exercises on sdfimile, idioms metaphors

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Simile comes from the Latin wordsimiliswhich means something similar and that is basically what a simile is. It is a comparison between two things that are different but may seem similar in a way. It is different from metaphor as it does not say that something is exactly like something else (like metaphor), instead it just makes a direct comparison of the similarities.

For example Those two arelike two peas in a pod;sometimes they even say the same things.Here the comparison is made between two people being very similar in thought and action, the way that peas are nearly identical to one another. There are no specific rules of simile construction in the English language; it depends entirely on your imagination and creativity. The only thing you must make sure of is to compare two things that may have a similar look or feel, etc..Generally the prepositions like and as are used to form similes :

She isasgracefulasa ballerina.His voice islikethe lions roar.

Apart from these, there are also many similes that dont use as or like in their formation, these are called submerged similes :

Happier than a kid in Candy Land.Wetter than a fish in water.Here are a few popular similes commonly in use today to give you a better idea of their meanings and usage - As blind as a batAn exaggeration used to show someone who is unable to see clearly

Eats like a birdComparing eating habits to that of a bird who supposedly eats very little

As pure as snowComparing a persons character to fresh snow (white and pure)

As strong as an oxSomeone having great strength


Choose the correct meaning of the word from the four options:

1. As cool as a ______.



2. As good as _____.



3. As dry as a ______.



4. As white as ____.



5. As thin as ______.



6. As easy as _____.


7. As free as a ______.



8. As light as a ______.


9. As safe as a _____.


guest house

10. As slow as a _____.



Choose the correct meaning of the word from the four options:

1. As tall as a ____.


2. As smooth as ______.


3. As black as ______.



4. As busy as a _____.


5. As brave as a/an _____.


6. As sly as a/an _____.


7. As old as the ______.


8. As silent as the _____.



9. As tough as _____.



10. As sweet as ______.



Choose the correct meaning of the word from the four options:

1. As deadly as a _____.


2. As big as a _____.



3. As peaceful as a _____.



4. As sour as _____.



5. As quick as ____.


6. As proud as a _____.


7. As stiff as a _____.


8. As stubborn as a _____.


9. As timid as a _____.


10. As clear as ____.



An idiom is an expression whose meaning is different from the meaning of its constituent words. Knowledge of idioms is an important part of comprehension of the English language. Below is a list of some commonly used idioms in English with their meanings and usage.TURN OVER A NEW LEAFChanging for the better

After Ajit was released from prison, he decided toturn over a new leafand become an honest man.PULL UP ONES SOCKSTo make an effort to improve

Idioms Exercise 1

Rajesh scored only forty on his English mid-term exams. He needsto pull up his socks if he wants to do well in his finals.HIT BELOW THE BELTTo act in an unfair manner

The candidate of the opposition party spread false rumours about the Minister. People felt that he was hitting below the belt.GIFT OF THE GABThe ability to speak well

Pooja was able to keep the audiences amused with her stories. She surely has thegift of the gab.WILD GOOSE CHASEFutile search

Searching for hidden gold in the village field is nothing buta wild goose chase.HAVE SECOND THOUGHTSReconsider a decision

Rajiv began to have second thoughtsabout his decision to study Economics when he realised that he could not even pay attention during the lectures.TAKE TO TASKTo reprimand someone

Payal was taken to task by her mother when she failed her Mathematics exam.FACE THE MUSICTo face the consequences of ones action

I lost my fathers pen. I will have toface the musicwhen I reach home.BREAK THE ICEOvercome initial shyness

The teacher asked the students to introduce themselves to each otherto break the ice.MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILLTo give great importance to minor things

Manoj stopped talking to Rupa because she did not lend him her notebook. I think he ismaking a mountain out of a molehill.AT LOGGERHEADSTo differ strongly

The two brothers can never work together. They are alwaysat loggerheads.MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINESMake the best of a good situation while it lasts

Mr. Sharma got the big contract to supply machine parts to a big Japanese company. He shouldmake hay while the sun shines.LET BYGONES BE BYGONESIgnore the bad things of the past

We have not spoken to each other since the time we had a fight a few months back. We shouldlet bygones be bygonesand become friends again.HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEADBe exact or accurate

Ram is a genius. Hehit the nail on the headwhen he said that the car was overheating because of a leaking radiator.THROW IN THE TOWELTo accept defeat

I am unable to solve this question. I am ready tothrow in the towel.NO STONE UNTURNEDMake all possible efforts

Ramesh has joined two coaching classes. He is leavingno stone unturnedin his efforts to get into an engineering college.BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN ONES MOUTHTo be born in a very rich family

Priya wasborn with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her father gave her an expensive car on her eighteenth birthday.KEEP ONES FINGERS CROSSEDHope for a positive outcome

My results will come out day after tomorrow. I amkeeping my fingers crossed.BY HOOK OR BY CROOKUsing any means, fair or foul

There is a cricket match tomorrow. Raj will make sure he gets the day off from officeby hook or by crook.BURN ONES FINGERSSuffer for something that one has done

I will never bet again. Iburnt my fingersbetting at the race course today.

Idioms 2Choose the correct meaning of the idiom from the four options

1. To end in smoke

Smoking too many cigarettesHouse burnt down

Face failureReligious ceremony

2. To get into hot waters

Bathe in the winter monthsTo get healthy

To get richTo get into trouble

3. To make ends meet

A short storyTo earn enough to live

To skip classesTo be an expert

4. Bolt from the blue

Sudden shockTo get punched

To lose a tight gameTo ask for help

5. To burn the candle at both ends

To argue endlesslyLong power cut

To work long hoursTo have a good time

6. To bury the hatchet

To end enmityTo kill someone

To hide stolen treasureTo overexert

7. To spill the beans

To eat clumsilyTo reveal a secret

To get exhaustedTo fight

8. To lead someone up the garden path

To give directionsTo show a beautiful place

To mislead someoneTo exaggerate

9. To weather a storm

To criticize someoneTo survive a crisis

To be an introvertTo guess correctly

10. To bite ones lip

To be unsureTo feel sorry at someones plight

To not react despite being angryTo laugh at someones misfortune


A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses an image, a story or a tangible example to express a quality or qualities possessed by a person or thing, or to represent a less tangible thing; e.g.Her face shone like the sun.With this broad definition, the metaphor subsumes within itself a number of other figures of speech: metonymy, synecdoche, synonym, catachresis, parable, etc. All conform to the basic framework of a figure of speech that achieves its objective by comparison, association or representation.

Let us analyse a metaphorical statement:The school was a prison for him.

What does this mean? It obviously does not mean that the school was literally a prison, for that is ludicrous. It is immediately comprehensible, however, that the school shares certain characteristics with prisons. It is probable that the person referred to as him feels locked up in school, as prisoners do in prison. The meanings of metaphors, while sometimes simple, are best understood in context.

Here are some famous metaphors. See if you can figure out their meanings.

All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances- William Shakespeare.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life-Pablo Picasso.

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind-Khalil Gibran.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom-Marcel Proust.


A proverb is a saying that can be one or two lines long, which is generally known among the people. A proverb expresses truth, wisdom or a lesson on morality based upon common sense and practical experience. Every culture in the world have their own heritage of proverbs that are often spread to other cultures as well, an example of this is the Bible which has spread many proverbs among its followers around the world.Here we have listed out some of the most common proverbs and their meaning.1. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."A team or group is only as strong as its weakest member. If a person is not performing in a group, the whole group will suffer.1. "A picture is worth a thousand words."A picture or photograph can often convey a message in a more empathetic way than just words.1. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."People have a tendency to think more often about someone who is away from them, making them feel fonder of the other person.1. "Actions speak louder than words."Actually doing an action has more impact than simply speaking about it again and again.1. "All good things must come to an end."No one can stay happy forever, eventually some hurdle or event will temporarily or permanently end a good streak.1. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."Everyone has a different perception of beauty and thus their definition of what can be considered beautiful also differs.1. "Better late than never."It is better to arrive somewhere later than planned rather than to not arrive at all.

1. "Birds of a feather flock together."People with similar tastes often form a group for company or discussion.1. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."Dont make plans based on something that has not happened yet or something that has not been achieved yet.1. "Easy come, easy go.This phrase is used when you spend or lose something that had come to you without much effort on your part.1. "Fortune favors the bold."People who have the courage to follow their plans, even when faced with obstacles, are often successful. A saying used to encourage someone.1. "Good things come to those who wait."One should wait patiently for the things they want and not rush after them.1. "Honesty is the best policy."It is better to tell the truth in a situation rather than a lie.1. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."If something is going well or working properly, it should be left as it is and should not be interfered with.1. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."It is better to do the work yourself than rely on someone else and not be sure of the results.1. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."Know your enemies even better than you know your friends to vanquish them. Its also used to mean make an appearance of friendship with an enemy to blindside them later.1. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others."It means to say that a person should not criticize others when they themselves have similar faults or are not completely faultless.1. "Practice makes perfect."The best way to hone a skill or make one better at something is to practice it relentlessly.1. "The early bird catches the worm."Starting the day early and getting to your work earlier is more beneficial to a person.1. "The pen is mightier than the sword."Exchange of ideas and information is a better way to settle disputes or convince someone than using force and violence.1. "Two heads are better than one."Sometimes two people can come up with a solution to a problem that could not be solved by one person. Better to have help on a problem that you cannot solve by yourself.1. "Two wrongs don't make a right."Doing something bad to a person who has wronged you will not negate the wrong that person did. You cannot do something wrong just because someone else did and was not punished.1. "When in Rome, do as the Romans."It is better to follow the customs and behavior of the people around you, when you are in an unknown area or society.1. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."When difficulties arise, strong determined people just work harder rather than giving up.1. "You can't judge a book by its cover."Do not judge things by the way they appear, their actual nature or function might be completely different.These are some of the common proverbs that exist in the two main English speaking countries of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. However many proverbs from other cultures have been translated to English and have gained popularity among the people, here are 10 of them that we like best - 1. A dimple on the chin, the devil within - Gaelic proverbA superstitious proverb based on physical appearance, where having a chin indent signifies that a person is wicked or deceitful. 2. To make the tea cloudy - Japanese proverbIt means to be evasive or non-committal about something, it comes from Japanese wedding and tea rituals. 3. A drink precedes a story - Irish proverbWhen a man is inebriated, they are more likely to tell the stories or occurrences that they normally wouldnt if they were sober. 4. He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself. - Swedish proverbA person should spend only on essential or necessary items and avoid frivolous expenses.5.An axe forgets what the tree remembers. - African proverbIt is easy for someone who is hurting another person to forget the wrong and move on but the person who was hurt never forgets.6. The eyes believe themselves, the ears believe other people. - German proverbDo not believe everything that everyone says to you, trust your own judgement or wait to see something with your own eyes before believing someone.7. A clear conscience is a soft pillow. - French proverbIf a person is guilty of some wrongdoing, their guilty conscience will let them have no rest, while an innocent person will be peaceful and calm.8. To call a man a thief gives him the right to be one. - Old Arabic proverbTreating someone in an unfair or cruel way will ensure a similar behaviour from them in the future. 9. Opportunity knocks only once. - Spanish proverbAlways seize an opportunity when it comes your way as you may not get another chance at it.10.Your elbow is close but you cant bite it. - Russian proverbA way to express when someone is physically present but emotionally distant or when something can be seen but is just beyond your reach.

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