everglades information

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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EvergladesBy: Hunater and Seth

Plants of the EvergladesWhite mangroves live on high elevations. The leaves are light yellow and green. They can be found with the other mangroves.

Meat eating plantThe pitcher plant is a carnivore. Some eat bugs and some eat small toad-sized animals. The plant has a sweet liquid that attracts bugs. It has downward facing hairs that keep the prey in and stabs it if it tries to escape.

Toad or Fish?The gulf toadfish grunts like a toad. These are commonly found in the seagrass beds and rocky cuts in coastal bays and lagoons.

My favorite colorThe Eastern indigo snake is one of the largest snakes in North America. The snake is short and wide. Hatchling (Baby) Eastern indigos are lighter in color than the adults.

The importance of the EvergladesLake Okeechobee keeps the Everglades alive. It holds some of the most endangered animals. The Everglades is actually a big river.

It is the only place in the world where Alligators and Crocodiles coexist (live together) :) It provides clean drinking water for over 7 million Floridians.

2 changes over 100 yearsWater quality: Most water that goes into the Everglades is polluted from runoff. Pollutants lead to changes in plant and animal populations and will cause problems for native plant and animal species. :0

Everglades ecosystem: The Alligator population has been dropping. We think it is like a “canary in the coal mine” this means that the whole ecosystem might be dieing off. :(

Everglades size 100 yrs agoIn 1900, the Everglades took up most of

The tip of Florida.It has been de-

creasing in size and animal population the last 100 years.

SAVE THE EVERGLADESThe Everglades foundation is working very hard to save the Everglades. They hope to restore the Everglades!

Interesting facts.1.There are two MILLION acres of wetlands in the Everglades

2.One problem it is expieriencing climate change

3.Thirty-eight endangered and threatened species live in the Everglades

DA DA DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!


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