051. At every SOF(Start Of Frame), the buffers“ping-pong” so the 8051 can

access the last frame’s data whilethe other FIFO empties or fillswith new USB data.

A single “movx” instructiontransfers data between EZ-USBendpoint FIFOs and external logicin two cycles or 330 nano seconds.

Based on these connections acomplete 1024-byte transfer cantake 388 microseconds, less than40% of the 1 ms USB frame time.This is an equivalent transfer rateof greater than 2 Mbytes persecond.

Turbo Bulk Capability

USB bulk endpoint data is avail-able to the 8051 as 16 64-bytebuffers in RAM. A special bulkdata pointer allows this RAM datato also be accessed as a FIFO. The8051 loads this sixteen-bit pointerwith the address of a bulk buffer.Then, using a special data register,accesses the buffer data as if itwere a FIFO. Every read or writeto the data register increments theaddress pointer. This gives the8051 a third data pointer: one thatauto-increments.

As with the fast isochronousmode, the special data registeruses the turbo mode that allows abyte of data to be transferredusing a single “movx” instruction.Bulk transfers in and out of the8051 therefore can be done withthe speed of the isochronoustransfers, one byte every twocycles (330 nanoseconds). Thisperformance can generate wellover the maximum allowable bulkpackets within a USB frame.

The EZ-USB familyprovides the maximumperformance specified forUSB. This allows theperipheral manufacturer totake advantage of USB’sfull bandwidth in high-speed applications such asfull-motion video,continuous audio, scanning,digital photography, andprinting.

EZ-USB Series 2100

To write data to outside logic, the 8051 loads a data pointer with a USB FIFO register address, and then executes a “movxa,@dptr” instruction to move a byte from the FIFO to the 8051 accumulator. The EZ-USB core simultaneously broadcasts the FIFOdata on the external data bus pins and generates the external write signal FWR# (Fast Write). A 24 MHz clock is provided for useas an external FIFO clock, if required. EZ-USB control bits allow the timing and polarity of the FWR# signal to be tailored fordifferent external interface requirements.

To read data from outside logic, the 8051 loads a data pointer with a USB FIFO register address, and then executes a “movx@dptr,a” instruction to move a byte from the accumulator to the FIFO. The EZ-USB core discards the accumulator data and insteadwrites a byte from the external data bus pins to the FIFO. The EZ-USB core provides the external read signal FRD# (Fast Read) tostrobe the data, and a 24 MHz clock. Like the FRW# signal, the FRD# signal may be tailored for different interface requirements.

support extra features such as asecond data pointer, a secondUART, cycle-stretched timing, anexpanded interrupt system, andenhanced timers.

instructions on bits, flags, andother status functions are identi-cal to the standard 8051. Theenhanced 8051 core also providesspecial function registers that

The enhanced 8051 processorincreases performance byexecuting most instructions infour clock cycles instead oftwelve, as in the standard 8051.The enhanced 8051 core alsoruns at 24 MHz; that’s twice asfast as the standard part. Thesefactors improve the executionrate for most instructions by afactor of five. The enhanced8051 core contained in theEZ-USB family is binary-codecompatible and performs thesame functions as the industry-standard 8051. The effects of

A Leap in Performance with 8051 Compatibility

Clocks per instruction cycle 12 4Data pointers 1 2Serial ports (UARTs) 1 216-bit timers 1 3Interrupt sources (int and ext) 5 13Stretch memory cycles No YesNominal operating frequency 12 MHz 24 MHzNominal operating voltage 5 V 3.3 V

Feature Standard Anchor

EZ-USB Series 2100

Flexible for Many Applications

Loading 8051 Firmware from the Host

Options for Loading8051 Firmware

The EZ-USB family providesthe peripheral developer withfour options for loading its8051 firmware.

Software file from thehost systemLoading from a software fileprovides the maximum flex-ibility to the peripheral manu-facturer. This configurationtakes advantage of the internal4K or 8K RAM to load 8051 codeand data from the host system.Because of the ReNumerationcapability of EZ-USB chips, anew set of descriptors can beloaded after the initial enumera-tion without physically discon-necting the device. This allowsdevice descriptors and 8051program code to be loaded froma driver disk. Only the vendorID, product ID, and device IDneed to be loaded during boottime in hardware through a 16-byte EEPROM. Using this

EEPROM loaded through theI2C portThe EZ-USB architecture supportsan external EEPROM loadthrough the I2C bus. This givesdesigners the capability to load8051 program code from hard-ware. Because of the flexibility ofthe external EEPROM and inter-nal RAM, manufacturers have theoption to make last-minutechanges to a design/code withoutimpacting production schedules.

External memory through thememory expansion portExternal memory may be added toEZ-USB family members in the80-pin PQFP package. Thismemory is available through amemory expansion port. Separate16-bit address and 8-bit databusses are also available todirectly attach to a 64K EPROM,SRAM, or Flash memory. Unlike astandard 8051, the address andmemory ports are not multi-plexed, eliminating the need forglue logic for connection toexternal memory.

Internal ROM for peripheralmanufacturers who migrate to theROM-based EZ-USB chipEZ-USB ROM options are soft-ware and pin compatible to RAMmembers of the family. Therefore,high-volume customers can moveeasily to ROM when their 8051firmware code is solidified.

The EZ-USB architectureincludes features that givethe designer many optionsfor creating an efficient andeffective design that istailored to the needs of anapplication.

configuration, users can implementa USB function in a tiny 44 PQFPpackage yielding a complete USBsolution in less than one squareinch of PC board space.

EZ-USB Series 2100

More Endpoint BufferMemory

The EZ-USB chip supports moreendpoints and provides moreendpoint buffer memory than anyother USB-device solution in themarket. The USB specificationdescribes an endpoint as a sourceor sink of data. In the EZ-USBchip, endpoints are constructedas RAM (bulk, control, interruptendpoints) or FIFOs (isochronousendpoints). With support for 31endpoints (the maximum in theUSB specification), it gives theperipheral designer ultimateflexibility. Unlike other USBperipheral alternatives, theEZ-USB architecture also sup-ports the maximum packet sizefor each endpoint. Thus 64-bytepackets are available for allcontrol, bulk, and interruptendpoints. Isochronous endpointsare double buffered with a packetsize of up to 1024 bytes, themaximum allowable under theUSB specification.

ControlThe EZ-USB family supports onecontrol endpoint. To simplifyfirmware programming, theEZ-USB chip provides data from

control transfers in two separatebuffers. It also has a uniquecapability to manage the three-phase transfer in hardware,relieving device firmware fromthis task.

Bulk/InterruptBulk endpoints are used whendata integrity must be guaran-teed, but without critical deliverytime. The EZ-USB family provides14 bulk endpoints: seven IN andseven OUT. These endpoints canbe programmed to be double-buffered, which improves trans-fer bandwidth in some applica-tions. Bulk data is accessible asRAM or FIFO data. The IN andOUT endpoints can also be usedas interrupt endpoints.

IsochronousThese endpoints support stream-ing data such as audio or video.The EZ-USB family supports 16isochronous endpoints: eight INand eight OUT. A pool of FIFOscan be allocated among theendpoint to a maximum of1 Kbyte. Isochronous endpointsare double-buffered, as requiredby the USB specification, so theactual size of iscochronous buffermemory is 2 Kbytes.

Low Power—Even forBus-Powered Devices

The EZ-USB family meets thetough power specifications ofUSB. Running off of a 3.3V powersupply, it can accommodate bus-powered devices and self-pow-ered peripherals. In addition,with a 50 mA current draw underfull operating conditions, theEZ-USB family provides currentheadroom for peripheral func-tions. This meets the USB require-ment of 100 mA maximumcurrent for attached peripheralsprior to configuration. Totalmaximum power required by anEZ-USB chip under active condi-tions is 170 mW. Other solutionsrequire five times more power.

Thirty-oneEndpointsfor UltimateFlexibility

EZ-USB Series 2100

EZ-USB Series 2100 Xcelerator Development Kit

Development Board

The EZ-USB Xcelerator develop-ment board is compact andpowerful. It provides anAN2131QC, 64 kilobytes ofexternal RAM, two UARTS, anduser-programmable sevensegment display, LED indicators,and switches. One UART is usedto communicate with the Win-dows-hosted debugger, and theother is free for application use.The indicators and switches areconnected via the EZ-USB I2Cport, leaving all AN2131QC I/Olines uncommitted for prototypedevelopment. The board can beUSB bus powered, eliminatingthe need for an external powersupply. A debug monitor loadseither into internal EZ-USB RAMor the external RAM. The exter-nal RAM can be configured invarious ways to allow seamlesscode development for EZ-USBROM versions.

A matching plug-in breadboardeases the interface of customcircuitry to the AN2131. Headersbring out all interface signals, andprovide a convenient interface toa logic analyzer.

C Compiler from Keil

The C compiler from Keil Soft-ware lets the designer write 8051microcontroller applications in Cand still get the efficiency andspeed of assembly language.Advanced features from Keil toolsinclude the ability to single stepthrough code. This makes it easyto detect errors, handle sourcelevel debugging and dual-datapointer support, and setbreakpoints. With the ability todebug code one line at a time,quickly compile and one-stepdownload new code, developers’have a more efficient means tocomplete firmware faster thanusing emulators.

The EZ-USB Xcelerator™development kit provides acomplete hardware andsoftware solution foraccelerating the firmwareand device driverdevelopment for all themembers of the EZ-USBfamily. Other USBdevelopment kits useemulation of the eventualUSB device. The EZ-USBXcelerator developer kit usesthe actual device, theAN2131QC, during theentire development. Becauseof the simplicity of EZ-USBand Anchor’s softwareutilities, users can be up andrunning USB code in hours,not weeks!

EZ-USB Series 2100

Anchor Utilities

Anchor Chips provides the besttools to accelerate the developer’sfirmware development. The USBControl Panel allows the developerto send and receive interrupt, bulk,and isochronous packets andstandard USB device requestswithout first developing the host-based driver for the specificapplication. The USB ControlPanel provides manual control ofUSB host controller response. It canbe used to test a multitude ofoperating conditions without firstlearning low-level USB program-ming. The user can quickly testdifferent packet sizes and emulateUSB host application responses. Inaddition, users can quickly testand adjust firmware based onimmediate results from the USBControl Panel.

Also in the EZ-USB developmentkit is the EZ-USB 8051 firmwarelibrary and firmware frame-works. With this library ofpredefined function calls, devel-opers can quickly develop theirperipheral function. The firm-ware library includes functionssuch as ReNumeration, I2Cprogramming, descriptor tableparsing, USB initialization, deviceinitialization, suspend/resumeand complete USB standarddevice request processing.

Device Driver

A general-purpose device driveris included in the Xceleratordevelopment kit. It is a WDMdriver for Windows 98 or OSR2.1. With source code provided,peripheral driver developers canconvert this code to a miniportdriver to meet their unique needs.

· EZ-USB Development Board

· EZ-USB Peripheral Board

· EZ-USB Firmware Library and Firmware Frameworks

· EZ-USB General-Purpose Device Driver

· EZ-USB Driver and Firmware Sample Code

· EZ-USB Control Panel

· EZ-USB Documentation

· Reference Schematics

· 8051 C Compiler from Keil Software

· 8051 Assembler from Keil Software

· 8051 Custom Debugger from Keil Software

The EZ-USB Series 2100Xcelerator Development Kit


EZ-USB Series 2100






0 R


1 24



64 41



0.80 BSC.





Packages and Pin Definitions




8.00 REF




12 22

44 34

0.80 BSC.44 PQFP

2.35 MAX




1.95 + 0.15

80-Pin Lead Detail






8 Places12o REF.

Base Plane

Seating Plane



5 G


e P



3.04 MAX




1.60 TYP

44-Pin Lead Detail







EZ-USB Series 2100

tuptuO/tupnI tuptuO/tupnI tuptuO/tupnI tuptuO/tupnI tuptuO/tupnI

CS5212 CS5212 CS5212 CS5212 CS5212CS6212CS5312CS6312

CS1212 CS1212 CS1212 CS1212 CS1212CS1312

CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312emaN emaN emaN emaN emaN

86 tuo0T/0AP

96 tuo1T/1AP

07 #EO/2AP

17 #SC/3AP

93 93 37 #RWF/4AP

04 04 47 #DRF/5AP

57 tuo0DxR/6AP

67 tuo1DxR/7AP

42 44 2T/0BP

52 54 XE2T/1BP

62 64 1DxR/2BP

72 74 1DxT/3BP

82 25 4TNI/4BP

92 35 #5TNI/5BP

03 45 6TNI/6BP

13 55 tuo2T/7BP

41 41 03 0DxR/0CP

51 51 13 0DxT/1CP

61 61 23 #0TNI/2CP

71 71 33 #1TNI/3CP

81 81 83 0T/4CP

91 91 93 1T/5CP

02 02 04 #RW/6CP

12 12 14 #DR/7CP

dnuorGdnarewoP dnuorGdnarewoP dnuorGdnarewoP dnuorGdnarewoP dnuorGdnarewoP

7 7 81 DNGA

01 01 12 CCVA












sserddA sserddA sserddA sserddA sserddA

CS5212 CS5212 CS5212 CS5212 CS5212CS6212CS5312CS6312

CS1212 CS1212 CS1212 CS1212 CS1212CS1312

CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312 CQ1312emaN emaN emaN emaN emaN

21-7 5A-0A

61,51 7A,6A

92-62 11A-8A

73-43 51A-21A

subataD subataD subataD subataD subataD

72-42 15-84 3D-OD

13-82 06-75 7D-4D

laicepS laicepS laicepS laicepS laicepS

23 23 16 TPKB

2 2 4 42KLC

34 34 1 #NOCSID

08 #NESP

8 8 91 NIX

9 9 02 TUOX

42 AE

31 31 52 TESER

73 73 66 #PUEKAW


14 14 77 -DBSU

24 24 97 +DBSU


63 63 56 LCS

53 53 46 ADS

EZ-USB Internal ROM Product Family

EZ-USB Internal RAM Product Family

Ordering Information

With the broadest family of USB solutions in the market, peripheral manufactures can find the rightcombination of features, board space, and price to fit their applications. All eight of EZ-USB familymembers with internal RAM can be converted to ROM equivalents with no changes in their design.

EZ-USB Xcelerator Development Kit AN2131-DK-001

EZ-USB, Xcelerator, and ReNumeration are trademarks of Anchor Chips Incorporated. The Anchor logo is a registered trademark of Anchor Chips Incorporated. Cypress and theCypress logo are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor. All other tradesmark are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 1999,Anchor Chips Incorporated All rights reserved. 2-799EZ21K

Cypress Semiconductor3901 North First Street • San Jose, CA 95134

Telephone (800) 858-1810 • Fax (408) 943-6848www.cypress.com

Anchor Chips Incorporated12396 World Trade Drive • M/S 212 • San Diego, CA 92128

Telephone (858) 613-7900 • Fax (858) 676-6896www.anchorchips.com

A Business Unit of Cypress Semiconductor

For more information about the EZ-USB controller chip, visit www.anchorchips.com.

Part Package RAM I/O Rate # Prog 8-Bit Isochronous Number Type Size Bytes/sec I/Os Databus Support

AN2121SC 44 PQFP 4K 600K 16 No YesAN2125SC 44 PQFP 4K 2M 8 Yes YesAN2126SC 44 PQFP 4K 2M 8 Yes NoAN2131SC 44 PQFP 8K 600K 16 No YesAN2135SC 44 PQFP 8K 2M 8 Yes YesAN2136SC 44 PQFP 8K 2M 8 Yes NoAN2131QC 80 PQFP 8K 2M 24 Yes+Addr Yes

Part Package RAM ROM I/O Rate # Prog 8-Bit Isochronous Number Type Size Size Bytes/sec I/Os Databus Support

AN2321SC 44 PQFP 2K 4K 600K 16 No YesAN2325SC 44 PQFP 2K 4K 2M 8 Yes YesAN2326SC 44 PQFP 2K 4K 2M 8 Yes NoAN2331SC 44 PQFP 2K 8K 600K 16 No YesAN2335SC 44 PQFP 2K 8K 2M 8 Yes YesAN2336SC 44 PQFP 2K 8K 2M 8 Yes NoAN2331QC 80 PQFP 2K 8K 2M 24 Yes+Addr Yes

"C" denotes commercial (0 - 70 degrees C) temperature rangeAll EZ-USB devices support up to 14 endpoints for bulk packets.

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