events safety culture 6 bluestar dongda she ......issue 82 july events vice-chairman of npc standing...

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ISSUE 82July


Vice-chairman of NPC Standing Committee visits Xinghuo Silicone PlantChemChina President meets with Economist Group CEORen Jianxin meets with DSM Chairman

ChemChina fully mobilized in safety monthChemChina holds meeting on onsite continuous improvementBluestar International Summer Camp getting ready





Bluestar Dongda SHE system gets Qenos approvalHaohua does emergency response drills to identify serious safety hazardsEnsuring safety during the rainy season

Rubber Corp starts technology-enabled flue gas control initiativeAeolus Tire gets China Industry Award nominationGuizhou Crystal brings in a strategic investorBluestar Chemical Machinery enters Indian marketXinji Chemical establishes industry-academia-research allianceZhuzhou Institute powder-free weather balloon project gets approvalBluestar Environmental Engineering completes

Oil & Gas’s C4 separation plant passes commissioning processHangzhou Water Treatment Center establishes Zhejiang Membrane Industry AssociationTianhua Institute develops leading petrochemical equipmentAnbang Electrochemistry joins China’s Top 100 agrochemical manufacturersCollege students visit Shenyang Paraffin Chemical




■ SPECIAL ISSUE7 Environmental protection through the eyes of

children painting “tomorrow’s chemical factories”

ChemChina 10th anniversary celebration


July 2014 1

Gu Xiulian, vice-chairman of the 10th NPC Standing Committee,

visited the Xinghuo Silicone Plant, on June 7, in the company of Wei Xiaoqin, vice-chairman of Jiangxi Prov inc ia l Peop le ’s Cong re s s Standing Committee, and Zhong Zhisheng, mayor of Jiujiang City. Gu also visited a 30000-t/a silicone synthes i s p lant , a 100000- t/a silicone control room, a new 200000-t/a silicone upstream plant, and a new 120000-t/a silicone downstream W3 shop and spoke about current and future work at the company and her hopes for it. This was Gu’s fourth visit to the Plant, which is intended to encourage and motivate all of its staff. ■

Re n J i a n x i n , P r e s i d e n t o f ChemChina, greeted Chris Stibbs,

CEO of the Economist Group, on May 21, along with an accompanying delegation, where he gave a brief i n t r o d u c t i o n t o C h e m C h i n a ’s bus iness and deve lopment and discussed future cooperation. Stibbs commented favorably on ChemChina’s accomplishments over the past 10

years, as well as the attention given to Chinese and foreign cultural integration during its mergers and acquisitions abroad. Ren concluded the meeting with a group photo with the guests in front of his company’s display board.

The UK’s Economist magazine was established in 1843 and has become a prominent publication with a global circulation surpassing 5 million. ■

Ren Jianxin, President of ChemChina, recently met with a delegation headed by Feike Sijbesma, Chairman and CEO of

the Netherlands’ DSM, and described ChemChina’s international operations over the past several years. Sijbesma then discussed China’s current State-owned enterprise reforms and development and the importance of innovation for ChemChina. The two also spoke about bilateral cooperation in new energy and other areas of common interest, with Sijbesma taking a real interest in the company’s photo gallery for the 10th anniversary and praising its employees for their ingenuity.

DSM is a global company in health and nutrition products and involved in the development of dietary supplements, chemical materials and pharmaceuticals and a leader in sustainable chemical development worldwide. ■

Vice-chairman of NPC Standing Committee visits

Xinghuo Silicone Plant

ChemChina President meets with Economist Group CEO

Ren Jianxin meets with DSM Chairman

July 2014 2


ChemChina holds meeting on onsite continuous improvement

Bluestar International Summer Camp getting ready

ChemChina fully mobilized in safety month

Wu Hao, Han Zhen

Li Xiaoping

ChemChina held a world-class manufacturing and

continuous improvement meeting at the Nanjing

Research Institute No.7425, on May 29, for small-to-

mid-sized ChemChina companies and scientific research

institutes, with people from 31 companies and research

institutes taking part. The participants were shown to

the research institute’s testing and inspection center

to learn more about how the company works to ensure

lean production through continued improvements and CI

efforts and making CI theory a part of employees’ work.

Afterwards, they discussed what they’d seen and learned

about continued improvements, identified problems and

challenges in their respective improvement efforts and

possible solutions. ■

The 25th Bluestar International

Summer Camp is ready to get

off to a good start, on July 20, with

a theme of “Global dream, Bluestar

dream, my dream”, and consisting

of 22 camps across the country and

across all Bluestar companies. There

will be 945 children taking part,

including 50 from Bluestar employees

in France, Australia, Norway, and the

UK. As has been the case in previous

sessions, the event is expected to be

both recreational and educational

as well as practical and improved,

with a view to helping the campers

truly understand their best qualities

and how to make their dreams come

true. Bluestar also gives priority

to safety at the summer camp by

getting employees to lend a helping

hand as safety officers and getting

professional security personnel

for support. Bluestar had its SHE

department train employees and

coaches in safety and security and

has made full use of the leadership of

experienced employees for training

effectiveness. It is also preparing an

operations manual, camper code of

conduct, and information to be given

to the campers’ parents beforehand.

The safety training is planned to make

the campers more safety-minded.

This event will get some innovative

publicity by inviting reporters to

come to the camp to get personal

experience with the event to back

a massive publicity campaign that

targets a much greater audience than

ever before. Bluestar has also opened

a summer camp wechat account to

provide the latest information about

the camp for parents and personnel

involved. At the same time, some

mini-movies are planned with the

theme “Grow and care” to properly

explain Bluestar’s people-oriented

commitment on influential video sites

and wechat platforms. In addition,

Youth Times and Bluestar’s own site

will carry a column on the camp’s

latest developments to build up

Bluestar’s image as a responsible

corporate citizen. ■

ChemChina has opened its companywide safety

month campaign in accordance with the national

Safety Month Campaign Announcement, which calls for

all organizations to carry out emergency response drills,

with the focus on the effectiveness and operability of

contingency plans and onsite emergency response and

leadership, as well as ways to improve both emergency

response drills and specific emergency response efforts.

At the same time, there are safety management

activities to be conducted in relation to corporate

conditions to improve their safety performance.

ChemChina companies are arranging for the campaign

in accordance with the announcement and working on

effectiveness. ■

The Guizhou Crystal Co signed a strategic

partnership agreement, on May 16, with the

South Hung Kai (China) Investment Co in a move

toward corporate restructuring. The agreement

brings Guizhou Crystal 2 billion yuan($320

million) from South Hung Kai to facilitate

corporate reforms and assets reorganization,

consolidate and develop land in accordance

with government policy, build its logistics

center project, promote shantytown renovation,

get involved in economic development projects,

and do a corporate restructuring of Guizhou

Crystal. ■

July 2014 3

Rubber Corp starts technology-enabled flue gas control initiative

Aeolus Tire gets China Industry Award nomination

Guizhou Crystal brings in a strategic


ChemChina Rubber Corp held

its rubber tire industry flue-

gas control technology workshop

for 2014, recently, in Shanghai,

with six tire manufacturers, four

rubber research inst itutes, the

Haohua Engineering Co, and China

Nat ional Chemical Informat ion

Center taking part. The Rubber Corp

is the only major SOE in the rubber

tire industry so it feels a certain

sense of a responsibility. In 2013,

its workshop dealt with advanced

tire manufacturing technology and

systems and sustainable development

to emphasize the need for advanced

manufacturing practices in the

rubber tire industry, advanced tire

manufactur ing technology, and

improved infrastructure at the

Double Happiness Tire Co. This year,

at the flue-gas control technology

workshop, the focus is environmental

protection and technological process

re-engineering. The participants

d i s cu s s ed t he s t a t u s quo and

prospects of flue-gas controls in the

rubber tire industry, how to control

flue-gas sources, and how to recycle

and reuse flue-gas emissions. ■

When China’s top industrial awards were unveiled at

the 3rd China Industry Awards ceremony, on May 17, in

Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, with 41 company and 24

industrial achievement awards, the Aeolus Tire Co was one

of the nominees. The president of Aeolus Tire, Wang Feng,

represented the company and addressed the gathering.

Aeolus Ti re i s a l i s ted ChemChina company and

the world’s first 100-percent green manufacturer of

undifferentiated, radial tires for passenger cars, trucks,

buses, and engineering. Its radial tires have met REACH

standards and EU laws and are a benchmark worldwide and,

as a result, it was invited to the 3rd UN Green Industry

Conference, in November 2013, to share its success story on

sustainable development on behalf of Chinese industries, at

the UN level. ■


Wang Yuxiang, Shen Guiying

Niu Dongfang, Jin Jixiang

Chen Guijun

July 2014 4

Zhuzhou Institute powder-free weather balloon project gets approval

Xinji Chemical establishes industry-academia-research alliance

Bluestar Environmental Engineering completes

Bluestar Chemical Machinery enters Indian market

Ch e m C h i n a h e l d a m e e t i n g recently to check on a powder-

free weather balloon project the Zhuzhou Institute was handling. The analysts studied the research report, test report, and user report from the institute project team and, after a detailed discussions and inquiries, confirmed the project was the first of its kind in China and a world-class product with remarkable social and economic benefits, and reached a consensus on its performance. ■

The Xinji Chemical Co signed a

partnership agreement and off-

campus internship and innovation

center agreement recently with the

Hebei University of Technology’s

Engineering School to create an

alliance of industry, academia, and

research facilities. The idea is to

leverage the university’s research

capability, scientific results and

personnel and the technical expertise

and resources of Xinji Chemical in

inorganic chemicals, C1 chemical

research, and fine chemicals for a

long-term partnership in research,

information exchanges, industrial

technology, commercial izat ion,

joint R&D development for new type

of enterprise that can help Xinji

Chemical improve its technology,

products, and restructuring for a

top-quality, high-tech business and a

model engineering base for inorganic

chemicals and organic chemicals. ■

The Bluestar Environmental Engineering Co recently finished

a cleaning project for a floating production storage and

offloading device for CNOOC, in the South China Sea, with the

project team receiving a thank-you letter from CNOOC. Bluestar

Environmental Engineering’s cleaning business provided a

separate lab for the project’s cleaning in line with offshore

engineering requirements and got its technical department to

verify the cleaning agent and check the formula and got its

technical personnel to do a detailed field survey, then arranged

for all parties to explosion-proof an existing cleaning pump

station in the shortest possible time and provide the necessary

equipment for offshore engineering. At the end of March, the

project team helicoptered out to the oil rig and had the project

finished within about two weeks while overcoming serious

challenges at the site. ■

Some electrolyzers from Bluestar

(Beijing) Chemical Machinery that

it made for an Indian company were

shipped from Tianjin recently, marking

the company’s success in opening the

door to India’s chlor-alkali market

after years of trying. The exports also

pave the way for further operations


B lue s ta r ha s g i ven a l o t o f

attention to quality and its designers

did many simulations under various

conditions at maximum capacity as

required by the Indians. They came

up with optimal structure designs,

adjus ted product ion l inks and

replaced certain tools, which raised

the electric current density by 10

percent, meeting customer needs and

increasing Bluestar’s competitiveness.

In addition, the company made

optimal use of links from the project

design and material purchasing to

cut the tight schedule from eight

months to less than four, because of

customer’s requirements. In the end,

it came through with flying colors. ■

Xiao DieLiu Yingliang


July 2014 5

Anbang Electrochemistry joins China’s Top

100 agrochemical manufacturers

Oil & Gas’s C4 separation plant passes commissioning process

Hangzhou Water Treatment Center establishes Zhejiang Membrane Industry Association

Tianhua Institute develops leading petrochemical equipment

College students visit Shenyang Paraffin Chemical

Wh e n a 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 - t / a C 4 separa t i on p lan t o f O i l &

G a s ( D a q i n g ) p r o d u c e d s o m e butylene with a purity of more than 98%, the evening of May 15 it marked the successes of first-t i m e c o m m i s s i o n i n g a f t e r i t s opt imizat ion. This i s current ly

China’s largest plant of its kind in production capacity and its going into operation means the addition of gas as a main part of the company portfolio using the abundant C4 in Daqing and nearby areas, while ensuring sufficient supply of raw materials in support of the future

projects. After adjustments, the plant has been running steadily, as the purity of butylene products exceeds the design value. Per unit steam consumption was down 10 percent from the level of first-time commissioning, with a butylene product yield up by 5 percent. ■

When the Zhejiang Membrane Industry Association held its

inaugural meeting, on May 1, the head of the Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center, Zheng Genjiang, was elected chairman of its executive council. Membrane technology has become one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century and membrane-based water treatment has become a major means to deal with water scarcity caused by limited resources and low

quality. So, the Hangzhou Technology Development Center took the initiative of establishing an association to integrate industry resources and help membrane companies grow, jointly with Zhejiang University, the Bluestar (Hangzhou) Membrane Industry Co, and three other companies as China’s first province-level membrane industry association ever. This will contribute to the prosperity and sustained leadership of China’s membrane business. ■

A low-NOx burner that the Tianhua Institute developed for use with a

cracking furnace went into use recently as an ethylene cracking furnace at the Maoming Petrochemical Co and, after a month of operation has been running smoothly, with NOx emissions cut from 150–mg/cu. m/to 80-mg. This successful

application reached a new level in cracking furnace burner technology in China, and made to the local manufacturing of ethylene cracking furnace burners possible and provided a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China’s ethylene industry. ■

The Shenyang Paraffin Chemical Co’s top production equipment, state-of-the-art technology, and level of

automation have been attracting interested college students looking for internship opportunities, every year now. Recently, it welcomed another group of interns from the Shenyang Chemical College, who were given a tour of the company by its technicians of the company. This theory-to-practice teaching approach has benefited the interns a lot. ■

Photo by Li Ning.

China’s Crop Protection Industry Association held a meeting in

Hefei, Anhui province recently to analyze the agrochemical industry performance and unveil the list of the Top 100 Chinese agrochemical manufacturers for 2013, with Anbang Electrochemistry making the list. These past few years, the company has focused on marketing innovations to be an industry leader and has reached out to emerging markets while ensuring its presence in its traditional markets, leading to a significantly enlarged market share and improved sales performance. ■

Lu Zengbo, Xing Hua

Xing Jiwei, Wang Haiying

Fu Meilan

Li Jinke


July 2014 6

Bluestar Dongda SHE system gets Qenos approval

Haohua does emergency response drills to identify serious safety


Ensuring safety during the rainy season

Two Qenos specialists began a 5-day assessment of Bluestar Dongda’s SHE system, on May 12, and after

finishing it, praised the effectiveness of its continuous improvement and onsite management in identifying problems and its systems operation. The specialists then suggested new approaches to its risk control training and applications. After the successful analysis, Bluestar Dongda got all its module managers and SHE supervisors to follow up with some communication and exchanges to learn the best practice of Qenos and improve Dongda’s SHE performance. ■

The Haohua Co did some emergency response drills and held a safety training session recently, especially in the liquid

chlorine section due to its significant hazards. This involved a simulated liquid chlorine leak, where the contingency plan went into action immediately and personnel on duty evacuated the area, while rescue personnel put on protective clothing and gas masks in the shortest possible time and hoisted a problematic 1-ton chlorine canister into a repair shop to stop the leak and empty the canister. The entire process was carried out in an orderly fashion and completed within merely 3 minutes. ■

As the rainy season approached, ChemChina companies took the

following steps to protect themselves from lightning and floods:

● Huaxing Petrochemical tested all its lightning protection and anti-static devices in accordance with the national standards and required all workshops to make any necessary

Zhang Xiaoli Shi Mingming

Haohua Yuhang electricians repair cables for micro heat absorption driers.

Huaxing Petrochemical personnel testing lightning arrestors and anti-static devices.

Zhonghao Chenguang emp loyees repairing steel cables.

Qingdao Anbang workers filling the ducts of oiling machine with earth.

Shenyang Chemical Party members putting sandbags in place for flooding.

corrections in time in response to test reports to ensure occupational safety during the summer.

● Haohua Yuhang had specialists test its lightning arrestors, static bypass, and electrical facilities, and eliminate any electrical equipment hazards to prevent power failures caused by rainwater or strong winds, and fix

any problems in its calcium carbide warehouses and anywhere that needed to protect against rainwater.

● The Shenyang Chemical Co Party members helped the warehousing dep’t place sandbags as part of the Party’s education practice.

● Zhonghao Chenguang took the rust off pontoons of water supply Teams 1 and 2 at its power subsidiary and painted the pontoons, and tightened steel cables and adjusted the position of pontoons to ensure safe supply of water during the rainy season.

The Qingdao Anbang Co checked its critical equipment and facilities for possible safety hazards while going over its flood control plans. ■

Photo by Liu Yan, Fu Haiping, Kang Yuna, Liu Xiaohu,

Lin Yang, Ma Yue


July 2014 7

Environmental protection through the eyes of children painting “tomorrow’s chemical factories”

Sharing happy moments

Children of Cangzhou Dahua employees enjoy photos of paintings with their teacher.

Cui Xiangyu, the son of a Zhenghe Petrochemical employee, showing his paintings.

Children of Changyi Petrochemical employees enjoy paintings in a special ChemChina 10th anniversary edition.

Environmental issues are getting attention globally as industrial

wastes and noise from urbanization and industrialization seriously affect the quality of life for all mankind. And ChemChina once again shed some light on this daunting challenge by asking children to paint their ideas of “tomorrow’s chemical factories”. In their paintings, the children put tomorrow’s chemical plants in some very unusual places and turned the test tubes and flasks of factories into beautiful decorations. They conjure up factories beneath the sea to help protect people living up above from industrial effluents through filtration and purification deep down in the sea. They bring music into chemical factories so that chemical operations had a harmonious sound thanks to

cellos, accordions and French horns, making happy work a central theme of tomorrow’s chemical plants, where even boiling oil gives off the most enchanting music. They bring intelligent robots to high-temperature, corrosive, hazardous jobsites to make the noise and pollution disappear as a result of technology. The paintings’ topics are technology, environmental protection and health and the children designed automated chemical plants that ensure safety by separating machines and workers. They offer the idea of disposing of industrial waste with a garbage processor and air purifier and separate the worksite and living quarters through isolation belts. Their animated job arrangements include fish that eliminate smoke and frogs that process and convert noise,

depicted in ways that are laughable, lovable, and thought-provoking. As environmental problems get greater attention around the world, clean production is something we have to do right away. When haze and pollution haunt people’s lives, these children’s paintings give us some serious food for thought. Since children are the future, they motivate us to work for something bigger and better. And, when we sense the strong desire of children for a cleaner planet from these naïve but realistic paintings, we feel the need to make the chemical industry a trendsetter for cleaner production for a greener, more environmentally friendly, healthier world for the next generation, a world where people embrace and benefit from chemicals. ■

Cui Shenxia


July 2014 8


Photo by Wangyu with Tianjin Petroleum

Photo by Dengkai with Dezhou Shihua Photo by Xu Linfang with 7425 plantPhoto by Weizhuan with Qingdao Rubbe 6

Photo by Zhoujun with Nanjing Adisseo

Photo by Jingning and Ding Haojie with Lingming Institute

Photo by Hu jianan with Daqing China Bluestar Petroleum

ChemChina 10th anniversary celebration

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