events l 3 ing. jiří Šnajdar 2015 future events include a comprehensive public relations: audio...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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EventsL 3

Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2015

Future events include a comprehensive public relations: audio and visual effects, the possibility of direct contact. Presentations, conferences, receptions, launch, open days and other events. Events involving emotive area recipients communication. How to create and produce coherent actions? They can be integrated to evaluate the action? Social sponsorship etc..

Characteristics of integrated PR events.

The main features of coherent events. Coherent actions are an important means of implementing public relations in practice. The title indicates that it is the activity in which the means used by the PR combined into a single complex.

Proven knowledge of psychology, we know that the pursuit of certain information in the mind of the recipient depends on the deployment of techniques that we use to communicate.

Another feature of the event is the events that take place when we specifically selected target group to communicate special information content that the participants want to raise their specific experiences. Such an effect mediated social events usually PR. Object events can be any target group, resulting from the plan PR.

The nature of events, however, limits the quantity of target persons generally in the tens to hundreds of people. The fact of a quantitatively limited number of participants is their third feature.

In the list of features of events, we must not forget another fact:

events are, and organization is challenging activity of PR. This results primarily from the accumulation of PR resources and their coordination and control schedule.

Planning of events. They take into account the special care to three characteristics:

composition of the target audiencecharacteristics of the communicationcircumstances of venue

Types of coherent events:

presentation, conferences, symposia, corporate days, corporate lectures.Socially representative events and social gatherings.

Socially representative actions have in PR compared to other events of a different character. It consists in the fact that primarily focus on the non rational interpretation of information and arguments, but with the creation of emotionally freer, pleasant experience for the participants.

In terms of themes PR socially representative events always held a particular event or occasion that is associated with the name of the host organization. In socially representative events can include reception, gala evenings, matinee, annual meetings, balls businesses and institutions, etc.

Charity auction

Other comprehensive PR events can also count on charity auctions. PR entity is organized for the purpose of obtaining financial support for institutions engaged in social and charitable activities. The essence of this action is that the yield of the auction the auction passes to the needed body.


Communication PR are accepted only if she pays attention. Impulse must be the target person and group is strong enough to prove cause psychological reaction. In the field of marketing and PR is more urgent requirement reflected in the communication more differentiated, create campaigns tailored. Classic media retreat with its dominant forward into the background and to receive multimedia systems, information that can affect filing with emotional mood and desires of the public far more effectively than traditional campaigns.

Social sponsorship

Sponsorship is a widely used tool of marketing communications, media focus on supporting the brand or the name of the sponsor. In one foreign research we found out how many visitors tennis tournament remembers sponsor the main sporting events. Fully 98% of visitors to the tournament proved him remember.

Under the sponsorship of social engagement we mean business, which is focused on the implementation of social and political commitments. Such sponsorship can also be described as a form of trade, as something for something.

"Give and it shall be given to you as well."

Hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses and organizations sponsor the space of cultural, social, sporting and other events.

Design and production of integrated actions.

Creative activity - analyse the audience and situation

- The content and selection of main points

- Clarify the structure of the presentation

Implementation of integrated actions.

Selection and preparation of the event spaceInvitations to target groups

For certain events or certain groups of participants to pre-phone and so on, to verify their participation. Such an approach always choose the most significant personalities.

We ensure that the invitation was a requirement that the person invited has confirmed attendance (RSVP).

Printed materials, program events, audiovisual, technical and other resources.Director - production of the entire event.


Assumption that marketers organizing actions will require increasingly originality that defies traditional promotional events and campaigns. It will therefore be necessary to continue to come up with new creative ways, using various unconventional places and inventively integrating new technologies and media.

The social and diplomatic protocol

Only a person knowledgeable of social behavior, with refined manners and behavior act confident, balanced, educated impression. Can better understand not only ours but also foreign partners and clients, and also to meet their wishes.

Only well and according to all the rules of social or ready protocol event is a reflection of our cultural maturity.

Social contact and selected questions of etiquette.

Social contact - Human society is extremely complex organism that is constantly evolving.Social Code - is a set of rules, norms, customs, traditions and unwritten laws. Social education is a social process leading to familiarize the acquisition and mastery of knowledge in social contact.

The general objective of social education should be to ensure that the content of everyday expressions in social interaction based on friendship and humane relation to another person.

Civility, courtesy and tact.

Grace is a general term and it is essential. Civility costs nothing, but can bring great profit, as individuals, as well as company.(B.C.Forbes)

Politeness is an intentional expression of decency in social life, it is an outward expression of grace.

Politeness is basically civility, politeness behavior, modesty, temperance, self-denial, willingness, kindness, accommodating others.

Tact is probably the most complex of the general categories of social contact.

Tact is not mere courtesy, but courtesy graduated, qualified according to the situation and the people with whom we are dealing.

Event marketing is a marketing activity, in whose center stands the event.

There is no single definition of the term, but most cogently event is to be understood as "special or exceptional performance experience that is experienced by all the sensory organs.

Event management is considered one of the strategic marketing and communication tools by companies of all sizes. From product launches to press conferences, companies create promotional events to help them communicate with clients and potential clients.

They might target their audience by using the news media, hoping to generate media coverage which will reach thousands or millions of people. They can also invite their audience to their events and reach them at the actual event.

Event managers can supervise diverse corporate events, such as product launches, press conferences, corporate anniversary parties, meetings, conferences, and marketing programs such as road shows and grand opening events.

In addition, they can coordinate special corporate hospitality events such as concerts, award ceremonies, film premieres, parties to launch new products or services, fashion shows, commercial events.

The event manager is the person who plans and executes the event.

Event managers and their teams are often behind-the-scenes running the event.

Event managers may also be involved in more than just the planning and execution of the event, but also brand building, marketing and communication strategy.

The event manager is an expert at the creative, technical and logistical elements that help an event succeed.

The includes event design,  production, scriptwriting, logistics, budgeting, negotiation and, of course, client service. It is a multi-dimensional profession.

Specially for larger public events, at the initiation stage, needs to make crucial choices and decisions related to the creative concept and design of the event. In depth technical design knowledge and full understanding of how to communicate a company´s message across a public are needed in order to make the event effective.

If the event manager has budget responsibilities at this early stage they may be termed an event or production executive.

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