exposure - youthplays

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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A one-act drama by Vishesh Abeyratne

This script is for evaluation only. It may not be printed, photocopied or distributed digitally under any circumstances. Possession of this file does not grant the right to perform this play or any portion of it, or to use it for classroom study.

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Exposure © 2013 Vishesh Abeyratne All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-62088-384-6. Caution: This play is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, Canada, the British Commonwealth and all other countries of the copyright union and is subject to royalty for all performances including but not limited to professional, amateur, charity and classroom whether admission is charged or presented free of charge. Reservation of Rights: This play is the property of the author and all rights for its use are strictly reserved and must be licensed by his representative, YouthPLAYS. This prohibition of unauthorized professional and amateur stage presentations extends also to motion pictures, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, television, video and the rights of adaptation or translation into non-English languages. Performance Licensing and Royalty Payments: Amateur and stock performance rights are administered exclusively by YouthPLAYS. No amateur, stock or educational theatre groups or individuals may perform this play without securing authorization and royalty arrangements in advance from YouthPLAYS. Required royalty fees for performing this play are available online at www.YouthPLAYS.com. Royalty fees are subject to change without notice. Required royalties must be paid each time this play is performed and may not be transferred to any other performance entity. All licensing requests and inquiries should be addressed to YouthPLAYS. Author Credit: All groups or individuals receiving permission to produce this play must give the author(s) credit in any and all advertisements and publicity relating to the production of this play. The author's billing must appear directly below the title on a separate line with no other accompanying written matter. The name of the author(s) must be at least 50% as large as the title of the play. No person or entity may receive larger or more prominent credit than that which is given to the author(s) and the name of the author(s) may not be abbreviated or otherwise altered from the form in which it appears in this Play. Publisher Attribution: All programs, advertisements, flyers or other printed material must include the following notice: Produced by special arrangement with YouthPLAYS (www.youthplays.com). Prohibition of Unauthorized Copying: Any unauthorized copying of this book or excerpts from this book, whether by photocopying, scanning, video recording or any other means, is strictly prohibited by law. This book may only be copied with explicit permission from YouthPLAYS. Trade Marks, Public Figures & Musical Works: This play may contain references to brand names or public figures. All references are intended only as parody or other legal means of expression. This play may also contain suggestions for the performance of a musical work (either in part or in whole). YouthPLAYS has not obtained performing rights of these works unless explicitly noted. The direction of such works is only a playwright's suggestion, and the play producer should obtain such permissions on their own. The website for the U.S. copyright office is http://www.copyright.gov.

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STAN, 16 years old.

JENNA, 16 years old.

MARILYN, 16 years old.

CATHERINE, 16 years old.

JEREMY, 16 years old.

PATRICK, 21 years old. If necessary, the role of Patrick may be played by a female performer as Patricia.


Shifts between cyberspace and the external physical world. The kids are all in their bedrooms on their computers and they communicate mostly in a chat room online.


Early spring. Very much in the present.


In what is a curious theatrical paradox (and in reflection of a much larger contemporary social paradox), the characters in Exposure are intimately and at times uncomfortably connected to one another while remaining completely separate for much of the duration of the play. It is therefore important that the performers never look at one another when they are not

physically together. Nor should they bury their heads in their computers lest the spectators be completely cut off from their inner lives and become bored and disengaged as a result. If one character is communicating with another through their laptop, I recommend that they type a few letters and look up while sharing the rest of their line with the audience. Because of the fact that extensive interaction with technology is required on stage, openness and expressiveness in the actors are key to a successful performance.

This play contains certain uses of harsh and vulgar language. For groups that are uncomfortable with this, I propose the following alternatives: on p. 10, Jenna's line "Oh SHIT" can be removed altogether if the director wishes. The word "asshole" as it appears on p. 14 may be replaced with the word "jerk." The only curse word that I strongly believe should be kept in is in Catherine's line on p. 17: "Yeah. I think you're a stupid airhead AND a bitch." This is due to the fact that the insult, along with the entire exchange leading up to it, serves a specific dramatic purpose to build and punctuate tension between the characters.


In the original touring production, the actors were separated by pairs of wooden stands with plexiglass in the middle, creating walls that partitioned off the kids in their various rooms. At many of the venues to which the company traveled, they were able to play with various levels of height which also assisted in separating the characters. Some of them were positioned on stage, others on the floor below. The only exception to this rule of division was Jenna and Patrick's house, in which a small set of stairs was placed between the stage and the floor in order to link the two rooms together.

Jenna's room was located up center-stage and Patrick's was stationed on the floor directly below her. The performers either sat on the floor or on cubes.

One doesn't have to be quite so literal in their interpretation of the "walls" between the characters. They can be close to one another but simply never acknowledge each other physically unless they are in the same room face-to-face.


Exposure was workshopped and produced by Teen Tour Theatre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was first performed at Bialik High School, École Royal Vale and St. George's High School in February 2012. The playwright would like to thank the director and the original cast for their dedication, for their considerable talent and for their invaluable feedback throughout the rehearsal process: Matt Jonathan Bosco

Stan Jonathan Emond

Jenna Ella Browman

Marilyn Amber Jonas

Catherine Meagan Honigman

Jeremy Brandon Adam

Patrick Travis Martin Directed by Aviva Wolman-Wener.


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


(Silence. Darkness. The sound of fast TYPING on a keyboard, slowly growing louder. Gradually, the typing becomes interspersed with murmurings that are as fervent as they are indistinct. The noise grows in intensity and volume until—it abruptly cuts out. All of the characters—with the exception of STAN—are in their own space, seated at their computers, frozen in a tableau. MATT enters and makes his way over to Stan's room.)

STAN: Matt! How nice of you to show up. Only 25 minutes late!

MATT: Sorry, Stan.

STAN: I don't suppose you got my message?

MATT: Which one? STAN: (Sighs:) Never mind. It's not important. You're here now.

(They sit down and start arranging papers and other materials in front of them.)

MATT: So what's left that needs to be done?

STAN: Well, we have all the details. Hypothesis, procedure, findings, etcetera. We have the photos of before and after. Now we just need to organize—

MATT: Who's saying what.

STAN: Now I'm not saying you didn't do any work at all on this, Matt. Really I'm not. But let's be honest, I did get stuck with a good part of the research portion of the project—

MATT: That's not true! I helped!

STAN: No—you did! You did! Absolutely. You were an incredible guinea pig.

MATT: Thanks. Me and my stomach take that as a great

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.



(Stan gets a notepad, sits down. Matt opens up his laptop, begins typing. As he types, he reads his words out loud.)

Logging on...status update: "Working on huge science project with Stan right now. Wish I could be somewhere else."

JENNA: I don't blame you.


CATHERINE: That's the worst.

JEREMY: Get that done, you two!

STAN: Matt...are you online?


MATT: Maybe.

STAN: You're supposed to be writing down your part!

MATT: I'm sorry! It helps me think!

JENNA: Wrote on Matt's wall: "Hey you! Check your messages!"

MATT: Will do, Jenna.

STAN: Turn it off.


STAN: Turn it off and put it away!

MATT: No! Why should I?

STAN: Because you're wasting time!

PATRICK: Wrote on Jenna's wall: "Hey you! Shouldn't you be in bed?"

JENNA: What's it to you, Mom? STAN: (Attempting to take Matt's laptop:) Give it to me.


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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STAN: Give it!



(Matt shoves Stan away.)

MATT: Get off me!!

CATHERINE: Oh, for crying out loud, will you load the damn page!!

STAN: You know what? Fine. If you can't beat 'em...join 'em.

(Stan pulls out his own laptop in annoyance and disgust. He opens it.)

Logging on.

CATHERINE: Status update: "This website is driving me insane. I WANT TO HIT SOMETHING."

MARILYN: Oooh, that's intense. Sounds like you've got some real problems.

CATHERINE: Thanks for that, Marilyn. Miss Party-Every-Weekend-And-Sleep-Throughout-The-Week. I'm sure you know all about "real problems."

JENNA: Okay, you two!

JEREMY: Wrote on Stan's wall: "Hey, how much more do you guys have left to do?"

STAN: The most important part. But as you can see, we've gotten a little distracted. And by "we," of course, I mean Matt.

MATT: Guilty.

STAN: How about you? How's your project coming along?

JEREMY: It's got a ways to go. But I think it's making a lot of

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.



STAN: Let's just hope you can get it done by tomorrow.

JEREMY: Same to you, man.

MARILYN: Status update: OMG. Ladies and gentlemen. I have just uploaded the most awesome...the most legendary...the most hilarious video ever seen on the Internet! "Jenna Wasted: An Epic Night!"



MATT: Hey, wait a minute...

MARILYN: Starring some of our closest friends like you've NEVER seen them before! It's gonna be online in 3...2...1...TA-DAAAA!

(The video is now online for everyone to see. There is a pause as everyone takes it in.)

JEREMY: WHOA! CATHERINE: (To Jenna:) What did you DO?

PATRICK: What IS this? STAN: (To Matt:) What is she doing??

PATRICK: Jenna? What is this? What is going on??


PATRICK: Jenna, answer me! What the hell are you doing?? MARILYN: (Laughing:) This is unbelievable! Look at her! Just look at her!

JENNA: Marilyn?


JENNA: Get it off.


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.



JENNA: Take this down. Now.

MARILYN: What are you talking about?


MARILYN: Whoa! Calm down— JENNA: (Frantically clicking:) Delete. Delete! Delete! I SAID DELETE!

MARILYN: Uh, Jen, only I can do that.

JENNA: No no no no NO...

PATRICK: I think I'm gonna be sick.

CATHERINE: I tried to warn you, Jen. I tried to stop you.

(Patrick reopens his laptop and immediately recoils at the image of his sister online.)

PATRICK: I should not be seeing this. (Clicks:) Minimize!

CATHERINE: I told you you'd had enough.

PATRICK: No one should be seeing this.

CATHERINE: I told you it was getting out of control.

PATRICK: Why would anyone want to see this??

JENNA: Guys, you don't understand.

MATT: So it's true, then.

JENNA: No, Matt—

MATT: People were talking about it at school, but I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I mean, JENNA doing something like that?? They've gotta be lying!

JENNA: Matt, it doesn't change anything. I was drunk—

MATT: Yeah, we can clearly see that.

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


JENNA: I was drunk, I was stupid, I went overboard, I had no idea what I was doing!

MARILYN: And it's all thanks to me! I told you it'd be awesome. JENNA: (Angrily:) MARILYN! Why did you FILM that?!

MARILYN: Why? Why do you think? It was a party! I had to keep some evidence so I could share it with the rest of the world.



JENNA: The entire world needs to see this!

MARILYN: YES! This is legendary, this is epic!

JENNA: No, it's not! It's disgusting, it's gross, it's...intrusive! You don't get it—

MARILYN: No, you don't get it, Jen. This is your first time DRUNK! This is something to celebrate!

JENNA: Okay! Fine! Let's celebrate it! Let's celebrate it in private!

MARILYN: Nope. Not good enough. This needs to be -

JENNA: WHY?? Why does this need to be shared? Was it just not enough for you to drag me down to your level—

MARILYN: MY level?

JENNA: —yeah, your level and make me act like a complete WHORE in front of all those people?

MARILYN: Um, okay, first of all, I don't think I like what you're trying to say about "my level." Second, did I force any of that booze down your throat? Nope! All you, girl. (To Matt:) Matt, are you gonna let your girlfriend talk to me like


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.



JENNA: You're incredible. You really are.

MARILYN: I don't even get what your problem is. I mean, you're not COMPLETELY naked.

JENNA: I thought I could trust you. I thought you'd at least ask me before showing it to everyone.

MARILYN: Oh, so now I need people's permission to put my own video online?

JENNA: A video of ME!

MARILYN: Wow. You know, I really thought you'd be a little more grateful than this. You never go to parties. Like, at all. I just wanted to get you to try something new, maybe meet a few people, have a fun time!

JENNA: You make it sound like I'm this...shut-in. Like I have no friends at all.

MARILYN: Well? Do you?

JENNA: What?

MARILYN: Do you have friends?

JENNA: Well, last time I checked, I was with Matt. There's everyone in the Literary Club. Then there's Cathy and then there's you, though I'm not even so sure about that anymore.

MARILYN: And speaking of Matt...what's he got to say about all this?

MATT: Did you REALLY have to put this up, Mar?

MARILYN: You know I did!

MATT: Give me one good reason.

MARILYN: I told you she was a bit shy when I introduced you. You saw it. Did you ever expect her to get drunk? Like,

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.



MATT: I didn't know what to expect. PATRICK: (To Jenna:) Jenna, we need to talk. Now.

JENNA: Not you too!

JEREMY: I told you, Matt. I told you something like this would happen.

JENNA: Excuse me?? What's that supposed to mean?!

JEREMY: You date the wrong people, you have to put up with this kind of stuff.

JENNA: Hey, this is a public forum, asshole! I can see your comments!

STAN: Matt...Matt! We really, really need to get back to work! Snap out of it! MATT! CATHERINE: (Screams:) THIS IS TURNING INTO A WEIRD, WEIRD NIGHT!!

(Pause. Everyone is taken aback.)

Oops...sorry. Caps. JENNA: (To Jeremy:) Wow. Coming from you, Jeremy, that's really something.


JENNA: "Hey Jenna, have another drink! You're not even tipsy yet! Come on, just one more shot!"

JEREMY: Oh, so now this is my fault?

JENNA: You knew.

JEREMY: I knew—

JENNA: You KNEW I'm not a party girl! You KNEW I'd never gotten drunk before! And you KNEW I'd do something


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.




JEREMY: Well. I didn't know you'd do that.

JENNA: You're a creep.

JEREMY: I mean, okay, I...egged you on a little. I admit it. I wanted to see what would happen. But what happened...that was you.

MARILYN: All you. JENNA: (To Marilyn:) Shut UP!

JEREMY: I mean, I thought our Matty-boy knew what he was getting himself into...or not.

MATT: Dude, watch it.

JEREMY: Here he comes to the rescue.

MATT: No, seriously, stop it. Now.

JEREMY: She won't even let you get to second base with her but she's got no problem showing herself off to everyone else. And you're defending her?

JENNA: MATT! You told him about that??

MATT: I...may have mentioned it, yeah.

JENNA: Stan, too?

MATT: Maybe.

JENNA: I can't believe this. Why would you tell anyone about something like that?

MATT: I don't know, it was just, like...conversation.

JENNA: It's supposed to be our thing, it's supposed to be private!

MATT: "Private." Uh-huh.

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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JEREMY: Irony, ladies and gentlemen. When it bites, it bites.

MATT: Jeremy?

JEREMY: Mmmyees?

MATT: Shut up.

JEREMY: Yes, sir. You just keep on trying with her, then.

STAN: Look, Matt, I'm not saying I don't think this is a big deal. I'm really not. But you do realize we have more...immediate concerns?

MATT: Yeah, yeah, yeah...

STAN: No, don't "yeah, yeah, yeah" me! This is our biggest assignment of the year! And I'm not going to walk in there tomorrow with a half-done project because your girlfriend did something crazy!

MATT: Oh, so we're just going to act like we have nothing to do with it?

STAN: Exactly!

JEREMY: You just keep on trying with her, Matty-boy! MATT: (To Jeremy:) WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!

STAN: Okay, CALM DOWN! EVERYONE! Jeremy, you're a jerk for egging her on. Matt, we're both idiots for leaving her behind. There. It's been said. Now can we PLEASE move on??

JENNA: Matt...Stan...you guys were there. You saw how I was. Why didn't you help? Why didn't you stop me??

(Patrick gets up from his desk, exits his room and goes over to Jenna's door and tries to open it. It's locked.)

PATRICK: Jenna? Jenna, open this door. JENNA!

JENNA: Status update: "Guys...what you just saw...that's a


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


one-time thing. It's not something I would normally do."

CATHERINE: Except, of course, when I'm under the influence of my "friends."

MARILYN: Um, wow, okay—what are you trying to say there, Cat?

CATHERINE: Oh, nothing, nothing. I just didn't think friends pressured other friends to drink 'till they can't remember their own name.

JENNA: Guys...

CATHERINE: Now, I know we're not exactly "friends," Marilyn. We don't really hang out. In fact, I thought you were just some stupid airhead who did nothing but shop...go to parties...throw shopping parties. But after what I've seen tonight...I actually think you're much more than that.

MARILYN: Really?

CATHERINE: Yeah. I think you're a stupid airhead AND a bitch.

(Everyone reacts to this precisely timed insult except Patrick.)


MARILYN: Let me tell you what I did for our friend, Kitty Cat. I gave her something she'll remember for the rest of her life. I gave her an experience. I mean, what have you done for her these past few years? Oh, right! NOTHING! Because you're so busy trying to be Miss Perfect-Everything that you just can't make time for anyone else!

CATHERINE: At least I'm trying to be something. And do me a favor, DON'T call me Kitty Cat.

MARILYN: Whatever you say.

CATHERINE: You know, when you and Jenna started

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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hanging out, I heard about some of the stuff you got up to. And I have to admit, I was shocked. Not because of you, I mean, that was a no-brainer. But because of Jenna.

JENNA: What? Why me? CATHERINE: (To Jenna:) You REALLY couldn't see through this girl??

JENNA: She was nice to me, she was there for me! I mean, I knew it wasn't your thing. You didn't want to hang out with us and that was fine! But then...I never talked to you anymore. And Mar and I just started doing more and more stuff together. It was fun!

CATHERINE: I thought you were smarter than that, Jen. I really did.

PATRICK: Jenna, I'm going to give you five minutes to open this door and let me in.

CATHERINE: I thought you treated yourself with more respect.




CATHERINE: Well, Jen, you've got a weird way of showing it.

MARILYN: Let the lecture begin.

CATHERINE: I mean, you know I don't drink but watching you...it was actually pretty funny at first. We were laughing, dancing and having a good time. And you took another shot. And another. And another. And that's when things got kind of scary. It was like...you became this whole other person. I kept telling you to stop, but you wouldn't listen to me. I told you, look, I really think you've had enough, just stop, I'm not having fun anymore, you're ruining it, just STOP!! And then


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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you started yelling at me. I was mad, I was scared and I knew things were only going to get worse, so...I left.

JENNA: Cathy, I'd never treat you that way—

CATHERINE: Not when you're sober. Only when you're plastered. Isn't that nice to know.

JENNA: You could have stayed. You could have still helped me!

CATHERINE: Why? You had Marilyn there.

MARILYN: Do me a favor, Kitty Cat, leave me out of this.


(Patrick's PHONE RINGS. He answers it.)

PATRICK: Hello? (Beat.) Hey, Scott...I'm kind of in the middle of something here—is it urgent? (Beat. Groans:) Don't tell me. You've seen it, too. (Beat.) Well, I'm trying to talk to her about it, but she's shut herself in her room! (Beat.) What? (Beat.) Oh YEAH! I forgot about that. Listen, Scott, could you look it up and report it too? It's called "Jenna Wasted: An Epic Night." Just flag it the moment you see it. (Beat.) Thanks, buddy! Okay, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

(He hangs up and goes back to his computer.)

Okay! "Flag video as inappropriate." (Clicks:) Yes. (Beat.) What do you mean, "am I sure?" Yes, I'm sure! Flag it!

JENNA: Marilyn. I'm asking you again. PLEASE take that video down!

MARILYN: Oh, come on! Give me one good reason!

JENNA: It's humiliating, I...I really don't know how else to say it.

JEREMY: Why don't you put it in your own terms? Use some body language.

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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JENNA: Okay, seriously, WHAT is your problem?!

JEREMY: Wouldn't you like to know?

JENNA: You've been nothing but the biggest jerk to me the whole year. You gave me more than I could handle that night, you led me on—

JEREMY: Yeah, like you didn't do exactly that to me.

JENNA: What??

JEREMY: Don't talk to me about leading you on. You, Jenna, are in absolutely no position to talk to anyone about "leading people on." Consider us even.


JENNA: Wwwwwow. Seriously?


JENNA: Seriously??

JEREMY: Pretty much, yeah.

JENNA: I...that was...that was MONTHS ago!! I thought you'd gotten over that!

JEREMY: I did, too.

MATT: Wait, what is this now??

JEREMY: You said you weren't ready. You needed time to think. You said you wanted to take it slow. I guess some part of me knew what you were really trying to say, but I thought, "Okay, fine. I'll wait." So I did. I waited for a month. And then, what do I see? You and our Matty-boy, right there together.

JENNA: I didn't know what to think, I...you just sort of jumped out at me. It was weird. I didn't know what else to say.


© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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JEREMY: "Sorry, you're not my type"?

JENNA: Jeremy—

JEREMY: Why do girls always do that? They always have to let us down easy. Just give me a straight answer!

JENNA: FINE! You're not my type! You were never my type! And now you're even less of my type than before! Happy?!


JEREMY: Not really.

JENNA: Go to hell.

STAN: "I think we should split the procedure between the amount of pizza consumed by Matt and the amount he threw back up." "What an incredible idea, Stan! You are a scientific genius! How DID you do it?" "Oh, it was nothing, I came up with it ALL BY MYSELF!" MATT: (Turning to Stan:) Will you just SHUT UP!! (Beat.) Look. I know the project is important. But...THIS (Gestures to his laptop:) right now is real. Okay? These people are real. (Beat.) We will get this done tonight and we'll get it done well, just PLEASE...let me deal with this! (Turning back to the laptop:) Wrote on Jenna's wall: "Okay...let's hear it. Let's hear your story. Private chat. Now."

(Matt and Jenna walk towards one another and face each other for the first time. The lights fade down to a spotlight concentrated on the two of them.)

JENNA: Matt, I know what you think this is, but it's not.

MATT: It's not.

JENNA: No, it's not.

MATT: Look, Jenna, I think I got a pretty clear view of what this thing is. And so did a million other people.

Vishesh Abeyratne

© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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JENNA: I was drunk, I...I wasn't myself! Can't you all get that?! This isn't ME!

MATT: Then who is it? (Beat.) Huh? Who is it?

JENNA: I don't know. Look, I... (Breaks off a moment:) I don't know what you want me to say. It was a party.

MATT: You didn't think anyone was going to be taking pictures?? Or recording a video?

JENNA: I told you, I wasn't thinking!

MATT: Obviously not.

JENNA: What about you?? What were you thinking when you just up and LEFT??

MATT: I WAS DRAGGED OFF, OKAY?! Like, physically dragged! I had to wrestle with Stan all the way down the street! He's bigger than me! What could I do?!

JENNA: Oh, so now it's Stan's fault. Why did he even come??

MATT: We made a deal. We'd go to the party, stay there for about an hour. Then we'd head over to his place and work on the project. I saw you trying to get up on that table and...I didn't know what you were going to do, but I knew I had to get you to stop. Of course, Stan wanted to leave 'cause...we'd been there for hours. I didn't. I didn't want to leave you there with all those people. (Beat.) I thought...

JENNA: You thought I had more control.

MATT: I thought you were more your own person. That you didn't care what everyone else was doing. That's why I liked you.

JENNA: Wait a minute...you said "liked."

MATT: Yeah.

JENNA: As in "past tense" liked.


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MATT: I'm saying—

JENNA: What? What are you saying? (Beat.) Matt? Matt, answer me! What are you saying? MATT!

(Silence. After a few seconds, Matt closes his laptop. The lights snap back up. He gets up, starts to gather his things.)

STAN: Oh, have we finally had enough of reality? Can we get back to work now? Do we have finally have your PERMISSION to—hey, where are you going?

MATT: I gotta head out.

STAN: You have to WHAT??

MATT: I can't do this. I gotta get out of here.

(Stan moves in front of him, blocking his way.)

STAN: YOU are not going anywhere. YOU are staying here. And YOU are going to step up for once in your life and do your part!

MATT: Stan...get out of my way.




MATT: I said MOVE!!

(He shoves Stan aside and runs off.) STAN: (Calling after him:) We're gonna fail, Matt! WE'RE GONNA FAIL! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY! I REALLY DO!

CATHERINE: That's it. I'm done here. Signing off. 'Bye.

MARILYN: Later, Kitty Cat.

CATHERINE: Whatever, Marilyn.

JEREMY: She's just getting what she deserves.

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(He shuts his computer and spreads the papers in front of him. He can't work. He puts his pencil down and begins to pace, fuming. Stan furiously resolves to continue with or without his partner. He begins writing down the "script" for his part of the presentation. Jeremy sits down in front of his desk. Matt re-enters, dials a number. Patrick gets up once again and goes to Jenna's door.)

I didn't tell her to get up on that table. I didn't tell her to start dancing. (Beat.) Well...I didn't tell her not to either...

PATRICK: Okay, Jenna, five minutes is up.

JEREMY: It's not my fault.


PATRICK: I'm going to open this door in three...

JEREMY: Well, not really.


JEREMY: Sort of.


(Jeremy answers the phone.)

JEREMY: Matt??

(Jeremy and Matt both exit in opposite directions. Jenna gets up and rips the door open.)

JENNA: What?! WHAT?! What do you all WANT from me??


JENNA: I mess up once. I make ONE big mistake and you all treat me like—!

PATRICK: Will you just listen to me!



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(This last part she chokes out due to a sudden influx of tears. She sits/collapses onto her bed. Patrick takes a beat, then sits down beside her. Catherine gets up and exits. Stan gets up and exits. Marilyn lies down and falls asleep as the lights concentrate on Jenna and Patrick.)

PATRICK: Jenna...

JENNA: Go away. Please.


JENNA: I just—I just want to be alone, okay?

PATRICK: I'm not going anywhere.


JENNA: Well. Go ahead. Say it.


JENNA: Say you're ashamed of me. Everyone else is, my own boyfriend just dumped me online—

PATRICK: Wait, Matt??


PATRICK: What did he actually say?

JENNA: He said he "liked" me.


PATRICK: Okay, Jenna...

JENNA: He used past tense! I read it! I saw it on the screen!

PATRICK: Maybe you should talk to him.

JENNA: I can't. He logged off.

PATRICK: No, I mean actually...talk to him. You know,

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JENNA: That'll be even WORSE!

PATRICK: No, it won't! You'll know the truth!

JENNA: I already know the truth. Just say it.

PATRICK: I'm not.


JENNA: What?

PATRICK: I'm not ashamed of you. SHOCKED, definitely, but—

JENNA: See?? I knew it!

PATRICK: Well, Jenna, what do you expect me to say? "Oh, my little sister just got drunk and…well, you know…in front of everyone, that's perfectly normal"?

JENNA: So you know I wouldn't—

PATRICK: Of course not! That's why I was shocked. (Beat.) I could tell, though. I could tell you'd been up to something the other night.


PATRICK: You were the acting the same way I did my first time. You seemed really on edge.

JENNA: Wait, wait...your first time?


JENNA: When was this?

PATRICK: It was... (Beat.) Okay, this story does not leave this room. Mom and Dad know and now you and that's it.

JENNA: I'm not gonna tell. What happened?

PATRICK: Okay...it was back in senior high. Also at a party.


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I'd had a few beers, so I was pretty far gone. My friends and I were singing really badly, goofing around and just acting like a bunch of idiots. And there was this park just down the road from the house where we were. It was late, so we decided to go out there and play a drunk game of "Sandman." So we got there and we were just about to head onto the playground when all of a sudden we saw this random couple on a bench. They were making out. And in my questionable state of mind, I thought this was hysterical. And that's when I got the bright idea to go up to those two and scare the living crap out of them. JENNA: (Now interested:) So what did you do?

PATRICK: I went right up to their bench and knelt down next to them. And I cupped my hands to my mouth and went right up to the guy's ear. And I SCREAMED at the top of my lungs, I screamed, "GET A ROOM!!"

JENNA: Seriously?

PATRICK: Yeah. Like I said, bunch of idiots.

JENNA: So...then what happened?

PATRICK: They must have jumped about five feet in the air. The guy got really mad. He started yelling at me, then all my other friends. He started using all these slurs and threatened to beat us up. His girlfriend was trying to calm him down, but he was really freaking out. Then he started to push me. So I walked right up to the guy and started yelling at him. Called him a jerk for threatening a bunch of kids. Which, let's face it, he was. He looked at least 10 years older than us and he was bigger than me. (Beat.) Anyway, then he punched me.


PATRICK: Yeah. Right in the face.

JENNA: Please tell me you guys ran.

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PATRICK: We weren't completely stupid. (Beat.) Well, I was. They had to pull me away, but yeah, we ran. We bolted. We didn't stop until we got back into the house and locked the door.

JENNA: Wwwwow. (Beat.) So, what happened after that? PATRICK: (Beat. Embarrassed:) Well, I...puked all over the rug and passed out. Anyway, the moral of the story is...

JENNA: Let me guess: "Don't drink too much"?

PATRICK: ...well, I was gonna say "give couples their personal space" but yeah, I guess that works too.

(Jenna chuckles for the first time.)

JENNA: And the parents know?

PATRICK: Well, they saw my black eye. What was I supposed to say—that I walked into a door?

JENNA: Oh. Right.

PATRICK: I mean, no one filmed it or took any photos either…thank God…so I didn't have to worry about that. But I was a little freaked out, I mean...I almost got us beaten up, or worse. I had to talk to someone about it. And they had a long chat with me about drinking and moderation and all that cheesy stuff.

JENNA: And they didn't ground you?

PATRICK: Well...yeah they did. Remember? I was home all the time. We had that month-long Simpsons marathon? I think the whole "underage drinking" thing really freaked them out.

JENNA: Yeah, no kidding.

(They chuckle a bit. Pause.)

PATRICK: You're going to have to tell them too, you know.


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JENNA: What?

PATRICK: Mom and Dad. They have to hear it from you.

JENNA: Are you NUTS?!

PATRICK: If you don't do it, I will.

JENNA: I'm not TELLING them about this!

PATRICK: Okay. Fine. Don't do it. Just wait it out. Never mention it to them. Until one day, one of them just randomly decides to Google your name and see what you're up to online. And they see this. And if they don't die of a sudden heart attack, they'll wonder, "Why did she hide this from us?"

JENNA: They're gonna hate me.

PATRICK: No, they won't.

JENNA: They're gonna think their daughter's a—



You know what? We'll tell 'em together.

JENNA: How's that gonna work?

PATRICK: Okay, they'll be home in about...twenty minutes. You'll go up to them all doe-eyed and be like, "Mom...Dad...I've got something to tell you. I...I did something really stupid."

JENNA: Just like that?

PATRICK: I don't know. If you want. Or improvise something, it doesn't matter.

JENNA: And what are you going to do?

PATRICK: Back you up. However I can. I'll be standing right behind you, anyway.

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© Vishesh Abeyratne This is a perusal copy only.

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(Jenna looks at Patrick a moment. She takes a deep breath.)

JENNA: Okay.


JENNA: Okay.


JENNA: Yeah.

(Pause. Jenna hugs Patrick.)

Thanks, Pat.

(Pause. A moment. They let go. Matt enters, goes to Jenna and Patrick's door. He knocks. Lights back up. Jeremy enters his space. He sits down at his desk and opens up his laptop. Meanwhile, Stan has now started to work on the poster. He fusses around with it throughout. He puts on decorations, examines them and, upon deciding that they detract from the aesthetic quality of the poster, promptly rips them off. This is done in complete silence. Patrick goes and opens the door. He towers over Matt.)

PATRICK: (Smiling venomously:) Matt! Hi! MATT: (Nervous:) Hi, Patrick. Um...is Jenna there?

PATRICK: She's in her room. She's a bit, uh...distraught.

MATT: Yeah. JEREMY: (To his laptop:) Okay, let's do this. Where's that icon?

PATRICK: You want to see her?

MATT: Yes, I do.

PATRICK: Okay. I'm not really sure if she'd want to talk to you right now, but...I'll tell her you're here.

MATT: Thanks.


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PATRICK: No problem. (Beat.) By the way, Matt, you didn't actually just break up with my little sister online, did you?


MATT: ...No.

PATRICK: That's what I thought.

(He slaps Matt hard on the back, making him wince.)

JEREMY: A-ha! Here it is...wait, what just happened?

PATRICK: Hey, Jenna?

JENNA: What is it?

PATRICK: Someone's here to see you.

JEREMY: No—NO! Stupid Internet!

JENNA: They're not home, are they?

PATRICK: No, it's...it's Matt.

JENNA: Matt? He's here?

PATRICK: He's downstairs. Do you want to see him?

(Pause. Jenna deliberates.)

Want to read the entire script? Order a perusal copy today!

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