exploring pakistan part1

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Exploring Pakistan

Part 1

by Naveed Farooq

Its rawalpindi and I am going towards abbotabad through haripur hazara

We reached taxila historical museum…….but it was lunch break and the museum was closed, so I visited the museum garden.

See the lock :D , but I have no time to stay here. I have to move forward. After visiting the garden here , I will leave this place.

My daughter Maha taking rest.

Nice to see this sacred tree , gifted by Srilankan (ceylon) Prime minister to our President M. Ayub Khan.

This is the tree.

My God , look at the height

Its time to leave museum

Now I am in a historical Budh university. As you can see the head of statues are not there. The heads are preserved in texila museum, which we have leave behind. Its Mohra Moradu. A declared historical place by UNESCO

This place is also sacred because it was a sitting place of 5 saints.

This structure was representing the concept of 7 skies.

These are rooms , may be class rooms of the university

My next stay was khanpur dam.

Water level was very low at that time , but now it will b full , I am sure

Boats are available to be drive on rent. It was a great fun driving a boat first time in my life.

So now I am on the way to abbotabad. See u on the part 2.

Published atwww.nidokidos.orgwww.getnidokidos.com

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