ewrt 1 c class 24 the metamorphosis

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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EWRT 1C Class 24The Novella

AGENDA Novella Discussion:

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

The Metamorphosis


Themes and Characters

Potential Theoretical Approaches

Final Comments

Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

Who can offer a summary of

The Metamorphosi


Summary Chapter One

Gregor Samson goes to bed one night and wakes up, late for work, as a cockroach. We learn that Gregor is a traveling salesman. He hates his job but feels obligated to perform it because of his parents. They are indebted to his boss, and because of their advanced age it is left to Gregor to fulfill their debt. He spends day after day at this work, consumed yet unfulfilled. He has not missed a day of work in five years.

Summary Chapter 2Chapter 2 starts the day after Gregor undergoes his metamorphosis. The first hints of loneliness overtake him when neither his sister nor his parents come to visit him. However, his loneliness is replaced by elation when his sister Grete makes an effort to visit him. Despite Gregor’s drastic change, Grete’s compassion for Gregor remains.

Summary Chapter Three

The final chapter of The Metamorphosis commences with a pitiful description of the wounded Gregor. For over a month, Gregor has limped about, dragging his insect body around the scarce space of his cramped room, trying to disregard the rotting apple, still undeniably and painfully embedded into his back. The only consolation is the fact that Gregor’s family is no longer afraid of him due to his weak condition. So, Gregor is allowed a view into the living room where he can watch his family and think of the life he could have lived.

Group Discussion

Discussion QuestionsThemes CharactersTheoretical Approaches

Questions from Section 1

1. Discuss the details Kafka uses to establish Gregor’s life before his metamorphosis into an insect. How do these familiar details and objects define Gregor’s character and life?

2. The relationship between Gregor and his father is at the core of the story. Describe this relationship both before and after Gregor’s metamorphosis.

3. Much of this part of the story, focuses on Gregor’s inner life. Describe Gregor’s private thoughts and emotions; use psychoanalytic theory to discuss his attitudes toward his family and outside world.

Questions from Section 2

1. Grete’s character undergoes a dramatic change in section 2. Trace the changes that highlight the changes in her attitude, character, and personality. Can feminist theory help explain her behavior?

2. Gregor refuses to part with the picture of the woman wrapped in furs on the wall. Why is it important? Explain its symbolic meaning.

3. In section 2 of the story, Gregor’s sense of guilt is highlighted. Use Psychoanalytic theory to explain Gregor’s guilt. Consider how his lingering guilt affects his state of mind and his feelings toward his family.

Questions from Section 3

1. Discuss the three bearded lodgers. What is their purpose in the story?

2. It is clear from the outset of Part 3 that Gregor is dying. How much of his physical decline is his own doing, and how much of it is caused by outside factors?

3. Contrast Gregor’s state of mind at the beginning of this section to right before his death. What incidents or events cause a change in Gregor’s attitude and thinking? Are Gregor’s thoughts rational and clear, or are they blurred and irrational?

Themes and Characters Alienation

Father-Son Antagonism





Gregor Samsa

Grete Samsa

Mr. Samsa

Anna Samsa

The Chief Clerk

Three Lodgers


Potential Theoretical Approaches

New Criticism

Psychoanalytic Theory Trauma Theory

Feminist Theory


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