explicit vocab week 8

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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DeignTo deign to do something is to lower yourself or act like you’re too good to do whatever it is you’re doing. If someone ________s to clean the bathroom, they think that cleaning bathrooms is beneath them.


CondescendStoopSee fit to

DeignIf a celebrity stopped to talk to you, you could say that they deigned to talk to you since they probably think they’re better than you are.

If I think I’m too good to take out the trash but I do it anyway, I deign to take out the trash.


Can you use this word while talking about a chore you have to do at home but you hate doing it?


If I am a teacher and I teach students, do I deign to teach them?

If I am a heart surgeon and a little kid asks me a question, do I deign to answer it?

DeignProduce as many examples as you can of people or things that might deign to do something.


DespondentIf you are despondent, you’re so depressed and upset that you don’t know what to do with yourself. So if you or someone you know is terribly depressed or upset about something, you can say they’re ______________.

DespondentAll torn upBlueDejectedDepressedMelancholySorrowful

DespondentIf you lose someone who is close to you, you might feel despondent.

If your pet runs away and you loved that pet very much, you might feel despondent.


Talk about a time when you felt despondent.

DespondentIf someone brings you balloons and a cake to celebrate your birthday, should that make you feel despondent?

If you have a terrible fight with your best friend, could that make you feel despondent?

DespondentWhat are some ways you can cheer up someone who is despondent?


DialogueA conversation that occurs between two or more people is called a dialogue. If you and two friends are having a conversation, you’re having a __________.




I overheard a dialogue between Sandy and Irene but I can’t repeat what they said.

I’ve been waiting all week to have a dialogue with his mother about his grades.


Where are some places you might see examples of Dialogue?


If a character in a story talks to him- or herself but not to anyone else, is that dialogue?

If Cinderella and Snow White are talking with Ariel, are they having a dialogue?


Give an example of a dialogue you’ve had in the past day or two.


DivulgeDivulge means to give away, like a secret. So if I tell you my secret soup recipe and ask you not to ___________ it, I want you to keep it between us.


AdmitBlabGossipTellSpill the beans


I wasn’t supposed to divulge Kristin’s secret crush on Mike, but I did anyway.

Please don’t divulge the details of the surprise party!


Talk about something that you divulged when you were supposed to.

DivulgeIf Ms. Leddy asks me to keep something a secret, but I tell Mr. Barrett about it, did I divulge the secret?

If I tell Mrs. Becker I have a secret, and she never tells anyone about it, did she divulge the secret?


Describe what would happen if someone divulged one of your secrets.


EclecticEclectic describes a collection of things that are all different and come from different places. If I have books that are fiction, nonfiction, biography, mystery, humor, and horror, I have an ____________ collection of books.



EclecticHer musical taste was eclectic: she liked rap, country, oldies, and metal and had lots of CDs from every different kind of music.

The decorations at her house were eclectic; some came from India, others from Africa, and others from Target.


What collections of things do you own? Can any be considered eclectic?

EclecticIf you had fourteen identical pairs of shoes in the same color and size from the same store, do you have an eclectic shoe collection?

If I had a bunch of spoons that I got from every restaurant I’ve ever eaten in, do I have an eclectic collection of spoons?


Describe the most eclectic collection that you can think of. What is contained in it?

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