exam | module 10 | the knee acl and meniscus · download and print this exam to use as a worksheet....

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EBP - Ultimate Guide to Screening and Rehabilitation of Lower Extremity Injuries

Exam | Module 10 | The Knee – ACL and Meniscus

Question 1 Meniscus tears are common knee injuries in high school sports. Often, in high school athletes, the meniscus is repaired. Which of the following represents an anatomical reason that a meniscus tear would be repaired?

☐ A. high school athletes heal faster than all other athletes

☐ B. most tears are in the inner 1/3rd of the meniscus, making repair more successful

☐ C. in high school athletes, the blood supply to the meniscus covers a larger area facilitating themigration of chondrocytes to areas requiring repair

☐ D. in high school athletes, the blood supply to the meniscus covers a very limited area, whichhelps healing of the repair

Question 2 Your 6’11”, 290 lb basketball center (BMI 29.6) recently was diagnosed with a torn lateral meniscus. Which of the following is a risk factor that might help explain this injury?

☐ A. height over 6’5”

☐ B. being a basketball player

☐ C. BMI>25

☐ D. all of the above are known risk factors

Question 3 Both meniscus tears and ACL tears are associated with closed chain rotational forces at the knee. Which of the following represents the most effective approach to alleviate rotational forces at the knee?

☐ A. ice, quad sets with electrical stimulation, ankle stretching

☐ B. strengthening of hip abductor and extensors, motor control exercises with feedback

☐ C. quad sets, ankle stretching, abdominal strengthening

☐ D. eccentric exercise for quads/hams, ankle dorsiflexion mobilizations, motor control exercisestargeting the hip

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Question 4 According to the International Olympic Committee consensus statement, ACL prevention components should consist of education about landing technique, hamstring and hip strengthening, agility and skill training, and core strengthening. This approach is best captured by which of the following terms?

☐ A. intervention at the local level

☐ B. intervention at the regional level

☐ C. intervention at the global level

☐ D. local, regional, and global elements are all represented in the IOC statement

Question 5 You are rehabilitating an athlete with an ACL repair. Which of the following represent Phase II interventions?

☐ A. ice and electrical stimulation

☐ B. repeated hopping, bounding

☐ C. single leg stance eccentric motor control exercise in multiple planes

☐ D. agility and monitored return to practice

Question 6 You are rehabilitating an athlete with an ACL repair. Which of the following represent Phase IV interventions?

☐ A. ice and electrical stimulation

☐ B. repeated hopping, bounding

☐ C. single leg stance eccentric motor control exercise in multiple planes

☐ D. agility and unanticipated cutting activities

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