expressionism art movement

Post on 22-May-2015






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EXPRESSIONISMPresentation by Kaitlyn Szczepanik and Courtney Johnson

Six Dancers by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner-1911

The beginning of Expressionism


◦Die Brucke

◦Der Blaue Rieter

◦Revolt against Impressionism

Key’s of Expressionism

◦Bold, strong colors

◦Not about realism


◦Connection between artist and work or viewer and work


◦2-D subjects

More to Know!

◦Influenced by society, changes in society.

◦Swirling, Swaying, and exaggerated brushstrokes.

◦Art came from within.

◦All affected by WW1

◦Trying to shock

◦“Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns questions and does not see them.” -Franz Marc

The Die Brucke

◦The Bridge

◦1905 in Dresden Germany

◦Kirchner, Heckel, Pechstein, and Schmidt-Rottluff

◦Emil Nolde 1908

◦Landscapes and Nudes

◦Earliest Revolt

◦African and Gothic Art


◦Bold colors and designs

◦Graphic images(Nudes)

◦Bridge art together

◦Total freedom


◦Individualized. Resented Kirchner

Street Dresden by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner-1908

The Der Blaue Reiter

◦The Blue Rider

◦Strong, symbolic colors.

◦Kandinsky, Munter, Marc, Jawlensky, Werefkin

◦1911 Munich, Munchen

◦Connection between visual arts and music.

◦Spiritual Connection: Painting and Viewer

◦Not exactly an Expressionist group


◦2 exhibitions

The Der Blaue Reiter Returns

◦More sophisticated than the Die Brucke

◦More ideological and more concerned with changing the world

◦An international group

◦Never developed a common style

◦Formal Aesthetic

◦Vassily Kandinsky= Dominant

◦Ended WW1

◦If a bunch of artist are isolated and nomadic together are they still isolated?

Fate of the Animals by Franz Marc-1913

Masks Still Life III by Emil Nolde (1911)

Self- Portrait by Marianne Von Werefkin (1910)

Vincent Van Gogh◦Influenced Expressionism

◦Major influence on Der Blaue Reiter

◦Suffered a mental illness

◦‘Starry Night ‘


◦Dark Colors

◦Used color to express his feelings

◦Thick layers and strong brushstrokes

◦“Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I see before my eyes, I use colors more arbitrarily to express myself forcibly.”- Van Gogh

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

Sunflowers By Vincent Van Gogh-1888

Edvard Munch

◦1880- shortly before death in 1944


◦Nomad and self isolation

◦The Frieze of Life- The Scream, Anxiety, Jealousy, Madonna, and The Kiss

◦Traumatic childhood

◦Landscape “freed’ Munch◦ “Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye… it also includes the inner pictures

of the soul.” -Edvard Munch

Madonna by Edvard Munch-1894

The Scream by Edvard Munch-1893

Other Forms of Expressionism



-New approach to staging, scene design and directing.

-Totally unified stage



-Atonal (distorts traditional tonality.)

-Unrecognizable melody

The End to Expressionism

◦Hitler (1933)

◦The Degenerate Art Exhibition (1937)

◦Continued to evolve in a variety of ways

◦Resurfaced in art across the world

Ballet Dancers by Max Pechstein-1912

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