external analysis

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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Strategic Marketing Management


Introduction to marketing strategy

Integrated use of strategic marketing conceptsStrategic Marketing Management 2Topics External Analysis Customer AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisMarket/submarket AnalysisEnvironmental Analysis and Strategic Uncertainty

Setting priorities for Businesses and Brands

External analysisStrategic uncertaintiesStrategic uncertainty is a particular useful concept in conducting external analysis

It focuses on specific unknown elements that will affect the outcome of strategic decisions

Each of these strategic uncertainties can in turn, generate another level of strategic uncertainties

The scope of external analysis The scope of industry external analysis can involve an industry broadly defined (transport industry), narrowly defined (luxury train coaches) or using a scope that may fall in between:Railways Passenger trainsExpress trains

The level of analysis will depend on the organizational unit and strategic decisions involved

One approach to defining the market is to specify the business scope. It can be identified in terms of the product market and in terms of the competition

5W Model for Customer Analysis Who are our Current and Potential Customers?What are the demographic, geographic and psychographic characteristics of our customers?Who actually purchase our products?Do these purchasers differ from the users of our products?Who are the major influencers of the purchase decision?Who is financially responsible for making the purchase?

What do customers do with our products?In what quantities and in what combinations are our products purchased?How do heavy users of our products differ from the light users/Do purchasers use complimentary products during the consumption of our products?What do the customers do with our products after consumption?Are our customers recycling our products or packaging? Where do customers purchase our products?1. From what types of vendors are our products purchased?2. Does e-commerce have an effect on the purchase of our products?3. Are our customers increasing their purchasing from non store outlets?

When do customers purchase our products?Are the purchase and consumption of our products seasonal?To what extent do promotional events affect the purchase and consumption of our products? Do the purchases and consumption of our products vary based on physical surroundings, perceptions or the purchase task? Why (and how) do customers select our products?How do our products features compare with competitors?What are the customers needs fulfilled by our products and our competitors products? Are the needs of our customers expected to change in the future? If so, how?What mode of payment do customers use when purchasing our product?Is the buying behavior discrete or relationship building?How can we develop, maintain and enhance customer relationship?What are needs of the customers which are not met by our products? What is the potential of converting noncustomers to customers of our products?Steps in Customer analysis The three dimensions of segmentation How should segments be defined?CUSTOMER CHARACTERISTICS Geographic Small per-urban communities for discount storesType of organizationComputer needs of banks vs retailers Size of the firmLarge hospitals were small sized ones for pharmacy purchases LifestyleMetro sexual men prefer man saloon services SexMother of young children AgeCereals for kids How should segments be defined?PRODUCT RELATED APPROACHES User type Appliance buyers- home builders, homeownersUsageConcerts: seasonal ticket holders, occasional patrons, nonusers Benefits sought Dessert eaters- calorie conscious versus convenience seekers Competition For Mc donalds: KFC, Hardees, Burger King Price sensitivity Economy driven Q mobile buyers versus prestige driven I Phone users Brand loyalty Those who stick to Heinz ketchup versus price buyers Customer motivations After segmentation, you need to answer questions such as:What is behind the purchase decision?How does that differ by segment?

Customer motivationsNewbie shoppers: need simple interface, and lot of hand holding and assurance Reluctant shoppers: need information, reassurance and access to live customer supportFrugal shoppers: need to be convinced that price is good and they dont have to search elsewhereStrategic shoppers: need access to opinions of peers or experts and choices in configuring the products they buyEnthusiastic shoppers: need community tools to share their experiences as well as engaging tools Convenience shoppers: want superior customer service

CUSTOMER MOTIVATION Role of Qualitative ResearchQualitative research is a powerful tool in understanding customer motivationIt can involve:Focus group sessionsIn-depth interviewsCustomer case studies CUSTOMER MOTIVATION Buyer Hot Buttons Hot buttons are motivations whose salience and impact on markets are significant and growing. e.g. retail food products hot buttons include:Freshness Healthy eatingGourmet eating Meal solutions Low carb foods Unmet needs An unmet need is a customer need that is not being met by the existing product offeringUnmet needs represent opportunities to increase market share of firms, break into a market or create and own new marketsThey can also be a threat for established firms since they can be a lever enabling competitor entry The key is to stretch the technology or apply new technology in order to expose unmet needs

Competitor analysisCompetitors AnalysisWho are the competitors?Against whom do we usually compete/ Who are our most intense competitors ? Less intense but still serious competition? Can these competitors be grouped into strategic groups? Who are the potential competitive entrants? What are the entry barriers

Sources of Competitive Information Public Trade Government Investors Competitors analysis Evaluating the competitorsWhat are their objectives and strategies? Their level of commitment?What is their cost structure?What is their image and positioning strategy?What are the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor?FOUR BASIC TYPES OF COMPETITIONProduct CategoryBrand Competitors Product Competitors Generic Competitors Total Budget Competitors Luxury cars (transportation)ToyotaHonda

Trucks Passenger cars Minivans Rental cars Motor cycles Bicycles

Vacation Home remodeling Soft drinks (refreshments)Coca cola Pepsi cola Tea Orange juice Bottled waterTap water CandyPotato chipsGumMovies (entertainment)Harry potter The Matrix Cable TVVideo rentalsAthletic events Concerts Shopping Reading Vacations

Identifying Competition Strategic groups A strategic group is a group of firms that:Over time pursue similar competitive strategies (e.g. use of same distribution channel, the same type of communication strategies, or the same price / quality position) Have similar characteristics (e.g. size, aggressiveness) Have similar assets and competencies (such as brand associations, logistics, capability, global presence and development)COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Competitive analysis should progress through the following stages:Identification: Identify all current and potential brands, products, generics, and total budget competitorsCharacteristics: Focus on key competitors by assessing the size, growth, profitability, objectives, strategies and target market for each oneAssessment: Assess each competitors strengths and weaknessesCapabilities: Focus the analysis on each key competitors marketing capabilities Response: Estimate each competitors most likely strategies and responses under different environment situations as well as its reactions to firms own marketing effort POTENTIAL COMPETITOR ANALYSIS It is also important to consider potential market entrants such as firms that might engage in:Market expansion: e.g. a fast food chain should observe chains in other regions e.g. Hardees outlet opening in Karachi Product expansions: Khaadi going into formal wear by introducing Khaadi Khas Backward integration: Fruit orchids acquired by Mitchells Forward integration: Apple opening its own outlets in Karachi The export of assets or competencies: e.g. A weak competitor acquired by a big market player or strategic mergers Market Analysis MARKET ANALYSISMarket analysis builds on the customer and competitor analysis to make some strategic judgments about the market and submarket and its dynamicsOne if the primary objectives of market analysis is to determine the attractiveness of a market to current and potential participants The need is to identify emerging submarkets, key success factors, trends, threats, opportunities and strategic uncertainties

DIMENSION OF MARKET ANLYSISEmerging submarketsActual and potential market sizeMarket growth Market profitability Cost structure Distribution systemKey success factors

EMERGING SUBMARKETImportant questions to be answered:Are submarkets emerging defined by lower price points, emergence of niches, new applications, a customer trend or new technology?What is the size and growth of the submarket?Can we make money in this submarket?What is the cost structure for operations?What are the dynamics of distribution system?What are the key success factors, assets and competencies needed in this submarket?

PORTERS FIVE FORCESKEY SUCCESS FACTORS (KSF)KSFs are the assets and competencies that provide the basis for competing successfully

They are of two types:Strategic necessities: do not necessarily provide and advantage because others have them, but their absence would create a substantial weakness

Strategic strengths: firms assets and competencies which provide a base of advantage

Also it is critical to determine new and emerging KSFs of the industry e.g. for industrial firms technological innovation is important in introduction and growth phase but role of systems capability, marketing and services becomes important in maturity phase . For consumer goods, marketing and distribution is important in intro and growth phase while manufacturing and operations become crucial in maturity phase.

Environmental analysis and strategic uncertaintyTechnology trends Technologies changing ? Maturing ? Consumer trendsEmerging consumer trends ? Life styles ? Fashion? Demographics and its impact on market size and submarketsGovernment / economic trends Regulation, political risks of operating in a government jurisdiction General Questions Significant trends and future event sUncertainty in the environment Thank You

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