exothermic welding system

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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 Exothermic Welding System

Exothermic welding process is a very efficient method of making high quality electrical connections. Exothermic welding system is used to create electrical molecular bonds various metals such as copper to copper, copper to steel, steel to steel, aluminium to copper, aluminium to aluminium. No external source of power is required when using this material.

What is Exothermic Welding System

The process employs an exothermic reaction of a thermite composition to heat the metal, and requires no external source of heat or current. The chemical reaction that produces the heat is an aluminothermic reaction between aluminium powder and a metal oxide.

How Do It work

Advanteges of Exotermic Welding Connections

➢ It is’nt needed an external heat source.

➢ Material can be welded in a couple of seconds.

➢ A mould with dimensions 16-20 cm and the welding powder are enough for welding.

➢ Welding connections materialize molecular.

Applications of Exothermic Welding System

If you want to know more information about exothermic welding system and manufacturers of exothermic welding system then you get the details from tradeindia web portal. Tradeindia has updated listing of manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of it.

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