executing test end to end cases manually

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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“Manual QA testing in the end-to-end


There can be many reasons as to why one should perform testing for a better future. But, in few cases the testers are given the application in order to test the products, take the responsibility and show how the application needs to be used based on the practicality and the testing phenomenon. This is must in every case. But, these days, the problem with testing your applications is quiet difficult due to the presence of errors that are added into it. Now let’s just see what exactly happens when you need to conduct the test cases on all those applications. It can be explained in the theory of ‘end to end cases’. Manual QA testing is all about testing of the products for the defects.


This is that case of testing which actually determines exactly what kind of performance is needed in the application or to judge whether the app is working correctly or not. This is all because you need to determine the various dependencies in a very systematic manner. This is done after the completion of the system and functional testing.

Let’s talk about the testing procedures involved:

Basically there are two types of testing required in the end to end testing.

Horizontal testing: This occurs across multiple applications. The horizontal testing deals with the multiple applications. This method occurs in the ERP system. The method includes the amount, inventory status and also the accounts.

Vertical testing: All the testing operations are done and the applications are verified. Every individual layer is tested that uses HTML code for web servers.

Then there are white box testing and black box testing methods. In that case, there is a functional and architectural approach that is used to validate the programs.

Guidelines that should be kept in mind while testing:

There are various guidelines that should be considered while performing testing. This is as follows:

• The test cases should be done keeping in mind the user’s perspective.

• You need to focus on few existing features.

• There are multiple scenarios that should be considered for creating multiple test cases.

• There are different sets of test cases which should be considered used for creating multiple scenarios while creating the system.

Why to perform end to end testing?

Today’s, modern scenario comprises of the interconnection and sub-systems. The sub-systems that we have are within the organization.

Major risks that should be avoided while testing:

• You need to keep a check on the verification and perform the analysis.

• You need to test the coverage areas of all the sub systems.

• There is a need to detect the issues that rise in the subsystems.

In testing, the things differ surely on the testing procedures that we do. There is surely a need to perform validation on the useful integration of the resources made available. There is a need to go for the external integration of resources.

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