evaluation question 3

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Institution I believe in the British Magazine industry there is a gap for a well known music magazine with an RNB genre. British People tend to read Indie, Pop, Gossip and Magazines. I know as a fan of the RNB music genre that if there was an RNB magazine which targeted the popular RNB audience it would sell really well. Here are some institutions I have found that distribute and publish magazine which are in my genre. Also I think this because the RNB fashion, style and music is becoming more popular with the current generation.

VIBE magazine who I have taken a lot of my inspiration from are published by Intermedia Vibe Holdings who bought Black Book in 2012. Intermedia Partners is an institution that distribute magazines that are Hip-Hop and RNB genre. The parent institution of Intermedia Partners are Time Inc who own a vast amount of the magazine distribution industry.

Existing music magazine institutions:

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Existing music magazine institutions:Another institution that publish media products specifically music magazines in the RNB and Hip-Hop genre is Harris Publications Inc. The type of magazines that this institution publish are similar to my magazines in relation to genre and conventions. Harris publish magazines such as XXL which is a music magazine based on the RNB and Hip-Hop genre however the magazine does attract a wider audience as the contents is a bit more ‘open’. Mainly the magazines Harris publish and distribute are the ones that have a sex appeal to them and attract mainly a female audience. Although my final image doesn’t really have much of a sex appeal as my model wasn’t confident in doing the ‘sexy’ poses you would relate to the sex appeal. If I had a more confident magazine I would have gone for an image that promotes this.

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC Media is the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher. They distribute one of the largest music magazines in the UK which is NME. When making my reader profile I took inspiration from the way NME did their reader profile… A lot of the same descriptions and interests feature on both magazine which would help my magazine be a success as IPC media already know a lot about the audience who are interested in things that my audience will be interested in. Below is a copy of my reader profile and NME’s reader profile to demonstrate this point. Also they distribute magazines that women will be the dominant reader, such as ‘woman’s weekly’ and ‘LOOK’. This means that IPC media will know a lot about what the female audience like and where they buy their magazines from. This would benefit me as I said in my reader profile that 77% of my audience will be female.

Existing music magazine institutions:Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

My Magazine Institution:After looking at several magazine institutions I have decided that I would want IPC media to distribute my magazine. Although the magazines in my chosen genre are not published by VIBE they are American magazines and I think that targeting a British audience it would benefit my magazine to be published by an institutions who knows a lot about the audience. Also doing some research on IPC media they know a lot about my targeted genre, women as the publish magazines such as Woman’s Weekly and Look. The main reason for me choosing IPC to distribute my magazine is because they publish a very popular music magazine which means they know a lot about how to publish it and get it popular. NME started like my magazine –with no others like it. Now there are many magazine which concentrate on the same genre as NME. I think that if IPC do distribute my magazine my magazine will become very popular very quickly.

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Distributing My Magazine. As I stated before IPC Media is the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher. I think the fact that they are leading in digital media also will benefit my kind of magazine. I have stated that my audience will be the popular audience and it is becoming more and more popular now days to do everything online. It is now possible to buy a magazine online and read it also. On the iPad apple have their own magazine store which enables readers to buy their chosen magazine online and read it whenever they like. Recently big chain supermarkets such as ASDA and TESCO are becoming the main sellers of magazine and are the first place people go to buy them. If my magazine was distributed to supermarkets I think it would be beneficial as it will be easy for my chosen age and type of audience to pick up whilst doing their daily shop.

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

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