exegesis of galatians syllabus

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course syllabus




Spring 2008Dr. David A. deSilva

Friday 8:00 AM - 12:00 NOON

NOTE: Advance preparation is required for the first class session.

Office Hours: M 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM

Phone: (419) 289-5933 E-mail: ddesilva@ashland.edu

I. Course Description

Exegesis of Galatians provides students with an opportunity for Greek-text based exploration of a Pauline epistle, one that offers a particularly poignant blend of situational pastoral intervention and enduring theological significance. As the culmination of their first year of the study of Biblical Greek, students enrolling in this course will experience the fruits of reading a text in its entirety in its original language, analyzing modern translations, and engaging critical resources that assume familiarity with Greek. As an exegetical course, Exegesis of Galatians invites students into a close reading of the text as the basis for analysis of its argument, its intertextual conversations and engagement with the larger tradition, its rhetoric, and its theological and ethical contributions to Christian discipleship and community formation.

II.Relationship to Curriculum Model

As one would expect from the study of any part of the Scriptures, Galatians is a touchstone for the cultivation of each of the foundational pillars of the curriculum at Ashland Theological Seminary. The momentum of Paul’s arguments from Scripture drives the hearers to the declaration: “You all are one in Christ Jesus, and if you are Christ’s, then you are of the seed of Abraham, heirs according to promise” (3:29). The significance of this focal affirmation of our core identity in Christ is further unpacked by Paul as he lays out what it means to be such an “heir,” and what it is to be graced with such an inheritance as the Holy Spirit that cries out within us of our adoption as God’s own daughters and sons and that dwells within us to guide us into all that pleases God. Galatians preserves one of the most fully developed depictions of the life we live between the power of the flesh and the empowering of the Spirit, and the contest into which all who are born are


invited to contend, giving us both a general matrix by which to understand the development of Christian character (5:13-25) as well as practical guidance for the embodiment of this character within Christian community (5:26-6:10). And Galatians provides Paul’s most extended first-hand account of his own calling and the formative experiences by means of which his understanding of that calling was tested, refined, and confirmed (1:11-2:21), a paradigm that has much to offer those of us who seek to discern our call and to sharpen our grasp of the same in the midst of both significant challenges and opportunities. As an exegetical course, our focus will consistently fall on developing the critical skills and practices necessary to discover ever more fully and reliably the text’s vision for our core identity, character, and calling, as well as for its vision for our lives together as communities of disciples.

III. Student Learning OutcomesBy definition, stated learning outcomes must be assessed, something that is far more

feasible in regard to outcomes pertinent to developing “competencies” than the student’s core identity, character, and calling. For this reason, although it is fully expected that our engagement with Galatians will nurture progress in the first three categories of learning outcome targeted by our curriculum, starting along the lines outlined in section II of this syllabus, only outcomes related to competence are listed here and keyed to assignments in the following section.

1. Core Identity rooted in Christ, as the source from which life and ministry flow.

2. Character that reflects maturity in Christ.

3. Calling that is foundational for servant leadership in the church, community and world.

4. Competence in the disciplines and skills relevant to Christian ministry.A. Articulates, integrates, and applies Scripture, theology, church history, and

religious heritage to life and ministry.

The student who diligently engages this class will be enabled to:

i. articulate the argument of Galatians and describe its intended effects on the first-century hearers; ii. explain the case presented by the rival teachers, the reasons why they held to their position, and the reasons why it might have been persuasive to the Galatian Christians;iii. explain and critique the relationship of a modern translation to the original Greek text;iv. outline the theological and ethical contributions of Galatians, and describe the exegetical process by means of which they


arrived at these conclusions;v. apply the message of Galatians to a wide range of issues affecting our life together in the church.

B. Applies cultural exegesis to one’s life and ministry.

Students will engage and apply cross-cultural analysis as they:i. enter into the socio-linguistic world of a text in a foreign language from a distant land and a remote time;ii. seek to understand the church-splitting significance of ethnic markers of identity that have become largely irrelevant to the Christian church and the Western world;iii. listen to alternative perspectives on the text, through the readings and through one another;iv. challenge one another’s, and their own, ideas about Galatians fashioned through reading the text through 21st- century, largely Protestant Christian lenses, in dialogue with these alternative perspectives and with the evidence of the Greek text (rather than the English text, which often confirms rather than challenges the perspectives of the constituents to whom particular translations cater).

C. Practices a broad range of appropriate ministry skills.

Through this course, students will:i. grow in their facility in reading the Christian Scriptures in Greek through weekly practice working through a complete book of the New Testament;ii. learn how to analyze and critique modern translations of the Bible;iii. practice the integration of scholarly resources as conversation partners for their own engagement with Scripture;iv. learn how to distill such study into well-supported and responsibly-crafted insights appropriate to be shared with other disciples in ministry settings;v. practice a significant range of exegetical explorations of a text as a means of entering into its world, discerning its message and strategy, and extrapolating and recontextualizing a word for Christians in a new, modern context.

IV. Teaching Strategies for Student Learning

The course employs a variety of student-centered learning methods: (a) exegetical notebooks; (b) seminar-style discussion of key issues arising from the text and from secondary readings; (c) written assignments inviting students to evaluate and articulate their discoveries. These will be supplemented with topical lectures where appropriate.

V. Course Requirements

A. Textbooks and Other Readings



1. J. Louis Martyn, Galatians (Anchor Bible: New York: Doubleday, 1997). ISBN 0-385-51377-1. 2. John M. G. Barclay, Obeying the Truth (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991; reprint edition: Vancouver, B.C.: Regent College Publishing, 2005). ISBN 1-573-83355-X.

Articles and Chapters (to be found on the reserve shelf of the library or in the periodical holdings of the library):

1. Moises Silva, Interpreting Galatians: Explorations in Exegetical Method (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2001), 63-79.2. Joop Smit, “The Letter of Paul to the Galatians: A Deliberative Speech,” New Testament Studies 35 (1989) 1-26.3. Morna D. Hooker, “PISTIS XRISTOU [Pistis Christou],” New Testament Studies 35 (1989) 321-42.4. Gerd Theissen, “The New Perspective on Paul and Its Limits: Some Psychological Considerations,” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 28 n.s. (2007) 64-85.5. John Byron, “Slavery and Freedom in Galatians,” in Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity (WUNT 2.162; Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003), 181-202.6. Brad R. Braxton, “Galatians,” in True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary (gen. ed. Brian K. Blount; Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007), 333-347.

Students are also expected to have one of the two standard editions of the Greek New Testament (Nestle-Aland 26th or 27th edition; United Bible Societies 4th edition), access to a reliable Greek lexicon (whether a print edition or an electronic edition associated with a Bible Software program), and access to two modern translations of the New Testament (the NIV and NRSV; the latter is included in the commentary by Martyn as an appendix).

The use of a major Bible software program (e.g., BibleWorks, Logos Scholars’ Library, Bible Windows, or GramCORD) is highly recommended.

B. AttendanceFaithful attendance at seminars and informed participation are expected of all, so that each of us may give his or her best to helping one another discover the multifaceted meaning of this text.


According to the student handbook, attendance at all class sessions is expected unless the professor has been notified in advance. Any student missing the equivalent of six class hours will be required to do additional work, receive a lower grade or withdraw from the class; this is at the discretion of the professor. This policy also includes tardiness.

C. Assignments/Assessment of Student LearningNote: Students must place their student mailbox number on the cover page on all papers and assignments. Students without a mailbox - provide the professor with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

1. Translations and Exegetical Notebook(See objectives 4.A.i, iii, iv; 4.B.i, ii, iii, iv; 4.C.i, ii)

For each class, students will come with the following:

a. their own translation and grammatical analysis of the assigned portion of the Greek text of Galatians

b. an analysis of the NIV and NRSV translations based on their own work, in particular, (i.) explaining variances between translations where these are based on different understandings of the grammar, resolutions of ambiguities, or lexical choices; (ii.) raising questions, on the basis of the students’ own working through the Greek, about the decisions made by the translators where appropriate.

c. a list of exegetical issues that are important for the understanding of the passage. This may include (i.) issues of ambiguity in the Greek (whether in terms of how to understand a particular word or construe a particular grammatical/syntactical construction); (ii.) questions about context, meaning, reference, or logical flow; (iii.) issues identified in the history of interpretation needing resolution (here, the commentary by Martyn, the volume by Barclay, and the supplementary readings will be particularly valuable).

d. data and/or arguments relevant to the resolution of the same.

These components will amount to the compilation of an “exegetical notebook” (this may be kept electronically, rather than in a print journal), which will be an important touchstone for discussion in class, and will be submitted to the instructor at the end of class (to be returned).

2. Key Observations(See objectives 4.A.iii, iv, v; 4.B.i, iii, iv; 4.C.iv)

Students will compile a list of the ten most salient observations they have made through their study of the Greek text. Each of these is to be presented in a short compass (a few paragraphs) setting forth the observation, marshaling the data and argumentation pertinent to establishing the observation, explaining the significance of the observation for understanding the meaning of Galatians (or a particular passage), and reflecting on the


impact of this observation for our understanding of Christian identity, vocation, ethics, spiritual formation, and/or community formation. This exercise should be thought of as resulting in a pool of resources for future devotionals, sermons, and the like.

3. Exegetical Paper(See objectives 4.A.i, 11, iii, iv, v; 4.B.i, ii, iii, iv; 4.C.iii, iv)

In order to allow students to delve more deeply into a portion of the epistle, each student will write an exegesis paper of ten-to-twelve pages on a discrete unit of the text (between five and eight verses, as a general rule). Exegetical methods and goals (i.e., what is expected in the paper – but hopefully a discussion of broader application than this assignment) will be discussed in class. The paper will include the student’s translation of the passage, with notes explaining grammatical, lexical, and syntactical decisions where relevant (some of which will, obviously, need to be developed at greater length in the body of the paper). Interaction with existing translations is welcome and appropriate at this point.

D. Calculation of GradePreparation/Participation 50%Observation “Highlights” 25%Exegetical Paper 25%

VI. Tentative Course Schedule

NOTE: Advance preparation is required for the first class session. Readings are listed under the class for which (not after which) they are to be read.

Week One: The Situation in Galatia; Galatians 1:1-12Translate and work through Galatians 1:1-12 (see guidelines for

exegetical notebook)

Martyn, Galatians, 3-10, 13-42, 81-151Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 1-8, 36-74Braxton, “Galatians,” introductory sections and on Galatians 1Galatians (read twice, slowly and thoughtfully)

Week Two: Galatians 1:13-24; Galatians as Classical RhetoricTranslate and work through Galatians 1:13-24Martyn, Galatians, 152-186Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 36-74


Joop Smit, “The Letter of Paul to the Galatians: A Deliberative Speech,” New

Testament Studies 35 (1989) 1-26.

Week Three: Strategic Autobiography: Galatians 2:1-14Translate and work through Galatians 2:1-14Martyn, Galatians, 187-245Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 2:1-14Handouts on circumcision in OT, Apocrypha, and other Jewish


Week Four: Paul’s Thesis Statement and Opening Sortie: Galatians 2:15-3:6

Translate and work through Galatians 2:15-3:6Martyn, Galatians, 246-294Morna D. Hooker, “PISTIS XRISTOU,” NTS 35 (1989) 321-42.Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 2:15-3:6Gerd Theissen, “The New Perspective on Paul and Its Limits: Some Psychological Considerations,” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 28 n.s. (2007) 64-85.

Week Five: Exegesis 101 with Paul: Galatians 3:7-22Translate and work through Galatians 3:7-22Martyn, Galatians, 294-373Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 75-105Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 3:7-22Moises Silva, Interpreting Galatians: Explorations in Exegetical Method (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2001), 63-79.

Week Six: Paul’s Sense of Time: Galatians 3:23-4:11Translate and work through Galatians 3:23-4:11Martyn, Galatians, 373-418Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 3:23-4:11John Byron, “Slavery and Freedom in Galatians,” in Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity (WUNT 2.162; Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003), 181-202.

Week Seven: Pathos and Allegory: Galatians 4:12-31Translate and work through Galatians 4:12-31Martyn, Galatians, 418-466Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 4:12-31Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 178-215


Week Eight: Paul’s Main Appeal; the Law of Love: Galatians 5:1-15Translate and work through Galatians 5:1-15Martyn, Galatians, 467-523Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 9-35Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 5:1-15

Week Nine: Life in the Spirit: Galatians 5:16-6:10Translate and work through Galatians 5:16-6:10Martyn, Galatians, 524-558Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 106-177Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 5:16-6:10

Week Ten: Closing Statements: Galatians 6:11-18Translate and work through Galatians 6:11-18Martyn, Galatians, 559-577Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 216-251Braxton, “Galatians,” on Galatians 6:11-18


VII. Recommendations for Lifelong Learning Students are encouraged to continue to grow in their engagement with the Greek Scriptures in general and with Galatians in particular. The practices you followed in the preparation of the exegetical notebook are commended to you as a model for such future engagement, and can readily be incorporated into (a) the study of another New Testament book in a future course within the Biblical Studies department; (b) the execution of the exegetical component of an assignment involving engagement with Scripture in a course beyond the Biblical Studies department; (c) the preparation of a New Testament passage upon which you will preach or teach in a ministry setting; (d) your own personal study of the New Testament. It is important that all such study strike a balance between your own engagement with the text itself and your ongoing conversation with those who have made the study of these texts their life’s calling (i.e., with critical commentaries and the like).

Alongside such Scripture-centered work, it would be of great benefit to you to continue to grow in your grasp of the nuances of Greek grammar and syntax beyond what we are able to offer in the space of the curriculum. A reference grammar can be a


significant conversation partner as you wrestle with words or phrases that present difficulties on the basis of what you learned in the first year of Greek during your seminary training.

In order to facilitate your ongoing exploration of Galatians in particular, a fuller bibliography on Galatians is appended to the syllabus below.

VIII. Seminary GuidelinesA. ATS Academic Integrity PolicyAshland Theological Seminary seeks to model servant leadership derived from biblical standards of honesty and integrity. We desire to encourage, develop, and sustain men and women of character who will exemplify these biblical qualities in their ministry to the church and the world. As members of the seminary community, students are expected to hold themselves to the highest standards of academic, personal, and social integrity. All students, therefore, are expected to abide by the academic integrity standards outlined in the Student Handbook.

B. Academic Support ServicesIf you need assistance with writing projects for your coursework, contact the ATS Academic Support Center. The center provides free sessions with a peer consultant who can help you with all of your concerns about academic support including writing, critical thinking, documentation, reading skills, study skills, test taking skills, time management. Contact the center if you have a question about how to complete your assignment, if you have documentation questions, or if you would like to have your paper evaluated for areas needing improvement. The ATS Academic Support Center can be reached at 419-289-5162 or by e-mail at atswc@ashland.edu.

C. Students with DisabilitiesFor students who have specific physical, psychiatric or learning disabilities and require accommodations, please let the professor know at least a week prior to the first day of class so that your learning needs can be appropriately met. In order to receive accommodations, documentation concerning your disability must be on file with Classroom Support Services, 105 Amstutz Hall, Ashland University, 419-289-5953. Please contact them with any questions you may have.

D. ATS Grading ScaleGrade Percent DescriptionA 97-100 Superior achievement of course objectives, diligence and originality, high degree

of freedom from error, outstanding evidence of ability to utilize course knowledge, initiative expressed in preparing and completing assignments, positive contributions verbalized in class.

A- 92-96B+ 89-91B 86-88 Good work submitted, commendable achievement of course objectives, some

aspects of the course met with excellence, substantial evidence of ability to utilize course material, positive contributions verbalized in class, consistency and thoroughness of work completed.


B- 83-85C+ 80-82C 77-79 Acceptable work completed, satisfactory achievement of course objectives,

demonstrating at least some ability to utilize course knowledge, satisfactory class contribution.

C- 74-76D+ 71-73D 68-70 Passing but minimal work, marginal achievement of course objectives, poor

performance in comprehension of work submitted, inadequate class contributions.D- 65-67F Below 65 Unacceptable work resulting in failure to receive class credit, inadequacy of work

submitted or of performance and attendance in class.

IX. Selected Bibliography or References

Books and Commentaries:

John M. G. Barclay, Obeying the Truth. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.C. K. Barrett, Essays on Paul. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1982.C. K. Barrett, Freedom and Obligation. London: SPCK, 1985.H. D. Betz, Galatians. Hermeneia. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979.F. F. Bruce, Galatians. NICNT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.J. D. G. Dunn, The Epistle to the Galatians. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1993.J. D. G. Dunn, The Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians. Cambridge: Cambridge

University, 1993.George Howard, Paul: Crisis in Galatia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.George Kennedy, New Testament Interpretation Through Rhetorical Criticism. Chapel Hill,

NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.R. N. Longenecker, Galatians. WBC. Dallas: Word, 1990.Dieter Luhrmann, Galatians. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992.F. J. Matera, Galatians. Sacra Pagina. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1992.Ben Witherington, III, Grace in Galatia: A Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.

Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998.




D. C. Allison, "The Pauline Epistles and the Synoptic Gospels: the Pattern of the Parallels,"

NTS 28 (1982) 1-32.L. Baeck, "The Faith of Paul," JJS 3 (1952) 93-110.M. Barth, "The Kerygma of Galatians," Int 21 (1967) 131-146.M. Barth, "Jew and Gentile: The Social Character of Justification in Paul," JES 5 (1968)

241-67.H. Boers, "We Who Are By Inheritance Jews, Not From the Gentiles, Sinners," JBL 111

(1992) 273-81.E. R. Goodenough and A. T. Kraabel, "Paul and the Hellenization of Christianity,"

pp. 23-68 in Religions in Antiquity (essays in memory of E. R. Goodenough),

ed. J. Neusner (Leiden: Brill, 1968).W. A. Meeks, “The Social Context of Pauline Theology,” Interpretation 36 (1982) 266-77.J. H. Neyrey, “Bewitched in Galatia: Paul and Cultural Anthropology,” CBQ 50 (1988)

73-100.S. K. Williams, “Justification and the Spirit in Galatians,” JSNT 29 (1987) 91-100.


J. M. G. Barclay, "Mirror-Reading a Polemical Letter: Galatians as a Test Case," JSNT

31 (1987) 73-93.T. D. Gordon, "The Problem at Galatia," Int 41 (1987) 32-43.B. Lategan, “The Argumentative Situation of Galatians,” Neotestamentica 26 (1992) 257-277.T. D. Lea, “Unscrambling the Judaizers: Who were Paul’s Opponents?” SWJT 37 (1994)

23-29.J. L. Martyn, "A Law-Observant Mission to the Gentiles: The Background of Galatians,"

SJT 38 (1985) 307-24.J. B. Tyson, "Paul's Opponents in Galatia," NT 10 (1968) 241-54.W. B. Russell, “Who Were Paul’s Opponents in Galatia?” BibSac 147 (1990) 329-50.



H. D. Betz, "The Literary Composition and Function of Paul's Letter to the Galatians,"

NTS 21 (1974-75) 353-79.L. L. Cranford, “A Rhetorical Reading of Galatians,” SWJT 37 (1994) 4-10.Janet Fairweather, “The Epistle to the Galatians and Classical Rhetoric: Parts 1 and 2,”

Tyndale Bulletin 45 (1994) 1-38.Janet Fairweather, “The Epistle to the Galatians and Classical Rhetoric: Part 3,” Tyndale

Bulletin 45 (1994) 213-43.R. G. Hall, “Arguing Like An Apocalypse: Galatians and an Ancient Topos outside the

Greco-Roman Rhetorical Tradition,” NTS 42 (1996) 434-53.Joop Smit, “The Letter of Paul to the Galatians: A Deliberative Speech,” NTS 35 (1989) 1-26.W. B. Russell, “Rhetorical Analysis of the Book of Galatians, Part 1,” BibSac 150 (1993)

341-58.W. B. Russell, “Rhetorical Analysis of the Book of Galatians, Part 2,” BibSac 150 (1993)



David Cook, “The Prescript as Programme in Galatians,” JTS 42 (1992) 511-19.B. Gaventa, "Galatians 1 and 2: Autobiography as Paradigm," NT 28 (1986) 309-26.T. L. Donaldson, "Zealot and Convert: The Origin of Paul's Christ-Torah Antithesis," CBQ

51 (1989) 655-82.B. Lategan, “Is Paul Defending his Apostleship in Galatians? The Function of Galatians

1:11-12 and 2:19-20 in the Development of Paul’s Argument,” NTS 34 (1988) 411-30.J. Dupont, "The Conversion of Paul and Its Influence on His Understanding of Salvation by

Faith," pp. 176-94 in Apostolic History and the Gospel (FS F. F. Bruce; ed. W.

Gasque and R. Martin; Exeter: Paternoster, 1970).


G. Bornkamm, The Revelation of Christ to Paul on the Damascus Road and Paul's Doctrine

of Justification and Reconciliation," pp. 90-103 in Reconciliation and Hope (FS

L. Morris; ed. R. Banks; Exeter: Paternoster, 1974).P. Borgen, "Paul Preaches Circumcision and Pleases Men," pp. 37-46 in Paul and

Paulinism (Essays in honor of C. K. Barrett), ed. M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson

(London: SPCK, 1982).J. D. G. Dunn, "`A Light to the Gentiles', or `The End of the Law'? The Significance of

the Damascus Road Christophany for Paul," pp. 89-107 in Dunn, Jesus, Paul, and

the Law (Louisville: W/JKP, 1990).J. D. G. Dunn, "The New Perspective on Paul," pp. 183-214 in Dunn, Jesus, Paul, and

the Law (Louisville: W/JKP, 1990).J. S. Vos, “Paul’s Argumentation in Galatians 1-2,” HTR 87 (1994) 1-16.A. J. Hultgren, “Paul’s Pre-Christian Persecutions of the Church: Their Purpose, Locale, and

Nature,” JBL 95 (1976) 97-111.


C. K. Barrett, "Paul and the `Pillar' Apostles," pp. 1-19 in Studia Paulina (FS Johannis de

Zwaan), ed. J. N. Sevenster and W. C. van Unnik (Haarlem: Bohn, 1953).H. A. Brehm, “Paul’s Relationship with the Jerusalem Apostles in Galatians 1 and 2,” SWJT

37 (1994) 11-16J. D. G. Dunn, "The Incident at Antioch (Gal 2:11-18)," JSNT 18 (1983) 3-57.J. Lambrecht, "The Line of Thought in Gal. 2.14b-21," NTS 24 (1977-78) 484-95.J. D. G. Dunn, "The Relationship Between Paul and Jerusalem according to Galatians 1 and

2," NTS 28 (1982) 461-78.M. D. Hooker, "ΠΙΣΤΙΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ," NTS 35 (1989) 321-42.R. A. Harrisville, “ΠΙΣΤΙΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ: Witness of the Fathers,” NovT 36 (1994) 233-41.D. W. B. Robinson, "The Circumcision of Titus, and Paul's `Liberty'," ABR 12



J. D. G. Dunn, “4QMMT and Galatians,” NTS 43 (1997) 147-53.H. Räisänen, "Galatians 2.16 and Paul's Break With Judaism," NTS 31 (1985) 543-53.J. B. Tyson, "`Works of the Law' in Galatians," JBL 92 (1973) 423-31.P. Richardson, "Pauline Inconsistency: 1 Cor 9:19-23 and Gal 2:11-14," NTS 26 (1980)

347-61.R. M. Grant, "Jewish Christianity in Antioch in the Second Century," RSR 60 (1972)

97-108.J. D. G. Dunn, "Echoes of Intra-Jewish Polemic in Paul's Letter to the Galatians,"

JBL 113 (1993) 459-77.L. W. Hurtado, "The Jerusalem Collection and the Book of Galatians," JSNT 5 (1979)

46-62.R. H. Gundry, "Grace, Works, and Staying Saved in Paul," Biblica 66 (1985) 1-38.N. A. Dahl, "The Doctrine of Justification: Its Social Function and Implications," pp. 95-120

in idem, Studies in Paul. Theology for the Early Christian Mission (Minneapolis,

1977).J. D. G. Dunn, "The Justice of God," JTS NS 43 (1992) 1-22.P. Fredericksen, "Judaism, the Circumcision of the Gentiles, and Apocalyptic Hope:

Another Look at Galatians 1 and 2," JTS NS 42 (1991) 532-564.


J. F. Johnson, “Paul’s Argument from Experience: A Closer Look at Galatians 3:1-5,”

Concordia Journal 19 (1993) 234-37.B. Corley, “Reasoning ‘By Faith’: Whys and Wherefores of the Law in Galatians,” SWJT 37

(1991/1) 17-22.C. H. Cosgrove, “The Mosaic Law Teaches Faith: A Study in Galatians 3,” WTJ 41 (1978)

146-64.C. H. Cosgrove, “Arguing Like a Mere Human Being: Galatians 3:15-18 in


Rhetorical Perspective,” NTS 34 (1988) 536-49.

M. A. Kruger, “Law and Promise in Galatians,” Neotestamentica 26 (1992) 311-27.T. L. Donaldson, "The `Curse of the Law' and the Inclusion of the Gentiles: Galatians

3.13-14," NTS 32 (1986) 94-112.M. Cranford, “The Possibility of Perfect Obedience: Paul and an Implied Promise in

Galatians 3:10 and 5:3,” NovT 36 (1994) 242-58.H. R. Lemmer, “Mnemonic Reference to the Spirit as a Persuasive Tool (Gal. 3:1-6 within

the argument 3:1-4:11), Neotestamentica 26 (1992) 359-88.D. P. Fuller, "Paul and `the Works of the Law'," WTJ 38 (1975-76) 28-42.J. D. G. Dunn, "Works of the Law and the Curse of the Law (Gal 3.10-14)," NTS 31

(1985) 523-42.D. J. Moo, “Law, ‘Works of the Law’, and Legalism in Paul,” WTJ 45 (1983) 73-100.S. B. Hoenig, "Circumcision: The Covenant of Abraham," JQR n.s. 53 (1962-63) 322-34.F. F. Bruce, "The Curse of the Law," pp. 27-36 in Paul and Paulinism (Essays in honor of

C. K. Barrett), ed. M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson (London: SPCK, 1982).H. D. Betz, "Spirit, Freedom, and Law: Paul's Message to the Galatian Churches," SEA

39 (1974) 145-60.S. K. Williams, "The Hearing of Faith: ΑΚΟΗ ΠΙΣΤΕΩΣ in Galatians 3," NTS 35 (1989)

82-93.S. K. Williams, “Promise in Galatians: A Reading of Paul’s Reading of Scripture,” JBL 107

(1988) 709-20.R. N. Longenecker, "The `Faith of Abraham' Theme in Paul, James, and Hebrews: A

Study in the Circumstantial Nature of New Testament Teaching," JETS 20 (1977)

203-12.M. Wilcox, "The Promise of the `Seed' in the New Testament and Targumim," JSNT 5

(1979) 2-20.L. L. Belleville, "`Under Law': Structural Analysis and the Pauline Concept of Law in


Galatians 3.21-4.11," JSNT 26 (1986) 53-78.T. Callan, "Pauline Midrash: The Exegetical Background of Gal 3:19b," JBL 99 (1980)

549-67.D. B. Wallace, “Galatians 3.19-20: A Crux Interpretum for Paul’s View of the Law,” WTJ 52

(1990) 225-45.N. H. Young, "Paidagogos: The Social Setting of a Pauline Metaphor," NT 29 (1987)

150-76.R. N. Longenecker, "The Pedagogical Nature of the Law in Galatians 3:19-4:7," JETS 25

(1982) 53-61.D. J. Lull, "`The Law was our Pedagogue': A Study in Galatians 3:19-25," JBL 105 (1986)

481-98.E. Schüssler-Fiorenza, "Neither Male Nor Female: Gal 3:28 -- Alternative Vision and

Pauline Modification," pp. 205-241 in idem, In Memory of Her (New York:

Crossroad, 1984).B. Witherington III., “Rite and Rights for Women — Galatians 3:28,” NTS 27 (1980) 593-604.


F. Lyall, "Roman Law in the Writings of Paul -- Adoption," JBL 88 (1969) 458-66.B. Reicke, "The Law and This World According to Paul. Some Thoughts Concerning

Gal 4.1-11," JBL 70 (1951) 259-76.C. K. Barrett, "The Allegory of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the Argument of Galatians,"

pp. 1-16 in Rechtfertigung (FS E. Käsemann; ed. J. Friedrich, et al.; Tübingen:

Mohr-Siebeck, 1976).E. Schweizer, "Slaves of the Elements and Worshipers of Angels: Gal 4:3, 9 and Col 2:

8, 18, 20," JBL 107 (1988) 455-68.A. C. Perriman, “The Rhetorical Strategy of Galatians 4:21-5:1,” EvQ 65 (1993) 27-42.J. A. Loubser, “The Contrast Slavery/Freedom as Persuasive Device in


Galatians,” Neotestamentica 28 (1994) 163-76.


F. J. Matera, “The Culmination of Paul’s Argument to the Galatians,” JSNT 32 (1988) 79-91.W. D. Dennison, "Indicative and Imperative: The Basic Structure of Pauline Ethics,"

Calvin Th J 14 (1979) 55-78.W. D. Davies, "Paul and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Flesh and Spirit," pp. 157-82 in The Scrolls

and the New Testament (ed. K. Stendahl; New York Harper, 1957).S. Westerholm, "Letter and Spirit: The Foundation of Pauline Ethics," NTS 30 (1984)

229-48.C. F. D. Moule, "Obligation in the Ethic of Paul," pp. 389-406 in Christian History and

Interpretation (FS J. Knox; ed. W. R. Farmer, et al.; Cambridge: Cambridge

University, 1967).S. Westerholm, "On Fulfilling the Whole Law (Gal 5.14)," SEA 51-52 (1986-87) 229-37.J. L. Martyn, "Apocalyptic Antinomies in Paul's Letter to the Galatians," NTS 31 (1985)

410-24.W. A. Meeks, "Understanding Early Christian Ethics," JBL 105 (1986) 3-11.K. G. Kuhn, "New Light on Temptation, Sin, and the Flesh in the New Testament,"

pp. 94-113 in The Scrolls and the New Testament (ed. K. Stendahl; New York:

Harper, 1957).I.-G. Hong, “The Law and Christian Ethics in Galatians 5-6,” Neotestamentica 26 (1992)



E. M. Young, "`Fulfill the Law of Christ'. An Examination of Galatians 6:2," Studia

Biblica et Theologica 7 (1977) 31-42.


R. B. Hays, "Christology and Ethics in Galatians: The Law of Christ," CBQ 49 (1987)

268-90.J. A. D. Weima, “Gal. 6:11-18: A Hermeneutical Key to the Galatian Letter,” CalvinTJ 28

(1993) 90-107.W. D. Davies, "Paul and the People of Israel," NTS 24 (1977-78) 4-39.

More extensive bibliographies can be found in Martyn, Galatians, Witherington, Grace in Galatia (pp. 49-68), and in Longenecker, Galatians. Longenecker very helpfully includes not only a general bibliography near the beginning of the commentary, but also specific bibliographies for each passage at the head of each section throughout the commentary. These should prove extremely helpful for researching your exegetical papers. Longenecker’s bibliography, of course, will only include works written before 1990, so do be sure to skim Martyn’s and Witherington’s (relatively) more up-to-date bibliographies as well.


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