experimental photography1

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Art & Photos



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Experimental Photography: Case Study.

Stephanie Westerman

Experimental Photography:
Case Study.

Ronny is a 24 year old born in 1976 Photographic Artist living life in Kassel, Germany.

Whilst he is studying sociology and the science/history of art, he is also a BMX-flatland

Pro-Rider that loves to play finger-style, in spite of being new to the photography field, he is

recognized by the public and has created some brilliant individual work, and he is already able to find himself a style of photography that most others wouldnt be able to, after buying his first digital camera in March 2012. Most of his photographs are made up of nature due to his growing up in a rural location. He also takes photographs using the language of hands to help manipulate/give certain messages across to the viewer.

I was always interested in nice photos and drawings. I love far things, which are different to others Ronny Engelmann.

While Ronnys pictures look dark and gloomy, Ronny used photographic manipulation to change the look of his images, he first starts out using a Canon 70-200mm f2.8 IS DSLR and a lens without any negative points, this is because it would help to block out the light, which will work better to help him create a low light backdrop to take the image of his subject and then manipulated them on Photoshop to create the image on

the hands.

Ronny Engelmann - The Concept Boy



This photograph has been done using a low light, as have all his others, I thought that this works really well because its different from having a bright and clear image, so to me this makes his stand out from the audience.

His images are made up of a lot of different things, the part that stood out the most to me about these images is that you can really see the texture of the images, so this makes them look more creative and different, and with there being a low light on the image it also makes certain parts of the image stand out from others, this is also representing contrast in his images with there being some really dark bits and then white bursts in places. They are also of a really high quality obviously because he had used a proper camera, but I like the way it all looks really clear and to me it looks a bit like everything has been sharpened more so than other photographs.

When you look at his images, you can see how well he has manipulated them and tried using different techniques, cropping parts of the subject out of the image, leaving negative space and taking up big area of space in the image. He is escaping what people his age see photography as and creating something new.

Where can his images be found?

I would say that his images are contemporary because they are done in a non-traditional way, this is because the images have been manipulated on Photoshop to reach his aim of what he wants the photograph to look like. So this shows that he has used digital methods of production.

His work is also commercial because when you are looking at them you would think that they could maybe be a CD album cover to help advertising and promotion, this kind of material would be found in typical music stores, like HMV, local supermarkets, like Asda on CD covers for bands such as Stereophonics, and maybe even on the sides of bus stops to help promote CDs.

The photographs

Bela Borsodi

Borsodi was born in Vienna and has lived/worked in New York City since the early 90s, where he studied fineArt and graphic design with interest in psychology, but hisBiggest interest by far was photography, when his friendsstarted working for magazines they would often ask him to take photographs for them, when he first started off, he would take portrait images, reportage and some fashion photographs for editorials in Australia and Germany.

Often I think of photography as being a documentation of a process and that the resulting image is a visual proof of that experience Bela Borsodi

While he uses a range of techniques, Bela infuses wit and humor in to his images, he will also investigate perception, and visual puns, he challenges photography in order to explore new dimensions and get inside peoples minds.


With his work he can swing one way or another, his images can either be bright, vibrant and made up, like the middle image, where he has created a set and taken a single photograph of them next to each other so that it looks as if its a collage, which is a nice idea because of how different they are to other photographers that would rather take pictures separately and edit them together on Photoshop, this shows hes actually making an effort with his work. When he is creating these kinds of images, he also creates them in a sort of visual pun, he uses his OCD to his advantage to create beautiful images via placing objects in a certain way so that they will intersect in to different scenes of his image, in other words, he breaks every rule of avoiding tangents in his imagery.

Or they can swing another way, which is very minimalistic and he will use either clothing to make faces, which is bringing comedy and advertisement, or he will use models to create a unique set of images. His images represent a sculptured still life with a sense of hunger, but a hunger for what? Femininity?

Where can his images be found?The minimalistic images (the one on the left) I think could be found somewhere as a poster for some where like Zara, or even Channel, this is because his genre of imagery is similar to their kinds of styles, he uses minimalistic ideas and pushes them to their boundaries. The image to the right could be for some kind of linger advertisement, e.g.. La Senza and could be found in shops as the shop window background or maybe in the magazine.

The image in the middle could be found in a art gallery or even in an art magazine, this is because of the style of image that he has done and with the colours that he has used, it helps to make the image look really artistic and this is something I like because when you just glance at the image, it looks as if it would be a painting, when really, its an photographed image.

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