extra credit - chippewa falls middle...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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Extra Credit

1. What Estate held high offices in army, government &

courts? 2. Besides the French Revolution, what other event took

place in 1789? 3. Identify the three groups of people that made up the

3rd Estate. 4. In what country did the swine flu start? 5. What group has the most to lose under Taliban rule?

Start of the French Revolution

I. The 3rd Estate looked to Louis XVI for reforms

A. Louis faced a financial crisis (pay for wars & luxuries)

B. 3rd Estate wanted a constitutional government that would abolish tax exemptions for 1st & 2nd Estates

C. The King called for a meeting of the Estate’s General (Unheard of—hadn’t been called in 175 years)

II. The 3rd Estate took a stand against the King

A. 3rd felt they should get more votes (according to % of population instead of one vote) KING REFUSED!!!!

B. 3rd Estate changed their name to the National Assembly (made Tennis Court Oath)

C. Louis orders Swiss guards to march on Paris

III. Paris mobs stormed the Bastille (Royal armory & prison)

A. a great symbolic act of revolution—July 14th is France’s Independence Day (Bastille Day)

B. A Great Fear swept French countryside; peasants fear foreign invasion– attack nobles to destroy records

C. King & family forced to leave Versailles & return to Paris

Extra Credit

1. How many years had it been since the last Estates

General was called by the King?

2. What name did the 3rd Estate take for the new


3. What is France’s Independence Day called?

4. Who attacked the noble in the countryside during the

Great Fear?

5. What did the mob do with the stones from the Bastille?

Destruction of the Old Regime

The storming of the Bastille saved the National Assembly

-it spelled doom for the monarchy

-National Assembly adopted Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789

Louis reluctantly accepted the Constitution

-Louis & wife tried to escape France but were caught

-in 1792, Austria & Prussia threaten to restore monarchy ; France

declares war on Austria (War goes badly @ 1st)

French Radicals call for sweeping changes

-Radicals in Commune replace the National Assembly with the National


-radical reformers known as the Mountain were members of a radical Club called

Jacobins (they wanted to execute the king)

-radicals execute Louis XVI for treason on January 21, 1793

-New Constitution passed in 1791; Constitutional Monarchy

-Paris Commune (radical Sans-culottes) took power from National Assembly

1.During the “Reign of Terror” 20,000 people

were killed.

2.Revolutionary armies killed 1,800 of their

fellow citizens in the town of Lyon.

3.The 1st and 2nd Estates had the largest

amount of people killed during the “Reign of


Read the following statements and answer “true” or “false”

French Revolution enters a more radical phase

-Georges Danton and san-culottes sought revenge on those who aided the king

-at the same time, Robespierre, and Committee of Public Safety

unleashed a Reign of Terror to destroy political enemies within France

-over 40,000 people were executed by the guillotine!

Reign of Terror comes to an end

-moderates argued that the reign of terror went too far; they executed leader


-Bourgeoisie leaders formed a new government called the Directory to restore

order; appoint Napoleon commander of France’s armies

-Jean-Paul Marat argued the poor had a right to take from the rich what

ever they needed—even by force!

-A foreign Crisis arose: Spain, Port., Britain invaded France-mad

about Louis execution/ feared the revolution would spread to their


-France raised a citizen army of 1.1 million soldiers and changed

warfare forever in Europe (Nationalism)

-15% From 1st and 2nd Estate; surprisingly -80% from 3rd Estate

1. At what age did Napoleon receive a scholarship to attend a

military school?

2. What did he study obsessively at the academy?

3. Why is military glory like riding a tiger?

4. Who was the only person capable of defeating Napoleon?

5. What country did Napoleon want to hurt with the Continental


Extra Credit Questions from the Video

Napoleon’s Rise to Power

The citizen army offered new opportunities for Napoleon

-he saved the National Convention in 1795 from a Royalist rebellion

-he was given command of French army in Italy as a reward

Napoleon crushed the Austrians & her allies

-hailed as France’s new hero

-French people had lost confidence in the Directory

-people want Napoleon as leader

Napoleon held several plebiscites to gain greater power

-in 1804, voters made Napoleon emperor for life

-cleverly, he used democratic processes to destroy the Republic created by the Revolution

-election where you vote “yes” or “no”

-through a series of victories, Napoleon controls most of Europe

Extra Credit

1.What radical advocated force to seize land and

money from the rich?

2.Pride in ones nation is called _____________.

3.How many people died during the reign of


4.What was the name of the group headed by


5.What is the French name for Middle Class?

Napoleon's empire collapsed

Napoleon spread new ideas across Europe

-abolished serfdom

-introduced religious tolerance

-created the Napoleonic Code of laws (France's 1st law code)

Napoleon made three disastrous misjudgments

1) Set up a Continental System to blockade Great Britain *hurt his allies trade

2) Misjudged the power of Nationalism *lost over 300,000 men fighting Spain and Germany

3) Invaded Russia *Russian practiced scorched-earth policy; cold winter; Napoleon lost 500,000 soldiers (exiled to Elba—he did return)

Napoleon’s reign comes to an end

-suffers crushing defeat to British and Prussians at the Battle of Waterloo -exiled once more to St. Helena

-dies on May 20, 1821

“Such work as mine is not done twice in a century. I have

saved the Revolution as it lay dying. I have cleansed it of its

crimes, and have held it up to the people shining with fame. I

have inspired France and Europe with new ideas that will

never be forgotten.”


“He was as great as a man can be without virtue.”

Alexis do Tocqueville

Tennis Court Oath Sans-culottes Public Safety

Third Estate Waterloo Robespierre

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Reign of Terror Marat Elba St. Helena

Scorched Earth Wellington Louis XVI

Bastille Marie Antoinette Taille

Guillotine Great Fear Josephine Prussia

Marie Louise Citizen National Convention

Corsica Plebiscite Radical

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